As just revealed over at Deadline Hollywood, Nic Cage – along with FKA Twigs, Noah Jupe, and Souheila Yacoub – have joined the cast of The Carpenter’s Son, a new horror film from director Lotfy Nathan that will explore the childhood of Jesus Christ. Yes, that Jesus Christ.

Says Deadline:

The Carpenter’s Son tells the dark story of a family hiding out in Roman Egypt. The son, known only as ‘the Boy’, is driven to doubt by another mysterious child and rebels against his guardian, the Carpenter, revealing inherent powers and a fate beyond his comprehension. As he exercises his own power, the Boy and his family become the target of horrors, natural and divine.”

Deadline mentions that the screenplay for The Carpenter’s Son was inspired by “the apocryphal Infancy Gospel of Thomas … Dating back to the 2nd Century AD, the text recounts the childhood of Jesus.” We’re guessing the Infancy Gospel of Thomas was not also a horror tale, but then again, who knows? We’re not up to date on our apocryphal gospel reading.

It further turns out that Cage (star of the upcoming Arcadian, which recently premiered at this year’s SXSW Film Festival) will be playing The Carpenter, FKA Twigs will be playing the Mother, and the young Noah Jupe (most recently seen in A Quiet Place Part II) will be playing the role of The Boy. What sort of “horrors, natural and divine” they’ll all be going up against remain to be seen, but we’re guessing they’ll be something special.

As for director Lotfy Nathan, Deadline reminds us…

“Nathan made waves with Tunisia-set debut feature Harka, which premiered in Cannes’ Un Certain Regard in 2022, winning best actor for Adam Bessa. Inspired by the real-life figure of Mohamed Bouazizi, whose self-immolation triggered Tunisia’s 2010-11 revolution, the movie won praise for its layered and human approach.”

We certainly didn’t expect to receive word about a forthcoming horror film based on the childhood of Jesus Christ when we clocked in for work this morning, but we’ve gotta admit we’re intrigued! There’s no telling how this one will turn out, but rest assured that we’re gonna be keeping our collective ear to the ground for further updates as The Carpenter’s Son works its way through production.

Stay tuned for further updates on Lotfy Nathan’s The Carpenter’s Son as they roll in, folks. Whatever this movie turns out to be, we’re guessing it’ll be plenty memorable.

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