What kept Helena Bonham Carter from breaking through to the top tier of movie stars? - Cinemaphile

What kept Helena Bonham Carter from breaking through to the top tier of movie stars?

What kept Helena Bonham Carter from breaking through to the top tier of movie stars? She got big parts and people like her, but she never felt big time.

  1. 11 hours ago

    she looks like she smokes crack

    • 11 hours ago

      >ywn smoke crack with hbc and have chemsex with her
      why even live bros?

    • 11 hours ago

      Well, wasn't she around Depp and his party troup a lot?
      If so, probably has smoked it, or worse, on occasion.

    • 11 hours ago

      she needs to smoke pole (mine)

    • 8 hours ago

      I smoked crack once. It was exhilarating for about 10 seconds and then over

      • 8 hours ago

        That's why you buy more

  2. 11 hours ago

    Probably only being in movies with people she was fricking

    • 10 hours ago

      it's because she moved to tv roles

  3. 11 hours ago

    She definitely fricked that Harry Potter guy. Think Depp ever fricked her?

    • 9 hours ago

      Is there any attractive actress that HASN'T fricked Johnny Depp? During prime Pirates they probably had to build another Black Pearl for him to sail so he wouldn't drown in pussy.

  4. 11 hours ago

    She filled her niche as a goth gf nicely

  5. 10 hours ago

    I liked her in The Crown.

  6. 10 hours ago

    i liked her in Fight Club

  7. 9 hours ago

    She’s too weird looking, not conventionally attractive enough to play anything other than weird side characters.

  8. 9 hours ago

    >Get roles because of Tim Burton
    >Don't have to continue taking roles because of Tim Burton

  9. 9 hours ago

    Too quirky and alternative, it's what makes her hot

    • 8 hours ago

      She comes from a rich tory family and is friends with David Cameron.

      • 8 hours ago

        Liberal family, not Tory.

        HH Asquith is her great grandfather, Jo Grimond is one of her uncle's, her uncle Mark was also a Liberal politician, the Bonham Carter family can be traced back to the Whig Mayor of Portsmouth John Carter. Her great uncle, Anthony Asquith was one of the UK's best film directors, his silent movies now rated above Hitchwiener's.

        • 8 hours ago

          TIL. But she does know Cameron.

          • 6 hours ago

            > You can literally hear Asquith and Lady Violet spinning so fast they are drilling towards the Earth's core.

      • 8 hours ago

        Nobody gives a frick about your weird limey politics. My state is bigger than your entire country. You don’t matter.

        • 8 hours ago

          Does your state have the same GDP?

          • 7 hours ago

            > It all comes down to GDP. That’s why we need more immigrants. Multiculturalism grows the economy. Nevermind the shrinking GDP per capita, central bank, fiat currency, housing rising or feral non-whites…it all comes down to GDP.

            Absolute boomer.

            • 7 hours ago

              >It all comes down to size. The only thing that matters is km2. I can fit your country in my bathhouse. My cotton field is the size of Libya. That's why we had to import a million Black folk as slaves and give them rights and pretend they're people now.
              Absolute moron

              • 6 hours ago

                If you’re from England you have exactly zero room to talk shit about treating brown people as better than. In fact I’m surprised you’re on here at all seeing as how you can get arrested for being racist online in England. Madness.

              • 6 hours ago

                At least we didn't have a war with ourselves about slaves rights or something

              • 6 hours ago

                Typical English “education”.


                And that’s not even counting all the wars with Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. You motherfrickers all live together in an area smaller than Texas and all you DO is fight with each other.

              • 6 hours ago

                Are you simple? Point out where in this article you've posted the part about slaves rights that were apparently being fought over in England. Fricking spakker.

              • 6 hours ago

                That's true. The English just fight over which inbred brother deserves the throne because of some obscure incestuous relationship three times removed from the main line of the family.

              • 6 hours ago

                Wah wah wah blah blah blah
                >I'm objectively wrong but if I make some stupid generalisations I think I can talk my way out of it.

              • 5 hours ago

                Are you really bragging over the fact that England never went to war to end slavery? That’s true. The fact of the matter is there has never been a bigger collection of evil c**ts in the history of the world. Slavery, genocide, piracy, invasion, there isn’t an evil act that a country can do that the British Empire hasn’t done. From starving a billion Indians to death to the East India trading company to invading France to starting World War 1 to subjugating native Australians to enslaving colonial Americans. England has caused a literal ocean of bloodshed over the last 1500 years or so. You have absolutely zero room to feel superior about literally anything.

              • 5 hours ago

                England abolished slavery before the American civil war, dumbfrick. Go ask ChatGPT to write you a job resume.

              • 5 hours ago

                >I’ll just ignore the point you made where you agree with me because you go on to explain why I’m moronic for making it.
                Sharia law can’t come fast enough for you “people” bruv.

              • 5 hours ago

                I didn't even read past the first (factually incorrect) line. If you can't even get that part right there's not much chance the rest of what you had to say would be any better.

              • 5 hours ago

                Which point was factually inaccurate? Are you saying the British Empire didn’t cause The Great Indian Famine?

              • 5 hours ago

                In the post you replied to in which I inform you that the first line is factually inaccurate there is a hint as to which line I found inaccurate in your post. I'll give you an hour to try and guess.

              • 4 hours ago

                Oh I get it, I’m interested. Which civil war did England have to end slavery then?

              • 4 hours ago


              • 3 hours ago

                Britain wasn't responsible for those starving indians, but I wish they were, it would be a moral good. You people are a humanoid plague.

              • 6 hours ago

                Checkmate “mate”.

              • 6 hours ago

                Yeeeea. Scotland and England are different countries my moronic little friend.

              • 3 hours ago

                Yeah nothing like that ever happens in merika

          • 6 hours ago

            Lol, your per capita GDP is roughly 46,000 dollars. Do you know how many American states are higher than that? All of them. Fricking rekt innit? Turns out paying for millions of dirty pakis is bad for business.

            • 6 hours ago

              Hey, I was reliably informed that only boomers care about GDP.

  10. 8 hours ago

    The defining role for her would be playing her grandmother Lady Violet. She played Violet in a radio play in 1998.

  11. 8 hours ago

    > Those angular Asquith brows.

  12. 8 hours ago

    >She got big parts

  13. 8 hours ago

    >She never felt big time
    There's your problem. How you felt isn't relevant. Your subjective feelings on her status is based on your own shortcomings. You project your insecurities onto celebrities because being in the public eye makes them easy targets. Now, it might make you feel better about yourself when you engage in your "three minutes of hate" but ultimately you're just distracting yourself from fixing your own problems.

  14. 8 hours ago
    • 7 hours ago


    • 6 hours ago

      hermione if she real

    • 4 hours ago

      Based Lucy Honeychurch poster. I watch A Room with A View at least once a year. Great cast, great film.

    • 4 hours ago

      It feels like what you could call "ancestral determinism."

      Lucy Honeychurch would have been a contemporary of the young Violet Asquith.

  15. 7 hours ago

    Too theatrical an actress, she can't actually pull off a normal likeable lead role

  16. 7 hours ago

    Never went nude

    • 6 hours ago

      are we talking about the same Helena Bonham Carter?

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