P.A. volleyball teams cap season on high note | paNOW
The En Fuego U14 girl's team. (Submitted photo/Shannon Schamp)
Volleyball recap

P.A. volleyball teams cap season on high note

May 15, 2024 | 4:00 PM

The indoor volleyball season has ended and a couple of Prince Albert-based teams are highlighting their successes.

First, the En Fuego U14 girl’s team recently returned from a national event in B.C. where they finished 36th among 110 teams across Canada.

“I feel like the competition was extremely tight,” said assistant coach Sarah-Mary Shenouda. “It came down every game to two points either way. So it could have gone either way. Our girls played the best volleyball though that I have actually seen them play all season.”

“As far as being proud of them and what they accomplished…absolutely. I’m not disappointed in our seeding, I feel like we could have seeded a little higher, but overall I’m really happy with the experience.

Shenouda added that the experience will be invaluable for her players, many of whom will go on to play at the high school level.

“Being in such a big centre under so much pressure at a national level, it just goes to show you how resilient the girls are because they’re able to just step up their game under so much pressure with so much noise and so much people on a national scale far away from home and still perform their best, so I’m so proud of them,” she said.

“So moving forward, I feel like when we go into the smaller competitions across Saskatchewan moving into next season, the girls are just going to have no problem under pressure.”

The team will continue practicing this week and beyond, with many players trying out for the Saskatchewan Summer Games in Lloydminster in July, and playing beach volleyball, which starts in a couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, the U18 Smashing Bananas boy’s team recently competed at provincials, going 4-0 in the round-robin before losing to the Regina Summit in the finals.

“I’d summarize the season as a success, despite dropping the last match. The results showed continual improvement by the team. It was really fun to watch the progress this team made,” wrote Head Coach Collin McGuire in an email.

Five players from the team will be eligible to return next season.


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