History for Characters/PokemonTheSeriesOriginalTrio - TV Tropes

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History Characters / PokemonTheSeriesOriginalTrio

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* VitriolicBestBuds: Although they're ultimately close friends, they're far from above taking shots at each other, especially early on.


* VitriolicBestBuds: Although they're ultimately close friends, they're far from Partly because of Ash's pre-character development brashness and partly because of the earlier seasons' [[EarlyInstallmentWeirdness more cynical tone]], the Kanto trio is indisputably the most vitriolic main cast in the entire series. Ash and Misty could insult each other for days on end, Misty would pull on Brock's ear every time he was swooned by a girl, and even Brock wasn't above taking shots at Ash's inexperience. However, they are ultimately close friends with each other, especially early on.other and their bickering starts veering into lighthearted teasing as they travel longer together.

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Removing entries that are redundant with "in general" folders.

* TrueCompanions: As the very first traveling group of the show, they share an unbreakable lifelong bond.


* TrueCompanions: As the very first traveling group of the show, they share an unbreakable lifelong bond. They may tease each other or occasionally snark at the other's expense, but have a strong friendship that shows that they really do care about each other. They're even shown to be close after their initial adventures together, and are always happy to reunite.

* BackForTheFinale: She decides to travel with Ash again on the second part of the ''To Be a Pokémon Master'' mini-series.

* CharacterDevelopment: Misty goes from being a hot headed jerk in the Indigo League to a decent, kind person in later seasons of the show. When she reappears in Sun & Moon, most of her negative traits like her temper are pretty much gone, though she's still a tad snarky to Ash and Brock, and it looks like she'll never truly get above rubbing it into Ash that he got the Cerulean Gym Badge out of pity. Though likely never to admit it, Misty's training and battling were nonetheless influenced by Ash's model of self-sacrifice for his Pokémon and perseverance against stiff odds, the greatest examples being the taming of her Gyarados and the saving of her gym from decertification. [[spoiler:Her relationship with her sisters also seems to have improved. Whereas before, her sisters bullied her into taking over the gym so they can travel, Misty got her sisters to take over the gym so she can travel again in ''To Be a Pokémon Master''.]]


* CharacterDevelopment: Misty goes from being a hot headed jerk in the Indigo League to a decent, kind person in later seasons of the show. When she reappears in Sun & Moon, for guest appearances, most of her negative traits like her temper are pretty much gone, though even if she's still a tad snarky to Ash and Brock, and it looks like she'll never truly get above rubbing it into Ash that he got the Cerulean Gym Badge out of pity.Brock. Though likely never to admit it, Misty's training and battling were nonetheless influenced by Ash's model of self-sacrifice for his Pokémon and perseverance against stiff odds, the greatest examples being the taming of her Gyarados and the saving of her gym from decertification. [[spoiler:Her relationship with her sisters also seems to have improved. Whereas before, her sisters bullied her into taking over the gym so they can travel, Misty got her sisters to take over the gym so she can travel again in ''To Be a Pokémon Master''.]]

* PoorPredictableRock: Being a Water-Type specialist, she becomes victim to this on a few occasions, most notably during her fight with Ash over Totodile. Ash first choice being Pikachu would be devastating for her if Misty had not chosen Togepi as her first Pokémon, an "opponent" Pikachu won't dare to fight. And despite her claim that she would beat Ash's two Grass-Type Pokémon, neither her Staryu nor her Poliwag/[[HeroicSecondWind Poliwhirl]] manage to beat Chikorita and Bulbasaur. [[spoiler:In ''To Be a Pokémon Master'', she does beat Ash's Corphish, but he deliberately refuses to use Pikachu or his Grass-types this time around.]]

* VitriolicBestBuds:
** With Brock. They both may tease each other or occasionally snark at the other's expense, but have a strong friendship that shows that they really do care about each other. They're even shown to be close after their initial adventures together, and are always happy to reunite.
** Likewise, with Ash. She puts him down quite often, and she only tagged along with him partly because he destroyed her bike, but her time traveling with him drew them closer together. Each time they reunite, they're both glad to see each other.

* BackForTheFinale: [[spoiler:He joins Ash and Misty traveling on the third part of the ''Anime/AimToBeAPokemonMaster'' mini-series.]]

* VitriolicBestBuds: With Misty. They both may tease each other or occasionally snark at the other's expense, but have a strong friendship that shows that they really do care about each other. They're even shown to be close after their initial adventures together, and are always happy to reunite.
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Due to their iconic status as the first of Ash's companions, Misty and Brock would frequently return as [[GuestStarPartyMember for guest-starred episodes]] in later series, before eventually returning as Ash's final companions for his last journey in ''Anime/PokemonToBeAPokemonMaster''.


Due to their iconic status as the first of Ash's companions, Misty and Brock would frequently return as [[GuestStarPartyMember for guest-starred episodes]] in later series, before eventually returning as Ash's final companions for his last journey in ''Anime/PokemonToBeAPokemonMaster''.
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Spelling/grammar fix(es), Added example(s)

** Misty's anger towards Ash for destroying her bike is not unjustified, especially since he [[HeroStoleMyBike took it without permission]]. Even though she gradually stops caring about the bike as much over time, Ash rarely has an actual rebuttal whenever the topic is brought up.


** Misty's anger towards Ash for destroying her bike is not entirely unjustified, especially since he [[HeroStoleMyBike took it without permission]]. Even though she gradually stops caring about the bike as much over time, Ash rarely has an actual rebuttal whenever the topic is brought up.

* RightForTheWrongReasons: She was right that Ash had a lot to learn before being considered a great trainer, especially towards the beginning of their journeys together, but one of her criticisms was that most of his Pokémon followed him rather than him catching them which was the norm. She stated this as a negative quality when it is quite the opposite. The fact that Ash earned some of these Pokémon's trust through empathy rather than having to damage and catch them were in fact the earliest signs that he had potential to be an amazing trainer and would later shine as one of Ash's best qualities.


* RightForTheWrongReasons: She Misty was right that Ash had a lot much to learn before being considered becoming a great trainer, especially towards at the beginning of their journeys together, but journey together. However, one of her criticisms was that most of his Pokémon followed him rather than instead of him catching them them, which was the norm. She stated this she expressed as a negative quality when quality. But, in reality, it is was quite the opposite. The fact that Ash earned gained the trust of some of these Pokémon's trust Pokémon through empathy rather than having to damage weaken and catch them were in fact the earliest signs that he had was a sign of his potential to be an amazing trainer and excellent trainer. This quality would later shine as one of Ash's best qualities.best, showing that Misty tended to be [[KnowNothingKnowItAll a bit of a know-it-all]].
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In a world we must defend.'']]


In a world we must defend.'']]
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* SignificantDoubleCasting: In the Creator/FourKidsEntertainment' dub, Misty and Brock are voiced by Creator/RachaelLillis and Creator/EricStuart respectively. They also happened to voice Jessie and James[[note]]Technically, Creator/TedLewis was the original voice of James, only to be replaced by Eric Stuart shortly afterwards, but Ted Lewis would later play Tracey, who was Brock's temporary replacement in the Orange Islands arc.[[/note]] of Team Rocket. In a sense, they are Creator/VeronicaTaylor's greatest friends and foes in the 4Kids era.


* SignificantDoubleCasting: In the Creator/FourKidsEntertainment' Creator/FourKidsEntertainment's dub, Misty and Brock are voiced by Creator/RachaelLillis and Creator/EricStuart respectively. They also happened to voice Jessie and James[[note]]Technically, Creator/TedLewis was the original voice of James, only to be replaced by Eric Stuart shortly afterwards, but Ted Lewis would later play Tracey, who was Brock's temporary replacement in the Orange Islands arc.[[/note]] of Team Rocket. In a sense, they are Creator/VeronicaTaylor's greatest friends and foes in the 4Kids era.
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Composed of Ash Ketchum, a rookie trainer from Pallet Town, and his two Gym Leader friends, Misty and Brock, this trio is what people usually think of when they're asked who are the main protagonists of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeries'', even though Misty would leave the group at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheOriginalSeries'' and Brock would leave Ash at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeriesDiamondAndPearl''.


Composed Comprised of Ash Ketchum, a rookie trainer from Pallet Town, and his two Gym Leader friends, Misty and Brock, this trio is what people usually think of when they're asked who are the main protagonists of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeries'', even though Misty would leave the group at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheOriginalSeries'' and Brock would leave Ash at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeriesDiamondAndPearl''.

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The first trio of friends that started it all.\\\

Composed of Ash Ketchum, a rookie trainer from Pallet Town, and his two Gym Leader friends, Misty and Brock, this trio is what people usually think of when they're asked who are the main protagonists of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeries'', even though Misty would leave the group at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheOriginalSeries'' and Brock would leave Ash at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeriesDiamondAndPearl''.\\\


The first trio of friends that started it all.\\\


Composed of Ash Ketchum, a rookie trainer from Pallet Town, and his two Gym Leader friends, Misty and Brock, this trio is what people usually think of when they're asked who are the main protagonists of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeries'', even though Misty would leave the group at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheOriginalSeries'' and Brock would leave Ash at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeriesDiamondAndPearl''.\\\

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* SignificantDoubleCasting: In the Creator/FourKidsEntertainment' dub, Misty and Brock are voiced by Creator/RachaelLillis and Creator/EricStuart respectively. They also happened to voice Jessie and James[[note]]Technically, Creator/TedLewis was the original voice of James, only to be replaced by Eric Stuart shortly afterwards, but Ted Lewis would later play Tracey, who was Brock's temporary replacement in the Orange Islands arc.[[/note]] of Team Rocket. In a sense, they are Creator/VeronicaTaylor's greatest friends and foes in the 4Kids era.
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Composed of Ash Ketchum, a rookie trainer from Pallet Town, and his two Gym Leader friends, Misty and Brock, this trio is what people usually think of when they're asked who are the main protagonists of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeries'' even though Misty would leave the group at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheOriginalSeries'' and Brock would leave Ash at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeriesDiamondAndPearl''.\\\

Due to their iconic status as the first of Ash's companions, Misty and Brock would frequently return as [[GuestStarPartyMember for guest-starred episodes]], before eventually returning as the original trio for one last adventure before Ash's departure from the series.


Composed of Ash Ketchum, a rookie trainer from Pallet Town, and his two Gym Leader friends, Misty and Brock, this trio is what people usually think of when they're asked who are the main protagonists of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeries'' ''Anime/PokemonTheSeries'', even though Misty would leave the group at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheOriginalSeries'' and Brock would leave Ash at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeriesDiamondAndPearl''.\\\

Due to their iconic status as the first of Ash's companions, Misty and Brock would frequently return as [[GuestStarPartyMember for guest-starred episodes]], episodes]] in later series, before eventually returning as the original trio for one last adventure before Ash's departure from the series.final companions for his last journey in ''Anime/PokemonToBeAPokemonMaster''.

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The first trio of friends that started it all. Composed of Ash Ketchum, a rookie trainer from Pallet Town, and his two Gym Leader friends, Misty and Brock, this trio is what people usually think of when they're asked who are the main protagonists of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeries'' even though Misty would leave the group at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheOriginalSeries'' and Brock would leave Ash at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeriesDiamondAndPearl''.\\


The first trio of friends that started it all. \\\

Composed of Ash Ketchum, a rookie trainer from Pallet Town, and his two Gym Leader friends, Misty and Brock, this trio is what people usually think of when they're asked who are the main protagonists of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeries'' even though Misty would leave the group at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheOriginalSeries'' and Brock would leave Ash at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeriesDiamondAndPearl''.\\

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The first trio of friends that started it all. Composed of Ash Ketchum, a rookie trainer from Pallet Town, and his two Gym Leader friends, Misty and Brock, this trio is what people usually think of when they're asked who are the main protagonists of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeries'' even though Misty would leave the group at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheOriginalSeries'' and Brock would leave Ash at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeriesDiamondAndPearl''. Due to their iconic status as the first of Ash's companions, Misty and Brock would frequently return as [[GuestStarPartyMember for guest-starred episodes]], before eventually returning as the original trio for one last adventure before Ash's departure from the series.


The first trio of friends that started it all. Composed of Ash Ketchum, a rookie trainer from Pallet Town, and his two Gym Leader friends, Misty and Brock, this trio is what people usually think of when they're asked who are the main protagonists of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeries'' even though Misty would leave the group at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheOriginalSeries'' and Brock would leave Ash at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeriesDiamondAndPearl''. \\

Due to their iconic status as the first of Ash's companions, Misty and Brock would frequently return as [[GuestStarPartyMember for guest-starred episodes]], before eventually returning as the original trio for one last adventure before Ash's departure from the series.

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[[caption-width-right:1000:''Oh, you're my best friend\\
In a world we must defend.'']]

The first trio of friends that started it all. Composed of Ash Ketchum, a rookie trainer from Pallet Town, and his two Gym Leader friends, Misty and Brock, this trio is what people usually think of when they're asked who are the main protagonists of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeries'' even though Misty would leave the group at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheOriginalSeries'' and Brock would leave Ash at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeriesDiamondAndPearl''. Due to their iconic status as the first of Ash's companions, Misty and Brock would frequently return as [[GuestStarPartyMember for guest-starred episodes]], before eventually returning as the original trio for one last adventure before Ash's departure from the series.

* BackForTheFinale: Misty and Brock return to join Ash for his last adventure before he's retired as the main protagonist.

* TwoGuysAndAGirl: One of the anime's most classic, with Ash and Brock being the guys and Misty being the girl.


* TwoGuysAndAGirl: One of the anime's most classic, classics, with Ash and Brock being the guys and Misty being the girl.
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* TwoGuysAndAGirl: One of the anime's most classic, with Ash and Brock being the guys and Misty being the girl.
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[-'''Series-wide:''' [[Characters.PokemonTheSeriesOriginalTrio Original Trio]] ([[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesAshKetchum Ash Ketchum]], [[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesPikachu Pikachu]]) | [[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesTeamRocketOrganization Team Rocket Organization]] ([[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesTeamRocketTrio Team Rocket Trio]]) | [[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesSupportingCast Supporting Cast]]\\


[-'''Series-wide:''' [[Characters.PokemonTheSeriesOriginalTrio Original Trio]] '''Original Trio''' ([[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesAshKetchum Ash Ketchum]], [[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesPikachu Pikachu]]) | [[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesTeamRocketOrganization Team Rocket Organization]] ([[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesTeamRocketTrio Team Rocket Trio]]) | [[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesSupportingCast Supporting Cast]]\\
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Cleanup, replacing Misty/Brock with the original trio page.

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[[center:[[WMG:''Anime/PokemonTheSeries'' [[Characters/PokemonTheSeries characters index]]\\
[-'''Series-wide:''' [[Characters.PokemonTheSeriesOriginalTrio Original Trio]] ([[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesAshKetchum Ash Ketchum]], [[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesPikachu Pikachu]]) | [[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesTeamRocketOrganization Team Rocket Organization]] ([[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesTeamRocketTrio Team Rocket Trio]]) | [[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesSupportingCast Supporting Cast]]\\
[[Characters/PokemonTheOriginalSeries Original Series]] ([[Characters/PokemonTheOriginalSeriesMainCast Main Cast]]) | [[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesRubyAndSapphire Ruby and Sapphire]] ([[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesRubyAndSapphireMainCast Main Cast]]) | [[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesDiamondAndPearl Diamond and Pearl]] ([[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesDiamondAndPearlMainCast Main Cast]], [[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesPaul Paul]]) | [[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesBlackAndWhite Black & White]] ([[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesBlackAndWhiteMainCast Main Cast]]) | [[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesXY XY]] ([[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesXYMainCast Main Cast]]) | [[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesSunAndMoon Sun & Moon]] ([[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesSunAndMoonMainCast Main Cast]]) | [[Characters/PokemonJourneysTheSeries Journeys]] ([[Characters/PokemonJourneysTheSeriesMainCast Main Cast]])\\
'''Others:''' [[Characters/PokemonMovies Movie characters]]-]]]]]


!Original Trio
[[folder:In General]]
* {{Bookends}}: Ash's first journey as the main protagonist featured Brock and Misty as his companions. His last journey as the main protagonist features the same group.
* NiceMeanAndInbetween: Their main group dynamic. Brock is Nice (the levelheaded voice of reason to his younger, rasher companions), Misty is Mean (a hotheaded {{Tsundere}} prone to lashing out), and Ash is In-Between (a stubborn IdiotHero with a strong sense of pride).
* TrueCompanions: As the very first traveling group of the show, they share an unbreakable lifelong bond.
* VitriolicBestBuds: Although they're ultimately close friends, they're far from above taking shots at each other, especially early on.

[[folder:Ash Ketchum (Satoshi)]]
See [[Characters/PokemonTheSeriesAshKetchum here]] for more info.

[[folder:Misty (Kasumi)]]
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[[caption-width-right:200:With Togepi.]]
->'''Voiced in Japanese by:''' Creator/MayumiIizuka
->'''Voiced in English by:''' Creator/RachaelLillis (4Kids), Creator/MicheleKnotz (current)
->'''Voiced in Latin American Spanish by:''' Creator/XochitlUgarte
->'''Voiced in European Spanish by:''' Miriam Valencia (OG Series to BW Series), Sandra Villa (Sun & Moon Series onwards), Pilar Aguado (Movie ''Pokemon 3'' and special ''Mewtwo Returns'')
->'''Voiced in European French by:''' Fanny Roy, Anouck Hautbois (Movie ''Pokémon 4Ever''), Nancy Philippot (Episode 19 from Season 16)
->'''Voiced in Canadian French by:''' Creator/KimJalabert (Movies 1-5, ''Mewtwo Returns'')
->'''Voiced in Italian by:''' Creator/AlessandraKarpoff (original dub, ''S&M''-onwards), Creator/BenedettaPonticelli (redub until ''Best Wishes'' flashbacks)

