UCLA's Mostly Peaceful Counterprotest, by Steve Sailer - The Unz Review
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UCLA's Mostly Peaceful Counterprotest

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From my new column in Taki’s Magazine:

UCLA’s Mostly Peaceful Counterprotest

Steve Sailer
May 15, 2024

In the most violent episode so far in the vastly publicized campus protests against Israel’s war on Gaza, at the end of April a goon squad of nationalist whites attacked the encampment of diverse UCLA students, while police stood back and let the militia whale on the pro-Palestinian demonstrators for a few hours. Finally, the cops got between the protesters and the attacking counterprotesters, then let the instigators go. The next night the police dismantled the encampment and arrested over 200 anti-Israel activists.

In an era when the Establishment obsesses over right-wing violence—last year, for example, President Biden declared, “White supremacy…is the single most dangerous terrorist threat in our homeland”—one might think that the brawl at UCLA would by now be almost as exhaustively reported as January 6th or Charlottesville. But instead, you have to read news accounts closely to even guess who the hard men at UCLA were.

If the right-wing mob had been wearing Make America Great Again baseball caps, shouting “Christ is King,” and singing Russian songs about crushing Ukrainians, the struggle on the UCLA quad would be the biggest news story of the year.

Indeed, The New York Times and Washington Post have published lengthy investigative pieces demonstrating conclusively that outside agitators instigated the night of violence in front of UCLA’s Royce Hall.

Yet, both newspapers have been extremely reticent about the key question: Who were these far-right thugs?

Read the whole thing there.

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  1. According to a 2015 estimate by the Israeli-American Council, more than 250,000 Israelis live in Los Angeles…

    When asked why his L.A. Kings weren’t drawing better, what with 800,000 Canadians lving in Southern California, Jack Kent Cooke said they were there because they hate hockey. There’s got to be a similar joke in this situation as well. They like shellfish?

    Israeli immigrants in Los Angeles tend to be more blue-collar and less genteel than Ellis Island-descended Jewish-Americans.

    In Emma Lazarus’s day, Castle Garden* Jews tended to be “more blue-collar and less genteel” than her Truro-descended Sephardic Jewish-Americans. She was simultaneously horrified by and compassionate toward them. Now if our own pseudo-élite could feel the same way about West Virginians and Kentuckians, we wouldn’t need the likes of J.D. Vance.

    *that being the 19th-century Ellis


  2. Reading the Taki piece in its entirety, you seem remarkably concerned to (rather unconvincingly) argue that the counter-demonstration was just a spontaneous demonstration of patriotic zeal on the part of some of Los Angeles’ Israelis. Or something.

    I suspect that in this case, you’re afraid of where your own observations might lead you. I don’t blame you — but it is noticeable. The ‘Dancing Israelis’ were just enthusiastic citizens? That’s why the FBI detained them for eleven weeks?

  3. “The song ends with what sounds like a call for the Israel Defense Forces to murder several pretty female celebrities in the West who are outspokenly pro-Palestinian”

    Ironically, the song omitted perhaps one of the most famous celebrities in the West to have been pro-Palestinian for about half a century now. Couldn’t miss this specific individual, as they were the go-to in the MSM whenever they wanted shock quotes that favored the Palestinians.

    I withhold the name here, but for Steve, the answer to the famous person’s identity should be obvious.

    Hint: the person is a well noted thespian.

    In the words of Forest Gump: That’s all I have to say about that.

    • Replies: @Steve Sailer
  4. Contra your theory, I think that Israel’s wholesale and frequently ham-fisted attempts at intimidation, subversion, espionage, and even assassination (Iran, Jordan, the Gulf Emirates, Norway) are controlled by the state. They reflect a culture of impunity.

    Pretty much no matter what her agents do, if they can just get back to Israel, they’re safe personally. As to consequences for Israel as a whole, it’s been forty years since we dared to seriously object to anything at all, and moreover, we protect her from any consequences the rest of the world might like to impose.

    She needn’t be careful. Nothing bad will happen.

    Witness the attacks on the demonstrators. As you noted, the American media couldn’t even bring themselves to clearly say the thugs were Israeli. Why shouldn’t Israel engage in such activity? We won’t protest.

    • Thanks: Bill Jones
  5. Wasn’t this inevitable? It was unlikely that the coalition of the fringes wouldn’t eventually start shooting each other. By promoting Hamas the left is making the Hitler mistake (don’t alienate and scare the crap out of the smartest people who could be on your side). Although there are still some Jews who support Hamas like Bernie Sanders or Soros, many of the most successful have finally had their eyes opened.

    • Replies: @Mark G.
  6. Perhaps instead, Israeli Jews abroad, who tend to be staunchly patriotic, might be on the lookout for ways to bring themselves to the grateful attention of the Israeli intelligence community.

    So patriotic they have left to make their life in another country!

    What is it about all these people that they just can’t keep running off to someone else’s nation?

    And seriously, if some other people simply does it better, has made a better nation than your own and you’d like to join, and they let you join … then you throw in with them, your loyalty goes to the people you have joined, their interests. Or … you suck.

    If your loyalty is not with the people of the nation you are in–leave. Go back where you came from.

    • Thanks: Gordo
    • Replies: @anonymouseperson
  7. Anon[194] • Disclaimer says:

    Re the Gone Golfing cap for sale at Passage Press, here’s a cautionary tale if the photo was not taken by Steve:


    TL;DR version: Last year, I was threatened with a lawsuit over the pixel art album cover for Kind of Bloop. Despite my firm belief that I was legally in the right, I settled out of court to cut my losses. This ordeal was very nerve-wracking for me and my family, and I’ve had trouble writing about it publicly until now….

    In February 2010, I was contacted by attorneys representing famed New York photographer Jay Maisel, the photographer who shot the original photo of Miles Davis used for the cover of Kind of Blue.

    In their demand letter, they alleged that I was infringing on Maisel’s copyright by using the illustration on the album and elsewhere, as well as using the original cover in a “thank you” video I made for the album’s release. In compensation, they were seeking “either statutory damages up to $150,000 for each infringement at the jury’s discretion and reasonable attorneys fees or actual damages and all profits attributed to the unlicensed use of his photograph, and $25,000 for Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) violations.”

    After seven months of legal wrangling, we reached a settlement. Last September, I paid Maisel a sum of $32,500 and I’m unable to use the artwork again. (On the plus side, if you have a copy, it’s now a collector’s item!) I’m not exactly thrilled with this outcome, but I’m relieved it’s over.

  8. Yet, both newspapers have been extremely reticent about the key question: Who were these far-right thugs?

    Jews are victims. Eternally innocent victims, never perps.

    There are whole libraries full of blather on “anti-Semitism” as if it’s some weird pathogen cooked up in a lab that other people just somehow catch and the poor innocent Jews must suffer with. The whole point of creating their special “anti-Semitism” tag is propagate this narrative.

    The obvious truth that Jews are an ethnic group, which–like all others–has particular and noticeable behavior patterns, some of which are annoying and damaging to other people can not be noticed. The bad people are oppressive white gentiles, oppressively oppressing soulful minorities. Not Jews.

    Jews as perps, troublemakers? What are you some kind of Nazi?

  9. Ralph L says:

    Still no reports of injuries, so how peaceful was the riot?

    I recall complaints that LAPD didn’t act quickly when the Rodney King and ’65 Watts riots began, leading to more carnage than necessary. Have they learned nothing in 60 years, or were they in on it?

    I was thinking “wale” was the correct verb, but you get a wale on your skin when someone whales on you. Stupid language.

    • Replies: @G. Poulin
  10. @Reg Cæsar

    In Emma Lazarus’s day, Castle Garden* Jews tended to be “more blue-collar and less genteel” than her Truro-descended Sephardic Jewish-Americans. She was simultaneously horrified by and compassionate toward them. Now if our own pseudo-élite could feel the same way about West Virginians and Kentuckians, we wouldn’t need the likes of J.D. Vance.

    Yep. The salient thing about the great wave Ashkenazi is not really their generational rise–that’s impressive, but they’re a smart bunch overall and America was a very rich country ergo full of opportunity. Rather it is their sneering contempt for the regular Americans, their lack of noblesse oblige, lack of loyalty to the actual people who built our nation that took them in and allowed them such prosperity. Rather than “let’s pitch in and really make America great!” the motto of these 2nd and 3rd generation has been “these hicks suck!”, “tear this bitch down!”.

    If you made a pictorial dictionary, “ingratitude” would be illustrated with a picture of American Jew.

    • Replies: @Bill Jones
    , @Jack D
  11. Here’s the most fascinating part of the article.


    Israeli immigrants in Los Angeles tend to be more blue-collar and less genteel than Ellis Island-descended Jewish-Americans.

    Interestingly, Israeli new arrivals tend to gravitate toward those trades, such as locksmith, where they might conceivably stumble upon some intelligence that, they hope, Mossad might someday find useful. This is not to assert that Israeli spy services conspire to plant James Bond-like secret agents in low-level trades overseas. Perhaps instead, Israeli Jews abroad, who tend to be staunchly patriotic, might be on the lookout for ways to bring themselves to the grateful attention of the Israeli intelligence community.

    This might help explain otherwise puzzling stories such as the dancing Israelis on 9/11 who were working as movers in an Arab neighborhood in New Jersey. And then there’s the well-documented but still mysterious phenomenon of “Israeli art students” swarming into American office buildings and grabbing random papers off desks, as happened at the marketing research firm where I worked in Chicago in the late 20th century.

    Steve Sailer wrote a post on Israeli blackmail operations.


    Here’s a fascinating article called “Does Israel Have a Backdoor to US Intelligence?” I highly recommend reading it.


    In fact, according to Binney, the advanced analytical and data mining software the NSA had developed for both its worldwide and international eavesdropping operations was secretly passed to Israel by a mid-level employee, apparently with close connections to the country…. Binney now suspects that Israeli intelligence in turn passed the technology on to Israeli companies who operate in countries around the world, including the U.S. In return, the companies could act as extensions of Israeli intelligence and pass critical military, economic and diplomatic information back to them.

    Here’s a documentary on the spying operations of Israeli. The documentary discusses AmDocs, an Israeli telecommunications company with extensive operations in the USA.

    Here’s a summary of the documentary.

    Of note in this video (all four segments contained in one video):

    1. A highly placed US investigator states, “evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information.” This statement suggests that such evidence must exist, since there would be no need for classification if nothing had been found.

    2. American terrorism investigators fear certain suspects in the September 11 attacks may have managed to stay ahead of them, by knowing who and when investigators are calling on the telephone; information provided by an Israeli-owned (and IDF funded) telephone company at which several of the arrested Israeli 9/11 suspects worked.

    3. It is revealed that the wiretapping capability that is permanently built into your telephone is built, installed, and maintained by yet another Israeli owned company and that this equipment is suspected of having a “back door” which allows the Mossad to use the same equipment to wiretap any telephone in America by remote control.

    4. The availability of information on police phone calls resulted in the collapse of an investigation of a drug and fraud crime ring with Israeli connections. Investigators traced the information, which included calls to police investigators’ beepers, to Amdocs.

    I also wrote an explanation of how Israel sexually blackmails American leaders. Read it here. https://www.unz.com/isteve/an-old-strategy-bears-new-fruit/#comment-4788190

    This is how the USA became a colony of Israel.

  12. JimDandy says:
    @Colin Wright

    This piece started out so promising, and then veered firmly into nothing-to-see-here-move-along territory.

    • Replies: @CMC
  13. An aspect of the incident conspicuously left unaddressed in Mr. Sailer’s article is the police response.

    Compare Wyatt Reed’s “UCLA attackers exposed: meet the violent Zionist agitators LA police haven’t arrested” published May 13 at thegrayzone.com, which reports that the police didn’t intervene for several hours. The Reed article also highlights a dossier compiled by some of the protesters, with names, pictures, and background information on several attackers; none, reportedly, had been charged by the time of publication. Time may tell a different story, but for now the Establishment response seems Noticeably different than the lawfare torching of marchers in Charlottesville or the nationwide (selective) manhunt for people associated with “J6.”

    Dissent and free speech are under attack. Meanwhile, “The World’s Greatest Deliberative Body” is goosepooping an Antisemitism Awareness Act.

    Why are Mr. Sailer and the rest of the Diffident Right that dominates TUR’s author roster utterly peepless?

    • Agree: Michael Droy
    • Replies: @Steve Sailer
  14. IHTG says:

    Ctrl-F “Persian Jews” -> 0 results found

  15. @AnotherDad

    Read this and tell me what these people will do to high trust societies like the West.


    • Replies: @Nachum
  16. ydydy says: • Website

    Give ’em time.

    The Jews go through Booms and Busts. It’s good for their evolution. The wealthy instigators escape while the innocent poor are murdered for their sins.

    It’s a complicated process and as God explained to Abraham the first Great Sifting would take place in the 430 years of Egyptian Exile (instigated by Joseph’s overreaching before being brought to a close by Moses’ underreaching).

    For my own part, I introduced my audience to the thought of the great Ben Hecht yesterday only for a Karen maggot to emerge with a call to the (Egyptian!) cops.

    Egypt is short on Americans but apparently the Karens have begun their infestation here as 🇺🇸 exports its surplus unhappy women to the farthest reaches of rhe globe.

    Oh, and congratulations on emerging into the light. It makes me very happy. Your tenacity was always impressive and I’m glad to see it finally beginning to pay off for you. We have different things that we accentuate and some different tastes but you’re a good and great man and I wish you all of life’s happiness.

  17. Altai4 says:

    As I’ve pointed out before, the Israelification of the US since 9/11 and the neocon coup have become more and more apparent. The most serious element being that the US can’t be negotiated with anymore, like Israel. The idea of the “mad dog” mentality is now taken as normal. But what happens when the mad dog runs into a madder, more desperate and most crucially, stronger dog?

    Since that time the police in the US have been trained in Israel in “counter-terrorism” often with federal funds and sometimes by private money from Jewish oligarchs. But in practice the Israeli police don’t really do 24 style CTU stuff, they just generally act as occupying forces.

    Now that we have large protests against Israel they are suddenly acting a lot like Israeli police in addition to just looking like them.

    It’s apparent in Europe too. Police used to dress like police and now they’re dressing more and more like jackbooted Israeli “police”.

