I mean lets say you made a stage one of Super Mario Bros, and you created a breakable “block”, and you want to make a platform that is approximately 10 blocks wide. Is there a way to do this other than just eye balling it? What I mean is, in Blender, this would be like the array modifier. You create a pipe for example, if you use an array modifer, and then choose the right X, Y, or Z, and then you put how many times it repeats and it is seamless.

Thanks everyone!

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this topic has a vary good example.you could modify it to get rid of the spline.use for loop the spawn blocks.just give it a interval and spawn count.

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The procedural content generation framework plugin has a bunch of stuff in it to sample volumes/splines/whatever to populate a scene with meshes or actors.

Could also do it the old school way and have a blueprint actor for a row of bricks or whatever that has a public int var for the count/width and adds a bunch of child actors and stores references to them in an array, then tweak the locations of them with a loop in a function called by the construction script.

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You can ahve a look at this and study it: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/level-design-assistant
(I’m not affiliated)

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