Anyone else’s MIL getting on your nerves? - April 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect
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Anyone else’s MIL getting on your nerves?

My mother-in-law and I have always gotten along. But lately since having my baby she’s getting on my nerves.

My MIL thinks she knows my baby better than me, or that I don’t know what I’m doing. Or she’ll take him from me and just start saying “it’s ok grandmas here now”. And her ways she raised her kids is the right way. She has to make a comment about everything. I say black she says white etc.

Even down to birth. I had to have a csection because he was breech. She likes to constantly bring up that I’m “lucky I had it easy”. That I didn’t have to go through labor or push him out. Yeah I didn’t do that, but I did have my guts cut open, and had a hell of recovery after.

Idk if it’s just postpartum hormones, but I just feel so annoyed when she’s over. When she tells my husband she’s on her way over i instantly get pissed off.

Anyone else have a similar situation?

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Yes omg. My in laws live abroad so they just got here two days ago and are staying for three months. She has been making comments too that are driving me crazy already and it’s only been two days! She keeps saying don’t use diapers and use cloth diapers as if I have time to wash those every hour of every day. Then she keeps saying the baby is cold and says to wrap blankets around her but my baby runs hot and sweats. Then she’s like don’t rock her to sleep you’ll spoil her. She is 5 weeks old, I’m not gonna spoil her but I need peace and some sleep so if that means I have to rock her to sleep for ten mins and then lay her down, then so be it. It’s gonna be a long three months. She doesn’t even hold the baby or help with the baby.

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Yes!! My MIL literally only lives a few metres from us, we built a house on their land. We have always got on well, she’s quite intense but I didn’t see her a whole lot pre baby when I was working all week, just at weekends etc. She has recently retired which is making it worse. Find her so overbearing and also get so angry when she decides to ‘pop in’ unannounced. She also likes to literally grab him from my arms when she comes in and say similiar things such as grandmas here!! Ah Jesus it takes all my willpower not to slap her. She literally wakes the baby every single time even when I make a point of saying he’s

Asleep and to be quiet even when it could take hours to get him to sleep!! When I say it to my husband he tells me not to over react. She’s a nice woman but far too intense the last few weeks, what is it about MILs ��

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Anyone who acts like a c section is "an easy way out" is ignorant, in my opinion. I would love to have a conversation with those people!

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