    We’ve seen it in things like using drones to assassinate leaders of groups nonchalantly. Trump even casually killed a high-ranking part of the Iranian military who was also a hugely popular political figure among the general public in Iran, Soleimani. Killing the leadership of your enemy has since ancient times be regarded as foolish at best but savage at worst, a perfect action to perpetuate conflict and make negotiations impossible. Even worse when for the US there is no reason for Iran to be an enemy. The policy used with Iran has worked out so well with the now nuclear armed North Korea.

    Prior to the neocon coup the US knew this too. To do it inside another country was even crazier. The Israelis even went further and commissioned a double-tap bombing at a memorial for him. One bomb went off in a crowd and then another went off after people came in the help the wounded from the first blast. The purpose of this, of course, was to provoke the Iranians into a war so the US would fight it for them.

    But we see a similar standing by by police in Israel and West Bank while the crazies (Among whom is Sarah Silverman’s sister) are allowed to do what the state can’t quite get away with.

    A couple of days ago they were blocking the road to prevent trucks getting in.

    Now they’re emboldened by lack of any police action to just loot and destroy the aid itself.

    You can really feel the lack of any concern in Sullivan’s voice and face as he attempts to simulate being outraged. But he doesn’t say who he is outraged at. No doubt they’ll “sanction” some settlers or make the Israelis arrest a few after the fact but it’s clear the Israeli police let these things happen. This is government policy to let this happen. Just like it’s government policy in LA to let the Israeli immigrants attack American students at UCLA.

    They’ve also been trying to get the UNWRA HQ in East Jerusalem shut down, it seems they’ve succeeded. They slowly escalating from protesting outside the gate to setting fires. Again seemingly without fear of anyone trying to stop them.

  18. @Reg Cæsar

    Most of the pseudo-elite don’t really like any gentile group. When they do pretend to like a gentile group, it is usually because they found a way to exploit them.

  19. @Greta Handel

    Perhaps you should read the entire first sentence of my article, which concludes: “while police stood back and let the militia whale on the pro-Palestinian demonstrators for a few hours.”

    • Replies: @Greta Handel
  20. G. Poulin says:
    @Ralph L

    English is a polyglot language. No rules. Total chaos. That’s what happens when you let too many foreign words into your lexicon. Build that fucking wall, already.

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
  21. @JohnnyWalker123

    “This is how the USA became a colony of Israel.”

    Oh, the USA started becoming a colony of Israel long before Israel even formally existed. The moment the Ashkenazim were allowed to enter this country, instead of being beheaded on sight, America’s goose was cooked. They basically declared war on America and Americans, secretly (so as to fight a one-sided war unnoticed and unopposed) the moment they set their cloven hooves here.

    And now they’ve entirely and successfully destroyed the country: America is now unrecognizable politically, economically, socially, culturally, racially, demographically — it’s a stage 4 cancer patient. They’ve won.

  22. Mark G. says:
    @Larry, San Francisco

    I agree with you the more intelligent Jews are rethinking their allegiance to the Democrat party. However, to be accepted on the political right, Jews need to show they care more about their fellow Americans than Israel. George Washington said Americans should avoid passionate attachments to other countries. Israel is another country.

    • Thanks: 36 ulster
    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
    , @Colin Wright
  23. @Steve Sailer

    I’m sorry for the embarrassing oversight. But had I not jumped straight into your analysis, I would’ve begun

    An aspect of the incident acknowledged but conspicuously left unaddressed in Mr. Sailer’s article is the police response.

    What do you think about the cops chaperoning the attack? The Antisemitism Awareness Act? Etc.? IOW, the rest of my comment.

    A public intellectual today with nothing to say about the Establishment’s crushing of dissent is either obtuse or afraid of something.

    • Replies: @For what it's worth
  24. @JohnnyWalker123

    “Does Israel Have a Backdoor to US Intelligence?”

    Perhaps, but they hardly need it. They have the front door. The raw feed of all US signals intelligence, including the domestic part that is redacted for US intel, is shared with the Israeli government. This is not a secret. This is the open US policy.

    In other words, the vast US signals intelligence gathering operations exist primarily for the benefit of Israel, secondarily for the benefit of the oligarchs who control the US government, and only tertiarily for the benefit of the US “intel community”, who regard the heritage citizens of the US as its primary threat.

    Fortunately for the US intel community, when they want to do illegal domestic surveillance of their primary threat, they can just ask the Israelis what is in the redacted part of the raw intel feed, so they don’t have to worry about little things like Federal law … provided the Israelis agree. (The Israelis won’t agree to provide info about the pro-Israel counterprotesters near Steve, for example.)

  25. Arclight says:

    Personally, I am fine with the encampment people getting a taste of actual danger and discomfort. Leftist protestors have been able to act out with virtual impunity for years, and let’s not delude ourselves that most of them are motivated by genuine humanitarian concerns for a relatively small group of people thousands of miles away. All the better that the counter-protestors cannot be pinned as stereotypical MAGA people that the media would tee off on.

    • Disagree: JimDandy
    • Replies: @Greta Handel
  26. “Who were these far right wingers”??
    It doesn’t matter, this was allowed to happen because they attacked a group protesting Israel.
    Think about it, over 1500 illegal antifa and blm marches/protests/riots. No mandated social distancing, no parade permits, businesses torched and police stood down, even abandoning a police precinct. Hell, they even knelt with them. As evidenced in the Rittenhouse affair, there were an awful lot of Jews present at these protests. I base that on the fact that Rittenhouse shot, what 3 people? And 2 were Jews.
    Now youve got pro Palestinian protests (read anti Israel) and suddenly the police care. Find who you are not allowed to criticize….

    • Agree: Ron Mexico
  27. Considering the entire war, I would say that average white person’s attitude in the West (perhaps not in the US) is as follows:

    * Israel has the right to militarily intervene, but this is evidently an attempt of ethnic cleansing. Were it not so, Israel would have announced some plan for post-war Gaza (say, international protectorate with 1/3 Europeans, 1/3 Arabs and 1/3 others) & dehamasization, like in the post-1945 Japan & Germany. The absence of any public plan is a sure sign of ethnic cleansing intention, as is the case with the West Bank. One should add starvation/blockade policy, detention camps’ profile, exclusion of all media from Gaza, … so that many pro-Israeli people are changing their minds.

    * that said, people are aware that Palestinians & Hamas belong to a different ethical culture & mentality, which are irreconcilable with the modern mind & the West. Especially seeing mass (mostly) Muslim protests in some big cities

    * also, that all Arabs and Muslims are insufferable & are absolutely alien to our way of life. With some exceptions, of course.

    The US is not guilty of militarily helping Israel, but for doing it blindly & without questioning. 

  28. @Mark G.

    George Washington said Americans should avoid passionate attachments to other countries.

    He also said this, which is anathema to many who otherwise exalt the man:

    For this you have every inducement of sympathy and interest. Citizens, by birth or choice, of a common country, that country has a right to concentrate your affections. The name of American, which belongs to you in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism more than any appellation derived from local discriminations.

    “Local” might apply to more than geography, too.

  29. @Arclight

    Does protesting the destruction of Gaza make one a Leftist?

    What does condoning their criminal assault by counter-protesters chaperoned by governmental authorities make you?

    • Replies: @kaganovitch
    , @Reg Cæsar
  30. @Reg Cæsar

    The origin of those in the US agitating for “dual citizenship” will come as no surprise.

  31. @Altai4

    As I’ve pointed out before, the Israelification of the US since 9/11 and the neocon coup

    So Mohammed Atta was a tool of Mossad, but Norma McCorvey, Harry Blackmun, and Estelle Griswold were not? Those three have had a more profoundly negative effect on this country, this “nation”, than anyone since. To the tune of tens of millions. And I don’t mean dollars.

    Funny how the notion of a grand Jewish conspiracy always stops at the door of the Supreme Court, when the promoters happen to agree with a decision. But if it fits the narrative, why leave it out?

  32. Wielgus says:
    @Steve Sailer

    I think Susan Sarandon has sometimes wandered off the reservation too on this question, but Redgrave was certainly doing it back in the 1970s.

  33. anonymous[415] • Disclaimer says:

    Those 30 or so mob of Israeli, Israeli-Americans, and other Jews could not have figured out how to get the California Highway Patrol to just watch the attack for 5 hours. This was really a demonstration of Jewish power. They control the government in California.

  34. @Colin Wright

    Steve has never seemed to me to be willing to notice bad things about Wealthy Anglo-Saxon Protestant culture in any age or any locale. It is as if his mind is locked on this: the largest empire ever meant a whole lot of commoner Brits got to be very rich from family investments in the British East India Company and other such ventures, and that means their heirs could lead lives of genteel reflection and give us great servants to humanity, like the Huxley family.

    That means that Steve is not lily to ever notice the fruits of of the Judaizing heresy Anglo-Saxon Puritanism, the specific religious both of WASP culture, not then the statistically unlikely, shall we say, fact of Jewish financial involvement in WASP empire from its early days, gathering momentum up to this very day. Anglo-Zionist Empire.


    So for Steve, all he can notice about these student protests is that a whole lot of those who oppose the Israeli genocidal attempt are brown or yellow or black and the vast majority of those ramming into the anti-genocidal protesters have white skins. To Steve that means only that we may be seeing Jews wake up and realize that funding the Hate Whitey campaigns even more than do the likes of the Rockefellers, the Quakers, and the Unitarian-Universalists is not a wise choice to continue for long as almost all Jews also have white skins.

    And that means that Steve must actively refuse to notice genocide, and that whatever any of us may think of the nation of Israel, the fact is that it was created by the interests of WASP Empire and it always has done that job. That genocide in Gaza could not be occurring without the backing of the United States.

    Here is my noticing: whenever Jews get rich in any country that has leadership tempted toward inertial aspirations and then buy into upper power circles, they will start showing monsters’ teeth; and when Jewish money is added to WASP self-righteous hubris, those monster teeth quickly become global.

    Those who study crime eventually hit upon the fact that there are strings of ‘couple killers.’ Bonnie and Clyde provide a well known example. Without Bonnie, Clyde almost certainly would have remained a small time robber. Without Clyde, Bonnie likely would have remained a waitress type, maybe occasionally stealing a tip for another or over charging a customer. Her poetry would have been about how hard life is for a white girl born into utter poverty.

    The chemistry that erupted when Bonnie hooked up with Clyde brought meant all those deaths and injuries.

    Maybe Steve could notice that WASPs and Jews play out much like Bonnie and Clyde. And that would mean he needs to notice the anti-Gaza genocide protests and those gangs that attack them in new ways.

    Me? I know what WASP empire is and always has been. Lord Palmerston perhaps best stated it. And when plans for worldwide imperial domination requires a near genocide, then it must be done! WASP empire now and forever! Body counts and exterminated languages and folk cultures will be forgotten.

    The 4 most important ideas regarding British desires to literally rule the entire globe born of those Victorian ‘think tanks’ of amateurs to gain wide adoption are: eventually get America back serving WASP imperial designs; take Palestine from the Ottoman Empire, remove most or even all the natives and replace them with Jews and thereby have defining control over the entire Middle East and secure support from Ruch Jews worldwide; conquer and fragment Russia; conquer and fragment China.

    • Replies: @AKAHorace
    , @Bragadocious
  35. @Almost Missouri

    Israeli secret service like American secret service is a creation of British secret service. They are all BFFs.

    • Replies: @YetAnotherAnon
  36. Anonymous[227] • Disclaimer says:

    4chan doxxed one of the aggressors and, indeed, he is IDF. Amusing rabbit hole with impotent threats against the doxer that the doxed IDF agent will permanently ruin his credit score (phone message recording.) Totally searchable for anyone interested.

    Anyway, good article, Steve. Thank you for noticing that some changes in society are driven, funded even, by powerful foreign interests.

    • Replies: @James Forrestal
  37. @Altai4

    This is the real story – not the media coverup of protests punchups in Universities but the cover up of a clear genocide.
    When I visited Auschwitz or others read a book or watched a documentary on the Holocaust, I’m pretty sure most of thought “if this happened again i for sure would be talking about it, not covering it up”.

    The greatest press demeanour was the UNWRA False Flag. UNWRA is a guilt trip for the big nations who permit Israel to continue Settler colonialism (think early America, but mostly German lebensraum, deliberate murder, starvation and genocide). Big nations contribute to the UNWRA fund for relief to Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza.

    Recall the day of the ICJ court hearing. At least hear in Europe the South African presentation had not been available to be seen anywhere except on Russia Today (mostly blocked) and Al Jazzera (Qatar funded). The Israeli defence was freely shown. On the Court judgement day Israel announce it has found 12 UNWRA workers who had been involved in the Hamas October attack. Never mind that UNWRA has 13,000 workers.

    Within 2 hours leaders from all over the western world had both confirmed the evidence, repeated the claims, and withdrawn all funding from UNWRA.
    This was the main news story of the day. The ICJ ruling of Plausible Israeli Genocide in Gaza was barely mentioned. In the days that followed the 12 participants got reduced to 6 and later it became clear that the only evidence found had been produced after torture. Several of the 15 nations began funding UNWRA again. None of this is reported in the mainstream of course.
    UNWRA funding is a complex issue – none of the countries could have made that de-funding decision without at least 2 weeks notice, though they claimed to make it in 2 hours.

    For those interested in Premier League football the ICJ ruling day might best be remembered as the day Jurgen Klopp of Liverpools departure was leaked 4 months before the end of the season. Neither Klopp or Liverpool had a prepared statement. So Front pages and back pages were covered.

    • Thanks: Almost Missouri
  38. Voltarde says:


    Harvard’s former president Drew Faust on making “necessary trouble.”

    David Solomon recently interviewed former Harvard President (2007-2018) Drew Faust about her autobiography. David Solomon is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Board of Directors of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.

    Faust was interviewed on April 8, 2024. At the very end of the interview there is a one-sentence, elliptical mention of Ramallah (on the West Bank). No mention of the ongoing, American-funded, and American-armed genocide by the Israelis in Gaza, or the protests against these atrocities by college students in America and around the world.

    Talk about a Faustian bargain: keep one’s mouth shut about subjects that enflame the Kosherklatura and their political apparatchiks—or else.

    Here’s an excerpt from the interview:

    Drew Gilpin Faust: “My father used to say: “Why be difficult when you can be impossible?” And for me, making trouble was necessary to survive. . . . ”

    David Solomon: “Shortly after that, you attend your first antiwar rally in Washington, D.C., in the mid-60s. And you certainly attend a bunch of antiwar rallies, and it’s been something that over the next five years you became a significant participant in these antiwar protests. Talk a little bit about how you thought about that, why it was so important to you, and how your impression of it changed kind of through the journey of the rest of that decade.”

