How to Dial an Extension on iPhone 13: A Step-by-Step Guide - Live2Tech

How to Dial an Extension on iPhone 13: A Step-by-Step Guide

Dialing an extension on your iPhone 13 doesn’t have to be a daunting task. In fact, it’s quite simple once you know the steps. Whether you’re calling a business or trying to reach a specific department, extensions help you connect to the right person without going through a long phone menu. Ready to learn how to dial an extension? Let’s dive right in!

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Dial an Extension on iPhone 13

Before we get to the nitty-gritty, let’s understand what we’re aiming for. By following these steps, you’ll be able to dial an extension number directly after calling the main number, without waiting for the automated voice prompts.

Step 1: Open the Phone app on your iPhone 13

Launch the Phone app, as this is where the magic happens.

The Phone app comes pre-installed on your iPhone 13, and it’s usually found at the bottom of your home screen. It’s the green icon with a white phone handset.

Step 2: Enter the main phone number

Tap on the keypad and type in the main phone number you wish to call.

Make sure to enter the full number, including the area code if necessary. This is the number that will connect you to the business or office you’re trying to reach.

Step 3: Press and hold the star (*) button

Once the number is entered, press and hold the star (*) button until a comma appears.

The comma acts as a pause, telling your phone to wait before dialing the extension. The longer you hold the star button, the longer the pause will be.

Step 4: Enter the extension number

After the comma appears, continue by entering the extension number you wish to reach.

Type the extension number right after the comma without any spaces. This tells your phone to dial the extension number automatically after the pause.

Step 5: Tap the call button to dial

Now that the full number and extension are entered, simply tap the call button to dial.

Your iPhone 13 will dial the main number, pause for a moment, and then dial the extension number. This should connect you directly to the person or department you’re looking for.

After completing these steps, your call will be directed to the extension number you’ve entered. The person at the other end will pick up, and you can start your conversation. This process saves you the hassle of listening to long automated menus and pushing multiple buttons to reach the right place.

Tips for Dialing an Extension on iPhone 13

  • Always double-check the extension number before dialing to make sure it’s correct.
  • If you frequently call the same extension, save the number with the extension in your contacts for quick access in the future.
  • You can also use a semicolon (;) instead of a comma for a hard pause, where you’ll have to tap the dial button again after the main number is called to dial the extension.
  • If the call goes to voicemail, hang up and try again, sometimes extensions can be busy and not connect right away.
  • Practice dialing extensions to become more comfortable with the process, so it becomes second nature when you have to do it in a hurry.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I add an extension to an existing contact on my iPhone 13?

Yes, you can add an extension to a contact’s phone number. Simply edit the contact and add a comma and the extension number after the main phone number.

Is there a difference between using a comma and a semicolon when dialing an extension?

Yes, a comma creates a soft pause that automatically dials the extension after a moment, while a semicolon creates a hard pause that requires you to tap the dial button again to proceed.

What if the extension doesn’t dial automatically?

If the extension doesn’t dial after the pause, you may have held the star button for too short or too long. Try adjusting the length of the pause by holding the star button for a different amount of time.

Can I dial an extension during a call?

Yes, you can dial an extension during a call by tapping on the keypad icon on the call screen and entering the extension number.

Will these steps work for international numbers with extensions?

Yes, these steps will work for international numbers as well. Just make sure to enter the country code before the main phone number.


  1. Open the Phone app on your iPhone 13.
  2. Enter the main phone number.
  3. Press and hold the star (*) button.
  4. Enter the extension number.
  5. Tap the call button to dial.


Dialing an extension on your iPhone 13 is a piece of cake once you get the hang of it. No more waiting for the automated operator to list out options or pressing multiple buttons to reach your desired contact. By using the simple steps outlined above, you can easily connect to extensions with just a tap of a button – literally! Remember that the key to a seamless connection is adding that all-important comma for the pause or a semicolon for a hard stop.

Imagine the time you’ll save by skipping the long-winded phone menus. Plus, if you’re someone who frequently calls certain extensions, adding them to your contacts with the pause included can make your life so much easier. It’s these little tricks that can make a big difference in your day-to-day efficiency. So go ahead, give it a try, and dial away with confidence on your iPhone 13. And remember, practice makes perfect!