The youngest of four sisters, she hasn't been blessed with her sisters' looks or charisma (at least, in the opinion of her sisters). However, she got a passion for battling and being snarky. Originally rather temperamental with a crush on Ash that she covered with strong {{Tsundere}} tendencies; after acquiring Togepi - an infant Pokémon requiring a great deal of care - she calmed down considerably. At the end of Johto, she became her city's Gym Leader, but she has still occasionally reunited with Ash since then. An aspiring Water Master.
* ActionGirl: Played with. The creators state that Misty was intended to look fairly inexperienced, [[KnowNothingKnowItAll despite her bluster]]. In the show itself, however, while she is often more of a novice than she'll admit, she is usually reasonably capable.
* AdaptationalDumbass: {{Downplayed|Trope}}. Misty is by no means an idiot, but she's far less experienced than her game counterpart, and far more prone to making mistakes when she's first introduced.
* AdaptationalEarlyAppearance: In the games, the player doesn't see her until he gets to Cerulean City. Here, Ash meets her in the first episode shortly after leaving Pallet Town.
* AdaptationExpansion: She's already an established Gym Leader by the time you meet her in the original games. The anime introduces her long before she becomes a Leader, and shows her slow but steady progression into the master trainer she is in the games.
* AdaptationalJerkass: While her game counterpart is a NiceGirl in what few moments the player interacts with her in, she's much more short-tempered and prone to yelling at (if not outright inflicting pain on) Ash or Brock when either of them act immature. She downplays this more than the other cases of this, as she's a {{tsundere}} with a temper (though she calms down once Togepi enters the picture), and eventually mellows out altogether.
* AdaptationPersonalityChange: In the games, she was not a {{tsundere}}, or as feisty. Sequels released after the anime sometimes make nods to her temperament, however.
* AdaptationalSympathy: Instead of being just one of many obstacles a player faces, she's struggling to escape the shadow of her sisters and become a water-type master. That and she's also deathly afraid of bug types.
* AdaptationalWimp: Initially, Misty was not a gym leader proper, and while not incompetent per se, was prone to arrogance and making errors in battle. By the end of Johto she has matured enough to take role in Cerulean Gym, to the point that she is arguably an AdaptationalBadass by the time of her return in ''Sun and Moon'', where she has even gained the use of Mega Evolution.
* AllOfTheOtherReindeer: Misty's sisters ostracized her from being the Gym leader and only made her one to see how she'd screw up.
* [[AmbiguouslyAbsentParent Ambiguously Absent Parents]]: Her parents are never mentioned in the anime, making her the only one of the original trio with no explanation as to what happened to them. The only reference to them is in the light novel ''Literature/PocketMonstersTheAnimation'' which implies they abandoned her and her sisters similarly to Brock. Its canonicity however is disputable.
* AscendedExtra: She goes from having little plot relevance besides being a gym leader in the games to being a protagonist in the anime.
* TheBabyOfTheBunch: She's the youngest of the Cerulean Sisters--and also the easiest of the four to pick on amongst them.
* BadassAdorable: A cute preteen girl who is also a competent trainer and becomes an equally competent gym leader later on.
* BackForTheFinale: She decides to travel with Ash again on the second part of the ''To Be a Pokémon Master'' mini-series.
* BareMidriffsAreFeminine: She's the only girl in the main trio, and wears a midriff-baring top, with a good chunk of her other outfits (notably her swimsuits and her mermaid costume) following suit. She ditches it in Gen 3 for a more modest outfit, but by the time of her Gen 7 appearance, she's gone back to it.
* BathtubBonding: Shared a hot spring with Ash and Brock, all in appropriate bathing wear in "Dig Those Diglett".
* BatmanGambit:
** Before her gym battle with Ash, she coddles Pikachu, the only one of his Pokémon that could sweep her team without issue. When the match starts, Pikachu refuses to fight her, giving her a major advantage until Team Rocket interrupts the match. He would drop this later when they had another match in ''Sun and Moon'', which he wins in spite of her Mega-Evolving her Gyarados.
** She pulls one off in "The Totodile Duel" when she and Ash get into an argument over who caught the titular Pokémon. While Ash selects Pikachu to sweep the first match she picks...Togepi, who's like a little sibling to Pikachu that he wouldn't dare hurt. It does fail her later, as Ash's Bulbasaur and Chikorita have no qualms about holding back against her other water types.
* BelligerentSexualTension: A G-rated version with Ash. The two of them argue like no-one's business and she's not above snarking at him during his sillier moments, but [[ShipTease several points]] throughout their travels together make it clear she cares deeply for him.
* BerserkButton:
** During the original series, it is best not to compare her to [[HairTriggerTemper Gyarados]] at all (which is ironic considering that she's fine being compared to a Tentacruel). In "Fortune Hunters", when she reads that her fortune Pokémon is a Gyarados, [[IResembleThatRemark she flies into a complete rage]], demanding that Ash and Brock not agree with it, blasting Team Rocket off without fanfare, and eventually storming into the Daycare Center to punish Butch and Cassidy (the authors of the fortune book) with freeing the Pokémon to be a secondary concern. However, after getting a Gyarados on her team, she mellows out from it.
** She's especially sensitive about her looks and being belittled in comparison to her sisters, and has blown her top at and sometimes punched Ash for doing so. [[spoiler:Cilan almost catches Misty's hands after repeating what he had heard about her being "the spare" of the Sensational Sisters in [=MPM03=].]]
* BestHerToBedHer: Inverted and G-rated for family audiences. After rejecting Georgio's initial advance in ''Pokemon Chronicles'', he challenges her to a Pokémon battle with the condition that if she loses, she has to go on a date with him. Misty agrees, but mainly because as a gym leader, she must accept all challengers.
* BettyAndVeronica: In the Orange Islands episode where the trio meet Rudy, Misty is Archie, Ash is Betty and Rudy is Veronica when Rudy tries to flirt with Misty and Ash gets jealous.
* BetweenMyLegs: In the episode "Forest Grumps", her legs are used as framing during her stand-off with James and Meowth.
* BewareTheNiceOnes: As much of a NiceGirl as she is in later seasons, it doesn't mean she's any less capable of kicking your ass and then some.
* BigEater: As seen in "The Breeding Center Secret", she can stomach down a meal almost as much as Ash can, though his appetite is far more voracious than hers on most occasions.
* BirdsOfAFeather:
** Despite their usual conflict, she and Ash are more alike than they want to admit. Throughout their journeys together, they can sometimes be found with the same facial expression and body language in reaction to various situations. [[spoiler:''To Be a Pokémon Master'' dials this up a lot by having her and Ash mirror each other in almost every episode.]]
** She is good friends with Sakura, who is also the youngest in an all-girl family (in the latter's case, her sisters are the Kimono Girls).
** Similarly, during ''Advanced Generation'', she manages to find common ground with Max over their respective relationships with their older sisters.
** Again in ''Sun and Moon'', she and Lana quickly become friends over their mutual love for Water-types to the point of becoming pen pals.
* BlondeBrunetteRedhead: She's the redhead to Violet's Brunette and Daisy's Blonde.
* BoyishShortHair: She is a tomboy and has short hair that's combined with TomboyishPonytail.
* BreakTheCutie: When she's forced to retake the gym position from her sisters and stop traveling with Ash, she reluctantly accepts that this is the end of the road for her travels...and then Ash [[InnocentlyInsensitive congratulates her on getting her bike fixed]]. She runs off crying, convinced Ash doesn't care enough about her to see her go. Luckily, Ash is quick to step up to the plate to help her, and she's able to part ways with him, pleased at knowing how he feels about her.
* BrickJoke: The series starts with Pikachu frying her bike (albeit on accident). She gets her bike back at the end of the Johto series.
* TheBusCameBack: As noted, Misty became Gym Leader after the end of Johto. She made a few appearances in ''Advanced Generation'', before remaining absent in all subsequent series... until ''Sun and Moon'', where she returns again for a few episodes. [[spoiler:Misty once again rejoins Ash as a traveling companion in the final season of Ash's journey, ''To Be a Pokémon Master''.]]
* ButtMonkey: She's sometimes made the butt of the joke by Ash and co. in earlier episodes, and [[DamselInDistress gets into more perils]] than the rest of the crew (once, she was {{brainwashed}} into thinking she was a Seel). Also that her sisters [[TheRuntAtTheEnd look down on her]]. Doesn't help that she's stuck with [[TheDitz Psyduck]], which gives her a lot of the trouble until the Alola Reunion.
* TheCameo: [[spoiler:In [=JN132=], she's in her pool watching Ash's victory against Leon, alongside Psyduck and Gyarados.]]
* CallBack: [[spoiler:Misty's return episode in ''To Be a Pokémon Master'' is chock-full of call-backs to her run in the original series, from ""The Totodile Duel" and "Who Gets To Keep Togepi?" where she and Ash battle to keep those respective Pokémon, and "Ash Catches a Pokémon" where she follows Ash in the woods and comes up with a weak justification to tag along with him.]]
* CannotSpitItOut: When confronted with her feelings for Ash, her response is often vocal denial, or in more earnest moments, a pained [[LongingLook look]] away. Subverted once when she had to return home and only had Togepi to confess to how heartbroken she was that Ash didn't seem to care she was leaving.
* CastIncest: InUniverse, but in "The Misty Mermaid", she was to play "The Magical Mermaid" to one of her sisters as the handsome Prince...[[SubvertedTrope or she would have]] had Team Rocket not attacked the gym yet again.
* CharacterCatchphrase: In the original Japanese, she says "Go, [[GratuitousEnglish my steady!]]" whenever she summons a Pokémon. Except maybe Psyduck. She starts using this catchphrase in the English dub for her return in ''Sun and Moon''.
* CharacterDevelopment: Misty goes from being a hot headed jerk in the Indigo League to a decent, kind person in later seasons of the show. When she reappears in Sun & Moon, most of her negative traits like her temper are pretty much gone, though she's still a tad snarky to Ash and Brock, and it looks like she'll never truly get above rubbing it into Ash that he got the Cerulean Gym Badge out of pity. Though likely never to admit it, Misty's training and battling were nonetheless influenced by Ash's model of self-sacrifice for his Pokémon and perseverance against stiff odds, the greatest examples being the taming of her Gyarados and the saving of her gym from decertification. [[spoiler:Her relationship with her sisters also seems to have improved. Whereas before, her sisters bullied her into taking over the gym so they can travel, Misty got her sisters to take over the gym so she can travel again in ''To Be a Pokémon Master''.]]
* CharacterizationMarchesOn:
** In "Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village", she teased Brock about his obvious crush on Melanie, rather than annoyingly dragging him away during his overly flirtatious moments.
** In "Bye Bye Butterfree", she (very briefly) takes Brock's going lovesick in stride and treats it as a joke, instead of using the EarAche RunningGag she'd later perfect.
* TheChewToy: She is not free from any physical humor; "Primeape Goes Bananas" features her getting her face kicked to the ground by an angry Mankey, and "Pokémon Fashion Flash" has her getting [[AshFace barbequed by Vulpix's Flamethrower]] not once, but ''twice''. The latter episode [[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking also had her]] getting [[CosmeticCatastrophe a silly makeover]] at which Ash laughed himself sick upon seeing it. [[spoiler:''To Be a Pokémon Master'' continues this trend with her getting blasted repeatedly with Water Gun by a Clauncher she was trying to catch in [=MPM02=] and getting zapped by Pikachu as collateral damage in [=MPM05=].]] ButtMonkey indeed.
* ChildrenAreInnocent: Doubly subverted and played for laughs. In a bout of [[EarlyInstallmentWeirdness early installment weirdness]], she and her friends witness some risqué antics in "Holy Matrimony", namely the infamous "gym" scene where [[{{Dominatrix}} Jessiebelle]] chases James with a whip. Brock and Misty seem horrifyingly aware of [[KinkyRolePlaying what's going on]] and blush uncomfortably. While Ash too is shocked, he is absolutely clueless to the adult nature of what's unfolding.
* ClingyJealousGirl: She often became annoyed when any other girl would flirt with or show interest in Ash, particularly in the second movie with Melody or in later Johto with Macey. [[spoiler:In her return in [=MPM02=], she looks peeved seeing Cilan's lure at the end of Ash's fishing line instead of the Misty Special she gave him and even calls him out over it.]]
* CommonalityConnection: Her and Ash share a mutual love for Pokemon and battling despite their differences in background and their tendency to drive each other up the wall over other things. She also instantly bonds with anyone who shares her status as a youngest sibling like Max and Sakura.
* CordonBleughChef: The [[{{Watsonian}} best way]] to describe how her stew in the Johto episode "Sick Daze" came out. She confused her ingredients and didn't just dump the mixture cutting her losses, and, as a result, the stew was so bad that not even ''[[BigEater Ash]]'' could eat it. [[OnlyOneFindsItFun Hilariously Jessie enjoyed it immensely.]] She's not actually bad at cooking, mind--earlier in the series, she A: created medicine from Salveyo Weed for Ash, Tracey, and Jessie's Stun Spore sickness[[note]]which, if she were a true LethalChef, the "medicine" would have turned out to be ''poison''[[/note]], and B: was hinted to have done the cooking in Episodes 3 and 4[[note]]when they arrived in Pewter City, Ash commented that it's been two weeks since he started his journey, indicating that they spent at least 13 days in Viridian Forest, and given how Ash handled his first day, it's unlikely he would have been the one who cooked[[/note]].
* CrazyPrepared: She pulled a variety of things from hyperspace as situations called for in the original series. In her return appearance in ''Sun/Moon'', it's revealed Misty wears a bikini underneath her casual clothes should the need come to swim, noting that Lana had the right idea when she dumps her clothes and dives into a lake with her swimsuit.
* DamselInDistress:
** What she's made to look like by Meowth in episode 12. However, if you watch past the point where Ash returns with the Super Potion, she reveals that the Squirtle Squad wasn't really going to kill her (in the Japanese version) or turn her into a purplenette ([[NeverSayDie in the English version]]). Ironically, Misty actually volunteered to get the super potion in the former upon learning this demand.
** Played straight in episodes such as "Pokémon Fashion Flash" and "Just Add Water". Both cases also come with a bit of BoundAndGagged.
* ADayInTheLimelight: Misty had a fair number of episodes focused on her in the original series, notably "Princess vs. Princess", "The Misty Mermaid", "The Stun Spore Detour", and "Misty Meets Her Match".
* DeadpanSnarker: She often snarks at Ash in his sillier moments. In "The School of Hard Knocks", Ash asks why Misty can't outright treat him nicely, to which she responds that he still owes her a bike.
* DefrostingIceQueen: In early episodes, she was cold and pompous towards Ash ([[JerkassHasAPoint though not always without reason, given his immaturity and the fact he destroyed her bike)]]. Her bug phobia also made her an outright bully towards Caterpie. After they started proving their worth, she softened and accepted them, even if her temper remained for a while. She's also a lot more accepting of Psyduck by the time of the Alola Reunion episode.
* DemonHead: She sometimes does this when she gets mad at Ash.
* DoesNotLikeSpam: During her rant about bug Pokémon, she mentions that she hates carrots and peppers. Ash immediately retorts that he likes bugs, carrots, ''and'' peppers.
* DoubleStandardAbuseFemaleOnMale: Downplayed compared to standard anime, but she has inflicted slapstick pain onto Ash and Brock several times. Brock was able to get away with punching ''her'' on the head twice during Bulbasaur's introduction episode.
* DubPersonalityChange: The 4Kids-era English dub episodes downplay some of her AdaptationalJerkass by toning down her narcissism compared to the Japanese version, though she remains more arrogant and hotheaded at times. She also doesn't call her Pokémon "beauties" or "steadies" (at least not until ''Sun and Moon'', which by then had changed dubbing agencies).
* DubText: In the banned beach episode. During her strut down the catwalk, Kasumi originally prided herself on all the attention, while in the dub, Misty went on a small under-her-breath rant about how the whole affair was degrading and ridiculous. Thing is, Misty's still the one who suggested the beauty contest in the first place, which makes the whole rant seem a strange attempt to rationalize her participation.
* DudeMagnet: Misty gets harsh comments about her appearance, particularly from her sisters. Despite this, she does attract a few guys and they even flirt with her. The guys are: Rudy (from the Orange Islands), Tad (from Charizard Chills), and Georgio from Chronicles. Even a Hoot-Hoot took a liking to her (the old lady told Misty it liked pretty girls), and every once in a while, even Ash would take notice (though neither of them acted on anything).
* EarAche: She perfected this gag on Brock whenever he started flirting with whatever woman the group happened to come upon, yanking him away to his chagrin. Max took over that gag during ''Advanced Generation'' before Croagunk turned it into an AssShove by the time of ''Diamond and Pearl'', though Misty pulled the old joke back out again when they reunited for the first time during ''Sun and Moon''. In ''To Be a Pokémon Master'', she does this alongside Croagunk's AssShove.
* EarlyBirdCameo: Misty appeared in the first episode -- and became a main character -- long before the group got to the Cascade Gym, where she would otherwise be introduced as its Gym Leader in other adaptations.
* EstablishingCharacterMoment: She's introduced in the first episode fishing by a river, connecting her character with water. After fishing Ash and Pikachu out, she slaps Ash hard across the face [[note]]this was removed in the English dub[[/note]] believing he hurt Pikachu, simultaneously revealing her hot-headedness and compassion.
* EveryoneCanSeeIt: Particularly during the Orange Islands arc, Team Rocket, Tracey, as well as multiple characters of the day, noted the [[BelligerentSexualTension romantic undertones]] of Misty and Ash's bickering.
* EvilLaugh: She give off one as her Staryu is thrashing Ash's Butterfree during their first battle. Made all the more dramatic by the tidal wave crashing behind her.
* FatalFlaw: Misty's temper is her weakness. Despite being more mature than Ash and having experience as a Gym Leader, she could be just as stubborn, immature, and hotheaded as him if something triggers her, (and it [[BerserkButton doesn't take much to set her off]]). However, after being PromotedToParent to care for a newly-hatched Togepi, [[TookALevelInKindness she starts to become kinder to Ash and others]], [[CharacterDevelopment which helps her grow as a person]]. [[TookALevelInBadass Moreover, she also hones her skills as a Gym Leader and becomes stronger over time.]]
* FateDrivesUsTogether: [[spoiler:Invoked by Misty and played for laughs in her return in ''To Be a Pokémon Master''. She recounts to Ash how she met the Clauncher she'd been pursuing for days and gushes over it like a schoolgirl, leaving Ash and Pikachu looking unimpressed. The [[{{Subtext}} subtext]] however is obvious; her story about how she met Clauncher and their encounters is a parallel to her history with Ash.]]
* TheFettered: Zigzagged. Misty is forced by her sisters to leave Ash and take over Cerulean Gym. Unlike her sisters, she has a strong sense of duty and responsibility to the family gym and its Pokémon. However, very much like her sisters, Misty will sometimes ditch the gym to pursue more personal interests, like reuniting with Ash when the opportunity arises.
* FieryRedhead: In her early appearances, she's fiery, fearless, and an expert battler. Even her ponytail resembles flame. [[{{Irony}} Ironically]], [[WaterIsWomanly she specializes in Water-type Pokémon.]]
* FirstFriend: From her perspective, Ash is the first friend she makes after leaving Cerulean Gym. It's debatable whether the reverse is true given Gary and Serena's retcons in the anime.
* FloralThemeNaming: Sakura (cherry blossom), Ayame (iris), Botan (peony), Kasumi (baby's breath ''or'' mist). The English version keeps the joke by naming the three older girls Daisy, Violet and Lily, but chose to go for preserving the pun on Misty's favorite type over the theme name. [[OddNameOut It does, however, retain how she's the odd one out]].
* FoolishSiblingResponsibleSibling:
** Misty is the responsible sibling with regards to taking care of and managing the gym better than all three of her sisters. Daisy has gotten a bit better about it, but Misty is never away from the gym too long before her sisters need her to come back. Her greater proficiency as a Gym Leader is best shown as when the gang returns to Cerulean Gym in ''Sun and Moon'', the Gym is shown to have been ''massively'' remodeled into a large and modern facility.
** On the other hand, Daisy and Violet at least seem more mature than Lily and Misty, due to age.
* {{Forgiveness}}: After her bike got destroyed accidentally by Ash's Pikachu Thundershock attacked when his Trainer borrowed it to save his life, Misty followed Ash until he payed her back for her bike. However, due to being with Ash for so long and come to see him as a friend, Misty had not only come to understand that her bike getting destroyed wasn't on purpose but also forgives him.
* FourTemperamentEnsemble: The Choleric: She's a very skilled and kindhearted water-type trainer who's more mature than Ash (and sometimes Brock when he's not going gaga for a girl), but she's very stubborn and often puts Ash down for his own immaturity when she herself can act as bad as he can.
* FreudianExcuse: For a long time, she had a fear of Gyarados because she was nearly swallowed by one as a toddler. She got over it--and got a badass Gyarados of her own.
* FreudianTrio: She's the Superego (being the far more rational of the original group) to Brock's Ego (being much more experienced, but prone to lapses in judgement around pretty girls) and Ash's Id (being far more fiery and passionate in his goals ToBeAMaster). At times, she could be just as much of The Id as Ash whenever water Pokémon were involved.
* FriendlessBackground: It doesn't appear she had any friends before she ran away from Cerulean Gym. Her absent parents and not-so-friendly sisters likely made it very difficult for her to establish trust and form friendships with others.
* FriendlyRivalry: With Ash when competing for a prize or ownership of a Pokémon they both want.
* FriendshipTrinket: She's in the habit of gift-giving to people she's become close to. Ash is gifted a handkerchief when they first parted ways, and a custom lure she gave to Professor Oak to give to him. Lana also received one of Misty's lures when she visited Alola in ''Sun and Moon.''
* FromNobodyToNightmare: She started her journey as a competent but inexperienced battler who had much to learn before being good enough to take over her family's gym. By the end of the series, she is one of the most formidable gym leaders in Kanto with enough skill to keep up with World Champion Ash.
* FullyAbsorbedFinale: The Mirage Kingdom two-parter in ''Advanced Challenge'' serves as one for her character arc with Togepi, who evolves and departs afterward, though Misty herself has made a couple of returns since then.
* TheGloriousWarOfSisterlyRivalry: With her three sisters. Things seem a touch better of late, at least with eldest sister Daisy.
* GoneHorriblyRight: Little did she know that in helping Jigglypuff restore its sleep-inducing voice that she'd set up a series-long running gag that would help or hinder Ash and friends long after her departure.
* GreenEyedEpiphany: She is visibly jealous of another girl getting close to Ash for the first time in the second Pokémon movie. The movie's subplot revolved around Misty reconciling her conflicted feelings for him.
* GuestStarPartyMember: Thrice during ''Advanced'', as well as during a two-part arc in ''Sun & Moon''.
* HairTriggerTemper: She'll fly off the handle at what feels like the drop of a hat. According to the Fortune Telling book in the episode "The Fortune Hunters", she's listed as a Gyarados type, a Water-type Pokémon infamous for having a ferocious temperament.
* HasAType: If Ash and Psyduck are indicators, Misty has a soft spot for idiots with hidden talents.
* TheHeart: Of the "Original Series" cast, she spends much of her time trying to get Ash to focus on his training or keeping Brock with flirting with every girl he sees, she tends to be the most mature of the three (though she has her moments), and she's a NiceGirl with a short temper that eventually mellows out.
* HeroStoleMyBike: In the first episode, Ash stole Misty's bike while running away from a flock of Spearow, culminating in the series' most famous RunningGag (May and Dawn would wind up getting their bikes fried as well, while Iris, Serena, and the Alola girls avoided this). She got angry when she learned that Ash destroyed it and cited it as a reason why she decided to travel with Ash.
* HerOwnWorstEnemy: Misty's tendency to be hot-headed, particularly towards Ash (although sometimes justified), her hypocritical behavior, and her tendency to act like a "know-it-all" all contribute to her own struggles in achieving her goal of becoming a Water Pokémon Master. Additionally, her antagonistic and counterproductive behavior towards Ash while trying to coach him or be his friend often leads to arguments and causes him to push her away, hindering both of their progress. She begins to improve as a friend, coach, and aspiring Water Pokémon Master after she adopts Ash's traits of perseverance, determination, and willingness to learn from mistakes in the face of adversity.
* HeroOfAnotherStory: She gets her own mini-arc in ''Pokemon Chronicles'' after she leaves the main cast where her story mainly focuses on defending her gym from threats like the Invincible Pokémon Brothers and Team Rocket's Butch and Cassidy. Off-screen between her guest appearances in the main anime, her gym grows in stature, she learns Mega Evolution, and even trains Psyduck into a decent battler. [[spoiler:Her skill has also kept up so much that she can even stand toe-to-toe with World Champion Ash, at least in the realm of Water Pokémon battling.]]
* HiddenHeartOfGold: From the beginning when Misty started travelling with Ash, there were obvious hints it had to do with more than her fried bike. By the time her bike is repaired and returned to her by a Nurse Joy, she'd completely forgotten about it and was upset at the idea of leaving Ash and returning home.
* HoldingHands: With Ash when pulling each other from danger, or occasionally as a bit of ship tease like in "The Tower of Terror" where they held hands in the fog to not lose each other but forgot to include Brock.
* HonoraryPrincess: Becomes this for day after winning the Princess Festival contest.
* HyperspaceMallet: Pulled one out in "Ash Catches a Pokémon". Though it was the only time she conjured a wooden mallet from [[{{hammerspace}} nowhere]] in the original series, she's often associated with it by fans.
* HypocriteHasAPoint: Misty proved that she could be just as bad as Ash with training Psyduck or Togepi, but she wasn't wrong about his laziness and scooting by on dumb luck costing him the Indigo League.
* {{Hypocrite}}:
** She lambasted Ash regularly for his poor training, despite Starmie Psyduck being just as poor under her handling. Dumb luck is usually relied on when it comes to Psyduck and her Starmie, which is supposed to be her ace, is never seen winning any battles on screen (this is slightly justified in Ash wanting to become a Pokémon Master, which requires a lot more work and skill than Misty being a Water Type specialist).
** She is equally bad at taking her level of criticism back, despite her being so keen on criticizing Ash. The first time Ash called her out on this in the latter's case, she threatened him quiet in frustration. Similar to Ash, this trait ''mostly'' toned down as episodes passed, even if she retained a lot more of a similar cockiness than she'd like to admit.
* HypocriticalHeartwarming: Misty may be a jerk to Ash, but that doesn't mean she will be okay with others being jerks to him.
