Open Thread 249, by Karlin Community - The Unz Review
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Open Thread 249

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Here’s a new Open Thread for all of you. To minimize the load, please continue to limit your Tweets or place them under a MORE tag.

For those interested, here are my two most recent pieces. The first analyzes the huge wave of Gaza protests at American universities and their remarkably harsh suppression, including the deeper implications of that important political development, while the second focuses on China’s notorious 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, a seminal event in modern Chinese political history despite being entirely fictional.

In addition, here’s an excellent interview by Prof. Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University on some of these ongoing political developments, including the high-profile Gaza protests at his own academic institution.

I’ve also discovered that a couple of short clips from a podcast interview I did late last year on the Israel/Gaza conflict have gotten strong traction on Twitter, with the first picking up 1.1M views and the second at 800K:

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  1. Fentinil says:

    Speaking of the pneuma since the
    Active stage of human-hunting began with CoVid-killbox the atmosphere defined as the extrapolated sense derived
    From the extension of physical space has
    Become densely foreboding.
    The Sun has a hum and space has
    Vibe ( honda in Span.) and if anything is real it’s that aging reduces the flesh
    But potentiates the nerve bundles’ exposure to an emotion generated by all that is or will be. The temporal in eternity. It feels like the transmission of
    Life energy microbe insect and mammal
    Has been cut to about 29% of it’s past
    Excitement. I recall the the March 2020 declaration of – plague- the moment and
    The mental/emotional effect obtained.
    My basic interpretation was that the
    Atmosphere in which everything takes

  2. Fentinil says:

    Speaking of the pneuma since the
    Active stage of human-hunting began with CoVid-killbox the atmosphere defined as the extrapolated sense derived
    From the extension of physical space has
    Become densely foreboding.
    The Sun has a hum and space has
    Vibe ( honda in Span.) and if anything is real it’s that aging reduces the flesh
    But potentiates the nerve bundles’ exposure to an emotion generated by all that is or will be the temporal in eternity. It feels like the transmission of
    Life energy, microbe insect and mammal
    Has been cut to about 29% of it’s past
    Excitement. I recall the the March 2020 declaration of – plague- the moment and
    The mental/emotional effect obtained.
    My basic interpretation was that the
    Atmosphere in which everything takes
    Place is only viable for human enthusiasm when the competitive will
    Also known as self determination is allowed or capable of being expressed.
    It’s the stimulant the navigator and the piece of
    Oceanic cosmos where the same mystery
    Confronts equally all beings. That movement of the “I” was deactivated not gradually but suddenly it was truncated
    And suffocated that day.
    The collective, part human part life
    In toto is the envelope of awareness wherein descret perception resides.
    At first for a year or so this blockade
    Of human dignity registered confused shock which then was extended with
    50′ waves of military threat….house to house arrest and forced serum injection.
    Now the conductivity of the air has subsided into implacable foreboding .
    It may be artificial as providing all the more
    Reason to conduct humanity into synthetic electronic interactions to drown out the silent hum of the dammed.
    This is directly implicated by the quality and quantity of Sunlight that,
    Along with the sky, appears vastly unusual.
    The novels by Carlos Castañeda
    that seems positioned as the last of authentic communique imprinting the
    Pre-cybernetic apocalypse generation
    Has the Shaman Don Juan describing
    The shattering of Aztec social fabric by
    Cortes and the ensuing shock taking every parameter of identity into a harrowing demise. As a teenager
    Certain prescient passages universally
    Stuck from those trendy manuals as signs to watch out for.
    Things are unbelievable. Not the
    Interactions between the entities but
    The integument underlying the fundament of our collective animal correspondence. It’s no idle conjuncture
    That the affairs of people and more the
    Biosphere are being manipulated to
    Make certain that the real alterations to
    Our position within nature are entirely
    Opaque except to a few raving bipolar
    Paranoids in the Tenderloin. Wars Nation States the technics of our synthetic lives are perfectly tuned to
    Perfectly conceal the erasure and recapitulation of a previously physically
    Enslaved but varyingly free in thought lifeform.
    The great conquest the final tierra incógnita is the detonation of a bomb
    That has blasted away even the foundations of anticipated
    Preemptive revulsion. Well, bombs do portend in miniature with an instant of anticipation and then total cessation. On a civilizational model we cannot say,
    literally. Quite possibly we -were -doing
    Something together it had more to do with the togetherness then the topics
    Of our medium of reverberation and now due to a long sought for sleight of hand the stuff continues the erectile dysfunction ads electric busses revulsion
    At the ranks of the human robots all
    The mechanism are being stringently
    Maintained…putt putt golf but the people are neither the subject nor even the objects but a dissolution into something printed out; a computer composing muizac from the brainwaves
    Of an alzimers victim overdosed on Prozac. Finally things come full circle;
    Now we really can blame it in the Sun

  3. A123 says: • Website

    MX-5 Racing from Laguna Seca.

    I will share the main event when it becomes available. This is to tide you over until then.

    PEACE 😇


  4. Inevitable consequences around when the country, which physically gave up nuclear stuff, is being attacked further by RF:

    Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said Monday he was open to allowing US nuclear weapons on Swedish soil in wartime, News.Az reports citing Anadolu Agency.

    Kristersson’s comments come at the time when the country’s parliament is scheduled to vote in June on the government’s bill on a military cooperation agreement with the US.

    The so-called DCA agreement gives the American military the right to use 17 Swedish military bases across the country and allowing the storage of military equipment and weapons in the Scandinavian country.

    The agreement has been criticized because, unlike in Denmark and Norway, it lacks information about a ban on nuclear weapons in Sweden. The government believes it is not necessary because there is a parliamentary decision that there should be no nuclear weapons on Swedish territory in peacetime.

    However, Kristersson also believes having nuclear weapons in the event of war in Sweden should be considered.

    “In a war situation, it is a completely different matter. Should the very worst happen, the democratic countries in our part of the world must of course be able to defend themselves against countries that could threaten with nuclear weapons,” he said in an interview with Swedish Radio.

    “Our entire NATO membership and our entire Swedish defense aim is to prevent that situation from occurring.

    “If Ukraine had been a member of NATO, they would not have been attacked by Russia,” Kristersson said.

    Sweden has officially joined NATO on March 7, ending decades of neutrality after a nearly two-year wait that began in May 2022, when the Nordic country submitted its application to join Western military alliance alongside neighboring Finland.

    The prime minister emphasized that the decision to place nuclear weapons on Swedish soil would be taken by Sweden, not the US.

    “Sweden decides over Swedish territory,” he said.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    , @Derer
  5. Beckow says:
    @sudden death

    …there should be no nuclear weapons on Swedish territory in peacetime….

    The prime minister emphasized that the decision to place nuclear weapons on Swedish soil would be taken by Sweden, not the US.

    But we are already in a war so it will be US decision…:) The PM is lying.

    Swedes are scared but cornered, there is no way back. They can lie to themselves but they are now a primary initial target in any nuclear exchange. Sweden is easy to reach and indefensible. Scandies are genetically conformist and that has gradually led to this level of stupidity: first the migrants, now lining up to be a nuclear target.

    Russia, or anyone else, had no plans to invade Sweden. That is cockamamie idiotic, the Swedes pretending that they fear the Russian invasion simply lied. To summarize: if it goes boom, Vienna will be safe and Stockholm will glow.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
    , @sudden death
  6. @YetAnotherAnon

    Simple rule of thumb: whoever could predict at least half of Putin’s picks has a right to have an opinion. Everybody else should feel ashamed and keep mum. However, if people followed that rule, this blog would be less than 10% of its current size. Bad for business.

  7. @Beckow

    if it goes boom, Vienna will be safe and Stockholm will glow.

    There is so much water in Stockholm that it will more likely be covered with steam than glow. Vienna will likely remain safe.

    But I don’t think the cities will be targeted, at least not in the first wave. Military bases will evaporate in the first 30-40 minutes.

    • Replies: @QCIC

    Russia claims its forces have now entered the border town of Vovchansk, which Ukraine disputes.

    The town has come under heavy bombing in recent days, and several thousand residents have been evacuated.

    Denys wants to know what happened to Ukraine’s defences.

    “There was no first line of defence. We saw it. The Russians just walked in. They just walked in, without any mined fields” he says.

    He shows me video from a drone feed taken a few days ago of small columns of Russian troops simply walking across the border, unopposed.

    He says officials had claimed that defences were being built at huge cost, but in his view, those defences simply weren’t there. “Either it was an act of negligence, or corruption. It wasn’t a failure. It was a betrayal”.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
    , @LatW
  9. @YetAnotherAnon

    It was a betrayal

    You are too hard on them. Ukies say that stealing is patriotic: when Putin comes, everything is already stolen.

  10. River Tisza is part of the border between Ukraine and Hungary. The body of the 29th (since the beginning of Russian SMO in Ukraine) drowned would-be draft dodger was just fished out of it. Looks like Ukies cannot do anything right, even dodge the draft.

  11. QCIC says:

    The Swedish position is interesting. By asking for nuclear weapons they are hinting that NATO article 5 combined with Russia-USA MAD is not enough to protect them. So they want tactical nukes to support some sort of tactical MAD standoff. The Cold War showed this was probably a bad idea.

    I think the US still has nuclear weapons in a number of NATO countries so it doesn’t change much.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
  12. LatW says:

    It was difficult to build defensive lines if there was heavy fire. The lesson here is that these need to be built in advance – they needed to be built 2 years ago (it’s just that it’s a large area).

  13. Beckow says:

    …Looks like Ukies cannot do anything right, even dodge the draft.

    Tisza a is a big river – and it is late spring with peak water flow. At the confluence of Danube and Tisza it is not clear which river is the tributary. Danube got the honor, but it could have been the other way.

    The psychological state of the Ukie draftees must be pretty bad – imagine being sent to a very likely death by a few slippery city hustlers who have no intention to risk anything themselves. And the Westie cheerleaders yelling “more dead! go and die for your country…the orcs will eat you otherwise…

    And why? So Nato could expand to Ukraine. I have no idea how the survivors will explain it. I suspect it will be deep-sixed like the Corona fiasco…

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
  14. LatW says:

    Hey Coconuts (from the previous thread):

    [Kojeve] was important in the French revival of Hegelianism after WW2 that fed into ‘French Theory’, Foucault etc. One of the most influential parts of his lectures on Hegel in the 1930s was the extensive discussion he provided of Hegel’s ‘dialectic of the Master and the Slave’.

    Well, most Marxists draw heavily from Hegel – both the history and the dialectic part. So would have to read him to see exactly what he brought forward and what his reading was. But this guy is a bit strange… yes, he is very influential (he was around the crème de la crème – Bataille, Lacan, even Karl Jaspers, so he was close with several big ones). Wonder what prompted him to move to France… read a short essay by him called “Colonialism from the European perspective” and in that one he goes on and on about the much richer Euro-American global minority and the Asian-African majority and mentions that the latter will spread significantly.

    Yea, it’s interesting how all these Marxists and Stalinists always end up staying in the capitalist West…

    This is what Roger Scruton said about him:

    In a commentary on Francis Fukuyama’s The End of History and the Last Man, the traditionalist conservative thinker Roger Scruton calls Kojève “a life-hating Russian at heart, a self-declared Stalinist, and a civil servant who played a leading behind-the-scenes role in establishing both the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the European Economic Community” and states his opinion that Kojève was “a dangerous psychopath”.

    Full name is Kozhevnikov.

    I’ll try to answer the rest of your post a bit later, don’t know enough about the other guy but not surprisingly he’s a Nietzschean.

    • Replies: @Coconuts
  15. @Beckow

    Tisza a is a big river – and it is late spring with peak water flow. At the confluence of Danube and Tisza it is not clear which river is the tributary. Danube got the honor, but it could have been the other way.

    I never saw Tisza. Saw Danube only in Passau, where different colored rivers join (pretty picturesque) and in Budapest. Danube looked a lot smaller than Volga, not to mention Amazon river, even smaller than Tennessee river in Southern Tennessee. Maybe will see lower Danube someday, maybe not (the world is big and wonderful, while I am no longer young; I’ve been to most European countries, and Europe today is way down on my “to see” list; if European madness persists, I won’t go there again).

    • Replies: @Beckow
  16. What has become blatantly obvious now for those in the middle-east is that the thorn of Israel has to be removed and all American bases must also be cast to the wind.

    The economic woes Turkey is now feeling will be due to the Zionist in response to the temerity that Erdogon showed in his sanction move.

    Arab states will always be walking on eggshells if they allow foreigners to decide, from afar, what they should or shouldn’t do or think. The Arab people will be forever in a thought prison.

    Sooner or later the Arabs must free themselves from the overseer from afar, to progress as a region…as a people they have to break the fetters …that means the gilded fetters as well as the wrought iron ones.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    , @A123
    , @ShortOnTime
  17. Mr. XYZ says:

    Immigration appears to be working out relatively well for Britain, other than the radical Muslims and knife-wielding blacks:

    • Replies: @Coconuts
    , @ShortOnTime
  18. Mr. XYZ says:

    Question about Turkey: Why doesn’t it opt to increase immigration from other Muslim countries? Is it because it is already full of Syrians and thus overwhelmed?

    Back in 2013, most immigrants to Turkey were either from Europe (a lot of Turks, presumably?) or from Azerbaijan:

    The Muslim world apparently doesn’t send very many immigrants over to Turkey, other than Syrians, post-2013.

  19. Mr. XYZ says:

    Sweden only wants nuclear weapons in the event of an actual war against Russia, no? So, if Russia doesn’t start any wars with NATO, then it won’t be seeing nuclear weapons be placed in Sweden. How nice!

    • Replies: @QCIC
  20. A123 says: • Website

    What has become blatantly obvious now for those in the middle-east is that the thorn of Israel has to be removed

    It has been blatantly obvious for some time that nuclear armed, indigenous Palestinian Jews cannot be removed without a global scale catastrophe.

    Can homo sapiens survive as a species after 250-500 thermonuclear blasts scatter fallout over the entire planet? Even if you think the answer is “yes”, do you want to take the tail risk that you might be wrong?

    The economic woes Turkey is now feeling will be due to the Zionist in response to the temerity that Erdogon showed in his sanction move.

    Erdogan pushed Türkiye into economic woe long before the latest moves.

    The trade numbers are less than 5% both ways. Erdogan’s pro-genocide sanctions are mildly distressing, but minimally relevant. There is unlikely to be any significant response.

    Sooner or later the Arabs must free themselves from the overseer from afar

    If Arabs want to keep their non-Palestinian religion in Arabia and Persia they could easily “free themselves”. The problem is that pro-genocide Arabs & Persians want to export their cult to Palestine, Europe, and all infidel lands. Judeo-Christians do not want to be contaminated by false Arabian prophets.

    It all comes back to this self evident truth:

        Islamic Colonies are the Problem.
    Muslim Decolonization is the Answer.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
  21. LatW says:

    Can homo sapiens survive as a species after 250-500 thermonuclear blasts scatter fallout over the entire planet?

    How do you know they have that many warheads?

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    , @A123
    , @QCIC
  22. @A123

    The Samson option is horse shit.

    If the Jews in Israel did that the rest of humanity would erase all Jews from the planet earth.

    Think. I know that is difficult for you.

    • Replies: @A123
  23. @LatW

    Can homo sapiens survive as a species after 250-500 thermonuclear blasts scatter fallout over the entire planet?

    How do you know they have that many warheads?

    And the naive statement of the month goes to a Putin defender.

    What a surprise.

    • Replies: @Mikel
  24. A123 says: • Website
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Think. I know that is difficult for you.

    Do you really believe that you can genocide indigenous Palestinian Jews without starting the Samson Option? It has been blatantly obvious for some time that Palestinian Jews will do their best to end their enemies on they way out.

    Your horse shit is totally unbelievable. And, when spread, it is not even good fertilizer. Have you considered being less unhinged crazy?

    PEACE 😇


    Putin appears to be launching an offensive before the US weapons arrive.

    Can’t say I am surprised.

    Johnson held out at long as he could on Ukraine aid. Trump had to straighten out the rapture weasel at his mansion.

    Boy Putin must be frustrated. I’m sure he was hoping that Johnson could hold out to the election and then Trump would back off.

    Well that is out.

    Time to die for dictator.

  26. songbird says:

    Don’t recall hearing these tapes of Billy Graham speaking to Nixon about the Synagogue of Satan before.

    Are they authentic?


  27. A123 says: • Website

    Can homo sapiens survive as a species after 250-500 thermonuclear blasts scatter fallout over the entire planet?

    How do you know they have that many warheads?

    Former President Carter went off script and publicly “spilled the beans” back in 2014. (1)

    In a recent interview with MSNBC, Carter not only declared his absolute opposition to any attack on Iran, he also said that Israel had a stock of nuclear weapons of its own.

    “Israel has, what, 300 or more, nobody knows exactly how many,” Carter said. “And I know that every Iranian realizes that if they should try to use a nuclear weapon, Iran would be wiped off the face of the earth, which I think is so ridiculous, a self-destructive decision, that they would not do it.”

    So called “experts” keep trying to declare that Israel that has less than 100, but they are not very believable. Unless Israeli breeder reactors are exceedingly inefficient (highly implausible), 250 is quite conservative as a minimum.

    PEACE 😇


    • Replies: @QCIC
  28. QCIC says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    If NATO didn’t want a war with Russia it would not have meddled in Ukraine, expanded to the Russian border and supported the USA dropping out of nuclear arms control treaties and emplacing missile sites close to the Russian sphere of interest. This is not complicated, those moves tell a simple unambiguous story: NATO is poised aggressively to break Russian sovereignty and started a war in Ukraine to achieve this goal. All the NATO leaders who supported this extremely dangerous long standing policy should be arrested and tried for treason against their own citizens.

    The Prime Minister of Sweden discussing the basing of nuclear weapons in his country is unnecessarily provocative, so he is an idiot. I guess he came from the Sanna Marin school of retard statesmanship.

    • Agree: Mikhail
    • Replies: @Beckow
  29. Beckow says:

    Danube is bigger than Rhine or Elbe but not too wide. It is generally impossible to swim across (I have tried), the current is too strong and most people end up a few hundred metres downstream on the same side. Tisza is about the same width but the current is slower, it is a flatter river. The poor draft dodgers probably had no chance, you need a good boat.

    The best way is to walk through the mountains, there are a number of hilly areas that are passable. I don’t know how well guarded, but in the summer the vegetation is very thick and one should be able to get through. Smaller groups of 2-3 people have best chance.

    I saw the Territorials (draftees) north of Kharkov surrendered or run away. Maybe self-preservation is kicking in. But it is madness, we seem to do it every two or three generations no matter what.

  30. QCIC says:

    The radioactive fallout is the least of our problems, assuming cobalt warheads are not used. Much more fallout was released into the atmosphere in the 1950’s.

    A 250 warhead strike/exchange would probably destroy world commerce and agriculture. My guess is 90% of the world population would die of starvation in five years.

    It is widely believed Israel has a lot of warheads based on published information. They have full access to Western and Soviet technology so there is little reason to doubt the numbers.

    A nuclear exchange between the USA and Russia due to Western brinksmanship leading to unintentional, rapid and uncontrolled escalation is much more likely.

    • Replies: @LatW
  31. Beckow says:

    …those moves tell a simple unambiguous story: NATO is poised aggressively to break Russian sovereignty and started a war in Ukraine to achieve this goal.

    Precisely. Why the idiots felt the need to do it will be discussed for decades, but the fact that Nato was doing it is so obvious that only complete liars would try to deny it. But they needed dumb or bought Ukies to go for it and they found enough.

    I don’t think they ever thought they can win the war against Russia in that region (only a few morons believed that), so the goal was to bluff Russia hoping that Russia would sit back and let it happen – or more likely the goal was what we are seeing: to bloody Ukies and Russians, sit back and laugh. These are some seriously disturbed people.

    • Replies: @QCIC
  32. @songbird

    Yes. That is the Rev Graham and POTUS Nixon fussing about Jews. This goes way back. Billy Graham and Richard Nixon are from a time long gone. Compared to these fat retards we got now they were Lee and Grant.

    Billy Graham was from North Carolina but his big donors were Los Angeles. He learned about Hollywood Jews real fast. Nixon’s big backers also were Los Angeles.

    • Replies: @songbird
  33. QCIC says:

    The same “experts” claim China has 500 nuclear weapons. LOL.

    • Replies: @A123
  34. LatW says:

    Well, Israel would hit targets in the Middle East and possibly not all of those at once. Which of course would be bad enough but not sure 90% of the world population would starve.

    A nuclear exchange between the USA and Russia due to Western brinksmanship leading to unintentional, rapid and uncontrolled escalation is much more likely.

    The US (and to some extent Russia as well) had a somewhat undeserved privilege to stash nukes since 1945. If it wasn’t for these Yalta type arrangements (which were forced on everyone else), nukes would’ve proliferated. Nuclear states attacking and destroying large non-nuclear states and nations was not part of the deal… thus the Swedish Prime Minister’s words.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    , @YetAnotherAnon
  35. LatW says:

    What is puzzling about the upcoming Peace conference for Ukraine is… what has been the preparation? Usually before such large meetings they prepare some positions in advance. It’s only about a month away and there is not that much clarity (except that the battlefield looks a bit like a dead end).

    Where will they find the peace guarantors (obviously some larger participating countries) but what means do they have to guarantee anything? If they allow to partition Ukraine, how are they planning to guarantee the principle of “territorial integrity” going forward?

    • Agree: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @QCIC
    , @Greasy William
  36. A123 says: • Website

    The same “experts” claim China has 500 nuclear weapons. LOL.

    There is a genuine analysis issue:

    • How much plutonium do they have?
    • How many weapons?

    A country like Israel will weaponize near 100%, so one can make rough estimates.

    The CCP really likes control. Whether legitimate or paranoia, the central party is concerned about misbehaviour by subordinate military and regional groups. Having fewer weapons makes them easier to keep track of. It is quite plausible that the CCP has non-weaponized plutonium “on the shelf” and thus many fewer warheads.

    PEACE 😇

  37. songbird says:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Believe Billy Graham met with every president up through Obama. Surprised he wasn’t cancelled after the release of the tapes. They cancelled Watson, and he was pretty old.

  38. QCIC says:

    I have accepted that Western leaders intentionally started a war against Russia and fully believed they could win it, at least well enough to bring down the Russian government and take over the system. I do not understand how they could avoid nuclear war in this process, but I assume there is some rationale. Apparently the Russians saved themselves (maybe all of us) by responding just hard enough to stun and confuse the Western military schemers and undermine their battle plans. This happened first in Crimea in 2014 and next in Ukraine in 2022.

    The Russian military was significantly weaker in 2014, especially the conventional forces. The economy was weaker and more connected to the West at that time.

    Alternatively, the West may have thought they could create the war we have now and simply prevail by taking over Ukraine, adding it to NATO and putting bases on the border with no short term plan for Russia. There may be mutually agreed upon treaties or “rules” which make it unlikely that this sort of conflict automatically escalates to nuclear weapons. For some reason NATO did not go “all in” and Russia tripped up this plan and confounded everyone by fighting a very slow war which works in her favor.

    • Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  39. Bashibuzuk says:

    It’s a proxy war between China and the Atlanticists. Think of it as the Spanish Civil War. The real thing should start in a few years. Both sides need RusFed ressources and territory, both want to prevent the opponent to dominate Eurasia. If China and the Atlanticists become kinetic, we better be prepped. Cause then the probability of it going nuclear and strategic would be very high, much higher than in the confrontation between the Atlanticists and the RusFed.

  40. QCIC says:

    They may be planning to shut down the entire Western project at this meeting. The less they say, the fewer lies there are to trip them up. I wonder if they invited Kolomoisky? Maybe Mossad will announce they are joining with the SVR/FSB to hunt down NeoNazis in Ukraine.

    Once it sinks in with enough Western planners that Ukraine is lost to Russia, things will change. How will the West spin this? For the most part they will just walk away and leave a big mess on the border for Poland and Romania. Yet they still need some face saving story for midwits. They will also try to salt the earth (culturally) in Ukraine with whatever problems they can dream up.

    There may some fear over repercussions due to Nordstream since this was unprecedented. My hunch is the West will end up paying refunds or even reparations to Russia, possibly in the form of rebuilding loans to Ukraine or something equally ridiculous.

    • LOL: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @John Johnson
    , @AnonfromTN
  41. QCIC says:

    To me the driving force seems more like simple hatred of Russia and less about resources. I think the big resource battles are for food and fission fuel (Uranium/Thorium). Russia does have those, but the country is so far North they are like a consolation prize.

    If these world level control creeps want food and resources why don’t they just wipe out the Africans and take the whole continent? I think the answer is there is no animus against the Africans which takes all the fun out of it.

    Players gotta play, haters gotta hate.

    The Earth has plenty of all resources. The cost and price scales of most items are set by human forces, not natural scarcity. In real terms there are no significant, absolute natural resource shortages except for good food. Even that can probably be addressed by nuclear power.

    • Replies: @YetAnotherAnon
  42. Mr. XYZ says:×4096

    Spend 15 minutes talking to Candace Owens or spend that money on a smart egg donor and Mexican surrogate. Hard choice lol!

  43. Wokechoke says:

    Rename Columbia back to its native name. Get rid of the Castilian bootlicker coloniser from Genoa. Call it by its name, King’s College, New York. Build an Equestrian statue of Charles III to honor the memory of the indigenous Anglo Saxons who founded the institution!

    Monarchist Reactionary Lives Matter!

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
  44. Mr. XYZ says:

    Off-topic, but alternate history question about China for you: What are the odds of China getting partitioned in the 1910s by the Great Powers without WWI once China descends into warlordism? Or, alternatively, would the Great Powers do an intervention to restore order in China but prefer to keep China intact and under the control of some kind of obedient puppet government that would actually be acceptable to all of the Great Powers?

    • Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  45. Mr. XYZ says:

    Charles III is quite solid. As Crown Prince, he fantasized about being Camilla’s tampon:

    In 1993, the British press published the full transcript of a private conversation between then-Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles in which the two had an intimate and sexual exchange. The conversation was notable for a number of reasons, not least of which because it involved the heir to the throne saying that he would like to “live inside [her] trousers” and joking that he would be reincarnated as a tampon, hence the name of the scandal. (Some publications referred to the incident by the name “Camillagate,” which has a more sexist connotation because it places the blame on just the woman involved.) Charles and his now-wife and queen consort Camilla were both married to other people at the time. The transcript not only confirmed Princess Diana’s claims that Charles had been cheating on her but threw gasoline on Charles and Diana’s already contentious separation.

  46. @songbird

    Don’t recall hearing these tapes of Billy Graham speaking to Nixon about the Synagogue of Satan before.

    Are they authentic?

    They are authentic and that is old news.

    Nixon was a racial realist. He recorded all kinds of phone calls under the belief that only he would have access to them.

    He also expanded Affirmative Action beyond what the Democrats requested. Strange but true.

    He did not believe in racial equality but took a mixed liberal/Con Inc view that conservatives should lie about race and use the Federal government to create a Black middle class.

    That is all verifiable. The real mystery is the MLK tape. Even Trump decided to keep it sealed.

    It could possibly be a recorded rape or him having gay sex. He is already on tape s-cking dick.

    • Replies: @songbird
    , @Mr. Hack
  47. @QCIC

    Do you believe the DPR/LPR deserve the autonomy they were promised by aligning themselves with Russia?

    • Replies: @QCIC
  48. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    That’s a question for Bromance or Blinky (Noviop Coprosperity), they are way more knowledgeable than I am about the Chinese/Far Eastern stuff.

    All I know is:

  49. Mikhail says: • Website

    China isn’t arming Russia like the situation during the Spanish Civil War with the Soviets and Nazis. China didn’t provoke a Kiev regime-Russia conflict much unlike the collective West. If anything, China was hoping for a peaceful Russia-Ukraine situation to better enable the Belt and Road Initiative. It’s collective West elements emphasizing parallels between Russia-Kiev regime and China-Taiwan.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
  50. @Bashibuzuk

    You are being dishonest.

    Soviets sent an “volunteer” air force to China against Japan.

    Soviets backed KMT with a secret weapons program against Japan

    Just like the “volunteer” air force Soviet sent to SpainОперация_X

    Has PRC done anything similar to back Russia, to use it as a proxy?

    • Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  51. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    I have answered this question twice before, but apparently you did not understand my response. I don’t speak Russian so these are simply my opinions offered with some detail.

    If you pretend this is a yes/no question: I think they do not ‘deserve it’, but they will receive it in the fullness of time.


    — I don’t think these regions ‘aligned themselves’ with Russia the way you imply. I think most of these people consider themselves Russian, despite meddling from the West and Kiev. I don’t think their alignment with Russia was contingent on any particular good deal which is what you seem to imply. In other words, they were not doing a calculation of “Well Moscow blew it, I guess we will stick with the Kiev bunch even though they plan to murder us.” I think DPR/LPR politicians naturally sought the best possible terms to rejoin the Russian country. This includes some hopes for autonomy which I assume they would gladly trade for protection against NATO and Kiev.

    — When you live on the battleground of a world war which the West brought to your home what you are promised literally means nothing. You are lucky to live. Not good, but that’s life.

    — I think the regional economy was based a lot on steel and coal industries the importance of which has faded greatly due to the rise of China. The people probably hope for some special status or handouts to make up for this. This is understandable, maybe it will work out for them.

    — I think Russia intends to ultimately give DPR/LPR some political status de facto similar to what they were promised. I do not expect this will be worked out in less than five years and don’t worry about it too much. It is one of the least important issues you have raised which is saying a lot.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  52. QCIC says:

    Israel’s Samson Option is reportedly a form of Mutually Assured Destruction intended to hold the West hostage for Israel’s security, so her nukes are equally directed at Western capitals as much as at pissant Islamic countries. The notion is the West must suppress Islamic countries to protect Israel so that Israel doesn’t nuke the West. Who knows if this is true, but it has a very Jewish ring to it. Even if fictitious, it is so crazy only a Jewish writer could have made it up!

    The flaw in this strategy is that many more powerful Jews live in those western capitals than in Israel so it is counter-productive. It is just weird. I think the hard core Israelis could easily nuke Iran, Saud and Pakistan and sleep soundly and get away with it. They don’t do this because they would rather have them alive and kvetch. None of the other nuclear weapons states would retaliate against Israel which shows us how strange the world really is.

    • Replies: @LatW
    , @A123
  53. Mr. XYZ says:

    An Israeli amateur political observer on Twitter thinks that if Benny Gantz will become Israel’s PM, he will try for a two-state solution and fail like Ehud Olmert previously did:

    I agree that Gantz is likely to try for this if he becomes Israel’s PM, but I’m less sure that he will actually fail due to the fact that Olmert in large part failed because he was forced to leave office as a result of corruption allegations before he could finish the job. So, so long as Gantz doesn’t stick his hand in the honey pot, his odds should be better than Olmert’s in regards to this, perhaps even much better.

    I don’t care if the future Palestinian state will be an Israeli puppet/satellite state just so long as it will be able to prosper and (non-terrorist) Palestinians will have dignified lives over there.

    • Replies: @Derer
    , @A123
  54. LatW says:

    Israel’s Samson Option is reportedly a form of Mutually Assured Destruction intended to hold the West hostage for Israel’s security, so her nukes are equally directed at Western capitals as much as at pissant Islamic countries

    Who reported about this or where was it reported?

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  55. Derer says:
    @sudden death

    Sorry to inform you Sweden is finished being a peaceful European country, their ruling elite allowed an influx of non-European to that homogeneous country against the wishes of its population. Having nuclear weapons on their territory means target of nuclear assault. Complete opposite of intended protection by nuclear weapons. NATO in Ukraine means nuclear WWIII. Nuclear powers must respect each other sphere of influence i.e. Ukraine vs Mexico.

  56. Derer says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    The veto on two state solution is coming from Israel. The Israel ambition to annex Palestine would be hindered by two state solution.

  57. Coconuts says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    I don’t know, overall GDP is up but GDP per person is down so people are getting poorer. The performance of public services is also worsening. There was a recent report drawing attention to some of these issues:

    Due to the importation of CRT style attitudes to race combined with weaker protections of freedom of speech, open discussion of the issue isn’t really possible in Britain. Discussion is weighted in favour of immigration boosterism due to fear that if immigration isn’t presented in a maximally favourable way a new version of the mid-century German regime will arise and ethnic cleansing will begin.

    There was a similar taboo around discussion of the demographic issue, but that seems in practice to be weaker.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
  58. Coconuts says:

    But this guy is a bit strange… yes, he is very influential (he was around the crème de la crème – Bataille, Lacan, even Karl Jaspers, so he was close with several big ones).

    He is, another interesting thing he wrote was a study on ‘The Notion of Authority’, this was for the Vichy regime during the war. So far I don’t know enough about him to understand how it all fits together.

    I think when I have time I am going to re-read the lectures on Hegel concerning the master-slave dialectic and Hegel on Christianity and the history of religion, I’m interested to see what he says now.

    I’ll try to answer the rest of your post a bit later, don’t know enough about the other guy but not surprisingly he’s a Nietzschean.

    I was reading this the other night, I think he has quite an unusual take on Nietzsche, it’s possibly due to him looking at it from the sociology/political science angle.

  59. Wokechoke says:

    Martin Levi Van Creveld an influential Jewish academic in the Military History and Security Studies field in Israel and US university system discussed it at length. I should add it was articulated as a veiled threat to nuke Rome by the professor.

