Video of my speech: "What If I Am Right?", by Steve Sailer - The Unz Review
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Video of My Speech: "What If I Am Right?"

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  1. OT

    World War Hair crosses the Atlantic:

    Money quotes:

    Courts in England are reportedly looking to scrap the requirement for barristers to wear traditional wigs amid claims that they discriminate against lawyers with “Afro-Caribbean hair”.

    A common practice dating back to at least 1685, the wearing of wigs came under scrutiny following an incident in 2022 when Michael Etienne, a black barrister with a large afro hairstyle, claimed that he faced being in contempt of court if he refused to wear a wig while claiming that the demand represented a form of “hair discrimination”.

    Arguing in favour of scrapping the tradition entirely, mixed-race barrister Rachel Bale said that wigs are “not fit for purpose” for people with some black hairstyles.

    “Something overlooked often in black culture is that your hair is so inexplicably important and it is completely interwoven with your identity,” she claimed.

    It’s all so tiresome inexplicable.

    • LOL: BB753
    • Replies: @Gabe Ruth
    , @Wendy K. Kroy
  2. Anon[952] • Disclaimer says:

    So its

    (For the connoiseur, note the reference to citizenism at around 0:40.)

  3. Thoughts says:

    Seems a bit Jesus-ee

    I think you are a solid block in the pyramid of logical, honest thought…but by no means not the only block or the total structure

  4. Ralph L says:

    How did you express the hyperlinks in the transcript during your speech? Were they flashed on a screen over your head? Is that why all Brimelow could say was “Wow, he’s tall?”

  5. Jack D says:

    OT – San Francisco tries the Harrison Bergeron approach to math education:

    If some children could not reach algebra by middle school, no one would be allowed take it.

    In unrelated news, enrollment in Asian cram schools in SF is up 200%.

    The reality is that algebra is the subject that begins to separate the men from the boys in education. Pretty much all nondisabled humans are capable of learning maf up to the grade school level and anyone can bullshit their way thru a discussion of a piece of literature. But if your IQ is say 90 or above, you are capable of achieving the level of abstraction necessary to learn algebra and if you are below that, you won’t, probably never but certainly not at age 13. It’s like pounding your head against a brick wall. Guess which group in America has a large % of its population at the below 90 level?

    So there are 3 possible approaches to algebra instruction (at least at the 8th grade level):

    1. Separate the higher IQ folks who are capable of learning algebra in middle school from those who can’t and teach it only to the kids who would benefit from algebra instruction.

    2. Force everyone to “take” algebra. Also make sure that they bring their dogs to school so that the dog can also “learn” algebra at the same time.

    3. Ban algebra as racis’. The Harrison Bergeron/Boko Haram/SF approach.

    Only 1 of these approaches makes any sense so guess which one is not used in “progressive” cities?

  6. MEH 0910 says:
    @Jack D

    NYT archived link:

    The Algebra Problem: How Middle School Math Became a National Flashpoint
    Top students can benefit greatly by being offered the subject early. But many districts offer few Black and Latino eighth graders a chance to study it.
    By Troy Closson
    May 22, 2024


    From suburbs in the Northeast to major cities on the West Coast, a surprising subject is prompting ballot measures, lawsuits and bitter fights among parents: algebra.

    Students have been required for decades to learn to solve for the variable x, and to find the slope of a line. Most complete the course in their first year of high school. But top-achievers are sometimes allowed to enroll earlier, typically in eighth grade.

    The dual pathways inspire some of the most fiery debates over equity and academic opportunity in American education.

    Do bias and inequality keep Black and Latino children off the fast track? Should middle schools eliminate algebra to level the playing field? What if standout pupils lose the chance to challenge themselves?

    The questions are so fraught because algebra functions as a crucial crossroads in the education system. Students who fail it are far less likely to graduate. Those who take it early can take calculus by 12th grade, giving them a potential edge when applying to elite universities and lifting them toward society’s most high-status and lucrative professions.

    But racial and economic gaps in math achievement are wide in the United States, and grew wider during the pandemic. In some states, nearly four in five poor children do not meet math standards.

    • Thanks: res
    • Replies: @Jack D
    , @guest007
  7. @Jack D

    70% of all food aid intended for Gaza is stolen by Palestinians.

    When will this insanity end!

    • LOL: Twinkie
  8. Gabe Ruth says:
    @Almost Missouri

    Having scrapped many good traditions of law in Old Blighty for reasons of Diversity, using it to get rid of a bizarre, pointless one is hardly something to complain about.

    • Replies: @Curle
  9. SFG says:

    Duh, that’s why we read you.

  10. Jack D says:
    @MEH 0910

    during the pandemic. In some states, nearly four in five poor children do not meet math standards.

    That ol’ pandemic. It’s like the Leftard version of Joos for Men of Unz. Everything bad is due to the “pandemic”.

    “Poor chillun” , “some states” – it’s all code words for blax.

    As long as the liberal establishment refuses to treat certain issues (“gun violence”, “math gap”, etc.) as racial issues they are going to keep prescribing nonsense (“gun show bans”, “algebra for everyone/ no one”, etc.) because the first step in treatment of any problem is the proper diagnosis of the underlying condition. Of course, they know full well what the underlying condition is because it is bleedin’ obvious, but they will be damned if they are going to admit it publicly.

  11. ChrisZ says:

    Watching that video was an enjoyable way to start my day. Good to see you looking so fit, Steve. Thanks.

    For the record, the replacement name for Brontosaurus is Apatosaurus. Brachiosaurus is a separate species, and a noble-looking beast in its own right.

    The change in name for Bronto also came with a change in skull—and a much less flattering one, by my lights. I agree with you, of course, that Bronto is peerless (among sauropods, that is), and Apato is a wannabe nobody.

    (Resolving such questions with my three young boys in the early 2000s will always be one of the great delights of my life.)

  12. MEH 0910 says:


    • Thanks: Cagey Beast, Richard B
    • Replies: @Hypnotoad666
    , @Richard B
  13. @Jack D

    It’s like the Leftard version of Joos for Men of Unz.

    I’m confused on the proper use of the phrase “Men of Unz.” Alden uses it when referring to chauvinists, Jack when referring to antisemites. Who’s right? who first coined the phrase?

    • Replies: @kaganovitch
    , @Twinkie
  14. J.Ross says:

    OT — Anon said,
    Krish Pai, who “won” a major US science festival, ISEF, was exposed as a FRAUD! He completely ripped off someone else’s research. Oh, and he won a $55,000 award and a scholarship!
    Details here:

    • Thanks: res
    • Replies: @Muggles
  15. @Jack D

    …maf …. racis’

    Gee, if someone used slurs like that against your people, how would you react?

    Anyway, how much do you “donate” to Sleazy Steve to get constant posting privileges, even for wildly off-topic comments?

    • Replies: @Mike Tre
  16. res says:
    @Jack D

    Thanks. Education Realist has a number of posts about algebra (ER has taught the subject).

    This is one of the more relevant to your comment (first comment by iSteve).

    • Replies: @Jack D
    , @Twinkie
  17. @Jack D

    “math gap”, etc.)
    (“gun show bans”,

    I first read that as “gun gap”. Now that is an interesting concept… How do we address America’s Gun Gap?

  18. J.Ross says:

    OT — Soldo on Georgia’s miniature color revolution.

    The proposed “Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence” would require NGOs operating in the country to register as either “organizations carrying the interests of a foreign power” or as “agents of foreign influence” if at least 20% of their overall funding comes from abroad. It would also compel them to provide information on their funding to Georgian authorities. This is the entire issue around which these protests are taking place, as protesters are determined to reject transparency for NGOs that receive funding from foreign countries. That’s it. That’s all there is to this.

    I notice that the CIA and their simps are now generally referring to themselves as “Civil Society.” Because “the experts” as a categoric is so thoroughly trashed.

    • Replies: @Cagey Beast
  19. @Jack D

    Given the etymology of the word “algebra”, advocates for eighth-grade (or earlier) instruction should argue that any resistance to teaching algebra is Islamophobic.

  20. @Reg Cæsar

    How do we address America’s Gun Gap?

    If you mean revolver cylinder gap, here’s an early attempt:

  21. guest007 says:
    @MEH 0910

    One has to suspect that girls benefit much more from having Algebra moved down to seventh grade than boys will. See the work of Richard Reeves.

    • Replies: @res
  22. Muggles says:

    Thanks for this and the link.

    Subcons are notorious for cheating on standardized tests, etc. Which is why most of their credentials from subcon institutions are greatly devalued and cannot be accepted at face value.

    They aren’t the only ones to do this of course. Elizabeth Holmes scammed millions from supposed sophisticated investors for her “magic blood box” device which never worked. Of course her subcon boyfriend, for whom she served as a young blonde front, was also involved.

    This kid was like a newbie hacker. The hacks he used were easily detected by older, smarter people.

    This kind of fakery is also being found in a lot of normal scientific publications from adult and senior researchers who steal images and manipulate data and images to claim new and often exciting results.

    Which is why this kid’s effort was quickly found. There are now a few full time “skeptics” looking at much of the “new exciting” finds.

    The decades old “cold fusion” stuff couldn’t be replicated either.

    Maybe this kid was aiming to be a CDC bureaucrat, a future Fauci…

    • Replies: @Mark G.
  23. @J.Ross

    You can see videos of American mischief-makers in Tbilisi if you go to roughly the 1 hr, 46 mins, 30 sec point:

    They start talking about Georgia starting around 1 hr, 28 mins, 35 secs.

    • Replies: @YetAnotherAnon
  24. OT:

    The Brits are going to hold a general election in July.

    • Replies: @Gordo
  25. @Reg Cæsar

    I first read that as “gun gap”. Now that is an interesting concept… How do we address America’s Gun Gap?

    Well, clearly the “gun gap” exists for people who can’t afford a decent weapon i.e. anything but a Hi-Point.

    Since the Cosmopolitan gun controller is 100% in using FOID cards to identify potential gun owners, let alone REGISTERED guns, make ALL confiscated guns be delivered to a special “gun gap” firearms depository where they would be made availible to people in need of working firearms.

    For example, take Cook County, IL Sheriff Tom Dart, who wants to come to a voided FOID card holder’s home and grab their gun.