* IconicOutfit: Her ShortTank outfit, and her mermaid outfit to a lesser extent. The former's been her consistent outfit (with the exception of Generation III), while the latter's proven popular enough that ''Pokémon Chronicles'' brought it back for a few episodes.
* ImpliedLoveInterest: To Ash back in the first few seasons, particularly during the Orange Islands arc which featured the greatest number of episodes with ShipTease between the two of them. Most notably, when Rudy started flirting with Misty, ''Ash'', [[ChasteHero of all people]], got jealous and sicced his Charizard at Misty's would-be-suitor.
* InferioritySuperiorityComplex: To an extent. She's more open about her inferiority complex than most examples in that she will (albeit rarely) talk about her experiences as the youngest of her sisters, but other than that her quick-tempered nature and violent tendencies from early on were likely due to living in their shadows. Funnily enough, Misty is the only one of them who has any real passion for training Pokémon while her sisters are more obsessed with their fame as water ballet performers.
* InformedAttribute: Her character description depicts her as being a {{Tomboy}}. However, most of Misty's interests and hobbies generally fall into the typical feminine category like obsessing over fashion, romance, and cute Pokémon. In fact, the main reason she likes Water-Type Pokémon is because of their cute appearance and not much else. She also has a fear of insects, which is generally a trait that is used for most female characters. [[JustifiedTrope This might be because the region Misty is from is based on Japan, a country where there's a strong emphasis on femininity in women.]] Being ''too'' much of a tomboy is generally frowned upon.
* InformedDeformity: A few characters like to comment on how unattractive Misty is. If you look at Misty, she looks just like any other female when SheCleansUpNicely.
* InsultBackfire:
** In the English dub of [=EP002=], when Jessie dares to make a smart remark in response to her challenging the [=TRio=]:
--->'''Jessie''': That's pretty big talk coming from such a little lady.\\
'''Misty''': At least you're right about the "pretty" part. Thanks for the compliment!
** In a later episode, a character of the week attempted to insult Misty by claiming that she was as beautiful as a Tentacruel. Out of all Water-type Pokémon, Tentacruel just so happens to be one of Misty's favorites.
* IronicFear:
** In the original series, she loves all Water-type Pokémon, no matter how ugly or scary they may look to other people. All except Water/Flying-type Gyarados, whom she has deep fear and loathing towards almost on par with her fear of bugs. It's {{justified|trope}} as it's later revealed that Misty was nearly eaten by a sleeping Gyarados when she was barely a toddler. However, she later manages to get over her fear of Gyarados in ''Pokémon Chronicles'' and soon loves her Gyarados just as much if not more so than her other Water-type Pokémon.
** In ''To Be a Pokémon Master'' mini-series, Cilan asks Misty how would she react to Water/Bug-type like Dewpider given her absolute love of Water-types and yet her extreme fear of Bug-types. While Misty doesn't exactly answers his question, her expression makes it clear she's not looking forward to meeting this paradoxical combination.
* JerkassHasAPoint:
** Misty's anger towards Ash for destroying her bike is not unjustified, especially since he [[HeroStoleMyBike took it without permission]]. Even though she gradually stops caring about the bike as much over time, Ash rarely has an actual rebuttal whenever the topic is brought up.
** When she and Ash get into an argument when the latter is moping about his loss at the Indigo League, Misty points out in the English dub that Ash was lucky to have even made it as far in the Indigo League as he did with the way he was training. Even though he wasn't completely unjustified in feeling upset given the circumstances[[note]]Team Rocket wore him down and left him extremely unprepared for his match[[/note]], Ash ultimately acknowledges that he was being immature after a talk with Ritchie and seeing how Ritchie was coping much better with his own elimination.
* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: At the start of the series at least, she was rather condescending toward Ash despite the fact he was just starting out, though also still very caring. She got better as the series went on however. She becomes a flat out NiceGirl when she reappeared in Sun and Moon.
* KarmicInjury: At least once Misty gained an affinity of her own, leading Brock to use her own ear pulling gag on ''her''.
* KickedUpstairs: After Johto, she has effectively become a Gym Leader due to her sisters being out of town on ballet tour for three months, and it is heavily implied that she has to lose to rookies quite a bit in order to be this in a manner that is very similar to Team Rocket.
* KidsHateVegetables: Her three least favorite things in the world are carrots, peppers, and bugs.
* TheKirk: Of the Original Series Trio, she's the most balanced between Ash's TheMcCoy and Brock's TheSpock, being just as passionate (and often just as temperamental) as the former, while having the wisdom and experience to try and tamp down Ash's rashness like the latter.
* KnowNothingKnowItAll: {{Zig Zagged}}. She's not incapable in the slightest, and she can throw down with the best of them as a Gym Leader, but the series presents her as being far more haughty about her actual skill level than she claims. For starters, she has to coddle Pikachu to get it to not battle her during her and Ash's Gym Match (as it could sweep her whole team), she couldn't get Psyduck or Togepi to do what she asked, her Starmie was often subject to TheWorfEffect in spite of being her strongest Pokémon, and her temperament frequently got the better of her. That said, she was leagues more experienced, and far less haughty, than Ash started out as, so she had a bit easier a journey than he did when he first started out. Later series dropped this and showed she was just as capable, if not more so, than she claimed.
* LampshadeHanging: [[spoiler: Does this quite openly at the end of [=MPM07=] after Team Twerp and Team Rocket spend a whole day and a lot of brute force freeing a beached Wailmer. She tells Ash it would've been just easier to catch and free the Wailmer with a Poké Ball. Made funnier by the fact this isn't the first Wailmer Ash unbeached in the least practical way possible given access to Poké Ball technology.]]
* LegFocus: From her standard {{ShortTank}} attire to the occasional bikini, swimsuit, or [[ShowgirlSkirt showgirl outfit]], the show doesn't let up in displaying Misty's legginess.
* LettingHerHairDown: A few different times, much to the delight of fans, though the instance many people remember is her mermaid getup, in which it was most probably a wig. She does let her down [[http://www.serebii.net/anime/pictures/indigo/020ps12.shtml for real]] [[http://www.serebii.net/anime/pictures/houen/S8ps5.shtml on occasion]], though.
* LikeAnOldMarriedCouple: [[BelligerentSexualTension To Ash.]] Though they would often deny any attraction towards one another, and spent their early travels bickering, it was clear they cared for each other.
* LittleMissBadass: It's easy to miss it due to not being stated in the dub, but she's actually ten, the same age as Ash.
* LivingLegend: [[spoiler:Implied and downplayed. Ash gets swarmed by fans in ''To Be a Pokémon Master'' who recognized him while he was helping the Squirtle Squad put out a fire and save some Pokémon. While a crowd swarming the World Champion makes sense, they shouted out Misty and Brock too, suggesting she has fame of her own, likely a combination of her status as a formidable gym leader and in-world stories about the new Monarch and his friends.]]
* LongBusTrip: The gap between her guest appearances in ''Advanced'' and ''Sun & Moon'' was over twelve years in real life.
* LoveBubbles: On the giving and receiving end. [[{{PlayedForLaughs}} Played for laughs]] when she's over-the-top fangirling over water Pokémon. [[PlayedStraight Played straight]] the few times she got Ash's romantic [[MaleGaze attention]].
* MakingASplash: On multiple fronts. Not only is she a water type specialist, she's also masterful at swimming, and famously dressed as a mermaid (not to mention her in-game nickname is "The Tomboyish Mermaid").
* MamaBear: Do ''not'' threaten Togepi, she'll violently let you know how bad of an idea that is.
* MatureYoungerSibling: Unlike her air-headed ValleyGirl older sisters, Misty takes battling seriously and often finds herself taking care of the Cerulean City gym.
* MeaningfulName: Her Japanese and English name have to do with mist.
* MermaidingSwimsuit: She wears a mermaid outfit in "The Misty Mermaid" and ''Anime/PokemonChronicles'' with hair extensions, a pink fabric SeashellBra, and an aqua tail with a yellow star on the left side. The entire ensemble is meant to be part of a character she plays in an underwater ballet, as well as an homage to her title "The Tomboyish Mermaid". However, since it's a costume and she's not actually a mermaid, she has to take periodic breaks with an air breather to get oxygen.
* MsFanservice: Out of Ash's female friends, she has the skimpiest outfit and she has been in multiple bikini scenes and as a mermaid. Also Masamitsu Hidaka, one of the directors of the anime, has stated that Ash's female companions basically serves as eye candy for the boys.
* MyFriendsAndZoidberg: "Three Sensational Sisters and one [[TheRuntAtTheEnd runt]]!" according to her sisters.
* MythologyGag: [[spoiler:She wears the same light blue swim jacket in [=MPM04=] that her video game counterpart wears in Pokémon [=HeartGold/SoulSilver=]. A bit of a deeper cut in [=MPM08=] when Ash asks Misty if he can have her hairband by using the exact same pose her "Misty's Favor" trading card counterpart uses.]]
* NotInThisForYourRevolution: {{Zig zagged}}. Even though her stated reason for following Ash on his quest was to ensure he made good on what he owed for destroying her bike, as it is made clear from the get-go, and her eventual admission that she is partly using it as an excuse to hang out with him.
* OneHeadTaller: She's usually depicted as just one head taller than Ash, though occasionally they're about the same size.
* OneOfTheBoys: Her sisters give her constant crap for not being girly enough, and since they're all airheads (well, in the dub, anyway) she just kind of runs with it to distance herself from them. Usually seen competing with Ash in pretty much every open competition they come across or cockblocking Brock.
* OneTrueLove: [[spoiler:In ''To Be a Pokémon Master'', Misty characterizes her connection with Clauncher as that of a lover and their soulmate, even getting upset when Ash asks her why she can't [[LeaningOnTheFourthWall just move on and find another Clauncher.]] Misty clearly hasn't told Ash about [[HopelessSuitor Georgio.]]]]
* OnlyOneName: The creators have confirmed they have not given her a last name.
* OnlySaneWoman: Downplayed. Compared to Ash's HotBlooded rashness and Brock's girl-obsessed antics, she often acts as the straight man to the bizarre world around her, but she has her own set of extreme personality traits and isn't nearly as above it all as she'd like to think.
* OurMermaidsAreDifferent: InUniverse, she's coerced by her sisters into playing "The Magical Mermaid" for a water ballet, where she stars as a love interest to a handsome prince. It doubles as a MythologyGag to her nickname from the games, "The Tomboyish Mermaid".
* ParalyzingFearOfSexuality: She screams in terror the one time she's asked out on a date by a boy in the anime. Despite her precociousness, she's still a 10-year old. It also explains why she's never acted on her obvious feelings for Ash.
* ParentalNeglect: There's no mention of either of Misty's parents or what happened to them, and her older sisters don't do a good job of looking after the gym ''or'' her.
%%* ParentService: Her sisters are named as this.
* PetTheDog: She may get annoyed and chew out Psyduck for being all but useless when not suffering a headache, she will congratulate him for trying his best, even if his best doesn't always amount to much.
* PinkMeansFeminine: Being a TomboyWithAGirlyStreak, she'll wear pink on occasion. Examples include the kimono she wears at the end of "The Ghost at Maiden's Peak" and in "Princess vs. Princess", her SeashellBra in "The Misty Mermaid", her cardigan in ''Anime/{{Pokemon 2000}}''...and that full-body Slowpoke costume she and her friends wore (ItMakesSenseInContext) in "A Shadow of a Drought". Additionally, her Poké Gear is pink.
* PlatonicCoParenting: Basically a second trainer to Pikachu when she traveled with Ash, taking custody of him many times when Ash was away. Due to their bond, Pikachu usually disobeyed Ash when commanded to battle her. He has a name for her in Pokéspeak and always leaps into her arms when they reunite.
* PlatonicLifePartners: Her relationship with Ash, despite [[ShipTease hints]] her interest may go further.
--->'''Misty''': Ash is never really alone because he has...me.
* PlotArchaeology: [[spoiler:Misty's romantic sub-plot with Ash was considered long dead ever since her exit from the main cast nearly 20 years ago. Her return to series regular in Ash's final season resurrects her old relationship with Ash, replete with their classic [[BelligerentSexualTension bickering and teasing.]]]]
* PoorPredictableRock: Being a Water-Type specialist, she becomes victim to this on a few occasions, most notably during her fight with Ash over Totodile. Ash first choice being Pikachu would be devastating for her if Misty had not chosen Togepi as her first Pokémon, an "opponent" Pikachu won't dare to fight. And despite her claim that she would beat Ash's two Grass-Type Pokémon, neither her Staryu nor her Poliwag/[[HeroicSecondWind Poliwhirl]] manage to beat Chikorita and Bulbasaur. [[spoiler:In ''To Be a Pokémon Master'', she does beat Ash's Corphish, but he deliberately refuses to use Pikachu or his Grass-types this time around.]]
* PreAssKickingOneLiner: "[[spoiler:Togetic]], ''leave the rest to me."'' Cue CurbStompBattle, courtesy of [[spoiler:Gyarados.]]
* ThePreciousPreciousCar: Misty never lets Ash live down him (and Pikachu) destroying her bike back in Episode 1. [[spoiler:Until she gets it back in full repair from Nurse Joy in the episode when she leaves the party]].
* PrecisionFStrike: In the Japanese version, her comment about Satoshi's heaven (catching his first Pokémon) being her hell (bugs) in episode 3.
* PrecociousCrush: On Danny in "Navel Maneuvers", prompting a rare display of jealousy from Ash.
* PromotionToParent: To Togepi, and later Azurill. The former was an egg Ash had found, but because it hatched with it first seeing her, it chose her to be its mother figure. The latter, meanwhile [[ItWasAGift was a gift from Tracy]].
* ProudBeauty: She considers herself to be an "[[WorldsMostBeautifulWoman internationally known beauty]]", and will gladly show it whenever she can, be in beauty contests or battles. This is actually downplayed if not outright omitted in the 4Kids dub, to the point Misty's dialogue in "Beauty and the Beach" was altered from enjoying the crowds gazing at her swimsuit to [[ReluctantFanserviceGirl being embarrassed by it]].
* PutOnABus: Took over as her city's Gym Leader at the end of Johto.
* PyrrhicVictory: [[spoiler:[[PlayedForLaughs Played For Laughs.]] Despite finally beating Ash over custody of a Pokémon in [=APM02=], her Clauncher is so impressed by Ash's Corphish that immediately after being won and captured by Misty, he leaves his Pokéball and initiates a manly beachside training session with Corphish and the others. Poor Misty crumples to the ground wondering aloud what the point was.]]
* RedStringOfFate: [[spoiler:A literal string reintroduces Misty as a traveling companion in Ash's final season in the Pokémon series. Ash encounters a Clauncher while hanging out on a beach with his Pokémon. Just as he's about to try to catch it, Misty stops him by hurling a fishing line around his wrist with undeniably the flirtiest iteration of her "Misty Special" lure. She just so happens to have been pursuing the same Clauncher for some time and already has dibs on it. The trope itself is even invoked by name and lampshaded by Misty, though in reference to herself and Clauncher.]]
* ResignedToTheCall: How she ended up becoming gym leader of Cerulean City. Her sisters were going to leave their gym unattended to do a ballet tour. That combined with Ash's obliviousness to romance sealed her fate, though she later came to accept that the gym is where she belongs.
* RightForTheWrongReasons: She was right that Ash had a lot to learn before being considered a great trainer, especially towards the beginning of their journeys together, but one of her criticisms was that most of his Pokémon followed him rather than him catching them which was the norm. She stated this as a negative quality when it is quite the opposite. The fact that Ash earned some of these Pokémon's trust through empathy rather than having to damage and catch them were in fact the earliest signs that he had potential to be an amazing trainer and would later shine as one of Ash's best qualities.
* TheRunaway: Her fraught relationship with her sisters is what compels Misty to leave home and start her own Pokémon journey before her fateful encounter with Ash.
* RunningGag: Her delivering an EarAche to Brock when he flirts with a pretty girl with her bringing it back in the two-parter episodes in ''Sun & Moon'' that she and Brock guest starred in and teams up with Croagunk in ''To Be a Pokémon Master''.
* TheRuntAtTheEnd: Fits the definition perfectly, OddNameOut and all. She's often teased as such by her sisters, but of course, YoungestChildWins, and she actually happens to be the best at training Pokémon among the four.
* {{Shorttank}}: One of the earliest and best known examples. In fact, it's her IconicOutfit, to the point it currently provides the page image.
* SeashellBra: She wears a pink one whenever she is dressed up in the Magical Mermaid costume.
* SelfServingMemory: Ash was winning his first match with Misty before Team Rocket interrupted it, something Misty doesn't acknowledge. She always claims that he got the badge out of pity. Taken up a level in the Sun & Moon episode "When Regions Collide", in which she now claims that ''she herself'' gave him the badge because she felt sorry for him.
* SheCleansUpNicely: She gobsmacks her friends when she dresses up. Examples include the yukata from "The Ghost of Maiden's Peak" and the princess kimono outfit from "Princess Festival Day".
* ShipTease: During ''The Original Series'', it was strongly hinted she had a major crush on Ash. Notably, when she was forced to leave the group, she was initially devastated that Ash didn't seem to care she was leaving, but was satisfied when he showed up to help her out that she finally knew how he felt about her. [[spoiler:Once they bump into each other again during ''To Be a Pokémon Master'', she greets him in a very flirtatious manner.]]
* ShoutOut: Her mermaid costume calls to mind [[WesternAnimation/TheLittleMermaid1989 another famous red-headed mermaid]].
* SignificantGreenEyedRedhead: Originally blue-eyed before the art direction quietly [[{{Retcon}} settled]] on her eyes being viridian.
* ShowgirlSkirt: Wears a [[https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/misty_may_001.jpg Goldeen-based outfit]] during the same episode Ash's Charmander evolved into Charmeleon.
* SleepCute: Often with Ash, especially after a run-in with [[TheDreaded Jigglypuff]].
* SmallNameBigEgo: She acts like she's a world-class trainer, but in reality is hardly any better (if at all) than the then-rookie Ash. As the series goes on, she grows as a trainer and becomes much more capable of backing up her claims, even if she's still got a bit of a narcissistic streak.
* SoapboxSadie: A downplayed version. She reveals a progressive side at many points in the anime. When Ash calls Staryu [[HeteronormativeCrusader strange]] after his Pokédex describes it as genderless and able to mate with any sex during their match at Cerulean Gym[[note]]the Pokédex entry was changed in the English dub to instead refer to Staryu's gem as a type of jewelry[[/note]], she responds that it doesn't matter who you fall in love with. In "Tentacool & Tentacruel" she reacts with rage when Nastina tries to bribe her and her friends into exterminating a population of Tentacool to build a resort. She also comically smacks Ash, Brock, and Pikachu with a fan after they propose Kids Day should be a holiday [[StayInTheKitchen just for men]].
* StalkerWithACrush: An innocent case. Her intentions were ambiguous when she first started following Ash as she had a plausible justification in seeking repayment for her ruined bike. They became less so as their journeys unfolded and her romantic feelings towards him became revealed.
* TalkingTheMonsterToDeath: Ended up doing this in an early episode that featured a gigantic Tentacruel that was destroying the city that the heroes were currently in, as it was angry that humans were polluting its waters.
* ThatCameOutWrong: In "The Heartbreak of Brock", when the girl of the week has fallen in love with Brock and wants to marry him, Ash says, "Wow...imagine Brock married?" Misty says, "You and I will be married someday, too." She didn't necessarily mean to ''each other,'' but that doesn't stop Ash's shocked reaction about two seconds after she says it.
* ThinksLikeARomanceNovel: Sometimes has overblown fantasies about love and romance, and takes it upon herself to play matchmaker on more than one occasion, with varying results.
* ThisLooksLikeAJobForAquaman: While she'd be there with everyone else in stopping the Crisis of the [=Week/Team=] Rocket, she wouldn't compete in sporting competitions unless they were either [[MakingASplash water-themed]] or [[DesignatedGirlFight girl-themed]]. Granted, [[TheHero Ash]] would compete in the former as well, but Misty would outdo him in those cases.
* TomboyAndGirlyGirl: Onscreen, is the Tomboy to her sister Daisy's and her successor May's Girly Girls, being more hot-blooded and eager for battle than either of them.
* TomboyishPonytail: A short ponytail stuck out on the side, emphasizing her tomboyish personality.
* TomboyWithAGirlyStreak: She's tomboyish, has quite a temper, and is the TropeCodifier for {{Shorttank}}. However, she occasionally displays fondness for romantic scenarios, and if she spots one will gush over it to the disgust of her male friends. Her "girly streak" is more pronounced in Japan.
* TookALevelInBadass:
** By the Mirage Kingdom two-parter, [[spoiler:she's gotten over her fear of Gyarados, caught one, and become close enough to it that she ''kisses its Poké Ball'' when calling it out.]]
** By ''Sun and Moon'', she has gained the ability to Mega Evolve said Gyarados.
** Throughout the original series, she was useless training Psyduck in much any capacity, and instead had to rely on the convenience of its uncontrollable headache-induced Psychic attacks. By ''Sun and Moon'', Misty demonstrates far better command over Psyduck, along with having boosted its originally pitiful water attacks.
** Under Misty's stewardship, Cerulean Gym grew from a mid-sized local venue to a far larger and more impressive region-scale training facility.
** A {{Downplayed}} example during [[spoiler:''To Be a Pokémon Master''. She took on Ash, who had recently became the champion of the entire Pokémon world, and won, though he was [[DramaPreservingHandicap deliberately holding back]] by using Corphish and not Pikachu or his Grass-types, and it was an unofficial match at that. It should be noted that their battle is Ash's final battle for the remainder of the series.]]
* TookALevelInKindness: Misty starts being a lot kinder, especially towards Ash, after the Indigo League. Her violent tendencies also near completely disappear by this point, at least in non-Pokémon related scuffles anyway.
* TryingNotToCry: Her fiery and tough temperament precludes her from breaking down usually, but once in a while finds herself barely holding back tears, the most notable examples being when she first parted ways with Ash and later, Togepi.
* {{Tsundere}}: Prior to getting Togepi anyway. Her "motherly" tendencies were also implied in other episodes, even the first episode when she tried to check up on Pikachu. All Togepi did was expand on it. [[spoiler:Misty's return in ''To Be a Pokémon Master'' reveals she still has her old tsundere tendencies, though not as over-the-top as when she first met Ash.]]
* UnrequitedLoveLastsForever: Implied. Misty is asked out by a kid named [[HopelessSuitor Georgio]] in ''Pokemon Chronicles'' and promptly rejects him. In the Japanese dub, he asks Misty if she likes someone else and her reaction suggests she's not over Ash. During a stroll with Ash and Brock at Oak's ranch in ''Sun And Moon'', she expresses regret over their journeys ending. [[spoiler:Misty rejoins Ash in ''To Be a Pokémon Master'' with a far flimsier excuse than when Ash wrecked her bike, claiming it's to keep Ash's Corphish and her Clauncher happy since they really like each other and doesn't want to separate them so soon.]]
* UnresolvedSexualTension: [[spoiler:Despite having an entire episode focused exclusively on reintroducing Misty and reestablishing that she still has feelings for Ash, the series doesn't end with them upgrading their friendship into a romance. However, the abundance of romance tropes in her return, especially the red string of fate and literally hooking Ash with her fishing line, nudge things away from being completely inconclusive.]]
* VitriolicBestBuds:
** With Brock. They both may tease each other or occasionally snark at the other's expense, but have a strong friendship that shows that they really do care about each other. They're even shown to be close after their initial adventures together, and are always happy to reunite.
** Likewise, with Ash. She puts him down quite often, and she only tagged along with him partly because he destroyed her bike, but her time traveling with him drew them closer together. Each time they reunite, they're both glad to see each other.
* WhatTheHellHero: A comedic example in ''Rocket Revengers'' when she and Croagunk are called out by Brock after they pull their running gags on him after he was dreaming about Officer Jenny.
* WholeCostumeReference: Her outfit (yellow shirt with red suspenders and blue denim shorts) is almost indentical to one of the characters from ''Possessioner'', a PC-98 HGame that predates the anime by three years (the only difference is the removal of cleavage for obvious reasons).
* WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes: Most Bug Type Pokémon. There are a few exceptions though, such as Ash's Butterfree and Leavanny, Tracey's Venonat and Ledyba. For a bit, she was also afraid of Gyarados before she obtained one for herself. Now its her strongest partner.
* WiseBeyondTheirYears: At 10 years old, she is the youngest gym leader in her region and supersedes her older sisters in caring for and training Pokémon, as well as maintaining Cerulean Gym and defending it from challengers. She was often the brains of the original series, and was invaluable in helping Ash in situations that required analysis and foresight. At least when she wasn't throwing a tantrum. Even then her temperament leaves even Ash looking lucid compared to her at times.
* WithFriendsLikeThese: Thanks to her attitude towards Ash early on, they got on each other's nerves so often that it took Brock to split them up.
* WomenPreferStrongMen: More strength of character than physical strength. Though originally drawn to Ash for the compassion he showed for his Pokémon, she also pushed him to stand up for himself even if it was likely he'd get beaten, as was the case when he confronted a bunch of bullies at Pokémon Tech.
* WorldsMostBeautifulWoman: Her self-proclaimed title in the Japanese version. The dub never consistently translated this until ''Sun and Moon'', where she refers to herself as an "internationally known beauty".
* YoungestChildWins: As mentioned, she's a ''much'' better battler than her three sisters ''put together''.
* YouOweMe: Her attitude towards Ash regarding [[ThePreciousPreciousCar her bike]], despite needing it for an emergency. It was at least partially an excuse to be his travelling buddy however to the point she nearly forgotten about it when it comes time for her to leave.
* YourSizeMayVary: How tall she was compared to Ash was inconsistent. In some shots she was almost a head over Ash. In others she was practically the same height as him.
* YouWouldntLikeMeWhenImAngry: You think Ash and Pikachu are dangerous when they're angry? Misty has ''a fire breathing sea dragon'' and when she's angry, you run as far away as you can as quickly as you can because she ''means'' business.