    “We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets of our air force.” —van Creveld

    Lawrence Freeman at King’s College London War Studies department has also discussed this scenario openly in lecture, but he’d never write it down.

    • Replies: @QCIC
  60. A123 says: • Website

    Israel’s Samson Option is reportedly a form of Mutually Assured Destruction intended to hold the West hostage for Israel’s security, so her nukes are equally directed at Western capitals
    The flaw in this strategy is that many more powerful Jews live in those western capitals than in Israel so it is counter-productive.

    What? Who came up with this crazy non-option that obviously does not exist?

    Israel’s Samson Option is akin to the U.S. doctrine of “Use it. Or, lose it.” They will expend 100% of their arsenal on Muslim aggressors before going down.

    It has nothing to do with western capitols. Why would Palestinian Jews waste ordinance in such a manner? You correctly point out that it makes no sense.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  61. Bashibuzuk says:
    @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms

    You are being dishonest

    Do you consider dishonest anyone who sees things in a different light ?

  62. A123 says: • Website
    @Mr. XYZ

    the future Palestinian state … will be able to prosper and (non-terrorist) Palestinians will have dignified lives over there.

    How would any proposed prosperity solution deal with this vexing combination? The Muslim colonies in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza have:

    • Insufficient natural resources for their existing population. Worse in Gaza, but also a serious limit in Judea & Samaria.
    • A very young age distribution, which implies rapid population growth in the near term.

    No one in the region has abundant resources to sell. Unless there is some incredible technical breakthrough, I do not see an path to prosperity.

    if Benny Gantz will become Israel’s PM, he will try for a two-state solution

    His people see the above problem. So, it is highly unlikely that an attempt will be made. Realistically, uncontrolled Muslim population growth is a critical threat. And, Israel’s only available response is continuing existing security measures.

    Gantz may say things in a manner that is more pleasant sounding to Globalist leaders. However, he has no levers to change the underlying instability.

    Any true solution has to come from the Global Muslim community that will have to commit to; Endless funds to prop up an over populated & under resourced “state”, and/or; Accepting significant Muslim departures from Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. They are clearly not willing to even discuss either of these options, so the status quo will inevitably continue.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Gerard1234
    , @Mr. XYZ
  63. @Mr_Chow_Mein

    Zionist in response to the temerity that Erdogon showed in his sanction move.


    It’s harder to think of a more unreliable and untrustworthy politician in the entire world than Erdogan (now there’s the strange claim Turkey is treating 1,000 Hamas members in its hospitals).

    If you bothered to research this issue or even think about it from knowing anything about Erdogan and Turkey, you’d realize that the “sanction move” was only partial and not complete, and that it was above all most likely a reaction to Erdogan’s party suffering a major setback in the Istanbul elections recently.

    It’s things like this which make this entire conflict over Gaza and Palestine such a clown show lol (not for the civilians and fighters in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel-Lebanon border from all sides though).

    Look at some of the leading public influencers for Israel like the UN ambassador, Rabbi Schmuley and that son of a Hamas founder lol.

    What’s really muddying the waters from an easy prediction of Israel winning with its overwhelming military superiority over Gaza is the murky politics around this conflict.

    American elections (the real or fake backing down on absolute and unconditional military support to Israel?), whether Israel’s governing coalition holds with Netanyahu in power, and the extent of economic damage Israel is undergoing from embargoes with Erdogan’s antics only coming in much later in terms of relevance.

    Still, it looks like Israel is delivering the killer blow in Rafah in real-time and that things will unfold as programmed with the European weaklings and losers taking in the vast majority of 2 million Palestinians from Gaza.

    The true indicator is to wait for the outcome in Gaza by December 2024 since not only are American elections in November 2024, but far more importantly, the 1 year timestamp since Israel started assaulting Gaza will have passed by then. If Israel can’t fully conquer Gaza by then (mopping up some possibly remaining Hamas pockets is a different matter), only then can it be truly said that Israel really lost. Sieges that last longer than 1 year have a low track record of success for attackers (Siege of Leningrad WW2 vs 1453 Siege of Constantinople for example).

  64. songbird says:
    @John Johnson

    They are authentic and that is old news.

    Was talking about Graham specifically. Recall hearing ones with Moynihan, Ziegler, and Haldeman.

    The real mystery is the MLK tape.

    It is a measure of how evil the US regime is that school kids are forced to worship him.
    I think in time, his holiday will be transformed into a day to celebrate some other PoC, possibly a Mexican.

    Never heard of him being gay, but it wouldn’t surprise me if that was key to some financial or political support. The most taboo tapes would probably deal with his backers. Based on what has been told about other black celebrities, like rappers, it is not entirely unlikely that there was some aspect like that.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
  65. @AnonfromTN


    Not following too closely, but what are the instances of self-inflicted gunshot wounds and fragging in the AFU?

    It has an eerie reminiscence to Vietnam, except that it would be more accurate to compare the AFU to the ARVN instead of the US military. Not like the ARVN was known for high morale or avoiding coercive and draconian measures though, especially in the last few years of the Vietnam war.

    Looking at all these pro-Ukraine lunatics does give a perspective on what many of the South Vietnam enthusiasts were probably like in hindsight.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
  66. Mr. Hack says:
    @John Johnson

    Who is he “him”in the MLK tapes? What does MLK stand for?

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
  67. Mr. Hack says:
    @Mr. Hack

    Martin Luther King tapes – MLK. Got it.

  68. @Mr. XYZ

    Immigration appears to be working out relatively well for Britain, other than the radical Muslims and knife-wielding blacks:

    Is this an implicit and sarcastic admission that your particular ethno-religious community has pursued misguided and wrong policy on mass immigration from certain locations?

    To be fair, this issue is somewhat more complicated (economics and neo-liberal ideology) than a particular ethno-religious community insisting on it, but that’s been a significant part of it.

    Imo, one can say whatever about that certain ethno-religious community and its nation-state homeland, but this “decolonization” and DEI ideology is a declaration of war on everybody with white skin, whether they like it or not. In this sense, undoing the banning and marginalization of Jared Taylor is long overdue, since even if it’s not much, he’s managed to achieve limited but definite results in reversing DEI funding in certain instances.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
  69. QCIC says:

    Thanks. I did not have a specific reference.

  70. Mr. Hack says:

    Well, besides a lot of saber rattling, China has managed to not invade Taiwan. After watching Russia seriously shoot itself and others in the feet, I think that China will scrap these plans, at least for now, and kick them down the road. After all, producing and selling TV’s, computers, cars and other electronic items to the West, isn’t such a bad deal. Getting oil and natural gas at rock bottom prices isn’t bad either, especially if you can finish the production of oil into gasoline and resell it to the world at market prices. 🙂

    • Disagree: Mikhail
    • Replies: @Mikhail
  71. @Beckow

    if it goes boom, Vienna will be safe

    Reminder that despite being a capital of neutral country, city of Vienna was continuously in Soviet target as destined for merciless nuclear devastation, so knowing that essentially Sovok boomer gang is still in power at Kremlin, quite likely nothing has changed at inherited contingency targeting/planning either;)

    • Replies: @Beckow
  72. Mr. Hack says:

    I think in time, his holiday will be transformed into a day to celebrate some other PoC, possibly a Mexican.

    Yeah, I think that it’s high time that we put some diversity back into diversity too. After all, we all know who is the “most interesting man in the world”. One of the the richest men in the world is a Mexican too.

    I live, work and socialize with Mexican Americans. I’m finding new Mexican culinary delights every day. I’ve developed my own guacamole dishes. They’re a wonderful addition to the American mosaic. Contrary to what Beckow has stated, many of their women are quite beautiful, intelligent and engaging.

    • Replies: @songbird
  73. In addition, here’s an excellent interview by Prof. Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University on some of these ongoing political developments, including the high-profile Gaza protests at his own academic institution.

    There is most certainly coordination between the genocidal maniacs in Israel and their Jewish brethren in the US: the Israelis knew that their massacre of Palestinians would cause outrage in the Woke Golem that the US Jews created, and that this would be the signal for Power Jews to further their messianic goals. It’s a coordinated one-two punch to the gut of America and the world. The diabolical plan was to Provoke the Woke into causing havoc, which they inevitably did, and then use the excuse of punishing these college protesters to punish the whole damn country. How? By passing these draconian (or should it be “Jewconian”) laws which will eventually prohibit and punish mercilessly anyone for criticism of Jews or Israel (see the Antisemitism Awareness Act). With these new laws, what the Jews are doing is gutting the US constitution and eviscerating the soul of America itself.

    Let’s think a few steps ahead. What will be the effect of such outrageous legislation? Well, even MORE outrage, of course — and that is also part of the plan. Who is there to lead the goy into such righteous outrage? Professor Jeffrey Sachs to the rescue! Sachs is a leading outrager, a rageleader, leading his own Columbia students into a seething white hate (pun intended). Just look how he rages in his interview with Napolitano! Well, as close as a mild-mannered Jewish professor can come to raging, I guess:

    And then this concoction that this is about anti-Semitism—give me a break. I’m a Jewish professor at Columbia University. This is not about anti-Semitism. This is about a slaughter that is taking place in Gaza right now, and the American people don’t like it. They don’t like our complicity in it, and they are protesting it.

    Oh, Lord, the Jewish professor doth protest too much, methinks. But let’s delve a little deeper into some of the strongest language — sheer outrage! — that Sachs has ever used:


    Sachs: We are on a war path. What are we possibly thinking? … This is a kind of madness right now that is leading us closer to doom than we can recall in our modern times. … The only mode we know is to attack and complain and say, “You’re an axis of evil, and you have to do what we say, and we get to write the sanctions, we get to write the rules.” … We are on a path to World War III right now. Nothing is explained, nothing is told to us, and we have no choices. We’re not offered any choices. The CIA comes in, does the briefings, and off we go to military escalation.

    Wow, “war path”, “madness”, “closer to doom”, “path to WWIII”! Are those strong words for a mild-mannered professor or are they not? Are they not the words of one of the leading outragers of our time? What is your ambition with all this righteousness, professor? Canonization, perhaps? St. Jeffrey Sachs! These words are obviously oh so sincere, from one of Soros’ “friends”, one of the architects of “shock therapy”, one of the Harvard Boys who engineered The Rape of Russia which killed millions of Russians. We shouldn’t suspect nothin’ from Sachs but the best of intentions, right? He’s probably been rehabilitaded, by the love of God Almighty.

    Tell me something, professor: who is pushing us onto the “path to WWIII”. The “CIA”, you say? What is that? The Cohen Infiltration Agency? I wonder why these harmless Cohens would want to push the whole world into utter chaos and annihilation. Could that have been foreseen as well? Let’s look in the Protocols:

    We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbours of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbours should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.

    A “universal war”! That sounds awfully like what you’re saying about WWIII, does it not professor? But let’s see what else the dear professor says in this interview and try to dissect what he really means:

    Well, it’s a little bit like the McCarthy era, where everybody’s afraid of the Israel lobby, everybody is afraid of Congress, which is afraid of the Israel lobby, and everybody is afraid of stepping out of line. No one wants to talk. The administrators are absolutely groveling in front of demagogic Congresspeople and donors to the campaigns of these Congresspeople and to the universities. We’re just seeing a rather brute exercise of power at play. But it’s shocking. It’s as if there are no norms.

    So, Professor Sachs, what the authorities fear is the “Israel Lobby”, huh? No, professor! What the people fear are The Jews. And this is also exactly as has been planned for a long time: to strike absolute fear in the heart of the goyim. This is what the Jews want as stated clearly in the Protocols:

    Our authority will be glorious because it will be all-powerful, will rule and guide, and not muddle along after leaders and orators shrieking themselves hoarse with senseless words which they call great principles and which are nothing else, to speak honestly, but utopian … The aureole of this authority will inspire a mystical bowing of the knee before it and a reverent fear before it of all the peoples. True force makes no terms with any right, not even with that of God: none dare come near to it so as to take so much as a span from it away.

    Doesn’t that strike fear into your heart, Professor? Are you beginning to understand what True Power means? It means that the goys will not merely be “afraid”, professor, but that they will kneel before Jewish Power in Reverent Fear. Do you understand the difference? Are you aware that you are just whitewashing the awesome terror of the present situation, Professor? The Protocols spit in our face as it clearly states where this terror comes from: “It is from us that the all-engulfing terror proceeds.”

    So enough of all these professorial euphemisms, professor. You say that what we are witnessing is “the transformation of the American Republic into the American Empire”? Hogwash! What we are witnessing is The Great Unmasking. What we are witnessing is the dawn of the Overt Reign of Terror of the Judaic Empire. The fact that the “masks are coming off in America”, as Unz observes in a recent article, is not just some fluke, some kind of unintended consequence. The “coming out” moment of Jewish Power is precisely as you have described it, professor: “We’re just seeing a rather brute exercise of power at play. But it’s shocking. It’s as if there are no norms.” Let’s compare your words to the Protocols:

    For us there are no checks to limit the range of our activity. Our Super-Government subsists in extra-legal conditions which are described in the accepted terminology by the energetic and forcible word – Dictatorship.
    I am in a position to tell you with a clear conscience that at the proper time we, the lawgivers, shall execute judgement and sentence, we shall slay and we shall spare, we, as head of all our troops, are mounted on the steed of the leader. We rule by force of will, because in our hands are the fragments of a once powerful party, now vanquished by us. And the weapons in our hands are limitless ambitions, burning greediness, merciless vengeance, hatreds and malice.

    So you see, professor, it’s not a world of anemia, of no norms: it is a world where Jews Rule. And the Jews make up the Rule as they see fit. This is what it feels like. And you, professor, are at the very epicenter of the destructive force of the Jews, for long ago the Jews decided that they would start the destruction of all goys through your esteemed institutions of higher learning, as per the Protocols:

    PROTOCOL NO. 16: In order to effect the destruction of all collective forces except ours we shall emasculate the first stage of collectivism – the universities

    So there, from the epicenter of Jewish destruction, professor, you have an excellent vantage point to observe the downfall of a once great nation. I sincerely hope you are just observing, professor, because with a history such as yours, one is led to believe that you might actually be in on it.

  74. @QCIC

    My hunch is the West will end up paying refunds or even reparations to Russia, possibly in the form of rebuilding loans to Ukraine or something equally ridiculous.

    You are giving the lemmings too much credit. They don’t stop at the cliff, they jump. Good riddance.

  75. @ShortOnTime

    Looking at all these pro-Ukraine lunatics does give a perspective on what many of the South Vietnam enthusiasts were probably like in hindsight.

    Exactly. Same mentality, same outcome. Well deserved.

    • Thanks: ShortOnTime
  76. @LatW

    “Nuclear states attacking and destroying large non-nuclear states and nations was not part of the deal”

    I think the world’s first nuclear state has attacked and destroyed rather a large number of non-nuclear states since 1945.

    • Replies: @LatW
  77. @QCIC

    The State Department guys think Fiddler On The Roof is a documentary – and they want revenge!

    • Replies: @Mikhail
    , @Gerard1234
  78. @A123

    Total ignorance here, but what is stopping a heavily autonomous Palestinian region of Gaza as part of Egypt, and a heavily autonomous region of West Bank as part of Jordan? ( both areas have been parts of Egypt and Jordan in various times in the last 75 years)
    Presumably this has been offered all the time?

    Overall,considering all the worthless scum we in Russia are surrounded by on our borders- we could only dream of “enemy” states of Israel like Egypt and Jordan. In some ways they are even better for Israel than Belarus and Kazakhstan are for us. Jordan even helped Israel in its air defence for the Iranian strikes ( and other military cooperation), – Egypt has been a very responsible neighbour for the last 40 years. Israel would surely trust them to militarily control/administer Gaza and West Bank?

    Assuming I am missing something obvious here?

    Gaza and West Bank are never going to be linked by contiguous land – would take a military miracle to happen, so becoming part of Egypt/Jordan again would maybe require an expanded area of Gaza at expense of Israeli land ( say 25% added to additional Gaza land) which would of course get massive domestic opposition, but could still eventually be done, or cutting some land off West bank and giving to Israel………or just Jews getting a massive onetime payment out of their wallet for the Palestinians?

    Certainly historical and current western (fake) leftist support and “mourning” for Palestine is completely useless and not intended to solve the issue.

  79. @Gerard1234

    Certainly historical and current western (fake) leftist support and “mourning” for Palestine is completely useless and not intended to solve the issue.

    Nobody with power has motive to solve the issue. They want the status quo perpetual and their minds uploaded onto a computer. I swear nobody reads books any more. Whenever I mention one, even something from the bible, my standard response is a blank stare.

    Tik tok is where it’s at. Do you have a music video? Do you ever wonder what everybody staring at their phone is so fixed on? Must be zombie stuff on there.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
    , @Bashibuzuk
  80. Sean says:

    Ukrainian victory is certain. I thought he’d lose for the obvious reason of size. An underdiscussed secondary aspect is performance enhancing drugs build but also burn you out unless you take breaks from them. Due to the postponement from Fury’s cut, Usyk has not been able to cycle off them and that probably has aged him on top of the actual two years older. Whatever his recreational frailties, Fury has a less pema roid looking physique. Usyk was trying to make weight most of his career and did that well but I think his seeming superlative condition is now skin deep, because he will have certainly bulked up beyond what he is used to carrying.

    However there are both rumours and concrete indications Fury’s mobility is gone (specifically the talk is his ankles are shot), and it can be seen he does not back up as he used to, and if that lack of elusiveness is by necessity, logically he will be unable to go forward and pivot to cut off the ring on Usyk. The incredibly short and heavy Tony Galento, who hurt and then knocked down Joe Louis, was crude but had great ankles; Galento was absolutely superlative at skipping rope. If Fury’s ankles are going/ gone he is not going to be able to catch Uksyk. Every pro boxer goes into a bout with something wrong of course, and Fury has been so heavy and has so much leverage from his mile long shins on his lowest joints that there must be a lot of wear and tear down there. He should be too big for Usyk, but by now Fury may well be a giant with mortise joints of clay.

  81. @Gerard1234

    Certainly historical and current western (fake) leftist support and “mourning” for Palestine is completely useless and not intended to solve the issue.

    Human history clearly shows that only self-liberation lasts. Liberation by external forces results in the slaves returning to their masters (e.g., Eastern Europe). Nobody can liberate Palestinians, they must do it themselves. Or remain stateless people, like Kurds.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
  82. Beckow says:
    @sudden death

    …despite being a capital of neutral country, city of Vienna was continuously in Soviet target

    Nobody cares about 1980’s, Vienna is not a target today. Neither are Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, Ireland, Switzerland…

    There is a clear hierarchy of nuclear targets – phase I, phase II, etc…Stockholm and Helsinki are now in the first phase due to their proximity to Russia, ease of access, and their militancy. It may not matter, but it could.

    Under a limited nuclear war scenario the Swedish military bases would be attacked immediately. It would most likely escalate, but possibly not – the destruction would be horrendous with dozens of Chernobyl uninhabitable areas. Sweden and Finland would get them, Spain or Ireland probably not. And Vienna would keep its cafes open…:)

    That is a direct consequence of Sweden going nuts, joining Nato, putting in bases, etc…In return they got exactly what? Does any serious person believe that Sweden would not be defended pre-Nato? Really? Or Austria today…

    • Replies: @sudden death
    , @Mikel
  83. @Emil Nikola Richard

    I swear nobody reads books any more. Whenever I mention one, even something from the bible, my standard response is a blank stare.

    That’s true for the US, but not for other countries. Both Mexico city and Moscow have more bookstores than the whole US. People do read books, sheeple don’t.

  84. songbird says:
    @Mr. Hack

    One of the the richest men in the world is a Mexican too

    if you mean Carlos Slim, technically he is a national but not an ethnic (Maronite from Lebanon). Would suppose the same is true of Mexico’s #2 wealthy man – Spanish name but rather too pale to seem to have any Indio in him.

    Nixon liked Mexico, at least in a way, but that was before the cartels took over.

    There are certainly worse fates than some fusionist culture with Mexicans, but, truth be told, nowadays, I feel like the future of America won’t be to become like some Latin American country. The soft Southern border seems to be increasingly exploited by a global populace, rather than Latinos specifically. And if it weren’t, there would still be legal immigration. Moreover, the ruling class of Latin America is more Euro, but I don’t think that will be the case in America.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
  85. A123 says: • Website

    what is stopping a heavily autonomous Palestinian region of Gaza as part of Egypt, and a heavily autonomous region of West Bank as part of Jordan? ( both areas have been parts of Egypt and Jordan in various times in the last 75 years)

    Both are possible as concepts. A “one Jordanian state” option has been discussed multiple times.

    However, both the north of the Sinai and Jordan are short on resources. So expanding the land area to include additional low yield areas does not really address the structural problem.

    There are also political risks. Egypt needs to keep.the Muslim Terrorist Brotherhood under control. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan does not need more non-Hashimite Arabs. The Global Muslim community would have to commit large, ongoing funds to make such projects viable.

    PEACE 😇

    • Thanks: Gerard1234
    • Replies: @Derer
  86. @AnonfromTN


    I found where the Rationalist sex worker blogger is going to be in person and all the cool autistic people are having a convention. Also I spelled her name right. It is Aella which looks like it came from a focus group start up company.

    Less Online May 31- June 2 Berkeley CA

    Here is the closest to a negro promo photograph they could come up with:

    Looks like about one-thirty-second. Those genes have a lot of creep.

    Aella charges 400 an hour. Discount if you buy in bulk.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
  87. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    They want the status quo perpetual and their minds uploaded onto a computer.

  88. @songbird

    If you haven’t seen Oliver Stone’s Nixon it is a pretty great movie. Near the end a drunken crying Nixon is burning documents in his blazing fireplace in summertime Washington D.C., drenched in sweat, and Henry Kissinger stops by. Nixon pleads with Henry to pray with him.

    Not intended but almost the funniest scene in any movie ever.

    • Thanks: songbird
  89. Mikhail says: • Website
    @Mr. Hack

    Well, besides a lot of saber rattling, China has managed to not invade Taiwan. After watching Russia seriously shoot itself and others in the feet, I think that China will scrap these plans, at least for now, and kick them down the road. After all, producing and selling TV’s, computers, cars and other electronic items to the West, isn’t such a bad deal. Getting oil and natural gas at rock bottom prices isn’t bad either, especially if you can finish the production of oil into gasoline and resell it to the world at market prices.

    “Sabre rattling” on Taiwan has greatly come from the US foreign policy establishment. NATO and its Kiev regime proxy shot itself and others in the foot.

    Rather pathetically, the Biden administration asks China to curtail its production of civilian products. So much for Milton Friedman and “free trade”.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
  90. @John Johnson

    This is just lazy, typical American-PR spamboting.

    West Point educated retards were too useless to find a way to destroy the Scud missile installations, mobile AND stationary, during the Gulf War, LMAO.

    Thats the military with the unlimited budget, near complete aerial dominance in Iraq, not fighting against the worlds most saturated air defence network as for 404, and in desert environment where these mobile launch systems are much easier to detect you idiot – with the system much less agile than HIMARS.

    So our achievements in countering them should be considered outstanding. We have intercepted masses of HIMARS missiles you dickhead, we have destroyed many of the systems on the ground or in storage already – and will continue to do so. Problem of Counter-battery response that of course has been very difficult to impossible against HIMARS – is now being solved hopefully soon.

    So its clear that comparison in quality of us now versus Pindostan in 1991 are valid – Though alot more satellites are in orbit now , I don’t think that satellite reconnaissance ability for the worlds top militaries has changed much since them.

    Most importantly – at tactical and operational level they have been USELESS against Russia in SMO you thick POS. Just as 10000 extra Scud missiles would not have won Iraq the Gulf War.

    Except cheap PR. and hits against some of our heroes ( nowhere near what they were hoping for)……..what have they done for the NATO/Banderastan side in the last year to 18 months? Helped the counteroffensive? Stopped Russian logistics chain? Stopped or delayed a Russian attack? Saved Ukronazi live (LMAO)? Won 404 any territory? The answer to all is of course no.

    The NATO side as they provide Banderastans diminishing military more HIMARS &TACMS that an attention-whore bot as yourself is spamming on here ….I can’t see them making much improvement to the technology or tactically on the battlefield relative to Russian ability to countermeasure ( as has already happened a few times in previous iterations of its use) – only thing they can do is make the sites for recharging/refuelling/parking them deeper, thicker, harder to spot ……….but as that happens we will almost certainly improve even more in spotting and destroying HIMARS when it’s out of those sites and in mobile phase. Plus the issue of its particular lack of success in the last 2 winters you idiot

  91. Mikhail says: • Website

    Adrian Karatnycky’s article of this past September 2 “Mr. Lavrov Builds His Dream World”, has the standard preferences of the Atlantic Council, which features that piece. Omitted, are the valid counters on the issues covered (Crimea and the domestic situation in Russia are among the subjects).

    Contrary to what Karatnycky suggests, “Official Russia”, exists with some media and academic instances that oppose the Kremlin. On this particular, one can reasonably argue for greater diversity – something which applies elsewhere – Atlantic Council, considerable segments of Western mass media/body politic and Kiev regime controlled Ukraine included.

    In his article, Karatnycky distorts what Russian President Vladimir Putin said about Joseph Goebbels. This distortion is perplexing, given that the contents in the hyperlinked July 10, 2014 Times of Israel article, clearly show that Putin wasn’t suggesting any positive admiration for Goebbels.

    Writes Karatnycky: “Alas, the Terra Scientia is not a place for study and reflection. It appears there are virtually no such places in official Russia. Knowledge and the discussion of serious problems have been replaced not simply by sophistry, but by the time-worn tradition of the big Lie, a technique much admired by Putin, who last year professed to shocked rabbis his admiration for the effectiveness of Nazi propagandist.”

    The Times Of Israel piece makes no mention whatsoever of “shocked rabbis”, while acknowledging Putin’s opposition to anti-Jewish manner. (On another matter, the Times of Israel article short changes the reasoned basis for Crimea reunifying with Russia, in addition to not acknowledging instances of anti-Jewish expression within the extreme wing of those who contributed to the overthrow of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych).

    Jewry in Russia is something that periodically crops up in a negatively inaccurate way. This image plays on the idea of Russia being an ethnically restrictive country – a perception that’s (put mildly) quite relative, in relation to what’s actually evident in that nation and other countries.

    The following is expressed in Ivan Nechepurenko’s May 21, 2015 Moscow Times article “Shoigu At 60: The Man Who Would Be Russia’s King”: “‘No one with the surname Shoigu could ever be elected Russia’s president,’ said Stanislav Belkovsky, a prominent political analyst, referring to the defense minister’s origins from the remote Siberian republic Tuva, where animistic shamanism is practiced by the population along with Tibetan Buddhism. Unlike the Soviet Union, Russia is a nation state, where only people with a Russian surname can occupy the Kremlin,’ Belkovsky said in a phone interview.”

    Upon reading this, I was reminded of Stephen Cohen’s November 12, 2003 Moscow Times article “The Struggle For Russia”, which includes: “Democracy in Russia has been failing ever since Yeltsin made oligarchic privatization possible by destroying an elected parliament in 1993, and neither side is interested in truly reviving it: the oligarchs are zealous monopolists, not free-market reformers, and Western investors interested in Russia’s huge oil reserves have already indicated that they care about official guarantees of the contracts, not who signs them: Putin now controls elections sufficiently to get substantially the legislature he wants: and no one of Jewish origin, as are Khodorkovsky and most of the other oligarchs, could be elected president of Russia.”

    When considering his erudite commentary over the decades, I’d like to think that Cohen might be inclined to amend what he stated above. A whataboutism moment wryly observes the number of Jewish US presidents and vice presidents in the 200 plus year history of these positions, versus the number of post-Soviet Russian prime ministers of a known Jewish background.

    On the subject of Jewry in Russia and the overall state of ethno-religious relations in that country, there remains some closed-minded thinking, as evidenced in Julia Ioffe’s October 16, 2013 New Republic piece “Russians Still Love Pogroms”. Her tabloid screed is indicative of an inaccurate collective stereotyping.

    Ethno-religious intolerance is an unfortunate condition, which Russians haven’t monopolized. The past actions against Jews in Russia aren’t on par with the present circumstances in that nation. A second whataboutism considers African-Americans during slavery, contrasted with the current situation, which include some negative occurrences against that group. Another whataboutism observes that the unfortunate position of Jews in the Russian Empire wasn’t at the horrid level of what existed in Nazi Germany and as tragic to what the Armenians faced under Turkish rule.

    As a sharp contrast to Ioffe, the American PBS aired documentary “The Jewish Journey: America”, provides commentary by some Jewish scholars which contradict conventional perceptions. These contradicting comments include the:

    – overwhelming majority who left the Russian Empire, did so for economic reasons and not persecution (stated with the acknowledgement that there was discrimination and periodic violence against Jews in the Russian Empire);

    – “Pale of Settlement”, maintained a status quo of where Jews already lived, as opposed to seeing them expelled altogether (keeping in mind that there was a limited Jewish presence in Russia proper – the territory of today’s Russian federation);

    – the image of Cossacks beating up Jews is described in the documentary as a “literary construction” and “catch phrase literary mythology”.

    Regarding the last point, there was a 1648 uprising against Polish rule, that involved a large scale violence against Jews by rebelling Cossacks. This was on land which was not at the time a part of the Russian Empire. (Some of the territory in question had never become affiliated with the Russian Empire, covering the period after the Mongol subjugation of Rus). Within reason, these Cossacks saw the Jewish community as being generally supportive of Polish rule. This observation is made without meaning to excuse the anti-Jewish violence which occurred.

    The 1964 Broadway musical “Fiddler On The Roof” and the 1971 movie version of that play, has had an influence among those with some knowledge of the historical setting. Both are based on the works of Sholem Aleichem, who is formally recognized in Russia as a Russian literary figure. (He wrote in Hebrew, Yiddish and Russian.)

    Upon further review, it’d be interesting to see the differences between the play and movie, in relation to what Sholem Aleichem wrote. The Hollywood movie industry has been known to accentuate, or completely change some aspects related to history and novels. This is also true of some novels that have a historical setting.

    In the “Fiddler On The Roof” movie, the Russian government is portrayed as actively encouraging a pogrom in a distant Ukrainian village. This depiction contradicts other instances, where the anti-Jewish violence was initiated in various areas, without Russian government instigation. In these situations, the Russian government opposed that behavior because of the domestic instability it nurtured and the negative impression it gave abroad (especially in the West).

    Simultaneously in the Russian Empire, there were some (not all) local officials and higher ups, who exhibited anti-Jewish manner, which ranged from seemingly supporting the violence to opposing it. Despite these circumstances, around 650,000 Jews served in the Russian armed forces during World War I, according to “A Historical Atlas Of The Jewish People”. Even with the large exodus of Jews from the Russian Empire, that entity and (later) the Soviet Union maintained a good sized Jewish population.

    Ioffe’s New Republic piece oversimplifies the ethnic tensions exhibited in Russia over the past several years. This subject has involved:

    – criminal action on the part of some people from the Caucasus, who’ve migrated to the northwestern part of Russia;

    – to a degree, the reasoned belief that some local authorities have been bribed to look the other way at that activity;

    – extremists and some otherwise not so extreme individuals, taking vigilante action out of a frustrated disgust.

    Not too long ago, a Moscow situated British acquaintance saw a Russian intervening against someone of Caucasus background, who was roughing up a Tajik. This occurrence is mentioned without intending to stereotype ethnic relations in Russia. Rather, it’s to highlight the dubious spin in Ioffe’s piece.

    Most patriotic Russians don’t appear so hung up on a person’s ethno-religious background as Cohen and Belkovsky suggest in the referenced Moscow Times articles. For the most part, this category of Russians welcome non-Russians who sympathize with their views, unlike those Russians who slant to the preference of anti-Russian leaning elements – a matter related to Paul Robinson’s May 11, 2015 piece “The Self Hating Russian”. Many who identify themselves as being ethnic Russian, readily acknowledge (without shame) having either another ethnic identity, or more than two such backgrounds.

    Nechepurenko’s aforementioned May 21, 2015 Moscow Times article notes a poll among Russians, which is very favorable towards Shoigu. An excerpt from the May 9, 2015 commentary by The Saker “Something Truly Amazing Happened Today”:

    “But something else, no less amazing, also happened today: Defense Minister Shoigu made the sign of the Cross before the beginning of the celebrations. This is an absolutely momentous moment in Russia. Never in the past history had any Russian minister of defense done anything like it. True, the old tradition was to make the sign of the Cross when passing under the Kremlin’s Savior Tower, if only because there is an icon of the Savior right over the gate. However, everybody in Russia immediately understood that there was much more to this gesture than an external compliance to an ancient tradition.

    The Russian journalist Victor Baranets puts it very well when he wrote: ‘At that moment I felt that with this simple gesture, Shoigu brought all of Russia to his feet. There was so much kindness, so much hope, so much of our Russian sense of the sacred (in this gesture)’. He is absolutely correct. To see the Tuvan Buddhist make the sign of the Cross in the Orthodox manner sent an electric shock through the Russian blogosphere: everybody felt that something amazing had happened.

    For one thing, nobody in his right mind would suspect Shoigu of ever doing anything just ‘for show’. The man has an immense capital of popularity and credibility in Russia and he has no need for political hypocrisy. Personally, I believe that Shoigu quite literally asked for God’s help in one of the most dangerous moments in Russian history in which he, the Russian minister of defense, might be called to take momentous decisions from which the future of the planet might be decided.