    Drew Gilpin Faust: “I think two aspects of the situation with the Vietnam War were very moving to me. One was the notion that had animated me in so many ways through my whole life, which [is that] it isn’t fair, it isn’t just, this is a war that’s wreaking havoc on a population that doesn’t deserve to be treated this way. So there was the gesture of concern for what we were doing in Vietnam and to Vietnam. . . . So I went to many, many, many antiwar protests in Washington and in Philadelphia , but I was always a peaceful protester . . .”

    The book’s title “Necessary Trouble” is a quote from civil rights icon John Lewis.

    The same Boomer UniParty NeoCon warmongers who celebrate Lewis and Faust now view peaceful anti-war protests by college students against Israel’s Gaza genocide as events that should be violently suppressed.

    • Agree: Gallatin, Miro23
    • Thanks: Greta Handel, Colin Wright
    • Replies: @J.Ross
    , @Greta Handel
    , @Jack D
  39. @AnotherDad

    Go back where you came from. But they don’t.

  40. J.Ross says:

    OT — Anon said (and he got dubs [sevens!] when he said it):

    Ukraine’s President Zelensky is an historic example of why it is a bad idea to take instruction from the luciferian globalists that control Washington DC. Zelensky should be remembered as one of, if not the most, ruinous traitor to any nation in human history. Zelensky campaigned on promises of normalizing Ukraine’s relationship with Russia. The people of Ukraine wanted good relations with Russia. There is no reason the country of Ukraine could not engage economically with Russia and western Europe.
    Ukraine could have been a linch pin in economic trade between Russia and western Europe. This is why the luciferian globalists that control the Anglo American sphere destroyed Ukraine.
    An economic bloc that extends from Spain through France, Germany and all of the countries of western Europe through Ukraine , Russia and connects India and China would be a great benefit to all of the people of all of the connected countries.
    This powerful economic block would weaken the Anglo American centered economic system that is in place now.
    The luciferian globalists installed Zelensky, the gay, Jewish, comedian as President of Ukraine to destroy Ukraine to prevent Ukraine from linking western Europe with eastern Asia.

    The US State Department actively undermined Ukrainian politicians that were pro Russian. A large majority of Ukrainians preferred politicians that would have positive relations with Russia. Ukrainian President Zelensky campaigned on promises of improving Ukrainian relations with Russia.
    The US / British did not want Ukraine to align with Russia because they do not want western Europe to conduct trade east towards and with Russia.
    An economic trade alignment that stretches from Spain, France, Germany east to include Russia and even connect China and India would be much more competitive than an Anglo American alignment.
    The British and Americans would rather destroy Ukraine and Russia than allow an economic trade alignment that stretches from Spain to China.

    • Agree: Mark G.
    • Replies: @HA
  41. J.Ross says:

    If you’re a boring mediocrity with no accomplishments, you can become a terrorist, and then not only will you not be boring, but you can think you’re actually morally superior to the rest of society.

  42. I don’t know much at all about spy craft, but I doubt conventional locks are all that difficult to beat for intelligence services. If you have ever seen the movie, the lives of others, he demonstrates a little device that has mobile teeth that searches in find the notches of a lock. you insert it and can open any conventional lock on a door. I saw something like this at the spy museum in DC, so I think it’s a real thing.

    I bet the real difficulty is beating modern security cameras and sensor alarms. I bet that the intelligence agencies have built back doors into all the devices. Like if you watch that recent documentary on Netflix about how one of the first computer databases had back doors built in it so the US and Israelis could spy on other countries that they sold the software to, I bet that you have similar things going on like that with security devices. For example, the cameras could have some thing where a radio or microwave pulse of a very specific frequency causes the camera to replay past hours for say an hour, while some business was done inside the area of surveillance. Or a pulse that disables a sensor alarm for say an hour. That’s how they do that I bet, and it is handed off from the US to the various Israeli firms. This is all just speculation and guess work on my part, I don’t really have any inside knowledge of this.

  43. Gamecock says:
    @Colin Wright

    CW, as isteve described the counter-demonstrators, I kept thinking, “This sounds like FBI operatives.”

  44. @Mark G.

    ‘…Israel is another country.’

    That’s the theory. The reality is that we are the goyim described by the late Ovadia Yosef, the leading rabbi in Israel:

    “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.

    …With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,” Yosef said.

    “Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat…”

    …and this will continue to be the reality so long as we pretend it isn’t. This notion that Israel is one nation and we are another ignores the real, the substantial reality. Look at the situation right now: how would you describe it?

    We serve Israel. It’s not complex; it’s simple.

  45. @Reg Cæsar

    Presumably that’s why he agreed with Congress that American citizenship should be limited to “free white persons of good character.”

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
  46. Che Guava says:

    Yes, saw the Carl Cameron documentary, first only excerpts on a 9/11 skeptic DVD in Japanese which I bought at a shop in a market run in part of the Ward Office, then watched the whole on U-tub.

    Anybody who has not should watch it. Truly jaw-dropping!

    • Agree: JohnnyWalker123
  47. Jack D says:

    sneering contempt for the regular Americans, their lack of noblesse oblige, lack of loyalty to the actual people who built our nation that took them in and allowed them such prosperity.

    The Men of Unz are great at slandering other groups. Have you ever considered looking in the mirror and critiquing Founding Stock Americans?

    Some of this stuff is outright false – American Jews are plenty loyal and and have plenty of noblesse oblige. American Jews are among the most generous donors to universities, hospitals and other worthy charitable causes. If I had a nickel for every medical facility, hospital wing and college building named for a Jewish donor I would have a lot of nickels.

  48. Jack D says:
    @Colin Wright

    Yes, the “Dancing Israelis” theory is a bunch of shit. By mentioning stuff like this, you just out yourself as the antisemitic conspiracy nut that you are.


    These Israeli moving companies are shady, but they are shady in the sense that they will overcharge you for moving and want to be paid in cash, not in the sense that they had foreknowledge of 9/11.

  49. @Jack D

    What’s a nickel invested in the founding stock of Purdue Pharma worth today?

    • Thanks: R.G. Camara
  50. nebulafox says:

    You know, the media used to go after the SAVAK for setting their goons loose on the protestors that invariably showed up in any Western country the Shah went to. My, my, how times have changed.

    I can see why the Establishment want to outsource as a way out of their competing ideological imperatives. What I don’t understand is who on the far-right would be dumb enough to accept the job on behalf of people who look at them as an existential virus. Even skinhead morons have to understand how little incentive they have to attack lefty college protestors in the name of Israel so the Establishment doesn’t have to take the black eye, and young right wingers are nowhere near as Israelphilic as old ones, as a general rule. Maybe they are being blackmailed? Or maybe they just like fighting for the sake of it that much.

  51. Jack D says:

    Even worse when for the US there is no reason for Iran to be an enemy.

    You have this exactly backward. Iran is not America’s enemy. We had great relations with Iran under the Shah. However, America is the enemy of the Islamic State of Iran and has been from the day that the mullahs took power. When someone declares you to be enemy #1, you have no choice but to consider them to be your enemy as well. If Iran could get rid of its horrid theocracy (which millions of Iranians despise) then we could be friends with them again.

  52. @Jack D

    “Come over and we can talk peace, Qasem, old friend.”

    • Thanks: Hunsdon
  53. In other protest news.

    White House ‘Deeply Troubled’ As Georgia Enacts Law To Thwart NGO ‘Interference’

    Defying large domestic protests and condemnation from the United States and other Western governments, the Republic of Georgia’s parliament on Tuesday adopted a “foreign agents” law that would impede foreign nongovernmental organizations’ (NGOs’) ability to operate in the country — and put Georgia’s European Union and NATO ambitions in jeopardy.

    Gotta keep the peasant’s ignorant. By “impeding” they mean exposing.


  54. @Voltarde

    Two of its beneficiaries retroLARPing as radicals, still serving the Establishment by pushing aside meaningful dissent in the public square.

  55. Anonymous[354] • Disclaimer says:

    Crypteia. Look up the ancient custom of Crypteia (or Krypteia). This was where Spartan youths who had completed their schooling and training would be sent to live among the Helots for a number of years, spying on them, learning their ways, and pre-emptively putting down rebellions – assassinating troublemakers, potential leaders, and the like.

    The founders of Israel were big admirers of Sparta.

  56. CMC says:

    I totally disagree. This is high level on-the-ground full-context first-hand value-added-info noticing and analysis.

    What do you want him to do? Overstate things? Speculate wildly? Ok, sure, that might provide a sort of ‘sugar high’ for some but I doubt it really gets anyone anywhere.

    IMO looking at things through, among other things, a ‘most charitable interpretation,’ strict scrutiny type mental filter is useful and necessary to properly apprehend things and reach valid conclusions.

    • Agree: New Dealer
    • LOL: JimDandy
    • Replies: @OogaBoogaBoo
    , @JimDandy
  57. @Jack D

    The Sackler family agrees with you 100%.

  58. If you want to know who is really running things, find out whom you are better off not criticizing.

    BTW, Collective German guilt is part of the standard narrative. Israel just recently once again used this obscene idea to extort several billion additional dollars from the German government. Israel regularly uses this supposed collective guilt to emotionally extort German support for Israel’s constant, egregious violations of international law and basic morality.

    However, in the last free election in Germany before the Nazis took power, only just over one-third of Germans voted for the Nazis. This was before Germans could have had any idea of how vile the Nazis would behave once they’d established a totalitarian government. In contrast, polls suggest that some 80% of Jews worldwide and 90% of Jews in Israel support Israel’s current genocide against non-Jews in Israel, despite their awareness of constant irrefutable evidence of Israel’s vicious genocide.

    Which race then is more collectively guilty of crimes against humanity?

  59. @Mike Jones' other brother Darryl

    Begin sold Argentina kits to adapt their planes for Exocet missiles during the Falklands War. Because we hanged a terrorist mate of his in 1946, when he was a terrorist too.

    • Replies: @Hunsdon
  60. @Steve Sailer

    Started reading –> splash subscription page –> stopped reading…

  61. @Altai4

    Not to worry. Joe Biden is having Seebees build a facility on the cost of Gaza to allow unhampered delivery of needed supplies

  62. Jack D says:

    The same Boomer UniParty NeoCon warmongers who celebrate Lewis and Faust now view peaceful anti-war protests by college students against Israel’s Gaza genocide as events that should be violently suppressed.

    I don’t recall the anti-Vietnam war protestors wishing that all South Vietnamese (both those living here and in Vietnam) were dead.

    Bret Stephens has an opinion peace in the NY Times today entitled “What a ‘Free Palestine’ Means in Practice”. (Spoiler alert – it means an Islamic dictatorship.)


    In this piece he points out that American Leftists also hailed the coming of the Khmer Rouge (after the US Congress cut off aid to the Lon Nol government):


    The real life choice in the Middle East is not between Israel and some imaginary Utopia of “Free Palestine”, it is between Israel and some shitty Iranian backed Hezbollah/Houthi style theocracy. We should not repeat the mistakes of Vietnam and Cambodia and listen to Leftists. Never listen to Leftists – they are ALWAYS wrong, because they never consider the real world consequences of their “idealism”. When it all goes tits up (it always does) as in the Summer of Floyd, they just shrug their shoulders and move on to the next fashionable cause.

  63. J.Ross says:
    @Reg Cæsar

    People today probably associate LA with Hollywood and pop music, but at midcentury, LA really was the place for just about everything. It has a port, a huge textile industry, it’s the hub for California’s world-feeding agriculture, there’s universities, pretty much every top sci-fi author who didn’t live in New York (like Asimov or Bester) lived in LA (Burroughs, Heinlein, Bradbury, Niven, Pournelle, Anderson, [Stirling lives in New Mexico]) and there’s a healthy population of every other sort of writer, especially if they’re interested in writing for film or TV, and then you’ve got military bases nearby, and JPL.

    • Replies: @kaganovitch
  64. Gallatin says:

    I’ve noted Antifa hasn’t really shown up for Gazan children by attending the anti-Genocide-pro-ceasefire protests.

    Could it be that many in antifa are actually part of the “counter-protesters” that beat up the UCLA kids?

    It had occurred to me soon after the Floyd riots that there was something fishy about Antifa, and began to think many were feds and employees of various lefty NGOs, non-profits, and just plain old bought muscle (Soros and others are billionaires).

    We know Patriot Front and Blood Tribe are mostly feds, but I’m pretty sure quite a bit of antifa are too. They never attack anything dear to the Establishment. Too convenient by half.

    • LOL: kaganovitch
    • Replies: @Hunsdon
  65. Careful Steve, you’re touching the third rail of right wing commentary again. At some point the noticing that you do about the Jews might lead to worse repercussions than the freeze out that neocons put on you post 9/11.

    And you’re just noticing, in such a mild way that the typical commentator here is mad that you’re not strident enough. It’ll be interesting to see if Dave Chapelle noticing that there are a lot of Jews in Hollywood (coincidentally, he joked) will lead to a decline in his career.

    • Replies: @Jack D
    , @Jack D
  66. @The Anti-Gnostic

    Presumably that’s why he agreed with Congress that American citizenship should be limited to “free white persons of good character.”

    In a request to recruit indentured servants– in 1784– he said this:

    “If they are good workmen, they may be of Assia [sic], Africa, or Europe. They may be Mahometans, Jews, Christian of any Sect—or they may be Atheists.”


    “Free white persons of good character” and “Mahometans” are mutually exclusive categories.

  67. @Colin Wright

    Reading the Taki piece in its entirety, you seem remarkably concerned to (rather unconvincingly) argue that the counter-demonstration was just a spontaneous demonstration of patriotic zeal on the part of some of Los Angeles’ Israelis. Or something.

    Hey now! It’s perfectly clear that people like Aaron Cohen, who coordinated the combined assault by semitic supremacist gangs and the police, are simply random individuals who, uh, happen to be jewish and thought it would be a good idea to show up at UCLA that day to vent their virulent, unreasoning hatred on the uppity goyim:

    Cohen’s “former” employment by espionage agencies of the occupation regime in Palestine, and his current work in training California police, are entirely irrelevant. If old Steve-o says it’s a “spontaneous” gold chain riot — then it’s a spontaneous gold chain riot, goy!

    See also:

  68. @Jack D

    I don’t recall the anti-Vietnam war protestors wishing that all South Vietnamese (both those living here and in Vietnam) were dead.

