On This Day | Mathematical Association of America

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On This Day

  • 5-20-1665

    Isaac Newton first used 'pricked letters' or dots to indicate fluxions or derivatives, according to Florian Cajori's Mathematical Notations.

    More information about:
    Isaac Newton
  • 5-20-1861

    Henry White, founder of the American Mathematical Society's Colloquium Lectures, was born in Cazenovia, New York, on this day. He also died on this day in 1943 in Poughkeepsie, New York.

    More information about:
    Henry Seely White
  • 5-20-1875

    The International Bureau of Weights and Measures established by the International Metric Convention, Sevres, France. The bureau is repository for the "International Prototype Meter" and the "International Prototype Kilogram."

    More information about:
    International Bureau of Weights and Measures
  • 5-20-1930

    Institute for Advanced Study incorporated in Princeton, New Jersey. Two and one-half years later Albert Einstein and Oswald Veblen were appointed the first professors.

    More information about:
    Institute for Advanced Study
    Albert Einstein
    Oswald Veblen