How to Download from Google Drive to External Hard Drive on Mac Efficiently - Live2Tech

How to Download from Google Drive to External Hard Drive on Mac Efficiently

How to Download from Google Drive to External Hard Drive on Mac

Downloading files from Google Drive directly to an external hard drive on a Mac can be done in a few simple steps. By following these steps, you’ll ensure that your files are safely transferred and stored on your external drive.

Step-by-Step Tutorial: How to Download from Google Drive to External Hard Drive on Mac

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to effectively download your files from Google Drive straight to your external hard drive. Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Connect Your External Hard Drive

First, connect your external hard drive to your Mac via a USB port.
Make sure your external hard drive is securely connected and recognized by your Mac. You should see it pop up on your desktop or in Finder.

Step 2: Open Google Drive

Go to your internet browser and open Google Drive by visiting
Log into your Google account if you aren’t already. You should see your files and folders displayed.

Step 3: Select Files or Folders to Download

Choose the specific files or folders you want to download from Google Drive.
Click on the files or folders you need. You can select multiple items by holding down the Command key while clicking.

Step 4: Initiate the Download

Right-click on the selected files or folders and choose the "Download" option from the context menu.
This action will compress your selected files into a ZIP file and start the download process.

Step 5: Move Downloaded File to External Hard Drive

Once the download is complete, locate the ZIP file in your Downloads folder.
Drag and drop the ZIP file from your Downloads folder to your external hard drive. This will transfer the file to your external storage.

Step 6: Unzip the File

If necessary, unzip the file on your external hard drive.
Double-click the ZIP file to extract its contents. The files will appear ready for use on your external hard drive.

After completing these steps, your files should now be safely stored on your external hard drive, freeing up space on your Google Drive and Mac.

Tips: How to Download from Google Drive to External Hard Drive on Mac

  • Check Storage: Ensure your external hard drive has enough storage space before transferring large files.
  • Stable Connection: Use a stable internet connection to avoid interruptions during the download process.
  • File Organization: Create specific folders on your external hard drive to keep your downloaded files organized.
  • Backup Regularly: Regularly back up important files from Google Drive to avoid data loss.
  • Update Software: Keep your Mac and browser updated for the best compatibility with Google Drive.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my external hard drive is connected properly?

Check if your external hard drive appears on your desktop or in Finder. If it’s there, it’s connected properly.

Can I download directly without creating a ZIP file?

Unfortunately, Google Drive compresses multiple files into a ZIP for download. Single files can be downloaded without compression.

What do I do if my Mac doesn’t recognize my external hard drive?

Try reconnecting the drive, using a different USB port, or restarting your Mac. Ensure the drive is formatted for macOS.

Is there a file size limit for downloads from Google Drive?

Google Drive allows files up to 5TB for download, but ensure your external hard drive has ample space.

Can I download Google Drive files to an external hard drive via the Google Drive app on Mac?

Yes, you can use the Google Drive app to sync files directly to your external hard drive by adjusting the app’s preferences.


  1. Connect your external hard drive to your Mac.
  2. Open Google Drive in your browser.
  3. Select files or folders to download.
  4. Right-click and choose "Download."
  5. Transfer the ZIP file to your external hard drive.
  6. Unzip the file if necessary.


Transferring files from Google Drive to an external hard drive on a Mac is a straightforward process, but it does require attention to detail. By following the steps outlined above, you’ll easily manage your file storage and keep your data safe. Remember to regularly back up important files and keep your devices updated for optimal performance. If you found this guide helpful, you might also want to explore other ways to optimize storage on your Mac or delve into more advanced file management techniques. Happy downloading!