    Look at all those guns that can be used to close the “gun gap” on that table. Confiscated ammo should also be provided to the depository.

    Like the “bomber gap,” Americans should move pronto to close it.

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
  26. Gordo says:
    @Cagey Beast

    The Brits are going to hold a general election in July.

    Brits just like Rishi Sunak!

    • Replies: @kaganovitch
    , @epebble
    , @Gordo
  27. @MEH 0910

    Per the speech, Steve says his big insight is that race differences must be due to some combination of “nature,” “nurture.” “Biology,” and “culture.” But is that really saying anything? What else could there be?

    In truth, you don’t need unfalsifiable dogmas like “systemic racism” to explain everyday facts like why blacks on average are relatively better at playing cornerback than playing center in the NFL. Biological and cultural differences, nature and nurture, explain these and countless other patterns. Indeed, trying to figure out how nature and nurture intertwine in modern America is one of the great challenges of the examined life.

    Public intellectuals should try it. It’s fun.

    • Replies: @Dennis Dale
    , @Richard B
    , @res
  28. Jack D says:

    My impression is that trying to connect algebra skills to “working memory” or some other factor is just an attempt to blow smoke over the obviously true idea that is it linked to IQ, which blacks happen to lack (in large part due to unfixable genetic factors). Anything to avoid having to admit the uncomfortable (and unfixable, at least until we can edit genes) truf. This was an especially stupid study because working memory is not an independent variable but itself a component of IQ.

    Obviously you need a certain amount of working memory to do algebra. If you have just subtracted 5 from one side of the equation you have to remember 5 long enough to subtract 5 from the other side. But really that’s not the biggest factor compared to understanding WHY you should subtract 5 or how you decide that 5 is the right number to subtract, etc. When push comes to shove, even if you had no working memory you could write -5 on one side of the equation and when it came time to work on the other side you could refer back to your notes. Of course, Javantagious doesn’t have good working memory but that’s not the real issue or only a small part of it.

  29. J.Ross says:

    OT — Anon said, regarding spiking mortgage rates,

    there would have to be no buyers for the housing prices to get crushed. for every mortgagefag that gets crushed by interest rates and is forced to sell, there will be a rich investor or a govt-funded corporation like blackrock to buy the house. they don’t want all the young men with no homes to get an opportunity to buy into the market, they won’t let the prices drop. they will just force people to sell, buy up the properties, and keep people locked out of the market. the goal is to permanently stifle upward mobility for the slave-class. the high interest rates also keep the high rent prices competitive with the mortgages, otherwise it would be a no brainer to mortgage instead of rent which would be detrimental to the landlord-class.

    It would be a ahame if something started happening to BlackRock-owned houses.

    • Replies: @Jack D
    , @Aphatgurl
  30. Dennis Dale says: • Website

    Saying it’s a “combination” is truly saying nothing at all. Of course it is, but culture is replicable. The current dogma is dependent on the notion culture or nurture is all, but in relation to this supposedly vexing question of intelligence, nature is all. “[T]rying to figure out how nature and nurture intertwine” is not even all that interesting, much less relevant or useful.

    Steve sells himself short here. It’s sad that this is what it’s come to. Honestly, what was it all about then?

    • Replies: @Hypnotoad666
    , @SFG
  31. @Dennis Dale

    Steve is going all “nurture” on X. IMHO, He should know the difference between “nurture” (parenting/family culture) and the cumulative total of all non-genetic factors, including randomness (“environment”). But I guess Twitter norms allow more truncated and potentially misleading shots from the hip.

  32. @Cagey Beast

    See the “No To Russian Law” sign – it’s a real tell as to whether a movement is organic or stimulated by the West – signs in English – even more in good English.

    I’m still not sure what the US Special Forces plane was doing in Tblisi on March 19, and how many more times it’s been there. It was just by sheer chance I noticed it.

    USAF Special Forces MC130J left Tblisi in Georgia on March 19 and flew to Almaty in Kazakhstan, returning the following day. Transponders were turned off for parts of both journeys.

    How long it had been in Tblisi and where it is now I have no idea, can’t watch Flightradar24 all day every day. But it hasn’t gone under its moniker 08-6201.

    “the MC-130s’ missions are the infiltration, exfiltration, and resupply of special operations forces, and the air refueling of (primarily) special operations helicopter and tilt-rotor aircraft”

    • Replies: @Cagey Beast
    , @Joe Stalin
  33. @Hypnotoad666

    To be fair, African Americans also probably have more white admixture. But I’m inclined to think that nurture in its broadest sense is a factor.

  34. Anonymous[233] • Disclaimer says:

    Regarding your next potential book project—try writing a deep dive on HBD in sports with a substantial section dedicated to MMA. Then, try to use that to get on Joe Rogan’s podcast. Rogan is HBD-curious when it comes to sports.

  35. Mike Tre says:
    @Loyalty is The First Law of Morality

    “Gee, if someone used slurs like that against your people, how would you react?”

    He wouldn’t, because SS would flush them first.

  36. anonymous[153] • Disclaimer says:

    What happened with the burst water pipe at State Farm Arena?

  37. Dennis Dale says: • Website

    American Blacks! have been a separate population from African for long enough to begin diverging genetically and of course have significant white admixture. You’d expect them to score higher. I suppose you could point to the superior IQ and success of African immigrants as proof of the importance of culture (ignoring whatever selection is happening in outmigration from Africa to America), that is American Blacks! would be much better off without American Black! culture (which seems obvious). This is essentially the old liberal view behind busing, desegregation, etc.

    But it all falls apart with numbers anyway because the genetic stock of a population determines the culture that will emerge from it. As Steve has said, there aren’t enough white people to go around. And fewer every day. It’s time to act and in dramatic fashion. It’s time for talkers (like me, admittedly) to step aside–to at least not obfuscate because…well I don’t know why anyone would. There should be a name for it–for making the long journey to the truth and stopping short because its revelation demands action.
    Arriving upon the clearing, frightened and overwhelmed by it, we stop to find interest in the weeds at its border.
    Also, endings are hard: they mean you have to abandon something you have long loved to do something new.

    • Agree: Gabe Ruth
    • Replies: @Frau Katze
  38. OT:

    Motivational speaker (Grant Cardone) says unsuccessful White men are the worst kind of losers because they fail despite it all being handed to them:

  39. @Joe Stalin

    Since the Cosmopolitan gun controller is 100% in using FOID cards to identify potential gun owners

    I’ve proposed here a few times that FOID cards should be used to identify voters!

    potential gun owners

    This is why “universal background checks” is almost always a lie. Those who aren’t in the market for firearms won’t be checked, and those who propose the checks presumably exempt themselves. If we’re going to have state or federal background investigations, apply them to every resident over 18. No exceptions!

    Start with citizenship.

  40. Anonymous[209] • Disclaimer says:

    Exile on Irvine: The closet years.

    *Passage division of Amazon 2026.

  41. Thanks to Mr. Sailer for a fine speech, and thanks to those who provided the transcript at

  42. @Sam Hildebrand

    Alden got dibs. She first used it.

  43. @Reg Cæsar

    Now that is an interesting concept… How do we address America’s Gun Gap?

    Stop and frisk?

  44. @Gordo

    Brits just like Rishi Sunak!

    No, they don’t.

  45. Anonymous[247] • Disclaimer says:

    I can’t believe you haven’t touched the Scottie Scheffler’s bogus arrest yet. Hostile, low-IQ redneck cop claims lies about the PGA’s #1-ranked golfer refused to comply and was injured. Scheffler was charged with four counts including felonious assaulting a police officer. The cop kept his body camera turned off. But a news camera crew happened to have their camera recording the area and show the cop totally lied.

    On Tuesday, police officials announced they were investigating the arrest of the world No. 1 for possible protocol violations. Scheffler’s arraignment hearing was previously rescheduled from Tuesday to June 3.

    “Mayor Craig Greenberg and LMPD Chief Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel will give an update on the internal investigation into the incident regarding Detective Bryan Gillis and Mr. Scheffler,” a release from the department said. “The chief will provide her completed findings and address any policy violations. All currently available video footage regarding the incident will be released.”

    Mendacious redneck retard Bryan Gillis of LMPD
    The Louisville police chief with the mayor (Jewish lawyer originally from Long Island, NY)

  46. @Dennis Dale

    Agree that American blacks have significant white admixture. The African immigrants are from African upper classes, who’ve clawed their way up and likely have higher than average IQ.

    But none of that is “nurture.” IQ seems almost entirely hereditary, provided there’s no starvation in childhood (which there isn’t these days, even in Africa).

  47. “But”? What feckin point do you think I was making? (the one you repeated, if you’re wondering) Aaaaargh! 😉

  48. Off Specific Topic, On General Topic

    Steve —

    Unsolicited advice is odious, so please take this as only a question.

    There have been a few clues in a couple of your recent posts that you’re troubled by some of the views and formulations that surround you on the ‘Review’, and by the way they seem to be growing more “extreme” — extreme to the extent of being shall-we-say less than thoughtful, and much less than endearing or inspiring. Mr. Unz’s policy of publishing content he doesn’t agree with, alongside some he does agree with (and even his own), is supernaturally commendable and vanishingly rare. But a significant part of that content is now — “Now More than Ever”, to upcycle the deathless slogan from Nixon’s triumphant third Presidential campaign — undoubtedly scaring away thousands, and tens of thousands, of readers who would otherwise be ready to consider his work and yours seriously. Leaders of opposing camps will always paint you as the new Satan, but handing them more and more free tubes of bright Day-Glo-red permanent enamel is one — hmm — well, maybe it’s one metaphor that may not hold up under further extension. But the point is that many of your insights, and Mr. Unz’s, are important enough that I believe there’s almost a moral obligation to get them to more (and more and more) so-far mainstream-minded readers. And I’ll bet that many other members of the gang here will agree.

    The situation is similar to what you’ve said about your “Deaths of Exuberance” studies — that they’re important enough for you not to mind other outlets stealing them as long as they reach more of the people they could help. As it is — as both of you, and a few other writers on this site, have lamented — it’s taking too, too damn long to get them over the barricades to the next circle of “influencers” (it’s okay to use ghastly neologisms as long as I put scarequotes around them, right?), enough of whom, I submit, are still thinking clearly enough, as they influence away, to be readers you ultimately want.

