Michael Rapaport Congratulates Jewish, Zionist Students On Graduating University | SCNR
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Michael Rapaport Congratulates Jewish, Zionist Students On Graduating University

The comedian also denounced and shamed pro-Palestinian and anti-Zionist students

Michael Rapaport Congratulates Jewish, Zionist Students On Graduating University

Michael Rapaport congratulated graduating Zionist, Jewish and Israeli students upon their commencement

The comedian has been an outspoken supporter of Zionism and Jewish people in the wake of last October's invasion of Israel by Islamic militant group Hamas.

"Congratulations to all the students who are graduating this week, and in the upcoming weeks, from the colleges and universities in the United States," Rapaport said. "You did it in historic fashion."

"Especially the Jewish kids, the Zionist kids, the Israeli students in America. You did it," he added.

"Enjoy the summer. Good luck to whatever ... you're into going forward," he continued. "You'll go down in history as winners. You did it."

The comedian then turned his message towards anti-Zionist and pro-Palestinian students.

"And to you miserable dumb f---s protesting with your forts and your tents: Keep your f---ing forts and your f---ing tents. Drop out of school," Rapaport said. "You wanna do it anyway. Drop out of school, ya f---in' losers."

Rapaport referenced a recent viral video of pro-Palestinian students demonstrating during graduation ceremonies.

"To you dumb f---s that are ripping up your diplomas: If I was your parent, I'd say definitely keep your f---ing tent and your sleeping bag, you ain't never coming back home," he said. "I just spent thousands of dollars and you're ripping up your diploma? Stay wherever the f--- you're at."

"But you kids that graduated and that are graduating, [I] salute you," Rapaport continued. "Keep doing your thing and good luck to whatever and whatever you get yourselves into. You are historical. The historical graduation class of 2024."

Rapaport, who has been a vocal supporter of progressive Democratic policies and a fierce critic of former President Donald Trump, withdrew his endorsement of President Joe Biden after the president halted an Israeli weapons shipment. Since last year's invasion of Israel, the comedian has expressed growing criticism and contempt for his political colleagues and has expressed interest in supporting former Trump this November.

“If it comes down to pig d--- Donald Trump and smokin’ Joe Biden, I’m sorry,” Rapaport said last November. “I am sorry, but voting for pig d--- Donald Trump is on the table.”

“I’m f---ing sorry,” Rappaport insisted. “I’ll still call him slob d--- Donald Trump, pig d--- Donald Trump, and all that.”

“But we need to get this whole f---ing situation under control,” he concluded.

During Columbia University's recent graduation ceremony, one student accepted her diploma with her hands zip-tied together. The student then proceeded to rip up her diploma in front of the crowd before leaving the stage as fellow students cheered her on. Other students accepted their diplomas while displaying Palestinian flags as they walked across the stage.

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