    For centuries Russian soldiers have knelt and asked God’s blessing, before going into battle and this is, I believe, what Shoigu did today. He knows that 2015 will be the year of the big war between Russia and the Empire (even if, due to the presence of nuclear weapons on both sides, this war will remain 80% informational, 15% economic and 5% military).

    Does this mean that Shoigu converted to orthodoxy? Not necessarily. Buddhism is very accepting of other religions and I don’t see much of a contradiction here. But the fact that the first Russian government official to begin the historical Victory Day parade by making the sign of the Cross and appealing for God’s help is a Buddhist, is, in itself, quite amazing (even if it shames his nominally ‘Orthodox’ predecessors who never did so).

    I can only imagine the horror, outrage and despair Shoigu’s gesture will trigger in the pro-Western Russian ‘liberal intelligentsia’ and in western capitals. In placing himself and all of Russia in God’s hands Shoigu declared a spiritual, cultural and civilizational war on the Empire. And just for that, he will go down in history as one of Russia’s greatest men.”

    Notwithstanding some arguably debatable points, the above excerpted highlights how Shoigu is viewed within Russian patriotic circles.

    • Thanks: Emil Nikola Richard
    • Replies: @Wielgus
  92. @Beckow

    All baseless speculation unless you have links or current RF nuclear contingency plans on the desk, however it is entirely known and public knowledge that Germany even when being under Kremlin doormat Schroeder rule still was potential target of RF tactical nuclear strikes IIRC.

    • Replies: @Beckow
  93. QCIC says:

    The brief article linked below gives some detail on Russian attacks on Ukrainian power infrastructure. To me this information strongly supports the notion that Moscow wants a capitulation by the end of summer so there is time to temporarily fix things to keep civilians from freezing to death next winter. This is especially true of the “damage to 800 heat supply facilities” which I assume are district heating plants commonly used in ex-Soviet cities. If the electrical generating capacity of Ukraine has been degraded from 37 GW to 12 GW then there may be a serious risk of a grid collapse leaving large areas with no electric power at all (since the grid may be unstable if enough plants are offline).

    This line of reasoning may fit in well with taking Kharkov first.

    Since the source is not Ukie approved maybe someone here can check the original references.

  94. @YetAnotherAnon

    The State Department guys think Fiddler On The Roof is a documentary – and they want revenge!

    Looking at a description of the film, it’s great news……it means that the State Department recognises Kiev as part of Russia!!!! Wonderful

    From a still from the film – the slavic villagers are wearing Kovorotka’s…….not the so-called “Ukrainian” vishivanka”. Presumably “Ukraine” is not a term for the land that the characters of the film have ever heard of.

    Putin mentioned this a few months before about this scumbag Blinkens grandfather who is supposed to be from Kiev or Poltava region – that he wrote on his documents that he was leaving Russia when he left during the pogroms

    Behind all this is something serious…….either evil, bloodthirsty anti-Russian scum from diaspora of Pogrom Jews view SMO as a chance to historically punish “Ukrainians” who they blame for the worst of these pogroms ( most have nothing in connection with modern day Russian Federation territory), and are only using Russia as delivery method for this, using Russia as cover while pretending they “stand with Ukraine”…….or they see Ukrops and Russians as the exact same people, so our very happy with how SMO is going – the kill ratios insanely in Russia’s favour are of no interest to them – only that anyone from either side is killed.

    Jews went to North America 140 years before , and if they were friendly or neutral to Russia they presented much of great Russian culture to Americans……..they never did a single thing to convince any American there was this thing called “Ukraine” until 2014

    • Replies: @Mikhail
  95. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Aella charges 400 an hour. Discount if you buy in bulk.

    Well, some people consider overnight stay a long-term relationship.

    • Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  96. @LatW

    If they allow to partition Ukraine, how are they planning to guarantee the principle of “territorial integrity” going forward?

    They aren’t. They are just gonna blow a lot of hot air like they always do. The only thing that can save Ukraine now is direct Western intervention. Either the West puts boots on the ground or Ukraine is annexed by Russia. There are no other options. But the West can’t intervene due to internal political divisions.

    And the West totally brought this on themselves. If the West hadn’t spent the last 60 years importing 100 million third worlders, pushing a culture agenda that demoralized and alienated their native populations and pursuing economic policies that benefited shitty urban liberals at the expense of everyone else, then the West would be willing and able to resist Russian aggression. But the Western elites were too short sighted, too arrogant and too hateful an now they’ve lost everything

  97. Mikhail says: • Website

    Putin referenced Blinken saying his (Blinken’s) distant family relation fled Russia. When asked where in Russia, Blinken said Kiev.

    On RT’s CrossTalk some years back, a former Israeli spokesperson said his family left a good life in pre-WW I Russia (he specified Donbass) to go to Palestine to live the Zionist dream.

    Shifting gears –

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  98. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Greasy William

    They actually started the partition game in former Yugoslavia. And they also did their best to provoke the RusFed agression to make their MIC buddies fat and happy. Agree with the rest.

  99. LatW says:

    Yea, but once you touch Europe, it becomes problematic.

  100. LatW says:
    @Greasy William

    They aren’t. They are just gonna blow a lot of hot air like they always do.

    Well, that’s why I asked the original question about the utility and timing of this peace conference. However, the goal is to not just have the West there, an effort is being undertaken right now to corral the nations of the so called Global south, apparently they have invited 160 nations.

    Either the West puts boots on the ground or Ukraine is annexed by Russia.

    The West can still provide a lot of support besides “boots on the ground”, Ukraine has never asked for troops, they need help with drones and artillery, not manpower, the manpower they need to rotate themselves, but have not done that for understandable reasons, it is very tough psychologically. To have another mobilization would be a qualitative psychological leap. But it’s the same for Russia – they will need a real mobilization, too, sooner or later, since they’ve put themselves on a war footing now with this latest government rocade.

    Those who mock the drowning of men in the river are themselves cowards.

    • Replies: @Beckow
  101. @Greasy William

    Those who mock the drowning of men in the river are themselves cowards.

    The Ukrainians are the ones drowning and I’m not mocking them, I’m mocking the feckless cowards who run the West and allowed this situation to deteriorate the way it has. If the West was still free, prosperous and immigrantfrei none of this shit would have ever happened. The Western elites have brought about the destruction of Ukraine which will lead to WWIII.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
    , @LatW
  102. Wielgus says:

    I don’t recall the West having any real problem with Yeltsin attacking the Russian parliament in 1993. Yeltsin was considered a “democrat” who helped break up the USSR, and the parliament was seen as a nest of diehard Communists as well as Russian nationalists.

    • Agree: Bashibuzuk
    • Replies: @Derer
  103. songbird says:

    Should we go back to living in circular homes to discourage density?
    There is a a certain archaea species which can survive an autoclave, which might prove my theory that James Madison’s flute should have been autoclaved and then nuked to deal with any Lizzo contamination. Though I suppose she might also have nuke resistant microbes.

    BTW, has anyone thought to test the idea that there is only such a number of pathanogenic bacteria by using PCR on supergays? Imagine it must have been done, but probably the study would be too un-PC.
    Speaking of nuking, I had to destroy my favored web-browser’s data, as I had too many tabs open, and there was no other way out of it. Including bookmarks. A cautionary tale to you all!

  104. Derer says:

    It is not the “short of resources” or Muslim community spending to make such projects viable. It is the growth of Jewish illegal settlements on the West bank. You are strangely neglecting to consider the crucial point for the suggested scheme. These settlements are considered permanent.

    • Replies: @A123
  105. Derer says:

    Yeltsin was Washington drunken “boy” and they loved his rein causing Russian decline.

  106. Beckow says:
    @sudden death

    Germany is one huge US-Nato base, have you been there? It makes no difference who is the PM, they have zero control over any military issues.

    You wildly speculate that “Russia is going to invade Sweden!“, but also believe that in a nuclear war there is no hierarchy of targets. Riiight…no selection of targets. Stockholm just bought a top spot.

    Do you really believe that if Sweden was invaded pre-2022 the Nato would just sit on the sidelines? Or Austria today? Sweden obviously screwed up…Scandies are disciplined and obedient, but not very smart.

  107. Beckow says:

    …to corral the nations of the so called Global south, apparently they have invited 160 nations.

    Are you saying that Palau will come? Fantastic, that’s worth more dead Ukies. (I would come, a fancy hotel outside Luzern, buffets, all expenses paid…)

    It is an oxymoron to have a “peace conference” where one of the war parties is explicitly banned. It is literally a definition of waste of time and money. If China shows up they will simply restate that Kiev-West must be ‘realistic’. Keeping up the facade of “we can dictate to Russia” in the face of losing the war is idiotic – an absurd nihilism. It is embarrassing and makes the West look weak and childish.

    The West can still provide a lot of support besides “boots on the ground”, Ukraine has never asked for troops

    Sure, they can stretch it out. The result will be more Ukies needlessly dying.

    There will be a deal unless we go nuclear. That deal is getting worse for Kiev with each month. In a few years nobody will care about the amount of ammunition that was burnt in the war – all that will be left is the new reality, new borders, and a lot of dead Ukies. “More heroes, fewer people” – is that an evolutionary smart strategy?

    • Replies: @Greasy William
    , @LatW
  108. @QCIC

    I don’t think these regions ‘aligned themselves’ with Russia the way you imply. I think most of these people consider themselves Russian, despite meddling from the West and Kiev.

    You are saying they don’t deserve autonomy because they are really just Russian?

    Did the DPR separatists create a new flag and government for their new nation or did they ask Russia to invade them?

    Are you suggesting the entire DPR state was just an act and they really just wanted to join Russia? Did Putin recognize them as independent states in 2014?

    I think DPR/LPR politicians naturally sought the best possible terms to rejoin the Russian country.

    Which politicians and please provide a source on when these terms were discussed.

    I think Russia intends to ultimately give DPR/LPR some political status de facto similar to what they were promised.

    Did Putin recognize them as independent countries in 2022 or not?

    They were promised full autonomy.

    Putin signs decrees recognizing independence of eastern Ukraine regions

    Do you acknowledge that Putin signed this decree:
    I consider it necessary to take a long overdue decision to immediately recognize the independence and sovereignty of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic

    Did he give them the independence and sovereignty that he promised?

    • Replies: @QCIC
  109. @Beckow

    You wildly speculate that “Russia is going to invade Sweden!“, but also believe that in a nuclear war there is no hierarchy of targets. Riiight…no selection of targets. Stockholm just bought a top spot.

    Why would they have a top spot if they don’t have nuclear weapons? Spite?

    Fallout and tsunamis from nuking St. Petersburg would destroy Stockholm in any exchange.

    Do you really believe that if Sweden was invaded pre-2022 the Nato would just sit on the sidelines? Or Austria today? Sweden obviously screwed up…Scandies are disciplined and obedient, but not very smart.

    How did Sweden screw up if you acknowledge that Russia will only invade non-NATO targets?

    Would you describe Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as smart?

    • Replies: @Beckow
  110. songbird says:

    Seems wildly amusing to me that they shut down that NYC-Dublin portal thing at least for a while after some Instagram thot flashed her breasts.

    Am not saying I condone the behavior of the e-thot, but shutting it down seems bizarrely at variance with the open borders regime in both countries.

    Digital streaming of a young woman’s breasts is a no-go, but everything physical imaginable can and does arrive. Not to mention, some guy mooned it on the first day – but since that was gay, there were no consequences.

  111. @Beckow

    Germany is one huge US-Nato base, have you been there? It makes no difference who is the PM, they have zero control over any military issues.

    Then why haven’t they sent Taurus missiles to Ukraine as requested by the US and Britain?

  112. @Greasy William

    The Western elites have brought about the destruction of Ukraine which will lead to WWIII.

    Yes, Western elites made the destruction of Ukraine inevitable. But I don’t think it will lead to WWIII.

    The empire will do its usual shtick: declare victory and leave. Europeans suffered a lot more because of idiotic Western policy, but Europe is on its way down, anyway, so nobody would care. European politicians will invent lies to cover this fiasco, and European sheeple will believe (or pretend to believe) those lies. Western Europe was all about hypocrisy and lies for decades, hardly capable of anything else. Putin won’t rub it in, he is busy changing the global order and does not appear to be very interested in bullshitting and petty revenge. For Europe the fact that Russian economic ties with it won’t ever be restored is revenge enough.

    Pro-Ukie crowd will invent self-soothing lies and believe in them. People who could believe in “democratic Ukraine” would believe in anything, however preposterous. Life will go on.

  113. @Bashibuzuk

    Bashibuzuk – 1 Black Dragon Society – 0

    • LOL: Bashibuzuk
  114. LatW says:
    @Greasy William

    I wasn’t aiming the drowning comment at you, but at a few of these Russophiles who have been posting this as of late, a lot. When it’s in fact Kremlin’s fault that these tragedies are happening and wonderful young men are lost and wasted.

    I don’t disagree with you regarding the West either – there are a lot of problems, but I may not agree with how far you take it.


    Btw, you don’t have to respond to me directly, that’s fine (if your religion doesn’t allow you to), and I apologize in advance if I respond to you directly sometimes, I may forget.

    • Replies: @Greasy William
  115. @Beckow

    There will be a deal unless we go nuclear

    Russia isn’t going to accept any “deal”. If there was ever the possibility for some sort of agreement, it ended after Russia mobilized in late 2022. Russia wants to dictate the terms and it has no incentive to settle for anything less. It’s not even clear that Russia can accept anything less at this stage.

    • Replies: @Beckow
  116. @LatW

    I can respond to you. Why wouldn’t I be able to? I always enjoy interacting with you

    • Replies: @LatW
  117. LatW says:

    It is an oxymoron to have a “peace conference” where one of the war parties is explicitly banned. It is literally a definition of waste of time and money.

    Most probably there will be a series of these conferences and eventually Russia could be there, too. I was just wondering if there is anything they know, that the public doesn’t know, since this is just a month away.

    • Replies: @Beckow
  118. LatW says:
    @Greasy William


    Thanks, me too. I just thought you were Orthodox, that’s all.

  119. Mr. Hack says:

    Biden administration asks China to curtail its production of civilian products.

    Really? When and what? Will Biden list his diktat to China as one of his foreign policy achievements on his resume when the elections go into high gear this fall? 🙂

    • Replies: @Mikhail
  120. songbird says:

    What did the Planet of the Apes actors mean when they said they were on Team Ape?

    BTW, I thought this was a funny joke:


  121. Wokechoke says:

    The Israeli professor Martin Van Creveld.

    • Replies: @A123
  122. Beckow says:
    @John Johnson

    …Fallout and tsunamis from nuking St. Petersburg would destroy Stockholm in any exchange.

    Good point. And yet a direct hit would be worse. (Or maybe better, quicker.)

    if you acknowledge that Russia will only invade non-NATO targets?

    Where do I say that? Reading comprehension again? I said that Sweden was ‘protected’ by Nato regardless of its membership. Joining Nato came with costs but no gains. Austria, Ireland, Suise are neutral and protected. Do you doubt that?

    Stockholm is now a primary target due top its proximity to Russia. Maybe “spite” plays a role. There is a huge amount of spite in the West (and in you) against Russia, why shouldn’t they reciprocate?

    …Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as smart?

    Russia had no choice if they wanted to stay independent and avoid the eventual vassal status. With Nato in Ukraine, Russia would be indefensible – use nukes or surrender. They chose not to face that dilemma.

    So far it has worked: the gain of strategic territories (Azov), Nato is out, Kiev losing, Russia internally consolidating – the liberals are out and down, not to come back for at least a generation, the economy has shifted to what they do best: material production, weapons, domestic market…And it cost them very little. Remember Russia has 150 million people.

    Now look at Ukraine. Was rejecting a compromise deal with neutrality and normal minority rights for Russian-Ukies a smart thing? Try to be honest.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  123. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    I think the answers to these follow up questions are already covered by my comment.

    I acknowledge that you are a paid troll. This is the least ridiculous explanation for your comprehension difficulties and elementary school style of argumentation.

    • Agree: Gerard1234
  124. Beckow says:
    @Greasy William

    …some sort of agreement ended after Russia mobilized in late 2022. Russia wants to dictate the terms…It’s not even clear that Russia can accept anything less at this stage.

    I agree. But it is a question of semantics. The main thing West wants now is to save face – pretending that a “dictate” was a “peace deal” may be worth it for Russia if they get something in return.

    The Western position today is “we know you evil Russians will win, but we can make it more bloody and costly for you, so how about you pretend that we agreed to a deal?“…not an attractive proposition, but maybe Russia has no interest in rubbing the Westie face in the mud. And so many Ukies are dying – it seems that Russia is more concerned with Ukie lives than Kiev, definitely more than the West.

    After Russia’s previous experiences with West cheating and lying about any deal, and retroactively insisting that “we won!”, it may not be possible. Too bad, too many Ukie men are dying needlessly. This Western endless lying has a high cost eventually. And not just in Russia.

    • Replies: @Miro23
  125. @Bashibuzuk

    I didn’t know the Post had caught on. Yikes. For the convention FAQ they did not have the answers to my questions.

    How many tricks does Aella plan to pull during the event?
    What’s Yudkowski’s BMI these days?

    • LOL: Bashibuzuk
  126. @Beckow

    You wildly speculate that “Russia is going to invade Sweden!“

    No any such quote of mine;) However overall mainland Sweden is mostly safe, but Gotland island is relatively potentially weak strategic spot which once already was occupied, even if shortly and several centuries ago.

    Do you really believe that if Sweden was invaded pre-2022 the Nato would just sit on the sidelines? Or Austria today?

    Such script with any NATO practical defensive actions made it sure documented nuclear target for Soviet planners as well, so in any case they were nuclear targets, even without having stationed nuclear weapons, so no any difference here for them;)

    • Replies: @Beckow
  127. Beckow says:
    @sudden death

    …Gotland island is relatively potentially weak strategic spot which once already was occupied, even if shortly and several centuries ago.

    What? If you think that is relevant today we can start digging through myriad of minutia and never have peace.

    with any NATO practical defensive actions made it sure documented nuclear target for Soviet planners …so no any difference here for them

    Why would they target neutral countries? You are making up stuff – probably out of desperation since you have no rational argument left. In any case, there is a hierarchy of targets, they are not all equal – Stockholm was way below Dusseldorf or Toulouse – now it is right at the top among the first targets to be hit. If you think that is a good thing, fine – but don’t deny the obvious.

    Sweden had perfect security and now it doesn’t. A pretty high cost for no gain.

    • Replies: @sudden death
  128. Beckow says:

    … a series of these conferences and eventually Russia could be there

    Probably not. Why would they go? They have been specifically excluded, they may pay back by ignoring the whole process. And that makes the “process” completely meaningless, a costly exercise in nothingness.

    …there is anything they know, that the public doesn’t know

    When people say stuff like “anything we don’t know“, it is just blind faith in the ruling elite knowing what they are doing. What of they don’t? Then you are back to waiting for miracles…

    • Replies: @QCIC
  129. Miro23 says:

    After Russia’s previous experiences with West cheating and lying about any deal, and retroactively insisting that “we won!”, it may not be possible. Too bad, too many Ukie men are dying needlessly. This Western endless lying has a high cost eventually. And not just in Russia.

    Apart from the cheating and lying about any deal there’s the wholesale theft.

    Blinken is in Kiev today asking Zelensky where the $ 1 billion for building Sumy and Kharkov defense lines went. Head-scratching all round.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
  130. @Miro23

    Blinken is in Kiev today asking Zelensky where the $ 1 billion for building Sumy and Kharkov defense lines went.

    Maybe Blinken does not know, but everyone who knows Ukraine has no doubt where the money has gone.

  131. songbird says:

    LMAO. I have scooped LatW on the news page.

    • Replies: @LatW
  132. LatW says:

    Wait what? I thought I was the one on the beach clamming in Bronze Age attire. 🙂

    With a fish skin purse, don’t you remember? 🙂

    • LOL: songbird
  133. A123 says: • Website

    So there is no official Israeli government policy threatening Western capitols?

    It is less than credible, highly unofficial speculation from an academic.

    PEACE 😇

  134. Sean says:

    Although insisting he still is his usual weight of 19 stone, Tyson Fury looks thinner, if not a bit overtrained, which would fit in with having the injury delay and having to train to a peak twice without a break. Fury is rumored to have ankle problems, and yery tall people tend to get problems with inflammation of the band of tissue (periosteum) that surrounds the shin where the shin joins the ankle, especially when being active in very hot climates. Moving awkwardly round chasing pivoting Usyk may lead to Fury being doing far more work than he is used to and maybe the weight loss is an attempt to take the strain of off his inflamed joints. His legs look peculiarly scrawny now to some observers . Fury better hope Usyk stands and fights instead of running because he’d be difficult to catch even for someone with legs that are 100%.

  135. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    Funny how they have no problem telling a Russian from an Ukrainian (while I often have a hard time) but cannot understand that an ethnic Chinese Singaporean is not necessarily a Chinese citizen.

    Does Singapore recognize double nationality?

    Also, what ancestral ethno-cultural group do most Singapore Chinese belong to?

    And yeah, as I post, I am sitting now drinking Pu Er Shou Lao Ban Zhang. It can be infused up to seven times before it loses its flavour.

  136. A123 says: • Website

    You strangely neglect the most critical points:

    • The Muslims colonies in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza have been illegitimate for over 1,000 years.
    • There is no way for Islam to steal land from indigenous Palestinian Jews who are regaining their religious homelands.

    The religion of Islam is not native to Palestine. It is well past time for Palestinian Jews and Christians to be free of Muslim occupiers. Helping the followers of Muhammad leave Palestine and return to their religious homelands is clearly the most viable option.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Derer
  137. Mr. XYZ says:

    Can the Jordan Valley accommodate a lot of people if Israel will give it up?

    • Replies: @A123
  138. @Beckow

    Why would they target neutral countries?

    Should ask old planners cause it was historically documented as nuclear targeted continuously, despite being neutral.

    they are not all equal – Stockholm was way below Dusseldorf or Toulouse – now it is right at the top among the first targets to be hit

    Just the speculation again;)

  139. The RF army captured an unusual POW in Volchansk, Kharkov region: Alexander Matlay, a member of Ukrainian barrier detachment, a unit that was tasked with shooting retreating Ukrainian troops. I am sure if Russian soldiers knew who he is, they would have shot him on sight, rather than take him prisoner. Although shooting him is way too humane. By rights Ukrainians should be given a chance to exterminate that scum themselves, whichever way they choose.

  140. @Bashibuzuk

    Dialect Groups Population (2020)

    Hokkien. 1,180,599
    Teochew. 583,963
    Cantonese. 429,329
    Hakka. 259,153
    Hainanese. 183,312
    Foochow. 59,609
    Henghua. 26,702
    Shanghainese 22,503
    Hockchia. 17,070
    Other Chinese 244,529

    Total 3,006,769

    Hokkien used to be an unofficial language of business until the 1980s, also used as a lingua franca among Singaporeans. Other than Mandarin, the two most commonly spoken varieties of Chinese are Hokkien which is the dominant dialect and Cantonese, both of which are mainly spoken among the older generation. Teochew, is being replaced by Hokkien, while other Chinese varieties are increasingly less commonly heard nowadays.


    Depicts the ancestral homelands of the majority of Chinese Singaporeans.

    • Thanks: Bashibuzuk, Emil Nikola Richard
    • Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  141. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    So basically, most Singapore ethnic Chinese citizens do not speak Mandarin as a mother tongue. Do they learn Mandarin at school?

  142. A123 says: • Website
    @Mr. XYZ

    Can the Jordan Valley accommodate a lot of people if Israel will give it up?

    Indigenous Palestinian Jews will not give up their religious homeland again. It will never happen. Try more reasonable questions.

    Can Qatar accept a lot of people by embrace over a million “guest workers”? — That is a much more viable concept. Qatar already has many guest workers. It is more about rearranging the source.

    How many can Iran accept? — Another good question. Khamenei has money to spend on Hamas and Hezbollah. He clearly has the resources to support Muslim departures from Judea, Samaria, and Gaza.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
  143. @Mikhail

    An ex-military Con Inc boomer in a Star Wars shirt with a message that Ukraine is DOOOOMED. So a backup MacGregor who doesn’t bother to dress up for a video?

    Funny that he doesn’t link to his 2022 Fox News videos.

    Colonel Daniel Davis explains that you can’t just give the Ukrainians weapons. It won’t help them. You have to put it in their hands much earlier. (2022)

    Scott Ritter made similar comments. You can’t just send them HIMARs. It’s too complicated and takes a lot of training. No point in it.

    Your Con Inc career isn’t going well when you are interviewing yourself driving while wearing a Star Wars t-shirt. Might as well just apply directly to Russian State TV for a job. If you are going to bootlick then go to the real sugar daddy.

    • LOL: Mikhail
    • Replies: @Mikhail
    , @Wokechoke
  144. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    I never heard of him Blinky, but he is an outstanding individual. Do you know him personally ?

  145. A123 says: • Website

    PLO Joe attempts fake tariff scheme: (1)

    Joe Biden Announces Tariffs
    on Non-Existent Products
    from Non-Existent Origination Country

    BlackRock positioned massive investment assets inside Chinese auto manufacturers, MG, BYD, and Chery. The three Chinese companies are in the process of moving North American auto manufacturing to Mexico, specifically to make EV’s. The Chinese EV’s made in Mexico will come into the U.S market tariff free under the USMCA trade agreement. China and BlackRock will make billions.

    Today Joe Biden announced a series of tariffs against China in the EV industry. The Chinese EV’s are not being made in China. The tariff regime is a farce a total joke.

    This tariff claim by the Biden administration on “import Chinese EV’s” is optics only for political benefit. Whereas the 100% tariffs proposed by Donald Trump specifically target Chinese EV’s made in Mexico.

    The fiction coming from team Hamas/Biden is so bad, who is going to believe it? Michigan auto workers? Nope. They know their jobs are on the line, and fake tariffs will not counter CCP trade aggression.

    #LetsGoBrandon 😇


  146. Mikel says:
    @John Johnson

    And the naive statement of the month goes to a Putin defender.

    What a surprise.

    I always knew LatW was a Kremlin agent myself. She never fooled me.

    Do you eat a lot of Dave’s Killer bread? I’ve actually noticed that my real, home-baked organic bread develops mold even faster if I keep it inside a plastic bag, like I used to keep Dave’s bread. That stuff can’t be good for you. Stop eating it while you can.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  147. Mikel says:

    Sweden and Finland would get them, Spain or Ireland probably not.

    Spain should get some. The US took advantage of Franco’s anti-communism to build several air bases across the country. Those are primary targets in a first salvo, in order to prevent their usage by strategic bombers. However, Sweden looks determined to avoid being left behind in that honorary first place because Russia spooked then with a mystery submarine in their fjords or something. It’s certainly not anti-communism but I don’t know what to call it. Gretinism?

  148. Mikhail says: • Website
    @John Johnson

    More accurate than Petraeus, Hodges, Keane et al.

  149. @Mikel

    Do you eat a lot of Dave’s Killer bread? I’ve actually noticed that my real, home-baked organic bread develops mold even faster if I keep it inside a plastic bag, like I used to keep Dave’s bread. That stuff can’t be good for you. Stop eating it while you can.

    I don’t eat a lot of it but you can look at the ingredients:

    It probably uses more salt than homemade bread. They probably also have some drying process that you aren’t using.

    Salt is a pretty effective preservative.

    Try a 2% salt mix and then keep it in a paper bag.

    I used to get some pretty sensitive organic bread and I would just freeze half of it. Then for the frozen half you just toast whatever you need.

  150. Mr. XYZ says:

    Gantz I suspect would be willing to give up the Jordan Valley if he really needs to do so to make peace.

    Would be great if both Qatar and Iran would have open borders with Palestine.

  151. Mr. XYZ says:

    Did Britain’s GDP per capita go down due to mass immigration, due to Brexit, or due to both of these factors?

    Anyway, Britain should ideally get its own version of the First Amendment. Though admittedly this is difficult to do when you’re starting from scratch. Surely British nationalists could ally with British TERFs in regards to this, no? JK Rowling could be a powerful ally for them if she will actually accept them as her allies for this specific battle (she can hate their guts otherwise, as the West did with Stalin but nevertheless conveniently allied with him during World War II in spite of both him himself and his entire regime being extraordinarily brutal and very atrocious).

    • Replies: @Coconuts
  152. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Noviop Co-Prosperity Sphere

    Would the learning of Mandarin bring a consolidated Han identity among the Singaporean Chinese ?

  153. @Beckow

    Fallout and tsunamis from nuking St. Petersburg would destroy Stockholm in any exchange.

    Good point. And yet a direct hit would be worse. (Or maybe better, quicker.)

    So there really is no nuclear loss for Sweden from joining NATO.

    They are either destroyed by a tsunami or they are nuked instantly. They lose with everyone else.

    Which means they gain protection from a conventional attack by Russia but in a nuclear exchange there isn’t a net loss.

    if you acknowledge that Russia will only invade non-NATO targets?

    Where do I say that?

    You have said that NATO countries are not at risk of being attacked.

    Reading comprehension again? I said that Sweden was ‘protected’ by Nato regardless of its membership.

    How would Sweden implement Article 5 as a non-member?

    They’re not a member and if Putin had chosen to attack Sweden or Finland then it would be up to individual NATO states to respond.

    Joining Nato came with costs but no gains. Austria, Ireland, Suise are neutral and protected. Do you doubt that?

    I doubt that. You don’t have full protection unless you are in NATO. People said the same thing about Ukraine as being de facto NATO. A de facto NATO country would be given the latest NATO weapons on day one. There would not have been a debate over sending fighters that are 2 generations behind. There would be F-35s in the air with NATO pilots. Most of the F-16s fighters still haven’t arrived. All the ATACMs would have been delivered at the start of the war and also the taurus. Germany is still holding out despite so many here suggesting that they don’t have autonomy. The German PM doesn’t want to send the taurus and that was true a year ago. There goes the theory that the US/UK controls all these countries. The Germans sent their AA guns but they don’t even want to send a modified taurus that couldn’t be used to hit Moscow.

    There is in fact a benefit of NATO that goes beyond protection. Smaller countries can creatively allocate their military spending with NATO protection. It works against the largest countries and especially the US. The smaller countries can for example defund their own intelligence programs while increasing funding for local military production that meets the requirement. It is not a US directed alliance as many assume. The smaller countries in fact are in an ideal position to take advantage of US spending. The US has had to adopt all kinds of European weapons and standards due to the rules. The US/UK perform the heavy lifting and the tiny countries use NATO requirements like a government jobs programs. It’s actually quite slick….for them.

    …Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as smart?

    Russia had no choice if they wanted to stay independent and avoid the eventual vassal status. With Nato in Ukraine, Russia would be indefensible – use nukes or surrender.

    How exactly would Russia be indefensible with Ukraine in NATO given that land based nuclear missiles are no longer built and a single trident submarine can wipe out most of the Russian population?

    Wouldn’t it be smarter to first send an ultimatum whereby they adopt Swiss style neutrality and sign over DPR/LPR?

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    , @Derer
  154. Mr. XYZ says:
    @John Johnson

    Wouldn’t it be smarter to first send an ultimatum whereby they adopt Swiss style neutrality and sign over DPR/LPR?

    You mean have Russia adopt Swiss-style neutrality?

    BTW, I’ve noticed that the Russia-NATO dynamic is rather similar to the India-Pakistan dynamic. One party feels a sense of hyper-vulnerability due to it having a much more powerful rival next door in spite of it also having a huge nuclear arsenal itself.

  155. Wouldn’t it be smarter to first send an ultimatum whereby they adopt Swiss style neutrality and sign over DPR/LPR?

    You mean have Russia adopt Swiss-style neutrality?

    Sure or just keep 1 meter of Ukraine contested so they can’t apply with a static border. Which means they can’t join NATO. Much easier/cheaper than a war.

    BTW, I’ve noticed that the Russia-NATO dynamic is rather similar to the India-Pakistan dynamic. One party feels a sense of hyper-vulnerability due to it having a much more powerful rival next door in spite of it also having a huge nuclear arsenal itself.

    That is an amusing observation.

    Both Russians and Indians tie their self-esteem to being a nuclear power while children literally starve in India and Russians sh-t in freezing outhouses. Way to go on copying a horrible weapon while ignoring basic infrastructure.

    Putin’s support heavily comes from boomers that clearly want the USSR back as part of their identity. Like it’s not enough to just go to the store to buy some eggs. They want the flag of the empire to fly over the grocery store. Take that USA! You may have Disneyland but we have a dictatorship and forced military parades!

    Russia would haven’t so many losers if they created more Teslas than angry dwarfs. They just can’t cut it economically with the Western nations and it pisses them off to no end. They want to view themselves as superior and they don’t even out-export the Finns on vodka. Ironically their minorities seem more content to just live and they are the ones being sent to the front for the glory of Putin and his angry boomer followers. The Siberians would undoubtedly vote for their own people’s republic if given the chance.

    I hope the minorities of Russia continue to outbreed the Slavs. I think their Slavs suffered too much dysgenically whereby the business minded looked at the revolution and thought….nah…I’ll move West. Their tatars for example seem more well rounded in culture and not obsessed with the West.

  156. Wokechoke says:
    @John Johnson

    You can’t just give weapons. You have to build a logistics train.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  157. Mr. XYZ says:

    One wonders whether the current Georgian government is similar to what Yanukovych’s government was before November 2013. As in, aiming to symbolically appeal to the West while behaving very much like Russia does, only in a much, much milder format, which also makes it easier for pro-Western protesters to do regime change over there in yet another color revolution.