    I can think of a few ways to do this without gutting the ‘Review’ or fleeing elsewhere, or elsewhere exclusively. My bet is that you’ve thought of them, and more, already, but there may be others. Would it be a good idea to put some possibilities up for discussion? And especially since the success of your book and book tour continue unscathed — or less scathed than many wise heads reasonably feared — isn’t this something of a fulcrum point?

    And what does the class think? Kids?

  49. @Almost Missouri

    Re. Wigs — The next time anyone’s in the United London Emirates, I can confidently recommend this place on Chancery Lane, two blocks east of New Square. I don’t think I’ll be a barrister any time soon, but I have a morning coat and a couple vests I mean waistcoats from here and they rock the Row.

    It’s not good to drop any names of other people who may or may not shop here, but I suppose it’s all right by now to mention they still have this lifetime patron’s measurements on file:,_1st_Duke_of_Wellington

  50. Jack D says:

    Destroying assets accomplishes nothing. It reduces the supply and bids the prices up even more. Maybe grandma is asleep upstairs and you kill her and now you are doing hard time for murder. Meanwhile BlackRock has insurance. Idiotic suggestion.

  51. Aphatgurl says:

    The BlackRock insurance company will hire its BlackRock contractors to rebuild with Blackrock jobs programs for its’ minions with federally insured and taxpayer backed lending institutions filled with BlackRock friendly lawyers… er ..scorpions!

  52. @Jack D

    … the obviously true idea that is it linked to IQ, which blacks happen to lack (in large part due to unfixable genetic factors). Anything to avoid having to admit the uncomfortable (and unfixable, at least until we can edit genes) truf. This was an especially stupid study because working memory is not an independent variable but itself a component of IQ.

    Of course, Javantagious doesn’t have good working memory but that’s not the real issue or only a small part of it.

    Hol’ up, didn’t you just write to me (three days ago):

    You can’t get over the fact that the Nazis permanently ruined the racist brand.

    Part of your brand is being racist. Are you saying your brand (handle) is “ruined” because of your racism? Revealed preference shows you actually don’t have a disagreement with Nazis over “racist”.

    • Replies: @Dennis Dale
    , @Jack D
  53. Dennis Dale says: • Website
    @Jenner Ickham Errican

    Racism, like genocide, is proprietary to Judaism, don’t you see? It’s in the Bible, after all. The Germans infringed on that.

    But they were just a tad early; it’s now public domain. Sorry, Jack!

  54. Right wing = fake news

    Left wing = fake infos

  55. Colion Noir doesn’t mention the N-word…

  56. SFG says:
    @Dennis Dale

    No, you’re supposed to say nature plays no role at all. Steve is in trouble for saying the nature proportion is >0.

    • Replies: @Dennis Dale
  57. Mark G. says:

    “credentials from subcon institutions… cannot be accepted at face value”

    The worst person I ever had working under me was a woman from Bangladesh. She got hired on the basis of her having a physics degree which she got back in her home country. If you have a physics degree, you must be smart was the thinking behind hiring her.

    I work for the military, which was a conservative institution when I began forty years ago, but which has now bought into “diversity is our strength”. The problem now is that there are a diminishing number of competent Whites to keep things running at a first world level. We really have to reject large scale immigration to this country.

  58. Dennis Dale says: • Website

    Yes, because even if it was a mere 10 percent nature that would blow the culture hypothesis out of the water, again because nurture or culture is replicable. But I think most of the other side, not thinking very deeply about it, take something like “50/50” to mean it’s a wash, as if they cancel each other out.

    What I think Steve believes is that culture doesn’t make for intelligence but matters nonetheless, and we should consider how peoples of different innate intelligence thrive or not depending on culture. One-size fits-all is not a good way to go about it.

    • Replies: @Dennis Dale
  59. Dennis Dale says: • Website
    @Dennis Dale

    But that’s not what I hear this business about the intricacies of how culture and heredity interact to make for behavior. Like he’s trying to make his infamous (and insightful) point about New Orleans after Katrina palatable to the Stancils of the world.

    • Replies: @epebble
  60. OT – The Tories are down by 20+ points in the polls but Richie Sunak has decided to call an election in six weeks, on July 4. I guess if they are going to get deservedly vaporized as a useless cuck party they might as get it over with.

    • Replies: @epebble
  61. epebble says:
    @Dennis Dale

    Just this evening I watched two anecdotes of how changing ‘culture’ is reducing the determinacy of race (with respect to behavior).

    In the 20th century, if you heard these episodes, you would have thought the persons involved were NAMs, but now the deviancy delta has converged to the point where it is not easily resolvable.

  62. EdwardM says:

    UThe Atlantic has an article today referring to “the white supremacist Steve Sailer.” Granted The Atlantic isn’t as influential as it used to be, but still, congratulations!

    To avoid the paywall:

    • Replies: @Steve Sailer
  63. Richard B says:
    @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    Now Islam is the fastest growing religion in the Japan.

    This is to give the impression the Japanese are lining around the block to become Muslim. Hardly. “Fastest growing” in this case means in a country of 125 million the number has catipulted from eight to eleven.

  64. Twinkie says:
    @Sam Hildebrand

    I’m confused on the proper use of the phrase “Men of Unz.” Alden uses it when referring to chauvinists, Jack when referring to antisemites. Who’s right? who first coined the phrase?

    Apparently only men are “antisemites” to Jack D. There are no “Women of Unz” (even though the few women with whom I exchanged comments are pretty “National Socialist” here (paging Rosie, paging Rosie).

    The Jew’s biggest weakness is… fondness for the Shiksa. 😉

    • Thanks: Renard
    • LOL: Captain Tripps
  65. Twinkie says:

    Education Realist

    You mean that bitter lady who thinks East Asians can solve math equations, but never know what they mean, but black performance is underrated by standardized testing?

    • Replies: @res
  66. Twinkie says:
    @Jack D

    3. Ban algebra as racis’. The Harrison Bergeron/Boko Haram/SF approach.

    That’s funny.

    Al-Jabr is Haram!

  67. epebble says:

    Just based on both Sunak and Starmer appear at least 2 S.D. better than our choices.

  68. epebble says:

    And if that happens, the Brits can stop being envious of the good government we are enjoying. British Labour party will certainly make U.S. Democratic party look efficient and effective by a country mile.

  69. @Citizen of a Silly Country

    According to the Washington Post, as of February, some 23,380 American citizens are currently serving in the Israeli Army, many of them emigres to Israel, though reservists living in the U.S. have been called back to Israel to fight.

    Just because you fight for a foreign country and would kill Americans if ordered to do so, doesn’t mean you aren’t a 100% loyal American. Israel is Our Greatest Ally, so it’s impossible that serving Israel’s interests could ever be contrary to America’s interests. That’s just science.

    • Replies: @Twinkie
    , @Mike Tre
  70. Gordo says:

    Okay I forgot the /s there.

  71. Twinkie says:
    @Jack D

    IQ, which blacks happen to lack (in large part due to unfixable genetic factors).

    You are wrong about that. Blacks don’t have “unfixable genetic factors.”

    It’s just that – compared to whites and East Asians – African genetic history has been dysgenic due to the environment in which they developed.

    For example, if you got together, say, the top 5% of the blacks and married them to each other, and continued to only allow the top 5% of their offspring to marry each other, it won’t take many generations before the average black IQ shoots up.*

    The problem with the average black IQ in the U.S., in particular, is that the reproduction patterns are highly dysgenic – educated black women have lower fertility than educated white women with similar attainment levels. It’s not because of some sort of separate “unfixable” factors, genetic or otherwise.

    *You might be unaware, but the people you referred to as “gooks” in another thread – Koreans, in particularly of the southern variety – have experienced a dramatic increase in IQ among the cohorts born between 1970 and 1990 – to the tune of 7.7 points per decade. Meaning their average shot up 15.4 points in twenty years (along with their height).

    Blacks are also human beings like everyone else – under the right selection pressures, their IQ can also surge upward in relatively few generations. It’s just that the selection pressure – in the U.S. in particular – is negative and dysgenic.

    I know you hold in contempt the peoples you refer to as “Negroes” and “gooks,” but try to understand at least a little bit of the science behind intelligence, heredity, and selection, instead of engaging in the dehumanizing talk about people other than Jews, all the while you wale about “antisemitism.”

    • Replies: @Supply and Demand
    , @Jack D
  72. Twinkie says:

    American citizens are currently serving in the Israeli Army

    So, in general, if you elect to serve in a foreign military, you risk losing your American citizenship. But serving in the IDF is expressly protected by law in the U.S. – despite Israel not being an actual, treaty-bound ally of the United States.

    All countries are equal, but some countries are more equal than others.

    • Replies: @Wielgus
    , @Hunsdon
    , @Jack D
    , @Wielgus
  73. Jack D says:
    @Jenner Ickham Errican

    Facts are not racist. They are just facts. It’s only racist when you lie and say stuff like “Jews control the US government. ”

    This is what people don’t get about Steve. He is not a racist because he doesn’t lie or make unsupported statements.

  74. @Twinkie

    The Koreans of the Southern variety also have the lowest global TFR. It’s Joever for them, just like it’s Joever for whitey.

  75. guest007 says:

    Richard Reeves has a humorous story about chemistry homework and why girls in the middle grades do so much better in school than boys. As Reeves points out, there are a lot of non-cognitive skills involved in making good grades (being in class, listening to the teacher, writing down what the homework is, remembering to do the homework, remember to take the completed homework back to school) that girls in grades 7 through 9 are just much better at doing.

  76. @Jack D

    It’s only racist when you lie and say stuff like “Jews control the US government.”

    So you define being racist as lying only about Jews?

    Or is lying about other races also racist?

    • Troll: Jack D
  77. Jack D says:

    “Gooks” is not what I call Asians, it’s what the Men of Unz call them and specifically you behind your back even though you imagine that you are one of them. Personally I get along very well with Asians, normal Asians who do not have transracial fantasies.

