Jenna Dewan Slams Ex Channing Tatum as She Demands 50% Cut of His Profits From 'Magic Mike' Empire in Bitter Divorce : r/Fauxmoi Skip to main content

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Jenna Dewan Slams Ex Channing Tatum as She Demands 50% Cut of His Profits From 'Magic Mike' Empire in Bitter Divorce

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u/Bigmazz65 avatar

She deserves something but 50%?!!!

u/absentmindedsmile avatar

Not a lawyer but isn’t California a 50/50 state? If the IP was acquired during the marriage and considered equally owned 50% is reasonable.

u/womensrites avatar

yup! it reads like they didn’t sign a prenup either so she’s well within her rights. sounds like he has been lowballing her.

u/DesperateInCollege avatar

I'm interested to know why you think he's lowballing her? That's what Jenna submitted but how do you know it's true? To be clear I'm not saying he's not but it's also possible he's right and she's dragging it out

u/nevalja avatar

Not OP but if California is a 50/50 state, then "lowballing" is anything less than 50% because that's what she deserves by law.

Edit: damn, a lot of people are taking issues with me saying "deserves" here. I said by law, I don't mean morally or otherwise. The law says 50%, it doesn't matter how I or you personally feel about it.

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That's what Jenna submitted but how do you know it's true?

We don't. We're just discussing the claims. This isn't an official accusation, it just seems like from what has been reported that he is lowballing her. He's claiming he's not, she's claiming he is - its all he said/she said right now. This is understood contextually by the fact that we're in a reddit thread that linked to an article on the subject.

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Not for or against anyone here but in contentious divorces of people this wealthy and who’s finances are so convoluted they’re not really making decisions besides about their daughter. The lawyers are making any decisions about lowballing or demands

This is one thing I wish people understood about celebrity divorces. Their accountants send all of their financial info to the lawyers. Each person's lawyer is going to fight for the most favorable terms for them, and the most the rich famous person is going to input besides custody  95% of the time is "well I would like the penthouse in Brooklyn."

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u/rallar8 avatar

It’s also a negotiation. Like I get all the optics of it- but like “person asks court to side with them” is just not news to me.

Any person who doesn't sign a prenup in 2024 with a 70% divorce rate deserves to have 50% taken.

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California is a community property (50/50) state, but typically it's not just about when the initial effort was made, but if any substantial new efforts were made later on. I don't think the franchise as a whole would be considered community. Residuals from the first two movies (created during marriage) should definitely be split 50/50, but the third movie was made way post-separation and is likely considered (or at least could reasonably be argued as) Channing's separate property. I know there's also a Las Vegas live show, but I have no idea when that was created lol. Dunno what else is going on in the franchise.

u/absentmindedsmile avatar

It sounds like she wants a judge to rule on it which is reasonable.

"Jenna is seeking trial management orders because the ownership of the story idea that comprises the Magic Mike Intellectual Property is the first question that must be answered before any of the other issues can be fairly litigated."

I think the media tends to portray women who are divorcing famous men as money hungry and it’s not fair.

u/MasterK999 avatar

I am divorced myself and I think this is fair. Many times people like to make it sound like a money grabbing spouse but I know from experience it is not that simple. Nobody wants to be the fool who settled for less than was fair. So it is normal to want to court to answer some of the points rather than just agreeing to something.

There is a big difference between the way Jenna is acting in this case and how someone like Kevin Costner's ex who tried to break a prenup and then ask for crazy child support.

In my case my ex asked for more than I felt was fair but I never got mad at her. I simply provided all of the documentation of my income and expenses and offered to let her side verify things. Once she saw where I was coming from we were able to settle amicably. I paid child support even before the court ordered it (because they were my kids for gods sake) and spousal for half the length of the marriage. I went out of my way to give her a heads up a year out of each thing ending so she could make sure to prepare and not be caught out.

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u/OhMorgoth avatar
u/linnykenny avatar

This is SO damn true & it’s fucking infuriating once you notice it.

I want this same energy when the next Kevin Federline gets paid out in a divorce settlement

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u/Ok_Swan_7777 avatar

This ☝️☝️☝️☝️

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u/Heatherina134 avatar

Yeah, it is a 50/50 state.

