A collaboration of: “The Classic Music Mafia”
Anthony Aaron, and Steve C.

Steve C / Classic Music Mafia: Here is the image depicting “The Classic Music Gangsters,” a whimsical and imaginative group of classical musicians with a playful gangster twist. The scene is set in an old-world music hall with rich, vintage decor, where the musicians are performing in stylish 1920s-era gangster attire. The atmosphere is mysterious yet sophisticated, capturing the unique blend of classical music and a lighthearted gangster theme. – aka.attrition

Every Sunday morning we present selections for our TBP family to enjoy.

We present symphonies, ensembles, quartets, octets, etc.

Not all of our music is strictly ‘classical’. We may stray a little, but we strive to make all of our selections ‘classy’.

We offer tips on proper ‘symphony etiquette’ and even some selections that are a bit light-hearted and fun aimed at a younger audience. Those pieces will be so designated, and might be a good way to introduce kids to a world of music that they might not have been exposed to or think of as old and ‘stuffy’.

A full symphony will run as long as it will. We don’t want to cut a symphony short. However, we also include some shorter pieces that we try to keep under fifteen minutes in length. You can sample each and hopefully find one or more that pleases you.

We hope that you enjoy our Sunday selections.

Anthony Aaron

Continuing with the Mahler cycle … this time with George Solti and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra … a performance many agree is superb and better than Bernstein’s.

Mahler Symphony No.8 in E-flat major

Gustav Mahler

Symphony No.8 in E-flat major, “The Symphony of a Thousand”

Voices: Heather Harper (Soprano I, Magna Peccatrix)
Lucia Popp (Soprano II, Una poenitentium)
Arleen Auger (Soprano III, Mater Gloriosa)
Yvonne Minton (Alto I, Mulier Samaritana)
Helen Watts (Alto II, Maria Aegyptiaca)
René Kollo (Tenor, Doctor Marianus)
John Shirley-Quirk (Baritone, Pater Ecstaticus)
Martti Talvela (Bass, Pater Profundus)

Wiener Singverein

Wiener Staatsoper

Wiener Sängerknaben

Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Georg Solti, conductor

Recorded at the Sophiensaal, Vienna in August 1971

This One Comes To Us Thanks To Leah.

Rimsky-Korsakov – Russian Easter Overture

Trying to post again. If not appropriate please comment. Will not be offended.

This Comes To Us From Former Mafioso nkit.

It Is Well | The Tragic Story Behind the Amazing Hymn | Horatio Spafford

The Next One Comes To Us Thanks To difrangia.

The Who (1 of 10) “Tommy Overture”, “1921”, The U.S. Army Band “Pershing’s Own”

When worlds/ages collide !! Not the original artists, but exceedingly good covers.

Anthony Aaron

Bach – Concerto for two harpsichords in C major BWV 1061

In the Concerto for two harpsichords, performed by the Netherlands Bach Society for All of Bach, the two harpsichordists are busy. So much skill in the keyboards means a raw deal for the strings. Almost everywhere, they double the soloists exactly, apart from the odd independent motif. The origins of these string parts is filled with speculation. Might the spartan string parts have been added later by son Wilhelm Friedemann, rather than father Johann Sebastian?

Netherlands Bach Society

Francesco Corti, harpsichord 1

Siebe Henstra, harpsichord 2

Harpsichord 1: Bruce Kennedy, 1989 after Michael Mietke

Harpsichord 2: Geert Karman after J.H. Gräbner, 1774


Here are a few short selections featuring the great Yo-Yo Ma in various musical contexts. He is truly gifted in being able to perform so beautifully in so many musical genres. Enjoy …

Here Comes the Sun

James Taylor & Yo-Yo Ma

Written by George Harrison …

The Swan (Saint-Saëns)

Yo-Yo Ma, Kathryn Stott

Ol’ Man River

Yo-Yo Ma, Kathryn Stott

“Morgh e Sahar” — Bird of the Dawn — by Ostad Morteza Naydavoud

Yo-Yo Ma and Kayhan Kalhor


Sandra Boynton’s CHANSON PROFONDE with Yo-Yo Ma

A world-weary yet passionate cat chanteuse sings from the heart (in French, of course.) A soulful cello offers exquisite support. Semi-helpful subtitles are included.