    Your comparison of American blacks to S. Koreans is inappropriate. Korea experienced an incredible period of disruption and malnutrition, followed by an unprecedented period of prosperity (it’s really good to have America as your friend and ally) so there was a generation that was physically (and mentally) stunted by malnutrition followed by a generation that was well nourished.

    American blacks have not had any such change in their diet (except perhaps for the worse as they are now overnourished thanks to food stamps – the #1 item purchased with food stamps is Coca Cola). And your idea of some sort of eugenic breeding program for blacks is a science fiction fantasy. Given regression to the (racial) mean, I’m not even sure it would work. Aside from the fact that it would be a total non-starter politically, every scheme ever attempted to close the Gap has failed despite billions being poured into various rat holes. The Gap (1 SD of IQ) is as close as you can get to a physical constant in the social sciences. Your views are sometimes surprisingly Leftist – most normal Asians understand that blacks are never going to be the same as Asians and whites no matter how much rice and vegetables they have to eat.

    Back in the real world, black breeding is and will remain dysgenic for the foreseeable future and the Gap ain’t never gonna close. The Establishment doesn’t really WANT the dog to catch the car – too many people’s jobs depend on the dog chasing the car forever.

    • Agree: Mark G.
    • LOL: Corvinus
  78. Mike Tre says:

    Not just science, but Democracy! as well.

  79. @Jack D

    When and why did Jack D decide to become a self-parodying troll?

    I have suggested before that he achieved popularity here in the HBD tree fort by being edgier than most, like the nastiest guy wowing the other kids in 6th grade. But it’s apparently a longer, more interesting story. Here’s the second comment (from 2012, under a Giraldi column) in his voluminous history:

    1. Because our actions we have destroyed any moral grounds that we had to stand on in our attempts to influence other countries.
    2. Through our actions such as torturing people and killing innocent civilians through indescriminate bombing campaigns, we have firmly established “Might Makes Right” as a viable code of conduct. Unfortunately, this code can wear many horrible faces; from the most pwerful country in the world dropping nuclear bombs on civilians, to the person who has the resolve to strap a bomb on his body and walk into a crowd.
    3. The bottom line is, we have no right to complain about anything that anyone else does. And we need to be vigilant indeed.

    Was that even the same person?

    • Replies: @Jack D
  80. Hunsdon says:
    @Jack D

    It’s a good thing the donor class doesn’t have any influence over the US government’s policies, isn’t it?

    • Replies: @Jack D
  81. Hunsdon says:
    @Jack D

    Jack D said: Personally I get along very well with Asians, normal Asians who do not have transracial fantasies.

    Hunsdon said: Personally, I get along very well with Jews, normal Jews who do not have racial supremacist fantasies.

  82. @Jack D

    Back in the real world, black breeding is and will remain dysgenic for the foreseeable future and the Gap ain’t never gonna close.

    Not just black breeding. All breeding, in welfare states.

    • Replies: @The Anti-Gnostic
    , @Jack D
  83. Jack D says:

    Sure, but “donor class” does not = Jews and “have influence” does not mean “control the government”.

    • Replies: @Hunsdon
  84. Richard B says:

    trying to figure out how nature and nurture intertwine in modern America is one of the great challenges of the examined life.

    Public intellectuals should try it. It’s fun.

    The joke here is putting Public intellectuals and the examined life in the same statement.

    The greatest challenge of the examined life in modern America is survival.

    And not just modern America.

  85. Richard B says:
    @MEH 0910

    I’ve been a Steve reader for 20 years now. Very grateful to him for all of his work.

    The irony, however, of Steve directing attention to his talent for Noticing is that it becomes impossible not to notice what Steve doesn’t, or won’t, notice while directing attention to his talent for noticing.

  86. @Jack D

    “Gooks” is not what I call Asians, it’s what the Men of Unz call them and specifically you behind your back even though you imagine that you are one of them.

    You really are vile.

    • Replies: @Hunsdon
    , @Corvinus
  87. Hunsdon says:
    @The Anti-Gnostic

    You can understand the pressure he’s under lately.

  88. @Johann Ricke

    Mutational load building right up there with concentrations of THC.

  89. Wielgus says:

    It’s been going on for a while. In a book I read about sniping, issued by the military subjects publisher Osprey, a certain “Chuck” Kramer, described as an American serving in the IDF, boasted of killing an Arab in Lebanon in 1982 with an aimed shot at a distance of over 1,000 yards.

  90. Hunsdon says:

    Does this mean we’re holding Israel to a standard we don’t hold other countries to?

  91. Jack D says:
    @Greta Handel

    No, that was some other guy. I have never read Giraldi, nor do I or have I ever endorsed the “whataboutism” expressed in this post. If only those who were morally perfect were entitled to act on the world or personal stage, then no one could ever act because human or national perfection does not exist. This is the sort of sophism that moral degenerates try to pull on gullible normal people. Hey, haven’t you gone over the speed limit once in a while – who are you to accuse me of breaking the law when you are a criminal too? America on its worst days sometimes crosses the line but for Putin (for example) war crimes are not a slip-up but part of the plan.

    • Replies: @res
  92. Jack D says:

    Can you tell us what law you are referring to? And can you tell us whether, as a practical matter, US citizens serving in the IDF are treated differently than those serving in the military of other friendly nations? For example, did John Paul Jones lose his US citizenship when he served as an admiral in the Russian Navy?

    Here is the official State Dept. page on this question:

    Strangely, it does not mention any special exception for the IDF.

  93. Jack D says:
    @Johann Ricke

    The Flynn Effect is ovah. US IQ levels are now falling. We reached peak IQ a while ago and now we are on the downslope.

    The Romans put lead in their pipes and in their wine. What is our excuse?

  94. res says:

    But is that really saying anything? What else could there be?

    100% environmental. Saying both mattered for IQ was enough to get The Bell Curve cast into the pits of deplorability.

    For anyone interested, here are the results of a survey of intelligence researchers done in 2013.

    Asked: What are the sources of U.S. black-white differences in IQ?

    0% of differences due to genes: (17% of our experts)
    0-40% of differences due to genes: 42% of our experts
    50% of differences due to genes: 18% of our experts
    60-100% of differences due to genes: 39% of our experts
    100% of differences due to genes: (5% of our experts)
    M=47% of differences due to genes (SD=31%)

    In the comments Gwern linked a more detailed presentation of the results.

    P.S. That was the same survey which ranked Steve as the best media source on intelligence (by a substantial margin). See page 22 of the PDF.

    • Replies: @Corvinus
  95. res says:

    People seem to be missing Steve’s point (willfully?). I think he is also being a bit coy both to provoke the people he is arguing with and to avoid giving more reasons for cancellation. Here is an expansion. No idea if Steve would endorse the numbers (or even the reasoning) I use though.

    Average IQ Africa about 70
    Average IQ African Americans about 85
    Average white admixture for African Americans about 24%
    Average IQ Europeans about 100
    Key assumption is the black portion of AAs is similar to Africans (e.g. not heavily selected for IQ by the process of slavery). The degree of difference between actual and calculated values gives a degree of support to the “some nurture effect for African IQ” position Steve is espousing.

    Based on admixture we would expect US blacks to have an IQ of 0.76 * 70 + 0.24 * 100 = 77.2
    Substantially below the actual value of about 85.

    If that argument is insufficient consider the idea that the environment in Africa is worse for IQ development than the environment in the US. Seems plausible to me.

    • Replies: @Jack D
    , @Hypnotoad666
  96. res says:

    Yes (but you knew that ; ). ER has some annoying hobby horses, but she does bring useful background and data to the table.

    • Replies: @HFR
    , @Twinkie
  97. Jack D says:

    Of course the Leftist Fundamentalist descendants of Lysenko will not accept any number but Nurture 100%/ Nature 0%, for the same ideological reasons.

    Reasonable people peg nature/nurture at 50/50 in the absence of better data.

    It is interesting that using your method, out of the 15 point African vs. African American gap, nature (i.e. white admixture) accounts for 7.2/15, leaving 7.8 points for nurture – this is pretty darn close to 50/50.

    Unfortunately, while African-American nurture might be better than African nurture, it is (based on the 15 point gap in the other direction vis-a-vis whites) worse than white nurture. All the efforts at improving black nurture seem to have backfired or are worse than nothing based on the fact that the Gap has not closed at all despite the trillions spent on black during the last 70 years. Things that might be truly effective (e.g. discouraging single motherhood, formerly known as giving birth to bastards) are seen as totally off limits to the point where they cannot even be discussed publicly.

  98. HFR says:

    res and Twinkie:

    You both refer to Education Realist as she, but after reading ER’s blog for many years, I’m almost certain that this is a man. I’ve always found all of his essays interesting and some quite entertaining.

    • Replies: @res
    , @Twinkie
  99. @Wendy K. Kroy

    Unsolicited advice is odious
    So please take this as only a question

    One of Morrissey’s rare lyrical flubs

    I can think of a few ways to do this without gutting the ‘Review’ or fleeing elsewhere, or elsewhere exclusively. My bet is that you’ve thought of them, and more, already, but there may be others. Would it be a good idea to put some possibilities up for discussion? And especially since the success of your book and book tour continue unscathed — or less scathed than many wise heads reasonably feared — isn’t this something of a fulcrum point?

    And what does the class think? Kids?

    Wendy, I like how Steve has been operating, so my view is “don’t fix what ain’t broke”, but it appears you have improvements on your mind. I’m intrigued to read your specific (expanded) thoughts on this.

  100. @res

    Based on admixture we would expect US blacks to have an IQ of 0.76 * 70 + 0.24 * 100 = 77.2
    Substantially below the actual value of about 85.

    If that argument is insufficient consider the idea that the environment in Africa is worse for IQ development than the environment in the US. Seems plausible to me.

    By comparison with the IQs of mixed AAs it’s fair to infer something is lowering African IQs below their genetic potential. By definition, that’s got to be classified as “environment.” Africa being Africa, there is lots of child malnutrition, parasites, diseases, etc. That’s presumably the cause of lowered phenotype vs. genotype IQ levels. For example, the average adult male height in Nigeria and other West African countries is 5’6″ and below — i.e., one full SD below the U.S. black average. Coincidentally, that’s about the same as the IQ gap between African IQ (70) and African-American IQ (85). )

    But Steve deliberately (coyly) used the word “nurture” instead of “environment.” By doing so, he’s saying that better parenting or playing records or whatever could theoretically raise IQ by one SD. That’s nonsense of course. And if that’s true you would also be able to raise AA IQ by better “nurture,” which of course has objectively failed every time.

