This article includes discussion of sexual abuse that some readers may find distressing.


The character who attacked evil sexual predator Nathan Curtis (Chris Harper) was revealed in tonight's Coronation Street (17th May 2024) – as another offered him a bribe to leave Weatherfield for good.

Nathan was struck down and kicked repeatedly earlier this week, with the ITV soap heavily hinting that abuse survivor Bethany Platt's (Lucy Fallon) boyfriend Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard) or uncle David Platt (Jack P Shepherd) could be the culprit.

Daniel tried to convince Bethany that he was innocent, while David's wife Shona (Julia Goulding) insisted on checking his phone, and Bethany's mum Sarah Barlow (Tina O'Brien) found red stains on his jeans.

While David seemingly proved that the latter was actually red hair dye, Shona branded him a liar, as a tracker on his phone had proved he was on the scene when Nathan was attacked. David admitted that yes, he had been there, but only to vandalise Nathan's van to warn him off. However, someone else had got to Nathan first – and David knew exactly who that person was.

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Sarah was soon exposing Gary Windass (Mikey North) as the guilty party in front of a furious Bethany, and she pointed out that Nathan needed arresting, not hospitalising. She ordered Gary to hand himself in to the police to clear Daniel's name, but Sarah urged Bethany to think of Gary's family, who had been going through a particularly tough time themselves.

After talking Bethany round for the time being, Sarah and Gary came up with a plan to get rid of Nathan, while Bethany apologised to Daniel for doubting him - although she failed to mention what Gary had done.

Sarah visited Nathan in hospital, where he mocked her until she offered him £2k to drop the case of his attack with the police and get out of town. Nathan replied that his silence could only be bought for at least £10k, and Sarah updated Gary, who promised to pay it himself as long as wife Maria Connor (Samia Longchambon) never found out.

Daniel heard from the police that Nathan's case was closed, as he "remembered having a fight with a mate". But Bethany smelled a rat and forced Sarah to confess to Nathan's pay off. When Bethany guessed that Gary's cash was involved, she made a dig about her mum stealing other women's men, leading Sarah to slap her.

A remorseful Sarah apologised for everything, but for Bethany, it was all too late. Will she forgive her mum, and will Nathan do as agreed when he gets the money?

For support and guidance on matters raised within this story, visit Barnardo's, NSPCC and SHE UK for help and advice.

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