  158. Mr. XYZ says:

    It’s interesting that even though religiosity appears to be eugenic according to a study by Emil Kirkegaard:

    –the most religious countries in the EU don’t appear to have more eugenic fertility relative to the more secular EU countries:

    How come? Any ideas?

  159. Derer says:

    There is no way for Islam to steal land from indigenous Palestinian Jews who are regaining their religious homelands.

    The present inhabitant of Israel/Palestine Jewish affiliation “regaining their religious homelands” from Europe, they do not have even ME DNA and thus are not even Semite. It is insanity to go back 1000 years and claiming this was our land. Are you insane? Every piece of land was acquired by blood. Using your logic, the Italians should reclaim Roman empire or monkeys should reclaim Uganda.

  160. @Wokechoke

    You can’t just give weapons. You have to build a logistics train.

    That’s incorrect and he has since been proven wrong.

    HIMARs drives like a truck and takes a few days to learn at the most.

    The Putin bootlickers were wrong.

    This is not that complicated.

    You are punching in GPS coordinates and hitting a giant KILL button. Drive in a truck and give it to them.

    This war would be over if the US sent all their ATACMS/HIMARs from day one. A thousand GPS directed missiles would have completely demoralized the Russians in the first month.

    Prigozhin is on record stating that the HIMARs terrifies the troops. They know it has a target and it supposedly makes an evil WHOOSH sound as it comes in. It isn’t like artillery where they launch it in a general area and hope for the best.

    Putin’s Muzzies were hit by HIMARs early in the war. They all bunkered up in the same building and their location was leaked. WHOOOSH you’re dead.

    Putin is currently making the right move. Try to take territory before all the ATACMS/HIMARS arrive.

    • Replies: @QCIC
  161. Derer says:
    @John Johnson

    How would Sweden implement Article 5 as a non-member?

    The NATO Article 5 is a myth, i was never acted on and never will be. It is a metaphysical garbage. Would Turkey fight against Muslims?

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  162. Coconuts says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    Did Britain’s GDP per capita go down due to mass immigration, due to Brexit, or due to both of these factors?

    As I understand it recently there has been an increase in overall GDP, the current government has been crediting this to its economic management. Part of this involved allowing 2 million immigrants to enter in the last 3 years. While total GDP has gone up, per person it has fallen (probably due to the number of people now resident.)

    So I think if the GDP per capita has fallen due to Brexit, the growth in total GDP would also have to be due to Brexit.

    Anyway, Britain should ideally get its own version of the First Amendment. Though admittedly this is difficult to do when you’re starting from scratch.

    Afaik, no European country has something like the First Amendment. Partly this is probably due to the perceived need to control political extremism if necessary (in the past this could have come from the right or left). The development of Islamism over the last couple of decades has given this tendency a new life, but also the need to integrate new immigrants and protect them from racism. It has inspired this weird thing of governments trying to control things in two opposite directions at once.

  163. @Derer

    It is insanity to go back 1000 years and claiming this was our land. Are you insane? Every piece of land was acquired by blood. Using your logic, the Italians should reclaim Roman empire or monkeys should reclaim Uganda.

    Just perfect, agree wholeheartedly;) And very recently it was nobody but the greatestest leader of Kremlin, which did that insanity for an hour with Tucker, lol

  164. Coconuts says:

    This Czech Youtuber has some good videos on demographics:

    I hadn’t thought about the problem he raises here, the small generation of the 1990s combined with predicted zoomer fertility levels.


    This is also interesting:

    The ones he has about British and French demographics are good. Haven’t listened to the one about Ukraine yet. He could be a bit of a doomer, but maybe realistic at the same time.

    • Thanks: Bashibuzuk, Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @Bashibuzuk

    As well as a tariff increase from 25% to 100% on EVs, levies will rise from 7.5% to 25% on lithium batteries, from zero to 25% on critical minerals, from 25% to 50% on solar cells, and from 25% to 50% on semiconductors.

    Tariffs on steel, aluminium and personal protective equipment – which range from zero to 7.5% – will rise to 25%.

    In response, China’s state mouthpiece news outlet published an editorial on Wednesday, accusing the US of “undermining fair trade and environmental protection”, while saying that it was US consumers who would bear the brunt of the tariffs.

    He’s stealing Trump’s policies!

    I’m sure this news will shake China to the core …

    “The global carmaker Stellantis is to sell cheap electric cars made by its Chinese partner Leapmotor in Europe, including the UK, as it criticised Joe Biden’s decision to impose a 100% tariff on Chinese EVs imported to the US.

    Stellantis, which owns brands including Fiat, Peugeot and Vauxhall, will start selling two Leapmotor models in September, at prices of less than €20,000 (£17,200). UK sales will start in March 2025.

    Carlos Tavares, the Stellantis chief executive, said the move would allow it to profit from the wave of Chinese cars coming to Europe, and strongly decried protectionism as the US launched steep tariffs to shield its own industry.”

    • Replies: @A123
    , @Mr. Hack
  166. @Gerard1234

    Total ignorance here, but what is stopping a heavily autonomous Palestinian region of Gaza as part of Egypt, and a heavily autonomous region of West Bank as part of Jordan?

    As already explained, Egypt’s secular military dictatorship is viscerally opposed to Hamas as a Muslim Brotherhood offshoot, Jordan’s monarchy is opposed to ruling more Palestinians because of Black September when the PLO tried to overthrow the Hashemite dynasty, and the Israeli settler fanatics have no intention of backing down in the West Bank.

    A few things to add are that for reasons of geography and geopolitics alone, Israel will only give up on the West Bank if/when it loses a war badly, along with the Golan heights. More importantly, the Israel-Palestine conflict is so intractable and unsolvable since the religious fanatics that saturate both sides believe they have a covenant with God (Yahweh vs Allah) that the Holy Land only belongs to their community of the faithful, with the other side having no right to exist whatsoever.

    • Replies: @ShortOnTime
  167. @ShortOnTime

    By far the best video I’ve found on the subject (something that almost everyone can probably agree on besides the intractable fanatics on either side).

    Explains the obstacles to peace that are underpinned by the religious issues.

    What makes the least sense about this entire conflict are all these humanitarian types that believe this conflict can ever end without one side eventually getting rid of the other, no matter how long that may take.

    Israel has been mostly dominating since 1948, but October 7th shows what would happen if the boot was on the other neck.

    • Replies: @A123
  168. A123 says: • Website

    The present inhabitant of Israel/Palestine Jewish affiliation “regaining their religious homelands” from Europe, they do not have even ME DNA and thus are not even Semite.

    Indigenous Palestinian Jews are regaining their religious lands, such as Jerusalem and Judea, the original homeland of Judaism. The issue is religion not ethnicity.

    It is insanity to go back 1000 years and claiming this was our land. Are you insane?

    Is it insanity to go back 50 years to claim land? Are Muslims insane?

    Why is 1,000 unacceptable yet 50 essential? is there a set # of years for that distinction?

    It comes across as arbitrarily cherry picking a time frame to gain your desired insane outcome. Muslims can steal land from the indigenous religions of Christianity and Judaism. And, the victims of that crime can never get it back.

    Every piece of land was acquired by blood.

    I concur. Muhammad the blood prophet engaged in Jihad. His followers then blood colonized Palestine ~600 AD bringing in the non-Palestinian religion of Islam.

    You have to pick a consistent standard. If:

    • “Might Makes Right” — Current day Jews have the same blood rights that Islam had ~1,400 years ago. They get their land back if they can take it.

    • “Might is Not Right” — Muhammad the blood prophet’s initial colonization is suspect.

    PEACE 😇

  169. Bashibuzuk says:

    A very good summary of the demographic dynamics there. I have written about it when I was mentioning that only a few large metropolitan areas in RusFed were experiencing population growth, while the hinterlands (glubinka = deep country) were being depopulated.

    I remember arguing that Karlin, who often waxed lyrical about the improvement of living quality in Moscow (which is undeniable) but did not grasp the implications of the massive depopulation of the countryside. Today in RusFed a new phenomenon is emerging, some younger people move to countryside, but there are too few of them.

    At the same time, there is a substantial influx of Caucasian and even some Central Asian migrants to the depopulated southern Russian rural regions. I have read a couple of times about some nearly abandoned Russian villages taken over by some Ingush or Chechen families moving there and starting some farming activities on these lands.

    As the saying goes: свято место пусто не бывает. If Slavs, Balts and others in the region are too stupid to reproduce and actually prefer madly killing each other, their place will be taken by other more demographically and psychologically sain populations.

    The future belongs to those who dare to come forward.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
    , @QCIC
  170. A123 says: • Website

    He’s stealing Trump’s policies!

    No he is not.

    PLO Joe’s orders are deliberately ineffectual. He is appeasing the CCP. See my earlier post.

    PEACE 😇

  171. A123 says: • Website

    What may force change are the natural resource constraints.

    Hamas unilaterally damaged the Gaza aquifer, and it cannot be fixed. Therefore, Islam 100% owns this problem. Without a major technology breakthru, surface water can support ~500K Muslims in the Gaza colony. The current population is ~2.5MM and growing.

    Will wealthier Muslim countries:

    -1- Spend money year after years for decades to supply fresh water to Gaza?
    -2- Help Muslims leave Gaza, allowing them to return home to Islamic lands?

    Muslim leaders have been kicking the proverbial can down the road for some time. But, Islam cannot ignore their problem forever. #2 is obviously the most viable option despite Jihadist opposition to the idea.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @ShortOnTime
  172. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    You should write press releases for Lockheed.

    ATACMS has been around a long time, over thirty years. The Russian Iskander and Tochka missiles are not so different. The Russian troops may not like the US missiles but are not dazzled by them as you suggest. HIMARS/ATACMS is good combination but can be defeated like anything else.

    It seems the majority (> 50%) of ATACMS are shot down by Russian intermediate SAMS like Pantsir and Tor. If the intended target is less well defended, then the odds of the US missiles getting through is better.

    If these ATACMS continue to hit civilian targets in Russia, then we may see more serious retribution strikes in Western Ukraine or Kiev. Most likely Western troops are directly involved with firing, maintenance and logistics of these systems inside Ukraine. The US participating in long range missile strikes on Russian civilians is truly insane and shows a complete lack of understanding of the risks involved. There is no excuse or justification for this.

    • Agree: Gerard1234
    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
    , @John Johnson
  173. Mr. Hack says:

    Why do you think that these whirling dervishes wont tire of dancing and wont soon start arming themselves in order to preserve their superiority and way of life?

  174. Mr. Hack says:

    Most likely…The US participating in long range missile strikes on Russian civilians is truly insane

    Your imagination hard at work again?

    • Replies: @QCIC
  175. Mr. Hack says:

    The US, the Dr. Frankenstein in this case, is finally starting to reap the benefits of having created the Chinese manufacturing monster. It’s traded in its polluted air for better prices on TV’s at Costco and Walmart. And its policymakers couldn’t envision this back in the 70’s when this all started?

  176. QCIC says:

    The same thing is happening in the USA at a rapid pace. Here it is obviously the intended result of programs explicitly supported by the government. Sixty years of anti-White, anti-American public education has left people barely able to recognize the problem. They know this process is bad but they cannot see it is intended to destroy them.

  177. QCIC says:
    @Mr. Hack

    That is the way it usually works. Politicians and military ‘leaders’ say the US is not involved and then later it comes out we were directly involved. They lie about everything. Ukraine is short of competent manpower, why wouldn’t the West send men to run these things? The ATACMS transfers have been discussed so openly it gives these clowns a built-in excuse for later: “Of course we sent our guys over to operate these advanced weapons, what did you expect?”

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
  178. @A123

    You’re a good illustration of my point that this conflict will never end until one side gets rid of the other.

    What’s weird though is that you must be some sort of Christian Zionist (you’ve mentioned something about being a Christian Baptist before?). Tbh, I used to be under the influence of a Christian Zionist preacher myself years back (“blessed shall be those who bless Israel”, etc.), but then I snapped out of it.

    You’d do well to think about how much your devotion and love are one-sided, and especially whether you’re getting played and spiritually cucked.

    It’s true that there are sincere, decent, and devout believers among the congregations of Christian Zionist preachers. It’s also true that Jihad and Islamic terrorism are evil.

    However, something always felt off about the mindless and unconditional pro-Israel conformism prevalent in America and the West more broadly. In this respect, Tucker Carlson’s interview with the Palestinian Christian pastor was ground-breaking and long overdue.

    Anyway, the one thing I can absolutely agree with you on is a pro-Russian worldview. Overall, to support Russia is to stand on far more solid ground than supporting either Israel or Palestine.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
    , @A123
  179. Mr. Hack says:

    why wouldn’t the West send men to run these things?

    Maybe to not get involved in a direct confrontation with Russia. It’s easier to fight Russia with American weaponry and Ukrainian hands.

    That is the way it usually works.

    The world according to QCIC and how it works…usually!

    • Replies: @QCIC
  180. songbird says:

    Wow, the alignment of one’s ancestor 267 years ago with the British is still an issue in Indian elections.

  181. songbird says:

    Looks to me more like Charles covered in the menses of an African elephant.


    This is modern art. Not flattering but deconstructive.

  182. @Derer

    How would Sweden implement Article 5 as a non-member?

    The NATO Article 5 is a myth, i was never acted on and never will be. It is a metaphysical garbage.


    It was implemented after 9-11:

    Would Turkey fight against Muslims?

    Why not? You think Muslims have some code against fighting each other?

    Russia was only able to meddle in Syria and back an unwanted dictator because the Muslim rebel factions were also fighting each other.

  183. @QCIC

    You should write press releases for Lockheed.

    No need, Putin’s war provides all the press the US defense industry needs. They might as well fire all of their marketing departments. HIMARS is backordered for over 10 years.

    ATACMS has been around a long time, over thirty years. The Russian Iskander and Tochka missiles are not so different. The Russian troops may not like the US missiles but are not dazzled by them as you suggest.

    I didn’t say they were dazzled by ATACMS.

    I said that Prigozhin is on record stating that the troops are terrified of HIMARS.

    If you want I can dig up that quote. Both HIMARS and ATACMS causes them problems because they outrange the artillery and can be used to take out specific targets. They also fly in a random pattern which makes it impossible to track them using reverse trajectory.

    Another case of Russia basically thinking it’s “not fair” because they expected to face a country with Soviet era weapons. They underestimated Western weapons and also the quantity.

    They are clearly having an impact as Putin started launching human wave attacks after the bill passed. He wants to land grab before all the ATACMS get there. Russia has Iskanders but not nearly as many. This was supposed to be a 2.5 week special operation and they most likely have supply problems with building them.

    It seems the majority (> 50%) of ATACMS are shot down by Russian intermediate SAMS like Pantsir and Tor.

    I haven’t seen any numbers on that. What is your source?

    If these ATACMS continue to hit civilian targets in Russia, then we may see more serious retribution strikes in Western Ukraine or Kiev.

    They aren’t targeting civilian targets. That would be a waste.

    There are plenty of military targets like this one:

    • Agree: Philip Owen
    • Replies: @QCIC
    , @Gerard1234
  184. CIA hit?

    Robert Fico, Slovakia’s prime minister, was shot today in the town of Handlová, where he had been meeting supporters, and taken to hospital.

    Born into a working-class family on 15 September 1964, Fico – a lawyer by profession – began his political career with the Communist party shortly before the 1989 Velvet Revolution that led to the breakup of former Czechoslovakia.

    He set up his centre-left Smer-SD party in 1999 after being turned down for a ministerial post by the Democratic Left, the Communists’ political heirs.

    Embroiled in allegations of corruption he has always denied, Fico is brash and outspoken, with a penchant for bodybuilding, football and fast cars.

    Fico admires both Vladimir Putin, saying he would not permit the Russian president’s arrest under an international warrant if he came to Slovakia, and Hungary’s illiberal leader, Viktor Orbán, “who defends the interests of his country and his people”.

    • Replies: @sudden death
    , @AnonfromTN
  185. @Mr. Hack

    If poor cartoons (does VVP really need labelling?) won wars Zelensky would be in Red Square now…

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
  186. A123 says: • Website

    You’d do well to think about how much your devotion and love are one-sided, and especially whether you’re getting played and spiritually cucked.

    It’s true that there are sincere, decent, and devout believers among the congregations of Christian Zionist preachers. It’s also true that Jihad and Islamic terrorism are evil.

    No cucking here. What a Gonzo phweet accusation.

    At an absolute minimum Judeo-Christians need to stand together against the blight of Islam. It is an existential threat to all infidels (including Christians and Jews).

    Both faiths share similar core values defined by the Ten Commandments and Old Testament. There is a solid spiritual alignment between the two. The idea that Jooooozzzzz are exploiting Christians is ludicrous.

    After Islam is defeated (or at least 100% eternally contained) we can worry about the less divisive issues between components of the Judeo-Christian values system.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @ShortOnTime
  187. @YetAnotherAnon

    The identity of the person who attempted to assassinate the Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was revealed, APA reports.

    Slovak media reports that said person is the famous Slovak writer Juraj Cintula.

    The 71-year-old writer is noted to be one of the supporters of the opposition party Progressive Slovakia.

    Hopefully Beckow wasn’t avatar of Fico on forum and soon will be available to tell everything from closer distance?

  188. @YetAnotherAnon

    If poor cartoons (does VVP really need labelling?) won wars Zelensky would be in Red Square now…

    Let infantile people have infantile fun. After all, this is the only source of joy available to pro-Ukies now.

    • Disagree: Mr. Hack
  189. @YetAnotherAnon

    CIA hit?

    Never underestimate the stupidity and ham-handedness of libtards. Could have been a brainwashed pro-US/NATO moron. If this were CIA, it has degraded as much as the other US institutions.

    • Agree: YetAnotherAnon
  190. @sudden death

    The 71-year-old writer

    Not as old as Alzheimer-in-Chief. Early dementia?

    • Replies: @sudden death
    , @Gerard1234
  191. @AnonfromTN

    Or Ted Kaczynski sindrome variation as from now on he will become more overall noticed writer worldwide for sure than he was before, even if for wrong reason.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
  192. @sudden death

    from now on he will become more overall noticed writer worldwide for sure than he was before,

    Plausible. He was so “famous” that I’ve never heard of him before. I won’t read him regardless, but maybe someone will: there is no accounting for tastes.

    I was recently told by a colleague that “Czech writer” (who did not live in Czechia since 1975) Milan Kundera is worth reading. Out of curiosity I read his “The unbearable lightness of being” and was underwhelmed: in Russian, German, Latin American, or English literature that thing would be way below the third tier. Even communist party-approved Soviet “writers” (who are certainly not worth reading from my POV) did a lot better job.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
  193. @sudden death

    You can be 99.99% for sure that CIA and Mossad know the identity of Mr. Beckow and he might not want to post on the internet as if he knows what he is talking about for a refractory interval.

    I found a perfect woman for songbird. Unfortunately she is dead. Murdered by her favorite orca. Nicole Simpson had the same problem.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
  194. @AnonfromTN

    I liked the movie. Couldn’t get past page 100 of the book.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
  195. @Derer

    How far back is legitimate?

    One argument is the lives of those still living. So the displacements of WW2 are still an issue but only just.

    Finally the Iriquois thought that 7 generations should be considered, 3 forward and 3 back plus the present. That would be great grandparents.

    Then there is back to Great, great grandparents. Beyond this, it is entirely possible that you do not share any autosomal DNA. It is also unlikely that, primogeniture apart, that your physical, cultural and intellectual inheritance are directly due to your 16 g g grandparents although you may still be in the same social class. Again, the medieval church recognized relationships to the degree of 3rd cousins. It probably knew something.

    I vote for GG Grandparents as being the last generation to be considered for purposes of claiming ancestral possession by law. Grandparents for the purpose of war where there is no Loser’s Consent.

    The logic of the Ashkenazi Jewish case would have Britions and Romans claiming England.

    The Mizrahi Jews have a different case. The Arabs expelled them to Israel in 1948. Arabs saw Israel as their proper home at the time. They have nowhere else to go. These are the people who vote for Likhud. Until the Palestinians make an acceptable space for them in their plans, they will resist.

  196. QCIC says:
    @Mr. Hack

    Mr. Hack, you are gullible. This might be endearing if you were not supporting the build up to World War Three and the devastation of the people and country you claim to love. I realize you will never understand the arguments about the West pressuring Russia using Ukraine as a pawn. In lieu of that deeper understanding, why don’t you simply become a peacenik? To get you started try these new slogans : “War is bad, no need to pick sides, plenty of lies all around. Bring the troops and weapons home.” This may save a few of your kin before they all die pointlessly.


    One video I saw a few years ago, possibly in the Unz comments, was very interesting. Maybe you can find it for us since it informs the overall discussion? Ostensibly the message of the video supports your perspective (something like Russia bad, must kill). It is a recording of lecture given at some venue like the US Army War college (could be Westpoint, marines, whatever) and the speaker’s name is Phil something. He was a senior officer (ret.) who had been an embedded “observer” with AFU forces in Donbas in roughly 2015-2017 time frame. His purpose for giving the talk was clearly to prepare US officers to fight the Russians, very likely in Ukraine.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    , @Mr. Hack
  197. @Emil Nikola Richard

    You can be 99.99% for sure that CIA and Mossad know the identity of Mr. Beckow

    Likely. They probably shared this info with affiliated spy agencies in other countries.

    But he is fairly safe here, like the rest of us: writing on the site read by so few people, just to blow off steam, is relatively harmless from the POV of powers-that-be. There was an expression in the USSR in the 1980s “freedom of thoughts and night dreams”. Commenting here falls in the same category. That’s what we enjoy in “democratic” US under the watchful eye of FBI, CIA, and the rest of the “seventeen intelligence agencies”, all of which “believed” in Iraq WMDs.

  198. @Emil Nikola Richard

    Couldn’t get past page 100 of the book.

    You didn’t miss anything. Out of sense of duty I read the whole thing (took me several weeks and considerable effort). High school essays are often written better.

  199. Beckow says:
    @sudden death

    The guy was a fanatic, a liberal provincial poet and a rainbow activist. The progressives lost two elections in the last 9 months – parliament, presidency – and are beyond themselves with anger. Their support runs around 20%, in the two large cities twice that. This is not good for them, even the Western-paid media and NGOs are distancing as fast as they can.

    Fico is an old-school socialist – unions, workers, social guarantees – and an old-fashioned nationalist, but not of the “clerical” type (we have those too). He is relatively liberal on religion, families, homos etc…in the Brussels mainstream, but anti-migration and anti-war. That has rubbed the EU honchos wrong way, but he is a very pragmatic guy and has been around for decades. In the late 80’s he was the head of the Commie student branch at the main university in Bratislava – he and General Pavel in Czechia have a lot in common. He is known as a workaholic.

    • Replies: @AP
    , @Greasy William
  200. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    For the entire SMO after most missile strikes there are claims on both sides about how many missiles and drones got through. Compare the numbers released by both sides. The pattern I notice is that over time the Ukrainian numbers tend to become more realistic (less grandiose) and begin to agree with Russian claims.

    Russia has lots of vulnerable targets, military and civilian, which are not defended against supersonic missile strikes. They have a finite number of SAMS and have to make decisions about what to protect. This is true for Ukraine also, but Russia seems to have more concern about protecting civilians as shown throughout the course of the war.

    Precision weapons are a nightmare on all sides since they take some of the randomness out of long range combat. The randomness lets people hold on to a fantasy they can survive. Weapons like ATACMS, Excalibur shells, JDAM bombs remove this. Russian weapons like Iskander, Kinzhal, Krasnopol, TOS have a similar effect. The West is a bit better off with more smart or ‘brilliant’ weapons but the difference doesn’t seem to be much use to all the Ukrainian dead troops.

    Why do you quote Prigozhin about anything? He is an interesting character, but part of his job is PR. This is like quoting Zelensky.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  201. QCIC says:

    I found the talk by Dr. Phillip Karber. I will listen to it when I have a chance. My main point is the West was obviously preparing for war against Russia inside Ukraine, so what did people expect to happen?


  202. AP says:

    The guy was a fanatic, a liberal provincial poet and a rainbow activist

    Any truth to this? (you are the last person from whom to seek truth, but the only Slovak here):

    Did he go crazy pro-Russian? Seems outlandish.


    • Replies: @Matra
    , @LatW
    , @Beckow
    , @Gerard1234
  203. Matra says:

    The timeline of that Szabolcs Panyi you linked to is really something to behold. I wonder if he sees Orban in the room right now. He should seek professional help.

    • Agree: AP
  204. LatW says:

    Did he go crazy pro-Russian? Seems outlandish.

    These types of marginal figures sometimes drift from one extreme grouping to another. They don’t really fit in anywhere. It’s a type of contrarian.

    Similarly, these types of paramilitary orgs sometimes hang out with similar orgs from other countries.

    I wonder if this had anything to do with immigration, my guess would be that Fico might have played himself as a populist, but in reality, same as elsewhere in the Visegrad area, he still catered to the employers since there has been a noticeable influx of migrants over the last 5 or so years. Many are not happy with this, but only a few will act. Just a guess.

    Or it might be that this guy is just restless – restlessness has grown and chaos has indeed been sown by Russia recently (there are even minor terror acts taking place within the EU). We have to work to mitigate that. They’re not omnipotent.

    • Replies: @AP
  205. AP says:

    Supposedly he lived in the USSR (Lithuania) in the 80s, and was supporting the Donbas republics. If so, that would make him like the American Communist Tex Bentley who moved to Donbas in order to kill Ukrainians on behalf of Russia, and was killed by Russian troops in Donbas.

    But that is a big if.

    • Disagree: YetAnotherAnon
  206. QCIC says:

    In order to keep 2024 interesting, I hope the future pro-Russian leader of Ukraine shows up at the peace conference. That will throw the NATO crowd for a loop!

    This doesn’t leave much time to sort things out, but I’m sure there has been plenty of Ukrainian political churning as they try to figure out who will break the bad news to Tony Blinken.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  207. Beckow says:

    Nonsense, there is nothing like that reliably reported in Slovakia. The guy just spoke briefly to the media and listed his reasons: a failed liberal poet who worked as a security guard in a shopping mall (retired) who hated the government.

    You always fall for the most obvious lies, why? Are you so desperate to look away from the catastrophic loss the Ukies are experiencing? Aren’t you sorry that Kiev didn’t take the deal Russia offered for 10 years? Is this better than a neutral, federal Ukraine, with equal rights for all ethnic groups and no US bases? How is this better?

    • Agree: Mikhail
    • Replies: @AP
  208. Beckow says:

    …relatively sizable pro-European demos.

    Sizable? There were a few thousand people on a square in a city of half a million. Many stopped for the music. Life is slow and it is entertaining. The staged Western-owned media uses special angle-editing, darkness and self-serving estimates by the organizers. I have seen more people line up for soccer team arrivals.

    By the way, Fico is very pro-EU and the demos are not about that – they are about control of TV, courts, and whether bears should be allowed to roam free in the countryside (really, it is a very hot topic, I am actually with the bears on that one).

    The liberals definitely exist, the usual assortment of the NGO workers, “artists” (often not working), homos, and the frustrated elderly whose brains are stuck in 1989. But they are a minority of around 20% – so they hate everyone and try to get their way by screaming and media-culture control. But losing the two elections in a row made many of them literally insane, they openly talk about hating their own people, call them peasants, ‘stupid villagers’, etc…It is not a winning position.

    • Replies: @LatW
    , @YetAnotherAnon
  209. LatW says:

    And of course the Slovak public are divided and politically polarized, as seen by the recent demos. I wish peace and calm to the Slovak people.

    The wide oak, tied three fold with a golden belt
    A snake lunged, a bee bit,
    Not a single leaf trembled.

    Devils bedevil, the envious envy,
    They cannot destroy me:
    Dievs is building a golden fence
    Around my body

    (Baltic words of protection)

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  210. Mr. Hack says:

    War is bad, no need to pick sides, plenty of lies all around. Bring the troops and weapons home.”

    I really like this one. Ukraine doesn’t have to do much, because its troops and weapons are located within Ukraine. Russian troops should go back to their own country, and this stupid war would be over. It’s too bad that you don’t practice or believe in what you preach? 🙁

    • Replies: @QCIC
  211. AP says:

    You always fall for the most obvious lies

    I clearly stated that the story seemed outlandish. Why lie about what I wrote?

    I am not you, who eagerly falls for fairytales like that Ukraine was given a reasonable offer by Russia.

    But your denial might mean the possibility of his having links to that pro-Russian organization.

    Are you so desperate to look away from the catastrophic loss the Ukies

    The loss of a few villages on the Russian border near Kharkiv? At the cost of a large number of men and equipment?

    By your logic, Russia suffered catastrophic losses during Ukraine’s summer offensive.

    Aren’t you sorry that Kiev didn’t take the deal Russia offered for 10 years? Is this better than a neutral, federal Ukraine, with equal rights for all ethnic groups and no US bases

    Russia wanted to turn Ukraine into late 18th century Rzeczpospolita, which it could control. Poor, decentralized with the Russian region granted veto power, isolated from the West.

    Ukrainian people didn’t want that. Do they have a right to choose with whom to ally or what their internal policies are?

    Thanks for confessing that you think they do not. Because Washington, right?

    How is this better?

    Typical criminal’s logic. “Do what I demand, or I break your leg. How is giving me your wallet worse than me breaking your leg? You made a bad choice. It’s your fault.”

    • Agree: Mr. Hack
  212. LatW says:

    By the way, Fico is very pro-EU and the demos are not about that – they are about control of TV, courts,

    I know what this is about, we went through this same crap years ago (courts and general prosecutor, who runs the anti-corruption bureau, media, etc., it’s what Blinken talked to Ukraine as well during today’s visit).

    There has to be some kind of a balance there between fairness & transparency and the national interests (to protect the national interests from the liberal fifth columnists, but to also not fall into nepotism, corruption, etc). It’s very hard to balance that.

    • Replies: @Beckow
  213. @Beckow

    “losing the two elections in a row made many of them literally insane, they openly talk about hating their own people, call them peasants, ‘stupid villagers’, etc”

    2016 did that to British liberals – the Brexit and Trump votes were otherwise inexplicable to them, it HAD to be down to dirty work – so they were easy marks for the “Russia did it” purveyors.

    I went to sleep on Brexit night resigned to defeat, woke up early and the moment I turned on BBC radio I knew Leave had won – the mood was so gloomy. It was as if the Queen had died.

    UK politics has come full circle in the last 100 years. In the Victorian Age right up to the 1920s the educated middle classes looked down on the poor as uneducated fools, just as they do now. The only difference is that then, the educated classes voted Tory, now they vote Labour.

    • Replies: @Beckow
  214. songbird says:

    Instead of washing with soap, should we be washing with bars of commensal bacteria to prevent allergies, infections, and autoimmune diseases?

    And rather than pasteurization, wouldn’t putting milk through some sort of screening process for pathogenic microorgansisms be superior?

  215. Beckow says:

    …It’s very hard to balance that.

    We agree on that. The courts, prosecutors and the government funded media need to be independent, non-political and follow some basic professional rules. That is not the case in many so-called democratic countries today – from the anti-Trump mania in US to Assange in jail in UK, and the liberal monopoly that we see in many CE countries. When Fico gment got elected they moved to balance it: put in new people, abolish the special prosecutor, etc…so the liberals went bonkers and a few thousands went to the streets. They don’t have a majority, and it is very odd the Western media pretends otherwise.

    There is also the bear issue: the population of bears exploded and they have started to walk through villages and camp-grounds, getting food, breaking into cars and even houses, 2-3 people were killed, dozens attacked. The city liberals like it – ‘green’ protected habitat. The villagers want the bears controlled, violently if needed. I am with the libs on this one, I like the bears and to hell with some scared babushkas…but I wouldn’t bother to go to a demo, too many tattoos and weirdos. It is complicated…:)

  216. LatW says:

    We agree on that. The courts, prosecutors and the government funded media need to be independent, non-political and follow some basic professional rules.

    Well, as I mentioned, these need to be independent both of any fifth column or outside pressures, but also have very high standards to function independently and fairly. Neither Russia (or Russian propped local “minigarchs”), nor the US State Department should be allowed to meddle.

    What is the state of your security services right now? This shouldn’t be allowed to demoralize them, but they need to understand that we’re in a different – more chaotic and compromised – environment now.

    There is also the bear issue

    Yea, I’ve recently heard something about the bear population growing, must be the excess of food or the good weather, I think we too had more of them appear. We had a big issue with boars, but that’s an easier one (as they are relatively easy to cull). For farmers, this is tough. I’d prefer to stand with the farmers and the country people, but it’s a tough one – bears are kind of adorable (plus it’s an old totem animal). But I don’t want to sound like a spoiled city person that adores from afar. That’s a bit pathetic. 🙂

    What were the shooters poems about? Frankly, I doubt those were any good..

    • Replies: @AP
  217. Beckow says:

    …2016 did that to British liberals – the Brexit and Trump votes were otherwise inexplicable to them

    Yeah, it is a very similar dynamic. The ‘educated’ are often not that smart (or even really educated), they are just beneficiaries of the dysfunctional systems in place: open borders, pyramid-schemes with pensions-housing, they tend to be in non-market jobs, etc…migrants are cheap labor for them and the costs are pushed on others.

