Digital Exposure: It's our expertise | Harcourts Wanaka Resources | Harcourts New Zealand

Digital Exposure: It's our expertise

Published on: 16 May, 2024

Digital Exposure: It's our expertise

Digital Exposure: It’s our expertise

In this digital era, giving your property maximum online exposure is more essential than ever when it hits the market for sale.

Listing your property on real estate specific websites and portals means you’re going to reach a higher number of potential buyers. But it’s well thought out property exposure strategies that will make your home stand out within the busy real estate market, and our Harcourts website does just that.

Harcourts has just received outstanding results via Neilsen Online Ratings, an independent third party, reporting that our Harcourts website has more unique visitors than any other New Zealand Real Estate Brand*.

So, what are unique visitors? A unique visitor is only counted once, regardless of the amount of times they have visited the website. Counting unique visitors tells you the actual amount of users visiting the site, rather than the amount of views which is a higher number, as this could be the same person visiting multiple times.

Warwick Osborne, Managing Director of Harcourts Otago, has an extensive background in marketing, working in high level national roles before moving into real estate, “Over my 20+ years within the real estate industry I’ve seen the growth of the digital space increase dramatically.”

“Harcourts has always been early adopters of digital marketing initiatives. We’re always researching and testing new technologies and digital strategies to ensure we continue to remain ahead of the curve, in turn achieving outstanding results for our clients.”

In an ever-changing world you can still rely on Harcourts to help showcase your property to more people online.

Take a look at our latest listings across Alexandra, Balclutha, Cromwell, Dunedin, Queenstown and Wanaka which are already getting outstanding views and sellers are taking advantage of the results the Harcourts website brings for our clients.

If you’re considering selling, your property needs to be listed where buyers are looking, and they’re looking at our Harcourts website. Talk to us about how we can get maximum online exposure for your property when the time comes to hit the market.


*Figures are based on the average number of unique visitors over a three month period. 

Source: Neilsen Online Ratings: Average Unique Audience Dec 2023 – Feb 2024


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