How to get around in London: Tips and Tricks - Walkative!
May 15, 2024

How to get around in London: Tips and Tricks

#getting around #London #public transportatnion

London, with its busy streets and endless attractions, can seem daunting to navigate, especially for those travelling on a budget. However, fear not! The city offers a multitude of affordable transportation options, allowing you to explore its cool neighbourhoods and iconic landmarks without breaking the bank.

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One of the most cost-effective ways to get around London is by utilising the city's extensive public transportation network. The London Underground, affectionately known as the Tube, is a quick and convenient way to travel across the city. With 11 lines covering 270 stations, the Tube connects almost every corner of London. Purchasing an Oyster card or using a contactless payment card is advisable, as it offers discounted fares compared to buying single tickets. With a pay-as-you-go system, you'll only pay for the journeys you take, making it an economical choice for both short trips and longer excursions.

Taking advantage of off-peak travel times can further reduce transportation costs in London. Avoiding rush hours not only saves money but also allows you to enjoy a more relaxed journey without the crowds. Planning your itinerary to avoid peak travel times can help stretch your budget further and ensure a more enjoyable experience overall. The peak travel times are: Monday-Friday from 6:30am till 9:30am and then again from 4pm till 7pm.

London Tube


In addition to the Tube, London's iconic red buses offer another affordable way to explore the city. With over 8,000 buses operating on more than 700 routes, buses provide a flexible and accessible mode of transportation. Like the Tube, fares are discounted when using an Oyster card or contactless payment card, making bus travel an economical option for budget-conscious travellers. Plus, riding on the iconic double-decker buses offers a unique perspective of the city's streets and landmarks.

London red bus


For those who prefer a more eco-friendly and active mode of transportation, cycling is an excellent option in London. The city has an extensive network of cycle lanes and designated bike paths, making it relatively safe and convenient to pedal your way around town. Numerous bike rental schemes, such as Santander Cycles (affectionately known as Boris Bikes), offer affordable short-term rentals from £1.65 for half an hour, allowing you to explore the city at your own pace. With docking stations located throughout central London, it is super easy and convenient, making it an ideal choice for travellers looking to combine sightseeing with some exercise.

London bikes

On foot

Of course, no list of budget-friendly transportation would be complete without mentioning walking. London's compact layout and pedestrian-friendly streets make it a viable option for exploring the city. Many top attractions, including Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, and the Tower of London, are within walking distance of each other and if you don’t just want to see them but also hear about their history, you should join our Welcome to London Walking Tour.


In conclusion, exploring London on a budget is entirely feasible and by planning ahead, embracing alternative modes of transport, and taking advantage of discounted fares, you can make the most of your London adventure without breaking the bank. So grab your Oyster card, hop on a bike, or put on your walking shoes – London awaits!