    It is a privilege based on very little – but they will fight like mad to keep it: the subsidies, fake jobs, the endless mostly female office chair-warmers, money for “art”, NGO’s (what the f..k is that?), charities, academia,….if you look closely all of it is subsidized by the real economy and lacks any meaningful competition.

    There is an old adage that ideology and greed always combine, they go together. The modern liberaism is about these benefits, the greed and privilege. They go nuts when Brexit, Trump or anything else threatens them. It will eventually end – the fake money can’t grow indefinitely – in the meantime they will scare themselves with Russia or China, worship migrants because they mostly make money from them, and they will scream how they are the better people. Quite a spectacle.

    • Thanks: S1
  218. @Emil Nikola Richard

    How a New Hampshire libertarian utopia was foiled by bears

    If bears only attacked libtards and libertarians I’d vote for a special bear breeding and releasing program funded by my tax dollars.

  219. @QCIC

    For the entire SMO after most missile strikes there are claims on both sides about how many missiles and drones got through. Compare the numbers released by both sides. The pattern I notice is that over time the Ukrainian numbers tend to become more realistic (less grandiose) and begin to agree with Russian claims.

    I see no reason to believe either side when it comes to such numbers. I think the ISW is a better source but their information is limited as they work from satellite data.

    but Russia seems to have more concern about protecting civilians as shown throughout the course of the war

    They started this war by launching cruise missiles at Kiev. Would you describe that as being concerned with protecting civilians? They have sent hundreds of Iranian 2 stroke drones at Ukrainian cities. What is the purpose if the drones are not accurate enough to target a specific floor or vehicle?

    Why do you quote Prigozhin about anything? He is an interesting character, but part of his job is PR.

    He is a scumbag but was probably the only Russian involved in the war that has been honest about the situation.

    Prigozhin wanted Shoigu removed more than anything and Putin eventually agreed. Only about a year and a half later.

    Prigozhin gave an honest assessment of the front. When he says that HIMARs terrified the troops it can’t be discredited as Ukrainian propaganda. He spoke of advantages on both sides. I prefer to listen to such men on the front rather than cheerleaders like Ritter/MacGregor or some of the British media that is too pro-Ukrainian.

    He is obviously dead and his job was never PR. In fact Putin wanted him to stop talking. Putin wanted the Prigozhin/Shoigu spat to remain private.

    Ukraine was lucky that Putin did not listen to Prigozhin and stuck with Shoigu. Prigozhin wanted Russia to win and viewed Shoigu as the main problem. The newest rumor is that Shoigu will be arrested for corruption like his deputy.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  220. @QCIC

    In order to keep 2024 interesting, I hope the future pro-Russian leader of Ukraine shows up at the peace conference. That will throw the NATO crowd for a loop!

    Why would there be a pro-Russian leader of Ukraine? That would require complete capitulation as the people would not vote for one.

    Polls show support for the war and Lavrov hinted that they want a demilitarized zone between the two countries. Which means a free Western Ukraine would remain if Lavrov is being forthright.

    Putin has created a 100 year wedge between Ukrainians and Russians.

    The DPR/LPR militias were marched off to the front and Putin has been filling those areas with Central Asian migrants.

    Ukraine could become less Russian because of the war. In fact Putin could push them towards qualifying for NATO if he eventually agrees to a border deal. So the complete opposite outcome of his originally stated goal of keeping NATO from expanding East. All he had to do was keep the border contested and they would never be able to qualify.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    , @YetAnotherAnon
  221. QCIC says:
    @Mr. Hack

    Well, I suppose that might work. First you have to convince NATO to revoke the memberships of Finland and the other Baltic states along with a few other countries. Then once the US removes the missile sites from Romania and Poland you may be on track. Then after you have the USA sitting down to update nuclear arms control treaties Russia may slightly warm up to you. Once the West repays the stolen funds and repairs Nordstream, I’ll bet the Kremlin will be happy to discuss de-militarization of Ukraine as long as there is no US or Ukrainian official support for NeoNazis.

    This sounds like a piece of cake for you to take care of. Please keep us informed of your progress.

    • Replies: @LatW
    , @John Johnson
    , @Mr. Hack
  222. QCIC says:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    The interviewee has interesting civic priorities: “…recycling rates went down…”

    These sound like hippies who got lost on the way to Woodstock. I thought the FSP had settled on Keene, NH.

    New Hampshire is a nice place, but it has been wrecked by the Boston libtard influence for at least 25 years.

    • Replies: @songbird
    , @QCIC
  223. LatW says:

    Yep, as soon as the RusFed demilitarizes across the European perimeter.

  224. Mikel says:

    I am with the libs on this one, I like the bears and to hell with some scared babushkas…

    I’m with the villagers and the babushkas on this. I don’t think I know anyone who likes nature and the outdoors more than I do but I am against big, dangerous animals attacking people. It could be anyone, including members of my family, who also live on the countryside. Or much more likely, it could be me, while I’m hiking in the wilderness. I’m totally against that too. Let’s control the population of dangerous beasts.

  225. @QCIC

    Well, I suppose that might work. First you have to convince NATO to revoke the memberships of Finland and the other Baltic states along with a few other countries.

    NATO doesn’t have a hierarchy and in fact the vote would have to be unanimous to remove a member. Which means each Baltic country would have to vote to remove the others.

    Why should they vote to remove the Baltics? Especially when the talking heads on Russian TV constantly talk about them as if they belong to Russia? What would stop a Tsar from invading them?

    Then once the US removes the missile sites from Romania and Poland you may be on track.

    You are talking about the AEGIS defense system? Why would those need to be removed when they don’t change the outcome of a nuclear war?

    I’ll bet the Kremlin will be happy to discuss de-militarization of Ukraine as long as there is no US or Ukrainian official support for NeoNazis

    Lavrov has been talking about a demilitarized buffer zone between the two countries. They means they are open to a Western Ukraine remaining. Do you think that would be a fair outcome or do you believe that Russia is bluffing and they plan to take it all?

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  226. Wokechoke says:
    @John Johnson

    Looks like Kharkov 5.0 is happening. This time Neo Mansteins fight Latter Day Zhukovs.

  227. Wokechoke says:
    @John Johnson

    Prigozhin was probably a CIA asset around a month into the battle
    for Bakhmut. Bakhmut was a funnel for bringing over American cash and gear to go organize a coup in Moscow.

    Prigozhid wasn’t a Russian.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  228. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    It is a tangled web they weave on all sides.

    I expect a full capitulation by Ukraine at some point, but I think the upcoming “peace conference” is a bit soon. I do not expect the details of this capitulation to be completely public so the Western media may be able to spin it as a compromise.

    I liked the US better when the population was 250 million, so I don’t see why Russia has to replace all the Ukrainians who wisely fled. The Ukrainian oligarchs squandered much of the technological economy of the country at least 20 years ago by opposing Russia. For now Ukraine may revert to being a very agrarian oblast with some tourist sites. With modern agriculture such an economy does not require that many people, even without GMO nonsense. I think the Russians will revive the shipbuilding, aerospace and electronics sectors in Ukraine, but this may take a long time since the Kremlin had largely given up on them.

    I don’t know exactly what the Russians mean by a demilitarized or sanitary zone. I wonder if they are describing a temporary measure to allow more Ukrainian civilians to escape the combat zones?

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  229. Wokechoke says:

    They’ll invade Poland next. Crazy bastards.

  230. @Mikel

    We are not Israeli Defense Force. They do not have to be eradicated. Wildlife control keeps their eyes open. Assassinate a bear once every couple months. Bears are very smart. It does not take a lot of management to convince them to stay away from humans and keep their paws off our picnic baskets.

    • Replies: @LatW
    , @Mikel
  231. LatW says:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    In EE, you can’t shoot them, of course (we have some Ursus arctos and it’s a protected animal), but the hunters do set up separate feeding areas for them in the woods. That’s where they typically stay, but they do wonder into homesteads occasionally. There are a lot of bee keepers, with honey in their gardens. There should be a way to contain them if they start coming in too much, maybe they can be caught and transported into more remote areas.

    Not sure about bears but boars can damage gardens and pasture to the point where it can affect the harvest, the fruits of one’s labor. Bears probably not, because they just scout around for food but do not dig the soil.

  232. songbird says:

    The interviewee has interesting civic priorities: “…recycling rates went down…”

    Population is <1400. Probably, over, if you account for people not filling out the census, but point is that is is low and spread out over like 40 square miles. Some of that is mountain, so it's a bit more concentrated than that, but it's still pretty low density.,_New_Hampshire

    No way that a cop will be on the scene to prevent something in that type of area – you have got to prevent it yourself. Same with fire. Library is about as big as your dining room, and they weren't running it on the cheap.

    Of course, am not saying the locals are pleased with them or should be. The broad range of libertarians includes a lot of crazies – that is certainly true.

  233. @Wokechoke

    Prigozhin was probably a CIA asset around a month into the battle
    for Bakhmut. Bakhmut was a funnel for bringing over American cash and gear to go organize a coup in Moscow.

    The CIA had nothing to do with his Moscow run. It didn’t make any sense and the West would have taken advantage of the situation if they had planned it. Prigozhin had a death wish that was eventually granted.

    Prigozhin wasn’t a Russian.

    You mean he was also Jewish and you don’t recognize Russian Jews as Russian.

    He was a Russian citizen that was born in Leningrad. Putin views Russian Jews like his close friend Solovyov as 100% Russian so he would disagree with your statement.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  234. AP says:

    I’d prefer to stand with the farmers and the country people, but it’s a tough one – bears are kind of adorable

    The only time I’ve come across a bear, it hastily climbed up a tree. I then briskly walked away. It was a black bear, they are afraid of adult humans. From what I understand, the brown bears in Europe are much more dangerous, like grizzly bears out West.

    • Replies: @LatW
    , @Bashibuzuk
  235. LatW says:

    That’s too funny about the black bear. 🙂 Aw, I love that look when they’re hugging the tree. So cute.

    Of course, the brown ones are dangerous, it’s just that there have been more of them only recently. They used to be rare.

    The male can be quite dangerous even to the cubs, that’s why the male and female go separately, the mother and the cubs separate because the male wants to mate (but the female is not sexual while she’s with the cubs so the male tries to get rid of the cubs). Pretty crazy behavior. lol

  236. @QCIC

    I liked the US better when the population was 250 million, so I don’t see why Russia has to replace all the Ukrainians who wisely fled.

    It serves two purposes.

    1. The Central Asian Muslims provide labor. Russia uses Muslim immigrants like the US uses Mexicans. The DPR/LPR militias were sent to the front with lousy weapons/camo and they will be replaced with Muslims.

    2. A multi-racial/multi-ethnic (former) DPR is less likely to want independence from Russia. It’s the same tactic used by globalists in the West. Water down any dominate ethnic group and then have everyone focused on competing with each other instead of unifying around race or religion.

    I don’t know exactly what the Russians mean by a demilitarized or sanitary zone. I wonder if they are describing a temporary measure to allow more Ukrainian civilians to escape the combat zones?

    Both Medvedev and Putin have talked about drawing lines around the currently occupied territories or “conquests” as Putin called them. In that regard it is understandable why Lavrov has talked about a demilitarized zone between the two countries. They want a neutral zone.

    Or maybe you think this is all a bluff and they plan on marching in Kiev.

    Well I think Putin is just plain full of shit and is trying to save face at this point. I think he would happily take DPR/LPR and let Ukraine be in NATO if he can somehow spin that as a success to his own people. His defenders put too much trust in his word even though the war started out with him lying to the UN (There will be no invasion, it’s just a training exercise). His Totalitarian State TV won’t question him and they will go along with whatever he says.

    Trying to march on Kiev would be extremely risky and he hasn’t taken Kharkiv. As I said at the start of the war anyone naive enough to put trust in the word of an insecure mass murderer is only setting themselves up for disappointment. Putin may claim the DPR/LPR was the goal the entire time which of course would be mocked in the West. But he may take that outcome out of desperation and then give himself a military parade just as Saddam did after the Iraq/Iran war disaster. Putin is the dictator and the Russian people seem cultured and even selected to be exploited by a Tsar. I really do think they are more likely to have genes for subservience just as there are dog breeds that are more loyal than others.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    , @Wokechoke
  237. songbird says:

    Lol. The Taiwanese are at it again.


  238. Mikel says:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    It does not take a lot of management to convince them to stay away from humans and keep their paws off our picnic baskets.

    Actually, it does. Even with black bears, that seldom attack humans (but one of them did kill an 11 year old camper in Utah who was just sleeping in his tent during a family outing). With grizzlies and polar bears, forget about teaching them any lessons.

    A common opinion here among wild beast defenders is that it’s our fault, for invading their natural habitat, where we don’t belong. But this is a very problematic idea. Do I not belong to the mountains where I hike and run several times per week? Where do I belong then? Just inside a city (like most of those animal rights activists, I presume)? Another advantage of keeping large predators under control is that large game become much more abundant, to the joy of the legions of hunters in the US. There’s hardly any such thing as too many deer and elk to hunt and eat for all of us in the US countryside. Besides, around here they do an excellent job of micromanaging the herds from helicopters and capturing samples to determine how many can be safely hunted every season.

    I wouldn’t kill them all Netanyahu style though. Just try to make sure that grizzlies don’t expand beyond national parks and do some selective culling of black bears and cougars elsewhere, as you say.

  239. QCIC says:

    “Damn you Putin and your bears!”

    Alternate comment regarding New Hampshire bear problems:

    • Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  240. @Mikel

    I wouldn’t kill them all Netanyahu style though. Just try to make sure that grizzlies don’t expand beyond national parks and do some selective culling of black bears and cougars elsewhere, as you say.

    Yea that doesn’t happen though.

    The libs make it up as they go along. Oh well that species actually needs a wider territory. They often just need a single judge to go along with it.

    Or they just go to the ballot once there are enough Democrats and women to vote with their heartstrings. That is happening now in Colorado. Conservatives told us that Hispanics are “natural conservatives” and that theory not only failed but Colorado and Nevada are turning into California East.

    AR-15s and certain types of hunting are destined to be banned in most Western states. Democrats are taking them over and our moron conservatives stick with a losing gameplan.

    Conservatives please come up with a new gameplan other than “minimal government ‘n abortion”. It doesn’t work.

  241. songbird says:

    Dragon chicken:

    Is this because some East Asians eat the feet?


    Remarkable case of selective breeding.

  242. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    I still think Russia plans to reclaim everything East of the Dnepr and then across along the Black Sea to Odessa. Everything else west of the river will eventually be controlled by Russia, but I don’t have a strong opinion about those details.

    Belousov could change things, but in which direction?

    • Replies: @Mikhail
    , @John Johnson
  243. Beckow says:

    I struggle with it and I see your point of view. But the bears are so cute, I walked by one momma-bear with her two little ones and it is a very deep spiritual experience. I tend to side with underdogs and in this touching tug-of-war that would be the bears.

    It has a price, but their victims are usually the less-mobile, chunkier human types who should stay indoors anyway. The danger is also slightly exciting – being in the nature should be a risky, it is not a “park”…

    The screaming greens annoy me – they are wrong, stupid and lazy, hiding behind “global warming!” because they are too lazy to deal with actual pollution. But they like (and fear) the bears – in an ideal world the greens would meet the bears face-to-face and make all of us happier. But it is not to be – instead they yell at city squares and make me cortados. Life is not perfect…maybe I am wrong, but I am staying on the bears’s side.

  244. songbird says:

    Seems like there are a lot of Coprophagous politicians in Europe now.

    There was that one in Spain recently, and now another in Germany. Probably uncounted others.

  245. @Mikel

    Mountain lions don’t need culling in my observation. They are terrified of humans. I have encountered them twice. Both times they attained max speed away from me two seconds after they saw me. I know people who have spent far more time in the wilds than myself who have never seen one.

    Grizzlies are definitely a different beast.

    Do you guys have wolves?

    • Replies: @Mikel
  246. Mikel says:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Mountain lions don’t need culling in my observation. They are terrified of humans.

    True. I suspect I wouldn’t be alive if they weren’t. I must be an easy prey when I run in their territory all winter long. But you get some rogue ones that cause some fatalities every now and then, usually on the West Coast. I remember a woman or a child dying in Colorado in a cougar attack not too long ago too. I’d try to instill the fear of God in any of them that approaches humans and cull the more aggressive ones.

    Do you guys have wolves?

    Yes, in the northernmost parts. But wolf attacks on humans in North America have been so rare historically that I’m not sure they’re worth worrying too much about. They’re mostly a problem for ranchers.

    Interestingly, I once read that grizzlies were so abundant in the times of the pioneers that you could find them in Southern California. The Big Bear Lake mountains south of Los Angeles were reportedly teeming with them, hence the name. Not having animal rights activists around, people just took the matter into their own hands and they’re now confined to the states bordering Canada, mostly around their national park refuges. Obviously, the same would have happened to their black cousins if they were equally aggressive.

    • Replies: @Philip Owen
  247. @AnonfromTN

    Not as old as Alzheimer in Chief

    I don’t see any intellectual inferiority or capability inferiority of Biden with the khomyak-types or post-Soviet “liberal” nationalist mental midgets – both lie the same, have the same level of intellectual forgetfulness, all are scum.

    I don’t think he is that much different than these animals – if they were not on cocaine or whatever all the time to make them appear alert.

    The Romanian whore in charge of Moldova is supposed to have massively embarassed herself in her recent interview with the ultra-khomyak, Yuri Dud- and she is 40 years younger than Biden. If anything Biden is quite skilled at using the weakness of his age to actually stop himself from being embarrassed further, or on the things he doesn’t want to be embarassed on – such as his son, his warcrimes etc. A fall or convenient forgetting or getting names wrong is nothing by comparison.

    His age, his movements and forgetfulness only make him equally as pitiful as the flood of over promoted to PM/President young men and stupid women in charge of NATO countries – like Macron’s homo lover PM, the Moldovan idiot, the drug addict vermin President of 404, Trudeau, young Spanish PM, Italy etc.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
  248. Mr. Hack says:

    Like I’ve already pointed out:

    It’s too bad that you don’t practice or believe in what you preach? 🙁

    The idea that you posed as it stands is a good one, but once you realized that it doesn’t suit the Russian side, you decided to backpedal and include all sorts of unrealistic caveats. You’re the detestable type, like so many politicians, that likes to talk out of two sides of your mouth…a complete waste of time.


    • Replies: @QCIC
  249. @Bashibuzuk

    I can no longer find the web page of that Orthodox monastery in Bosnia where they keep a bunch of pet bears as mascots of their patron saint. Those photos are the best.

    • Thanks: Bashibuzuk
  250. @Gerard1234

    Yes, one can be a nonentity, an idiot, a piece of shit, or all of the above regardless of age and gender. That does not change the fact that Alzheimer-in-Chief is demented and used to be corrupt when he was simply stupid. One can say he aged well: remained a piece of shit.

  251. QCIC says:
    @Mr. Hack

    L.O.L. The suggested Hack (or Ukraine) “to do list” was rhetorical. I know you do not understand it. Just tell your friends to leave Ukraine. Make sure on the way out they remind the NeoNazis: the sooner they capitulate, the more will be left of their beloved country. Great job, morons.


    By the way, have you seen the great Ukrainian video linked up on VK for some reason? It is linked on Admiral Marty’s site on Monday the 13th (].

    The link doesn’t paste properly. The author is Alexander Rodzhers and is video54802502_456243650 on VK.

    • LOL: Mr. Hack
  252. Nero fiddled while Rome burnt…Blinken shreds on his farewell to Kiev tour.

    What was his closing tune? Hasta mañana by ABBA or was it Sit On My Face by Monty Python?

    • Replies: @Mikhail
  253. Mikhail says: • Website

    Having an economist heading the Russian military is good optics in suggesting a fiscally responsible process.

    Shifting gears –

  254. @QCIC

    I still think Russia plans to reclaim everything East of the Dnepr and then across along the Black Sea to Odessa. Everything else west of the river will eventually be controlled by Russia, but I don’t have a strong opinion about those details.

    So you think they will fight for 3 major cities that are majority Ukrainian and voted for Zelensky?

    Bloody urban fighting for cities that did not support the separatists? Then what? Engage against partisans until some type of deal is reached?

    Of course Putin would like Odessa because of Catherine the Kraut.

    But we all want things.

    He either has to crawl West with bloody urban combat or risk a coastal invasion. That could be a failed Gallipoli on live global television.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
    , @QCIC
    , @Derer
    , @Gerard1234
  255. Mikhail says: • Website

    Shades of South Vietnam and Afghanistan.

  256. Mr. Hack says:
    @John Johnson

    from another comment:

    Shoigu is one of Putin’s best worst decisions. Putting someone with zero military experience in charge of defense. Just outstanding.

    So, have you had an opportunity yet to formulate an opinion of Shoigu’s replacement, the economist guy? He sounds like the bookkeeper type to me, but probably doesn’t have the requisite military background to fill the top Defense minister spot? Sounds like a smarter version of Shoigu, although a little bit past his expiration/due date.

  257. @A123

    At an absolute minimum Judeo-Christians need to stand together against the blight of Islam. It is an existential threat to all infidels (including Christians and Jews).

    Agree with the sentiment and although the current-situation doesn’t fully correspond, one shouldn’t complain about Israel going down the warpath since it’s good for Russia at least in terms of diverting military support from Ukraine.

    Nevertheless, there is something to be said about Israel having supported Apartheid South Africa (not that Apartheid as a misconceived system is praiseworthy in contrast to ethnic partition), Lebanese Maronite Christians, Serbs in Bosnia, and Viktor Orban in Hungary.

    Both faiths share similar core values defined by the Ten Commandments and Old Testament. There is a solid spiritual alignment between the two. The idea that Jooooozzzzz are exploiting Christians is ludicrous.

    The New Testament and Jesus are what make Christianity distinct from Judaism and come into full light as such a beautiful and redemptive faith.

    Aside from the issue of “putting words in someone else’s mouth”, a good place to start is The Passion of the Christ.

    “What is truth?”

    Indeed …

    After Islam is defeated (or at least 100% eternally contained) we can worry about the less divisive issues between components of the Judeo-Christian values system.

    And how much effort and time do you think that will take?

    • Replies: @A123
  258. LondonBob says:

    Looks like the Kharkhov offensive achieved total surprise, impressive. Still not a big force, but a lot of progress due to the increase in Russian surveillance assets allowing targeting of Ukrainian units being brought up.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    , @sudden death
  259. @Mr. Hack

    Russia …Solid ground?

    What was that saying about throwing rocks in glass houses again? Russia … Ukraine … Kharkov … Chasov Yar … Solid ground?

    Anyway, here’s a raise on your dumb cartoon with some provocative pro-Russian content.

  260. A123 says: • Website

    Both faiths share similar core values defined by the Ten Commandments and Old Testament. There is a solid spiritual alignment between the two. The idea that Jooooozzzzz are exploiting Christians is ludicrous.

    The New Testament and Jesus are what make Christianity distinct from Judaism and come into full light as such a beautiful and redemptive faith.

    Can you imagine how disastrous it would be if Christianity had only the New Testament and excluded the Old? No Ten Commandments?

    What makes Christianity a robust spiritual experience is the effective fusion between the sterner Old Testament and the more redemptive New.

    After Islam is defeated (or at least 100% eternally contained) we can worry about the less divisive issues between components of the Judeo-Christian values system.

    And how much effort and time do you think that will take?

    Certainly not in my life time. However, we need to restart the struggle to defend Christendom from Jihadist invaders. Instead of accepting them in, we need to begin de-migrating that home. Jewish leaders, like Zemmour in France, can help with this push back.

    IslamoCucks keep trying to create an artificial conflict between Judeo-Christians. It is an attempt to weaken both groups to make them more vulnerable to Jihad.

    PEACE 😇

    • Replies: @ShortOnTime
  261. Wokechoke says:
    @John Johnson

    Stop being such a faggot. Jews are not Russians. The Bahkmut battle proved to be a membrane through which American cash was used to turn Prigozhid into a coup commander using Wagner as a vehicle to march on Moscow.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
    , @John Johnson
  262. Wokechoke says:
    @John Johnson

    The Biden body count is big enough over 50 years. Not least his attack on the whites in South Africa. “That ugly white regime” and his tacit support for bombing Gaza puts the lie to anything that can be claimed against Putin at this point.

    Biden has been doing mass murder since the middle 1980s. Putin really only starts getting going in the Naughties.

  263. Mr. Hack says:

    Sounds like another colorful conspiracy theory (did you make it up or did you hear it from somebody else?). But like most other conspiracy theories, when you start probing it for any supporting facts, there are none to be found?..

    Here’s a much more believable conspiracy theory:

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  264. Wokechoke says:
    @Mr. Hack

    The CIA was in contact with Prigozhid not long into the Bahkmut fiasco.

    One of the reasons the Russians had such a hard slog in the trenches there was Prigozhid slow walking the entire affair.

    CIA ahem…knew Prigozhid was planning his coup.

    “American intelligence officials briefed senior military and administration officials on Wednesday that Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the mercenary Wagner Group, was preparing to take military action against senior Russian defense officials, according to officials familiar with the matter. U.S. spy agencies had indications days earlier that Mr. Prigozhin was planning something and worked to refine that material into a finished assessment, officials said. The information shows that the United States was aware of impending events in Russia, similar to how intelligence agencies had warned in late 2021 that Vladimir V. Putin was planning to invade Ukraine.“

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
  265. songbird says:

    A 200 y.o. tree in Ireland must be pretty rare.


    Saw another clip where they were bringing in construction equipment to build a migrant center, and it was Africans and MENA bringing it in.

  266. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    I think there are several motivations for the Russians to take Odessa. First is to choke off rump Ukraine from maritime shipping. Second is to create a land bridge to Transnistria. Third is to locate forces to keep NATO on the Romanian side of the border. Finally, the historical aspect of the city is important as well.

    I think Russia will wrap up everything East of the river the way you suggest, with heavy urban combat as needed. It may be that once the Russians re-take Kharkov the troops in the cities to the south will roll over. Right bank Ukraine is a different story and I wonder how the Russians will tackle that?

    I can imagine a slow scenario where they take Kharkov by the end of this year and the rest of the East (plus Odessa) by the end of next year, chipping away at military sites in the rest of Ukraine while making these gains. At that point will anyone in Kiev have any will to resist? Maybe Russia then takes another two years to finish the job out to the Polish border. The slow pace of the Russian program seems to be what disturbs people in the West the most. The gradual effort in western Ukraine would allow Russia to stay up to date with the tactics the West is testing using AFU guinea pigs.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
    , @John Johnson
  267. Mr. Hack says:

    I don’t have a subscription to either the Washington Post nor the NY Times. How exactly did US spy agencies get info on Prigoshin’s plans to march on Moscow? Did they have somebody working within his inner circle that heard the plans and then spilled the beans?

    Don’t believe everything that you read. 🙂

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  268. QCIC says:

    I don’t know what this means. The Russians signaled clearly they would be moving on Kharkov soon.

  269. Mr. Hack says:

    I think there are several motivations for the Russians to take Odessa.

    All motivations aside, Odesa would be the most difficlt large Ukrainian city to take due to its unique geographic location.

    • Replies: @QCIC
  270. songbird says:

    Wow, it took Geert Wilders five months to form his coalition government.

    Think that is somewhat normal for the Netherlands, but it doesn’t exactly scream “political revolution.” I feel somewhat flummoxed by his advocacy for Dutch residents.

    Hopefully, this is just some transitory phase, which will lead to actual advocacy for Dutch people.

  271. @Mikel

    American mass hunting of the bison over the last 200 years is disgraceful – so any animal living in the plains/grasslands deserves to be treated as a sitting target meriting protection measures.

    Those game in the forests/up in the mountains – don’t look to be in much danger in America (obviously harder hunting territory, but is it now that with better sights – then conversely develop into worse hunter in US?) , plus American laws appear to protect their habitats anyway from deforestation and mass settlements being built. So I have no problem with hunting if its controlled – particularly deer ( which in mass uncontrolled numbers are always a threat to ecosystem, and that you are at least intending to eat)

    Unless they are inventing BS as they appear to do with this Climate change stuff…….. these numbers of beautiful animals being hunted around the world look very serious – so I don’t think the characterisation of “liberasts living in the cities” is fair. Just like bison in the American plains – in the bush/savanna in Africa these animals are still relatively easy targets to kill, in large numbers which explains why they are endangered.

    Do I not belong to the mountains where I hike and run several times per week? Where do I belong then?

    Hiking – great, Camping?-great, using the mountainbike there? – even more great. I do a decent amount of that myself.
    Running in these nature areas, particularly if with your headphones on listening to music, like you own the place……….deserves punishment, mass blood loss, decapitation.
    It’s so arrogant – riding with a moped, making alot of noise is infinitely morally superior in these areas then any runner-Nazi. My moral principles on this issue are very strong – runners in the nature spots, even in the cities are a threat to the world.

    • Replies: @Mikel
  272. Wokechoke says:
    @Mr. Hack

    Because the Jewboy Prigozhid was working for the CIA at some point during the Bakhmut battle he was turned. Reading between the lines Wagner was compromised by money among the top leaders.

    In Russian history it’s well established that ambitious military leaders have taken foreign money to kill Czar Paul to install his son Alexander who was likely to be more anti French.

    Rasputin was killed by an MI6 agent as a counter point. Much like Daria Dugina. .

  273. QCIC says:
    @Mr. Hack

    Yes, the Russians have to work through Kherson and Nikolayev first. I guess they want to do this before pushing directly on Kiev, but who knows?

    My notion is they want to kill or capture AFU forces away from Kiev. Therefore by the time they get to Kiev the AFU might be weak enough to limit the hard fighting in that city.

    It might be tempting for them to go to Kiev first and wrap up the first stage of the process. Unfortunately the Western sponsors of this mess would be happy to see Kiev destroyed leaving Russia a pyrrhic victory in that case. There is always the risk the Russians will simply be philosophical and think, “Hey, we rebuilt it before!”

    On the other hand, if Russia pushes directly to Odessa, there may be more risk of direct NATO involvement out of Romania. If Russia moves straight from Kharkov to crush the leadership in Kiev this risk of official NATO intervention may be lower.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    , @YetAnotherAnon
    , @Derer
  274. Mr. Hack says:

    Let’s just concentrate on Prigozhin and omit past cringey Russian characters. How and when exactly was Prigozhin turned by the CIA? Not just your “between the lines”…”ahem”…Okay?

    Where’s the beef, Wokechoke?

  275. Beckow says:

    …they want to kill or capture AFU forces away from Kiev.

    That seems to be the strategy: to slowly bleed the Ukies and their Nato sponsors. It gradually changes the attitudes in Ukraine: fewer people willing to fight and die, more looking for a way to end it.

    Russia has no incentive to negotiate. They will make pro-forma statements about “willing to talk”, but why should they? One negotiates to achieve some gains and all concessions the West can offer are less than what Russia will get by a slow war. Why bother?

    Based on pure competence the West has played it very poorly: they over-reached, didn’t prepare and are unwilling to really fight. They turned the success of the Nato-in-Ukraine project to Russia – the only way to succeed was if Russia held back and did nothing. It is such idiocy that one wonders what morons live in Washington-London-Brussels…

    After Crimea in 2014 it was obvious that Russia would not sit back. Russia offered a reasonable deal, the West should had taken it. Instead they doubled down sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Ukies and destroying Ukraine as a viable state. It shows how little they value Ukrainian lives – the Ukies are only good as a cannon fodder against Russia. Do you think Irish, French or Dutch lives would be so easily sacrificed?

    But the real Darwin-evolution winners are the Ukies…what a complete failure to think for themselves…

  276. @John Johnson

    “Why would there be a pro-Russian leader of Ukraine? That would require complete capitulation as the people would not vote for one.”

    Zelensky was elected on a platform of improving relations with Russia!

    OK, he was a lying tool of the US, and immediately started to worsen relations, but improving relations with Russia was the last thing that (rump) Ukraine voted for.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  277. @QCIC

    “by the time they get to Kiev …”

    That would make a good song title.

  278. @A123

    IslamoCucks keep trying to create an artificial conflict between Judeo-Christians. It is an attempt to weaken both groups to make them more vulnerable to Jihad.

    If you’re sincerely opposed to Jihad worldwide then why support only Israel so much and so singlemindedly?

    Where’s the support for Hindus in the Indian subcontinent, China over Xinjiang, Buddhists in Myanmar against the fake “Rohingya genocide”, Christians in Africa, Bosnia, Kosovo, Russia in Syria, etc.?

    However, we need to restart the struggle to defend Christendom from Jihadist invaders. Instead of accepting them in, we need to begin de-migrating that home.

    Maybe good to end on a note where we have absolute agreement on.

    • Thanks: ShortOnTime
    • Replies: @A123
  279. @Wokechoke

    Everything I read about Rasputin’s death is the people who actually knew what happened were killed by the Bolsheviks and the truth of the escapade is lost. The Czar and his wife were about the only people in Russia who wanted his project to continue.

    Was MI6 known as that in 1915?

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  280. @John Johnson

    They aren’t targeting civilian targets. That would be a waste.

    What an imbecilic retarded lie

    There are plenty of military targets like this one:

    Didn’t I already tell you about not posting outright fake, misleading, not showing anything to what is claimed ,BS internet videos you subhuman POS? This source looks even dumber and more bad propaganda than the usual ones, which were already very bad.