    Jack D demonstrating yet again that reflexive projection is a characteristic feature of toxic semitism.

    We haven’t seen the peaceful anti-genocide protesters referring to ignorant, hate-filled semitic supremacists like yourself as Amalek, now have we?

    • Thanks: Bill Jones
  69. I recall reading that Bill Ackman funded/organized those violent counter-“protestors”, but I haven’t seen any real evidence. Anyone happen to know if that’s confirmed or just speculation?

  70. @Colin Wright

    So, your super-intelligent, hyper-nefarious Mossad conspirators who pull off constant false flag operations around the world—are they just going to be filmed celebrating on a rooftop? Or perpetrate a crazily transparent operation singing Israeli songs while they break up a pro-Palestinian protest on a college campus? Do the Learned Elders of Zion have a wholly owned LA subsidiary named “Learning Disability Youths of Zion?” Or might Steve’s variation on Hanlon’s razor have some merit?


    • Disagree: Colin Wright
    • LOL: kaganovitch
    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  71. • Replies: @Wokechoke
  72. nebulafox says:
    @Colin Wright

    Yeah, I find that unconvincing if only because patriotic Israelis in that age demographic would be at home fighting in the military right now.

    One thing that is plausible given the extensive freedoms Israel’s intelligence community has from civilian oversight-and an culture that encourages risk-taking and audacity-is that one of them decided to do this on their own. But that theory has two major problems, since MOSSAD handles the international stuff, and their rivals in Shin Bet and AMAN I’m willing to bet are currently in a state of disgrace from October 7th. They a) tend to be liberal end of their political spectrum on the Palestinian issue and b) are not fools and understand just how much US politics is changing in the long-term. SAVAK goons being set loose on student protestors did not help the Shah’s international image when he needed (that many of the people who wanted to overthrow him-including the people who ultimately did succeed him-were far worse was as irrelevant then as Hamas’ explicitly genocidal nature is right now, and there is a parallel in how the suppression of reasonable actors despite bettering conditions-for Iran, economically, for Israel, politically-leads to the domination of less pleasant ones) it desperately as he suffered from terminal cancer and the revolution exploded upon a sharp economic contraction.

  73. Anonymous[227] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jack D

    There are many great and noble Jewish people. Mr. Unz is one. The first hallmark of a great Jew is to publicly recognize his own ethnic privilege, which rests on the ethnic rackets built by his forebears. The next mark of a great Jew is to publicly work to undo the nepotism and ethnic based networks which maintain the power of these rackets. The third is not to blame his own over-proportioned privilege on less powerful groups such as “fellow white people.”

    Truly, Jews who practice these principles have my utmost admiration. I hope you become one someday!

  74. nebulafox says:
    @Jack D

    >I don’t recall the anti-Vietnam war protestors wishing that all South Vietnamese (both those living here and in Vietnam) were dead.

    They certainly did not give a damn about all the people who ended up dead as a logical result of the policies they demanded. Let’s not pretend that people could not see just what Communist victory would mean in Indochina if they wanted to, just as much as people can see what Hamas is really about right now. In any case, it isn’t like the protestors were wrong about the fact that American policy was inflicting massive amounts of pain on the people of Vietnam and Cambodia, however blinded by emotion they were over that. The same dynamic motivates the pro-Palestinian kiddies. They might be obnoxious, but censoring them isn’t the answer.

    The big difference is that Hamas has no real ability to endanger the existence of Israel. ARVN was doing its best it could under considerably unlucky circumstances in 1973 (hyperinflation wrecked the South Vietnamese economy at a time where it was attempting to crash-start modernization, not least because of the way the South Vietnamese state was constructed under the historical contingencies-much like how WWII’s hyperinflation fatally wounded the KMT around 1943), but the difference between their reliance on US air cover and the IDF of 2023, the military powerhouse of its region, should be night and day to all here.

    • Replies: @For what it's worth
  75. PSR says:

    Goon squad? Nationalists? When did you veer hard left? Anyone who wants to beat up Mohammedan terrorist supporters is okay by me.

  76. @Jack D

    So do you think steel buildings collapse at free fall when they catch on fire?

  77. David says:
    @Reg Cæsar

    I think Washington is kind of joking there, like saying, “any Tom, Dick or Harry.” The ship he’s proposing purchasing labors off of is full of Palatines, who are apparently the same kind of people who eventually made up the Pennsylvania Dutch.

    “I woud however prefer middle aged, to young men. and those who have good countenances & good characters on ship board, to others who have neither of these to recommend them.”


  78. @Colin Wright

    Steve’s world-view of the new millennium is founded on the fact that the airport screener on 9/11 let political correctness override his instinct about the middle eastern Muslim who looked exactly like a terrorist and turned out to be one of the supposed hijackers. The guy let him go because he didn’t want to be a bigot. What Steve thinks he knows about 9/11 is a big deal to him, so it’s hard for him to see it for what it really was. It is his most glaring error.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  79. @Reg Cæsar

    indentured servants…

    …good workmen

    Requesting “workmen” and assigning citizenship are two different things. Not everyone was a citizen in those days. Even now, not everyone is a citizen, but the franchise was much more restricted then.

    Washington may have been ecumenical about workers, but he was rather specific about citizens.

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
  80. @Anonymous

    Alon Abishoor and Eliran Bismut are clearly innocent and are NOT members of the IDF. They’re being unfairly attacked because of some sort of canard or trope or something. Besides, they’re probably back in Israel by now.

  81. Jack D says:
    @John Milton’s Ghost

    worse repercussions than the freeze out that neocons put on you post 9/11.

    Please tell me about this. Are you sure that “neocons” were the ones who messed with Steve’s career and not just the usual Leftists? What did Steve say about 9/11 that pissed off the “neocons”? Did he by any chance mention “Dancing Israelis”?

  82. @Jack D

    ‘Yes, the “Dancing Israelis” theory is a bunch of shit. By mentioning stuff like this, you just out yourself as the antisemitic conspiracy nut that you are…’

    Me ‘n the FBI, right?

    • Agree: Not Raul
    • Replies: @Jack D
  83. @Jack D

    ‘…Bret Stephens has an opinion peace in the NY Times today entitled “What a ‘Free Palestine’ Means in Practice”. (Spoiler alert – it means an Islamic dictatorship.)…’

    Bret Stephens…

    For our next piece, we take a trip down memory lane and consult Josef Goebbels on the role of Jewry in current affairs.

    • Agree: Wielgus
    • Thanks: Not Raul
  84. @Wielgus

    Quite the opposite of her lesser-known sister, Lynn.

  85. J.Ross says:

    Israel is in a desperate battle for its existence, but not so desperate that they couldn’t spare a few active duty IDF soldiers to physically attack American college students who were legally protesting. Their names (that we know so far) are:
    Eliran Bismut
    Alon Abishoor
    Rony Abishoor
    Maytal Abishoor
    Aviel Fattal

    When Alon was first named, his response was to call and threaten the person who named him, including the tone-deaf threat that “you’ll never own a home” [photograph of Larry Fink, colorized].

    But hey. In light of Kharkov, at least when we send money to Israel they actually use like they said they would.

  86. AKAHorace says:
    @Mike Jones' other brother Darryl

    The 4 most important ideas regarding British desires to literally rule the entire globe born of those Victorian ‘think tanks’ of amateurs to gain wide adoption are: eventually get America back serving WASP imperial designs; take Palestine from the Ottoman Empire, remove most or even all the natives and replace them with Jews and thereby have defining control over the entire Middle East

    I think that you are seeing a pattern where there was none. The Brits may have promised the Jews a state in Palestine but they were lukewarm about this. They promised things to a lot of groups in the middle east. Unethical, but not part of a plan to replace Arabs with Jews.

    After 1945 they tried to limit Jewish immigration into Palestine and got into a guerilla/terrorist (depending on which side you are on) war with Israelis.


    • Replies: @nebulafox
    , @Wokechoke
  87. @Jack D

    “…they never consider the real world consequences of their ‘idealism’.”


  88. Jack D says:
    @John Milton’s Ghost

    the typical commentator here is mad that you’re not strident enough.

    The typical commentator here is mad that Julius Streicher was not strident enough. Steve is a reasonable person and is never going to please the antisemitic nut jobs. There are other Unz columnists whose level of Judenhass is off the charts if that’s what you are looking for.

    • Replies: @Corpse Tooth
    , @J.Ross
  89. Anonymous[256] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jack D

    Steve was a strong opponent of the Iraq War. Do you really not know this?

  90. @Wielgus

    Back in her heyday, the 1970s, Susan was known for her splendid chesticles which provided some compensation for her journeyman skill level. In contrast, Vanessa Redgrave is greatly talented — she gave a bewitching performance in Agatha. But her rack is nothing to cheer about. This Jewish/Israeli v. peepholes of Colour/Palestinians thing has grown moldy. I’d rather think about boobs, not Vanessa’s (see her in Agatha tho), but Susan’s 70s ones.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Bumpkin
  91. @Jack D

    ‘You have this exactly backward. Iran is not America’s enemy. We had great relations with Iran under the Shah…’

    We had great relations with the Shah. Our relations with Iran weren’t so hot.

    • Replies: @J.Ross
    , @nebulafox
  92. @Jack D

    I’m still looking for a producer for my Otto Skorzeny biopic. Bomb dude met with nothing but raves. But no love for my Otto.

    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  93. BB753 says:
    @Jack D

    I’ll take the peaceful Iranian theocracy over the crazy suicidal and genocidal warmongering Israeli theocracy any day, thank you!

    • Agree: Bumpkin
    • Replies: @Jack D
  94. J.Ross says:
    @Colin Wright

    In fact, Iran already was a democracy, until we got rid of its system, doing the same kind of thing we recently did in Ukraine (in both cases, the guy we wanted out fatally tolerated protesters, who were then instructed to get mostly peaceful with the knowledge that police hands were tied). Blinken in Kiev played a Neil Young song (I wonder how old Neil feels about that) and met with Alex Soros.

  95. J.Ross says:
    @Jack D

    What Greenblatt said, Jack. Under 65, Jack.

  96. HA says:

    “Zelensky should be remembered as one of, if not the most, ruinous traitor to any nation in human history. Zelensky campaigned on promises of normalizing Ukraine’s relationship with Russia. The people of Ukraine wanted good relations with Russia…
    Ukraine could have been a linch pin…The US State Department actively undermined Ukrainian politicians that were pro Russian. A large majority of Ukrainians preferred politicians that would have positive relations with Russia.”

    Really? You say Zelensky wanted to normalize relations with Russia? So what happened? Oh yeah, Putin decided he wanted to INVADE UKRAINE.

    Did you get that? It wasn’t the US State Department that chose to INVADE UKRAINE. That was Putin. And yes, the plans to normalize relations with Russia were thenceforth put on the back burner, to absolutely no one’s surprise — except you and idiots who think like you. Being a ruinous traitor had nothing whatsoever to do with holding off normalizing relations with Putin’s Russia after Putin decided to INVADE UKRAINE. If I try to make nice to my neighbor, and get smacked with a 2×4, I’m gonna modify the game plan. Could have been a linchpin? Coulda woulda shoulda, but if that’s what Putin wanted, he could have just let Zelensky go forward without instead choosing to INVADE UKRAINE.

    • Agree: Bardon Kaldian
    • LOL: Bumpkin
  97. @Mike Jones' other brother Darryl

    Your last paragraph sums up British designs perfectly. They haven’t the slightest notion of seeing their empire recede one inch; in fact, like Jake & Elwood, they’re putting the original band back together. Re-capturing Hong Kong is job one. The USA is on their hit list as well. Keeping Israel in a state of permanent crisis is also vital. They’re even shoving the word “empire” in our faces even though not long ago using that term was considered a bit ridiculous.

  98. @Reg Cæsar

    ‘“Free white persons of good character” and “Mahometans” are mutually exclusive categories.’

    My experiences in Turkey were the opposite. Where did you have your experiences?

  99. Jack D says:
    @Colin Wright

    I gave the link. The FBI investigated this up the kazoo and the Israelis were shady but had zero foreknowledge of the attacks. To the extent that they were “dancing” it was because they correctly understood that in light of this attack, America would have no choice but to attack Israel’s enemies such as Iraq, which the US in fact later did. Certainly being happy on such a terrible occasion was inappropriate but that is not at all the same thing as being “in” on the conspiracy. Their only crime was being assholes, which is not really a crime.

  100. Damn, Canada.

  101. @CMC

    Hey, I’m a fan of Steve, too. But your fanboy defense doesn’t really help the situation. Benign conclusions are drawn and asserted in that piece. Your comment does NOT reflect that fact.

    • Replies: @CMC
  102. @Corpse Tooth

    ‘I’m still looking for a producer for my Otto Skorzeny biopic. Bomb dude met with nothing but raves. But no love for my Otto.’

    Ramcke: he wrote an autobiography — in 1943 or so. All kindza adventures, both before and after. Evidently, various heroics in the First World War. Fought against the Commies in the Baltic in 1919. Organized and led an improvised parachute drop on Maleme, almost certainly turning the tide in the battle of Crete. Brought his brigade out of El Alamein, capturing a British truck convoy and turning up when all had written him off as lost. Finally, the heroic defense of Brest, preventing the port from ever being of use to the Allies.

    There’s Leon Degrelle. SS Wallonien wins the respect of the German units around it at Korsun. Inspirational meeting with Hitler. Nail-biting escape to Spain at the end of the war, literally crash-landing in the surf just over the frontier. Happy ending! Hallmark moment as his children are finally released from custody.

    And of course, the big Kahuna — just for Jack. ‘Young Adolf.’ Our tormented hero finds himself in the trenches of the First World War and the years after. A heart-warming tale of spiritual despair — and redemption.

    • Replies: @Wielgus
  103. @Jack D

    ‘I gave the link. The FBI investigated this up the kazoo and the Israelis were shady but had zero foreknowledge of the attacks. To the extent that they were “dancing” it was because they correctly understood that in light of this attack, America would have no choice but to attack Israel’s enemies such as Iraq, which the US in fact later did. Certainly being happy on such a terrible occasion was inappropriate but that is not at all the same thing as being “in” on the conspiracy. Their only crime was being assholes, which is not really a crime.’

    That’s why they were held for eleven weeks and kept failing every lie detector test they were given: totally innocent.

    …and why did we have ‘no choice’ but to attack Iraq — of all places?

    We can go here if you like, Jack. I don’t mind at all.