    Steve knows the difference between “nurture” and “environment” (See e.g., Plomkin or Judith Rich-Harris). I get that Steve may be doing some rhetorical ju-jitsu to get blank slaters to embrace the low African IQ stats as somehow supporting their side. Or maybe he’s trying to soften his “race science” stance a bit by being on record where he can say “hey, I believe in environment too.” If he thinks taking this angle on Twitter is better tactically for his 50/50 brand or the mission of race red-pilling generally, then that’s cool. But I’d like to think Steve actually knows better.

    • Replies: @res
  101. @Jenner Ickham Errican

    Thanks for your interest. One strategy (used by Voltaire and others of the ‘Philosophes’) is to send the ideas out anonymously AFTER they’ve been posted here or elsewhere, with enough similar wording (and ideally even anagram clues) to show authorship later on.

    • Replies: @Jenner Ickham Errican
  102. Wielgus says:

    I don’t know about US passports nowadays (I am not a US citizen), but those of the late 1950s certainly carried a statement specifically forbidding the passport holder to use it to travel to serve in the armed forces of a foreign state. I know this because I have seen photos of the passport Lee Harvey Oswald carried to defect to the USSR and it contains such a prohibition. The passport was issued in 1959.

    • Replies: @res
  103. @Wendy K. Kroy

    And what does the class think? Kids?

    Bueller . . . Bueller?

    It would be nice if Ron could at least tone down the front page. As I write this one of the two lead articles splashed across half the screen is: “Which Way White Man?” with signs pointing in opposite directions for “Freedom” and “Jewish Hell.” That’s going to freak out any realist-curious normie who drops by to read this Sailer guy they saw on Twitter.

    (The other main front page is an erudite geopolitical analysis of the emerging Russia-China-Iran alliance by Pepe Escobar so it’s a pretty mixed bag).

    • Replies: @Wendy K. Kroy
  104. res says:

    That’s presumably the cause of lowered phenotype vs. genotype IQ levels. For example, the average adult male height in Nigeria and other West African countries is 5’6″ and below — i.e., one full SD below the U.S. black average. Coincidentally, that’s about the same as the IQ gap between African IQ (70) and African-American IQ (85). )

    Excellent point. I had been wondering about that but did not chase down the data. Thanks!

    I consider that one of the better pieces of evidence against the possibility of further environmental improvements increasing average AA IQ, but I think the likelihood of the relevant environments for IQ and height differing some (e.g. micronutrients like omega 3 fatty acids, schools) adds an element of uncertainty.

    I tend to be more relaxed about “nurture” vs. “environment.” It seems to me that the use in “nature and nurture” is meant as synonymous with environment.

    To give the other perspective, here is the first chapter of The Nurture Assumption (as you know, by Judith Rich-Harris).

    P.S. A more charitable view of Steve’s actions in that thread is he goes after bad arguments (and false statements) from both “sides.” I consider taking fire from both sides a positive indicator for being in the vicinity of truth. Hard to do in environments as polarized as we have today though.

  105. res says:

    Thanks. Here is an eBay auction showing that.

    I do not see similar language in this 1970 passport.

    I almost commented on the IDF and US citizenship issue earlier, but I was hoping someone more informed (e.g. Twinkie) would show up and elaborate. When I looked around I saw a lot of waffling language about losing citizenship only if that was intended so I was curious what happened in practice. For example, see this page.

    Loss of U.S. Nationality and Service in the Armed Forces of a Foreign State – Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) Section 349(a)(3)

    Although a U.S. national who is a resident or citizen of a foreign country may be subject to compulsory military service in that country, service in the armed forces of a foreign state is a potentially expatriating act under INA section 349(a)(3) only if performed voluntarily and with the intention of relinquishing U.S. nationality: Absent voluntariness and intent to relinquish U.S. nationality, service in the armed forces of a foreign state generally would not be potentially expatriating act if the individual is not serving as an officer UNLESS the foreign military is engaged in hostilities with the United States.

    Federal statutes long in force prohibit certain aspects of foreign military service originating within the United States. The current laws are set forth in Section 958-960 of Title 18 of the United States Code. In Wiborg v. United States , 163 U.S. 632 (1896), the Supreme Court endorsed a lower court ruling that it was not a crime under U.S. law for an individual to go abroad for the purpose of enlisting in a foreign army; however, when someone has been recruited or hired in the United States, a violation may have occurred.

    This is an interesting wrinkle: “not serving as an officer.”

    One thing I don’t understand is I thought it was illegal as a US citizen to swear an oath to a foreign power. Do US citizens in the IDF need to take this loyalty oath?

    the oath of the Israel Defense Forces declares:

    I swear and obligate myself on my word of honor to remain loyal to the State of Israel, its laws and its legitimate administration … and to devote all of my strength, and even to sacrifice my life, in the defense of the homeland and the freedom of Israel.

    My understanding is there were citizenship consequences for US citizens serving in the British military prior to the US entry into WWII. And these were later resolved by a special law. I have been unable to find satisfactory documentation though. Does anyone know more?

    Here is a Quora discussion about the overall “serving in foreign military” issue. Along with what looked like the most informed answer I saw.

    Ronald Edelstein
    Former CWO-4 USN at United States Navy (USN) (1962–1993)

    Is it legal for a U.S. citizen to serve in a different country’s military?

    Yes, it IS legal for an American citizen to serve in another country’s military as long as two conditions are met:

    1. You serve enlisted, NOT as a commissioned officer. An officer has to take an oath to the sovereign or government of the country; an enlisted person does not.

    2. The other country and the U.S. are not at war with each other. If they are engaged in war, then you are “aiding and abetting the enemy” and that’s treason.

    Does anyone know for sure what the rules are here? And even better, how they have changed over the years?

    • Replies: @res
    , @Wielgus
  106. res says:
    @Jack D

    It looks to me like the 2007 and 2012 comments in your history are outliers. Neither reads like you and both predate The Unz Review.

    I can’t tell with confidence about the January and August 2014 comments, but October 2014 and later read to me as you.

    Is there any start date for your comments you are willing to give?

    For everyone, The Unz Review launched in late 2013. Here is the oldest archive page I see (Ron has had the domain for a while so before that there was material now on and before that placeholders).

    Be careful about equating commenter names before November 2013 with the present.

    P.S. FWIW I think the res comments read as me since the start of the Unz Review. No idea if any spoofs have crept in along the way.

    • Replies: @Jack D
  107. @Wendy K. Kroy

    Thanks for your interest.

    You’re welcome. Btw, I wish you would post more often. You have an urbane, subtly arch sensibility which stands out ‘round these parts: “Veev ladeefa ronts” as they say in French Harlem.

    One strategy (used by Voltaire and others of the ‘Philosophes’) is to send the ideas out anonymously AFTER they’ve been posted here or elsewhere, with enough similar wording (and ideally even anagram clues) to show authorship later on.

    Perhaps I misunderstand. Seems like an unnecessary extra step—isn’t Steve already doing that here and on X, through volunteer proxies? E.g., Steve writes something and Tucker Carlson (a proxy) repeats what Steve wrote…

  108. @YetAnotherAnon

    Interesting, thanks.

    The EU has lost all restraint too:

  109. Corvinus says:
    @The Anti-Gnostic

    “You really are vile.”

    JFC, look in the mirror. You with your “Negro” comments are one and the same.

    • Replies: @The Anti-Gnostic
  110. Corvinus says:

    “P.S. That was the same survey which ranked Steve as the best media source on intelligence”

    So who exactly were these people involved in the ranking?

    • Replies: @res
  111. @YetAnotherAnon

    USAF Special Forces MC130J left Tblisi in Georgia on March 19 and flew to Almaty in Kazakhstan, returning the following day. Transponders were turned off for parts of both journeys.

    A couple of days back when Brandon was visiting Chicago, a couple of US V-22 Ospreys flew near my domicile. I checked the Flightradar24 for Chicago and none of them showed up, so flying with transponders turned off seems like SOP.

    • Replies: @YetAnotherAnon
  112. @Corvinus

    You bolsheviks sure get angry when a non-white leaves the reservation.

    • Replies: @Corvinus
  113. res says:

    I used to think so to (check my old comments). This page convinced me otherwise.

    • Thanks: MEH 0910, MEH 0910
    • Replies: @HFR
  114. res says:

    I included the link for a reason. Follow it.

    I also specified “intelligence researchers” which is really all that you need to know.

    • Replies: @Corvinus
  115. Jack D says:

    I really don’t remember nor do I care to remember. It’s just not important. Mostly looking up other people’s comments from 10 years ago is a gotcha game which I don’t care to participate in either way. Maybe Twinkie or AD were even bigger (or smaller) antisemites 10 years ago. I don’t care and I can’t be bothered to look.

    IIRC I read iSteve before and came over here when Steve migrated here. What year was that?

    • Replies: @res
  116. Corvinus says:

    “I also specified “intelligence researchers” which is really all that you need to know.”

    No. It’s good to know who the people are in making the rankings. What are their bona fides? What are their biases? That all plays a role in who they ranked and why they ranked them that way.

    • Replies: @res
  117. res says:

    More details. First, Jack included a good reference above.

    One thing that includes is this bit of history.

    The Act of 1907 did not provide that service in a foreign military was an expatriating act. Therefore, U.S. citizens who fought in behalf of the allied powers in World War I before the United States entered the war, did not lose U.S. citizenship due to foreign military service, but rather due to taking an oath of allegiance to a foreign state. Those for whom a finding of loss of nationality was made, had their citizenship restored.

    With that in mind I ask again: Do US citizens serving in the IDF have to take their oath of allegiance? And note another useful page at the same location as the link above.


    There appear to be a fair number of caveats. So maybe there is an out.

    According to this 23,380 American citizens are currently serving in the Israeli Army.

    Are any of them officers?

    This page seems to indicate why there is so much focus on intentionally renouncing citizenship. It also notes 1,000 American citizens were serving in the IDF in 2014.

