Religious Freedom Increasingly Under Threat in Australia - Australian Christian Lobby

Media Release

Religious Freedom Increasingly Under Threat in Australia  

A pastoral letter titled “We are the Salt of the Earth”, directed to people of faith by Tasmanian Archbishop Julian Porteous’, has raised the ire of LGBTQA+ groups who claim the letter is spreading ‘misinformation’.  

Christopher Brohier the Tasmanian State Director for the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) said, “For a large number of Australians this letter reveals truth. It is the opposite of misinformation. The letter made the following key points: 

  • That we are created and loved by God; 
  • That God made us male and female – sexually complimentary, ideal for joining together in lifelong marriage, bringing stability in raising children; 
  • That Christians should be different from a culture of shedding its Christian roots; 
  • That the move by the Albanese Government to remove all protections from the Sex Discrimination Act for Christian schools, without any commensurate protections in the proposed Religious Discrimination Act must not proceed, for “enough is enough”. 

Mr Brohier said, “The above points are true and to be supported and commended.  

“The reaction from activists and their parliamentary supporters reveals an incapacity to tolerate or deal with truth. The attacks on the religious beliefs of millions of Australians, and the attempt to silence them, must stop!” 

The ACL stands shoulder to shoulder with Archbishop Porteous in declaring truth to Tasmanians. Truth is unchangeable. The truth of God, mankind and our standing with God is revealed in the Holy Scriptures which is believed by millions of Australians of faith. 

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