    Anyway you demented scumbag –

    In every single conventional military engagement in the SMO, in attack or defence………the ukronazi side has got flattened, absolutely destroyed by Russia you mentally sick bimbo dickhead. Often when our forces fighting at a numerical disadvantage.

    American side of course aware of this failed freakshow – so it would explain this schizophrenic fighting tactics of Ukrostan which is more similar to an insurgency infused with outright terrorism , but in addition to drones, is using very heavy weapons – conventional war weapons not particularly compatible with fighting a ( sort of) insurgency. If anything they just make themselves a big target for us , killing many crews , where “traditional” insurgency actions would give them cover and a chance to rest.

    Absolutely nothing here even close to a co-ordinated set of actions and engagements intended to achieve ANY strategic goal you retarded sack of faeces. That’s why all this sh*t like HIMARS, ATACMS are nothing more than destructive PR weapons you idiot.

    Khokhlism is a “nationalist” deathcult, where they love getting mass killed provided it is elongated over enough time , firing enough ammunition so that as much destruction of the Donbass is possible is one of the main intentions of these sick scum ……. in between sodomising eachother all day when not getting killed, just as in the 1940s-50s.

    Soviet-era Urban/factory constructions and additional defences built in the last 10 years are what help with this and enable the schizophrenic insurgency.
    That is the evil we are facing – scum who are “defending” what they are encouraging to be destroyed (Donbass) .

    The retards at west Point appear to have settled on an equilibrium of the type of “insurgency” they want fought that will engage Russia to the degree they would like …….this is what makes absolute genius in military history our strategy and successful actions in opening weeks of SMO, which managed to bypass alot of these intentions.

    And LMAO, – Russian sorties must be about over 300000, more likely 400000 since start of SMO , if they were 140000 in March last year. Here- there is clear purpose and strategy, clear success in degradation of opponents Air Defence, clear increase in frequency of the planes and Helicopters doing missions. You notice that all the time the talk is of the (failed) AD systems for the cities and NEVER for frontline where our airforce is mass engaged with you demented little shit? Drones and missiles launched from the sea or Russian land/airspace are used to complement, and not to compensate for air missions hindered for 404 air defence.

    The only purpose of these suicidal”tactics” is probably so that westerners can “fake it till you make it” stall for time to develop their medium and long-range missiles where Russia currently has advantage. These vermin are even openly talking about the SMO being made to last another decade, which just shows what expendable plankton Ukronazis and normal Ukrainian civilians are for these satanists.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  281. @LondonBob

    Situation is still developing but the place like Vovchansk is roughly about 5 km from RF border IIRC, so on the grand scale so far we have like a big protracted border skirmish ongoing nearly for a whole working week already while 2 years ago RF forward detachments were standing at the entrance of Kharkov on the very first day of invasion.

  282. Mikel says:

    American mass hunting of the bison over the last 200 years is disgraceful

    There were some disgraceful elements in the killing of so many American bison but I think there’s some purposeful lack of perspective in how this is usually portrayed. The American bison suffered the exact same fate as the European bison. Or the same fate as the North American megafauna at the hands of the natives, for that matter. Nowadays the population of American bison is in much better shape than the European one but I don’t hear stories of how cruel our European ancestors were when they all but wiped them out from the old continent.

    Herds of millions of bison roaming the Great Plains was perfect for the stone-age natives that lived off them but it was incompatible with the way of live brought by the white settlers and farmers, that turned those fertile lands in the most productive agricultural region of the world. They were destined to see their numbers greatly reduced, one way or another.

    riding with a moped, making alot of noise is infinitely morally superior in these areas then any runner-Nazi

    This is the kind of irresponsible statement that leads to enmity, rancour, broken friendships, split families,… ultimately to civil strife and violence. How can anyone in a sober state compare running in the wild (what our species has evolved to do for thousands of years and our hunter-gatherer relatives still do all life long) with a noisy moped polluting nature with its mere presence?

    Not being a native of where I live, I accept with resignation the fact the ATV savages already own the place and roam freely in the most sacred areas. But still, it’s a very sad experience to be hiking in the dunes of a magnificent desert and suddenly be disturbed by a family of obese urbanites siting in their noisy machine and believing that they are also “enjoying nature”. They can’t even appreciate one of the most remarkable wonders of the desert: the awe-inspiring silence. But at least they tend to be polite and wave their hands to acknowledge your presence.

    I do share your disdain towards people who listen to music or talk shows while hiking though. The most contemptible subspecies inside this group is the ones who don’t even use earphones and walk around with their noisy devices. Sadly, I have noticed that not all of them around here are Hispanics, though most are.

  283. Mikhail says: • Website

    LtCol. Tony Shaffer : Can NATO Handle Defeat?

    • Troll: Mr. Hack
  284. A123 says: • Website

    You are making unwarranted assumptions based on far too small a sample.

    • Previously, I have spoken about the threats to Buddhists and Hindus in Myanmar and India.
    • Helping African Christians fight, rather than migrate, could make a great deal of sense.
    • I have a strong track record advocating for partition of Lebanon to protect Marionite Christians.
    • I even gave a rare compliment to the CCP for their handing of Muslim colonists.

    Why are you so singleminded? Your hate filled & monomaniacal focus on creating strife between Christians and indigenous Palestinian Jews is destructive behaviour.

    PEACE 😇

    • Thanks: ShortOnTime
  285. Beckow says:

    …Herds of millions of bison roaming the Great Plains was perfect for the stone-age natives…but it was incompatible with farmers who turned those fertile lands in the most productive agricultural region of the world.

    Fair enough, although the methods used and the peak-functionality philosophy is very unattractive. Europe did the same to its large fauna – but over thousands of years and with (probably) less brutality. There is a substantial difference. (Like Western shock-and-awe versus what is going on in Ukraine.)

    Look at the fertile lands today: they are often used to produce ‘gasoline’ (why?) and GMO junk fed to over-fed carbohydrate addicted fatsos around the world. The bisons were better.

    The Hispanic propensity for gauche unpleasant behaviors makes US gradually worse…and they keep on coming. I suppose the grass has to be cut and the elderly must change diapers…but it is uncivilized.

    • Replies: @Mikel
  286. From the start I must say that I have no idea what the RF intentions are. I am not a military strategist, and, unlike some commenters here, do not pretend to be one.

    Here is the situation right now: Russian troops in the Kharkov region are advancing on two sides of Seversky Donets river (it flows South). For now Russia uses relatively small forces on both sides, taking advantage of the fact that Ukies stole the money allocated for building strong defenses in the area, so that there is little there to stop them. Curiously, last year cokehead clown on his website thanked the people of Kharkov and Sumy regions for building strong defenses. As the reason for the unfolding catastrophe for Ukraine is crystal clear, this now embarrassing missive was deleted from the clown’s site. I am sure Ukie puppets tell their masters that Ukrainian troops are retreating to more advantageous positions. Those of us who know history must remember that Hitler’s troops were retreating to more advantageous positions up until unconditional capitulation.

    It is unclear to me and to Ukies on which side stronger Russian force will be used next. On the right bank of Seversky Donets is a direct way to Kharkov. Remaining Ukraine cannot afford to lose Kharkov, as it’s the second largest city that is very important economically. Not to mention demoralizing effect losing Kharkov would have. So, that would be catastrophic.

    Russian advance on the left bank of Seversky Donets (that’s where Russians have essentially taken the town of Volchansk) would cut off several tens of thousands of Ukie troops clinging to the Northern parts of Donetsk region still occupied by Ukraine. So, that would be catastrophic, as well.

    Theoretically, Ukraine must send strong reinforcements to both areas. Its problem is that it does not have troops to strengthen even one of these. Ukies are hastily relocating assorted heavily damaged detachments from other fronts (where they are retreating even now) to Kharkov region. That won’t change anything except the date of death of some of those soldiers.

    So, I have no idea how Russian offensive will develop. I am 99.9% sure of one thing: Russia won’t storm Kharkov. That would require huge force it is reluctant to use and entail high casualties among Russian troops and Kharkov civilians. Russian troops will encircle Kharkov and wait until it surrenders, like Ukies on Azovstal in Mariupol.

  287. @Mikel

    Crossing North Dakota by Amtrak, 30 years ago, we were delighted to see some bison on a bluff – I think above the far upper reaches of the Missouri near Williston.

    Must have been amazing when there were millions of them.


    Despite pressure from the west to lean on Putin to end the war in Ukraine, China’s economic and moral support for Russia has intensified since the start of the conflict. Xi and Putin see each other as allies in a parallel international and “multipolar” world order that can challenge a Washington-led global consensus.

    Last year, bilateral trade hit a record $240.1bn, and there are signs that even more goods – including dual-use technology that could be used in the war effort – are reaching Russia from China via third countries. Even without direct arms shipments to Russia, western observers say China’s economic and political support for Russia has been a lifeline since February 2022. On Thursday, Putin said he was “grateful” to China for its efforts to try to resolve “the Ukraine crisis”.

    The slo-mo seems to be working quite well, as the US seems to be leery of cutting off China,. and Europe even more so.

    Europe is a pretty sad case these days, the talk of an “independent foreign policy” hasn’t been heard for a decade, and they looked the other way when US/UK destroyed their cheap energy link.

  289. Sean says:

    They want to have the military transport hubs and infrastructure of the city in artillery range and overstretch Ukrainian forces by forcing them to disengage good units from the decisive attritional battlefield, which remains Donbass. An encirclement is not the way that has been used by the Russians; they tend to avoid encircling objectives, preferring to leave the pincers threateningly open, thereby getting the Ukrainians to leave their positions. Russia going to be doing active defence along a broadening front mainly, there won’t be any large scale swift offensives. The war won’t change in nature for 18 months.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
  290. QCIC says:

    Thanks for this update.

    Do you have any information on how many people still live in the city of Kharkov?

    Wiki lists the population at 1.4 million in 2022 with a metro population of 1.7 million.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
  291. @QCIC

    Do you have any information on how many people still live in the city of Kharkov?

    I can’t even think where one can get this info. Ukrainian sources are well known to be unreliable, and nobody else has access to Kharkov to do real count. Yet.

    • Replies: @QCIC
  292. @Sean

    An encirclement is not the way that has been used by the Russians

    I wouldn’t bet my money on it. The RF keeps changing tactics. This is usual in every war in history: inadequate initial tactics being adjusted in the process.

    there won’t be any large scale swift offensives

    Agree with that. Chinese way of boiling a frog: put it into warm water and slowly increase the temperature. That’s what the RF is doing with Ukraine, as well as with the European branch of NATO. Hysterics show that both have a gut feeling that they are slowly boiled, but cannot fully comprehend that, being blinded by their own propaganda and imperial orders.

    The war won’t change in nature for 18 months.

    I won’t be so sure. It might end sooner. Basically, it ends whenever Ukrainian leadership at that time (nobody will talk to clown, so it has to be a different leadership) signs unconditional capitulation.

    • Replies: @Greasy William
  293. Wokechoke says:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Rasputin’s murder appears to have been ordered by the British to silence a dovish influence on the Czar.

    The theory is the SIS agent did the hit. Bullet to the head.

    The rest about drowning and poisoning is myth.

    The guy suspected died in Botley, a suburb of Oxford. There’s a compelling case.

    • Replies: @Sean
  294. Wokechoke says:

    Back down to Izium. This time they will surround Kramatorsk etc.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
  295. @Mikel

    I met a mountain lion while jogging near Boulder. As I was on a business trip I didn’t there had been an attack the previous week. I shouted and threw stones. It ran away. Very scary. If I had passed it while it was concealed I might have been attacked. A mountain biker was attacked a week later. Mauled not killed. Late 1980s

    In retrospect, all the solo hill walking/jogging I did across the western US and BC was stupid. No bear bell (saw a bear while I was going over the Arapaho Pass – hundreds of yards away acroos the valley). Eaten alive by strange insects in Northen Idaho. Never wore short sleeves or short trousers again. I didn’t repeat the exercise on the Russian steppe mostly because I don’t know the access laws and a furious Tatar might not slow down for me to understand his Russian.

  296. @Wokechoke

    Back down to Izium. This time they will surround Kramatorsk etc.

    Possibly. Slavyansk-Kramatorsk is the only large agglomeration in Donetsk region still under Ukrainian control. If supply lines are cut off, Ukie troops there are doomed.

  297. QCIC says:

    After Russia bombed the power station recently I would think anyone still in Kharkov who can leave would do so. But some people cannot move (not mobile, no money), others may be too scared (where do I go?) and perhaps the Kiev government is preventing some people from leaving. Some people don’t want to leave because they will loose their possessions and maybe a few crooks stay around so they can loot abandoned homes. I suppose there are folks who stay out of stubbornness (“Damn you Putin!”) and others out of optimism (“Volodymyr will save us!”). Maybe a few Bandera-types want to go out fighting. What a mess.

  298. Mikel says:

    Europe did the same to its large fauna – but over thousands of years and with (probably) less brutality. There is a substantial difference.

    To make a fair comparison we’d have to go back in time and hand over automatic rifles to our HG forebears. All I know is that people used to paint bison in the caves close to where I was born but now you only find them wild in one single protected forest thousands of kilometers to the Northeast. Pioneers in the US West were 19th century people, very different from us, self-selected for their bravery and adventurism in an untamed land full of dangers and armed with automatic weapons. What happened is probably just what you would expect under those circumstances.

    On both continents the descendants of those who almost exterminated bison eventually decided to keep the animal alive and Americans are doing a better job actually. There is more land available here but that’s in large part because of the strong conservationist movement, that started well before the modern version of leftist environmentalism made its appearance. A much larger percentage of the territory in the US is protected than in Europe, which is visible to the naked eye wherever you go. Even the most human-altered regions, like the Midwest, probably have more primeval flora and fauna than Europe.

  299. Mikel says:

    Russian troops will encircle Kharkov and wait until it surrenders

    Talking about bears, you’ve started to skin this one well before killing it. Russia was much closer to surround Kharkov from various sides than it is now but it failed to take it and had to retreat precipitously. The offensive in the North is going a little faster than in Donbas but not spectacularly so and the Ukrainians are putting a stiff resistance, as usual. They’re about to receive a massive amount of weapons that in the past have made a noticeable difference too.

    Having said that, I see plenty of signs of defeatism among Ukraine’s most ardent supporters, like the tweet below shows. Perhaps not only Macron but also Trump and Johnson know things that the rest of us don’t and the latter two decided to avoid getting the blame for what is coming. But I see no signs of Russia being able to start making big envelope movements.


  300. @Mikel

    The near extinction of the buffalo was a war strategy by General Sheridan against the Indians. He was a hero during the Civil War and after. Almost every large city in the west has a Sheridan Avenue, Sheridan Street, or Sheridan Boulevard as a memorial to his greatness.

    The Indians were vanquished but those savages put up a fight.

  301. @Mikel

    Khabib Nurmagomedov wrestling with bear on video. His dad was enthusiastic.


  302. @Mikel

    But I see no signs of Russia being able to start making big envelope movements.

    Neither do I. But that’s not my profession: I’ve never served in the military, intelligence, or anything of that kind and intend to keep it that way.

    However, I would like to remind you that self-proclaimed Western professionals saw no signs of Russia interfering in Syria totally changing the dynamics of the war there, or of taking over Crimea on short notice. The way Russian system works, the only sign of what’s coming is what Putin says. Western people are so used to politicians who never say a word of truth that they don’t listen to Putin. So, him saying exactly what he intends to do works like an effective method of deception.

  303. Derer says:

    if Russia pushes directly to Odessa, there may be more risk of direct NATO involvement out of Romania.

    There may be more risk of direct Russians hits in Romania. Why not? This is a war between Russia and NATO anyway and that cannot be one-sided, gloves are off. Ukraine is only providing territory and men for battles, without NATO they would not exist.

  304. A123 says: • Website

    The full race from Laguna Seca is ready for viewing.

    PEACE 😇

  305. Derer says:
    @John Johnson

    Big cities are conquer by blockade and time and exit corridor for civilians.

  306. Derer says:

    Because the Jewboy Prigozhid was working for the CIA

    Agreed. They always pick a wrong “boy”. Just recently in Slovakia to kill the pro-Russian PM. The sniper knew he will be apprehended, but he was blinded by the CIA dough. Give away are Biden sent condolences. Usually, US presidents are not bothered with countries like Slovakia, unless they want to deflect something.

    • Replies: @YetAnotherAnon
  307. @Mikel

    Nowadays the population of American bison is in much better shape than the European one but I don’t hear stories of how cruel our European ancestors were when they all but wiped them out from the old continent.

    Excellent point – fair enough, I never thought of it like that.

    I think the rate of killing is what gives the distorted perception against the US. In Europe, much of the hunting to near extinction done over centuries without any guns, or when muskets started being in existence – most people hunting not having access to one anyway. Plus the restrictions or permissions needed for hunting for the average person from the Lord or King who owned much of the land (certainly including the best hunting ground).

    Although it appears the net-effect has been the same as in North America.

    So I suppose the only thing to make a comparison is if the Australians/New Zealanders and Canadians have done the same to other mammals as the Americans with the bison . Certainly Kangaroos used as food and in clothing, particular boots alot in Australia.

  308. @AnonfromTN

    Basically, it ends whenever Ukrainian leadership at that time (nobody will talk to clown, so it has to be a different leadership) signs unconditional capitulation.

    Currently I believe that Russia takes all of central and eastern Ukraine but that a rump Ukrainian state, based in Lvov, survives in the West. What part of Ukraine is the valuable farmland in?

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
  309. @Greasy William

    Currently I believe that Russia takes all of central and eastern Ukraine but that a rump Ukrainian state, based in Lvov, survives in the West. What part of Ukraine is the valuable farmland in?

    Valuable farmland (cheryozyom = “black earth”) is mostly in the South and Central Ukraine. The Western part is the poorest, the least developed, and thus the least valuable. Putin would have left it to the wolves, but for one thing: left “independent” it would be absorbed by Poland, de jure or de facto. I think he would be reluctant to let Poland get any prize from the Western fiasco in Ukraine. Therefore, he will likely also take it, but not into Russia, but include it into a satellite Ukraine along with other parts he is reluctant both to absorb and to let anyone fighting against the RF to absorb. I think that satellite Ukraine would renounce the debts of the current regime (using standard Ukrainian formula: you gave the money to the clown, then ask him to return it).

    • Replies: @Gerard1234
  310. @John Johnson

    Of course Putin would like Odessa because of Catherine the Kraut.

    As I have previously explained to a bimbo fantasist commentator on here – she was ruler because she married the Russian Tsar you idiot. Every single European Royal Family was either German ( including the current day British one) or mixed. Russia is one of the few, maybe only countries that maintained the same line of succession from the Rurikids for nearly a millennium.

    She ruled for Russia, for Russians, in Russian orthodox faith to the benefit of Russia you idiot.

    Lands won under her rule, greatly expanding our territory – if you look at the history and intentions of Russia before and long after she was ruler……..its effectively coincidental that land expansion occurred under her rule you dickhead. It was inevitable consequence of Russian world and how Russian state was developing – a reflection of our culture, our talent, our mentality and our environment. The policy to acquire these lands were a necessity irrelevant of who was ruler of Russia because of the historical threats from Ottoman Empire, Poland and others plus the necessity to have naval bases and trading point off both Baltic and Black Sea coasts and an inevitable expansion east.

    And as I said – it started a long time before she came to the throne and continued a long time after.

    Her contribution was large to Russia , but it doesn’t change the fact that genius Russian military commanders like Suvorov, Kutuzov, Potemkin, Rumyantsev etc are the great minds allowing us to defeat foreign adversaries and protect the country and expand our territory. They deserve more of the credit. As do are scientists and industrialists who built up are munitions ( several weapons were superior to our western adversaries) and our men who fought on the battlefields. As do some of the great foreign minds in the military and who also came in all sectors, as we attracted the very best – she deserves credit for that and many other things but either way this is large majority Russian effort and great part of Russian history.
    Certainly those great Russians that I mentioned are a million times superior as military strategist than any American general in history, or in Hollywood. WTF is the point in these West Point fags?

    Potemkin effectively ruled and decided everything as a de facto Tsar, in what became Novorossiya – he was even was allowed to break rules across the rest of Russian Empire regarding escaped serfs and Old Believers who were free to come and live in the new territories, receive free land to use as they wish and not get punished. He was in charge of the settlement and building and setting up of industry and commerce in Odessa and all along that coast.

    The rest of your post contains equally dumb sh*t.

  311. @AnonfromTN

    The thing I found amusing on Runet in the last day- some meme-type of thing they haven’t done in previous iterations of “National Vishivanka Day” ( happened yesterday in 404)………is these redesigned images of the vishivanka formatted into a straitjacket-style one. Very funny and appropriate!

  312. @Gerard1234

    Of course Putin would like Odessa because of Catherine the Kraut.

    As I have previously explained to a bimbo fantasist commentator on here – she was ruler because she married the Russian Tsar you idiot.

    I am an idiot for calling her Catherine the Kraut? Does how she came to power change the fact that she was German?

    You seem really sensitive over her background. Is that a Slav thing?

    Odessa was founded under Catherine the Kraut. Putin admires her and is on record stating that the great Tsars were conquerors. He views Odessa as Russian due to its history with Catherine.

    Next time try telling me exactly where I am wrong instead of calling me names and going off an angry tangent.

    Since you are so sensitive over her Germanic background maybe I’ll have to talk about the German architects that were brought in to help build Moscow during the Soviet Union. Maybe read up on that before getting frustrated and calling me names:

    Foreign architects in the Soviet Union during the first two five-year plans

    • LOL: QCIC
    • Replies: @Gerard1234
  313. songbird says:

    The Japanese used to have a different walking style. Samurai possibly also had their own style.


    Rumor is that Japanese children today take shorter strides than those of most other countries.

    • Thanks: James of Africa
    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
  314. @Gerard1234

    Russia is one of the few, maybe only countries that maintained the same line of succession from the Rurikids for nearly a millennium.

    You’re assuming Peter was really Peter. I have strong doubts

  315. @YetAnotherAnon

    “Why would there be a pro-Russian leader of Ukraine? That would require complete capitulation as the people would not vote for one.”

    Zelensky was elected on a platform of improving relations with Russia!

    OK, he was a lying tool of the US, and immediately started to worsen relations, but improving relations with Russia was the last thing that (rump) Ukraine voted for.

    He was elected on a platform of neutrality and defeated the pro-NATO candidate. But you at least understand that as half the Anglin commenters would mix up the presidents and thought Zelensky was inserted by a CIA coup in 2014. Even Anglin got that wrong. So congrats on that.

    Since he was elected in 2019 go ahead and tell us what he did to aggravate Russia in his short period during COVID.

    What are you saying here anyways? Russia should overrule the will of the people in those cities because of Zelensky? Would they vote for Russian rule?

    This is some fascinating logic by Putin defenders:
    1. Declare yourselves as separate states that align with Russia = Putin is allowed to rule over you and eliminate your self-declared Republics.
    2. Oppose separatism = Putin is allowed to rule over because you elected the wrong person.

    Is there any path to not being ruled over by Putin?

  316. @songbird

    Yacht sinks after being rammed by orcas in Strait of Gibraltar

    Your friends are making waves again.

    • Replies: @songbird
  317. @Gerard1234

    Didn’t I already tell you about not posting outright fake, misleading, not showing anything to what is claimed ,BS internet videos you subhuman POS?

    I source quite a bit from Kanal13 and they were right about Shoigu over a week before it happened:

    Absolutely nothing here even close to a co-ordinated set of actions and engagements intended to achieve ANY strategic goal you retarded sack of faeces. That’s why all this sh*t like HIMARS, ATACMS are nothing more than destructive PR weapons you idiot.

    LOL you sound so emotionally agitated.

    So HIMAR and ATACMS are merely PR weapons?

    That ATACMS strike against Crimea took out nearly a billion dollars worth of military hardware in a single night:

    That’s no exaggeration.

    The Russian S-400 costs 800 million to produce:

    ATACMS cost to Ukraine: Zero dollars.

    So you think having over 600 of those missiles is just a PR game? Just for show? Losing a billion dollars worth of equipment is nothing? No real threat?

    You think it is just a coincidence that Putin is launching an offensive after the bill was signed? I highly doubt he shares your dismissive attitude given that he is currently sending African mercenaries in human wave attacks. Doesn’t sound like a cool-headed long play.

    These vermin are even openly talking about the SMO being made to last another decade

    Well the Russians said that the war will probably go into 2025.

    Maybe re-think your deeply emotional attachment to a 2.5 week special military operation on year 2.5 that the invaders now call a war (Putin now breaks his own law by calling it a war).

    • Agree: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @Derer
    , @Gerard1234
  318. Sean says:

    Yes and no. I think it was was an unauthorised or wild operation the MI6 man took it upon himself to organise along with some gay Russia aristocrats. ‘Johnny English’ thought Rasputin’s influence might lead to Russia pulling out of the war. When Rasputin, who was a very big man, survived the original method the Brits gave him a coup de grâce.


    I think it is clear the American aid has been carefully calibrated to not get the Russians into a panic. In other words, Washington’s decisions on what to give Kiev now become very easy as Ukraine begins to be obviously losing the war. Getting Ukraine into this war was a mistake of insouciance, but that does not mean Washington can just cut them off. The military aid will be amped up by an order of magnitude to restore the near-pyrrhic nature of the war for Russia . The aim is to get them to cash in and end it. But the West does not understand how the Russian mindset works any better now than they did when Rasputin got whacked.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
  319. @John Johnson

    help build Moscow

    Age of Moscow? 900 years
    Age of Saint Basil’s Cathedral? one of the most iconic and beautiful building on the planet, maybe THE most famous one – 500 years.

    I am an idiot for calling her Catherine the Kraut? Does how she came to power change the fact that she was German?

    That she came there not through conquest you POS, or cuckholdery but through marriage DOES change the facts – as does that she governed as a Russian, for Russia and ( in that era when these religious issues very important) converted to Orthodoxy at marriage.

    You seem really sensitive over her background. Is that a Slav thing?
    Since you are so sensitive over her Germanic background

    As usual- faking, deflecting and or projecting retarded nonsense. I enjoy correcting or responding to mendacious American bot-freaks you dickhead.

    German architects that were brought in to help build Moscow during the Soviet Union.

    There were plenty of French and Italian ones also. What is your point POS? Are you next going to “discover” the city of Tolyatti you cretin?

    Internationalist movement, modernist architecture – perfectly logical that many foreigners were involved in the tender process. There were plenty of Russian architects involved in that period, so there is zero to be concerned on this issue.
    Though of course it’s a good thing that the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour was rebuilt , and the incredible design of gigantic Palace of Soviets was not ( 450m tall building with about 100m of it Lenin that was supposed to constructed on the same place as the Cathedral but wasn’t because of WW2 and remained a swimming pool at its foundation for a long time – AND I think originally selected an Italian design for it) …… is a great shame that much of what would have been absolutely great Soviet buildings and structures were never built because of civil war and WW2 delay. Certainly would have built iconic buildings in the same Art-Deco style like in New York or Chicago at the time ( though if the environment of any Soviet city would have enhanced from the skyscrapers in the city is a different issue)

    Also retard – the Statue of Liberty is French.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  320. songbird says:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Saw that story. Seemed to be a good-sized boat. They could definitely solve the migrant boat problem, or would at least be an interesting test of Green hierarchies. (Perhaps, they would just machine gun them)

    • Replies: @QCIC
  321. @Sean

    When Rasputin, who was a very big man, survived the original method the Brits gave him a coup de grâce.

    The source of the confusion is this: all the reports were third or fourth hand and none credible. One source said poison. Another said drowning. Another said gunshot. Nobody lived to tell an accurate tale so the goofy stories are what we get.

  322. QCIC says:

    Insurance fraud. Poor little Orcas got framed again!

    • LOL: songbird
    • Replies: @songbird
  323. Mr. XYZ says:

    I wholeheartedly endorse open borders between the Third World and Moscow plus St. Petersburg. Let those two Russian cities become dumps while also significantly improving a lot of Third Worlders’ lives so that Russia’s cognitive elites could spread out across the rest of Russia and significantly improve the situation over there.

  324. @Derer

    I think it’s quite likely that the guy read all the crap about him being a fascist (remember Putin is also a fascist in their eyes) and decided he’d “sacrifice himself for the people” a la People’s Will or Narodniks.

    After all (adopt Guardianista tone), if you had the chance to kill Hitler in 1936, wouldn’t it be your duty to humanity? And as we know, every politician a Guardianista doesn’t like is Hitler.

    OTOH I have no idea what Slovak gun laws are like, or how he’d get himself a weapon.

    • Agree: S1
    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  325. songbird says:

    Have always had the suspicion that one of the fatalities that captive orcas caused was of a super-gay who snuck into their tank at night trying to rape them. (It was self-defense.)

  326. songbird says:

    I didn’t understand that New Caledonia was controlled by the French, but it would seem an excellent place to exile Macron et al. to.

  327. songbird says:

    Don’t know to what extent it is true, but I get the vague impression that Chinese scientific articles are a lot less likely to be paywalled.

  328. Wokechoke says:

    Time travel 1933-1936? I’d tell Hitler to buy up the Uranium mines in Bohemia with holding companies and get moving on refining the stuff in Germany. Give von Braun an unlimited budget for rockets and Jets. Give the 300,000 Jews in Germany a pile of money to feck off to Palestine and join the increasingly Jewish Palestinian Police force there to get in a tangle with the Arabs. Play nice in public while the thugs embarrass themselves establishing Zion on burned out Arab villages. The British themselves get increasingly pissed off about the Jews. They hand Germany Warsaw.

    Germany has a nuclear bomb and ballistic missiles by 1942. Then it has elbow room to be left very much alone.

    Of course if it turns out he was a Jewish plant all along I’m a dead man.

  329. @AnonfromTN

    I am not a military strategist, and, unlike some commenters here, do not pretend to be one.

    I have been reading the non-paywall part of Big Serge’s military history. They are pretty good. Unlike a bunch of the paywall substack writers, he puts huge chunks of the paywall articles in front of the wall. For example if you read the exposed chunk of the Moltke article that is probably more than enough for almost anybody. If you want more Moltke than that you really want to check out a book by a historian who worked on it for a couple years.

    This jumped out at me from the German Blitzkrieg piece:

    In relatively short order, “Blitzkrieg” or “Lightning War” became the standard western parlance for the Wehrmacht’s mobile operations, and has since metastasized into a general synonym for maneuver warfare of any kind. And yet, the origin of the word itself seems to be largely an invention of western press, attempting to explain Germany’s sequence of rapid victories. The word does not appear in German military texts, handbooks, or operational drafts. Hitler decried it as “a completely idiotic word”, and Heinz Guderian dismissed it as a sloppy attempt by Germany’s enemies to explain their successes.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  330. Hysterics and gnashing of teeth on the imperial patch: in a week of Kharkov region offensive Russia took more territory than Ukraine in the whole of 2023.

  331. Mr. Hack says:

    How come the residents of Kharkiv aren’t greeting their “liberators” with flowers and the traditional bread and salt, and instead fleeing to Ukrainian space behind the battlegrounds? Where’s the sabotage on Ukrainian military stations within Kharkiv? There is none, only tears and feelings of loss and emptiness from the destruction perpetrated by the Russian aggressors. And you sit behind your 65 inch smart TV, with a bucket of greasy chicken in hand cheering on this travesty of injustice?

    • Replies: @YetAnotherAnon
  332. @AnonfromTN

    Blinken ate pizza at the Azov Battallion’s favorite pizza joint with big swastikas on the wall decor. Are all the original Azovs kaput yet?

    • Replies: @QCIC
  333. Wokechoke says:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Germans didn’t realise how much the French people agreed with Hitler. Nor did the Jewish press.

  334. @Gerard1234

    I am an idiot for calling her Catherine the Kraut? Does how she came to power change the fact that she was German?

    That she came there not through conquest you POS, or cuckholdery but through marriage DOES change the facts – as does that she governed as a Russian, for Russia and ( in that era when these religious issues very important) converted to Orthodoxy at marriage.

    Which facts did I have wrong?

    We can all see that you threw a tantrum over me simply pointing out that she was German.

    She was born into a royal Prussian family.

    So what? Is that the end of the world for you? She also liked to sleep around and not with her Russian husband. Should we keep talking about her? Are you going to freak out over that as well? She wasn’t that pretty but she sure did like spreading for multiple men.

    German architects that were brought in to help build Moscow during the Soviet Union.

    There were plenty of French and Italian ones also. What is your point POS?

    You just seem really sensitive over Catherine being a kraut. I wasn’t sure if you were also sensitive over the German architects that were brought in by the Communists to help build the great people’s empire that killed millions. It only took the Russians nearly 70 years to realize that a German half-Jew’s plans were all just really stupid and not based in reality. But the Russians still have statues of Marx and Engels dotted around the country to remind them of the time that they followed the murderous plans of a single German-Jew who didn’t study economics. Marx literally spent more time banging his maid than reading about the basics of supply and demand. He never explained how certain jobs would get done if you could pick what you feel like working on. Anyone want to mine coal? Nah….that job sucks. I’m registered as an artist.

    Which German will the Russians follow next?

    Russia has a fascinating history that involves a lot of German influence. Don’t be so sensitive over it.

    • Replies: @Beckow
    , @Wokechoke
  335. @Mr. Hack

    “How come the residents of Kharkiv aren’t greeting their “liberators” with flowers and the traditional bread and salt”

    Because they haven’t got to Kharkov?