    For the most part, this is all legal. Prior to 1967, Americans risked losing their citizenship if they joined a foreign military or even voted in a foreign election. That year, the Supreme Court decision in Afroyim v. Rusk established that citizenship is a constitutional right and can’t be stripped involuntarily. So, you’re free to join up with whatever military that will take you, as long as you don’t engage in active hostilities against the U.S. What is illegal is recruiting within the U.S.

    This 2015 account by an American who joined the IDF might be of interest.

    21 Americans serving in the IDF had been killed as of January.

    P.S. Some details on Brian Mast’s relation to the IDF. It is not what he seemed to be claiming.

    Thoughts on this? He was apparently not in fact in the Israeli military
    byu/DooDiddly96 inMilitary

  118. @Hypnotoad666

    Yes, I see them. Well spotted.

  119. res says:

    Did you follow my link? Until you do that stop wasting my time.

    • Replies: @Corvinus
    , @Mike Tre
  120. res says:
    @Jack D

    when Steve migrated here

    AFAICT Steve started posting here in November 2013 at

    I don’t think he fully migrated to here until June 2014 at
    Here are two of his welcome posts noting the move.

    Hey. That means Steve’s 10th anniversary here (for the full move dating from the welcome posts) is imminent. Cool.

    • Thanks: MEH 0910
  121. Corvinus says:

    I did follow the link. First one works. Second one gets error message.

    In the first one, it did not provide any clue as to who specifically was involved. That is of considerable importance. Moreover, it stated that “Invitations were emailed to 1237 persons and at the end only 228 (18 %) participants completed the process (70 fully and 158 partially).” Seems to me that a fifty percent or higher return rate would lead to a more robust finding.

    • Replies: @res
  122. Corvinus says:
    @The Anti-Gnostic

    “You bolsheviks sure get angry when a non-white leaves the reservation.”

    It’s gook, big chief, in your world. And don’t even pretend he’s on your side, when you even threw your own wife’s ancestors under the bus.

  123. res says:

    Strange. Try following the other link Gwern gave to a related paper (the other is a presentation).
    Survey of Expert Opinion on Intelligence: Causes of International Differences in Cognitive Ability Tests

    That has more detail on the survey sample, but omits the detailed black gap results and the media rankings.

    Here we go. This archive page works. When you encounter a broken link it is usually worth trying the Wayback Machine.

    Here are the posts where James Thompson discussed this survey.

    And what looks like the final followup from 2019 when those survey results were finally published in a paper.

    Survey of expert opinion on intelligence: Intelligence research, experts’ background, controversial issues, and the media

    Full text here.

    Much detail there. One interesting thing is how high the R^2 was (0.53) in Table 9 for their model of characteristics contributing to B-W IQ gap % opinions.

    • Replies: @Corvinus
  124. Wielgus says:
    This is the passport I was referring to. The one you showed expired in 1955. The earlier one was interesting though, because it specifically forbids visiting any Communist country of the time without special permission (the slight thawing of the Cold War by the time Oswald went over made it possible for ordinary people to go over, though it is noticeable Hungary was exempted – perhaps a reaction to 1956 and events after. The exemption was voided by the time Oswald used it to travel to the USSR).
    Quite a few American fighter pilots were serving in the Eagle Squadrons of the RAF. After Pearl Harbor, they usually if not invariably transferred into the US Army Air Force. It seems as though any bureaucratic or citizenship hurdles were overcome.

    They did not renounce US citizenship to join the Eagle Squadrons, if the Wikipedia article is correct.

    • Replies: @res
  125. Mike Tre says:

    “stop wasting my time”

    That is his singular goal. Put him on ignore and be done with him.

    • Agree: Twinkie
  126. @Jenner Ickham Errican

    Hi — did you get my comment, or should I send it again? Thanks —

    • Replies: @Jenner Ickham Errican
  127. Twinkie says:

    You both refer to Education Realist as she, but after reading ER’s blog for many years, I’m almost certain that this is a man.

    I am not going to doxx her, but ER is a she.

    I’ve always found all of his essays interesting and some quite entertaining.

    She is also a nasty human being. She admitted – in an apparently unguarded moment – that she makes the lives of her Asian students intentionally more miserable (but really she claimed that “loved” them – even as she made dehumanizing comments about them).

    She used to make all sorts of unsupported, disparaging assertions about Asian students, from which she had to retreat numerous times when confronted with evidence to the contrary. She’s popular with the “Asians only do better than whites in tests, because of cheating” crowd. Apparently, that chip on her shoulder came from the fact that she (and her child) didn’t get to attend elite schools (because people like her who “had lives” should go to the elite schools instead of Asians who are only allegedly test-smart).

    And she’d fly off to ad hominem (“Liar!” was a common attack) as soon as someone poked holes in her assertions (you can check my comment history that intersects with hers). She’s not intellectually honest. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t sometimes make valid points about the state of education in the U.S. today, but many of her views are suspect due to the biases she clearly holds.

    By the way, her highly prejudiced and unsupported remarks weren’t just about Asians. She used to claim that black students in real life performed better than predicted by their standardized testing scores – an assertion that is completely rebutted by data (they actually slightly underperform their testing scores).

    • Replies: @HFR
  128. @Wendy K. Kroy

    Hi — did you get my comment

    Yes. My reply is posted at this link (you can reply to it there to continue the thread) :

  129. Twinkie says:

    ER has some annoying hobby horses

    That’s overly generous – and I think you know that too.

    • Replies: @res
  130. res says:

    Thanks. Interesting to see how things changed in a few short years.

    They did not renounce US citizenship to join the Eagle Squadrons, if the Wikipedia article is correct.

    You were right to add the caveat. I think the Wikipedia article may be technically correct. They did not renounce their citizenship. But it renounced them.

    The origins of the 334th go back to before the United States of America entered World War 2.
    American pilots flew in the RAF before the USA entered the war in December 1941.

    Under American law, it was illegal for United States citizens to join the armed forces of foreign nations. In doing so, they lost their citizenship, although Congress passed a blanket pardon in 1944.

    Here is another Wikipedia article.

    Before America entered World War II in December 1941, individual Americans volunteered to fight against the Axis powers in other nations’ armed forces. Although under American law, it was illegal for United States citizens to join the armed forces of foreign nations, and in doing so, they lost their citizenship, many American volunteers changed their nationality to Canadian. However, Congress passed a blanket pardon in 1944.[12]

    Anybody have a reference to the text of that 1944 pardon? I am not finding it.

    P.S. Here is the edit which added the “renounced” bit you quoted. It also removed information about their first death in combat.
    It also incorrectly (according to the current version, which says “Sixteen”) changed “16 Britons also served as Squadron and Flight commanders” to 116. Looking at the edit history, perhaps a relative of William R. Dunn?

    • Replies: @Ralph L
  131. Twinkie says:
    @Jack D

    “Gooks” is not what I call Asians, it’s what the Men of Unz call them and specifically you behind your back even though you imagine that you are one of them.

    Is that right?

    You might think that you are white on the inside but when the haters look at you , they just see another gook.

    they were going to be fighting a bunch of disorganized “gooks”

    Limeys drink warm beer and gooks drink pond water but our boys deserve a cool refreshing Coke.

    he just relishes the excuse to beat up a gook.

    The people who say stuff like this also usually hate gooks like you

    You will always be a “gook”/”redneck” with them

    Gee, you try to attribute it to some vague, amorphous “Men of Unz,” but you seem awfully fond of using that word. In fact, of all the commenters I have interacted with in the last several years here, you are the only one who’s ever used that word.

    But suppose there are these “Men of Unz” who use this word behind my back – how would you know about it unless you were also one of these Men of Unz?

    It’s interesting that the only person – so far – who has “agreed” with your comment here is Mark G (“Korean parrot,” “yellow coward,” etc.) who is also fond of racial terms of derision.

    No, this is just one of your shticks, whereby you mean to disparage both me/Asians and white critics of Jews by tarring them with racism that you project onto them. All my life, I’ve experienced virtually no racism from non-Jewish whites (I married one and is a member of her family). The only notable racism I’ve experienced has been from… blacks and Jews (including on this site).

    • Replies: @Jack D
  132. res says:

    Yes. One of the challenges here is dealing with people whose views I have problems with (you gave a summary in your earlier comment) but who bring valuable information, data, and analysis to the conversation. As I mention often, I care greatly about signal to noise ratio.

    I use “annoying hobby horses” (and similar) as a way of conveying that I think this person does bring good information, but not about certain things. In other words, caveat lector.

    P.S. As you have probably noticed, I lose my patience with ER from time to time (and vice versa ; ). But I have realized that does not help having good conversations here.

    • Thanks: Twinkie
  133. HFR says:

    Thanks. Just when I thought that I had finally solved the riddle of Education Realist by deciding that ED is male, you and Twinkie produce evidence to the contrary. This will take a bit of rethinking on my part.

  134. Jack D says:

    I agree with you about blacks being racist but the only notable racism from whites/Asians I have experienced has been on this site. I have heard more antisemitic remarks here in a week than in a lifetime in meatspace.

    • Agree: Frau Katze
  135. HFR says:

    OK, it’s decided: Education Realist is a woman. But her being a nasty person is not exactly a surprise and I won’t stop enjoying her writing—which is quite good. Also, one of her comments about black students seemed to suggest that they sometimes did better in life than their scores would indicate—which is just another way of saying that grades aren’t everything. And similarly, very high grades don’t always predict later success. I’ve known people who turned out to be good only at being in school. After the PhD…… it all dissipates.

  136. Mark G. says:
    @Jack D

    The following is how Twinkie argues.

    Me: Medical costs have almost tripled since 1960 and are now too high for this country to afford.

    Twinkie (who is married to a doctor): Doctors dindu nuffin.

    Me: Doctor incomes have tripled since 1960 while White working class incomes have stagnated.

    Twinkie (who is Asian): That is because White working class people are stupid. Also, you are a kook, unproductive vampire, paper shuffling parasite and talking to you is the equivalent of talking to a dog!

    • Replies: @Twinkie
  137. Corvinus says:

    The common thread here in these surveys is clear. It’s refreshing that you NOTICED.