[[folder:Misty's Pokémon]]

!!In General

* HoldingBackThePhlebotinum: Before it was revealed that she was a Gym leader, Misty sparsely used any of her Pokémon despite her and her friends being placed into dangerous situations where using them would have been incredibly helpful.
* MakingASplash: Naturally - Cerulean Gym is traditionally means Water-Type Gym Leader and almost all of her Pokémon are that type. A lot of them also know other type moves and some are dual types. It's worth noting that the latter is a key reason she loves them - Misty cites Water Pokémon as being exceptionally flexible and adaptable compared to most other Pokémon types.
* NotAllowedToGrowUp: Similar to most of Ash's Water-type Pokémon, most of her Pokémon don't evolve, especially since the large majority of them are OutOfFocus. Whether her Starmie evolved under her ownership is a mystery, and her Gyarados didn't become a part of her roster prior to his evolution. Her Poliwag is the only Water-type Pokémon of hers that we see evolve (and even more than once). Her Togepi finally evolved into Togetic, only to leave her in the same episode. Horsea was PutOnABus, Goldeen and Psyduck have never evolved despite being with her for so long (there was even an episode where Psyduck was mistaken to have evolved into a Golduck which turned out to be a wild Pokémon), and Staryu has never been given a Water Stone to evolve into a second Starmie. And despite being introduced at the beginning of the ''Battle Frontier'' arc, Azurill, a Pokémon that evolves via happiness, has not evolved once and is still an Azurill in the ''To Be a Pokémon Master'' arc.
* OutOfFocus: Similar to Brock's Pokémon, Misty's Pokémon tend to have less screentime than Ash's Pokémon and don't get a lot of development. Togepi acting as the SpotlightStealingSquad within Misty's party doesn't help. Her battlers tend to get less focus whenever a new one shows up. It also doesn't help that Goldeen and Horsea can't do much on land.
* PoorPredictableRock: All of her Pokémon are Water-type, except for Togetic, who was released after it evolved from Togepi and seldom put into battle beforehand. Although most of her team were competent battlers, if anybody happened to have a Grass- or Electric-types on hand, they tended to wipe the floor with her--Ash notably used both his Bulbasaur and Chikorita to easily beat Misty's team, including her freshly evolved Poliwhirl, in a contest over who got to keep Totodile (which she would have lost sooner had she not used Togepi to force Pikachu into not fighting by picking it as her first choice).
* SignatureMon: She has several Pokémon that could fit this criteria, but they don't stick long due to Misty either getting a new Pokémon or them leaving her traveling team. The Pokémon that remain her most iconic are Psyduck, Togepi, and Gyarados.

!!Goldeen (Tosakinto)

->'''Voiced in Japanese by:''' Creator/IkueOtani
->'''Voiced in English by:''' Creator/RachaelLillis

A goldfish Pokémon. First appearing in episode 2, it hasn't done much but shown that it's hard for a fish to battle on land.
* ADayInTheLimelight: "The Stun Spore Detour" from the Orange Islands arc. Probably the ''only'' time where Goldeen actually truly shines in a Pokémon battle when it goes up against James' Victreebel.
* HornAttack: Knows this attack and [[ThisIsADrill Horn Drill]].
* JokeCharacter: Goldeen was complete dead weight in most of its appearances because it can't even move without water, forced to helplessly flop around until it gets recalled.
* OutOfFocus: Worse than ''Horsea'' in this regard, which is saying something for a Pokémon that stayed on Misty's team for the entire series. Goldeen is a water-''only'' Pokémon, and even in situations where it can actually battle, it generally either loses or gets overshadowed by another member of Misty's team.
* SuperScream: Knows Supersonic, a high pitched sound wave attack that confuses the target.

!!Staryu (Hitodeman)

->'''Voiced by:''' Creator/ShinichiroMiki

Staryu is a starfish Pokémon. While it couldn't display any noteworthy personality, it is one of Misty's most dependable Pokémon.
* TheAce: Despite having its evolved form on her team, Staryu is Misty's main battler. In ''Anime/{{Pokemon 3}}'', it is the only one of Misty's or Brock's Pokémon to hold its own against Molly's artificial ones, considering those Pokémon were made to ''win'', it's quite the feat.
* AmbiguousGender: In the original Japanese dub, Ash's Pokédex describes Staryu as a {{hermaphrodite}} and able to pair with male and female Pokémon during his first ever battle with Misty for the Cascade Badge. This got [[{{Bowdlerise}} removed]] in translation.
* TheBlank: {{Lampshaded}} in an early episode; in their Gym battle, Ash's Butterfree used Stun Spore on Misty's Staryu, to which she commented that it looked like it was in real pain. [[DumbassHasAPoint Ash called her out by reminding her that it didn't even have a face]]. To her credit, Staryu was sort of writhing and off-balance when it was hit.
* TheBusCameBack: Staryu appears in every series where Misty returns, albeit mostly briefly and usually late.
** In ''Advanced Generation'', Staryu appears in the ''The Mastermind of the Mirage Pokémon'' special, where it is subjected to TheWorfEffect. This is particularly late, as this is Misty's third return in the series.
** In ''Sun & Moon'', Staryu appears in [=SM042=], alongside Brock's Crobat, to destroy Team Rocket's mecha.
** In ''Journeys'', specifically ''To Be a Pokémon Master'', it appears in [=JN145=], fighting Team Rocket's returning Pokémon. ''Starmie'', of all things, reappears earlier than Staryu.
* FlatCharacter: Unlike the rest of Misty's more prominent Pokémon, Staryu never really gained much of a personality, though being TheBlank probably didn't really help.
* ShoutOut: For some reason its cry sounds like Series/{{Ultraman}}'s. In one episode, Staryu's core (the red jewel at the center of its body) blinks when he is knocked out, similar to Ultraman when he's weakened or had reached his time limit.
* SignatureMon: In the early episodes of the Pokémon anime, it served as Misty's primary battler and companion, even supplanting Starmie despite the latter being supposedly stronger. However, [[SubvertedTrope its status as Misty's Signature Pokémon gradually dwindled]] when Psyduck joined Misty's team (and its frequent popping out of the Poké Ball forces Misty to use it instead of her preferred Staryu) and then other strong battlers, like Poliwhirl and Corsola, took over as Misty's main battler.
* SpectacularSpinning: How it basically moves around and attacks, as a starfish it would be harder to otherwise walk. Almost all its attack have spinning animation.


->'''Voiced by:''' Creator/IkueOtani

Misty's primary battle Pokémon during the original series. Although Starmie is the evolved form of Staryu, she has one of each during the anime, same as the video game version of Misty.
* AdaptationalWimp: Its game counterpart is a notorious WakeUpCallBoss; this version has fallen victim to TheWorfEffect so bad that ''Staryu'' puts up a better performance.
* TheBlank: Like Staryu, it has no expression.
* TheBusCameBack: Surprisingly, Starmie has returned in [=JN140=].
* DemotedToExtra: Starmie is Misty's SignatureMon and ace in the games, but in the anime it gets overshadowed by Staryu and is eventually PutOnABus and it would only make a few cameo appearances since.
* FlatCharacter: If Staryu got pretty much zero character development, Starmie didn't stand a chance.
* PutOnABus: Left at the Cerulean Gym in "The Misty Mermaid". Misty reclaimed it later as the new Gym Leader, but it was still absent for most of the anime.
* SpectacularSpinning: Same as Staryu, it physically attacks by spinning its body around.
* TheWorfEffect: Starmie almost never won a battle on its own; the one time it ''did'' defeat an opponent, it was quickly and violently beaten by another immediately afterward, with its central core ''shattered''.

!!Horsea (Tattu)

->'''Voiced in Japanese by:''' Machiko Toyoshima
->'''Voiced in English by:''' Creator/RachaelLillis

A seahorse Pokémon. Horsea was first caught in Porta Vista and now lives in the Cerulean Gym.
* BearerOfBadNews: Its debut, trying to warn the city about an approaching attack of Tentacool and Tentacruel (especially a {{Kaiju}}-sized version of the latter) in "Tentacool and Tentacruel".
* OutOfFocus: Due to being water-bound, Horsea rarely appeared and did very little during its run (though Goldeen generally fared worse despite a longer staying time).
* PutOnABus: Left at the Cerulean Gym near the end of the Indigo season. Misty reclaimed it later as the new Gym Leader.
* SpannerInTheWorks: In "The Battling Eevee Brothers", when Team Rocket made off with all the Pokémon, Horsea included, it was put in a cage tied to the back of the wagon, allowing it to [[TrailOfBreadcrumbs leave a trail of ink]] to show Ash and company where they were going.