    I must say the civilians who stay on in some of these villages, waiting for the Russians to arrive, are very brave. Their lives are not only in danger from being in the middle of a battle, but from some of the Ukrainian troops who’ll have a fair idea why they’re staying put.

    And what easier than to kill the stay-behinds as you retreat?

    I read in the Guardian that Russian troops are rounding up civilians and putting them in basements – probably sensible in order to protect them, also just in case there’s the odd plant, waiting to broadcast troop locations..

    • Agree: Mikhail
    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
    , @Mr. Hack
  336. songbird says:

    Have been using the sci-hub mutual aid society to request research articles. Quite easy, and so far I’ve gotten a pretty good response rate.

    Would recommend.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
  337. @songbird


    is the one currently most active that I know about. There must be 6 or 7 sub reddits where the entire traffic is people looking for and posting pay wall pdf requests. It also is a great way to survey what the reddit autists are doing.

    • Replies: @songbird
  338. @YetAnotherAnon

    Because they haven’t got to Kharkov?

    Putin said that at the moment Russia has no plans to take Kharkov. I wonder whether he is telling the truth, as is his habit, or lying like Western politicians? Time will tell.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
    , @Mikhail
  339. [Article] Cat Ownership and Schizophrenia-Related Disorders and Psychotic-Like Experiences: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2023)

    [Article] Cat Ownership and Schizophrenia-Related Disorders and Psychotic-Like Experiences: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2023)
    byu/nirvprox inScholar

    • LOL: songbird
  340. Mr. Hack says:

    Because they haven’t got to Kharkov?

    I include the villages north and scattered around Kharkiv too. We don’t see any enthusiastic Russian well wishers anywhere?

    I must say the civilians who stay on in some of these villages, waiting for the Russians to arrive, are very brave.

    Brave or just complacent? These are all old pensioners that have already once experienced Russian “liberation” and are just resigned to their fate. They don’t want to leave their life long homes and start all over somewhere else. I’m sure that they feel that they have nothing to gain from these “liberators”, and would feel quite pleased if the soldiers, bombs and fireworks would all stay put on their side of the border. These are just poor people that want to go on with their quiet lives and are in no need of any “liberation”. I watched a video clip yesterday where some Ukrainian soldiers paid a visit to one such individual, trying to convince him to leave his home because his neighborhood was being bombed by Russian artillery. His daughter was in safety’s way, crying about her father’s fate. They finally were reunited and glad to be together. They’d feel better within their own home except that it was being bombed out.

  341. QCIC says:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Do you have a link to a picture of Tony and a swastika?

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
  342. Mr. Hack says:

    He assured everyone while he was amassing troops at the border 2.5 years ago, that he wasn’t going to invade Ukraine. You seem to be in need of some strong nootropics Professor, or are just a gullible fool?…

  343. @QCIC

    It was on the links page of Naked Capitalism yesterday in a twitter post. Also they had a picture of the cash register with an 8X10 framed photograph of the Odessa fire propped next to it but I presume that was not on display during Blinken’s dinner.

    • Replies: @QCIC
  344. songbird says:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    This is the one I’ve been using:

    It feels a weird experience to be helped by an internet community in an atomized society. (At least a few of whom are communists?)

    Had some ideas in the past about how the internet could be leveraged to facilitate pro-social behavior quite on the cheap – in the way of charity donations and volunteers. But I dismissed them as being too wackball. But now I am not sure…

  345. Beckow says:
    @John Johnson

    …pointing out that she was German.

    So was Queen Victoria-the Kraut. The British royals are Hannoverian, they even spoke German until 19th century. Krauts, all of them. In WW1 they hurriedly re-labeled themselves “Windsors”.

    Victoria-the-Kraut (using your lexicon) was a very fat bastard who slept with her Indian servant. Not the classiest person, she drove the British imperial expansion, suppressed the Irish, presided over killing around 50 million people by the British Empire. And let’s not get us started on Churchill, the mass murderer-extraordinaire, the author of the first massive civilian bombing campaign – Mesopotamia in the 1920’s.

    Why don’t Brits have books about it and teach it in their schools? Are they too sensitive?

    Seriously, you obsession with an almost pathological hatred of anything Russian is very sad. Are you by any chance Polish? Try to get over it, you will lose the war in Ukraine, so you need to get emotionally ready… How about that great Walmart bread? And the MIC stocks going up and up? See, there are still places you can escape to…

    • Replies: @AP
  346. “How come the residents of Kharkiv aren’t greeting their “liberators” with flowers and the traditional bread and salt”

    Because they haven’t got to Kharkov?

    I must say the civilians who stay on in some of these villages, waiting for the Russians to arrive, are very brave. Their lives are not only in danger from being in the middle of a battle, but from some of the Ukrainian troops who’ll have a fair idea why they’re staying put.

    You do acknowledge that most of Kharkiv is ethnic Ukrainian and voted for Zelensky?

    Do you think most of the residents welcome the invasion and are excited to hear the shelling getting closer?

  347. I dug it up.


    from links 5/15

    from links 5/16

    They have really been giving Blinken the business this week at NC. The photo does not have Blinken and swastika in same frame. If I implied that it was a goof. : )

    • Replies: @LatW
  348. @Beckow

    Do you have any idea what time he was born? I want to do an astrological reading.

    I can only do a very general personality reading based on the info I have:

    -very difficult to live and get along with
    -achieves worldly success/power
    -knew he wanted power from the time he was a child and was singularly driven even then
    -goes about achieving goals in an extremely methodical way
    -unshakeable confidence
    -0 patience for those who complain
    -comes off as shy and even harmless in social settings; ruthless both at home and work but much softer in other situations
    -Darwinian worldview
    -set impossible expectations for others
    -logical and oriented, notice a lot of things that others miss
    -draw to a career as an executive or administrator
    -see yourself as superior to everyone else
    -ultimately marry someone who is really your best friend, or a close colleague

    I’m assuming all of this is accurate. If you could find what time he was born it would be really helpful

    • Replies: @Greasy William
  349. @QCIC

    I think there are several motivations for the Russians to take Odessa. First is to choke off rump Ukraine from maritime shipping. Second is to create a land bridge to Transnistria.

    Yes they would like a land bridge to Transnistria.

    But that requires taking 3 major Ukrainian cities that never supported Russian separatism.

    Most of the Russian POWs are demoralized contractors. They tend to have debt or be dirt poor.

    How do you motivate such men to take part in bloody urban combat?

    I can imagine a slow scenario where they take Kharkov by the end of this year and the rest of the East (plus Odessa) by the end of next year, chipping away at military sites in the rest of Ukraine while making these gains.

    Load directions from Kherson to Odessa.

    Look at how many water points they have to cross on that main highway. That is not separatist territory. The Ukrainians can keep blowing bridges with artillery and HIMARs. That would be a long slog and out in the open.

    Have a look at this natural choke point at:
    46.655506, 31.171901

    Then they have waterways again at:
    46.56614680538111, 30.759854218380248

    It’s the ideal area to defend. You start laying down artillery in that area and the holes will start flooding. You could also trap an army between the two rivers with ATACMS.

    At that point will anyone in Kiev have any will to resist?

    Well that question was asked many times when Kiev was invaded.

    The slow pace of the Russian program seems to be what disturbs people in the West the most.

    Putin’s bootlickers like Ritter, MacGregor and MOA all told us to expect a lightning fast advance once the “great offensive” kicks off.

    Now they tell us that the slow approach is all part of the plan.


    • Replies: @QCIC
  350. Derer says:
    @John Johnson

    You keep telling us that Ukraine is alive when every sane person knows that Ukraine is dead, ok on life support by ineffective medicine. Continue with your silly lies if that keep you from going to sanatorium.

    • Troll: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
    , @John Johnson
  351. LatW says:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Wow, you found one little swazi (an ancient symbol) in a sea of tryzub’s, you’re one real brave Nazi hunter, aren’t you? Sitting behind your screen while these tokens commemorate real men who fight for their country. Wow, you must be damn proud of yourself, fighting these “evil Nazis” around the world from the safety of your home.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
  352. @LatW

    Since you seem to be interested I am more proud of the schizo cat lady link. : )

    • Replies: @LatW
  353. LatW says:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Don’t remember it, was too busy taking care of my family. Don’t have any cats, I prefer wild animals, I thought I made that clear.

    You seem to be really obsessed with “Nazis” overseas – what are you a leftie?

    • Replies: @songbird
  354. LatW says:

    Novorossiysk is no longer a safe port. There will now have to be insane insurance payments. Budanov’s sanctions at work..

  355. @Derer

    Continue with your silly lies if that keep you from going to sanatorium.

    Some disorders are incurable, particularly mental disorders.

    Also, I keep reminding people the rule of psychiatrists: never argue with a patient.

  356. @Mikel

    Even the most human-altered regions, like the Midwest, probably have more primeval flora and fauna than Europe.

    Not sure about that at all.

    A much larger percentage of the territory in the US is protected than in Europe, which is visible to the naked eye wherever you go.

    ???? Looking at a night-light map of the world ( noticeable for the bright light through South Korea and the lack of any for North Korea), the entire Eastern half of the US is saturated in lights, just as in Europe. It’s only as going west as it gets to the US steppe and further on to the mountain regions and more arid land to the west that the lack of lights is obvious…..until the west coast where its just like the eastern half of the US.

    In Europe only Spain, including some of its islands, has much of the same topography as these drier and or mountainous parts of US in its western half.

    So to me, the only fair comparison is Eastern half of the US versus western Europe on this competition for who is the best at conservation. But even with that is it possible to compare? The history is different and the US is at least 30 times bigger than all the important countries of Europe……but those countries have from 1/4th to 1/6th the US population size.

    No idea who has cut down more forestry in the last 50-100 years.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    , @Mikel
  357. LatW says:

    The American bison has been revitalized, one can even purchase ground bison meat rather cheaply and jerky sticks (made by Tatanka on Pine Ridge). Same as the bald eagle, lots of those flying around (including for their huge annual gatherings).

    • Replies: @songbird
  358. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    It is a strange war. The US Secretary of State is playing guitar in a bar in a war zone. Sounds legit.

    Attempting to guess the Russian plan in the SMO is a fool’s errand. My speculations on Russia’s possible moves are simply intended to be a counterbalance to the various pro-Ukraine cheerleading. I believe this cheerleading is intended to drag out the conflict to get more people killed and increases the risk of World War 3, but has little influence on the outcome.


    Here is one for you. If NATO becomes more visibly involved in the combat will we see Russia using pro-Russia Ukrainian forces for direct attacks on NATO forces? Much as NATO is using Ukraine for direct attacks on Russia? I don’t know if spinning the conflict as a civil war instead of a proxy war against Russia helps the Kremlin or not. It might open some options for Kiev’s capitulation.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  359. Wokechoke says:
    @John Johnson

    The guilty consciousness of Engels who did own a factory or two and cowrites the Communist Manifestos is far more important. Marx judeofied Socialism.

    Engels is still an airbase I believe.

  360. LatW says:

    One can even find bison chuck roast sometimes. And this is a good product (Epic):

  361. QCIC says:

    I think most of the forests in the Eastern part of the USA have been cut more than once. One story is the King of England claimed the largest New Hampshire timber for the Royal Navy. Fortunately in the West there are still some old growth redwoods. I don’t know if any of the other trees in the Northwestern USA are virgin forest but I hope so. I believe all the original big trees in the Michigan forests have been cut.

    • Thanks: Gerard1234
    • Replies: @LatW
  362. songbird says:

    Years and years ago, I went into a certain restaurant and ordered a bison burger. I couldn’t quite figure out if they had misheard me and gave me a normal burger or whether the taste is completely indistinguishable, if it is ground meat.

  363. LatW says:

    There is a little bit of virgin forest left in PNW. There are some large trees that are 300 years old or even older. The rainforest must be somewhat untouched, too (it’s one of the very few rainforests on the whole planet). The Olympic Peninsula – which is absolutely gorgeous, straight out of a Tolkien’s tale – has virgin forest.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    , @Mikel
  364. songbird says:

    Did you never have a cat in childhood?!

    I haven’t read the latest literature, but think is possible to be infected earlier. (Joking)

    Personally, I had a large number of cats in childhood. Perhaps you guessed that already (joking). But I never cleaned the litter box.

    • Replies: @LatW
  365. QCIC says:

    Thanks. Is a beautiful forest.

    There are a few bristlecone pine trees in the drier parts of the Western mountains. Some of these are over 4000 years old.

    • Replies: @LatW
  366. LatW says:

    Did you never have a cat in childhood?!


    Of course, I’ve been around a lot of cats. 🙂 My grandparents had several cats over the years, a tabby that lived very long and mostly spent time outside and fought a lot (he was all covered in scars), these village cats would go crazy when my dad came from the pond with freshly caught fish… they would follow him emitting bloodcurdling screams because they wanted the fish so bad, geez… lol. They even had a black half Siamese one that was very beautiful but a bit wild (super active, the Siamese are known for their ferocious personality). They would get very fresh cow’s milk.

    And another relative had a city cat that was a bit spoiled but super well behaved and groomed.

    I also lived around a gorgeous Norwegian forest cat for a long time, it was spayed so his face had turned super skinny and graceful, yet he had all those wild instincts left in him (he would sit on the table, look out the window at the birds, once he saw the birds, mostly little chikitees, he would imitate the sound they make – it was hilarious!). Literally, a gorgeous cat sitting peacefully, making chikitee sounds (didn’t know they can even make that sound).

    But he did shed a lot and guess who had to clean all that excess fur off the couch.. that’s pretty much the only complaint I had about him. These are really gorgeous, large, super fluffy cats, almost like lynx. And they are often red or ginger colored with a cute white bib. And can still be affectionate and love people.

    Look, I will take care of a cat (they’re low maintenance, and, of course, I enjoy a purring cat in my lap), it’s just that I’ve never personally voluntarily had one of my own. Pets are high maintenance (it’s better to take care of a child).

    • Replies: @LatW
  367. @Derer

    You keep telling us that Ukraine is alive when every sane person knows that Ukraine is dead, ok on life support by ineffective medicine. Continue with your silly lies if that keep you from going to sanatorium.

    Why don’t you actually try quoting me?

    Stop projecting your own emotionalism.

    I’ve said from day one that Russia could very well take an Eastern chunk of Ukraine. In fact I said early on that I was skeptical of a major counter-offensive and that they should stay in the defensive if Russia/Wagner keeps launching mindless attacks.

    That’s in my history. Feel free to verify.

    Just because I oppose Putin doesn’t mean I cheerlead like MacGregor, Larry C and Ritter.

    Putin recently again hinted that he wanted a buffer zone between the two countries. That does not sound like he plans on marching on Kiev. Good luck trying to spin that as a success given that in his invasion speech he said the war was needed to stop NATO from moving East. Well that already happened through Finland and some type of armistice could ironically put Ukraine closer to qualifying. I also wouldn’t count on any land grab as remaining Russian for a thousand years. Putin is mortal and future generations could give it back as a conciliatory move. Both Hitler and Lenin also once thought that they were in charge of Ukraine’s future borders. Poland was completely occupied and then exited WW2 with East Prussia.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
  368. LatW says:

    Actually, it was more like this, a kind of a chirp. This isn’t a Norwegian forest cat (although something similar), but ours was making a similar sound (not a squeak or whistle, but a kind of a chirp).

    • Replies: @songbird
  369. @QCIC

    It is a strange war. The US Secretary of State is playing guitar in a bar in a war zone. Sounds legit.

    I don’t see why that was a big deal to conservatives.

    I would like to see more politicians interact with the people rather than hiding behind walls.

    Attempting to guess the Russian plan in the SMO is a fool’s errand.

    Well I don’t think anyone knows if they actually have a plan.

    They may just be throwing sh-t on the wall at this point.

    They never intended to drag a 2.5 week special operation into a 2.5 year war with turtle armored tanks and third world mercenaries.

    This has not gone as planned and we can only speculate on their intent. They may be undecided on how far they want to push and it may depend on Russian public opinion. The US was significantly improving in Vietnam but public opinion had already soured. The numbers didn’t matter at that point. I think a lot of it depends on the Russian economy and if the women continue to put up with it.

    Here is one for you. If NATO becomes more visibly involved in the combat will we see Russia using pro-Russia Ukrainian forces for direct attacks on NATO forces?

    Unlikely because most of the pro-Russian Ukrainian forces were DPR/LPR militias and they were already sent to the front early in the war. They were treated as trash and there are pictures showing that the Russians weren’t even bothering to equip them properly.

    We however are seeing pro-Ukrainian Russian nationals fighting for Ukraine:

    Pro-Ukraine Russian paramilitaries join fight on front lines

    I think it makes sense for France to put special forces and foreign legion troops in cities like Kiev and Odessa. Those cities never wanted to be part of Russia and Putin is using his own foreign troops. Polls show that a lot of French troops are eager to fight so I say let them. I don’t understand why Ukraine is expected to not take troops from other countries while Putin heavily used Belarus in the invasion and is using third world mercenaries.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
  370. @John Johnson

    We however are seeing pro-Ukrainian Russian nationals fighting for Ukraine:

    Many more Soviet citizens fought on the side of Nazi Germany against the USSR in WWII. A fat lot of good it did parteigenosse Hitler.

  371. Battle of the Nations
    Germany Chile
    Chile United States


    Chile has arrived as world power. It’s too bad Coach Red Pill missed this.

  372. LatW says:

    Thanks. Is a beautiful forest.

    Oh, that’s an understatement, it’s absolutely magical.

    There are a few bristlecone pine trees in the drier parts of the Western mountains. Some of these are over 4000 years old.

    Interesting, would love to check those out some day. Some of the dry, more inland parts look really cool (they remind me more of Europe, but not the more deserty ones…and bristlecone pine looks very exotic).

    Btw, there are pine cones out there that are over 10 inches long or longer, the variety of pine cones in the West is pretty amazing.

  373. Sixth Panzer Division on the move (from Big Serge’s post in front of his pay wall).

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  374. songbird says:

    We had a cat that I thought tried to imitate a raccoon we had for a short time. I never heard another cat to make the same noises.

    I did not realize it was an official thing, but apparently cats mimicking prey is not unknown in the wild:


    • Replies: @QCIC
  375. Mikel says:

    So to me, the only fair comparison is Eastern half of the US versus western Europe on this competition for who is the best at conservation.

    Not really. Wherever you compare similar latitudes and ecosystems on both continents, America wins hands down in percentage of land covered by autochthonous vegetation. Arizona-Andalusia, PWN-British Islands, Northeast-Netherlands/Germany/CE,…

    No idea who has cut down more forestry in the last 50-100 years.

    Surely North-America, because there is much more forest left, but the area of forested land in the US has increased in the last 50 years nonetheless. In fact, outside of Scandinavia and perhaps parts of Northern Russia, there is almost no autochtonous forest left in Europe. Just some patches of planted trees here and there and a few tiny oases of primeval forest in the mountains. The rest of Europe is agricultural or urban landscape. An ecological disaster for those of us who love untouched scenery.

  376. Mikel says:

    it’s one of the very few rainforests on the whole planet

    There are vast areas of rainforest all over the world, among them the Amazon jungle. Perhaps you meant temperate rainforest but there is no shortage of that either. Most of Southern Chile and parts of New Zealand and Tasmania are covered by it.

    • Replies: @LatW
    , @YetAnotherAnon
  377. LatW says:

    It’s one of the few, if not the only, temperate rainforests on the planet where conifer grows.

    • Replies: @Mikel
    , @QCIC
  378. Mikel says:

    Not the only one. In Chile and some parts of Argentina you have alerces and araucarias in the southern rainforests. I’ve seen both. There are a few others, like “ciprés de las guaitecas”, in the more remote areas. I believe they have some conifers in New Zealand too.

    • Replies: @LatW
  379. QCIC says:

    I always thought cats make the chittery noise because they are over-excited for the hunt and that it was only a coincidence it sounds like another animal. I have seen them make the sound when they see something outside (through a window) which they want to hassle but cannot reach. On the other hand, the Maine Coon looks pretty calm.

    • Replies: @songbird
  380. QCIC says:

    I have also read the Olympic temperate rainforests are unique in some regard. Maybe it is a subtle distinction.

  381. songbird says:

    Have often thought that there was some good in Travelers.


    In fact, I wonder if Ireland wouldn’t have fewer problems, if more Travelers had remained nomadic.

    There is a certain theory that the words Gael and Gaul ultimately derive from some ancient word meaning woodsmen, which might further amplify the idea that cities are a new and radical departure from traditional lifestyles.

  382. LatW says:


    This one is absolutely amazing – the funkiest looking tree ever. It grows in the PNW, too. The branches go upwards in a really peculiar way, with the ends of the branches sticking up (but I’ve never seen those pom poms on top of the branches).

    • Replies: @Mikel
  383. Mr. XYZ says:
    @John Johnson

    Off-topic question for you, JJ: Just how easy do you think that it would have been for Tsarist Russia to subdue the Ottoman Empire, conquer, and permanently hold onto Anatolia in a 1-1 fight against an Ottoman Empire that would have been backed to the hilt by Germany and Austria-Hungary? I think that conquering Anatolia would not have been extraordinarily difficult, but what about holding it indefinitely afterwards?

    I’m asking because for an early 20th century nationalist/imperialist Russian, Anatolia should be what Ukraine is for an early 21st century nationalist/imperialist Russian.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  384. songbird says:

    It seems very strange behavior, as they are very poor mimics, and passerines are highly evolved for sound interpretation, since birdsong is such an important part of their lives.


    I do know that the woods can change the way animals sound a lot. Sounds seem to lose their high pitch and become lower-pitched. Like a jay will sound more like a crow, in the woods. Maybe, the same could be true of a cat, but I am very skeptical.

    • Replies: @songbird
  385. @AnonfromTN

    River Tisza is part of the border between Ukraine and Hungary. The body of the 29th (since the beginning of Russian SMO in Ukraine) drowned would-be draft dodger was just fished out of it

    UPDATE: Now reached 30th body

    Can’t eliminate the possibility some of them have been shot dead in crossing or just dumped there after by the Ukroreikh as punishment

  386. songbird says:

    Without knowing a lot about it, my best guess is that it is neoteny – retaining juvenile traits. Like how a dog has similarities with a wolf cub. Mimicry could be juvenile.

    Meowing itself seems to be a juvenile trait.

    • Replies: @LatW
    , @LatW
  387. LatW says:

    It does sound juvenile and it is almost like play, instead of hunting. Although the look in that kitty’s eyes is definitely as if it’s looking at prey and very feral. Super talented kitty to be able to make all those sounds.

    • Replies: @songbird
  388. @Greasy William

    -bad romantic partner
    -mama’s boy; like, EXTREMELY close with mother
    -although basically an arrogant jerk, really good at communicating with people/gladhanding
    -excellent writer and public speaker
    -soothing voice
    -get bored really easily
    -unusual childhood with eccentric parents
    -do lot’s of impulsive and crazy things
    -effective public speaker in prepared remarks but really drab, boring and overly technical when off the cuff, although this may have improved with age
    -bad relationship with father when young; frequent clashes with authority figures in general
    -major anger issues
    -clashes with the government (lol)
    -very rebellious, especially when young
    -always stand out from the crowd, either via behavior or in manner of dress
    -job required frequent relocations (not sure that would be possible in a country as small as Slovakia)
    -has sudden muscle spasms, although these probably didn’t begin until 30’s

    this is the most I can do without know his birthtime

    • Replies: @Beckow
  389. LatW says:

    Once I saw a bird that feigned being injured, either to divert attention from the nest or some other reason. It was walking kind of slow and dragging one of the wings – it was some kind of a wagtail type of bird, maybe a bit bigger, but with light greyish wings, and it was near long grass (where its nest may have been).

    There is all kinds of skilled camouflage and tricks out there in the wild.

  390. @Mr. XYZ

    Off-topic question for you, JJ: Just how easy do you think that it would have been for Tsarist Russia to subdue the Ottoman Empire, conquer, and permanently hold onto Anatolia in a 1-1 fight against an Ottoman Empire that would have been backed to the hilt by Germany and Austria-Hungary?

    In 1914?

    You’re talking desert fighting in Muslim homelands with stretched supply lines for the Russians.

    They Russians are terrible when they have stretched supply lines. They do much better on the defensive in frozen territory.

    They couldn’t even relieve Port Arthur:

    That loss would have been even worse if not for the Maxim machine gun.

    Russians trying to take all that Muslim land in 1914? No chance in hell. Muslims are much more effective when fighting non-Muslims on their own land. They view it as a religious duty.

    Maybe you are thinking they turn the Arabs against the Turks? I doubt it would have worked.

    Have you read much about Gallipoli? The Turks really fought hard and completely surprised the British with their tenacity.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
  391. Mr. XYZ says:
    @John Johnson

    Yeah, I know about Gallipoli. The Turks really kicked ass there! However, they did fare badly against the Russians in the 1914-1916 time period during WWI, though with them losing at Sarakamish due to their own mistakes rather than so much due to any Russian genius.

    Russia was also able to beat the Turks rather decisively in 1877-1878, and the same thing would have happened during the Crimean War had it not been for direct Western military intervention over there.

    It does seem like if early 20th century Russia could have conquered and successfully permanently held Anatolia, then it would have been a great addition to Turkic Central Asia for Russia due to it almost completely uniting the various Turkic peoples under Russian rule. But the challenge is actually succeeding in doing this. Turkey does have relatively high human capital, so it would be a relatively good investment for Russia in the event of success–better than anything else other than large-scale Russian expansion into China, which would have likely necessitated a new Russo-Japanese War after 1905 and would have also severely pissed off the Chinese, who would have still maintained a gigantic–and now revanchist–country either way.

    I actually was previously alerted to some early 20th century Russian designs on Chinese territory:

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  392. songbird says:

    No doubt about it: housecats are super-predators. I was much amused a while ago to see this story about them preying on endangered baby crocs in Cuba. (They eat a lot of endangered animals)

    Even when you consider their juvenile traits, they are daring. They will suck the teats of elephant seals. Of course, adults are severely lactose intolerant, so not all the juvenile traits (such as liking milk) are beneficial. And mimicry could be similar.

    I wonder what the demographics of copper theft in Japan are. This story mentions Cambodians in one case.


  393. Mikel says:

    Yes but they look a little unreal for my personal taste. It’s a relic from the Jurassic times that only survived in the Southern Hemisphere. I prefer the more austere North American conifers, especially the alpine firs. If you want to see majestic bristlecone pines, the White Mountains in Eastern California have plenty of them and there are roads that take you close to the summits. Another alternative is Mount Charleston and neighboring peaks, near Las Vegas, but here some hiking is required to get to the bristlecone groves. The location of what is believed to be the oldest living tree in the world (a White Mountain bristlecone) is kept secret. Obviously, I plan to find it one day. It shouldn’t be difficult based on the available pictures.

    • Replies: @LatW
  394. LatW says:

    Yes but they look a little unreal for my personal taste. It’s a relic from the Jurassic times that only survived in the Southern Hemisphere.

    This tree really stands out and it’s not a native of the north, and it looks quite different from the native trees such as the douglas fir or ponderosa pine. And cedars, of course. It is very exotic looking and I first thought it might be related to some trees in Japan.

    I also really love madronas because of the color and texture of their bark and how they are shaped, they can be a little gnarly.

    Well, if you look at the kind of terrain and “soil” (or more like rocks) that the bristlecone pine grows in, no wonder it is so long lived (if it can manage to grow in that), it’s very durable, more dense than other trees, supposedly.

  395. @Mr. XYZ

    It does seem like if early 20th century Russia could have conquered and successfully permanently held Anatolia, then it would have been a great addition to Turkic Central Asia for Russia due to it almost completely uniting the various Turkic peoples under Russian rule. But the challenge is actually succeeding in doing this.

    Taking Constantinople is one thing but Anatolia is a natural fortress just like Spain. You not only have water but mountains on both sides.

    Look how well the Turks did at defending tiny Gallipoli where the British had the water at their backs and had to climb uphill.

    Imagine them having to deal with artillery on mountains like this one:
    Would have been awful for the Russians. They had terrible leadership in 1914. Horrible. They were in no position to fight against a dug-in and determined opponent. That was before all sides had accepted that the machine gun favors the defensive and you can’t use 19th century tactics. Russians would have ran up those hills against machine guns and if they made it to the top then artillery on another hill would have pounded them.

    It does seem like if early 20th century Russia could have conquered and successfully permanently held Anatolia, then it would have been a great addition to Turkic Central Asia for Russia due to it almost completely uniting the various Turkic peoples under Russian rule.

    If they stayed in their damn borders then WW1 would have been far less of a disaster. Most importantly the revolution would not have had the backing of the army.

    Historically Russia does poorly when they go beyond their borders into territory where the locals hate them. Hmmmmm.

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
  396. Mr. XYZ says:
    @John Johnson

    Well, there is another way to try getting Turkey to unite with Russia: Get Constantinople and the Straits, and promise to give them back to Turkey if Turkey will agree to join Russia in a union as its own federal unit. It would significantly help if moderate socialists (not the Bolsheviks!) would have come to power in Russia and replaced the Russian Tsar in such a scenario.

    The deal would only be good for as long as Turkey agreed to remain in union with Russia. Else, Turkey would once again lose both Constantinople and the Straits for a second time.

  397. The Chinese perspective.

  398. Mikhail says: • Website

    Putin said that at the moment Russia has no plans to take Kharkov. I wonder whether he is telling the truth, as is his habit, or lying like Western politicians? Time will tell.

    At the moment isn’t a lie. MS says Kharkov will eventually be reunited.

    • Replies: @QCIC
  399. Mr. XYZ says:

    Yes, Jews have seriously fucked up in supporting relatively unselective Muslim immigration to the West. Importing Hindus en masse to the West instead would have been much better, even if they would have been working-class, just so long as they would not have been as chronically dysfunctional as the Indian-descended Roma are.

    • Thanks: ShortOnTime
    • Replies: @QCIC
  400. QCIC says:

    MS believes the Russian force of less than 50,000 troops in that area is far too small to take even a diminished Kharkov. He thinks the main Russian focus areas are still Donbas and creation of a sanitary zone to protect Russian cities near the border.

    • Replies: @Mikhail
  401. QCIC says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    The powers that be are intentionally bringing in dysfunctional immigrants to cause problems. The goal may be to degrade and dilute the middle class to recreate a more clearly defined caste system. The existence of a thriving middle class effectively blurred the caste system in the West. American-style upward social mobility was a rejection of the system.

    • Agree: Bashibuzuk
    • Replies: @A123
    , @Bashibuzuk
  402. A123 says: • Website

    The powers that be are intentionally bringing in dysfunctional immigrants to cause problems. … The existence of a thriving middle class effectively blurred the caste system in the West.

    I concur.

    Judeo-Christian values lead to achievement and a highly functional middle class. The powers that be thus hate Jews and Christians. In Europe, the obvious answer was bringing in anti-Semitic Muslims.

    Look at France — Zemmour, a Jew, campaigned on restricting migration. Macron, not a Jew, won. The result, more Islam. Will Le Pen win? And if so, can she beat French & EU deep state resistance?

    I had hopes for Meloni in Italy, but she apparently cannot deliver.

    Geert Wilders is forming a Netherlands coalition 5 months after the election. Is anyone confident that he will make substantive gains?

    PEACE 😇

  403. @John Johnson

    That ATACMS strike against Crimea took out nearly a billion dollars worth of military hardware in a single night:

    Errrr….no you dumb spambot shit. Some retard claims it took out “nearly a billion dollars worth” – which is a worthless claim.
    How many implausible times have the ukronazi side claimed they have taken out a S-400 complex in Crimea you retarded sh*thead? Fake claims with fake satellite imagery and fotos from 404 are too habitual to be taken seriously . We know that 404 fired a wide variety into that region during the same attack – drones, ATACMS, HARM missiles and others. We don’t even know if it was ATACMS that got through. There was a massive attack, the fires and explosions tell f**k all on what was intercepted and what , if any , was a direct hit- OR if I have said before and will happen throughout the SMO- Ukronazis struck dummy targets (doesn’t need to be any planes based there for attacking 404). We have claims of Sevastopol governor – that I believe and are infinitely more credible……….versus standard ukrop BS.

    You think it is just a coincidence that Putin is launching an offensive after the bill was signed?

    LOL – we have conducted offensive operations on most days of the SMO you demented cretin. It’s such a “coincidence” that a tramp like you is too scared to give an estimate of the number of troops involved in this offensive, as even you know the numbers are so small they make a comedy of your idiot statement. It’s so obvious that what is happening in Kharkov is done solely to protect citizens in Belgorod you retarded sack of faeces. Protecting them from the TERRORIST actions of 404 that 3 times have mass killed civilians in Belgorod. Maybe it was naive thinking that reciprocity threat ( well , massively higher capacity to destroy Kharkov than 404 for Belgorod) of being able to fire rockets and missiles into the 2 cities would reduce the chances of ukronazi terrorists doing this, but clearly it hasn’t. Or that our air defences would adapt easily like they had for the previous 2 years to whatever changes/updates the western-controlled ukronazi side did in their Belgorod attacks, that before were always intercepted early, placing the border villages, not the city itself and other towns/factories in danger. The circumstance dictates a safety zone that goes far into Kharkov oblast. In the process develop a plan if similar filth happens with Kaliningrad or the other border regions.

