Band of Gold , Freda Payne, intriguing choice of topic | Steve Hoffman Music Forums

Band of Gold , Freda Payne, intriguing choice of topic

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Praveen, May 2, 2024.

  1. Praveen

    Praveen Forum Resident Thread Starter

    When I was a kid, I never paid attention to the lyrics of this song , especially the part where Freda Payne sings about her honeymoon night. Thought it was a great melody with a wistful , melancholic tone. One day, I just happened to listen a tad more carefully and was surprised at how directly it addresses the lack of intimacy on the wedding night even though the finalized version that got released edited out a couple of passages. So the listener is left to assume the husband is either gay or impotent.

    Freda Payne supposedly wasnt enamored to sing it because her interpretation was that it was a song that should be sung by a teenager and about being inexperienced in sexual matters. And interviews with one of the writers indicate that earlier studio versions had extra lyrics that alluded to the same interpretation. But what counts is the final version. And in the version we hear, it is clear the issue in the song is that the lack of intimacy is mainly because of the husband.

    Now , if the song was about the husband being in the closet about his sexuality, you have had other catchy songs about it - Johnny, Are you Queer being one of the more famous ones.

    But if it was about impotence, that's a pretty rare topic to cover in a motownish style song with a sweet melody. And it's not even alluded to in a very subtle way.


    Now, as far as Freda Payne is concerned. HOw the hell did she not get more success? Not only does she deliver the vocals , she is gorgeous. It seems like the 70s had a lot of these great female singers who ended up being one hit or two hit wonders - Maxine Nightengale, Aimee Stewart(can you imagine if her fantastic performance in the Knock on Wood video came out in the MTV era?), Fontella Bass(whose hit gets mistaken for an Aretha Franklin song by many), etc. in the same era where mediocre female singers found plenty of success.

    Freda Payne - Band Of Gold (Stereo) - YouTube
    sjaca, John B Good, Lonevej and 3 others like this.
  2. DK Pete

    DK Pete Forum Resident

    Levittown. NY
    I’ve been hearing the song for fifty years and never got what you’re saying out of it. Can you be more lyrically specific??
    Lost In The Flood likes this.
  3. CliffL

    CliffL Forum Resident

    Sacramento CA USA
    I was listening a lot to Freda Payne in 1970 when I first became a music fan...she had several other hits at the time that got a lot of play on radio that are rarely revived the top of my head there were:

    Cherish What is Dear to You
    Bring the Boys Home (a topical anti-war song)
    Deeper and Deeper
    Praveen likes this.
  4. tedg65

    tedg65 Forum Resident

    Weymouth MA USA
    Good post, great points!!
  5. Praveen

    Praveen Forum Resident Thread Starter

    You took me from the shelter of my mother
    I had never known or loved any other
    We kissed after taking vows
    But that night on our honeymoon
    We stayed in separate rooms
    I wait in the darkness of my lonely room
    Filled with sadness, filled with gloom
    Hoping soon
    That you'll walk back through that door
    And love me like you tried before
    Since you've been gone
    All that's left is a band of gold
    All that's left of the dreams I hold
    Is a band of gold
    And the dream of what love could be
    If you were still here with me
    Oh, don't you know that I wait
    In the darkness of my lonely room
    Filled with sadness, filled with gloom
    Hoping soon
    That you'll walk back through that door
    And love me like you tried before?
    sjaca, Suncola and FramboGND like this.
  6. I always understood that it was a got married, off to war song/died at war (Viet Nam) song

    Freda Payne: Band of Gold
  7. Jim B.

    Jim B. Senior Member


    He's either gay or perhaps got her pregnant and it's a shotgun wedding. Probably he's gay though.

    I don't see another explaination.

    "But that night on our honeymoon, We stayed in separate rooms" - pretty clear

    "Hoping soon, That you'll walk back through that door, And love me like you tried before"

    So he's not gone off her and he didn't consummate the marriage it seems. He tried to make it work but he realised he couldn't and left. It doesn't read like a failed relationship, just one that never got started.

    I guess this type of thing was a bit taboo at the time.
    sjaca likes this.
  8. Jim B.

    Jim B. Senior Member

    The best non-Motown Motown song?
    tedg65 and sound chaser like this.
  9. pdenny

    pdenny 22-Year SHTV Participation Trophy Recipient

    Hawthorne CA
    Great song, fabulous singer and a stunning looking lady then and now.
    sjaca and sound chaser like this.
  10. CliffL

    CliffL Forum Resident

    Sacramento CA USA
    I never listened to the lyrics that closely, I just thought it was a general type of break up song (I was 13 when it came out so it was probably a bit over my head). But I remember loving the faux-sitar that opens the song!

    Edit: Just discovered that the electric sitar was played by Dennis Coffey.
    Last edited: May 2, 2024
    WillieDaPimp and Suncola like this.
  11. Pelvis Ressley

    Pelvis Ressley Down in the Jungle Room

    Capac, Michigan
    The alternate version adds a little substance.