  104. @Jack D

    If zionist dual-loyalist Jack D. possessed the merest modicum of self-awareness, he would have known that singing the praises of jewish philanthropy would likely invite some unwanted commentary. But, since he seems bereft of any capacity to see the evil that some members of his tribe have done, he walked right into the Sackler trap. Yup, the biggest (legal) pushers of the (legal) white death which has ravaged so many of our White communities are, of course, chosenites. The damage their drugs have done to countless lives (and to medical ethics, go look up their marketing practices) is incalculable. So stick that in your philo-semitic pipe and smoke it.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  105. Wokechoke says:
    @The Spiritual Works of Mercy

    9/11 was a consequence of obsequious support for Israel.

  106. Wokechoke says:
    @Corpse Tooth

    She was a curious mix of prettiness and raging sluttiness. She look older than she was but in a good sort of way.

    Sarandon was in both Rocky Horror and Pretty Baby.

  107. The Global Armenian.

  108. J.Ross says:

    OT — John Pelletier was chief of police in Vegas during the failed assassination of MBS. The chief of police of Maui during the fire was John Pelletier.
    In Vegas a large number of people were trapped in a kill box. In Maui a large number of people were trapped in a kill box.

  109. Wokechoke says:
    @Joe Stalin

    Tanks will become drone launches soon.

  110. @Catdompanj

    I base that on the fact that Rittenhouse shot, what 3 people? And 2 were Jews.

    Nah, neither was Jewish.

    • Replies: @Catdompanj
  111. anonymous[416] • Disclaimer says: • Website


    It’s an iSteve world … even in Amherst, Massachusetts …

    Another strong, fierce, and confident Black woman leader is attacked by prejudiced bigoted racists.

    … from the New Yorker magazine:


    [Dr.] Letha Gayle-Brissett, the Amherst Regional Middle School’s culture-and-climate coördinator, who used to have snacks ready for Jo whenever they stopped by, agreed, at the end of 2023, to serve as the interim principal at ARMS. But, at a school-committee meeting in January, a former ARMS student, who is trans and biracial, and the student’s mother, who is white, spoke in opposition to her appointment. They raised objections to how [Dr.] Gayle-Brissett, who is Black, had addressed incidents of anti-trans bullying and harassment at ARMS through restorative-justice circles that, the student’s mother said, “placed him in rooms with the bullying students.”

    Past and present arms staffers told me that they were taken aback by the accusations against [Dr.] Gayle-Brissett, who has a doctorate in education and is widely viewed by her colleagues as efficient, empathetic, and highly engaged with students. In the exhaustive Title IX investigation, her name [nor her title, “Dr.”] scarcely came up at all.

    At the January school-committee meeting, [Dr.] Gayle-Brissett refuted the allegations about the restorative-justice circles, and suggested that the criticisms of her work were racially motivated. “There have been whispers that some members in the middle-school community are intent on removing people of color, especially Black people, from leadership positions,” she said, adding that, in her view, a “very important social-justice issue for our time—that is, inclusion and justice for our L.G.B.T.Q.I.A. community—is being weaponized.” A high-school staffer who spoke in support of [Dr.] Gayle-Brissett was more blunt: “Amherst is racist, the staff is racist, and there’s a target on the back of Black people in the district.” In the end, [Dr.] Gayle-Brissett decided not to take the job after all. 

    Mr. Lomez might be interested to note that the New Yorker seems to endorse anonymity for those that accuse others, and groups of others, of (gasp!) prejudiced bigoted racism.


  112. Anonymous[382] • Disclaimer says:

    Sailer’s torn here.

    Which side does he naturally root for in this street theater the POCz or the Jewz ??

    Nothing shuts down a book tour like coming out as pro ZOG

  113. @Jack D

    “Inappropriate”? If Persians had been on that rooftop dancing, instead of israelis, you’d still be kvetching to the high heavens about it. But israelis do it and it’s just “inappropriate.” It’s comments like these, Jack, which show where your loyalties actually lie.

    • Replies: @Jack D
    , @JimDandy
  114. nebulafox says:
    @Colin Wright

    Depends on the time period. Before 1953, we were viewed very positively in Iran as a force to offset the British and the Russians.


    You could imagine how much our training of the SAVAK did to elide this image, and give us the same reputation as moralistic hypocrites that the British were so loathed for. (The Russian-Tsarist or Soviet-desire to turn Iran into a satellite state was hated and rejected, but was at least taken as honest.)

    Also, our relations with the Shah as an individual was very President dependent. It’s important to remember that by 1960, the Shah was his own man and often could dictate terms to the West, not the other way around. Some Presidents handled this new reality better than others.

    (Given what happened not just to his country, but his own family on a personal level, the Shah would not have been human if he did not take an immense sadistic pleasure in an economically reeling Britain’s diplomats humiliating themselves before him in the 1970s.)

    The thing about 1953 was that the complex *Iranian* reality of what the coup(s) were, were not, and what happened afterwards didn’t really matter. In a country where everybody from the Shah himself to the lowliest construction worker were inclined to view politics through a conspiratorial lens-which was not a Persian psychological quirk, but simply a rational response to Iran’s last century of history at that point-that year and Kermit Roosevelt’s foolish bragging about it left a traumatic scar. More than anything else, the one thing that could give the mullahs renewed legitimacy is our hand being visible in Iranian politics.

  115. nebulafox says:

    The British in WWI were promising anyone anything to defeat Germany. Logical consistency was irrelevant.

    There were many British military men on the ground who fought with the Arab rebels against the Ottomans who had developed a sympathy for them by the 1920s. They did what they could to subvert orders coming from Zionist friendly types in London.

  116. @Jack D

    We had great relations with Iran under the Shah.

    With friends like these, who needs enemies?

  117. Drawbacks says:

    Israeli locksmiths in the news! Can’t find much that’s up-to-date about the “Hack Google Maps in order to run a bait-and-switch racket” business, but I doubt it’s gone away.

  118. @Anonymous

    There are many great and noble Jewish people. Mr. Unz is one. The first hallmark of a great Jew is to publicly recognize his own ethnic privilege, which rests on the ethnic rackets built by his forebears. The next mark of a great Jew is to publicly work to undo the nepotism and ethnic based networks which maintain the power of these rackets. The third is not to blame his own over-proportioned privilege on less powerful groups such as “fellow white people.”’

    Generally, the more mediocre the Jew, the less willing he is to do this. It’s the personally and intellectually deficient Jews who tend to take refuge in a more or less meaningless collective superiority. Jonathan Pollard needs to be a Jew; the Cohn Brothers probably could give a damn.

    What does it matter if I can be defined as a member of an ethnic group that has an average IQ of 105? What’s significant is whether my own IQ is 145 — or 65.

  119. OT:

  120. @G. Poulin

    That’s what happens when you let too many foreign words into your lexicon.

    You aren’t familiar with katakana? You prefer Chinese?

    Which major language has the lowest percentage of borrowing?

    Note the comment by an Englishman, our own dearieme.

  121. @Greta Handel

    Does protesting the destruction of Gaza make one a Leftist?

    Not per se, of course, but in the event the Venn diagram of the Gaza protestors and any other Leftist cause (Climate change, Reparations, Defund the police etc.)would overlap over %90.

  122. J.Ross says:

    Let them through, Steve, or I’ll post something about Jupiter’s moon Ganymede.

  123. @Jack D

    lol. Our resident Mossad Fed is working overtime trying to “debunk” these scurrilous charges. Joos have always been the victim, never the aggressors, says our resident inbred!

    Of course, inbred’s method of “debunking” is really just attempts derailing, disinforming, and demoralizing. The Three Big D’s of online hasbara.

    • Agree: JimDandy
  124. @J.Ross

    Stirling lives in New Mexico

    Not sure Stirling should be classified as Sci-Fi. Much more alt-history, no?

    • Replies: @J.Ross
  125. J.Ross says:

    It’s literally the genre noted on the paperback spine and his credentials are totally solid; he’s contributed multiple stories to the Man-Kzin Wars series. Drakon is the best femdom material not written by George Macdonald Frasier and it’s set in “present day.” Also, even alternate history which do not take liberties with technology or Visitor visits is solidly a branch of sci-fi (Turtledove, Flint & Gannon) since you are fantasizing but with a solid factual basis.

    • Replies: @kaganovitch
  126. Mike Tre says:

    “In the most violent episode so far in the vastly publicized campus protests against Israel’s war on Gaza, at the end of April a goon squad of nationalist whites ”

    Is this supposed to be a joke? This was a group of Israeli nationalist Jews – emphasis on the capital J – not a group of nationalist whites. (Sailer pretending capital J jews are really just lower case W whites when it’s better to not make jews look bad, depending on the situation)

    You know damn well that new and even casual readers aren’t going to pick up on your disingenuous snark here.

    What happened to you man…

    • Thanks: Whitey Whiteman III
    • Replies: @Bumpkin
  127. @Catdompanj

    As evidenced in the Rittenhouse affair, there were an awful lot of Jews present at these protests.

    Are you saying young Jews risk their lives? This goes against the observation of most who comment here. Ari isn’t going to risk losing his yarmulke, let alone Shoshana breaking her nails.

    I base that on the fact that Rittenhouse shot, what 3 people? And 2 were Jews.

    Those who have bothered to look further into the matter found that all three were mentally ill Krauts– no surprise in a state home to Ed Gein and Jeffrey Dahmer. Of the three surnames, the one meaning “rosebush” is sometimes seen attached to Jews, but far from as a rule. The other two, “yeoman” and “great Cross”, are so laughably non-Jewish that we can file your comment under “comic relief”.

    • Replies: @Colin Wright
    , @JimDandy
  128. @kaganovitch

    And what about the second question?

  129. @Greta Handel

    Does protesting the destruction of Gaza make one a Leftist?

    With a Christian population sinking to three figures– in a city of two million, i.e., Philadelphia– Gaza is essentially already destroyed. There are at least a hundred Christians in Israel proper for every one in Gaza.

  130. @Reg Cæsar

    ‘…Are you saying young Jews risk their lives? This goes against the observation of most who comment here… ‘

    Maybe you’re being sarcastic, but that seems to be more or less a canard.

    I’ve looked at two cases. In the first, German Jews in the First World War indeed died at about 60% of the rate their representation in the population would have implied — which, considering Jews were neither the aristocrats who made up the officer class nor the peasants favored as conscripts — seems reasonable.

    In the second, Jews were as heavily represented in the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in the Spanish Civil War as they were in the American Communist Party.

    Of course, Jews decidedly dodged service in Viet Nam, Iraq, et al: but it seems they’re perfectly prepared to walk the walk as well as talk the talk — if it’s for a cause they believe in.

    • Replies: @Steve Sailer
  131. @Reg Cæsar

    ‘With a Christian population sinking to three figures– in a city of two million, i.e., Philadelphia– Gaza is essentially already destroyed. There are at least a hundred Christians in Israel proper for every one in Gaza.’

    Presumably, in Israel proper, the Jews don’t actually kill them.

    • Replies: @RadicalCenter
  132. @kaganovitch

    ‘Not per se, of course, but in the event the Venn diagram of the Gaza protestors and any other Leftist cause (Climate change, Reparations, Defund the police etc.)would overlap over %90’

    Sure — but only fanatics think that truth is the sole possession of a particular ideology.

    Even the most dire Leftist is like a broken clock. He’ll be right at least twice a day.

    …like with Palestine, martyred under the heel of the alien Zionist invader.

  133. JimDandy says:

    Great stuff. I’ll go with the most charitable interpretation here, which is that you are not in fact an official hasbara propagandist, just an unofficial hasbara propagandist. And that Steve didn’t actually get the call, but is simply smart enough to know what is expected of him now.

    This is generating some truly hilarious bullshit from The Usual Suspects. Those Israelis who were laughing and cheering and filming and hugging and lighting lighters and taking selfies to celebrate the destruction of the towers and all those deaths? All they were guilty of was being assholes. Not a crime. Nothing to see here. Move along and stop with your Nazi obsession with the jooooooooooooz.

  134. @Colin Wright

    Steve formerly pushed the CIA’s ludicrous misdirection about how a non-government freelance band of private actors on the S.S. Minnow blew up the Nordstream II pipeline. (A minor variation of the old “nothing to look into — it was just a crazy lone gunman”).

    Steve’s “reporting/opining” on Israel/Gaza since Oct. 7, is likewise pretty consistent in steering his readers toward believing that: (a) Our Greatest Ally dindu nuthin’, but silly college kids are protesting to get out of finals or something; (b) This is all totally normal and there’s no lessons to be learned about who controls U.S. policy, law enforcement policy, university policy, or media policy.

    To me, the big story is that the U.S. government is bought and paid for by AIPAC. Coincidentally, anti-Israel protesters (unlike anti-white protesters) are broken up by cops. Coincidentally, organized Israeli thug groups aren’t investigated, arrested, or prosecuted.

    • Thanks: JimDandy
  135. Speaking of investigative reporting … will the NYT and WAP investigate who was behind the hit on the Slovakian? He opposed Holy Queer, and he opposed the endless war in UKR … I just can’t imagine who might have wanted him taken out

    • Replies: @Joe Stalin
    , @Jack D
  136. @Reg Cæsar

    Yes that’s kind of the whole point: just because someone makes a good helot doesn’t mean they’ll make a good citizen.

    “Free white persons of good character” and “Mahometans” are mutually exclusive categories.

    There’s that “white” term again. What were those early American Anglo-Celts and smattering of French, Germans and Dutch thinking? Really, really mysterious.

    I’m joking of course; it’s not mysterious at all. The “of good character” part meant “not criminals.” “Free white persons” would mean a non-indentured or non-enslaved Caucasian.

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
  137. Hunsdon says:

    Hey, I mean, on the one hand, Begin was a ride-or-die type guy.

  138. Hunsdon says:

    The Summer of Love mostly peaceful protests? The “powers that be” (whoever they are) wanted them.

    January 6th? The “powers that be” (whoever they are) didn’t want them.

    “Terrorist antisemitic riots”? The “powers that be” (whoever they are) don’t want them.

    I don’t think that the antifa crowd and the tiki-torchers and the counterprotestors at UCLA overlap all that much. But you know. You’re a good craftsman, you’ve got tools in the toolbox. You pick the right tool for the job.

    • Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
  139. @Almost Missouri

    Requesting “workmen” and assigning citizenship are two different things. Not everyone was a citizen in those days.