Song written, animated, and performed by Sandra Boynton, cello played by Yo-Yo Ma, piano played by Michael Ford. Plus there’s a surprise accordion cameo.

“Rain Falling From Roof”

Yo-Yo Ma and Wu Tong

There is a story from the the Northern Song Dynasty, where a novice monk asks a renowned Zen master about the meaning of Buddhism. The master points to the raindrops falling from the eaves of a roof. The novice monk, after being perplexed for a long time, suddenly experiences an epiphany.

Steve C.

And now for some Russian music.

The very best version of Russian anthem (Bolshoi junior choir)

This Magnificent Russian Music Is Astonishing – Marvelous Youth Symphony Orchestra in Hi-Res

Gimnazija Kranj Symphony Orchestra

conductor: Nejc Bečan

arrangement: Marjan Peternel

Caucasian Show in the Kremlin | Kabardinka Show • Ancient Princely Dance “Kafa”


Borodin “Polovtsian Dances” from the opera “Prince Igor” Only children choir

College Symphony Orchestra

Consolidated Choir of the Children’s Music School


Conductor – Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Vladimir RYZHAEV

Russisch Orthodox – Liturgische Gesänge / Russian Orthodox – Liturgycal Chants

Liturgy of Heaven just here on earth

The Classic Music Mafia – Adding some class to this joint one Sunday at a time.

Heaven help us…

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May 12, 2024 9:22 am

Thanks as always Music Mafia(Sunday Music Crew),nice to see a Who cover of tune recently posted,proving yet again how styles of music co-exist and to a degree all have the same roots.

I am going with Kansas today,with keyboards/violins ect. feel they definitely have classic roots:

Enjoy the music and the day everyone,to any moms listening happy Mothers Day!

Texas Khaan
Texas Khaan
May 12, 2024 10:44 pm

My favorite tune by Kansas !!!

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 12, 2024 11:09 am

Steve C —

Thanks for the great Russian pieces …

I recall that the first time I heard the Russian Anthem was in the movie ‘The Hunt For Red October’ … and how majestic it sounded.

Ursel Doran
Ursel Doran
May 12, 2024 11:17 am

A Sunday without a Yuja performance is like a day without sunshine, so here is a goodie.
Yuja performs a Schuman piece.. Goodness, Truth and beauty.

Ursel Doran
Ursel Doran
May 12, 2024 11:23 am

Neil Diamond has a great performance on our history of how most all of us got into this country as immigrants.

May 12, 2024 11:32 am

For Mothers on their day; ‘Bookend Mother Anthems’, forty years apart by the artist who penned the lyrics and supporting artists.

Ursel Doran
Ursel Doran
May 12, 2024 3:01 pm

Our favourite conductor with a classic piece she really gets into as usual!!!

  Ursel Doran
May 12, 2024 9:56 pm

Magnifico !!

Texas Khaan
Texas Khaan
May 12, 2024 10:41 pm

Maybe someone else also will like this music from Russia’s Republic of Tuva:

Khoomei Beat are five outstanding musicians who excel in khöömei – Tuva’s unique style of throat singing. They layer traditional and modern instruments with their distinctive vocals to create powerful arrangements with modern rhythms and electronic sounds. Exhilarating and foot-stomping – a musical art that stretches back to the dawn of humanity, while simultaneously reaching forward to new horizons.
Location: Tuva
Bailak Mongush: drums
Kan-Khuler Saaya: throat singing, doshpuluur
Shoraan Ochur: bass
Aidan Sedii: cello
Aikan Oorzhak: throat singing, igil

If the preceding was to your liking, take 10 minutes and learn from this video:

Khoomei Beat – Changys Baglaash ЧАНГЫС БАГЛААШ – [Official Music Video]

KHOOMEI BEAT – Chazyn erte [Tuvan Throat Singing]

  Texas Khaan
May 12, 2024 11:04 pm

comment image

Texas Khaan
Texas Khaan
May 13, 2024 12:51 am

I recognize him, Gen. Sergei Shoigu, recently named, 12MAY2024, as Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. I want to know who the woman he is seated beside is.
I’m sure he would enjoy my posted selections !

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 13, 2024 12:07 am

Leah … thanks for the Russian Easter Overture …