!!Psyduck (Koduck)

->'''Voiced in Japanese by:''' Creator/RikakoAikawa
->'''Voiced in English by:''' Michael Haigney (4Kids), Creator/MicheleKnotz (Current)

Psyduck is probably one of the most memorable Pokémon in the anime outside of Pikachu and Meowth. Misty accidentally caught it in [=HopHopHop=] Town and has remained with her ever since. Despite being [[QuackingUp an odd duck]] (so to speak), Misty wouldn't trade him for the world.
* AcrophobicBird: A Water-type Pokémon that fears water and can't swim.
* AllOfTheOtherReindeer: After Psyduck saves everyone in "The Ninja Poké-Showdown", Misty decides it's worth keeping around, and refuses offers to trade for it. Ash hangs a lampshade on this at once.
* AwLookTheyReallyDoLoveEachOther: Despite Misty constantly being frustrated with the dim-witted Pokémon, she's shown on a number of occasions to actually care for it.
** In the ''Johto Journeys'' episode "Tricks of the Trade", Misty vehemently refuses to trade Psyduck away when several people offer.
** In the episode "Just Add Water", Psyduck goes berserk when Misty is captured by Team Rocket. He briefly goes back to his usual clueless self, but then he single-handedly destroys Arbok and Victreebel to save Misty and the Pokémon Team Rocket stole.
** In the ''Sun & Moon'' episode "When Regions Collide", Misty has finally managed to ''train'' Psyduck to be a (mostly) competent fighter, and now openly adores him.
* BigEater: ''Sun and Moon'' shows that he has a quite an appetite, swallowing an entire watermelon whole.
* BlessedWithSuck: Psyduck needs a '''major headache''' to use his Psychic attacks, with most of his other attacks being fairly weak until ''Sun and Moon''.
* ButtMonkey: Psyduck is constantly thrown out to fight opponents only to be too confused to put up a fight. Though he improves in ''Sun and Moon'', he still takes his usual slapstick.
* {{Cloudcuckoolander}}: Seems to be perpetually confused.
* CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass: Normally, it's a bit of a moron, but it becomes badass when its headache gets really bad.
* CursedWithAwesome: Despite how embarrassing and frustrating he can be for Misty, he has also saved her and the rest of the team on multiple occasions.
* DeathOrGloryAttack: Psyduck is this in general. Whenever he comes out of his Pokeball, either he's going to give Misty a headache or he's going to completely annihilate whoever she's fighting.
* DelayedReaction: Has a really slow reaction time. [[OverlyLongGag And then he met a Slowpoke...]]
* {{Determinator}}: He won't let ''anything'' stop him from trying his hardest for Misty, whether he's battling for her, warning Ash and Brock she's in danger or rescuing her from Team Rocket, even if he's usually hopeless most of the time.
* TheDitz: Psyduck is rather spacey and moronic.
* HighHopesZeroTalent: Zigzagged. One of Psyduck's endearing traits is that he really does try hard for Misty, but he's usually too dopey and confused to help much. Whenever he does pull it off, the results are spectacular.
* IronicFear: He's ''terrified'' of water and can't swim to save his life. Even just touching it sends him into a panic.
* JumpedAtTheCall: Psyduck has a bad habit of jumping into action when Misty specifically requires one of her other Pokémon. Nine times out of ten, his actions only serve to complicate the situation.
** It goes right to the beginning. Misty stumbled and dropped an unused pokéball, and Psyduck opened it so it would take him in. He literally caught himself for her.
* LethalJokeCharacter: Psyduck was largely useless in the original series due to its incompetence, but if its headache is intense enough, its Psychic powers reach devastating levels. It's repeatedly indicated that if Misty actually managed to train it properly, it'd be her most powerful Pokémon.
* TheMillstone:
** Every time it comes out, it ends up poorly for Misty. [[LethalJokeCharacter Unless it gets a headache at least...]]
** Sometimes it even causes problems for the other Pokémon. In ''Pikachu's Vacation'', Togepi is loudly crying because it is hungry, and there is no food around the playground. When Pikachu and Bulbasaur find an apple, Psyduck walks by and eats it, causing Togepi to start crying again.
* MindOverMatter: Uses the Psychic-type move Confusion as its most common attack, but only when it has a severe headache.
* ShesAManInJapan: Sort of. Psyduck has no confirmed gender in Japan, though has been recurrently referred to as male in both the English and Portuguese dubs.
* ShipperOnDeck:
** He tried to get Caserin and Luverin (Misty and Daisy's Luvdisc) together in "Luvdisc is a Many Splendored Thing".
** To Misty's ire, Psyduck seems to know about her infatuation with a certain IdiotHero.
* SignatureMon: Much to Misty's dismay, Psyduck has become one of her most iconic Pokémon due to his dim-witted nature and a habit of popping of his Poké Ball, inadvertently forcing Misty to use him in battle, which leads to her love-hate relationship with Psyduck. Due to this comedic relationship, Psyduck not only remains as one of Misty's most prominent Pokémon throughout the series, even to series where [[GuestStarPartyMember Misty only returns as a guest star]], but he even made it to Misty's game team in ''VideoGame/PokemonLetsGoPikachuAndLetsGoEevee''.[[note]]with ancillary media mentioning that Psyduck calls himself out instead of Misty's intended Staryu.[[/note]] And thanks to Togetic's departure and Azurill failing to be a compelling replacement, Psyduck continues to carry most of the "workload" of this trope, sharing it with Misty's Ace Pokémon Gyarados. Advertisement of ''To Be a Pokémon Master'' treat its importance as Misty's SignatureMon equally to Ash's Pikachu and Brock's Croagunk.
* SignatureMove: Confusion, and an exceptionally strong one, which is triggered by its headaches.
* SuperDrowningSkills: Despite being a Water Pokémon, he can't swim. At all. He's outright terrified of water and panics whenever he falls into it.
* TookALevelInBadass:
** Comically {{subverted|Trope}} during the Orange Island episode "Bye Bye Psyduck", where Misty's bag with her Pokéballs falls into the ocean and Psyduck is mistaken to have evolved into a Golduck. The kids were under the belief that the evolution into Golduck completely changed its personality into a much cooler, confident and badass Pokémon who obeyed Misty's commands perfectly, but it turns out that Psyduck was still inside Misty's Pokéball all along and that Golduck was actually a wild Pokémon who loves to impress female humans (just like Brock).
** Played straight in the ''Sun & Moon'' reunion, Misty can now reasonably battle with Psyduck, beating Lana and Mallow with him. He not only has mastered Water Gun, but can now also fully control his Psychic attacks, even if he still needs a headache to trigger them. His ditzy nature remains of course.
* VerbalTic: "Psy-yi-yi!"

!!Togepi-Togetic (Togepy-Togechick)

->'''Voiced by:''' Creator/SatomiKoorogi

During one of their adventures, Ash discovered an egg in Grandpa Canyon. It would later hatch into a previously unknown Pokémon. Since Misty wanted a closer look at it while it was hatching, she ended up being the first it saw, so it thought of Misty as its mother.
* TheBabyOfTheBunch: The youngest of the original series Pokémon, with an appropriately childlike personality.
* CheerfulChild: Was usually very happy and smiley as a Togepi.
* ChildrenRaiseYou: Is credited with making Misty into a more motherly figure.
* CuteButCacophonic: In the ''Pikachu's Vacation'' short, the Pokédex comments that it exhibits a low tolerance for hunger and "is able to communicate this condition in a very effective manner." Immediately after, Togepi begins to cry very loudly, causing all the other Pokémon to cover their ears in pain.
* CuteCrittersActChildlike: Togepi is quite adorable and is the baby of the original gang's Pokémon, frequently having to be taken care of or hauled out of danger.
* DeusExMachina: Whenever it uses [[RandomEffectSpell Metronome]], the resulting attack will be what is needed to resolve the situation
* EarlyBirdCameo: First appeared in the same episode that Ash's Charmeleon evolved into Charizard and was the ''second'' Generation II Pokémon to appear.[[note]]The first being Ho-oh all the way back in Episode 1.[[/note]]
* EarlyInstallmentWeirdness: In ''Pikachu's Vacation'', the Pokédex classifies Togepi as the "Egg Pokémon." Later, when Togepi officially appeared in the games, it would be classified as the "Spike Ball Pokémon."
* {{Flight}}: Gains wings when it evolved into Togetic and can now fly independently.
* FullyAbsorbedFinale: The Mirage Kingdom two-parter, where it left Misty for good, was during ''Advanced Generation''.
* HiddenInPlainSight: In the ''Pikachu's Pikaboo'' short, when all the Pokémon are playing hide and seek, Togepi folds itself into its shell and "hides" on a couch next to a Togepi-patterned pillow.
* PintSizedPowerhouse: Small it may be, but whenever Metronome would kick in for a DeusExMachina, it would usually result in a powerful attack.
* PutOnABus: Originally along with Misty, was written out entirely after the Mirage Kingdom two-parter.
* RandomEffectSpell: Metronome, Togepi's ''only known attack'' prior to evolving, can let it use any kind of attack as the situation requires.
* RetractableAppendages: The ''Pikachu's Pikaboo'' short shows that it can retract its stubby limbs into its body and fold its head spikes down, making itself completely egg-shaped.
* SignatureMon: The most iconic of all Misty's Pokémon, despite being [[{{Irony}} a Normal-Type Pokémon (later retconned as a Fairy-Type Pokémon) instead of a Water-Type]]. This is due to the fact that it's a baby Pokémon with no apparent Poké Ball and sees Misty as its mother; thus it's always seen with Misty in every episode from its debut to its departure. It also serves as a secondary mascot to Pikachu during the original series, ensuring that Togepi will remain associated with Misty even after its departure. After leaving Misty, this role has then been given to Psyduck (who already was one of Misty's most iconic Pokémon) and Gyarados.
* SignatureMove: Metronome for Togepi. It would often use this move whenever there's a situation that can't be solved otherwise.
* StrayingBaby: Because of Togepi's curiosity, it frequently wanders into danger, forcing Pikachu to look after it and keep it safe.
* TagalongKid: Despite being a Pokémon, it doesn't do much while in the party, except be a DeusExMachina when really needed. It's not even made clear if Misty officially owns Togepi since it's never seen in her Poké Ball.

!!Poliwag-Poliwhirl-Politoed (Nyoromo-Nyorozo-Nyorotono)
->'''Voiced in Japanese by:''' Creator/ShinichiroMiki
->'''Voiced in English by:''' Creator/RachaelLillis (Poliwag), Creator/EricStuart (Poliwhirl and Politoed)
* TheAce: In the Japanese version of [=JN138=], Misty states Politoed to be the current guardian of the Cerulean Gym, suggesting it's become one of her strongest Pokémon. It was able to defeat Ash's Corphish in their final onscreen battle, who's always been a powerful battler in his own right, especially against other Water-type Pokémon.
* CloudCuckooLander: As Politoed, it has a habit of cheerly clapping its hands, even when the situation is serious.
* HeroicSecondWind: During its battle with Ash's Bulbasaur, Poliwag evolves into Poliwhirl when nearly losing, giving Bulbasaur a hell of a fight before finally losing to the Grass-Type's Solarbeam.
* {{Keet}}: Politoed since its final evolution, much to Misty's annoyance. In some cases it was even upbeat towards ''Team Rocket's Pokémon''.
* NonActionGuy: During the original series, it battled more infrequently after evolving into Politoed, becoming more of a cheerleader.
* PluckyComicRelief: Poliwhirl's character changed completely upon evolving into a Politoed, becoming a jolly frog Pokémon who keeps clapping.
* TookALevelInBadass: It was always one of Misty's competent battlers, especially as a Poliwhirl who even managed to defeat Ash's Totodile. After becoming a Politoad, it got OutOfFocus and got demoted to a PluckyComicRelief. Upon returning in ''To Be a Pokémon Master'', Politoad has shown to have regained its competence, has learned Bounce, Hydro Pump and Focus Blast, and even managed to defeat Ash's Corphish, making Politoad the last Pokémon to defeat Ash in a Pokémon battle, as Ash would never have a proper battle again for the rest of the series.
* UndyingLoyalty: After Misty saved him from Team Rocket, Poliwag became devoted to her to the point of ''evolving during battle'' to try and win.
* UnexpectedCharacter: InUniverse. When Poliwhirl was called out for a battle, the group was surprised that it was wearing Ash's King's Rock, which it had picked up earlier in the episode. Since Misty asked Nurse Joy to transfer it over to her via Transfer Machine (it was at the Pokémon Center to be healed), that initiated a Trade Evolution.

!!Corsola (Sunnygo)
->'''Voiced in Japanese by:''' Creator/IkueOtani
->'''Voiced in English by:''' Kayzie Rogers
* BlueWithShock: It goes into a depression [[https://filb.de/content/anime/sm/102/233.jpg when seeing a piece of jewelry]] made from its own species bodies.
* HealingFactor: Knows Recover.
* PintSizedPowerhouse: It once took down a ''Machoke'' by itself, despite a type disadvantage.
* SpotlightStealingSquad: Once Misty caught it, it quickly replaced Staryu and Poliwhirl as her main fighter, and was used in nearly every battle Misty participated in after its capture during the original series.


->'''Voiced by:''' Creator/UnshoIshizuka

A Pokémon belonging to the Cerulian Gym, he evolved from a Magikarp to a Gyarados during the day Misty returned to the Gym. Due to his immaturity, it instantly became violent and aggressive and he was so uncontrollable that he refused to return to his Poké Ball. Misty had no choice but to contain him in a cage to control his temper tantrum. During the battle between Misty and the Three Fighting Brothers, Gyarados witnessed the unfair battle coming from the three bothers and Misty saving her Corsola. When the brothers' three Tentacruel's ganged up on the still trapped Gyarados, Misty blocked their attacks with her body, which enraged the Atrocious Pokémon and he managed to break his cage, saved Misty and defeated the three brothers with ease. Since then, he has become Misty's partner and she has managed to tame him, which also has helped her to overcome her fear for the Gyarados species.
* TheAce: Upon his introduction, Gyarados has become Misty's strongest Pokémon and new trump card.
* BecauseYouWereNiceToMe: When he witnesses Misty protecting him, he immediately becomes loyal to her, and is now fiercely protective of her in turn as her ace.
* BreathWeapon: It fires five of its moves[[note]]Hydro Pump, Protect, Hyper Beam, Flamethrower & Hurricane[[/note]] through this method.
* DidntSeeThatComing: When it debuted outside ''Pokémon Chronicles'', nobody expected him. [[LampShadeHanging Ash even wondered when she had gotten a Gyarados]].
* EnergyWeapon: Knows Hyper Beam, to devastating effect.
* GentleGiant: Once it's tamed by Misty, it mellows ''considerably'' in contrast to [[HairTriggerTemper the species' typical behavior]].
* GoblinFace: It makes the [[https://www.filb.de/content/anime/sm/102/671.jpg ugliest-looking expression]] when charging up Hydro Pump while [[SuperMode Mega Evolved]] in its third appearance in the main series, due to the camera angle (the first time this happened, [[https://www.filb.de/content/anime/sm/043/561.jpg it wasn't as ugly]] due to a low camera angle).
* LetsGetDangerous: In his debut outside ''Pokémon Chronicles'', Misty bringing him out is the sign she has enough with the current enemy, [[DefeatingTheUndefeatable whose Pokémon gets annihilated after almost two episodes of shrugging off anything thrown at it]], courtesy of the ElementalRockPaperScissors (the enemy uses a Shedinja, whose ability is to be invulnerable to anything that doesn't have the type advantage of it but is otherwise a GlassCannon and FragileSpeedster, and is vulnerable to fire. Cue Gyarados using [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin Flamethrower]]).
* PapaWolf: Thinking about harming Misty? Hope you like a Hyper Beam to the face.
* PlayingWithFire: Knows Flamethrower, and notably uses this to defeat [[StoneWall Shedinja]].
* RememberTheNewGuy: In his debut, it is said that he used to be a Magikarp that participated in Misty's water ballet in [=OS061=]. However, no Magikarp was shown during that episode.
* SignatureMon: He has become Misty's defining ace powerhouse after she left Ash's party in the original series and then tamed the Atrocious Pokémon in ''Pokémon Chronicles''. When Misty returns as a GuestStarPartyMember and really wants to bring the heat on her opponents, Gyarados is most certainly her first choice. She even gives him the ability to Mega Evolve in ''Sun & Moon''.
* SuperMode: He gains the ability to Mega Evolve in ''Sun & Moon''.
* WeatherManipulation: He can use Rain Dance and Hurricane to summon a powerful rainstorm and tornado, respectively.

!!Luvdisc/"Caserin" (Lovecus/"Cuserine")
[[caption-width-right:350:Luverin (left) and Caserin (right)]]
->'''Voiced in Japanese by:''' Creator/DaisukeSakaguchi (Caserin), Creator/KyokoHikami (Luverin)
->'''Voiced in English by:''' Creator/RachaelLillis
* DoppelgangerSpin: Knows Double Team.
* OneShotCharacter: It only appeared in a one-off ''Chronicles'' episode after Misty had parted ways with Ash.
* SuperSpeed: Knows Agility.

!!Azurill (Ruriri)
->'''Voiced in Japanese by:''' Creator/MegumiHayashibara
->'''Voiced in English by:''' Kayzie Rogers
* TheBusCameBack: After being absent since the ''Battle Frontier'' arc, Azurill finally reappears in Misty's party in [=JN138=], in the ''To Be a Pokémon Master'' series and its still an Azurill despite all this time it has existed.
* HealingFactor: Knows Refresh.
* ItWasAGift: From Tracy, whose Marill is the parent.
* SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute: It's a baby Normal-type Pokémon that Misty has received right after it hatched, and she would keep it in her arms rather than in a Poké Ball. Basically, it's a borderline ReplacementGoldfish for Togepi. (The Fairy-type has also been added retroactively to them.)
* WhatHappenedToTheMouse: Although Misty has returned in the ''Sun & Moon'' series, her Azurill is nowhere to be seen.

!!Clauncher (Udeppo)

A powerful Clauncher whom Misty tried to catch multiple times. Misty and Ash fight each over who is going to catch it. After Misty wins their one-on-one battle, Clauncher agrees to join Misty's party.
* CockFight: Platonically, but kind of how the battle over Clauncher plays out. The relationship between Clauncher and Corphish is portrayed as a bromance at some point, while Misty has "romantic" eyes for Clauncher as a gag.
* EmergencyFoodSupplyAnimal: The Team Rocket trio were starving to the point that they tried to capture Clauncher for the sole purpose of eating it. And since he's a wild Pokémon at the time, they thought that they would be in the right to capture it since they weren't stealing it from anyone. Unfortunately for them, Ash and Misty tried to capture Clauncher for themselves and ultimately Corphish rescued him from Team Rocket.
* FireForgedFriends: Clauncher and Ash's Corphish develop a rivalry as soon as they meet, but they become friends once Team Rocket tries to catch Clauncher and want to ''eat'' him. Corphish saves him, and both of them send Team Rocket flying and they befriend each other. Even after Misty catches Clauncher, he immediately goes out of the Pokéball to train with Corphish, Ash and his other Pokémon. Misty actually uses the friendship between the two Pokémon as an excuse to travel with Ash again.
* HomoeroticSubtext: Not erotic, but PlayedForLaughs. Corphish's rivalry/friendship with Clauncher was so intense that you could see a big, pink heart and two smaller pink hearts between the two of them, with Ash claiming that's how the friendship between two men fighting each other with their fists is.
* LastEpisodeNewCharacter: Of a sort; he's the last new Pokémon caught by one of the protagonists.
* MirrorCharacter: Between how Misty meets him, his feisty rapport with her, and his passion for training, battling, and empowering his friends, Clauncher is basically Ash in Pokémon form.
* PintSizedPowerhouse: Despite being a small and unevolved Pokémon, Clauncher is quite powerful and even rivals Ash's Corphish in power.