    I’m somewhat fussier than the General. If you are unfit to be a citizen, you are unfit to be a resident, period. Those indentures would expire, and then what?

    Washington, of all people, should have known better. He was in charge of hundreds of worthless “workers” he didn’t have the authority to dismiss. You’re saying the indentured are a step above slaves, but still beneath citizenship? Is that your idea of a “middle class”? !!!

    My own Palatine ancestor had arrived about a generation before Washington’s request, and was a citizen, or its colonial equivalent, before long.

  140. @Reg Cæsar

    Same as English borrows from Normans, Chinese borrows heavily from its conquerors, Mongols and Manchus, and from the most recent dynasty of Mongols


    But above all Chinese borrowed from the Japanese (many of which, in turn, had been borrowed from the West), from a comment in your link

    Re: Chinese loanword percentage, bullshit. The people who did this study obviously drew the boundaries in such a way as to reinforce their preconceptions.

    Japanese is a very prominent source of loanwords into Chinese, stemming mainly from the early 1900s when Chinese intellectuals went into Japan and learned terms for modern concepts there.

    Just because the words happen to be Chinese-like and use Chinese characters has no bearing on whether they are indigenous. Just to give one example, the Chinese term for “cultural revolution” (文化大革命) is composed of two Japanese loanwords (文化 – culture – Japanese bunka) and (革命 – revolution – Japanese kakumei) and only one (大 – large, big, major) that is purely vernacular Chinese in origin.

  141. @The Anti-Gnostic

    Yes that’s kind of the whole point: just because someone makes a good helot doesn’t mean they’ll make a good citizen.

    Or minimally adequate resident. Send the “helot” home!

  142. Recent history teaches us what we need to know about President Biden and his administration when it comes to fighting (or not fighting) for Americans in trouble overseas.

    Black man ten years a prisoner for the exercise of his 2A.

  143. Hunsdon says:
    @Jack D

    Jack D said: I don’t recall the anti-Vietnam war protestors wishing that all South Vietnamese (both those living here and in Vietnam) were dead.

    Hunsdon said: Got video, Jack? I’m too lazy to look it up myself. It’s smart phone world, and people video everything, all the time. So, you said it, and I’ll ask you to back it up. You got any videos of “pro-terrorist” groups saying “We wish all the Jews all around the world were dead”? I mean, it would be better if you had videos from some of these campus protests. I mean, I sure seem to recall seeing JOOOOO! kids from Jewish Voice for Peace (and other organizations, I swear, you people do love your committees!) and folks like Keaton Weiss and other JOOS walking around, with the Star of David on their chest, and I don’t remember seeing them confronted and threatened.

    Your schtick is wearing thin, man.

    The “rising tide of antisemitism” around the world might just have something to do with what Israel, to the enthusiastic applause of many Jews around the world, is doing.

    • Replies: @Jack D
    , @Colin Wright
  144. @Jack D

    “… Are you sure that “neocons” were the ones who messed with Steve’s career and not just the usual Leftists? …”

    Sailer has a long-standing feud with John Podhoretz. See here for an example from 2005. Not sure what effect if any this had on Sailer’s career.

    • Replies: @Bumpkin
  145. @Anonymous

    “The first hallmark of a great Jew is to publicly recognize his own ethnic privilege”

    Are you giving Robin DiAngelo a run for her money?

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  146. @nebulafox

    “Let’s not pretend that people could not see just what Communist victory would mean in Indochina if they wanted to”

    You underestimate how much denial there was among leftists regarding Communist murder. We regard East Germany as the police statiest of police states. Pete Seeger sang there in 1967. In the 1970s, as intelligent a man as Noam Chomsky denied the Cambodian genocide.

    • Replies: @nebulafox
  147. @Greta Handel

    “A public intellectual today with nothing to say about the Establishment’s crushing of dissent is either obtuse or afraid of something.”

    Is “Greta Handel” your real name? Are you “afraid of something”?

    • Replies: @Greta Handel
  148. @Jack D

    What a ‘Free Palestine’ Means in Practice”. (Spoiler alert – it means an Islamic dictatorship.)

    So what? We love Middle Eastern dictatorships. We put most of them in place. We simply pay the dictator enough U.S. taxpayer money to be nice to our Greatest Ally, regardless of what their people want. It’s SOP at this point.

    • Thanks: RadicalCenter
  149. Not Raul says:
    @Reg Cæsar

    Now if our own pseudo-élite could feel the same way about West Virginians and Kentuckians, we wouldn’t need the likes of J.D. Vance.

    More like V.C. Vance. The guy is a fraud.

    Trump better keep away from that viper.


    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
  150. @Colin Wright

    Has anybody ever looked at participation rate of American Jews in the Great War?

  151. Wielgus says:
    @Steve Sailer

    I couldn’t say. There were of course Jews in the British Army. One of the war poets was Isaac Rosenberg, killed in action in 1918. He was one of the relatively few British war poets who was not an officer.

  152. BB753 says:
    @Jack D

    “To the extent that they were “dancing” it was because they correctly understood that in light of this attack, America would have no choice but to attack Israel’s enemies such as Iraq, which the US in fact later did.”

    How would they know who did 9/11 without foreknowledge? They see a plane crashing into a building and they just assume it’s some crazy mujahideen? Why? When I first learned of the first plane crashing I thought it was an accident. And I certainly did not expect a plane crashing into a building would bring it down.

    So your theory is that they were shooting a modern version of the musical The Fiddler on the Roof on top of a van? “If I were a rich man…”

    • LOL: Hunsdon
    • Replies: @JimDandy
    , @Jack D
  153. @For what it's worth

    Your rhetorical questions aren’t beside the point, they underscore it: free speech and critical thought in this society are being so effectively crushed that fewer are willing to publicly say so. And that’s making things awkward for the increasingly irrelevant Diffident Right.

    Pseudonymity facilitates the search for truth by allowing us to say what we think without suffering damage to personal relationships, social ostracism, or Establishment sanction. So, what do you think about the cops chaperoning the attack? The Antisemitism Awareness Act? Etc.?

  154. Nachum says:
    @Bill Jones

    Why don’t you look into the different meanings of the words נדר and שבועה? Surely a scholar of Judaism such as yourself knows that the concepts have completely separate Talmudic tractates devoted to them.

    OK, OK, for everyone else: The first, which is what the prayer you linked to concerns, refers to personal vows made to God. With enough repentance it can be forgiven, because God forgives His honor, although this is frowned upon. (Ecclesiastes: “Better is it that thou shouldest not vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay.”) The second, which refers to an oath made in court, is inviolate, period.

    But keep trying.

  155. Jack D says:

    How about this?

    Look past his faggy affect and listen to what he is actually saying and how he was allowed to remain the leader of the pro-Hamas movement after saying this.

    Did any of the 1968 demonstrators say that “South Vietnamese don’t deserve to live”?

    • Troll: RadicalCenter
    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  156. Nachum says:
    @Steve Sailer

    Not hard to find. Almost a quarter of a million Jews served in the American forces, way above their proportion in the general population. A large percentage were immigrants.

    Jews served in pretty much every army in the war, above proportion in many cases. British, Canadian, Australian (General John Monash was a Jew), American, French, Italian, German, Austrian, Russian. (One of my great-great-uncles was killed fighting in Poland.) This is probably unique in world history.

    The Jewish Legion was set up for British Jews who wanted to serve in a Jewish unit, although most British Jews just served in the regular army. (A lot of the Legionnaires were Eastern European immigrants or Russian Jews.) A second battalion was organized of American and Canadian Jews. (Again, most American and Canadian Jews served in the regular units.) A bunch of Jews in Palestine signed up for the Ottoman army and were accepted, but when word got back to Istanbul they were all thrown out and expelled (with a lot of other Jews) to Egypt, where they joined the Jewish Legion, becoming the third battalion along with a bunch of Ottoman Jewish POWs. There were a bunch of members from elsewhere, including Argentina and Georgia (the country), and even a Jewish African tribesman.

    A group of Jews who stayed behind formed an underground spying on behalf of the British, but were heavily caught and killed by the Turks. The Jewish Legion eventually fought its way back into Palestine along with the British and ANZAC forces. There’s pretty much a direct line from the Legion to the IDF, and a lot of future leaders of Israel came from its ranks.

    There are a few Commonwealth war cemeteries in Israel, and one in Gaza. When the IDF entered Gaza a few months ago, they found that several of the graves there were for Jewish servicemen.

    • LOL: Mike Tre
  157. @J.Ross

    Ah, forgot about Man-Kzin. Most of his output in the last couple of decades has been Alt-history (Peshawar Lancers, Island in the Sea of Time trilogy, Emberverse, Black Chamber, etc.) Your point about Alt-history being a subset of Sci-Fi is well taken, though.

  158. @Steve Sailer

    Has anybody ever looked at participation rate of American Jews in the Great War?

    They certainly have for Harvard men. It looked very different from today.

  159. @Not Raul

    Perhaps he’s “grown” in the meantime.

    • Replies: @Not Raul
  160. J.Ross says:
    @Steve Sailer

    Of course, there was a heavy Jewish role in fomenting the war through yellow journalism. A good quick hasbarah would be to call Chaim Weizman’s chemical contribution disproportionately participatory. A quick search confirms what I would assume: Imperial Germany, which was probably the most philo-Semitic country in the world at the time, had a pretty high participation rate. Ditto Austria. Russia had a huge contingent, but almost all of those can probably be understood to be traitors and saboteurs. America and Britain, tiny but that percapita though. France, ha. This is wierdly hard to search, I keep getting offered completely unrelated time periods or vadly written articles that manage to skip WWI.
    This looks good if anyone has a login:

  161. J.Ross says:

    Jewish Violence.

  162. Jack D says:
    @fredyetagain aka superhonky

    Inappropriate, bad, evil, whatever but it falls far short of the conspiracy theory view that Israelis/Jews had advance knowledge of the attack. That’s the main leg of the conspiracy theory and it is a complete lie.

    BTW, IDK about Persians but 9/11 was a big holiday in the Palestinian territories. Your sudden Hamas friends were handing out candy and generally celebrating. OTOH, there was no such celebration in Israel or among Jews aside from the 4 idiots in NJ.

    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  163. @Jack D

    ‘Inappropriate, bad, evil, whatever but it falls far short of the conspiracy theory view that Israelis/Jews had advance knowledge of the attack. That’s the main leg of the conspiracy theory and it is a complete lie.’

    They just happened to be waiting to ‘document the event’ — as one of the apprehended Jews said on television once he was safely back in Israel.

    Total coincidence. No advance knowledge at all.

    Keep pitching, Jack. It’s very helpful.

    BTW, IDK about Persians but 9/11 was a big holiday in the Palestinian territories. Your sudden Hamas friends were handing out candy and generally celebrating.

    Go figure. Whatever could have made them feel hostile towards the United States?

    OTOH, there was no such celebration in Israel or among Jews aside from the 4 idiots in NJ.

    Well, and Netanyahu. He expressed considerable satisfaction — publically, of course. Who knows what feelings of remorse and sympathetic grief he felt inside?

    As I say, you keep pitching, Jack. You’re doing great.

    • Replies: @JimDandy
    , @Jack D
  164. @Reg Cæsar

    Innocent non-combatant Christian lives aren’t worth more than innocent non-combatant Muslim lives. “Israelis” are intentionally slaughtering, bombing, starving, terrorizing, expelling all non-Jews in that territory, 99% noncombatants — and more than 2/3 women and children.

    The number of people belonging to a particular cult (e.g. christianity) who live on that territory doesn’t determine when the territory and society are “destroyed.”

    FREE PALESTINE for everyone, in sha Allah.

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
  165. @CalCooledge

  166. @Jack D

    ‘Did any of the 1968 demonstrators say that “South Vietnamese don’t deserve to live”?’

    Do you hold a patent on misleading comparisons? People choose to be Zionists; they don’t choose to be South Vietnamese.

    It wouldn’t matter anyway; the guy could say anything at all — it wouldn’t justify Israel’s crimes.

    Did the fact that some nut job wrote a book called Germany must Perish justify the Holocaust?

    • Replies: @Jack D
  167. @Steve Sailer

    ‘Has anybody ever looked at participation rate of American Jews in the Great War?’

    There, one would want to compare the rate not to Americans in general, but to the other recently arrived ethnicities: Poles, Italians, Slovaks…

    That is, interestingly, one aspect of the propaganda in Sergeant York. York joins the army — and becomes friends with someone I read as a New York Jew. ‘We’re all Americans! Now, about those Germans…’

    • Replies: @MGB
    , @Wielgus
  168. JimDandy says:
    @Colin Wright

    “Maria says she saw three young men kneeling on the roof of a white van in the parking lot of her apartment building. “They seemed to be taking a movie,” Maria said.

    The men were taking video or photos of themselves with the World Trade Center burning in the background, she said. What struck Maria were the expressions on the men’s faces. “They were like happy, you know … They didn’t look shocked to me. I thought it was very strange,” she said.

    The arresting officers said they saw a lot that aroused their suspicion about the men. One of the passengers had $4,700 in cash hidden in his sock. Another was carrying two foreign passports. A box cutter was found in the van. But perhaps the biggest surprise for the officers came when the five men identified themselves as Israeli citizens.

    According to the police report, one of the passengers told the officers they had been on the West Side Highway in Manhattan “during the incident” — referring to the World Trade Center attack. The driver of the van, Sivan Kurzberg, told the officers, “We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem.” –ABC NEWS

  169. res says:
    @Steve Sailer


    Nearly 250,000 Jews served in the American Expeditionary Forces, which totaled 4.8 million men and women. Eighteen percent were foreign born.

    “I’m in a barracks with 270,” wrote one Jewish draftee, “and so far I’ve found a half dozen men who could speak English without an accent.”

    Looking a little deeper, that looks like the high end of the estimates. This is from shortly after the war.

    First, our collection already comprises over 150,000 records of Jews in the military and naval forces of the United States. These are individual records, free of all duplications, and furnishing, in the majority of cases, all service details—such as date of enlistment or induction, branch of service, rank, casualties or citations, etc.—and, in addition, certain details as to age, nativity, occupation, etc., of the greatest possible demographic value.