    A sample from your links.

    One limitation of the study can be seen in the small sample and low response rates. The sample consisted of 71 respondents, which is small compared to Snyderman and Rothman’s sample of 661 respondents (of 1020 invitations). In addition, self-selection of experts could have biased the results.

    It should be noted that an expert survey is both an opinion instrument and a possible indicator of truth. As an opinion instrument, the survey would be biased if the selection of experts were biased. In the current study, experts were selected if they had published on intelligence or attended an intelligence conference, increasing the likelihood that the experts had an informed opinion. The other aspect of an expert survey—that it is an indicator of truth—cannot be answered by this study. A single empirical study can contradict expert opinion, and the results of the current survey must be validated in future empirical research.

    Finally, the expert survey did not address the interdependence of factors. Factors related to cognitive ability may influence each other in complex ways. For example, culture may influence education, genes, health, and cognitive ability, which in turn may influence wealth and economic development (e.g., Rindermann et al., 2013, 2015). These interdependencies could be examined using path models and longitudinal datasets. Although expert surveys cannot replace empirical research, the current survey provides a snapshot of expert opinions, gives a balanced appraisal of current trends, and highlights targets for future studies (e.g., educational quality and genetic factors).

    Education was rated by N = 71 experts as the most important cause of international ability differences. Genes were rated as the second most relevant factor but also had the highest variability in ratings. Culture, health, wealth, modernization, and politics were the next most important factors, whereas other factors such as geography, climate, test bias, and sampling error were less important. The paper concludes with a discussion of limitations of the survey (e.g., response rates and validity of expert opinions).

    The low response rates may also reflect a paucity of experts on intelligence and international differences in cognitive ability. There may be 20–50 scientists who study international differences in intelligence. Based on this estimate, the number of respondents (71 people) may exceed the number of scientists who study the topic!

  138. Ralph L says:

    What about the American Commies who fought in Spain? No doubt, FDR let them off the hook.

    Then there was the Lafayette Espadrille in WWI. Oddly, we never hear about Americans fighting for the Central Powers or the Axis.

  139. Twinkie says:
    @Mark G.

    Stop making up bullshit. All comments are permanently on display here.

    I patiently provided graphs and data to rebut your unsupported assertions and you got angry, made racial insults and disappeared from the thread:

    • Replies: @Mark G.
  140. Twinkie says:
    @Jack D

    only notable racism from whites/Asians I have experienced has been on this site.

    Why would people in the real world tell you how they really feel about the Jewish elites?

    I have heard more antisemitic remarks here in a week than in a lifetime in meatspace.

    Don’t draw false equivalence. You repeatedly referring to Asians (and me) as “gooks” is not the same thing as people making informed critiques of Jews in this country (you yourself make similar “by-group”‘ critiques of blacks or people you call “Negroes”).

    I don’t see any “Men of Unz” referring to you as “Kike” or some such thing on this blog.

    And the racism I witnessed from blacks and Jews wasn’t just here, but in the real world.

    Face it. You are a racist – the real kind. You harbor contempt and hatred of blacks – your own words betray you – about blacks (“Negroes” this, “Negroes” that), about non-Jewish whites (“Men of Unz,” “antisemites”) and about Asians (“gooks”). And you project your own racism onto others and accuse others of “antisemitism.” Everyone can see your shtick, because all your comments are available plainly for all to see.

    And the only people jumping to your defense (so far, only Mark G) are those also prone to engaging in racial insults of their own when they lose arguments on substance.

  141. Mark G. says:

    “disappeared from the thread”

    The last time I talked to you I ended the conversation with you right after you compared me to a dog.

    I have told you before I will not engage in an endless conversation with you on old comment threads. My comments are aimed at others, not you, because you are a hopeless case. Few people are reading old comment threads so I move to newer comment threads and leave comments there.

    As for me being a racist, anyone can look at my comment history and see just a couple days ago I suggested Jews and NE Asians should think about joining Whites in a political coalition. I insult you because you insult me. It is as simple as that.

    When I went to work for the military I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. This includes people like you who want to tear up the Constitution and replace it with a Catholic dictator like Francisco Franco. People who believe in the old American Republic out here in Indiana will be on my side, not yours. We have guns too.

    • Replies: @Twinkie
  142. Twinkie says:
    @Mark G.

    you compared me to a dog.

    Actually, I rated you worse than my dog in being monomaniacal. People can see the context here:

    You refused to consider or engage all the data/graphs I provided in response to you and went back to calling me stupid and other names and repeating the same simpleton slogans again. Even my dog can do more than one trick – instead barking the same slogan again and again.

    As for me being a racist… I insult you because you insult me.

    What. Inversion. Among other things, you hurled all sorts of racial abuse first, because you couldn’t rebut my substantive points. Whatever insults I made in response to you were entirely about your behavior as an individualnot about your race, you ethnicity, etc. That – like Jack D’s resorts to “gooks,” etc. – is what makes you (and him) racist.

    see just a couple days ago I suggested Jews and NE Asians should think about joining Whites in a political coalition

    Good try, but now you are engaging in revisionism. In that comment, you insinuated that Asians “hated” white people, which is nonsensical given, for example, that Asians have the highest intermarriage rates with whites (and that’s particularly so for people like Koreans and Filipinos while less so for, say, Indians). You were engaging in “Fellow Whites” shtick, not making a genuine, earnest point.

    When I went to work for the military

    What a hero! He handles payments to DoD’s civilian contractors – what dangerous work is that?

    Have you ever eaten cold hard tack, carrying a rifle, while freezing on a mountaintop guarding the free world against a bunch of communists itching to kill you? Of course not.

    I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

    Words are cheap. What hardships have you suffered? What dangers have you faced for our fellow Americans, huh? You’re not even a REMF. You’ve seen sitting in an air-conditioned office stateside, collecting taxpayer funded paychecks all the while hectoring others about radical libertarianism and calling me a “yellow coward.”

    This includes people like you who want to tear up the Constitution

    I have news for you – the Constitution has been torn up a long time ago. If anyone is going to restore it, it’s not going to be your fanboy hero, Ron Paul, or any libertarian. It’s going to be a Franco-like figure who fights and does what it takes to defeat the radical leftists who dominate the major institutions. And it’s not going to be people like you who vote for totally ineffectual pols like Paul and who shrug, “I did my duty for the Republic – I voted.”

    People who believe in the old American Republic out here in Indiana will be on my side, not yours. We have guns too.

    First of all, you don’t have any guns, what’s with this “we” business? You are going to be a beggar to those who do have guns in extremis. Secondly, people aren’t going to defend you, because you are a “fellow libertarian.” Libertarians aren’t people who have altruism or group cohesion based on shared military service or common religion. So, dream on.

    Unlike you, I have people – wife, children, in-laws, friends who have shed blood with me, friends who are blood-brothers and comrade-in-arms, friends whose children I protect and who, in turn, protect my children, my godparents and his family, my godsons and goddaughters and their kin, fellow parishioners and members of religious orders who have raised families together. I can go on. I belong to intersecting, organic communities that form a real tribe.

    You don’t understand this communitarianism, because you are a radical libertarian, not a true Burkean conservative.

    • Replies: @Mark G.
    , @Corvinus
  143. Mark G. says:

    “intermarriage rates”

    I was talking about politics, not marriages. According to the results of a Pew Research Center survey published May 25, 2023, 62% of Asian Americans identified as Democrat or leaning Democrat, versus 34% over on the Republican side. For Korean Americans it was even worse, 67% versus 28%.

    So Asians, like other minority groups, are part of the anti-White Democrat coalition. I was pointing out in my previous comment that on issues like affirmative action, crime and flooding the country with low IQ third world immigrants, Asians have more in common with Whites than with their current political coalition partners.

    • Replies: @Twinkie
  144. Twinkie says:
    @Mark G.

    I was talking about politics, not marriages.

    Handwaving again. Why would Asians marry and live next whites at such high rates if the former hated the latter?

    According to the results of a Pew Research Center survey published May 25, 2023, 62% of Asian Americans identified as Democrat or leaning Democrat, versus 34% over on the Republican side. For Korean Americans it was even worse, 67% versus 28%.

    Let’s look at the numbers:

    41% of whites are Democrats or leaning Democrats. Are they anti-themselves (white) too? People vote for the Democrats for a variety of reasons. Blacks might harbor some degree of anti-white hostility, but increasingly, those whites with college degrees and higher support the Democrats while those without college degrees support the Republican Party. Asians have much higher education attainment rate, so there are confounding variables, including education.

    You hate Christians, but evangelical Christian Asians are highly supportive of the GOP and has been for a while:

    As you can see, Asians who are Christians support the GOP at higher rates than Americans in general. Indeed, by your logic, militant atheists like you also “hate” white people, since they overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party.

    15% of atheists support the “white” party and almost 70% of atheists support the “anti-white” party. Why do you hate America and white people so much, Mark G?

    Asians have more in common with Whites than with their current political coalition partners.

    Did you know that until the early 1990’s, Asians voted for the GOP at a higher rate than whites did? Asians and Hispanics have very weak party ID and are more “gettable” than whites and blacks whose party ID is much stronger. Asians party ID, in particular, fluctuates a lot by election, issues, and candidates.

    Already, surveys have shown than younger Asian males tend to support the GOP by a small majority, just as white males do by a larger margin and as Hispanic males do increasingly as well. There is also an electoral sex disparity at work here as well.

    This isn’t simply a white vs. anti-white phenomenon. There is that, but many other things going on simultaneously.

    Meanwhile, no response to all the other issues I raised, huh?

    • Replies: @res
    , @Mark G.
  145. Curle says:
    @Gabe Ruth

    Preserving traditions is a good unto itself. It reinforces connections to the past and in so doing elevates respect for the authority of historical development/trial and error over momentary conceits of the day that are often so blinkered that they don’t know the basis for traditions they are destroying and thus disparage them as pointless.

  146. Curle says:
    @Jack D

    I have heard more antisemitic remarks here in a week than in a lifetime in meatspace.

    How many antisemitic remarks compared to anti white, anti southern or other criticism/scapegoating of White and Protestant culture and history do you encounter on a daily/weekly basis from culture institutions either licensed or financed by the state or Jewish supported institutions or anyone else? A rough estimate will do.