[[folder:Brock (Takeshi)]]
%%Image selected per Image Pickin' thread: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=1653122569045271200&page=1
%%Please don't add, change or remove without starting a new thread.
->'''Voiced in Japanese by:''' Creator/YujiUeda
->'''Voiced in English by:''' Creator/EricStuart (4Kids), Bill Rogers (current)
->'''Voiced in Latin American Spanish by:''' Gabriel Gama (seasons 1-10, later returning for season 13 and onwards), Alan Prieto (seasons 10-12), Creator/ArturoMercadoJr (Movies 4 and 5), Ignacio de Anca (Movies 6 and 7)
->'''Voiced in European Spanish by:''' Javier Balas, Sergio Sánchez Sánchez (Movie ''Pokemon 3'' and special ''Mewtwo Returns'')
->'''Voiced in European French by:''' Antoni Lo Presti (Season 1-3 + 8-current, Movies 1-3 + 8-current, ''The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon'', ''Pokémon Chronicles''), Laurent Sao (Episode 22-51 from Season 1, Season 4-7, ''Mewtwo Returns'', Movie ''Pokémon Heroes''), Pascal Nowak (Movies ''Pokémon 4Ever'' and ''Destiny Deoxys''), Julien Chatelet (Movie ''Jirachi Wish Maker'')
->'''Voiced in Canadian French by:''' Creator/MartinWatier (Movies ''The First Movie'' + 3-7, ''Mewtwo Returns'')
->'''Voiced in Brazlian Portugese by:''' Creator/AlfredoRollo
->'''Voiced in Swedish by:''' Creator/MattiasKnave

[[OnlyOneName No last name given]][[note]]Per Eric Stuart's interview with an anime magazine circa 2006, it's Harrison[[/note]]. Originally the fearsome Pewter City Gym Leader (which he still runs every now and then), he left to travel with Ash on his journey to pursue his dream of becoming a Pokémon Breeder. Eldest of 10 kids, which he [[PromotionToParent had to raise on his own]] for almost two years after [[ParentalAbandonment his parents left]]. He served as a mentor to Ash for a while before turning into a sort of older brother character. He headed off on his own after their travels in Sinnoh, realizing that his true calling was instead to become a Pokémon Doctor.
* AchievementsInIgnorance: One of the recurring themes with Brock is that he has more success with women by accident than he ever does on purpose. He repeatedly tries to seduce Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys but is pulled away before anything can be accomplished and he has identical results when he meets other women. However, there have been times when he has managed to catch the girl's eye but never realizes it or the girl disappears before it goes forward.
* AdaptationDyeJob: Red-haired in his [[http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/File:Sugimoribrockoriginal.png original]] Sugimori artwork, brown-haired in the anime. Later artwork, even in Gen 1, has him with dark brown hair.
* AdaptationalModesty: He's a WalkingShirtlessScene in the original ''VideoGame/PokemonRedAndBlue''. This anime, along with future game adaptations, give him clothes.
* AdaptationalSympathy: Instead of just being the first gym leader encountered in Kanto, he's made into a man with his own aspirations to become a breeder (and eventually doctor)--and saddled with raising several younger siblings due to both of his parents being missing. That and he's pretty much unlucky at love every time he sees a pretty girl.
* AmbiguouslyBrown: Is he a really tan Asian guy or a light-skinned black guy? It should be noted in the games he's much lighter skinned. ''Then'' you have those who think he's [[TakeAThirdOption Hispanic.]]
* ArtShift: When Brock enters a contest, part of his routine involves [[http://www.serebii.net/anime/pictures/kanto/444ps5.shtml his features getting sharper and his eyebrows getting bigger]].
* AscendedExtra: Exaggerated. Similar to Misty, he has little plot relevance in the games besides being the first gym leader you fight. In the anime, he's a protagonist and travels with Ash through Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh.
* BackForTheFinale: [[spoiler:He joins Ash and Misty traveling on the third part of the ''Anime/AimToBeAPokemonMaster'' mini-series.]]
* BagOfHolding: Exemplified early in the Indigo saga, where he was able to pull out an entire cooking set, a table, and eating utensils out of his regular-sized bag.
%%* BalloonBelly: [=EP171=] and [=AG012.=]
* BattleStrip: When battling Kiawe in the SM anime, he removes his shirt and vest to reveal that he has a Mega Stone around his neck. [[MrFanservice And also that he's been working out, apparently]].
* BigBrotherMentor: Being the oldest and generally most mature of all the main characters, he typically serves this role whenever he's part of a traveling group, and he always ready to dispense some advice to Ash in particular. He also serves as a literal BigBrotherMentor to his brother Forrest, his successor.
* BishieSparkle: Not exactly {{Bishonen}}, but whenever he has an ImagineSpot of wooing a beautiful girl, he's suddenly surrounded by them. Sometimes, his design is changed to make him look more handsome than usual.
* BreakoutCharacter: Brock has always been a supporting character, but is easily the most popular one alongside Misty. His popularity has led him to become the most prevalent of Ash's companions, lasting for three series.
* TheBusCameBack: Brock temporarily leaves the group during the Orange Islands arc to stay with Professor Ivy, only to return at the end (for what reason [[TheUnreveal he won't say]]) to join Ash and Misty for their Johto journey. He does this temporarily at the end of ''The Original Series'' and ''Advanced Generation'' to take care of some family business, before he does this permanently at the end of ''Diamond and Pearl'' to begin his studies as a Pokémon Doctor. He would return as a guest star in ''Sun and Moon'' before [[spoiler:''The Arceus Chronicles'' brought him back as a GuestStarPartyMember, then as a cameo in [=JN132=] before he rejoins the main group in ''To Be a Pokémon Master''.]]
* ButtMonkey: His hound dog routine eventually becomes this. It starts with Misty, and later Max, yanking him by the ear when he got carried away with flirting. Come DP, Croagunk literally [[AssShove poison jabs his butt.]]
* CampStraight: Brock is [[RealMenWearPink quite at home with activities and even dress associated with women]], but he's always on the search for a girlfriend, flirting with virtually every pretty girl he meets.
** After being PromotedToParent for his little brothers and sisters, Brock has become quite comfortable with the milieu typically associated with the {{Housewife}}, including chores like cooking, laundry, sewing, ''etc.,'' and even wearing a frilly pink apron--he's shown to enjoy them to the point that they're practically hobbies for him.
** Apart from domestic chores, Brock also has an interest in aesthetic pursuits, showing a lot of interest in grooming, dressing, and showing Pokémon, and he's helped out his traveling companions with their costuming for contests.
** Brock sometimes wears flashy [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumberas_film rumbero]] clothes when performing, complete with loads of ruffles and plunging neckline; he wears this outfit for the "Takeshi's Paradise" ending theme or occasional InUniverse performances of the song. He wore another style of ''rumbero'' outfit as early as Recap/PokemonS1E43TheMarchOfTheExeggutorSquad.
* CallingTheOldManOut: Inverted. Has every reason to be angry with his father for abandoning the family for a long period of time. Except that, instead of chewing Flint out, Brock instead opted for telling Flint about the chores and daily routine that he has to undergo to take care of the children (it's a long list), while Brock himself goes off on his own journey. That said, he did play this trope straight during the Battle Frontier arc when his parents took a vacation and renovated the gym without his knowledge just before he came by to visit. The moment they get home, he chews them out for letting Team Rocket mess things up.
* CasanovaWannabe: He gets cut out of every relationship he tries to start.
** Misty grabs him by the shoulder or pulls him by the ear.
** Max pulls his ear.
** Bonsly tackles him with Double-edge.
** Croagunk uses Poison Jab on him, then drags him away.
* CharacterizationMarchesOn: In the earliest episodes, he seemed no more attracted to women than would be expected of his VagueAge (even gets embarrassed and shy when Misty mentions he has a crush on Melanie), and when he was, no more awkward. [[{{Flanderization}} Nowadays...]]
* ChefOfIron: Knows how to make Pokémon food and Pokéblocks.
* ChickMagnet: Made into one for all of five seconds in "Harley Rides Again" when several girls start [[CutenessProximity fawning over his Bonsly.]]
** Aside from that, at least three women have fallen in love with him.
* ChivalrousPervert: G-rated. Despite all his horndogging and flirtations, he never goes beyond attempting to swoon women with flattery or doing what they ask, he's ultimately very respectful of their wishes no matter how heartbroken he may be afterwards, and when called out on his admirations of Jennys and Joys, because they are all identical, Brock actually lists subtle differences in some of their personalities, meaning he actually is one of the few people who doesn't see them that way. In addition, if a cute girl is actively in trouble, he throws any flirting aside and works on helping them like he would anyone else.
* TheChosenOne: [[spoiler:Of Uxie. Fitting, that the resident TheSmartGuy would be the one being chosen by the Pokemon that bestowed knowlege. That and he shares the squinty-eyes with the Mythical Pokemon.]]
* ColorFailure: During the Hearthome Tournament, he finds himself getting partnered with another attractive girl. Unfortunately, he's not her type.
-->'''Holly:''' "I'm sorry, but I'm just not interested in younger men."
* CombatCommentator: One of his main roles in the story is to comment on Pokémon battles, explaining the moves and strategies on display.
* CommutingOnABus: After leaving Ash's party for good to become a doctor, Brock continued to make guest appearances in every subsequent series except X&Y. Outside of flashbacks in Black & White, Brock actually did appear in person during Cilan's special episode after Ash left Unova. He also appeared in two two-parters with Misty during ''Sun and Moon'' and a four-part special with Dawn in ''Journeys'' before returning for the last time in ''To Be a Pokémon Master''.
* CovertPervert: Surprisingly, his habit of falling in love with pretty ladies was unknown to his family until he returned from his Sinnoh journey.
* DefeatMeansFriendship: He became Ash's ally after Ash defeated him at Pewter Gym.
* DependingOnTheWriter: Sometimes if a pretty girl pops up in a moment of crisis, Brock would [[SkewedPriorities drop everything to flirt with her]]. Other times, things would be so out of hand that he'd wait until ''after'' the crisis had passed before he attempted to win her affections.
* DidNotGetTheGirl: Is obsessed with women, but he gets heartbroken every time. Even if the girl shows interest in him, usually Misty, Max, or Croagunk would take the chance away from him--or the girl would turn out to be not what she seems.
* DisappearedDad: When introduced, Brock's father, Flint, was revealed to have run off to become a Pokémon trainer, only to fail in his journey and not come back out of shame. It turns out that he was much closer than Brock thought, as he was living out in the wilds selling rocks while keeping a close eye on his family. Only once Ash beat Brock did Flint agree to take over as family caretaker.
* DoesThisRemindYouOfAnything: While Ash and company are still in the Orange Islands, Brock is a guest of the Ketchum household, and becomes a rival to Mimey when it comes to doing the chores. It's like they're being rivals over ''something else''.
* DynamicEntry: How did he first appear in the Advance Generation series? Throw Forretress as an ActionBomb against a flock of Taillow, that's what!
* EveryoneHasStandards: Brock is no stranger to falling in love with every girl he sees, but even he's a bit creeped out by Conway's stalking of Dawn.
* EyesAlwaysShut: One of the [[TropeCodifier most well-known examples]]. Throughout the series his eyes never (fully) open. There was one time, but it was a visual gag and not meant to be taken seriously.
* FanservicePack: Sort of--we don't see it until he [[ShirtlessScene takes his shirt off]], but when he does, we see that he's gotten noticeably (and we mean ''[[FemaleGaze noticeably]]'') more buff in the ''Sun And Moon'' anime.
* {{Flanderization}}: Started out as a mentor type, gained the lovable pervert shtick and eventually became reduced to it. Attempts have been made to regain his previous role, with variable success. In a bit of fairness, a silly side was shown in his intro episode when his father came back and he promptly got exasperated by his quirks, but before that, he was incredibly no-nonsense - almost like a smaller Lt. Surge. That said, fans still enjoy his antics, which would be why during his reunion with Ash in ''Sun and Moon'' he immediately flirts with a flight attendent rather than keep going towards Ash. That being said, in [[spoiler:''To Be A Pokémon Master'', he realizes his heart's been broken too many times in his attempts to flirt with every pretty girl he sees, and he decides to travel with Ash and Misty again so he could find a way to more easily overcome his constant heartbreak.]]
* FourTemperamentEnsemble
** Melancholic: During ''The Original Series'' and ''Diamond and Pearl'', he was the more level-headed member of the group, usually keeping focus on the task at hand, was polite, but often fell into a funk whenever a girl rejected him.
** Phlegmatic II: For ''Advance Generation'', Brock was very calm and humble in comparison to the HotBlooded Ash or the occasionally BrattyHalfPint May, and was very dependable, but was more than happy to roll himself over for whichever pretty girl he came across.
* FreudianExcuse: According to Takeshi Shudo's LightNovel ''Literature/PocketMonstersTheAnimation'', the reason why Brock is obsessed with women is because after his mom abandoned him and his siblings, Brock feels that his siblings needs a mother figure who won't abandon them. Though Takeshi Shudo left the series, it's still hinted to be true in the anime itself as Brock almost always pins for older women and they are usually people of authority or motherly care (unless they're already married and have kids).
* GuestStarPartyMember: After being PutOnABus at the end of ''Diamond & Pearl'' and being absent for ''Best Wishes'' (except for a special post-series episode where he meets Cilan) and ''XY'' (aside from flashbacks), he, along with Misty, returns for two separate guest appearance arcs in ''Sun & Moon''. He later makes another return with Dawn in a four-part special in ''Journeys''.
* HeterosexualLifePartners: With Ash; out of all of Ash's human companions, Brock is definitely the one he's closest to, and ''Diamond & Pearl'' has several subtle moments showing how strong the bond between them has become. Of course, this is likely a side-effect of the two of them traveling together the most out of all of Ash's companions.
* HormoneAddledTeenager: Brock is 15 and is obsessed with women, falling in love with nearly ever woman he meets, although he never does manage to get a girlfriend.
* HyperAwareness: He's diligently studied every Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny in the world to the point that when he encounters an imposter, he can tell something's off about them. This does come in handy whenever Team Rocket tries to swipe everyone's Pokémon in one of those disguises.
* ImageSong: "Takeshi's Paradise"
** He was one of the few English cast members to get an Image Song in the form of "Two Perfect Girls".
* InexplicablyIdenticalIndividuals: Brock's family from his father's side all look or will end up looking exactly the same as him, regardless if they're male or female. Brock's mom is the only one who looks different.
* InformedAbility: His profession/passion as a Pokémon breeder is occasionally mentioned, but has basically zero effect on the show. Probably because the topic involves a little too much birds and the bees for a children's show.
** Also his position as a "Rock-type specialist", which is brought up a handful of times throughout the series. While this is the case in the games where he exclusively uses Pokémon who are at least partially Rock-Types, in the anime he's never had more than two Rock-Types in his possession at any given time. Looking at his current team, he actually has just as many Water, Poison, and Steel types as he has Rock (at 2 each) and actually has more Ground-Types than any other (at 3). He only caught one Rock-Type Pokemon (Bonsly) throughout the 3 series he appeared in and by the time he got him, Onix had already evolved into Steelix and lost his Rock typing.
* {{Irony}}:
** He is appalled when his mother Lola changes the gym to a [[MakingASplash Water-Type Gym]], yet since then has owned several [[MakingASplash water-types]], Ludicolo and Marshtomp, and actually owns only three Rock-Types, Geodude, Bonsly and Onix (only two now that Onix evolved into [[ExtraOreDinary Steelix]])
** Brock loves charming girls but it never really goes anywhere because everyone else won't let him finish flirting with them. When Brock does succeed in seducing a girl, he either does it by accident or doesn't notice until very late. Pike Queen Lucy blushed whenever she was around him but he didn't notice or Max dragged him away before anything could be done about it. Lucy in "Tag! We're it...!" wasn't interested in him until he proved his battle prowess but she left without saying goodbye to him.
** Despite being a Rock-type specialist, Brock only catches one Rock-type Pokémon, ''loses'' a Rock-type Pokémon when his Onix evolves into Steelix and ''five''[[labelnote:*]]Steelix, Forretress, Ludicolo, Marshtomp and Croagunk[[/labelnote]] of his Pokémon have a type advantage over Rock-types and this is excluding his Geodude's Ground secondary typing!
* LetsGetDangerous: In spite of his tenure on the show, he is OutOfFocus for possibly more than 90% of it. When he ''does'' get to show his stuff, however, he's very competent. Best example might be "Leave it to Brocko" from the DP saga.
* LikesOlderWomen: He especially loves the Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys.
* LoveMakesYouDumb: He serves the wise voice of reason in almost any other situation, but his infatuation with the current GirlOfTheWeek can lead to some very questionable decisions.
** In "Battle Aboard the St. Anne", he's so enamored with the Gentleman's attractive companion that he encourages an uncertain Ash into agreeing to the Gentleman's offer of a Pokémon trade.
** In "Showdown in Dark City", he's easily convinced to visit the Yas Gym (dragging Ash and Misty along for the ride) by a pretty female trainer from that same gym.
** [[spoiler:When he returns in ''To Be A Pokémon Master'', it's shown that he cast aside his promising career as a Pokémon doctor in order to run a restaurant for a woman he just met - without even stopping to make sure she shares his feelings (or is even ''single'').]]
* LovingAShadow: In Takeshi Shudo's old notes, Brock's hunt for women was driven at least subconsciously by his desire to find his siblings a new mom.
* LovableSexManiac: A G-rated version. Brock is driven by his hormones and falls in love with nearly every pretty girl he meets.
* TheMedic: [[spoiler:He refocuses his goal on becoming a doctor at the end of DP. It helps that his Happiny had recently evolved into Chansey.]]
* MiseryTrigger: Mentioning Professor Ivy will make him very sad.
* MissingMom: The subject of a SeriesContinuityError in the English Dub only, Brock's mom was mentioned in his debut episode to have died from heartbreak in trying to hold the family together after Flint ran off, but she later showed up in ''Advanced Generation'' alive and well.
* MrFanservice: Downplayed. Brock only gets {{shirtless scene}}s in {{Beach Episode}}s ([[WalkingShirtlessScene unlike in the original game]]) but when he does it's treated with a FemaleGaze (even if briefly).
* MundaneUtility: ''Really'' mundane example: Lotad's flat head? Extra ''table''. And, of course there's Croagunk's Poison Jab, which saw more use for you-know-what than in actual battles.
* MustHaveLotsOfFreeTime: Brock originally joins Ash in order to pursue his dream of becoming a Pokémon Breeder, but since returning to the cast in Johto, he does little to further this goal and passed up many chances to head out on his own. He eventually leaves the main cast at the end of the ''Diamond and Pearl'' series -- to become Pokémon Doctor instead, inspired by an experience he had with taking care of sick baby Pokémon on a ship. He has also served as the "doctor" of the group for the majority of his time traveling with Ash and friends.
* TheNavigator: The one with the Town Map, though humorously, he often gets those he's navigating lost.
* NiceGuy: A pervert he may be, but Brock is by ''far'', one of the most patient, understanding, helpful people in the entire series. Even those who get annoyed at his antics can't deny how honest and good a person Brock is.
* NoCelebritiesWereHarmed:
** His Japanese name is a reference to a main character in ''Series/TakeshisCastle''.
** Creator/EricStuart based his voice on Creator/CaseyKasem, the original voice of Shaggy from ''WesternAnimation/ScoobyDooWhereAreYou''.
* NoSenseOfDirection: Despite being designated as TheNavigator, it's been shown multiple times that Brock isn't actually very good at. There have been instances where the gang was lost, only for someone else to look at the map and immediately being able to point them in the right direction and right before they left for Johto, Brock grabs Ash and points towards the horizon of their new journey, only to be immediately corrected that Johto is in the complete opposite direction. When you realize this, you start to realize why so many episode take place in the woods, and why the seasons got 50 episodes shorter after Brock left the show.
* NoSenseOfPersonalSpace: When Brock hits on girls, he tends to grab their hands and get in their personal space. He does this until Misty/Max/Croagunk pulls him away.
* NoodleIncident:
** The first time the gang visits Cerulean City for Ash's Gym Battle, Brock goes off on his own telling Ash that he has "Stuff" to do. When Ash inquires, Brock insists it's "just stuff". He then doesn't reappear in the episode until after Ash and Misty are leaving the Gym after Ash was given his badge. To date, it has never been revealed what Brock was doing in Cerulean nor is it ever brought up again.
** Ash and Misty find him back at the Ketchum home after their adventure in the Orange Islands. Whenever anyone asks about what happened during his time with Professor Ivy, he goes into a TroubledFetalPosition, to which he requests not to mention her name. To date, it's never been revealed what went on between the two and why he left. (He does mention Ivy in the English version of the seventh movie, though.)
* OddNameOut: In the original Japanese dub, where's he's known as Takeshi, he's the only one of his family's children that doesn't have a numerical theme to it. In the same dub, he's also the only one whose name doesn't end in the letter "O."
* OneDegreeOfSeparation: Following the ''Black and White'' era, Brock ran into Cilan, another of Ash's former traveling companions and fellow gym leader, but they didn't initially learn of their previous connection to Ash. [[spoiler:[=JN132=] would show they eventually learned, as they and Alexis watched Ash's match against Leon together, and Cilan was shown as hanging around with Brock in ''To Be A Pokémon Master'' when the two went to Galar.]]
* OnlySaneMan: As long as there aren't any pretty women in the vicinity, at least. He was often the one who would break up Ash and Misty whenever they got into a heated argument.
* OOCIsSeriousBusiness: Brock takes his shirt and vest off, invoking WalkingShirtlessScene, when he is ready to Mega-Evolve Steelix. This is something the CasanovaWannabe ''never'' did when he was previously on the series unless it was a HotSpringsEpisode, and he was actually bathing.
* OutOfFocus: From Johto onward, when he began to receive fewer focus episodes and often functioned as a mere walking gag. It seems they eventually caught onto this, as Brock gets a few more focus episodes in ''Diamond & Pearl'' before leaving the show for a good few years.
* OvershadowedByAwesome:
** Increasingly so, particularly in most of Sinnoh in comparison to Ash and Dawn. Lampshaded in the 11th movie, where Ash and Dawn both spring into action against the BigBad, and Brock briefly gets depressed over being left behind...literally.
** In one episode Team Rocket review their typical plans with accompanying graphics to find out why they always fail. When they get to the step where the heroes counterattack, the graphic shows Ash commanding Pikachu and Dawn commanding Piplup to attack...while Brock just stands in the background.
** The anime is ''very much aware of this''. When Brock got ADayInTheLimelight, he has proven to be cunning, fixing Team Rocket a meal and then stealing the Pokémon they stole and booking it while they were distracted. He's also shown he's an excellent battler, taking out Seviper with Croagunk despite the type disadvantage, and when Ash and Dawn showed up and volunteered to take it from there, Brock told them to stay out of it and he proceeded to beat down James' Carnivine with his newly evolved Sudowoodo...''also'' with a type disadvantage.
** [[AvertedTrope Averted]] when he reappears during ''Sun and Moon'' and gets a one-sided victory against [[TheLancer Kiawe]]... ''also'' [[RuleOfThree with a Type disadvantage]]. He and Misty also do most of the work taking out Team Rocket's mech after Ash's Lycanroc's attacks are repelled.
* OverusedRunningGag: Brock falling in love with the GirlOfTheWeek and [[DidNotGetTheGirl failing to succeed]] has happened OncePerEpisode since Recap/PokemonS1E9TheSchoolOfHardKnocks (though it took a few episode before Brock started [[CasanovaWannabe throwing himself at them outright]]). The gag has been around so long it's gone through several evolutions.
** Brock has had entire {{Image Song}}s about his pursuit of women that would play repeatedly--"Takeshi's Paradise" in the Japanese version, and "Two Perfect Girls" abroad.
** Late in ''Anime/PokemonTheOriginalSeries'', this gag evolved into Brock throwing himself at a woman and [[BokeAndTsukkomiRoutine someone in the group hauling him away]], first Misty, then [[Anime/PokemonTheSeriesRubyAndSapphire Max]], and then Brock's own pokémon [[Anime/PokemonTheSeriesDiamondAndPearl Bonsly and Croagunk]]. (Less commonly, May and even [[ChasteHero Ash]] have done it as well).
** ''Anime/PokemonTheSeriesRubyAndSapphire'' gave Brock a little black book that he'd filled with details on each GirlOfTheWeek before he ever met them.
** In ''Anime/PokemonTheSeriesDiamondAndPearl'', Brock's attempts to woo women would cause him to make dramatic speeches and generate BishieSparkle and LoveBubbles.
* ParentalAbandonment: They actually come back ([[InconsistentDub yes, his mom was alive all this time]], but it's understandable that Brock's less than pleased when they go on vacation and leave his 9 siblings by themselves.
* PassingTheTorch: Handed over control of the gym to his younger brother Forrest.
* PutOnABus: ''Four times!''
** He departed the show at the beginning of the ''Orange Islands'' arc because the anime crew thought he might be considered an Asian stereotype to a global audience (it's his eyes). He was promptly brought back for Johto because, as it turns out, nobody cared about that.
** He and Ash then briefly parted ways again at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheOriginalSeries'' and then once again at the end of ''Anime/PokemonTheSeriesRubyAndSapphire'', but they quickly reunited both times.
** It finally happened permanently at the end of ''''Anime/PokemonTheSeriesDiamondAndPearl'' after Brock decided to become a Pokémon doctor, meaning his studies preclude him from traveling anymore with Ash.
* RealMenWearPink: After years of being PromotedToParent for his ten siblings, Brock's quite handy with the cooking and cleaning typical of a {{Housewife}} and perfectly comfortable in a frilly pink apron. He's the TeamMom almost as often as he's the TeamDad.
* TheReliableOne: Probably the most dependable person Ash has ever traveled with, assuming he's not head over heels for some girl he just happened to spot.
* RiddleForTheAges: We're probably never going to find out what on earth happened between him and Professor Ivy that, to this day, makes him assume the TroubledFetalPosition every time her name is mentioned.
* RunningGag:
** Brock's failures to pursue the GirlOfTheWeek are his most famous OverusedRunningGag.
** For a while after he left Professor Ivy's home and returned to the show, mention of her name would cause Brock to turn BlueWithShock and assume a TroubledFetalPosition in a CornerOfWoe.
** Brock would occasionally give a live performance of "Takeshi's Paradise" whenever the group determined WeNeedADistraction.
* SeenItAll: Like Ash, he'll occasionally react to the crazy things he's been through a lot more casually than someone completely fresh about such things, like being contacted by the Lake Guardians and Arceus during ''Arceus Chronicles''.
* SelfServingMemory: When it's brought up that Ash won all eight gym badges in Kanto, Brock agrees with Misty's assessment that Ash only got their badges out of pity-- convieniently forgetting that it was ''Ash'' who felt sorry for ''him'', not the other way around. Brock ''gave'' Ash his badge because he refused to fight with a dishonourable tactic and was impressed with his willingness to fight fair.
* ShirtlessScene: Ignoring beach episodes, Brock as a MythologyGag to his appearance in ''Red and Blue'', goes shirtless during his battle with Kiawe in ''Sun and Moon'', then again in ''The Arceus Chronicles'' during the battle against Team Galactic. [[MrFanservice He does not disappoint.]]
* TheSmartGuy: Of every [[TheTeam team]] he's been in. In "Advanced Generation", he somewhat shares the role with Max. [[spoiler: He's also TheChosenOne of Uxie, the precursor of Knowledge.]]
* SomethingElseAlsoRises: "Fleeing Tower of Sunyshore". Brock and Flint have to work together to power up the Pokémon Center's backup generator. Brock was egged on by Nurse Joy several times, causing the energy gauge of the generator to...go sky-high.
* StrongFamilyResemblance: With his nine siblings and his dad, all of whom have EyesAlwaysShut.
* SupremeChef: Brock is great at making meals and does most of the cooking for the gang.
* TeamChef: To the point where this is his most essential contribution to the group in later arcs.
* TeamDad: During his travels with Ash and others, Brock has provided them with advice, broken up arguments, and cooked food for the group.
* TemptingFate: Brock has started to realize that every time he starts swooning over Nurse Joy or Officer Jenny, Croagunk is only moments away from poison jabbing him, so he tries to control himself and back down.
* TokenGoodTeammate: Compared to most other gym leaders in Kanto that were downright antagonistic towards Ash or didn't take their job seriously, Brock's only crime was being a proper challenge for him, and the series afterwards quickly establishes him to be a NiceGuy ([[BunnyEarsLawyer if a sometimes kooky one]]).
* TookALevelInBadass: Gains the ability to use Mega Evolution in ''Sun and Moon''.
** Even more notable is that after a tenure on the show where his Onix would get tossed around or ignored to increase tension, being sidelined to promote Ash or the female companion, and the show constantly downplaying or forgetting the fact he was a Gym Leader compared to how others in similar positions are treated, when Brock comes back for ''Sun & Moon'', he's never defeated a single time. This included a two-on-one match against him, a match with an opponent with a type advantage and a Z-Move, and a battle against an Island Kahuna. Plus each time his Pokemon just seem to brush off whatever attack is thrown at them.
* TraumaButton: Whenever the name Professor Ivy is mentioned, he breaks down and insists not to mention that name.
* {{Tritagonist}}: He's usually in the background compared to Ash and whichever female companion their traveling with, but sometimes the show (or at least, the current story) makes it clear that he's this (at least for the humans). This is most evident during the Galactic arc, where not only does his Croagunk get a rivalry with Saturn's Toxicroak, he's also [[spoiler: chosen by one of the Lake Trio, along with Ash and Dawn.]]
* TwinThreesomeFantasy: Which [[http://serebii.net/anime/pictures/shinou/511.shtml actually]] '''happens''', when a ''flood'' of Nurse Joys and Officer Jennies mob him, wanting to get into his pants. [[spoiler:Unfortunately for Brock, the Fantasy part is [[LotusEaterMachine literal]]...]]
* VagueAge: Unlike Ash and Misty who are established as both being 10 (although Misty is ''12'' according to some sources), Brock's age is never really stated apart from the fact he's clearly older than his traveling companions. Some sources state he's 15 which would go in line with the fact that due to Pokemon's general following of the ShortTeensTallAdults rule, he's implied to not ''quite'' be an an adult yet, with Brock often being ''shorter'' or around the same height as characters who are clearly adults. Other situations treat him as older however, particularly the fact a vast majority of the people he flirts with are adults themselves, with the few who reciprocate almost always in the 'adult' category.
* VitriolicBestBuds: With Misty. They both may tease each other or occasionally snark at the other's expense, but have a strong friendship that shows that they really do care about each other. They're even shown to be close after their initial adventures together, and are always happy to reunite.
* WeNeedADistraction: After the "Takeshi's Paradise" ending theme was introduced near the tail-end of ''Anime/PokemonTheOriginalSeries'', Brock has given live performances of the song InUniverse [[RunningGag whenever some crowd needs to be held at bay]]. He sometimes convinces others to join him in the act (Corphish [twice!], Lombre, ''Dawn'')....
* WingdingEyes: Gets hearts in his eyes every time he looks at a pretty girl.
* TheWorfEffect: In spite of his aforementioned competence, his PlotArmor is thinner than those of his friends because of how much focus they get. If he participates in a competition or tournament that his friends also join, he's likely to either lose early on or eventually get beaten by them.
* WouldntHitAGirl: Brock zig-zags this trope. In one scene of the first season, Misty kicked him in the face and he never attempted to fight back. Another episode, however, showed him hitting Misty many times after she kept teasing him about his crush on Melanie.
* YankTheDogsChain: Oh, they do this sometimes with his hopeless flirtations. It just has a way of going straight to hell before the end of the episode.