    Second, of the 150,000 records at hand about 140,000 have been tabulated and classified by branches of service, rank in the service, states and cities of origin, etc. Of these 140,000 records some 114,000 are classified in the army, 13,500 in the navy, 2200 in the marine corps, and about 11,000 in service unknown. Of the 114,000 army records, 24,200 are known to be in the infantry, 7642 in the artillery, 7884 in the medical corps, 4558 in the signal and aviation corps, 2496 in the engineer corps, 1239 in the cavalry, 1385 in ordnance, and 13,264 in other branches. Men whose branches of service are as yet unknown, but the great majority of whom will probably be found later in the infantry, number 51,332. As to rank, there are so far recorded 7929 Jewish commissioned officers in the army, of whom 32 are colonels, 39 lieutenant-colonels, 340 majors, 1201 captains and 4802 lieutenants. In the navy there were recorded to date 433 commissioned officers, including one rear admiral, and in the marine corps 59 commissioned officers, including one brigadier general.

    The best available evidence indicates that there were from 200,000 to 250,000 Jews in the service, or from 4 to 5 per cent of the total forces of the United States, which numbered approximately 4,800,000 men. These estimates are based upon several independent calculations which tend strongly to confirm one another.’

    Much more there.

  170. JimDandy says:

    You know the guy is desperate when the best he can do is say, “After sitting on it for a long time, the FBI finally said, ‘Nothing to see here, move along.’” Lol!


    “According to a former high-ranking American intelligence official who spoke to the Jewish Daily Forward in 2002, the FBI concluded in its investigation that the five Israelis arrested “were conducting a Mossad surveillance mission and that their employer, Urban Moving Systems of Weehawken, NJ, served as a front.” At least two of the men arrested were determined to have direct links to the Mossad after their names appeared in a CIA-FBI database of foreign intelligence operatives. According to one of their lawyers, one of the men, Paul Kurzberg, had previously worked for the Mossad in another country prior to arriving in the United States. Another of those arrested, Oded Ellner, subsequently stated on Israeli TV that the five Israelis had been in New York at the time “to document the event,” meaning the attack on the World Trade Center.”

    “As to whether any of the Israelis knew of the attacks in advance, the relevant section of the FBI report that asks “1. Did the Israeli nationals have foreknowledge of the events at WTC and were they filming the events prior to and in anticipation of the explosion?” is notably redacted in its entirety, suggesting that the FBI did not determine the answer to that question to be an emphatic “no.””

    • Agree: BB753
  171. Jack D says:

    I’ll take the peaceful Iranian theocracy

    You are living in a fantasy. The ayatollahs are anything but peaceful. They have sponsored proxy wars (and real wars) all over the Middle East. They kill their own people.

    • Agree: Art Deco
    • Replies: @BB753
  172. Jack D says:
    @Colin Wright

    People choose to be Zionists;

    “Zionist” is just a code word for Israeli/Jew. It’s not a matter of choice in any meaningful sense. You could “choose” to renounce your religion and citizenship also but most people wouldn’t.

    The N. Vietnamese didn’t call S. Vietnamese S. Vietnamese either – they called them “traitors” or “collaborators” or some such.

  173. Jack D says:
    @Colin Wright

    They just happened to be waiting to ‘document the event’ — as one of the apprehended Jews said on television once he was safely back in Israel.

    Sources? I guaranty that this has been twisted or taken out of context. Maybe once they saw the building smoldering they waited to see it burn but none of them ever said that they had advance knowledge of the attack because they didn’t. A 100% pure lie.

    • Troll: JimDandy
    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Colin Wright
  174. @Steve Sailer

    Ding, ding, ding

    During her ’78 or ’77 Academy Award acceptance speech or afterward around the same time, she mentioned the Palestinians. Straight up. Ironically, she won her Oscar playing something to do with Israel or Jews in a favorable light. Never saw the film personally, though I believe it was directed by legendary director Fred Zimmerman.

    In a way, Redgrave has been constant and consistent on this issue. It just took until now for most of the mainstream to have caught up with her.

  175. Bumpkin says:
    @Corpse Tooth


    Never saw much of either back then, but I thought Sarandon looked much better in middle age as her face filled in, and she still looks fantastic, seemingly never having gone under the knife. As a red-blooded male, it always annoys me when stunners like Megan Fox butcher their natural looks by letting some idiot surgeon cut them up.

    And I thought Susan was one of the few who deserved her Oscar, playing the nun against Penn wonderfully.

    Of course, she may be most well-known now for publicly breaking with the Democrats, to the point where some blamed her for Trump winning. That took real fortitude and intellectual honesty, perhaps her most admirable attributes.

  176. MGB says:
    @Colin Wright

    There, one would want to compare the rate not to Americans in general, but to the other recently arrived ethnicities: Poles, Italians, Slovaks…

    that’d be my polish grandfather. had a bayonet scar from elbow to shoulder from the trenches. he was smart enough to get a young polish bride from the home country to bring back to the states between the wars, and doubly smart enough to be too old to fight in the second war.

  177. JimDandy says:
    @fredyetagain aka superhonky

    Yes, it’s comments like these–and all the other comments he makes–which show where his loyalties actually lie.

  178. Jack D says:

    Wishing someone was gone and actually taking him out are two different things.

    The shooter has been identified as a “lone wolf” type guy. He was not a hired hitman.


    This kind of shooting is red meat for conspiracy theorists but 10 out of every 5 conspiracy theories have no substance.

    • Replies: @MGB
    , @Hunsdon
    , @Hypnotoad666
  179. An excellent piece by Sailer. That it comes from a Jewish-friendly writer like him makes it even more important.

    • Replies: @J.Ross
  180. @fredyetagain aka superhonky

    Yup, the biggest (legal) pushers of the (legal) white death which has ravaged so many of our White communities are, of course, chosenites. The damage [the Sackler family’s] drugs have done to countless lives (and to medical ethics, go look up their marketing practices) is incalculable.

    The brother, uncle or maybe great uncle of the ones who did the OxyContin scam is Arthur M. Sackler about whom Wikipedia says “The Medical Advertising Hall of Fame wrote in 1998,”

    No single individual did more to shape the character of medical advertising than the multi-talented Dr. Arthur Sackler. His seminal contribution was bringing the full power of advertising and promotion to pharmaceutical marketing.

    Says he “marketed in publications targeting physicians directly which increased the pace at which doctors learned about medicines and brought them to market, but did not ever participate in sales force canvassing and detailing, a technique now under tremendous scrutiny.” And those drugs early on included “Betadine, [something I can’t find], Librium, and Valium.”

    I can attest the latter was massively promoted in doctor’s magazines in the mid-late 1970s. Librium was the first benzodiazepine immediately preceding it, and they were a mixed thing given how people get tolerant to anything that hits GAB. But massively more safe than the barbiturates, one older doctor mentioned to me that a lighter weight woman on them could be killed if she took 1-2 drinks. And Betadine/povidone-iodine is a fantastic antiseptic.

    He died eight years before OxyContin became a thing, but it’s obvious he primed his family including his much longer lived brothers for it.

  181. Wielgus says:
    @Colin Wright

    Jews, at least up to the fall of the Tsar, often showed a pro-Central Powers bias, mainly due to Tsarist Russia being a major Entente country. I know of at least one soldier in the British Army of Russian Jewish origin who deserted to the Germans and told them what he knew. Specifically, this was in the lead-up to the Battle of the Somme.

    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  182. Wielgus says:
    @Colin Wright

    Another one Jack might like is The Generation: The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Communists of Poland, by Jeff Schatz (1991). Published by University of California Press.

  183. CMC says:

    I’ll concede that ‘full context’ is a little over the top. Who can, after all, provide full, total, absolute, omniscient context? So, ‘fuller’ might have been a better way to phrase it.

    But other than that, no.


    [I]f the right-wing mob had been wearing Make America Great Again baseball caps, shouting “Christ is King,” and singing Russian songs about crushing Ukrainians, the struggle on the UCLA quad would be the biggest news story of the year.

    The song ends with what sounds like a call for the Israel Defense Forces to murder several pretty female celebrities in the West who are outspokenly pro-Palestinian:

    The answer seems obvious, but one the press has been reluctant to spell out explicitly: As far as I can tell, the bruisers were largely Israelis, Israeli-Americans, and other Jews.

    But then again, who really wants to know much about Israeli influence in America?

    Those are benign assertions or conclusions? That’s a benign state of affairs in the US?

    Also, I’m assuming Sailer wrote the headline, which is clearly a reference to the ridiculous 1984-ish media framing of the George Floyd destruction and, more importantly, an homage to the tidal wave of righteous satire against that framing that followed.

    That’s benign? That’s a benign take on the events?

    • Troll: JimDandy
  184. @RadicalCenter

    Innocent non-combatant Christian lives aren’t worth more than innocent non-combatant Muslim lives.

    That’s the Christian view, not a secular, and certainly not a tribal, one. Catholic Answers explains this in relation to a couple of incidents for Uncle Bibi in Gaza has a long way to go to match. Unfortunately, they don’t take a look at “conventional” weapons as well.

    The tribal view– loyalty is the first sole law of morality– maintains that one can only commit a crime against one’s own tribe. So charges of “genocide” are nothing but hot air.

  185. Anonymous[227] • Disclaimer says:
    @For what it's worth

    Sort of. The reason why DiAngelo’s work rings true to so many people is because it is, except for one very important fact: she has substituted nebulous white people in place of Jewish power. The difference between what I am saying and what Diangelo is saying is that she relies on outcomes and disparity of outcomes to prove conspiracy. That would never hold up under any evidentiary scrutiny if held to judiciary standards. “Your next-door neighbor had a heart attack after berating you about your grass height. No one else on the block had a heart attack, therefore you caused his heart attack.”

    There are many explicitly Jewish and Israeli organizations which meet openly and conspire on how best to help themselves at the expense of others. These organizations and their lobbyists pay politicians to get their way. When white people attempt to organize in the exact same manner, they are instantly labeled hate groups and domestic extremists and are harassed, infiltrated and set up by law enforcement.

    Ever heard of AIPAC or the ADL? How about the World Jewish Congress? There are hundreds more.

    I actually have evidence for my claims, DiAngelo does not. But what she claims is *almost* true and therefore it has taken root in the public consciousness.

    Anyway, enjoy your Shabbat.

  186. MGB says:
    @Jack D

    . . . 10 out of every 5 conspiracy theories have no substance.

    people have theorized about the real identity of jackd, but this bon mot seals it. ladies and gentlemen, i give you tom friedman.

    • Replies: @J.Ross
  187. Anonymous[385] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jack D

    My theory is thus …

    So, you’re the Albert Einstein of Mossad : you ManchurianCandidate Mo* Atta into leading the hijackers . Your special operations teams plant charges in the WTC and the Pentagon. You warn the people you need to warn not to be in southern Manhattan on “the day.” A separate special ops team plants a bomb on the Schenksville flight to make things look authentic. You get your operators in (and out) and no one’s the wiser. But to put the cherry on the whipped cream you say …

    Hey I’ld really like some pictures because there probably won’t be much media coverage — get those guys in Jersey running a not-quite-legit moving business to go up on a roof with their Kodak Brownie to snap some pics.

    *Was it really “Moses” and not “Mohammed”?

  188. BB753 says:
    @Jack D

    At least Iran doesn’t go around the globe waging war against those who won’t use their currency or accept their “rules based order” like America and Israel, its evil midget conjoined twin.

  189. Hunsdon says:
    @Jack D

    Jack D said: “Zionist” is just a code word for Israeli/Jew.

    Hunsdon replied: Jack, you said that Aaron Mate, Norman Finkelstein, Kip Kiplinger, Jeffrey Sachs, Ron Unz et al. are just code words for “self hating Jew.”

  190. J.Ross says:
    @Brás Cubas

    Violence is wrong — except as legitimate defense to another person’s violence. And these fake martial arts spin kick losers are choosing to initiate violence (and become legitimate targets) in a country where not only is protest and self-defense perfectly legal, but so are guns.
    I thought these people were supposed to be smart.

  191. J.Ross says:

    Thomas Friedman has a lot of free time and a very energetic production of self-refuting ridiculous nonsense, but he also cannot stop himself from namedropping how he’d just discussed globalization with the Minister of Torture, and nothing he’s written has been as smart or clear as Jack D when he’s good. That they resemble eachother when they hurriedly lie just reminds that they’re both, you know. That sort of person, who annoys you.

  192. Wokechoke says:

    They were expecting something more like the Pale. Jews would perform some economic good and a Quasi European infrastructure.

    They did not see Zion taking over most of the globe.

    Supremely self assured hubris really.

  193. Jack D says:

    Once I saw the plane hit tower 2, it took me around 5 seconds to understand that it was Arab terrorism. Of course if you live in a fantasy world where Iranian theocrats are “peaceful” you might not catch on.

    • Troll: JimDandy
    • Replies: @BB753
    , @Not Raul
    , @Colin Wright
  194. BB753 says:
    @Jack D

    Once I saw the other one hitting tower 2, I assumed it was terrorism of some kind. But I never bought the official version. Arabs don’t have the brains or the connections to pull off such a sophisticated hit on their own. So, you need some kind of NATO/ Pentagon black ops + CIA+ Mossad and Saudi and Pakistani intelligence. Of course, a false flag by definition is an inside job with some foreign assistance.

  195. Not Raul says:
    @Reg Cæsar

    Perhaps he’s “grown” in the meantime.

    Grown? He saw the way the wind was blowing, and went with it. Outside of Blue States, openly anti-Trump politicians have been kicked out of office. It’s Trump’s party now.

    Establishment Republicans waited until Trump’s victory in the 2016 primaries was inevitable, before supporting him. Whenever it’s convenient, they’ll stab Trump in the back.

    Who needs fair weather friends? You need friends when things get tough. In the Republican Party, it hasn’t been tough for people claiming to be pro-Trump for more than 8 years.

    VC supported Trump only when it would have ended his political career not to.

    • Agree: Yojimbo/Zatoichi
    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
  196. Not Raul says:
    @Jack D

    Iranians aren’t Arabs, Jack.

  197. @J.Ross

    Jewish Violence.

    Correction, characteristically chickenshit and cowardly Jewish Violence.

  198. @Jack D

    10 out of every 5 conspiracy theories have no substance.

    Unless they involve Putin conspiring to kill somebody, or “outside agitators” conspiring to stage anti-Israel protests, or private Ukrainians conspiring to blow up Nordstream II.

    • LOL: Bumpkin
  199. Bumpkin says:
    @James B. Shearer

    Sailer has a long-standing feud with John Podhoretz.

    Then he must have enjoyed it when Tucker savaged his former boss, Podhoretz, on Joe Rogan recently.

