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Lets have a serious conversation about Ksante

League Related

Lets try and keep the memes and jokes to a minimum. What should be done about this champion?

He is completely garbage in soloQ either because he has a high skill ceiling or because in general soloQ is not coordinated league like pro play. However in pro play this guy has so much threat its ridiculous. You can peel away from a ksante because he has 2 dashes, one that makes him immune to cc and also an ult that takes any target to Narnia. Not to mention, he is ridiculously tanky and has crazy gap close ms with ghost and slows/cc with Q.

So therein lies the problem. The champ maybe ‘weak’ but his kit is simply too oppressive at the higher levels and makes watching teamfights so boring. How many times did ksante alone zone off Hans in that series while taking next to no damage? Same thing in the PSG series. He just nulifies any kind of front to back comp simply because he does not care about the frontline and can just run straight through the enemy team.

So enough complaining, what should be done? Imo nerfing him to the ground doesnt help as clearly he is a weak champion stats wise. The only solution is literally to remake him or change his kit. I think he should not have unstoppable on his w, why does he need that at all. You could rework his ult but thats like the only unique thing about him. So what do you guys suggest?

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u/baddestduke avatar

a K’Sante main that I asked said that Iceborn Gauntlet on him is bonkers, it gives him so much sticking power to an enemy champ. I think some ways that can hurt him is remove the q cast speed that his q gets in building armor mr.

u/No-Scene-8614 avatar

Well I dont think its any interaction with items that makes him OP. Iceborn wasnt always built in the last two series for example…

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Just nerf him to the ground like old ryze until they find a solution. Even if they don’t find one, just keep him out. League has 160+ champions, essential “soft” disabling one that has always been strong in pro play and frustrating won’t affect the game in the grand scheme of things. Alternative, just rework him and cut more than half his kit

You wouldn’t be faulted for thinking Lil Nas X is still the president and pushing for him to be OP.

u/No-Scene-8614 avatar

The thing is he is not OP outside of pro play. Who knows how low his wr could go before he becomes unplayable in pro play. I dont think its necessarily fair to those who main him in soloQ. Id much rather see him reworked/changed than completely gutted like ryze

It’s the ryze paradox. Good in pro play due to coordination and a high understanding of the game while below average in soloq.

Ryze was a healthier champ than ksante and got his kneecaps broken. I said some options they should do but ultimately ksante shouldn’t exist in this form.

20 something wins and 2 loss on him is illogical. Like I said, there are 160+ champs out there. In this ideal world, Ksante still exists but in a weakened state. True mains will still play him in solo queue while all Ksante merchants will leave to the next hyped top laner who would be less broken than current Ksante.

This is until the balance team finds out a fix or reworks him

u/No-Scene-8614 avatar

The point of this post is to discuss HOW to change him, not just say he needs to be changed.


Rework his q to be a single cast that is his 3rd q on a long cd. Or make it like riven or aatrox q with long cooldowns. Making it like yasuo/yone which has short animations and short cooldowns which scales with something is a bad idea. Easily abusable. Also make it consume a lot more mana so Ksante isn’t spamming q like crazy.

Reduce w damage reduction and/or remove the 2nd part’s mobility. Something akin to irelia. You could also make his w damage reduction decaying or ramping.

E is fine as it. Maybe reduce the shield duration to 1.5s.

R reduce the distance travelled but not by too much. Allow him to isolate targets but don’t let him take someone to narnia.

Reduce damage post all out. Instead of healing (why does he need healing again?) he gains a very small shield non stackable shield which decays over time. So, attacking just refreshes it. Also, why can he cast abilities with no mana cost for free? Just more stuff tacked onto him.

Passive js whatever. It’s just damage on his kit. Maybe remove the true damage part. To reduce him dealing so much damage to tanks

Overall his kit has too much going for him. Either make him an almost dedicated tank or make him a bruiser cause he is having an identity crisis and excels at everything.

I’m not saying to do all these changes. He has many problems due to his overloaded kit and just changing numbers won’t change much. However, like I said he needs to be out of the game (pro play) until a suitable fix is out.

Also, after comparing his individual skills to other champions. His skills are just better than the other champions in comparison.

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The story repeats itself,Ryze,Azir,Aphelios,Viego,very recently had another champ in the same scenario which some will argue it was even worse,Zeri and I think KSante its going the same trajectory, 44 winrate in soloq for some time and a lot of patches until they change how his abilities work (what they did to Zeri mostly) or how he is supposed to build (Viego case) and fits in the right spot

I don t think there will be any reworked ability,even less remake the whole champ,as you said,they will probably test by removing some utility (the unstoppable for example,or with his shield or his q3,etc.) ,add something to compensate,shift him in another kind of playstyle,a lot of back and forth.

They tend to always figure it our sooner or later so its more a question of time.

Got my post deleted by the mods on the main sub for asking this question. The champ really needs a rework, or even just removing some mechanics.