Using Python IDEs: A Comparison of IDLE, Anaconda App, PyCharm, and VSCode in Commercial Python Books
Python IDE Comparison in Commercial Books

Using Python IDEs: A Comparison of IDLE, Anaconda App, PyCharm, and VSCode in Commercial Python Books

Abstract: This article explores the usage of various Python Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) in commercial Python books, focusing on IDLE, Anaconda App, PyCharm, and VSCode, with screenshots included.


Comparing Python IDEs: IDLE, Anaconda App, PyCharm, and VS Code

Python is a popular programming language, and there are several Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) available for Python developers. In this article, we will compare four popular Python IDEs: IDLE, Anaconda App, PyCharm, and Visual Studio Code (VS Code). We will discuss the key features of each IDE and their use cases. We will also recommend some commercial Python books that include screenshots of these IDEs.


IDLE is the default IDE that comes with Python. It is a simple and lightweight IDE that is great for beginners. IDLE has a basic text editor, a debugger, and a shell. It also supports syntax highlighting and auto-completion. However, IDLE lacks some advanced features such as version control, debugging, and testing tools. Therefore, IDLE is not suitable for large-scale projects.

Anaconda App

Anaconda App is a free and open-source IDE that is popular among data scientists and machine learning engineers. Anaconda App comes with Anaconda Distribution, which includes over 1,500 Python and R packages. Anaconda App has a user-friendly interface, and it supports multiple programming languages such as Python, R, and Julia. Anaconda App also includes Jupyter Notebook, which is a popular tool for data analysis and visualization. Anaconda App has a built-in package manager, which makes it easy to install and manage packages. However, Anaconda App lacks some advanced features such as debugging and testing tools.


PyCharm is a commercial IDE developed by JetBrains. PyCharm is a powerful IDE that is suitable for both beginners and experienced developers. PyCharm has a comprehensive set of features such as code completion, debugging, testing, and version control. PyCharm also supports multiple programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, and HTML. PyCharm has a community edition that is free to use, but it lacks some advanced features such as database tools and remote development. PyCharm also has a professional edition that includes all the features, but it is not free.

VS Code

VS Code is a free and open-source IDE developed by Microsoft. VS Code is a lightweight IDE that is suitable for web development, data science, and machine learning. VS Code has a rich ecosystem of extensions, which makes it easy to customize and extend the IDE. VS Code also supports multiple programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, and TypeScript. VS Code has a built-in terminal, which makes it easy to run commands and scripts. However, VS Code lacks some advanced features such as debugging and testing tools.

Commercial Python Books

If you are looking for commercial Python books that include screenshots of these IDEs, here are some recommendations:

  • Python Crash Course: This book is a beginner-friendly guide to Python programming. It includes screenshots of IDLE and Jupyter Notebook. It covers key concepts such as data structures, functions, and modules. It also includes projects that help beginners to apply their knowledge.
  • Automate the Boring Stuff with Python: This book is a practical guide to automating tasks with Python. It includes screenshots of IDLE and PyCharm. It covers key concepts such as web scraping, data manipulation, and automation. It also includes projects that help readers to automate their work.
  • Python for Data Analysis: This book is a comprehensive guide to data analysis with Python. It includes screenshots of Anaconda App and Jupyter Notebook. It covers key concepts such as data cleaning, visualization, and machine learning. It also includes projects that help readers to analyze real-world data.

In conclusion, IDLE, Anaconda App, PyCharm, and VS Code are popular Python IDEs that have their strengths and weaknesses. IDLE is great for beginners, Anaconda App is popular among data scientists, PyCharm is a powerful IDE for both beginners and experienced developers, and VS Code is a lightweight IDE that is suitable for web development, data science, and machine learning. If you are looking for commercial Python books that include screenshots of these IDEs, there are many options available. We hope this article helps you to choose the right IDE and book for your needs.

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