    Of course, he was simply walking in the giant footsteps of Gore Vidal skewering the Podhoretz parents decades prior, pointing out that their real loyalty was to Israel. I remember reading that Vidal article in one of his books decades ago and thinking at the time this was some minor feud between political players.

    Little did I know the Neocons and their fellow travelers would one day have the whole country devoted to Israel, and even locking up protesters for disagreeing.

    • Replies: @Anon
  200. @Jack D

    “Zionist” is just a code word for Israeli/Jew.

    No…Zionist is no more a ‘code word’ for Jew than Nazi was a ‘code word’ for German-Americans, or Communist was a ‘code word’ for Russians or Chinese.

    I spent a good fifteen-twenty years hating Israel (and Zionists) before my animus extended to Jews in general.

    …and whatever could have caused that? I was the same Colin I’d been for the first fifty years of my life…mustabeen something external.

    Whatever could it have been? Jewish behavior? What they’ve done?

    Nahh…couldn’t be. Could it, Jack?

    • Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
  201. @Jack D

    ‘Once I saw the plane hit tower 2, it took me around 5 seconds to understand that it was Arab terrorism. Of course if you live in a fantasy world where Iranian theocrats are “peaceful” you might not catch on.’

    What a fucking idiot. You do realize what is idiotic about your post, don’t you?

  202. @Jack D

    ‘The N. Vietnamese didn’t call S. Vietnamese S. Vietnamese either – they called them “traitors” or “collaborators” or some such.’

    …and here I was thinking we were talking about American protestors. Now it turns out we were talking about North Vietnamese.

  203. Bumpkin says:
    @Mike Tre

    Is this supposed to be a joke? This was a group of Israeli nationalist Jews – emphasis on the capital J – not a group of nationalist whites.

    You’re missing the point: Steve’s saying that if those had been nationalist whites from any other country, say the “white nationalists” that Biden and his people are always going on about, the presses would have clattered on for years about this violent incident and the instigators would have been hounded like the J6 crowd.

    Yet because of the particular country these “nationalist whites” were from, nothing happened.

    Steve handed the jewish noticers like me and you a bone in this piece, you might want to notice that.

    • Replies: @Mike Tre
  204. @Jack D

    ‘…A 100% pure lie.’

    Thanks. Do a search on ‘our purpose was to document the event.’

    You may now apologize — but you won’t.

    • LOL: Yojimbo/Zatoichi
  205. @Nachum

    Not hard to find. Almost a quarter of a million Jews served in the American forces, way above their proportion in the general population….

    Improbable. But feel free to document this claim.

  206. @For what it's worth

    So, your super-intelligent, hyper-nefarious Mossad conspirators who pull off constant false flag operations…

    You should get together with JackD and just write my posts for me. When have I ever said anything remotely like this about the Mossad? Go ahead: quote me.

  207. Anon[379] • Disclaimer says:

    Little did I know the Neocons and their fellow travelers would one day have the whole country devoted to Israel, and even locking up protesters for disagreeing.

    Always was.

  208. @Hunsdon

    ‘…The “rising tide of antisemitism” around the world might just have something to do with what Israel, to the enthusiastic applause of many Jews around the world, is doing.’

    The ‘rising tide of antisemitism’ schtick is designed to deflect attention from Israel’s criminality and discredit those who object to the fact that we enable that criminality.

    The mendacity really is disgusting. It’s as if it were 1942, and every time somebody objected to Nazi crimes the response was ‘you just hate Germans. You’re a bigot!’

    • Agree: Bumpkin
  209. @Jack D

    “I don’t recall the anti-Vietnam war protestors wishing that all South Vietnamese (both those living here and in Vietnam) were dead.”

    Uh, no, the US war protesters wished all the US soldiers were dead. As dad interviewed many, many protesters from this era and they told him thus, that’s who their ire was saved for—against fellow Americans, albeit serving at the time in Vietnam.

    • Replies: @nebulafox
  210. @Hunsdon

    But the question (that you didn’t directly answer) remains.

    Where is Antifa in all this regarding peaceful protests vs Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians? Which team are they playing for, and whose side are they on?

    Antifa isn’t officially on the side of the Palestinians, and they aren’t even marching in these campus protests (officially), like they did back in the day when they clearly wanted the MSM to know that they had showed up and were there.

    Now? They’re nowhere to be found (officially).

    • Replies: @nebulafox
  211. @Colin Wright

    Way way way way wait. Hold it. Are you suggesting that Jack D is Jewish? Fairly obvious at times that he does hold sympathies for…

  212. @Not Raul

    Grown? He saw the way the wind was blowing, and went with it.

    The same could be said for Trump himself. Here he is, “linked” to a known rapist:

    • Replies: @Not Raul
  213. JimDandy says:
    @Reg Cæsar

    When taking such a snide tone you really should be thorough with your research. Rosenbaum was raised in Texas and Arizona.

    • Thanks: Catdompanj
  214. nebulafox says:

    Three big differences between then and now:

    1) The protestors then were a lot more violent. They were also a lot more male. Even Daley era cops (who often had sons or neighborhood kids in Vietnam and thus hated the protestors with a passion in a way that these cops probably don’t) would have found beating the crap out of unarmed women a hard sell. That’s what makes Israeli thugs attacking these chicks and their eunuchs a big deal. The sheer contradiction between Women’s Tears and “Fighting Anti-Semitism” is going to tear the Democrats apart unless the media can effect a blackout. They are doing their best, but in 2024, it’s not just the technology that has changed. More Americans do not trust what they are told until proven otherwise than the other way around.

    2) The protestors could-theoretically-been fighting in Vietnam themselves back then. Tellingly, once Nixon ended the draft, a lot of the wind behind the protestor movement evaporated. There’s no analogue to that here. As horrendous as this is for US geopolitics and our greater image in the world, our policies in Ukraine have done a lot more concrete, economic damage to American prospects than this conflict, so it’s not about concrete interests. This is purely morals/emotions (not mutually exclusive) driven.

    3) A lot of young people from other demographics took a dim view of the protestors in 1968: particularly the blue-collar male demographic actually being drafted and that they were denouncing. Nowadays, even young male rightie types are not going to go fight against them for Israel’s sake, and might even take their side if presented with such a scenario. The Israel-philia that makes American policy so irrational is hyper-concentrated in older Americans, and I’ll bet anything that scares the crap out of the Israelis now that their long-term geopolitical strategy of spreading their chips worldwide has been thrown out by Bibi insisting that the Palestinian issue has a non-radioactive military solution.

    • Agree: Colin Wright
    • Replies: @Wielgus
  215. nebulafox says:
    @Jack D

    Ngụy. The word is ngụy. There’s a reason former ARVN dudes make their living with unofficial English speaking business stuff, they and their families got the label preventing them from getting certain kinds of jobs.

    None of the various Vietnamese states looked upon the partition as natural in the 1950s, and both of the major ones were nationalistic entities that wanted to dominate the region. The disagreement was the model to be used to get there. It takes generations for ideas to become natural, and it doesn’t just happen by itself. Most East Elbians hadn’t reconciled themselves one iota to their loss in 1950.

  216. nebulafox says:


    But I wouldn’t look hard. Antifa consists of mentally ill people who are paid to carry out the desires of the PowerPoint makers with the fancy degrees and their backers. They won’t be doing anything unless paid and directed to.

  217. Anonymous[324] • Disclaimer says:

    David Cole had an entire meltdown on Takimag about Unz again, now featuring Anglin.

  218. @Nachum

    Sir, your citations page seems to be held up in moderation. Please repost.

  219. nebulafox says:
    @For what it's worth

    I prefer to learn lessons from the past and do things better next time than focus on regrets. Done more than enough of that for a lifetime, and have paid a heavy toll for it. The problem is, of course, getting that next time. Not much you can do except prepare and hope that the probabilities start shifting in your favor.

    One thing I forgot to include is that the thing that kept the USSR afloat as long as they did was hitting oil in 1959. In all likelihood, that might well have been a good thing, up there with that blessed Soviet captain during the crisis. The USSR collapsing earlier would have meant vicious civil war at best in the time before the utterly war-averse generation took over, and nuclear apocalypse at worst, especially since this coincides with Cultural Revolution-era China.

    Anyway, in the Vietnamese context, this meant that the North had a steady supply of subsidized fuel right when the South-remember, trying to shift to an industrial/export oriented economy-got hammered hard by the oil embargo. Suharto’s Indonesia had oil, but they were going through a protectionist phase, and ironically enough, Suharto deemed the North Vietnamese leadership more nationalist than communist, unlike domino theorists in the US. His main animus was with Maoist China, not the Soviets or their satellites, and by 1972, the North Vietnamese had decidedly taken Moscow’s side. (I take a mixed view on that one, TBH.) I think a big part of why the 1990s was so rough for the DPRK was they were so used to Soviet subsidies, unlike, say, the East Germans.

  220. Mike Tre says:

    He simply should have just started the piece with “jewish protesters attacked…” and then pointed out the double standard. Instead, he employed the writing tactic he himself has pointed out many times over the years: Assume the reader is only going to read the first sentence or two of the article, and then bury the facts in paragraph 12.

    Casual or new readers aren’t going to pick up on his snark, if in fact that is what it is.

  221. @Catdompanj

    Now youve got pro Palestinian protests (read anti Israel) and suddenly the police care.

    Not only do they care, but they coordinate their attacks on the peaceful protesters with Steve’s putative “men in gold chains” — AKA “right wing” antifa. Both are semitic supremacist gangs/ militia that are portrayed by major narrative promotion agencies as “spontaneous,” “organic,” “anti-establishment” reactions to so-called “hate groups.” One has more obvious ties to the semitic supremacist settler-colonialist regime in Palestine; the other uses more anarchist/ Bronsteinite symbology.

    “B-b-but the only connection is that they both just happen to be composed of Members of the Tribe!” screech semitic supremacists and their apologists.

    Uh huh. Note that at celebrations of the (literal) holocaust of Dresden, antifags are prone to wave, along with their Bolshevik/ anarchist flags, and banners with messages like “Bomber Harris, Superstar” and “Alles gut kommt von oben” [“All good things come from above” — accompanied by a picture of a bomb]… the flag of the [“right wing”] semitic supremacist settler-colonialist regime in Palestine. It’s not really about ideology — that’s just a propaganda narrative for the goyim. It’s about identity.

  222. @Colin Wright

    Nothing is idiotic about his post.
    He addresses his post to the sort of idiots who have successfully been brainwashed to not even want to spot the errors.
    As an appeal to said idiots trained biases, his post works.

    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  223. @Wielgus

    ‘Jews, at least up to the fall of the Tsar, often showed a pro-Central Powers bias, mainly due to Tsarist Russia being a major Entente country…’

    I think I’ll observe that Jews do tend to try to stick with the winner.

    They jumped to Team Persia when it overran the Levant in the Seventh Century, then it was ‘us Jews and you Muslims: we’re a team!’ until about 1700 ad, then it was Napoleon, then it was Prussia, then it was the Commies, then it was America number one and ‘Judeo-MuslimChristian,’ — and now it’s
    ‘us Jews: we’re not white.’

    Of course, on the bright side, they don’t seem to be too good at picking horses.

    • Replies: @Wielgus
  224. @An humble craftsman's sockpuppet

    Nothing is idiotic about his post.
    He addresses his post to…

    I see your point — but I think you credit Jack with too much intelligence. He’s more a member of that audience than one of its manipulators.

  225. Wielgus says:
    @Colin Wright

    David Ben Gurion was going with Team Ottoman Empire, even learning Ottoman Turkish in Salonika, where he was photographed wearing a fez. About a decade later he joined the British Army, then at war with Ottoman Turkey, and was photographed in the uniform of the Royal Fusiliers. He had no loyalty to either the Sultan or the King-Emperor, it was a case of who benefited the Zionist project the most.

    • Thanks: Colin Wright
  226. Wielgus says:

    3) It’s a graphic novel but has some footing in real history. In Before Watchmen, the particular graphic novel connected with the characters the Comedian and Rorschach has the former coming back to the USA and being met by an anti-war protest at an airport. Being quite fearless, the Comedian goes out to meet them and talks quite civilly to one young woman protester who gives him a flower. Then she is hit on the head by a tomato as some mostly young hard-hat pro-war protesters attack them for bothering a “patriot”, and a real fight breaks out. The Comedian allows himself to be removed from the scene.
    I have seen some Zionist “counter-protesters”, including at a major march today in London, but they are not really up for aggro as far as I can see, and supporters of Palestine would also be wise not to let themselves be provoked.

  227. @Jack D

    The N. Vietnamese called the S. Vietnamese army “the puppet troops.” This while accepting all the arms, equipment, etc. they could from the Russians.

  228. Seems related.

    ‘As one of the nation’s most preeminent historically black colleges prepares to host President Joe Biden, students say controversy surrounding his visit has overshadowed their graduation.
    Mr Biden will travel to Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, on Sunday to deliver the school’s commencement address, a tradition complicated by criticism over his handling of the Israel-Gaza war…’

    Place yer bets. I’ll put my money on bossman keeping the Darkies in line.

    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  229. Not Raul says:
    @Reg Cæsar

    Come on, man. Who hasn’t golfed with Trump?

    • Replies: @nebulafox
  230. @Colin Wright

    Apparently, everybody behaved.

    ‘Biden Tells Morehouse Graduates That He Hears Their Voices of Protest Over the War in Gaza

    The speech at the historically Black college is part of a burst of outreach to Black constituents by the president, who has watched his support among these voters soften since their strong backing helped put him in the Oval Office in 2020’

  231. nebulafox says:
    @Not Raul

    Who hasn’t partied with Trump? He was one of the most famous and wealthy men in America long before politics. He may not drink or do drugs, but he does have a serious weakness for eye candy, and he’s clearly a social butterfly. I’ll bet he and Bill Clinton have slept with some of the same girls. The dude frequented Studio 54 in the pre-AIDS era, so that’s probably pretty tame compared to what he saw back in the ’70s and ’80s.

    Just because the girls regret it years later doesn’t make the men rapists, for Pete’s sake. And better to have a POTUS with a mistress half his age than one dominated by his wife or his staffers. Of course, the ideal IMO is a Justinian-Theodora style *team*, where they complement each others weaknesses and strengthen each other’s strengths, but in an age where everything is a competition, that’s just not fathomable anymore. So we’ll have to settle for Stepford smilers (because how else can it be, in a 21st Century field where you must be a psychopath to be happy?) who try to remain as insulated as possible, or we’re going to have pettycoat politics forever.

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