[[folder:Brock's Pokémon]]

!!In General
* DishingOutDirt: His main type is the Rock-Type, and he also has multiple Ground-types that aren't Rock-types.
** Ironically, despite priding himself in being a Rock-Type specialist, the ''only'' Rock-type he caught during the series proper was Bonsly.
* FreudianTrio:
--> TheKirk: Mudkip/Marshtomp
--> TheMcCoy: Lotad/Lombre/Ludicolo (Hoenn) & Bonsly (Kanto)
--> TheSpock: Forretress
--> TheKirk: Bonsly/Sudowoodo
--> TheMcCoy: Happiny/Chansey
--> TheSpock: Croagunk
* OutOfFocus: Much like Brock himself, his Pokemon don't receive much development and (particularly in the original series) tend to [[FlatCharacter lack memorable personalities]]. This is progressively averted in ''Advanced Generation'' and especially ''Diamond and Pearl'', where his Pokemon get much more screentime.
* PoorPredictableRock: Averted, as soon as Brock stopped being the Gym Leader, he stopped having a Rock-type theme for his Pokémon team, though he tries to have at least one Rock-type Pokémon on his team. Nonetheless, he is quite firm about keeping Pewter Gym's Rock theme intact.
* PutOnABus: With the exception of Vulpix, none of Brock's Pokémon are given send offs when he stops using them. He typically leaves them at the Pewter City Gym off-screen. It's also very rare that any of his Pokemon (save his Kanto trinity and [[BreakoutCharacter Croagunk]]) are ever seen or mentioned again after their initial series ends. Outside of these four, none of his reserves have appeared more than once since leaving his party.

!!Onix-Steelix (Iwark-Haganeil)
->'''Voiced by:''' Creator/UnshoIshizuka

Onix is Brock's first Pokémon, which he received as a birthday gift from his father Flint[[note]]Not the Sinnoh Elite Four member.[[/note]]. Onix serves as the Ace Pokémon of Pewter City's Gym Leader and it travels alongside its trainer throughout Kanto, the Orange Islands and Johto. In a decisive battle determining the fate of the Pewter Gym, Brock and Onix defeat Lola (Brock's mother) and her Mantine, which allows the Gym to remain as a Rock-type Gym. After that, Brock leaves Onix, Geodude and Crobat under the care of the family's second son Forrest, the new successor of the Pewter Gym, so that Brock's Pokémon would guide his younger brother to a proper Gym Leader.
While under Forrest's care, Onix has evolved into the Steel-type Pokémon Steelix and become considerably stronger and it continues to serve as one of the Gym's Pokémon despite no longer being a Rock-type. After several journeys, Brock has finally readded his first Pokémon to his current roster, which also has gained the ability to Mega Evolve into Mega Steelix.
* TheAce: Steelix is Brock's starter and most powerful Pokémon, which was emphasized much more after evolving. It was able to battle powerfully alongside Ash's Donphan in ''Advanced Generation'', defeat Kiawe's Turtonator in ''Sun and Moon'' (even tanking a super effective Z-Move after Mega Evolving), and hold its own against all three Galactic Commanders in ''Journeys''.
* TheBigGuy: It was the largest Pokémon within the main cast during the original series and was Brock's strongest Pokémon.
* DavidVersusGoliath: In a very classic fashion, Onix would often act as the Goliath to a much smaller opponent, notably Pikachu and Meowth, who both have type disadvantages against Onix. It's only that its weakness to water is exploited that they are able to defeat it, although in both cases, the battles aren't actually fair. The trope is later flipped during the first ''Chronicles'' special, where Onix is the David to Mantine's Goliath due to the severe type disadvantage Onix has against water, particularly in a field full of water. Onix manages to win thanks to his endurance and Brock's commands.
* DishingOutDirt: Its secondary type is Ground-type. As an Onix, it was also a Rock-type.
* ExtraOreDinary: Steelix's type is Steel-Type, exchanging its Rock-type for it. It has used Iron Tail and Gyro Ball, which are Steel-type moves.
* FastTunnelling: Knows Dig.
* GentleGiant: Outside of battle. Especially prominent when it reappeared as Steelix.
* MadeOfIron: Besides the obvious pun, Steelix is tough as nails. He's even ''tougher'' as Mega Steelix and tanks Turtonator's Inferno Overdrive, a move that would be ''Super Effective'' against Steel-types. Even before it evolved, Onix had become so strong that it endured several Bubble Beams from Lola's Mantine.
* MyMasterRightOrWrong: In [=JN139=], a hypnotized Brock sends out Steelix to attack ''Ash and Pikachu''. Even though it has known them for a very long time, Steelix still attacks Ash and Pikachu with no issue and there is zero indication that Steelix is got also hypnotized by Hatterene.
* SignatureMon: Onix/Steelix is Brock's one of two Signature Mon as a whole, although it suffered through being OutOfFocus and being PutOnABus. By the time of ''Sun & Moon'', Steelix has come back as Brock's regular Pokémon, having finally caught up to Croagunk's status, the other Signature Mon.
* SignatureMove: Bind is its most commonly used move.
* SuperMode: Gains the ability to mega-evolve in ''Sun & Moon''.
* TailSlap: Knew Iron Tail during ''Advance Generation''.
* TookALevelInBadass: When Brock returned to the Pewter Gym, we finally get to see how strong Onix has become, being able to endure multiple Water moves and win against a Water Pokémon, a far cry from how it used to be easily defeated by water. Since Onix has been taken care of by Forrest, Onix has become even stronger a Steelix, and since Brock's return from Sinnoh, Steelix has grown stronger yet again.
* TheWorfEffect:
** Mostly while it was an Onix: although supposedly Brock's strongest Pokémon, it loses several battles (including to ''Meowth'' once, when Meowth dumped water on it and somehow finished it off with Fury Swipes). The impression is further strengthened by the fact that Onix was by far the largest of the main cast's Pokémon during the whole Kanto and Johto sagas. Refreshingly averted in the fourth movie, where it-- and not any of Ash's Pokémon-- is the one to defeat the villain's [[InfinityMinusOneSword Tyranitar]].
** As a Mega Steelix, it gets to be on the other end of this trope. Kiawe's Turtonator can't do squat against it, and even Inferno Overdrive is unable to take it out.

!!Geodude (Isitsubute)
->'''Voiced in Japanese by:''' Creator/ShinichiroMiki
->'''Voiced in English by:''' Creator/MichaelHaigney (4Kids), Creator/MarcThompson (current)
* BareFistedMonk: Knows Seismic Toss, a fighting type move, despite not actually being a Fighting type.
* DishingOutDirt: Rock and Ground type.
* MythologyGag: In "The Punchy Pokémon" Brock enters Geodude in a Fighting-type tournament; it IS a fighting-type in the VideoGame/PokemonTradingCardGame.
* NoodleIncident: Unlike Brock's other Pokémon, Geodude is the only one with no explanation on how it was caught.
* OutOfFocus: Barely got any personality, character development, or battles, and was mainly used in places where Onix was too big to fit. It did get to return with Brock in the ''Sun and Moon'' series however.
* PintsizedPowerhouse: It can hold its own against Pikachu without the need of Onix.
* PowerFloats: Despite being a rock, it somehow levitates.

->'''Voiced by:''' Creator/ShinichiroMiki
* BatOutOfHell: Subverted. Though it looks rather scary, it's actually a very loyal and kind friend.
* BlowYouAway: Knows Whirlwind.
* ADayInTheLimelight: Episodes 165 and 196 of the original series, both being from the Johto Saga, focused a lot on it as a Zubat and Golbat respectively, and it eventually evolved in both episodes, into Golbat and ultimately into Crobat.
* OffscreenMomentOfAwesome: We never see Brock actually catching Zubat. And Ash and Misty are just as surprised when he reveals his capture.
* ThePowerOfFriendship: Is it any wonder it took such a short time for Golbat to evolve into Crobat, after Brock's caring for it?
* SuperScream: Knows Supersonic and Sonic Boom. The latter being a move it can't learn in the games. Upon evolving from Zubat to Golbat, its Supersonic became much more effective.
* SuperSpeed: Like in the games, Crobat has incredibly high flying speed. Upon evolving from Golbat, it casually overtook Ash's Noctowl and Team Rocket's escape rocket with its newfound speed.

!!Vulpix (Rokon)
->'''Voiced in Japanese by:''' Creator/RikakoAikawa
->'''Voiced in English by:''' Creator/RachaelLillis
* AsianFoxSpirit: Blatantly based on such with its fox like appearance and multiple tails.
* BadassAdorable: It's cute and dainty as a button, yet has explosive fire powers. It was likely for this reason it was usually Brock's representing Pokémon in the Pikachu shorts.
* HappilyAdopted: Technically the property of a professional breeder called Suzie, who entrusted Vulpix with Brock after seeing his warmness to Pokémon. Vulpix very quickly took to Brock as its trainer.
* OutOfFocus: Too adorable for its own good, especially since it's (currently) the ''only'' Pokémon Brock no longer owns (all the others are at Pewter Gym).
* PlayingWithFire: Packs one hell of a Flamethrower.
* PutOnABus: Returned it to the girl who gave it to him.
* SignatureMon: Up until Brock returned it to Suzy, it was Brock's. It was his Pokémon to be seen outside of battle the most, and often time was seen as a parallel to Misty's Psyduck, having both been received an episode apart, or even Misty's Togepy. Point of fact it was Vulpix out of Brock's Pokémon that Mewtwo cloned in "Mewtwo Strikes Back".
* SpoiledBrat: In [[CharacterisationMarchesOn its first appearance]] - it roasts Misty just for unexpectedly picking it up, before curling back up with a light yawn. It's much more playful in later appearances, if still very fond of pampering.
* TheWorfEffect: Introduced as being extremely powerful, but is rarely shown winning an actual battle. In "Princess Vs. Princess", it lost to Jessie's Lickitung in ''seconds''. Later in "Hot Matches", Vulpix loses against a Skarmory despite having a type advantage and was even knocked out with a [[ScissorsCutsRock Steel Wing, no less!]]

!!Pineco-Forretress (Kunugidama-Foretos)
->'''Voiced in Japanese by:''' Creator/UnshoIshizuka
->'''Voiced in English by:''' Creator/EricStuart (Pineco, Forretress 4Kids), Creator/UnshoIshizuka (Forretress, current)
* ActionBomb: Knows [=SelfDestruct=] and Explosion.
* TheBusCameBack: Forretress returns in [=JN140=], alongside Misty's Starmie of all things.
* DishingOutDirt: Knows Spikes, a Ground-Type move that deals passive damage to opponents.
* ExtraOreDinary: Forretress is a Steel-Type.
* LongRunner: Had a surprisingly long stint in the series, being caught by a main character early in the Johto saga and staying in in his party for the entirety of [[Anime/PokemonTheSeriesRubyAndSapphire Hoenn and Battle Frontier]], amounting in total to more than 300 episodes. At one point he had the crown of the longest-lasting Pokémon in the show (discounting Pikachu and Meowth) over even [[BreakoutCharacter Jessie's Wobbuffet]]. That said, especially by the end of his run, he was largely OutOfFocus.
* MundaneUtility: Brock used Forretress' Rapid Spin as an improvised drill when the gang had to make a pit trap.
* OutOfFocus: Despite Forretress being on Brock's team for over 300 episodes, including the entirety of ''Advanced Generation'', it sure didn't get a lot of time in the spotlight.
* RunningGag: Pineco loves to blow itself up at the slightest provocation, and unfortunately for Brock, he usually ends up being in proximity, resulting in him getting an AshFace.
* SignatureMove: For Pineco it's Explosion, and for Forretress it's Rapid Spin.
* TheStoic: Forretress; Pineco was a lot more excitable. It lost all of its personality quirks upon evolving, including its tendency to use Explosion when excited.
* SpectacularSpinning: It learned Rapid Spin upon evolving, which became its SignatureMove.
* SpikeShooter: Knows Spikes.

