It won’t be Michael’s fault, Michael didn’t make Sonny a mobster or turn Sonny into a killer. Sonny shot Dante in the chest when he found out Dante was a cop. I guess that was Michael’s fault too.


Sounds like very Soapy drama but I don’t want Joss to die, she could become a good main character on the show and poor Carly losing two kids? Too much. It would be very interesting and more drama if Kristina was in a coma and while she’s in that coma gives birth to the baby this way it doesn’t have to be a big custody fight that’s one way. I just want Sonny to pay for everything he has done and I want Joss and Dex to live happily ever after.


@alissain @Melanie I agree with every single one of yall’s posts about Sonny. As I stated in another thread, his ego has no bounds and he’s acting like a man-child…meds or no meds he’s always been that way. It’s time for a major change for the character and not a repeat of the Nixon Falls crap either. If most characters on this soap can change careers then why can’t he? I tell you why. It’s because he’s addicted to the money and power. Him trying to buy his way “out of jail” so to speak by donating to the city is so very obvious.

He’s becoming a loser as each day passes. :laughing:

Oh and I loved the way Dex gave him that look…KUDOS! :clap:t5: :clap:t5: :clap:t5:


The Invader headlines reads Another GH Story Repeat - Mother Gives Birth To Baby While In A Coma. I don’t feel the surrogate story line should cross into the Pikeman/Sonny crisis story line
even though she is Sonny’s daughter. The surrogate story line doesn’t have to turn into a custody battle to be dramatic. Having Kristina be an emotional wreck, crying her eyes out saying doesn’t want to do this but is , while giving the baby to TJ and Molly because she doesn’t want to lose or cause pain to her sister by going through a custody battle.
Carly loosing two kids–that’s the dangerous life she put them into. She’ll survive because how many times have we heard about how strong she is?
Killing Joss would upset the show in a major way. Headlines— Carly Jr, dead at age 20 (or whatever) I hope Dex finds someone else to hook up with.