What specifically do you blame Diane for?

exactly…since the Jack/Diane together started, Jack didn’t make a move without Diane…even though he put her in a department at Jabot…how many employees stroll into CEO office whenever DIANE that’s who
that is partly why Diane is upset now, not so much Jack did what he did to help Nikki, but Diane had no input beforehand she couldn’t control Jack


For a start, I blame her for blowing up the Abbott family in general. For causing friction and tension between all the members of the family, especially between Jack and Ashley which IMO has a lot to do with Ashley’s mental breakdown. I blame her for creating more stress between Jack and Billy with her stupid plot to send Billy into the ‘Tucker’ camp as a mole to report back to Jack and, in that way, re-awakening the fact that Jack doesn’t really trust Billy and almost bringing the two of them to blows . Yes, they patched it up and papered over it at the time but in the end it played into Billy’s feelings that he wasn’t really trusted or valued at Jabot.

Going further back, I blame her for bringing danger from her past life to the Abbott door step
And not even warning them about it till it was already right there and even then only telling them little bits and pieces as required instead of making a clean breast of it. I blame her for causing Jack to commit a felony.
I won’t even go into the destruction of Kyle and Summer’s marriage because others had a big hand in that too, and frankly, I think Summer is better off without Kyle.

One other thing I blame her for is the general dumbing down of Jack. In order to write in that Jack happily accepted and married this lying con, the writers had to rewrite Jack as a complete doofus and this dumbing down seems to have infected his whole life and lead him to doing other really stupid things like his recent idiotic sponsorship of Nicki and his taking pills decision and all his decisions regarding Jabot staffing and musical CEO, COO decisions.

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Your entire post is perfect…
YES to Diane

Diane says she was forced to do money laundering…yes there was 1 scene Jeremy saying how she had to do it…however, she started doing it and once she realized she could have stopped going on the trips, she could have gone to police, or FBI, NO she love the lifestyle
Had she remained in LA or gone anywhere in world except Genoa City, no Jeremy Stark in town, no necklace stealing by dumbed down Jack, just no to so much

and mostly as you pointed out …

that says it all…Jack needs to find his brains and Diane needs to leave

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I don’t see how Diane can be blamed for Ashley’s DID. That is going way too far. Billy didn’t have to go to the “Tucker camp”. Billy could do whatever he felt was right. That decision was on him, not on Diane. Billy not feeling valued at Jabot has nothing to do with Diane. Billy worked at Jabot years ago and he left on his own. It was his decision to leave. He was constantly arguing with Kyle and Jack always sided with Kyle because Kyle is a spoiled brat and his father always takes his side against anyone else. Kyle’s and Summer’s marriage breakup has nothing to do with Diane. Summer chose to lie about her mom being alive while Diane was left in jail which would have been life in prison due to Summer’s lie about Phyllis. Kyle cheated on Summer and decided to end their marriage. That isn’t Diane’s fault. It’s Kyle’s. Jack taking pills to “help” Nikki has absolutely nothing to do with Diane who didn’t even want Jack to help Nikki. That was solely Jack’s poor decision. I don’t see how Diane could be blamed for that one. Kyle was the one who suggested that Diane have the position at Jabot. He was insincere about wanting that and now he regrets it. That was stupid Kyle’s decision.

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As far as Diane bringing Stark to the Abbott’s home, I blame Phyllis for that one. She wanted to get rid of Diane due to her jealousy because Jack was with Diane and not her. So she told Stark that it was Diane’s fault that Stark was in jail. So Stark looked for Diane to get revenge.

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Let me add to this …YES Diane brought the danger to town

so many say Phyllis was the cause of Jeremy coming to town…However, IF Diane had not returned to Genoa City then Jeremy would have no reason to do so after Phyllis call. As Jeremy even said to Diane, do you honestly think I came because she called me. Did you really think I wouldn’t look for you and figure out where you went with my $$$$


If Starke hadn’t set up and tricked Diane into money laundering while he pretended to be in love with her, Diane wouldn’t have had any involvement with Starke to begin with. Regarding Phyllis, she bragged that it was her who led Starke to Diane.

I know that is a line a few posters have taken, when trying to make excuses for Diane, but I don’t buy it in the least.
Phyllis may have sped up Stark finding Diane and coming after her, but he would have come sometime soon, in any case. Don’t forget, Diane didn’t just co-operate with law enforcement to take him down, which he may or may not have know or guessed, but she also stole his money, not something a guy like that was likely to forget or forgive, so Stark was on his way to GC whether or not he got a tip off from Phyllis.
I’m also wondering how all the people who like to rush to Diane’s defence, excuse her stealing the money that nominally belonged to Stark, and actually was the proceeds of crime. I just can’t think of a valid justification for that.

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Jails are full of people who got involved with crime originally, through stupidity, and were either unlucky, and got caught the first time it happened or, like Diane, decided they liked the life it afforded them, or were too scared to walk away from it.

Diane was lucky, she kept doing it even after she knew that what was going on was illegal and still managed to walk away without being charged or jailed. She should have counted her blessings and kept her nose clean after that instead of helping herself to a case of ill gotten money. I have absolutely no sympathy for her.

I don’t make excuses for her, but I do not see what she’s done that is any worse than the rest of them. I liked her character years ago, I liked the toxic relationship she had with alot of the other characters. when they can all look in the mirror and say their slate is clean, then they can judge her. I never bought the Diane is alive story considering we all saw her dead so it really never worked for me but here we are.

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I am not blaming Diane for everything that goes wrong. I simply don’t like her.


I never said that other people haven’t done bad things too. Adam is hated by just about everybody in town and a number on the board for his past bad deeds. A lot of people (myself included) hate and can’t forget the many heinous things Victor has pulled. Lots of us still mention Devon and his affair with his blind father’s wife, etc etc. GC is full of slimy and criminal citizens.

I was asked what exactly I blamed Diane for and I outlined a few things. And immediately the response was that it wasn’t really Diane’s fault it was Phyllis. No. If we are going to judge people then let’s judge them fairly and not make excuses for some while crucifying others.

100% true

I agree with you

You are certainly entitled to not like her. Just like there are characters who I don’t like.