!!Lotad-Lombre-Ludicolo (Hassboh-Hasubrero-Runpappa)

->'''Voiced in Japanese by:''' Miyako Ito (Hassboh and Hasubrero), Creator/FumihikoTachiki (Runpappa)
->'''Voiced in English by:''' Kayzie Rogers (Lotad), Creator/DanGreen (Lombre), Creator/EricStuart (Ludicolo, 4Kids), Bill Rogers (Ludicolo, current)
* BewareTheNiceOnes: He's always been a NiceGuy, even in his first stage, but he's really powerful and not afraid to show it when his friends are in danger.
* BulletSeed: He can fire this as a Lombre and a Ludicolo.
* TheBusCameBack: He reappears in [=JN145=], fighting against Team Rocket's returning Pokémon.
* CloudCuckooLander: Kind of "out there" compared to others of his species, especially as a Lotad and a Lombre. Don't ''ever'' assume he's stupid, though. He loses his odd personality after evolving into Ludicolo, but became a very cheerful and always dancing Pokémon instead.
* ConfusionFu: His battle style is ''unpredictable''.
* GreenThumb: His primary type is Grass and he knows the Grass-type moves Razor Leaf and Bullet Seed.
* {{Keet}}: A female Mawile has a crush on Lombre, but Lombre being the CloudCuckooLander he is, doesn't show any signs of interest in her and ignores her all the time. But after evolving into Ludicolo, his entire personality changed and he falls in love with said Mawile...who loses interest in him and falls for a random Psyduck instead.
* JawDrop: Ludicolo has an [[https://www.serebii.net/anime/pictures/houen/382/AG332.jpg EPIC one]] when his Mawile crush dumps him for a Psyduck.
* {{Keet}}: As Ludicolo, which is characteristic of the species. See also NiceGuy below
* MakingASplash: His secondary type is Water and he knows Water Gun.
* MundaneUtility: Lola, in one of her "ideal" parenting moods, somehow convinced Ludicolo to carry around her bags as she and Flint go on vacation.
* NiceGuy: Shown very early in ''Advanced Generation''. When he was called out to battle the leader of a school of Sharpedo, Lotad quickly noticed something was wrong (Sharpedo had been poisoned by Jessie's Seviper), and along with Brock stayed by Sharpedo's side, even overnight. He was quite ecstatic to see that Sharpedo seemed to be recovering, and had its fin wrapped around Brock's back.
* PutOnABus: Brock leaves Ludicolo at home because his siblings loved him.
* RunningGag: Ludicolo always had a habit of grabbing Max and dancing with him whenever Brock sends him out.
* TheRuntAtTheEnd: Of the herd of Lotad, this one has a bit of trouble catching up.
* TransformationTrinket: Lombre unflinchingly scrounges around the bag of the Character of the Day, until he found her Water Stone deep inside, instantly making him evolve.

!!Mudkip-Marshtomp (Mizugorou-Numacraw)

->'''Voiced in Japanese by:''' Music/MegumiHayashibara (Mizugorou), Creator/ShinichiroMiki (Numacraw)
->'''Voiced in English by:''' Lindsey Warner (Mudkip, 4Kids), Creator/MicheleKnotz (Mudkip, second), Kayzie Rogers (as Jamie Peacock, Marshtomp)
* BarrierWarrior: Knows Protect.
* TheBusCameBack: He finally comes back to the series in [=JN143=].
* DishingOutDirt: Marshtomp is part Ground-type, but he already knew Mud Shot as a Mudkip.
* LamarckWasRight: How else would you explain [[http://www.serebii.net/anime/pictures/kanto/425ps1.shtml this]]? Upon evolution, Marshtomp inherited his trainer's quirk of falling in love with females regularly.
* MakingASplash: The Water-Type Starter of the Hoenn region.
* OutOfFocus: Among the three Hoenn Starters, he receives the least amount of screentime.
* OvershadowedByAwesome: The one member of the Hoenn group's Starter trio that saw the least action, hence his evolution coming late, and the only one to never even reach its final stage.
* SugarAndIcePersonality: Towards Brock in his first appearance. In general, he's more sweet than icy.
* TeamDad: Mudkip was just as mature - if not moreso - than Pikachu and tried hard to both keep the peace and take care of the younger ones. "Turning Over A New Nuzleaf" was the first great example.

!!Bonsly-Sudowoodo (Usohachi-Usokkie)
->'''Voiced in Japanese by:''' Creator/DaisukeSakaguchi\\
'''Voiced in English by:''' Bill Rogers
* BareFistedMonk: Knows the Fighting-Type move Hammer Arm.
* TheBusCameBack: Sudowoodo makes a surprise reappearance in the ''Sun and Moon'' series, where he has a friendly battle with Olivia's Lycanroc. He's also shown to have learned the moves Feint Attack and Low Kick.
* CharacterTics: Sudowoodo has a habit of saluting Brock.
* CrocodileTears: Knows Fake Tears, which he used a lot as Bonsly, but eventually grew out of it upon evolving.
* CoolBigBro: Towards Happiny, since they seem to appear together often.
* DittoFighter: Knows Mimic to copy other moves.
* DishingOutDirt: It is a Rock-type Pokémon and the first newly obtained Rock-type since Brock's introduction.
* EarlyBirdCameo: Bonsly was caught during ''Advanced Generation'' despite it being a Generation IV Pokémon. Naturally, he later accompanies Brock to Sinnoh, though ironically he evolves into his Generation II form quite early in the series.
* OutOfFocus: Downplayed. Sudowoodo received less focus than Croagunk and Happiny, but he still gets some shining moments of prominence and never actually decays as a tough battler.
* TookALevelInBadass: In "Leave it to Brocko", where he evolves, evolving from a whining baby that needs constant care and attention to a soldier-like strong battler.
* WhenTreesAttack: Even though he's actually a Rock-type. In "Leave It To Brocko", they use this to their advantage to put a lost, frightened young Nuzleaf at ease, since Bonsly's tree-like appearance reassured Nuzleaf that they were friendly.
* YesMan: As a Sudowoodo, he developed a highly chipper attitude and was always happy to help Brock out. It's a more endearing example than most, though, as he's obviously very devoted to his trainer.

!!Croagunk (Gureggru)
->'''Voiced in Japanese by:''' Creator/KatsuyukiKonishi
->'''Voiced in English by:''' Bill Rogers
* AbortedArc: A FriendlyRivalry[=/=]WorthyOpponent dynamic with Dawn's (later Ash's) Buizel is teased during the latter's early episodes. It's never touched upon again.
* AssShove: Croagunk's Poison Jab almost always is depicted like this.
* BareFistedMonk: His primary type is Poison, but his secondary type is Fighting and he knows Brick Break.
* {{Beat}}: Croagunk is the source of a lot of awkward silences...[[{{Filler}} just staring]]...[[OverlyLongGag and croaking...]]
* BlueAndOrangeMorality: Rather appropriately for a Pokémon with a blue-and-orange color scheme, Croagunk's moral code is... difficult to pinpoint. He'll generally obey his trainer's commands in battle without question, but outside than that, he more or less does whatever he pleases. How he'll respond to any given situation is subject to change at almost any point.
* BreakoutCharacter: Croagunk started as just another Generation IV Pokémon, but his popularity in the anime turned him into a common presence in promotional material and one of Brock's {{Signature Mon}}s. Whenever Brock returns to the anime, it's a near-guarantee Croagunk will be seen at some point, with the sole exception of the ''Sun & Moon'' series.
* TheBusCameBack: Croagunk reappears in ''[=JNS02=]'' after his absence from ''Sun and Moon''. He is revealed to be one of Brock's medical assistants, helps battle against Team Galactic, and resumes his usual role of jabbing Brock. He also reappears in ''To Be a Pokémon Master'', working together with Misty to shut down Brock's attempts at flirting.
* EveryoneHasStandards: While he takes delight in his violence towards Brock whenever he flirts with a girl, he tends to back off in scenarios where the girl is either ok with it (such as Cynthia, she caught him) or when the girl shuts him down (such as when Brock first meets Holly, Brock underwent ColorFailure while Croagunk was left wondering what to do with his readied Poison Jab).
* EvilLaugh: Croagunk everytime he has to poison jab Brock and drag him off behind him. ''Cro-cro-cro-croooo''. In the Japanese version, instead of PokemonSpeak, it's an actual EvilLaugh...
* FascinatingEyebrow: [[http://serebii.net/anime/pictures/shinou/477.shtml Bizarrely]], when Brock is trying to orient him in the group's daily routine...
* GlassCannon: He can hit ''very'' hard, singlehandedly blocking a stray Draco Meteor fired by ''Dialga'' and knocking out Saturn's Toxicroak in one blow, but doesn't fare so well in prolonged battle.
* HeelFaceTurn: He first shows up as a "member" of Team Rocket; or rather, he followed Meowth to the Rockets' bogus gym, and Jessie decided to use him in their scam. Once the Rockets ditch him, he decides to join Brock instead.
* IconicSequelCharacter: Brock's second SignatureMon who didn't appear until the tenth season.
* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: He's usually quick to [[BigDamnHeroes come to the rescue]] of Brock (or the rest of the group) if they're in real danger, even if half his screen-time is him giving Brock a poison jab to the rear.
* MissedHimByThatMuch: In "Jumping Rocket Ship", the group gets separated, and Croagunk is simply taking a trip through Canalave's canals by way of several boats. Every time he appears, it was just a split-second before/after one group is in the same scene. For the record, Croagunk was the ''last'' Pokémon to be "found" (or rather, Croagunk found them thanks to Brock being himself).
* NotSoAboveItAll: Despite his trademark RunningGag of jabbing Brock, he occasionally finds himself attracted to women as well, such as with Cynthia in her debut or with a female Croagunk on Dawn's TV.
* NotSoStoic: There are a few times that he outright laughs at his trainer's misfortune towards girls.
* OOCIsSeriousBusiness: His intense rivalry with Saturn's Toxicroak trggers his Anticipation ability.
** When Brock would flirt with other ladies while Team Galactic is hidden nearby, even Brock self-stopped his advances on purpose and checked on Croagunk to see what was wrong.
** Taken a lot more personally in the ''Journeys'' Special Episode ''"The Arceus Chronicles"'' where Croagunk would instantly pop out of his Pokeball when Toxicroak was responsible for the chaos.
* PetTheDog: Can often come across as a {{jerkass}} at times, but the writers occasionally show that he can have a protective side as well. For example, there's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment in "Doc Brock" - after [[ItMakesSenseInContext Pachirisu has recovered from its sickness thanks to Brock and he agrees to lecture Ash & Dawn about medicine]], the screen briefly shoots to the window to show Croagunk, [[EyesAlwaysShut eyes closed]] in that {{Animesque}} manner characters have when they're being ''tender''. Besides the subject matter of the episode, that heartwarming little shot gives subtle {{Foreshadowing}} to [[spoiler: Brock's eventual decision to become a Pokémon Doctor]].
* PintsizedPowerhouse: In spite of being small for a Pokémon, he's got enough power in him to lay down the hurt when needed. Notably, during a Croagunk contest in Pastoria City, he's able to smash a pile of bricks without breaking a sweat, and he's (eventually) able to bring down Saturn's Toxicroack.
* PoisonousPerson: His primary type is Poison and he knows Poison Stab and Poison Sting. He keeps using Poison Stab to incapacitate his trainer.
* RealMenHateSugar: Shown several times to be adverse to any sweet food. Interestingly enough, this does hint to his nature; the Pokémon natures that dislike sweet food are Brave, Quiet, Sassy or Relaxed. All four could be used to describe Croagunk to some extent (though Quiet is the most apparent.)
* RunningGag:
** He's ''waaay'' too obsessed with his reflection.
** Also the whole "stab and drag Brock away from girls" thing, of course. In ''To Be a Pokémon Master'', he teams up with Misty to stop Brock's attempts at flirting.
* SensorCharacter: He has been able to detect the presence of Team Rocket at several points when the rest of the group was distracted and has headed off to stop them on his own without the others noticing. He was also aware of the approach of Saturn's Toxicroak.
* ShippingTorpedo: PlayedForLaughs, as Croagunk's main role is to Poison Jab Brock everytime his owner couldn't keep it in his pants.
* SignatureMon: Over the course of the series, Croagunk has become Bronk's closest Pokémon and his main battler, aside from Steelix, and Croagunk has doubled as one of the main cast's mascots during ''Diamond & Pearl''.
* SignatureMove: Poison Jab. Which is also used as a replacement of dragging Brock by the ears. Instead, Croagunk uses Poison Jab to AssShove his trainer and then drags him out of the scene.
* SomethingWeForgot:
** Pikachu and the other Pokémon are ready to abandon a ship heading for a potentially lethal waterfall, until Pikachu realizes someone is missing. He rushes back inside and tries his hardest to drag Croagunk away from the mirror.
** At the denouement of "Jumping Rocket Ship", the heroes ready to call it a day, until they realize something's missing. Before Brock could realize what it was, he saw a beautiful girl and proceeded to hit on her, and only ''then'' did Croagunk show up.
* TheStoic: Stays calm most of the time.
* SuperSenses: His version of the "Anticipation" ability allows him to have better perception of the surroundings.
* VitriolicBestBuds: Despite all the Poison Jabs Brock took over the series, when their compatibility was rated, it was nearly as high as Ash and Pikachu's. Oh, and did we mention that this is a few days after he's caught?
* WhatHappenedToTheMouse: Borders between this and ChuckCunninghamSyndrome in ''Sun & Moon'', where he's not seen or mentioned at all during either of Brock's return appearances, with Brock only using his Kanto Pokemon and Sudowoodo. Justified since Misty was there to reel him in whenever he started fawning over a pretty girl. Averted when he reappears in ''[=JNS02=]'' as well as ''To Be a Pokémon Master''.
* WhatTheHellHero: PlayedForLaughs. The first time Croagunk went too far in attacking Brock[[note]]when Brock was sincere in helping the girl-of-the-day[[/note]], Dawn calls him out on it (he even ''looks'' genuinely abashed). On another occasion, Brock delivers one himself, right after getting stabbed:
-->Oh, c'mon! [[ImagineSpot Imagination]] is against the law?
** He also got this along with Misty in ''Rocket Revengers'' after again, Brock was dreaming about Officer Jenny.
* {{Yandere}}: It's the most likely explanation as to why Croagunk attacks Brock whenever he flirts with Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy. When Croagunk and Brock's compatibility rating was shown, it was nearly equal to Ash and Pikachu's in only a few days.

!!Happiny-Chansey-Blissey (Pinpuku-Lucky-Happinas)
->'''Voiced in Japanese by:''' Miyako Ito
->'''Voiced in English by:''' Creator/EmilyJenness
* AdaptationalBadass: Combined with {{Irony}}. In the games, Happiny and Chansey have ''notoriously'' low physical Attack power, being the lowest in the entire game. Brock's Happiny, on the other hand, has among the most ridiculous lifting feats in all of the anime. It's never explained where this strength comes from.
* BadassAdorable: As a Happiny, it was the cutest little thing you could ever see...and had the strength that could rival even ''The Hulk''.
* TheBusCameBack: After her absence from ''Sun & Moon'', she returns in ''Journeys'' and retakes her role as Brock's main medical assistant. She's also revealed to have evolved into Blissey and learned several new moves, which she shows off in the battle against Team Galactic.
* CheerfulChild: As a Happiny, it was always prancing around with a big smile on its face, and it was the youngest member of Brock's Sinnoh Team.
* ChildrenAreInnocent: Inverted - unlike Togepi for example, she was more likely to be aware of when things weren't going well (even on the day she hatched) and could become relatively serious if the situation called for it; on the other hand, her usual demeanor is that of a sweet-natured CheerfulChild.
* HealingFactor: Befitting of its species, it learned Softboiled, a move that helps Pokémon heal from their injuries, immediately upon evolution to Chansey. This proved helpful for Brock's decision to become a Doctor, since the Happiny line is unique in possessing such gifts.
* TheMedic: Her Softboiled move can heal others.
* NiceGirl: Really quite a sweetheart, as is natural for her species - in her intro episode, she initially offers the Oval Stone which Brock carved her back to him as a sign of friendship and trust, despite how badly she'd previously wanted it upon hatching. From that point on, it's pretty safe to say that she's less of a divisive character than Togepi ever was.
* PintsizedPowerhouse: To comedic levels. Despite being a [[SuperStrongChild newborn baby]] and having the most pitiful Attack in her games of origin, Brock's Happiny is ''[[{{Irony}} ridiculously]]'' strong. She once lifted an ''entire frozen lake'' with her bare hands, quite casually, and tossed it over a cliff. She's also lifted massive boulders with just a single hand.
* TheSmurfettePrinciple: So far, she is Brock's only (confirmed) female Pokémon.
* StrongerThanTheyLook: Happiny has ridiculous strength. Throughout the DP series, Happiny being able to use Pound and knock people far out of left field overshadows that not only is it a baby Pokemon, but the game's data shows it only having the worst Attack with just 5 stat points. This even continues even after becoming a Blissey during the ''Journeys'' Arceus arc, which still has one of the lowest Attack with 10 stat points, but still able to dish out a ton of damage with physical attacks.
* SuperStrength: Her aforementioned physical strength is beyond the power of most Pokémon, let alone the Happiny line known for their minuscule (physical) attack stat.
* UnusuallyUninterestingSight: The other characters rarely if ever seem surprised by Happiny's absurd strength. Even outside of the main cast, no one has ever questioned how she's so strong.

A thank you gift for Brock from the Melemele Island Nurse Joy.
* BitCharacter: Almost nothing is known about it, as it was only seen briefly in one episode and never appeared again. Comfey is notably absent when Brock is revealed to have successfully become a doctor in ''Journeys'', with Blissey instead retaking her spot as his assistant.
* ChuckCunninghamSyndrome: Hasn't been seen since its appearance in ''Sun and Moon''.
* TheMedic: It belonged to Nurse Joy before she gave it to Brock as a gift, and it's used to help him calm down a wild Kangaskhan so he can treat its baby.
* PetsAsAPresent: It was given by Nurse Joy to thank him for his help.
* SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute: To Chansey, who did not appear in ''Sun and Moon''. Both are TheMedic Pokemon whose species are commonly owned by Nurse Joy, and assist Brock in healing injured Pokemon.

!!Summer Academy Pokémon
->'''Magnemite voiced by:''' Bill Rogers (English)\\

Ash, Brock and Dawn attended Prof. Rowan's Summer Academy in ''Diamond & Pearl'' Episodes 88-91, during which they were assigned different Pokémon to partner up. In Brock's case they're Magnemite, Onix and Feraligtr.
* CallBack: Brock's original SignatureMon was an Onix too, though he doesn't comment on this.
* GuestStarPartyMember: They were only assigned to Brock and he never officially owned them.
* ReplacementFlatCharacter: The Onix Brock was assigned to is notably smaller than his SignatureMon (who has since evolved into a Steelix).
* SchoolForcedUsTogether: While the students are allowed to pick the Pokéball, they are not told of what Poké is inside it and whomever they picked is their designated Pokémon until the specific task involving it is finished.
* SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute: Brock being assigned an Onix is an obvious CallBack to the original series.
* UtilityPartyMember: Onix and Feraligtr are mainly used for the camp's final triathlon activity.
* WeHardlyKnewYe: They get returned once Brock's respective task with them are finished.