Lawyer here, not your lawyer, one of the issues is Channing’s post-separation work on Magic Mike which arguably enhances value. She is not entitled to that.

Secondly, CA has four tests to value businesses, percent ownership, growth, and value owed. It’s not one test for each, just depends on the circumstances. This isn’t my area of the law, so I don’t know the specifics.

Normally, in separations like this, one party gets bought out of the company. It is relatively rare, to my understanding, to have both parties co-own a business as semi-hostile divorcees.

Here, Jenna seems to be demanding an equity percentage to gain from future earnings as well, instead of a payout to fuck off. It is generally not in anyone’s best interest to have mommy and daddy fighting about the direction, or restrictions, of IP.

Again, not my area of law, I’m not your lawyer, just trying to explain that 50-50 is the top level goal, but the devil is in the details and definition of how to split what, and valuations at time of separation. Their are numerous errors in this comment. It is for educational purposes only. Talk to your lawyer.

Yeah, she probably made sacrifices so that he could be in the movie, it was their money.

Very reasonable. And if she'd had the same boon he'd be asking for the same thing.

u/Objective-Rip3008 avatar

If a female actor was in the headline that her husband was trying to take half of her movie ip the conversation would be very different here

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u/zveroshka avatar

They are also both millionaires squabbling over money they probably don't even need. Give me a break.

I feel like legal and reasonable are distinctly different things

I’ve heard lots of rumors that the IP for magic Mike was a rip off from another movie Tatum had a bit part in.

I posted this same thing the other day. Folks may not like it but the law is black and white.  It’s not even nuanced. He created it during the marriage - he has to give her some. 

u/TheRoyaleShow avatar

How dare she expect me to pay the amount stipulated in the legal contract I agreed to?

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u/kenyarawr avatar

California law, baby. Her career was clearly sacrificed for his, so I hope she gets her bag.

That’s what these incel types that cry about divorce proceedings and “women always taking half” don’t understand. It’s the female partners who more or less give up their livelihoods and careers to support their male partners livelihoods and careers. So yes, they should be entitled to that much.

u/Wild_Stretch_2523 avatar

Exactly. I gave up my career so my husband could pursue his dream job- he now travels 50- 75% of the time while I'm home with our little kids. I even had to fly across the country and sit through a NINE HOUR spousal interview for him to get the job 🥴. If we were to divorce and someone inferred that I didn't "deserve" half of our assets I'd lose my mind.

u/kenyarawr avatar

Girl I swear this is my mom’s story. My dad was in the military, then retired from that to work for the federal government. We moved all the time, and he was traveling/on orders/deployed most of the time, so she never had the option of having a career. Her life was spent raising four kids alone and swooping in for these interviews and events to help him obtain new ranks and security clearances.

Do you think she gets a retirement pension for advancing his career like that? No way lmao!

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and sit through a NINE HOUR spousal interview for him to get the job

I'm sorry what lol

Does your husband work for a cult?

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u/Paiv avatar

NINE HOUR spousal interview

yeah human society was a mistake, what the fuck is this

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u/No-Cat2356 avatar

There is a huge different between millions and a couple of hundred grand. 

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Also when you get married without a prenup it's not his money or her money, it's their money. They built a life together and each contributed in different ways. Divorcing means splitting their communal property, not her taking his anything. Anything he made during their marriage was her money too so she's just taking what was already hers in the first place.

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u/kenyarawr avatar

My dad was in the military, which meant that my mom couldn’t maintain a career because we moved so often. This was in the age of fax machines, so working from home wasn’t an option for the vast majority of people, especially people with four kids and a spouse who was frequently deployed.

The sacrifices that women make for our husbands and children are real. And many women who wind up in this situation don’t have the money and connections to actually divorce their husbands and get a good settlement. It’s one nasty cycle.

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It’s not this easy. The argument appears to be about entitlement to post separation earnings and improvements. Magic Mike 1 and 2, clearly she deserves. 3 was made post separation. Does she deserve half of that?

If they make a fourth post divorce, does she deserve half of that one as well?

This isn’t legal advice, I’m not your lawyer. I’m just saying it’s not clear at a surface level what is equitable in these circumstances.

