Buying a House From Out of State
LAST UPDATED 05/15 AT 11:40 PM
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Buying a House From Out of State

According to the US Census Bureau, about 30 million people move each year in the United States. While many movers relocate within the same city, factors such as job opportunities and a desire for a different climate cause many buyers to move long distances.

If you find yourself facing such a change now or in the future, finding a new home will be at the top of your to-do list. Reduce stress and uncertainty with these valuable tips for buying a house from out of state.

  1. Do Your Homework
    Research is vital whenever you're buying a house, whether it's across the country or the street. Fortunately, the internet puts unprecedented amounts of information at your fingertips providing data and photos.

    But you have one more assignment when you move out of state: check out your target areas. City Data and Best Places to Live are two top sources that drill down to neighborhood and zip code levels for population demographics and quality of life information, including the cost of living and school ratings.

  2. Find a Reputable Buyer's Agent 
    No matter how thorough you are, there's no substitute for professional help. A buyer's agent based in your desired location will have invaluable information regarding local real estate laws, potential pitfalls, and other area-specific details. 

  3. Ask Questions ... and Keep Asking
    No matter how many homes you have purchased in the past, when buying a house out of state, pretend it's the first time. Ask every question that occurs to you, even if you think you know the answer. Don't let pride or embarrassment keep you from uncovering vital information.

  4. Watch Out for Scams
    Sadly, the flip side of digital access is that it's more appealing to real estate scammers who can manipulate pictures and information to mislead unsuspecting buyers. Take everything with a grain of salt until you can confirm it in person or through a reliable source.

  5. Conduct Virtual Tours
    Thanks to modern technology, you can "see" potential homes without leaving your current house. Have your agent (or family and friends, if possible) take you on virtual tours with FaceTime or Skype. Once you have the candidates narrowed down, plan a quick trip for in-person visits.

  6. Attend the Inspection
    Nothing takes away the excitement of a new home faster than discovering a problem you thought was a molehill is really a mountain. No matter how detailed a home inspection report is, the only way to know the house's true condition is to be there in person.

  7. Be Patient
    Even if you've done your due diligence, the logistics of buying a house out of state are bound to slow up the procedure to one degree or another. For example, loan approval may require jumping through an extra hoop or two. Have patience and trust the process, secure in the knowledge that millions of people have successfully bought homes out of state for years.

Buying a house from out of state should be the start of a dream, not a nightmare. Use these tips to streamline the transition and find a house that will truly become a home.

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