    "And the memories of our wedding day, and the night I turned you away"

    "Each night I lie awake and I tell myself, the vows we made gave you the right to have a love each night"

    sjaca, sotosound and john hp like this.
  12. dkmonroe

    dkmonroe A completely self-taught idiot

    There were some lyrics that were cut from the song, supposedly to make it a shorter, tighter single, that imply that she was the one who turned him away because she was too ignorant about sex and didn't know what was going on. That's apparently why Freda thought the song was inappropriate for a woman of her age and thought it would be better suited to a singer closer to her teenage years. It's explained in the Wiki article.

    Band of Gold (Freda Payne song) - Wikipedia
    sjaca, Suncola and CliffL like this.
  13. Efus

    Efus Senior Member

    Sounds like she married a pimp, or a polygamist, to me.
    Although I admit I never contemplated the lyrics much.
    Great song and vocal on that one. Thats for sure.
  14. bob_32_116

    bob_32_116 Forum Flaneur

    Perth Australia
    I never thought a lot about the lyrics to "Band of Gold"; I just interpreted as being that on the honeymoon night they had a big argument about something, and it killed the relationship.

    Thinking further, the first two lines suggest that the protagonist was pretty ignorant about matters sexual, and there may have been a mismatch between what the husband expected and what she felt able to deliver.
    Another possibility is that after the wedding he got falling down drunk and couldn't "perform" - something that would have been rather confusing and maybe traumatic for the woman.

    On the other hand there may simply have been an argument about something else entirely, something they had never sorted out before the wedding.


    Re Amii Stewart (that's how she spells it): her version of "Knock on Wood" was the first I had heard of that song, and when I heard the original some time later, I was appalled at how plodding and pedestrian it sounded by comparison with her version. She gave the song some much-needed energy.
  15. Praveen

    Praveen Forum Resident Thread Starter

    I think the edited down version that got released makes the song more haunting because it leaves some ambiguity to why it didn't happen instead of the slightly more straightforward earlier version.

    Also, the way the song is sung, it seems like it was not just a one off incident. Because if it were, it would need a more comical self aware tone . Maybe something DOlly Parton(the 80s era version of Dolloy could make a song about. It comes across as if not only did it not get consummated, there is regret because it never got consummated even if the lyrics do not explicitly say that.
  16. DK Pete

    DK Pete Forum Resident

    Levittown. NY
    I read the lyrics prior to posting previously. It may be as you say in accordance to what the lyricist meant. But it can be taken any number of ways.
  17. Praveen

    Praveen Forum Resident Thread Starter

    I am glad they didnt release that version. Musically too, it's not as tight as the released version in addition to the song being less interesting if it was just about a naive chick.
  18. Dr.Robert

    Dr.Robert Forum Resident

    That middle section is very odd. The lyrics are terrible as well. Quite glad they changed it as I love that song. The video in Holland(?) of her lipsyncing with the bizarre dancers is great.
  19. John B Good

    John B Good Forum Hall Of Fame

    NS, Canada
    Seems like another case of my being a very poor listener.
  20. FramboGND

    FramboGND Chameleon, chameleon

    England / Japan
    Maybe it was Johnny Mathis tryna put that ring on her finger? :shh: :help:

    alchemy likes this.
  21. Jim B.

    Jim B. Senior Member

    Eddie Floyd's Knock On Wood is a classic 60's soul track. You have very poor taste lol. The album is also pretty solid, it's regarded as a classic soul album.
    CliffL likes this.
  22. FramboGND

    FramboGND Chameleon, chameleon

    England / Japan
    If I was off to 'nam the next day, I don't think I'd be in a "separate room" letting this get cold, ya feel me? :love: :hugs: :idea:

    tedg65 and Leepal like this.
  23. Dhreview16

    Dhreview16 Forum Resident

    London UK
    For those maybe interested, there’s a great new triple compilation CD (or LP), “Holland-Dozier-Holland, Detroit 1969-1977” featuring the writer/producers post-Motown period, and including the likes of Freda Payne, Honey Cone, Chairmen of the Board, and Laura Lee. Terrific acts. Some great cuts. It features 6 Freda tracks, Band of Gold, Unhooked Generation, Deeper and Deeper, Bring the Boys Home, You Brought the Joy, and Cherish What is Dear to You. In its review, 8/10, Uncut describes the lyrics to Band of Gold as intriguingly ambiguous, which seems to me as good as a way as any of describing them. Still probably the best ever “Motown” single not made on or by Motown.
  24. dwilpower

    dwilpower Forum Resident

    Glasgow Scotland
    Band Of Gold was recorded by Freda Payne and released on INVICTUS Records. This is one of the labels established by the legendary Motown songwriting trio Holland Dozier Holland following their acrimonious split from Motown. HDH saw Freda as their replacement for Diana Ross, expecting her to be the next black female superstar.
    HDH had a major hand in the record- much speculation that they actually were the writers but used pseudonyms due to contractural difficulties.
    The record was a massive No1 in the UK late 1970 and reached No3 on the Billboard Hot 100.
    Freda was an established jazz vocalist prior to signing with Invictus and at one point in the early 60s almost signed to Motown (her mother put a stop to it!).
    Freda was far from a "1 hit wonder". She scored several more hits and released a number of albums throughout her long career. She is still performing today.
    sjaca likes this.
  25. dwilpower

    dwilpower Forum Resident

    Glasgow Scotland
    BEWARE! There are actually better and much cheaper HDH post Motown compilations available!

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