Alright I’m pretty confused.

  1. I am weaker at level 70 than I was at any point during leveling. Level 20 healers are doing SIGNIFICANTLY more damage than me (demonology warlock) in heroic dungeons. Regular mobs that I was destroying while leveling now tank wayyyy more damage before dying. I thought I was supposed to be overpowered? Am I confused on how the scaling works or do I just suck?
  2. How does the timerunning cloak actually work? I thought when I gathered threads that it permanently increased the stats, but when I create a new character the stats are all way lower??
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I’m not sure timerunning is meant to be played once you hit 70. I think the intention is for people to use the power they gained to start a new character.

Yea the scaling is extremely off, but its wow so yea…now with that said I’m having fun. You do get a better experience buff on your alts. When they create a new cloak. Depending on how high. Your cloak on your main is.

This is basically for leveling alts in my opinion…if you don’t want to do it through dragon glide…and collecting mogs and stuff

right. i just feel like the advertising for this was off. They put emphasis on the threads you collect “PERMANENTLY” increasing the stats, but what they really meant is only SOME of the threads you’ve collected transfer over.


I’m going to have to reread exactly what they wrote but…yeah, I was under the same impression, but I honestly didn’t read a lot of it I was like okay, this seems cool I’ll try it out… so far I’m liking it it’s different it’s breaking the monotony of dragon glide

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Threads do not transfer at all. The achievements infinite power you gain allow your alts to start with more threads. Once you have the XII achievement your alt will never start stronger.

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i dont understand this

okay i guess the advertising confused me on how this whole thing works. I thought threads were permanent increases but its the achievements that give permanent increases up to a certain level.

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well that’s disappointing

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i dont know how else to explain it. timerunning character is weakest at level 70. threads are not permanent increases for my alts like i believed.

I don’t know about level 70.

The cloak is upgraded for alts via completing achievements. You earn those achieves by collecting Threads.

If you earn 150 Threads on your main, then your alts will start with a level 3 cloak that already has a bunch of stats on it. You aren’t earning the exact stats that all of your alts will have.

The devs explained this decision in an interview. They wanted everyone to have alts that were more powerful, but they also wanted to give the opportunity to level multiple characters in a fun way without trivializing alts from the start (e.g. if your main can solo raid bosses, then you would be stuck 1 shotting everything in the open world on every alt, which might make everything outside of a raid boring).

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boring? it would be fun

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Because they outright lied and showed stuff on PTR which made its way to tons of streamers’ YouTube channels, that never came to be. I don’t know what they’re trying to pull here. I won’t log in again to this junk.

I’m not sure where I land. I can see both sides of the issue. I was relaying what the devs said; not necessarily agreeing with the decision.

Regardless, it’s a compromise - your alts get a significant boost over a new character that scales up 12 different levels.

I can honestly say I am about 10x more powerful, and leveling at least 3x faster, than I was when MoP was the current expansion.

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Scaling has always been like that when players of different levels are grouped together. Meters just don’t know how to reconcile it properly so it makes it look like lower level players are blowing things up even though your actual damage should be comparable

Leveling has also almost always done that to your overall stats if you’re still wearing leveling gear, because your ratings get cooked every time you level up. Once you start replacing your leveling gear I imagine you’ll be OP again in short order without accounting for things like gems or the cloak.

okay thank you this is the best answer so far. I am just unfamiliar with how the scaling works.

Scaling has pretty much never been done well since it was implemented in wow sadly. The reality for players is that your character of 20 years that has saved the world a dozen times over by now is not powerful because they are a god slaying immortal with years of adventuring experience, it’s because they wear shiny armor that turns into garbage every few years.

Leveling always feels bad in retail, made worse every time they level squish things and inevitably fail to balance anything. And playing with lower leveled players with party sync feels even worse since you never know what broken math makes timmy melee attacking with a bow somehow do infinity damage while you’ve been nerfed into oblivion for trying to help your friends get into the game.

The cloak is supposed to give more threads to alts based on your Infinite Power achievement level.

This has to do with gear. Once you hit level 70 you’re in (and starting at the bottom of) the new expansions gear-leveling cycle.