THE FANTASTIC FOUR (2025): Former Teen Actress and POKER FACE Star Natasha Lyonne Joins Cast of Superhero Movie | FilmBook
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THE FANTASTIC FOUR (2025): Former Teen Actress and POKER FACE Star Natasha Lyonne Joins Cast of Superhero Movie

Natasha Lyonne Poker Face

Natasha Lyonne Added to Cast of The Fantastic Four

Former teen actress and “Poker Face” star, Natasha Lyonne has come on board the upcoming superhero film, The Fantastic Four.

Natasha Lyonne will actually be in a superhero movie! That news may come as a surprise to some given her quirky appeal as an actress who is mostly seen on television nowadays but, if all goes well, her distinct charisma could fit right into the upcoming potential blockbuster Marvel movie, The Fantastic Four.


When Natasha Lyonne first came into stardom back in the 1990’s, she appeared in three films which weren’t big box-office hits but had huge stars attached to them. Woody Allen’s Everyone Says I Love You was a musical that launched Lyonne into stardom. With a cast that included Julia Roberts, Drew Barrymore, Edward Norton and Goldie Hawn, Lyonne held her own in that high-profile ensemble and was soon seen in movies like Krippendorf’s Tribe and Slums of Beverly Hills where she played opposite the likes of Richard Dreyfuss and Marisa Tomei. She soon ended up in the blockbuster teen comedy, American Pie. As fast as her career skyrocketed, she soon fell out of the limelight for a few years.

Lyonne eventually made a reappearance with a vengeance as an actress in shows like “Poker Face” and succeeded tremendously despite what seemed like an absence from the screen for a couple of years. “Russian Doll” on Netflix had propelled Lyonne back into stardom prior to “Poker Face.”

Matt Shakman of “WandaVistion” fame is directing The Fantastic Four. The cast is certainly all of the highest caliber. Pedro Pascal, Vanessa Kirby, Julia Garner and John Malkovich are just a few of the big names in the cast that Lyonne has just joined. This is one of the better Marvel ensembles of late to be assembled.

It also seems that Lyonne will appear in more distinguished future projects in the interim as well. Klara and the Sun cast Lyonne opposite heavy hitters such as Amy Adams and Jenna Ortega. Also, there’s another project called His Three Daughters in which Lyonne will play with Elizabeth Olsen and Carrie Coon. Finally, Lyonne will be voicing a character in an upcoming The Smurfs movie. Is there anything Lyonne can’t do these days? Inquiring minds will want to know.

Whereas some teen stars fade into oblivion, Lyonne has defied the odds and made a remarkable comeback throughout the years, picking up an Emmy nomination in the process. It is with great curiosity that her fans await her role in The Fantastic Four. Whatever part she plays, it is certain Lyonne will revel in it with her distinct personality and offbeat humor.

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Thomas Duffy

Thomas Duffy is a graduate of the Pace University New York City campus and has been an avid movie fan all of his life. In college, he interviewed film stars such as Minnie Driver and Richard Dreyfuss as well as directors such as Tom DiCillo and Mark Waters. He is the author of nine works of fiction available on Amazon. He's been reviewing movies since his childhood and posts his opinions on social media. You can follow him on Twitter. His user handle is @auctionguy28.
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