Police rescue trader after 'encounter' with outlaws in Pindi - Crime - Dunya News

Police rescue trader after 'encounter' with outlaws in Pindi

Police rescue trader after 'encounter' with outlaws in Pindi


Three kidnappers injured, arrested

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RAWALPINDI (Dunya News) – Police on Wednesday rescued a trader who was kidnapped for Rs100 million ransom, Dunya News reported. 

Police on secret information launched a rescue operation in Westridge police area. During the operation, police faced resistance from the suspected outlaws who used heavy weapons. 

The encounter continued for some time and during the skirmish three outlaws were injured and their other accomplices fled. 

Later, police arrested the injured kidnappers. Police claimed that the outlaws were injured by the firing of their own accomplices. 

Police recovered the hostage from the hideout of the criminals. They kidnapped a trader from RA Bazaar police jurisdiction and his family members had paid ransom for his safe recovery. 

The arrested criminals were identified as Saeed, Shahzad and Sarfaraz.