    • Replies: @Frau Katze
  147. res says:

    We are due for a new Pew U.S. Religious Landscape Survey (previously 2008 and your 2014 version). It would be timely.
    The Religious Landscape is Undergoing Massive Change. It Could Decide the 2024 Election.

    It’s hard to overstate this point. In 1990, just seven percent of Americans were non-religious — 30 years later, the “nones” had quadrupled. And new data indicates that nearly half of Generation Z has no religious affiliation. In 2020, 46 percent of the votes cast for Biden came from non-religious voters. That could easily be half of his base in a bid for reelection. Both parties have been slow to react to this changing religious landscape. Where the remaining religious Americans live and vote is a crucial question for the electoral map in 2024 and beyond. Both parties are ignoring these changing dynamics at their own peril.

    • Agree: Twinkie
    • Replies: @nebulafox
    , @Twinkie
  148. Mark G. says:

    “Meanwhile, no response to all the other issues I raised”

    These are supposed to be blog comments, not essays. If you write a lengthy essay covering multiple subjects do not expect me to respond to every one. This is especially true in your case since you bring up the same talking points over and over again.

    You are being evasive. I brought up political liberalism and race. First you tried to switch the subject to marriage and now you are trying to switch it to religion. My political beliefs are libertarian. A 2013 PRRI survey found 15% of Americans are libertarian and 80% of them voted for Romney in 2012 in the general election.

    Asian immigration will not benefit this country if Asians continue to vote Democrat. The states with the two largest Asian populations, Hawaii and California, are Democrat states.

    • Replies: @Twinkie
  149. @Curle

    How many antisemitic remarks compared to anti white, anti southern or other criticism/scapegoating of White and Protestant culture and history do you encounter on a daily/weekly basis from culture institutions either licensed or financed by the state or Jewish supported institutions or anyone else? A rough estimate will do.

    I don’t know about southern or Protestant but there is less antiwhite sentiment than I would have expected.

    NYT had a big piece by Nikole Hannah-Jones, wanting reparations. The hundreds of reader comments were almost all unsympathetic. It seems even their leftist readers are getting tired of hearing about “white privilege.”

    It’s not official statistics but I read many comments and it was an obvious pattern. Many “recommend counts” on these comments too. An encouraging sign.

  150. nebulafox says:

    I wonder if the rise in religious orthodoxy seen among the still faithful is related to this. No C and E church types means a “quality over quantity” dynamic necessarily must take hold for the religion to not become a white dwarf.

    Probably an analogy to be made in the classical world as the cult of the city state faded.

    Re: Americans in foreign armies. Nothing new in this, whether we are talking about proto-Civil War commanders fighting the Taiping or American air pilots over the Vistula in 1919. The issue is that among America’s allies, Israel is among the more likely to fire upon us if they deem it necessary and worthwhile. And there’s a huge exception in the INS code for what happens if “hostilities” break out for American citizens serving that state.

  151. nebulafox says:
    @Jack D

    Why do you keep coming back to a fringe political website where the headliner page has Nazi apologists if anti-Semitism is going to be such a problem? (Res’ post was disturbing, how sane the front page looked back in 2013.) This place clearly gets on your nerves. And I doubt it isn’t a conscious choice, because you cannot seriously be worse of an addictive, compulsive personality than me, while simultaneously being the successful professional (former or otherwise) that you are.

    • LOL: Twinkie
  152. @Joe Stalin

    Same with some military craft e.g. the Chinook near me in England the other day.

  153. Twinkie says:
    @Mark G.

    do not expect me to respond to every one

    You are being evasive.

    you bring up the same talking points over and over again

    Your lack of self-awareness is stunningly on par with that commenter Jack D.

    I brought up political liberalism and race.

    No. You asserted that Asians “hated” whites because a higher fraction of them voted for the Democratic Party than the GOP.

    By that same logic, atheists who vote at a FAR HIGHER fraction for the democrats (70 to 15) hate whites even more! As do 41% of whites who for the Democrats (“self-hate,” I guess).

    My point was that the fraction of a given population voting for the Democrats doesn’t necessarily – if at all except with blacks – indicate hostility toward whites per se. There are many confounding variables besides race in voting patterns, such as age, sex, religion, marital status, education, etc.

    A 2013 PRRI survey found 15% of Americans are libertarian and 80% of them voted for Romney in 2012 in the general election.

    Didn’t you revile people “who voted for McCain/Romney” earlier? Oooops.

    These are supposed to be blog comments, not essays. If you write a lengthy essay covering multiple subjects

    I take your challenges seriously and address them with facts and figures – evidence that contradicts them – one-by-one.

    It’s a complete and total cop-out and evasion for you to claim that you don’t respond, because this is blog commenting, because you certainly waste a lot of words repeating the same exact slogans and making personal attacks. You and I both know that you don’t respond to most of the points I make, precisely because you have NO evidence to stand on.

    Take your earlier claim that “the medical cartel” – made up of doctors in your earlier iteration – is responsible for the opioid addiction through over-prescribing. I showed the data that makes is crystal clear that only 1% (some 7,000) prescribers out of close to 700,000 are responsible for nearly half of the doses prescribed (something like 1,000 times the doses the middle 1% wrote) and that 99% of prescribers write doses that are below the CDC guidelines (and short in length). When confronted with this data, you simply stopped responding. Then later re-merged on another thread and again made the same assertion – always in slogans, rarely if ever with supporting evidence.

    The fact of the matter is that your whole MO is, “Don’t try to confuse me with the facts – I already made up my mind.” And “If you keep trying to tell me facts, you are a dodo, stupid idiot, a yellow coward, a Korean parrot, a selfish rich person who hates white peoples” blah, blah, blah.

    Grow up. Have some intellectual humility and learn to absorb information and data, of which you were previously unaware, and integrate them into your mind and revise your priors. Otherwise, you are just some cranky racist fool who’s just continually regurgitating his unsupported assertions. That kind of MO is just emoting and you convince no one. Are you here to emote like a teenage girl or are you here to convince others of your views with good arguments and sound data?

    Asian immigration will not benefit this country if Asians continue to vote Democrat.

    Again, are you illiterate? I write repeatedly about being an immigration restrictionist. I am opposed to mass immigration – including that from Asia.

    The states with the two largest Asian populations, Hawaii and California, are Democrat states.

    The two whitest states are Maine and Vermont. Super conservative, right?

    • Replies: @Mark G.
  154. Twinkie says:

    Absolutely true that atheists and non-affiliated have increased tremendously. Yet they still lag significantly as trusted people in public surveys. Also, while those claiming religious affiliation (which could be weak or strong) has declined in number, among the remaining “faithful,” the intensity and salience of that affiliation have risen.

    Interesting times ahead.

    P.S. Similar trend with gun ownership. The percentage of Americans who are gun owners has declined, but an average gun owner now owns many more guns than in the past. Smaller number, higher intensity/salience.

    Again, interesting times ahead.

    P.P.S. Don’t forget that the pro-Revolutionary segment of the population prior to 1776 was only about a third of the colonies. In both warfare and politics, it’s often intensity (and cohesion) that matters, not just the raw numbers.

  155. Mark G. says:

    “I write repeatedly about being an immigration restrictionist”

    I said one time the government was going to be unable to collect enough taxes to keep up current levels of spending because the Boomers were all retiring and their replacements in the work force would be low IQ immigrants and native Blacks. You suggested we could help solve the problem by bringing in high IQ Asian immigrants.

    It will not help bringing in Asian immigrants if they vote for Democrats and their destructive policies, as the Pew survey I pointed to indicates they do.

    • Replies: @Twinkie
  156. Twinkie says:
    @Mark G.

    You suggested we could help solve the problem by bringing in high IQ Asian immigrants.

    No, I did not. Quote me.

  157. Corvinus says:

    “I have news for you – the Constitution has been torn up a long time ago”

    JFC, here’s that trope again. It’s intellectual laziness on your part. The fact of the matter is that everyday our political and legal systems employ it.

    “If anyone is going to restore it, it’s not going to be your fanboy hero, Ron Paul, or any libertarian. It’s going to be a Franco-like figure who fights and does what it takes to defeat the radical leftists who dominate the major institutions.”

    So a fascist or a dictator is what you seek, a man who will employ deadly force when necessary against his “enemies”, with the death of children who are on the “wrong side” being a feature, not a bug. After all, a Franco rightist can’t have the progeny of “radical leftists” running amok.

  158. @Jenner Ickham Errican

    Thank you so very much, Jenner, if that’s an all right term of address. I’ve been online very little for the last six years, working on my fourth book — my first full-length nonfiction effort — and so encouragement like this is exactly what I need to zoom through the two or three years before it’s in print.

    You’re quite right that there are many proxies — or, to use a derogatory term, sock puppets — who spread awareness of ideas first broached by Steve or Ron. However, evidently, and according to each of them, there are not yet enough of them in visible places to move some of their most important findings, like the traffic-accidents curve, into the awareness (if not the support) of a sufficiently wide educated audience.

    What to do? More ideas are necessary.

    Thanks again for burning my ears,


    • Replies: @Jenner Ickham Errican
  159. @Wendy K. Kroy

    Thank you so very much, Jenner, if that’s an all right term of address.

    It’s fine, I also accept JIE or Errican. 🙂 (One slight drawback of “Jenner” is the possible reminder of that other Jenner, which is not an intent of my chosen handle.)

    I’ve been online very little for the last six years, working on my fourth book — my first full-length nonfiction effort — and so encouragement like this is exactly what I need to zoom through the two or three years before it’s in print.

    Sounds like quite the effort! I wish you well with that.

    What to do? More ideas are necessary.

    True, but I suppose the good news is that Steve’s posting career is only part of the puzzle. There’s a lot going on.

    Thanks again for burning my ears,


    Thank you for following up.


  160. @Wendy K. Kroy

    Ay Shaq unison ghoul —

    Argh, I’m embarrassed to admit that one escapes me… translation?

    • Replies: @Wendy K. Kroy
  161. @Jenner Ickham Errican

    Et chacun à son goût —

    Everyone to their taste…

    • Replies: @Jenner Ickham Errican
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