Bin there, done that: Samantha crushes HGV stereotypes - Keenan Recycling
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Samantha Yates - Keenan Recycling's only female HGV truck driver

Bin there, done that: Samantha crushes HGV stereotypes

Samantha Yates isn’t your average truck driver. In a traditionally male-dominated industry, she’s carving her own path as Keenan Recycling‘s only female HGV driver, collecting food waste and championing sustainability behind the wheel.

What sparked Samantha’s passion for a green and unconventional career?

“I was drawn to Keenan Recycling because it’s an exciting industry,” Samantha explains. “Food waste and recycling play a crucial role in protecting our environment, and I wanted to be part of the solution. Keenan’s support for women drivers is amazing, and it truly makes a difference. More women should consider this rewarding career – we’re just as capable and hardworking!”

Balancing a demanding job with a healthy lifestyle can be tricky. How does Samantha manage?

“The unconventional hours actually work well for me,” Samantha shares. “I finish early, allowing me to be home for the end of the school day. My secret is getting enough sleep, staying active, and adjusting my daily routine around work. Early mornings are just another hurdle to overcome.”

Samantha Yates - Keenan Recycling's only female HGV truck driver
Samantha Yates – Keenan Recycling’s only female HGV truck driver

Building rapport with customers on a fast-paced route is key. How does Samantha connect with businesses on her collections?

“It’s all about being polite, helpful, and professional,” Samantha emphasises. “I make sure collections are completed efficiently, and that leaves a positive impression.”

Every job has its challenges. Can Samantha share a situation where she put her problem-solving skills to the test?

“When I first started,” Samantha recalls, “there were moments of uncertainty as I learned the ropes. But my supervisor was incredibly supportive and helped me overcome any worries. Having a great team makes all the difference.”

Samantha is a role model for aspiring female drivers. What advice does she have for women considering a career in waste management?

“Believe in yourself!” Samantha declares. “Anyone can do it with the right mindset and a supportive company behind them. Don’t be discouraged by traditional gender roles – chase your dreams and conquer the road.”

Samantha Yates is not just a driver; she’s an inspiration. She proves that hard work, dedication, and a passion for sustainability can pave the way for a successful career in waste management, regardless of gender. Keenan Recycling is proud to have Samantha on our team, and we encourage more women to follow her lead and join our mission to create a greener future.

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