MCQ for Renaissance The Rise of Scientific Medicine (docx) - CliffsNotes

MCQ for Renaissance The Rise of Scientific Medicine

University of Macau**We aren't endorsed by this school
May 5, 2024
Uploaded by HighnessMandrillMaster1079
1. By the 12th century, the translation of ancient medical texts and circulation of new ideas in the Europe were facilitated by: AB A. Physicians from the Middle East and western Asia B. New medical schools in Italy, Spain, and France C. The Catholic Church D. Religious beliefs, folk tradition, and superstition E. European physicians 2. When was human dissection introduced at the medical school in Salerno? D A. 10 th century B. 11 th century C. 12 th century D. 13 th century E. 14 th century 3. Who is often cited as the founder of toxicology? C A. Zosimos B. Jabir ibn Hayyan C. Paracelsus D. Robert Flood E. Henning Brand 4. Which of the following statements correctly reflect Andreas Vesalius's contributions? ABCD A. He found that nerves are solid, not hollow, and that they are involved in muscle control and sensation B. He found the heart rather than the liver is central to the vascular system; C. He found there are no traces of connecting holes or pores in the septum between the heart's left and right sides; D. He gave detailed descriptions of several complex abdominal parts, such as the omentum ( 網膜 ); E. He corrected Galen's anatomical understanding of the heart and aorta 5. Which of the following anatomical structures are named after the famed anatomist Gabriele Falloppio? C A. The tiny organs of hearing B. The temporal bone of the skull
C. The ovary travel to the womb along the oviduct D. The small air tube that equalizes pressure between the middle ear and the back of the throat E. The septum between the heart's left and right sides 6. The procedures of medieval barber-surgeons including: ABCDE A. Removal of warts and skin blemishes B. Tooth-extractions C. Bloodletting by leech D. Cauterizing open wounds by pouring on boiling oil E. Emergency limb amputation in the battlefield 7. Which of the following surgical practices in the battlefield were contributed by Ambroise Paré? ABC A. Wound balms B. Ligatures for emergency amputation C. Drainage for open chest wound D. Anesthetics E. Field ambulance 8. Which of the following figures proved the double circulatory system? E A. Ibn al-Nafis B. Michael Servetus C. Realdo Colombo D. Andrea Cesalpinois E. William Harvey 9. Who hypothesized a system in which digested food went to the liver, where it was made into new blood, which was then sent via the veins to various body parts? E A. Huangdi B. Hippocrates C. Erasistratus D. Zhang Zhongjing E. Claudius Galen
10. Who for the first time showed the valves that prevent the reverse flow of blood in veins? C A. Andreas Vesalius B. Andres Laguna C. Amato Lusitano D. Realdo Colombo E. William Harvey 11. British physician Thomas Sydenham is credited with describing and defining specific diseases including: ABCDE A. Rheumatic fever ( 风湿热 ) B. Sydenham's chorea ( 舞蹈病 ) C. Scarlatina (scarlet fever, 猩红热 ) D. Measles ( 麻疹 ) E. Dysentery ( 痢疾 ) 12. Which of the following might be the reasons for Thomas Sydenham to be known as the "English Hippocrates"? ABCD A. His prescription of fresh air, exercise, and drinking beer in moderation B. His invention of a tincture of opium— Laudanum Sydenhamii C. His depiction and classification of identifiable "species" of diseases D. His emphasis on clinical observation and accurate descriptions of disease E. His discovery that Goiter ( 甲状腺肿 ) was caused by the presence of certain minerals in drinking water 13. Physical defects and disfigurements can occur for many different reasons, including: ABCDE A. Infectious diseases such as smallpox ( 天花 ) and leprosy ( 麻风病 ) B. Tumors, gangrene ( 坏疽 ), skin ulcers, and radical surgery C. Wounds and trauma, accidental burns, and amputations by machinery D. Congenital problems (present at birth), such as a cleft lip and palate ( 唇腭裂 ) E. Syphilis ( 梅毒 ) 14. Nose repair after amputation was first mentioned in: A A. Susruta Samhita
B. Charaka Samhita C. The Smith papyrus D. Cuneiform tablets E. De Medicina 15. When following the Italian method for rhinoplasty, where did surgeons take skin and flesh for severing the pedicle? B A. The forearm B. The upper arm C. The cheek D. The forehead E. The shoulder
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