How on earth do you figure that Channing Tatum is involuntarily celibate?

u/AdventurousBet5128 avatar

She worked the entire marriage. He never prevented her from taking work. Look at her IMDb page-she was obviously taking jobs as they were available to her and she could book. It is not his fault the jobs weren’t as lucrative as the ones he got or that he was able to co-create a successful franchise that will continue to make him money for the rest of his life.

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u/Ok_Swan_7777 avatar

I wish more people understood this. When women are seeking their fair share in a divorce they’ve literally earned it. They’ve sacrificed income, career and so much time for their families

u/linnykenny avatar

Absolutely true.

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u/MegaLowDawn123 avatar

That’s interesting, I hadn’t heard anything about her career being sacrificed for his. Their daughter wasn’t born until like 2 years after MM was filmed so it would be interesting to see what I’m missing.

Where can I learn more about that???

Was it, though? I'm not trying to drag Jenna, here, but she didn't ever really seem destined for much more than where she landed. She is .. fine ... As an actress. She's worked consistently with gigs that match her talent. They could afford hired help for the kids.

I'm not saying no sacrifices were made, but do we know of anything specific that she turned down?

I'm generally team "person who gave up career to support partner deserves fruits of partner's success in the divorce", though.

It’s not just about what Jenna sacrificed from a career standpoint - it’s also the fact that she may have been doing the heavy lifting of holding down the fort at home which enabled Channing to earn more than if he was taking on a larger portion of domestic work.

Right, but that's why I mentioned that they could afford help at home, and she has still consistently worked. Again, not dragging Jenna. I don't know the details of what they decided behind the scenes. Maybe there was a "I'll do more TV to be more stable" thing, though quantifying how that may have affected her income would be hard. And I'm not saying she shouldn't get a fair cut of that income. I just feel weird about acting like these two are some middle class couple who chose to have her stay home with the kids because day care is out of reach when in reality they're both working actors, famous, with incomes that allow for nannies and housekeeping. Channing Tatum would have had the same career whether they had never met, divorced within a year, divorced right after the kids were home. He's a bigger star because... He has more star quality.

But again, none of that means she doesn't deserve a reasonable settlement, particularly in California where community property is pretty black and white.

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u/wynnduffyisking avatar

What do you mean by “her career was clearly sacrificed for this”?

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Thank you!

u/prodigalkal7 avatar

How is that "clear"?

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I think you're looking at this wrong. Its not really "deserves" like its a brownie point or favor. This is all set in law and usually martial assets are 50/50. If people dont like that, they can simply not get married or sign a pre-nup. Channing doesnt get a free prenup because he's rich now. Its 50/50 by law and that law was earned with a lot of sacrifice and via seeing generations of women abused financially during divorce and seeing kids live poorly with their moms while their dads spoiled them with riches.

Especially when there are kids, who should have equal opportunity, wealth, etc when at EITHER parents home.

I don't know about Magic Mike specifically but I have heard of other movies where wives were really instrumental in the creative process but were uncredited and uncompensated. I think especially when it's someone's passion project or big break. And this has been true with lots of other jobs where wives did a bunch of admin getting their husband's business off the ground and didn't think they needed to be paid because it was all coming to the family, and then in the divorce they had no proof of earnings or employment history for when they try to reenter the workforce. Not to mention all the unpaid labor taking care of children and the household in general. I know that there are messy divorces and women who marry for money and try to take more than they "deserve" but you're right- these laws were created because women have been getting screwed financially for centuries.

u/lovelyperfectamazing avatar

how does he have 100mil net worth


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u/deceptacongrrl avatar

Omg this. I wish I could upvote this 100x.

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California is a community property state. She deserves 50%. He would deserve 50% of her assets too.

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u/FoxNixon avatar

Reminds me of that Eddie Murphy routine in ‘Raw’


or bernie mac in bad santa.. ‘hawff’

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u/Ok_Swan_7777 avatar

That’s what she’s entitled to in CA. It’s a community property state.

u/SuperSocrates avatar

Why would she not deserve 50%?

