To be honest, there aren’t enough healers, so increase that, reduce cc time, reduce feed time, I don’t like this. It made it harder to get a kill possibility in the arena without a very unintuitive system of diminishing, and in an bg with no diminishing, many fights with healers are lasting longer than 10 minutes.

They should increase the healer’s heal amount or shield amount to make the return on protecting the healer bigger, not make it completely uncontrollable and unkillable, which takes away from the fun.

If solo bg are coming, most players will want to be able to play their own unique role in a PvP fight. If we continue to increase healer survivability and decrease crowd control time, we’ll end up with a pointless power struggle where there’s nothing that can be decided by a single player in a poorly organized randomized queue, and there’s no diminishing in the bg, which may increase the number of healers but decreases the interest of the rest of the players.

The solution to this is to add a 2v2 arena consisting of only dealers to the 1v1 arena, with only 1 healer out of the 8 players in the 1v1 arena.

Again, most players can accept having to protect the healer, but not being able to kill the healer. This is a very uninteresting and counter-intuitive direction.

I hope you realize that increasing healers and having a fixed number of healers in a combination is not the only important goal.

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But they don’t accept having to coordinate their play when they want to shut down a healer?

I can’t speak to organized PvP with voice coms as I don’t do that anymore, but in more PUG-y or casual settings “protecting the healer” isn’t something many people do or even pay attention to. They’ll often just tunnel.

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Let’s be honest here, the real way to get more people to play healers is to stop flaming healers when you loose.

Not nerfing healers every single major patch might help too. Just saying.


Any suggestion to decrease a healers survivability is a hard pass for me. With addons like healers must die we are already a walking target.

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Solo shuffs are all mongo do damage and kill someone without much cc

Hard agree with statement

You know what else decreases the interest of the rest of the players? Playing a dps spec that dies 15 seconds into a fight/in the first stun because the healers are dead/having to heal themselves. As a class that relies heavily on being healed, you think you do but you don’t

Competent dps have no issues locking down a healer rn anyway

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