Interview with the star - Totenfrau: The huntress is now the hunted! |

Interview with the star

Totenfrau: The huntress is now the hunted!

13.05.2024 18:00

While filming the second part of the thriller series "Totenfrau", lead actress Anna Maria Mühe spoke to "Krone" about motherly love and the appeal of not being loved by everyone.

"Krone": How often did you have to leave your comfort zone while filming the second part of the six-part thriller series "Die Totenfrau", in which your character goes from being the hunter to the hunted?
My personal comfort zone is of course very different to that of my film character Blum. I'm lucky that I get to work with a really great team and a great director here. That's why I personally rarely leave my comfort zone. My character, on the other hand, has had to leave it several times, but that's what makes Blum so special.

Is therea scene that you particularly remember?
Yes, the shoot at Lake Achensee. I had to jump straight into the lake when the water temperature was three degrees, it was really, really cold.

Actress Anna Maria Mühe on set in conversation with the "Krone". (Bild: Birbaumer Johanna)
Actress Anna Maria Mühe on set in conversation with the "Krone".

Before you take on a role, you study the character meticulously. Now you are playing the mortician Blum once again. What else was there for you to discover about the character?
We are lucky that we have great scriptwriters who naturally do their best to develop the role further. The character became even more exciting, more emotional, more specific and more consistent in its actions. And just because I already know the character doesn't mean that I don't prepare myself. On the contrary, because the danger of resting on your laurels is much greater if you already know the character. The tightrope walk, even for me as an actress, to make Blum a bit unwieldy and impulsive and therefore possibly not loved by everyone, was very appealing. The action sequences have also picked up considerably and the fights have become even more intense. It's a lot of fun because I try to do everything I can myself. I put my heart and soul into it and have trained very hard for the fights.

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You just like to see women in these heroine characters who are ambivalent and don't just come across as sweet and nice.

Schauspielerin Anna Maria Mühe

What makes "Totenfrau" special?
I think the times speak for us. People simply like to see women in these heroine characters who are ambivalent and don't just come across as sweet and nice, but can also have a split relationship with the audience. We also deliver great pictures with a wonderful cast.

As the mother of a daughter, do you see yourself in the character of the "Dead Woman", who is prepared to do anything to save her kidnapped daughter?
Well, I believe that if your child is kidnapped and you as a mother have the chance to save the child through your own efforts, then you will do everything in your power to do so.

Filming for the sequel to the successful ORF/Netflix series "Die Totenfrau" took place in Kühtai. Filming will continue in Tyrol and Vienna until mid-May. (Bild: Birbaumer Johanna)
Filming for the sequel to the successful ORF/Netflix series "Die Totenfrau" took place in Kühtai. Filming will continue in Tyrol and Vienna until mid-May.

You love nature, but are also plagued by hay fever.Do you feelcomfortable in the Tyrolean mountains in spring?
Yes, because I'm very well looked after here. And we've had the best weather so far with snow and sun. I also think it's very beautiful here in the Tyrolean mountains.

Bernhard Aichner, whose bestselling trilogy the film is based on, has another small role in the movie.Doyou have any other contact with him?
Of course, we also talk to him on set. He's really very sympathetic to us and very interested in our work. Although the second season deviates from his novel here and there, he is really very positive and is always happy about what he gets to see.

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