Flavio Briatore Reacts to Giovanni Toti's Arrest with Shock and Hope for Clarity

Flavio Briatore Reacts to Giovanni Toti's Arrest with Shock and Hope for Clarity

Flavio Briatore Reacts to Giovanni Toti's Arrest with Shock and Hope for Clarity
2 Minutes of Reading
Tuesday 7 May 2024, 11:56 - Last updated: 8 May, 15:44
"It was a shock. I found out this morning, while I was coming here, and I hope everything gets clarified, because in Italy they condemn you immediately. As soon as something happens, you are already condemned," said the entrepreneur Flavio Briatore, this morning in Ventimiglia commenting on the news of the arrest of the president of the Liguria Region, Giovanni Toti, on the sidelines of the meeting with the mayor Flavio Di Muro, during which he announced the opening of Twiga at Baia Benjamin by mid-June. Toti was supposed to participate, just this morning, at the meeting in the municipality, with the mayor and Briatore. "We hope everything gets clarified - he added later - I am convinced of the person. I have known Giovanni, I believe, for thirty years. I was really shocked. Think that in Genoa the prosecutors have persecuted me for twelve years, only to then acquit me. We hope it gets resolved as soon as possible."
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