She absolutely deserves half of what was accrued during the marriage, the contention is in the future earnings and Intelectual property of magic mike. Her side claims intelectual property on the magic mike, since it was first made when they were married, making so she could earn money on magic mike movies/shows done post divorce, his side claims that magic mike is somewhat based on his story(predated their marriage) and since MM 3 was made after their legal separation she is not entitled to that and future ones, while she is entitled to the earnings of MM1, 2 and their show

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u/whichwitch9 avatar

No prenup, yes

Marriage is a joint effort- even if the earnings are technically yours, it's a partnership- your partner may be contributing financially to shared assets, pulling weight with emotional support, raising your kids while you work, ect. The rational is while he was married to her, he didn't live in a bubble- she was also supporting their lifestyle while married, likely given her career at the expense of her own career advancement.

There also arguments to be made in the case of a clear bread winner that one partner may have taken, and absorbed, more personal financial risk by entering the marriage to begin with.

Why the hell not? The law is the law.

u/pevaryl avatar

That’s what the law provides for and he used their relationship property to make that money

Can we please move away from “women want what is rightfully their’s under the law and that is so BAD”

Edit: there’s/theirs


I mean he got to do all those things and relentlessly cheat while she was at home raising their kids

u/dadadingdading avatar

Pretty sure it was community property so yep!

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I understand why people are interested in this story but it's a funny one for people to 'take sides' with, how do any of us know if he's hiding assets or not lol. I suppose it's just sad that their daughter will google this one day (or even now ig).

u/sunsaballabutter avatar

Seriously we have NO info except that they disagree which is basically every divorce 🫠

u/OnlyGrayCellLeft avatar

Haven't these two divorced ages ago and have remarried and had kids with their new partners? Can't believe this is still ongoing.

If this is true then it sounds like she is running out of money and wants more.

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Eh if either of them had fallen out of favor w the public for whatever reason, we’d pick a side regardless of how much info we have

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My spouse is an attorney and absolutely refuses to practice family law because he cannot stand divorces. He talks about how everyone lies, how everything is personal, and how nothing can get resolved. He did a lot of it during his internships and it gave him such a bad taste in his mouth. Ever since then I find people taking sides in celebrity divorces kind of funny. Literally everyone is lying. Everyone. Emotions are so high. Something incredibly personal is now playing out in the public in a really ugly way. We all need to just take a huge step back, maybe pull out popcorn if we want it, and let them work it out.

I have some experience in family law and it can be absolutely wild. Some of the messiness can be hilarious in a petty sort of way but other stuff is just depressing as you become privy to how dysfunctional a lot of families are. I remember one meeting where the team just casually mentioned how one parent was an alcoholic and that both parents were abusive to their kids. A lot of the time the only people you really feel sorry for are the children!

u/hannahjoy33 avatar

Some of the messiness can be hilarious

I think about the Beanie Baby divorce more than I should

“Maple the bear was the first to go.”

Lmao bye, Maple. 😪

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u/kroganwarlord avatar

"Maple the Bear was the first to go."

I only laugh because, as a collector myself, this would totally be me and the boyfriend in an alternate universe.

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As a child of one of these separations, I attest its traumatizing. And my parents didn't even DIVORCE! They just fucking separated. They absolutely destroyed our lives with the nickle and diming, emotional manipulation and pettiness. And they didn't even have any assets!!!! Failed marriages bring out the devil in people

They can be so petty. There was one couple who couldn't behave long enough to handle child exchanges so they were court ordered to do it in our front lobby. The ex-wife had a temporary restraining order against her ex-husband. He was allowed to show up to exchange the kids but not contact her.

The kids were going to go swimming with their mom so dad showed up with some swimming gear (a giant floatie). He kept his distance, hugged his kids goodbye and sent them over to mom. For whatever reason she wouldn't collect the floatie so as he was walking out the door with his back turned, he said to no one in particular "you can keep the floatie" and left. He didn't even look in her direction.

We watched her stand in the corner for a second turning the water works on, then she comes up to the front counter. "Oh my gosh, did you just see that!?"

She made us pull the security camera and demanded a police officer immediately so she could have him arrested for violation of a restraining order. We had to deal with her weekly histrionics so often but that was one of her fakest performances.

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And your spouse is damn right! After my grandmother died my aunts and uncles were in a legal battle for five years over who would get what piece of jewelry etc. When it was all over the attorney told us « you’re lucky, some families stay embroiled in these disputes for decades! Sometimes the beneficiaries die before it’s settled because it takes so long! » My sibling and I were dragged into this as we inherited our late father’s share and the whole time we were like

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