Am I going to regret quitting ? - Breastfeeding | Forums | What to Expect
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Am I going to regret quitting ?

I’ve had a low supply since the beginning of our breastfeeding journey.

I started out pumping and supplementing with formula but baby girl decided to latch at 8 weeks so I’ve been nursing her with the occasional top up bottle.

Weeelllll, in the last few days, the top up bottle is not so occasional and it’s making me question everything.

Right now, she’s okay nursing but I feel like she doesn’t empty me/gets bored, so she ends up taking about 3oz in pumped milk / formula almost every feeding apart from the early morning ones. So I am still practically bottle feeding her, and dealing with the washing up and everything that comes with that. Then, I also have to pump because she’ll only have one boob and refuse the other (but take the bottle) or she’ll just not be interested in nursing much. So I am also pumping and dealing with all the stuff on top of that.

I am getting burnt out. I love nursing but what is the point if shes barely getting anything out of it ? I am already doing the work of bottle feeding why waste time also nursing on top ? She is almost 4 months and I’m thinking of going back to pumping although I’m probably going to get sick of that too and move to formula only..

I feel like I might regret this though - I was so happy when she latched and I could finally nurse her.. i do feel like I’m forcing her to breastfeed sometimes when she only wants the bottle recently. Also, she’s been sleeping through the night but I remember bottle feeding in MOTN was sooo much more work than breastfeeding I’m not sure how I would handle it again once she inevitably starts waking up in the night again.

Well done if you’ve read all of this! I’m not sure if anyone is / was in a similar position, I guess I’m just looking for advice or encouragement really

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I was in a similar situation with my first. I eventually did switch to just formula after 5 months of struggling and being burned out. I cried when I switched and i was upset with myself for a while. But it got better and it was this best thing I ever did. I wasn't burnt out or struggling. Family members could help more which helped my mental state. she wasn't fussy  or struggling to sleep anymore. even though my journey ended and I was heartbroken. I'm glad I did it.
don't beat urself up. do what is best for you and your health. fed baby is the best baby. and makes both you and her happy 😊
Have you seen a lactation person? I think they could help give pointers on building ur supply up so you could only nurse/pump instead of formula.

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