    As I said – these like HIMARS//ATACMS are PR weapons, nothing more. As I said, Russian sorties in the air must now be at least 300000, probably 400000 since the SMO, which is great , successful work able to do practical, perceptible damage influencing the entire arena of conflict in addition to our forces on the ground. 404’s airforce is nothing more than flying coffins – as the lemming who fired the HARM missile will have discovered.

    Maybe re-think your deeply emotional attachment to a 2.5 week special military operation on year 2.5 that the invaders now call a war (Putin now breaks his own law by calling it a war).

    LMAO – lying retard has gone from “2 days” to “2 and a half week”. In reality we won this SMO after 2 days, after 2.5 weeks, and have kept on winning it in every increment of time since them.The many towns and cities liberated, strategically important land taken, strategic infrastructure controlled ( NPP supplying 25% of electricity and the canal supplying Crimea) and the masses of dead ukronazis were a brilliant and winning strategy in the first phase. Westerncontrolled ukronazi puppets have simply decided since then to lose the war every 2.5 weeks again and again.

    There is simply no precedent for another set of wealthy states paying and supplying for the entire military of another poor state, paying the entire state salaries for millions, paying the pensions, paying the salary of the military personnel of another state ( a salary that is way above ukrop national average) and even offering to look after their wives and children, facilitating the domestic electricity use, being the ENTIRE MIC for another country at this level, conducting this amount of mass retard internet psyops for this other state, being the entire hospital and medical team for the most heavily injured, enabling mass corruption with zero chance of punishment at this scale for the elite of what was already the most corrupt country on the planet……and sending anyone they have into the arena to repair anything.

    Just as importantly – there is simply no precedent for a state, the Russian Federation, experiencing significant economic growth( relative to our enemies too) while conducting such an intense SMO and experiencing mass sanctions you thick POS.

    • Replies: @AP
    , @Jazman
    , @John Johnson
  404. AP says:

    The desperate endless screaming from Gerard is as usual, but let’s focus on this funny part:

    In reality we won this SMO after 2 days, after 2.5 weeks, and have kept on winning it in every increment of time since them.

    After more than 2 years of invading Ukraine, Russia has failed to take more than 9% of the country, has failed to depose the Ukrainian government, has failed to hold a single provincial capital, has lost 120,000 or more troops, has lost 1/3 of its Black Sea Fleet, and is getting its own territory bombed regularly, leading (so far) to a loss of a bit under 10% (6%? 8%?) of its oil refining capacity.

    If America had the same performance in Iraq after two years (Saddam still in power, Iraq’s army larger and better equipped than ever, no provincial territories taken, 100,000+ American soldiers killed, 1/3 of the American navy in the Persian Gulf destroyed, Iraqi drones hitting American cities regularly, only 9% of the country near the Saudi border with some valuable oil wells taken by the American invaders), anti-Americans would justifiably be laughing at the pathetic performance and call it a failed invasion.


    Also you forgot to mention the main “success” of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine: the destruction nd displacement of Ukraine’s ethnic Russians and its Russian-speaking easterners. Most of the 6.5 million+ refugees who have left Ukraine are from the East – the Westerners have returned. It’s why in 2022 one heard a lot more Ukrainian in Polish cities, but now one hears more Russians spoken. 10,000s of Ukraine’s Russians and Russian-speakers were killed in Mariupol and elsewhere in Donbas. The Russian-speaking cities have been bombed. Putin is desperate to wreck Kharkiv now – turn it into a depopulated buffer zone like Bakhmut. Its former Yanukovich-voters will end up in Germany or Poland. No Banderist could have accomplished what the Russian state under Putin is doing.

    QCIC who is a contrarian to the point of self-parody, says Russia is wiping out “Nazis.” As usual, the reality is the opposite of what he believes. Russia is emptying out the East. Either by killing the easterners, or ruining their cities and forcing them to flee. Some flee to Russia, many to the West. Those who are more patriotic move to Kiev or Lviv rather than leave the country (but most of those who have left also hate the country that ruined their lives – Russia). Fertility in the East has completely collapsed. Russian schools for Easterners are becoming a moot point – there will be noon left in need of them. Russia has killed them off or driven them into exile. Maybe they will have their Russian schools in Magadan or Hamburg. The shifting of the demographic, economic and political center of gravity in Ukraine from the East to the West is in hyper-acceleration thanks to Putin’s policies.

    I see absolutely nothing to celebrate here, because I do not think that the death and destruction are good or that ends justify means when such misery is involved. This is horrific. But it’s darkly amusing to see pro-Russians gloating or celebrating this terrible process.

    • Replies: @QCIC
  405. Bashibuzuk says:

    The post-Soviet Noviop have managed to turn an egalitarian society into one of the most non-egalitarian in the world in about a single generation. The Atlanticist Neocons are following in the footsteps of their FUSSR counterparts. And yes, unbridled immigration, social strife and even wars are symptoms of that social transformation. A new caste system might indeed result from this upheaval. The postwar middle class is rapidly becoming a thing of the past with its remains being priced out of the comfortable life and into debt slaves through a rampant inflation. No doubt that these new “elites” would want to stay on top forever. For that they need to divide, distract and manipulate the masses. And yeah having 69 genders and 666 ethnic groups living “together” in the same “society” would be just perfect for the “elites” to perpetuate their dominance. They can be united, but everyone else must be divided. They can honour their ancestors, but everyone else must be deprived of a nuclear family. They want to become demigods through technological advances, but everyone else must be degraded into a semi-animal state using the technology and the propaganda. The future belongs to those who step forward into it, not to those who die out because they have been too distracted to breed. They want their offspring to inherit the future, they want our past being forgotten and erased.

    • Agree: QCIC
  406. AP says:

    …pointing out that she was German.

    So was Queen Victoria-the Kraut.

    Queen Victoria was born in London. So was her father.

    Catherine the Great was born in Germany, moved to Russia as an adult after marriage, had the Russian tsar murdered and took the throne.

    After seizing the throne she expanded serfdom at the expense of Russian peasants and to the joy of French-speaking ethnically mixed elites. She also brutally crushed native ethnic Russian rebellion.

    Sort of, vaguely, a proto-Stalin.

    The fact that Russians celebrate her and Stalin while Ukrainians hate both is another difference between the two peoples.

    The British royals were ethnic Germans but had been in Britain for generations. They can be compared to the ethnically Norse Rurikids who ruled Rus. Not to Catherine.

    The British royals are Hannoverian, they even spoke German until 19th century

    Even when the point supports you, you get it wrong.

    Some of them spoke German well into the early 20th century.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Beckow
  407. AP says:

    The Atlanticist Neocons are following in the footsteps of their FUSSR counterparts. And yes, unbridled immigration, social strife and even wars are symptoms of that social transformation. A new caste system might indeed result from this upheaval. The postwar middle class is rapidly becoming a thing of the past with its remains being priced out of the comfortable life and into debt slaves through a rampant inflation.

    Two major differences though:

    1. In the West, the top 25% to 30% are getting really prosperous during this process.
    2. The next 25% or so aren’t getting any poorer, only poorer relative to the richer ones. They are being left behind but not pushed down.

    The middle class isn’t getting hollowed out due to them becoming poor, it is getting hollowed out due to many of them getting richer, and only a few getting poor.

    There is not enough desperation to make a rebellion possible. Only enough resentment to elect someone like Trump, an entertaining rabble-rouser.

    It’s a generally stable system.

    • Replies: @Bashibuzuk
    , @QCIC
  408. @AP

    From the other thread:

    UPA killed many hundreds of less-famous Communist officials and NKVD personnel.

    Here is just from one county, in a few months:

    By “less-famous Communist officials”, you mean euphemism of “literate and educated Ukrainians” – you are talking about UNARMED CIVILIANS – working in the kolhoz, the schools, the postal service, any part of civilian administration. Trying to introduce civilisation to the destroyed by centuries of inbreeding Galicia you POS.

    and NKVD personnel.

    LMAO – Banderites killed……150000
    Banderited captured…200000

    Soviet army and NKVD losses…..8000

    Thats just an hilariously embarrassing discrepancy, which says everything. About the failure ukronazi deathcult. They were competent at NOTHING ( except sodomising each other in the Kriyivka all day – ask Mr Hack or AnonfromTN what that is), leading a horrendous life that you wouldn’t wish on worst enemy, for objective of “”Ukrainian” state that Soviet Union had given them , in a war it was impossible to win and even the sickest fascists in Europe had no similar type of appetite for……….all so that most of these freaks could then just become big servants to the Communist party!!!)

    But Soviet General Vatutin and the defense minister of Communist Poland Świerczewski were indeed high-profile targets successfully liquidated.

    General Vatutin is one of the greatest men in history. An amazing hero. Its sickening that steets, monuments and other things in 404 named after him were renamed by the ukroNazi regime ( often replacing his name with the worst scum in history). Being from Voronezh he was more “Ukrainian” than these Galician freaks anyway . So an absolute greatest man in world history who has just liberated Kiev (which says everything about these satanists)….. is victim of these cockroach, zero talent, opportunistic scum action.

    I would not call it an “assasination” or “successfully liquidated” – just a lowest of the low action. Done during the post-WW2 insurgency would be “legitimate” to classify as “assasination”, but it wasn’t . None of them were. It was considered absolute delinquent tactic by all militaries in “white” world over the centuries deliberately to assassinate their opposing generals or other high-ranking commanders . Just not acceptable.

    For the different killing of the Polish Interior minister in the 1930s – That operation was only possible because he escaped via Czechoslovakian border, i.e with their help. Many of the UPA terrorists escaped via that border in union with Czecholovakian intelligence. Was it more the Slovaks or the Czechs assisting with this? Don’t know as you have land disputes with Poland, Catholicism, Hungarian issue that could favour the other sides alternatively- although it says everything that the Poles were such hated dickheads that Czecholovakia would assist UPA terrorists like this.

    What UPA filth did required zero sophistication, as cowards it was done when heroes like Vatutin fighting against an actual serious opponent with serious intelligence operations. A much greater expectation of dying in an air raid or on or around the battlefield……not this filth. So in no way does that class as “assassination” or “successfully liquidated” you idiot

    Bandera and Konovalets were living as civilians in residential areas. Bandera, living as an exile, was killed in his apartment building. Anyone could have done that.

    They were both active members of the organised ukronazi diaspora, assisting UPA actions. Living under aliases, monitored /protected by western intelligence. Infliltration and killing required skill.

    Most of the active UPA officers were killed thanks to our intelligence activity anyway.
    Now compare lowlifes like Bandera, Konovalets,Shukhevich….. to White Russians as Denikin, Kerensky, Vrangel, Semyonov who managed to live peaceful, often long lives. Not all, but many of the main leaders survived and escaped.

    NKVD had the resources of a world power with 170 million people.

    OUN/UPA was a stateless organization with perhaps 50,000 members in any given time.

    What a stupid comparison.

    Cretin – those “170 million” were massively rebuilding a devastated country you idiot. Has also experienced a mass population loss, post-war famine, mass disorder and banditry in places ( , martial law required in some places (like Odessa), and of course has the largest country on the planet to look after that isn’t Galicia. As I said – 150000 Banderites were killed and 200k imprisoned – the 50000 number is irrelevant, and of course braindead misleading to not include the entire galician population number

  409. Bashibuzuk says:

    It’s a generally stable system.

    The final two decades of the Soviets seemed very stable as well. And in the post-Soviet RusFed, some 20% of the population moved up, some 40% stayed put in the middle, some 40% got completely pauperized. What is important is how the wealth and power are distributed among the upper 20%. Lenin, being himself a Noviop, has famously stated that it is always the matter of “who [dominates] whom”. They dominate our society and slowly and surely lead us towards depopulation and cultural dissolution. They hope to have their shining tomorrows after we are gone. Do not trust wolves in sheep clothing, a snake changes its skin but not its venom.

    • Replies: @AP
  410. A123 says: • Website

    No doubt that these new “elites” would want to stay on top forever. For that they need to divide, distract and manipulate the masses. And yeah having 69 genders and 666 ethnic groups living “together” in the same “society” would be just perfect for the “elites” to perpetuate their dominance. They can be united, but everyone else must be divided

    I largely concur.

    However, “forever” is not the right time frame for consideration. Elites want it to last for their life time. A small portion may be thinking about their children, but that is only another 50 years or so. They are not concerned about the long term.

    Using IslamoGloboHomo to divide and weaken those who believe in traditional values is not a durable structure. It diminishes the industries upon which the Elites, and everyone else, rely. Does anyone believe THIS can endure as a foundation for society?


    Either realism, such as MAGA, will return to wipe out the dysfunction in a constructive manner. Or, the deviants will turn on each other and burn everything to the ground.

    PEACE 😇

  411. @Bashibuzuk

    Tyler Cowen and Anatoly Karlin claim you are promoting a loser’s script here. The reason we study the past, including the past from before any good stuff was put into written archives, is we are able to avoid repeating really really really dumb mistakes.

    Like Midas. Tantalus. The Trojan who brought the horse inside the city gates.

    Also we can get entertainment watching people like Elon Musk doing ignorant stuff because they were goofing off during these particular lessons in school.

    What myth is pertinent to the Cowen-Karlin blunder? Pandora is pretty close but I’m sure there is a better one. I did plenty of goofing off myself. BUT NOT AS MUCH AS THOSE GOOFBALLS.

  412. Mr. Hack says:

    You write about the “post Soviet Noviops” and the “Atlanticist Neocons” as if they were both colluding together to subdue the world for greater economic control. Which of these groupings controls China, as it appears that Russia is quickly descending into becoming China’s junior partner? South America, also seems to be marching to its own drumbeat. All of these groupings have their own elites and there own agendas and they don’t appear to me to be colluding together. I wrote about this a little over a week ago to you in one of my comments. You never replied. I’ll reprint it here, as it seems to be on topic. I may edit it a bit to make it easier to understand:

    I think that tying together your whole thesis is that this amorphous clan of elites are conspiring together to bring their endgame to fruition by working together (same goals, similar outcomes). But nothing seems to support this eventuality. The two major powers in the world today, the US and China, are working against one another in a possible surrogate war within Ukraine, and relatedly the elites in both Russia and Ukraine are certainly out to destroy each other. If the world’s elites are conspiring together to bring all of the world’s masses into an abysmal state of servitude, why do they appear to be working against one another? If there is no international cooperation, then nothing is really changing, and the elites of each country are trying to control their own masses and not working together in any sort of a grand scheme. Business as usual.

    • Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  413. Beckow says:
    @Greasy William

    I don’t know what time he was born, but some of the characteristics are wrong.

    Fico is not rebellious and never challenges authority, he shows no sign of depression (I met him a few times). He has eagerness to move things forward with endless energy and enthusiasm. Pretty good public speaker, but a bit boring – he likes to communicate with common people and it shows.

    Fico grew up comfortably in an intact village family, he came from the 90% of people who dramatically benefitted from communism: good jobs, education, health care, new houses…He was commie and also a Catholic, baptised and confirmed, the usual combination of obeying all authorities.

    He was a top student, but never interested in non-functional studies and determined to rise to the top. After 1989 he quickly switched to be a lawyer representing Slovakia at the European Court in Strasbourg. In 1999 he saw an opportunity with people anger at Nato bombing of Serbia and left the government to form his own left-nationalist party. By 2006 he won the election and became a PM.

    Orban and Fico see the Western folly in trying to win the war in Ukraine. They know it is impossible and act accordingly. Their demonization by the West comes from the Western growing realization that they are right – they can’t stand looking like chumps.

    • Thanks: ShortOnTime
    • Replies: @Mikhail
    , @Greasy William
  414. Mikhail says: • Website

    MS believes the Russian force of less than 50,000 troops in that area is far too small to take even a diminished Kharkov. He thinks the main Russian focus areas are still Donbas and creation of a sanitary zone to protect Russian cities near the border.

    Further into that segment I linked, he expressed his belief that Kharkov will eventually be reunited with Russia.

  415. Mikhail says: • Website

    Orban and Fico see the Western folly in trying to win the war in Ukraine. They know it is impossible and act accordingly. Their demonization by the West comes from the Western growing realization that they are right – they can’t stand looking like chumps.

    Which explains the effort to purge Orban and Fico. Somewhat related –

  416. QCIC says:

    I see the conflict in Ukraine through a 1990 ex-Cold War lens, so I recognize and emphasize the pivotal actions by the West prior to 2014 which led to this disaster. Those actions against Russia were simply a continuation of anti-Soviet moves, but took place from a dominant Western position after the fall of the USSR. It is a shame you think discussing the precursors to Maidan is contrarian. You like to emphasize history, but you leave out extremely important moves by the West such as expansion of NATO, dropping out of nuclear arms control treaties and putting missile bases in Eastern Europe. I believe Russia is fighting these earlier moves as much as anything which specifically occurred in Ukraine. Ukraine is simply the battleground for the larger conflict and the poor Ukrainians are the ones who allowed themselves to be talked into being cannon fodder.

    This is part of the large conflict which has the potential to escalate into nuclear warfare or WW3, so Russia had no choice but to eventually intervene in Ukraine. I believe the Western planners and some Ukrainian leaders completely expected this response.

    We could have an interesting discussion regarding what would have happened if the West had not made the aggressive moves and had not fostered an anti-Russian form of Ukrainian nationalism. That alternate possibility might have turned out more to your liking, but we will never know.


    For full disclosure I am slightly contrarian in the sense that I believe cheerleading such as you often engage in gets people killed needlessly. I think it is important to give a less favorable depiction of events to promote a better understanding in people who are less familiar with the conflict.

    • Replies: @LatW
  417. QCIC says:

    Most of the prosperity you mention is based on funny money, not real productivity. We have all of these prosperous people and most of them are unhappy. It is a very fragile system and if the balance is upset you may soon find a more classic caste system of 1% elite, 5% middle class and 94% poor.

    Automation, information technology and AI could make this transition happen very quickly. Many of those in the 99% will scramble furiously to become a whip hand for the elite class. Because of the intentional destruction of shared social values this scramble may be very ugly.

    • Agree: Bashibuzuk
  418. songbird says:

    A cat likes to play, but a chicken is more primal.


    • Replies: @LatW
  419. LatW says:

    A cat likes to play, but a chicken is more primal.

    You’re right – the cat tried to be all slinky and approach slowly & craftily, but the much dumber chicken just lunged ahead in an autopilot. We see how waiting can sometimes be costly, evolutionary speaking. Dude… life is definitely less complicated when one is not overly intelligent, could be more successful in some ways that way.

    But in cat’s defense, he was almost there, if it hadn’t been for the competition from the chicken. In a wilder situation, where more was at stake, the cat would probably act more primal. There could be a couple of cats that would eat both the mouse and the chicken.


    So do you have a cat now or no (or a dog)? Just curious. 🙂

    • Replies: @songbird
  420. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Mr. Hack

    I have never written that the Noviop and Neocon are colluding, they just have a similar modus operandi. OTOH, it is true that Globalists try to play both sides and influence their strategies. Not all Noviops / Neocons are Globalists and not all Globalist are Noviop / Neocon. China is viewed favourably by the Globslists, South American leftist leaders such as AMLO and Lula are close to the Globalist, while others on the populist right wing, such as Bolsonaro, are more suspicious of Globalization. China is the poster boy of Globalization and has benefited from it immensely. China sees Globalization favourably. And yes, the Atlanticists in their hubris and folly have pushed RusFed to become China’s junior partner. The Atlanticists will end up regretting it.

    • Replies: @Bashibuzuk
    , @Mr. Hack
  421. Bashibuzuk says:

    Speaking of China’s being now the RusFed’s « elder brother » and in case you missed it:


  422. LatW says:

    We could have an interesting discussion regarding what would have happened if the West had not made the aggressive moves and had not fostered an anti-Russian form of Ukrainian nationalism. That alternate possibility might have turned out more to your liking, but we will never know.

    This discussion could only take place if you recognized the basic European security interests which are closely tied to Eastern Europe and you don’t – you have a major blind spot there. But that’s actually the elephant in the room.

    Another elephant in the room which you ignore is Russia’s internal nature and how it changed since 1991 (or maybe didn’t change the whole time with the 1990s being just a lull from their more aggressive essence). You will argue that RusFed became fascist because of these moves by the West, but that’s a very one sided, half-blind view.

    They want to dominate large parts of Europe and most Euros don’t want that, that’s the crux of the matter.

    had not fostered an anti-Russian form of Ukrainian nationalism.

    Ukrainian nationalism, same as all the other nationalisms of Eastern European peoples, exists on its own. It was there a 100 years ago and it was fought brutally by the NKVD. It will always be there.

    You’re trying to say that the West – btw, what is your definition of “the West” here – very confusing when such vague terms are used – is fomenting this nationalism, no – it grows on its own, some in the West may or may not try to prop it up but the phenomenon stays independently. You can argue that it is like a flame that is fed, but the flame burns on its own. What people such as you don’t get is that it’s a normal, healthy life force. The key is to manage it properly.

    Actually, I see the very opposite – the US establishment is in fact trying to extinguish Ukrainian and Eastern European nationalism. They will fail, just like the Soviets failed.

  423. LatW says:

    Russia’s internal nature and how it changed since 1991

    Obviously, the oligarchization and the state capture that took place was also a harmful development.

  424. Jazman says:

    Take for example last event . Ukies hit Belbek airport and destroyed two Mig-31 but the thing is both planes are out of service for long time , plus they hit painted silhouette and barrel of kerosene . The revival happened just yesterday when Maxar satellite images became available. The first to receive them are traditionally the right journalists of the right publications, in particular The War Zone headed by Tyler Rogoway or journalist Christian Triebert from NYT, part-time employee of the well-known Bellingcat . In general, Western journalists publish satellite images of Maxar. They are immediately picked up by the Ukrainian OSINT Twitter, and from the most vile ones – those who happily publish recordings of Ukrainian war crimes. Pictures are beginning to be reviewed and “confirmed” by authoritative sources, such as “nexta” or “trash” . Twitter OSINT is monitored by almost all Russian-language telegram channels. Many Russian-language analytical TG channels are so mediocre that 99% of them simply rewrite what they spied on Twitter (now “X”), without particularly caring about fact checking or basic information hygiene.From this moment on, Ukrainians have the opportunity to refer as evidence to Russian-language TG channels ALSO. Like, look, the Russians themselves confirm the losses.
    Conveniently, this whole process occurred exactly at the moment of the epic failure of the Ukrainian in the Kharkov region, when the US Administration recognized the situation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as “incredibly desperate.”

    • Agree: Gerard1234
    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
  425. Don’t know if the guy is just one idiot, or if this is the logical next step after “Russia must not be allowed to win” and “OMG, Russia is winning!”.

    “Nato’s grand 75th birthday celebration in Washington in July will ring hollow in Kyiv. The alliance has miserably failed its biggest post-cold war test – the battle for Ukraine. Sadly, there’s no denying it: Vladimir Putin is on a roll.

    Advancing Russian forces in Kharkiv profit from the west’s culpably slow drip-feed of weaponry to Kyiv and its leaders’ chronic fear of escalation. Ukraine receives just enough support to survive, never to prevail. Now even bare survival is in doubt.

    Ukraine is Europe’s fight. It’s freedom’s global fight, Joe Biden says – a fight for democracy. “Our support cannot and will not falter. Britain is with you for as long as it takes,” Rishi Sunak vows. Yet, on the ground, Ukraine is mostly left to fight alone.

    Nato should have intervened robustly to deter Russia’s aggression right from the start, as repeatedly urged here. No-fly zones could have prevented thousands of civilian casualties and limited damage to Ukraine’s cities.

    Restrictions on Kyiv’s use of western-made missiles to attack military bases and oil refineries inside Russia were, and are, self-defeating. Nato navies should have imposed defensive cordons around grain-exporting Black Sea ports. Putin should be told where to shove his contemptible attempts at nuclear blackmail.

    All this might still be done, if there’s a will. ”

    Not that I see much restriction on attacks against Russian refineries inside Russia. Indeed, it’s in response to these that Russia is wrecking* the Ukranie power grid.

    * tho still afaik leaving the big, hard to replace 750kv transformers intact.

    Elsewhere, WaPo:

    “Western sanctions have failed to collapse Russia’s economy.”

    Which was always going to be the US wunderwaffen. Fair play to those who sorted the workrounds,

    BTW, did anyone notice the bullion price after the Russia/China statement? Was that just coincidence? Gold, silver, platinum all jumped around 2%.

  426. Mr. Hack says:

    Not all Noviops / Neocons are Globalists and not all Globalist are Noviop / Neocon.

    So, who exactly are the “globalists”, that seem to be at the very top of these conspiracy sub-cliques? Why aren’t they able totally dominate the Noviops or the Globalists, or is it only a matter of time before they do?

    • Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  427. @LatW

    I’m pretty sure the “spontaneous protests” in Georgia about the foreign agents law are highly orchestrated by (among others*) the very NGOs that the law targets.

    * Those US Special Forces MC130s weren’t in Tblisi for a rest cure.

    • Replies: @LatW
  428. @Beckow

    Here is Orban’s reading. I don’t know if you know much about him. I’m not gonna read his Wiki entry cause I don’t want it to bias my reading:

    -high, broad forehead w/ asymmetrical hairline; slender winged eyebrows; slim, almond eyes; high and full cheekbones; heart shaped face; thin lips in Cupid’s Bow shape; rounded chin; well proportioned body with rectangular torso that appears somewhat fleshy; arms and legs are long and lean; tendency to put on weight (Jupiter in 7th house opposite ascendant) and good bone structure (moon trine Saturn)
    -pleasant personality w/ noticeably charming smile
    -love art, nature and the finer things in life
    -works in many different fields
    -should have good health (strong moon) but *if* has health problems they would be w/ kidneys and/or reproductive organs
    -prudent; not impulsive or a risk taker
    -analytical and responsible; dutiful worker; workaholic
    -precise and intelligent; excellent concentration
    -find fulfillment through work
    -highly spiritual and morally upright; investigates spiritual topics and partakes in many spiritual activities
    -caring and respectful of women
    -not a fun loving person; difficulty relaxing
    -good husband w/ great marriage; very loyal partner; highly romantic
    -excellent student
    -highly secretive, especially regarding interest in the occult
    -diplomatic; good at resolving disputes between others
    -interested in foreign language and cultures
    -although highly spiritual, wary of religious dogma
    -control freak
    -career involving foreign countries; make a lot of money abroad
    -will reach the top of career field
    -make money both in the government as well as the private sector
    -collect rare objects
    -eccentric weirdo
    -work in bursts: intense activity followed by collapsing in exhaustion
    -problems with authority and anger management issues (Mars opposition Saturn; Fico actually has the same thing)
    -extremely high energy levels
    -family man

    that one wasn’t super specific and I’m pretty sure a few of the things are either wrong or impossible to verify, but overall it sounds accurate. I’m happy with the reading.

  429. LatW says:

    Do you even watch the protests (their size)? You do realize that this is the will of a large portion of the Georgian society? You do realize that this is a large chunk of the middle class and the “NGO’s” are only a small part of it? These number speak for themselves. (As if the US has done anything for Sakartvelo lately…) Oh wait.. you don’t really assign any agency to the Georgian people, they don’t have a right to an opinion or a free will, I see. You’re never a puppet but everyone else, who doesn’t want to live under a tyrannical government, is. You don’t label your compatriots a “foreign agent” – you confront them openly and speak freely. And, btw, you, too, could be labeled a “foreign agent” once you take that route.

    Are you aware of ALL of the individuals & entities in RusFed who are labeled as “foreign agents”? And that MOST of them have nothing to do with Soros or even any outside actors?

    • Replies: @QCIC
  430. QCIC says:

    The hypothetical discussion I mentioned would not involve me. I meant “we” as in the rest of you who have more of a personal (regional) stake in that conversation.

    I only comment now because the Ukraine proxy war involves Cold War-style issues of worldwide impact including nuclear weapons, WW3, proxy wars, etc. The mainstream discussion of the Ukraine conflict intentionally downplays these big picture concerns in an outrageously misleading attempt to suggest the regional issues take precedence. By ignoring the bigger issues, including very serious warnings Russia gave the West for decades, the media attempts to make Russia look weak, capricious and at the same time hungry for new territory. A more balanced coverage would show the opposite, that the West has pressured Russia so much that she was effectively cornered and forced to react in Ukraine. Of course the full story includes all of these aspects (regional AND big picture) and many more. The leaders on all sides are compromised and have their own agendas and weaknesses. Nonetheless, most of us agree that starting WW3 would be a mistake since it could lead to hundreds of millions of murders and achieve nothing useful for normal sane people such as Unz commenters. Even if one is willing to risk WW3 it was simply not the right time or opportunity. The result will be counter productive for most groups who thought they could put Moscow in its place. It was simply a mistake based on widespread lies such as “Russia is a gas station pretending to be country”.

    Russia always had a space program, a nuclear industry, an aerospace industry and a semblance of a balanced economy yet to be realized. These sectors and others are part of one of the largest in the world resource extraction economies. Russia had very strong nuclear and missile forces and a greatly diminished but still substantial conventional military. Never mind that one of the essential unifying myths of the country is the defeat of Nazi Germany to save free people everywhere at insane cost in Russian lives! I realize the truth of WW2 is very complex, but that is nonetheless a unifying Russian idea and an extremely powerful one.

    I don’t have an answer for your regional concerns, but I am more sympathetic to those issues than you know. I think the world would be a better place with smaller regional countries and no large hegemon death machines. I simply think people should have come up with a better idea for Ukraine, one which was not doomed to fail.

    • Replies: @LatW
  431. QCIC says:

    The use of modern information technology to foment unrest is well known and the Western leaders have bragged about using it in Color Revolutions. Naturally they always start with pre-existing grievances, real and imagined. Unfortunately, once a country has been turned into a proxy it may be impossible to know what is true and what is manipulation. Even that doesn’t matter if the proxies end up being killed for the purpose of some distant empire. I think it is difficult to accept that our manipulative leaders or elites really are that bad. We know from history they are, but this truth is hard to face. Moreover, these controversies will always be enveloped in a dense cocoon of rhetoric based on a sordid mixture of fact and fiction designed to confuse, convince and comfort.

    • Agree: YetAnotherAnon
  432. songbird says:

    Play improves technique but loses opportunity. I would suspect that some of it is conditional and feral cats probably make quicker kills. To a certain extent, it may be adaptive for a housecat to show humans it’s hunting by drawing the kill out.

    So do you have a cat now or no (or a dog)? Just curious.

    For the sake of proper identification by the state security apparatus, let me say that I am a tattooed, antifa freak and have a 5′ ball python, as well as a Cayman of indeterminate length, which I am thinking of releasing. (Hard to feed on the money Soros pays.)

    • LOL: LatW
    • Replies: @songbird
    , @LatW
  433. @Jazman

    Yes, that’s more or less how the Western propaganda works. But you have to consider two main factors.

    One, Western propaganda is primarily targeting Western sheeple. It is meant explain why on top of already insane military budget that exceeds military budgets of the rest of the world combined the insatiable maw of MIC must receive countless additional billions (“aid” to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan). So long as the sheeple believe even part of Western propaganda, this insane spending looks “reasonable”. Of course, the propaganda also fools some internal pro-Ukie morons and equally stupid people from third-rate imperial allies (as is obvious in these threads), but that’s a side effect.

    Two, not even the dumbest puppeteers now believe that Ukraine is salvageable. Weapons supplied to it are not meant to make it win (which is impossible), but to increase MIC profits and the price Russia pays for the destruction of Ukraine. Attempts by the empire not to escalate too much have only one reason: MIC profiteers do not want to become targets, they want to live and enjoy their spoils.

    The same logic applies to much talked about transfer of F16s to Ukraine. MIC is salivating over the expected profits from delivering new aircraft instead of those F16s to all suckers who are transferring them to Ukraine. Naturally, no number of F16s or any other weapons will save Ukraine. However, F16s create a tricky problem: they cannot be flown from Ukrainian airbases because of their state and lack of proper service. Flying “Ukrainian” F16s on combat missions from airbases in Poland and Romania makes those bases legitimate Russian targets. Not that the US elites care about Polish or Romanian aborigines any more than about Ukrainian ones, but those airbases have American personnel, which will be exterminated along with aboriginal servicemen. That would drag the empire into direct conflict and endanger American MIC profiteers.

    Don’t be too harsh on journos, both pro- and anti-imperial. They are well-rounded people: know nothing about everything. They usually spew ludicrous BS, but the majority of the sheeple is even dumber, so it laps up this BS and asks for more.

    The only major drawback of the propaganda is that it does not change the reality. Russia keeps steamrolling over hapless Ukie puppets, regardless of lies, shrieks, hysterics, and gnashing of teeth in the West. At some point the propaganda will have to explain how come Ukraine kept winning and got annihilated in the end. However, this is not the first time the imperial camp loses. It will dust up and reuse “explanations” from Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. The sheeple gobbled that up back then, so will likely buy the same crap again. Nothing is new under the Sun.

  434. @AnonfromTN

    Two, not even the dumbest puppeteers now believe that Ukraine is salvageable.

    yes they do

    • Replies: @A123
    , @QCIC
    , @AnonfromTN
  435. A123 says: • Website
    @Greasy William

    Two, not even the dumbest puppeteers now believe that Ukraine is salvageable.

    yes they do

    If the intent was win/lose, things would be different. The actions of Scholz, Macron, and their puppets (including the Veggie-In-Chief) are inexplicable if the goal is “salvage”. The strategy must be dragging this on as long as possible, with Kiev neither winning nor losing.

    You are both asking the wrong questions. Try these instead:

    If the goal is not “salvage”, what is it? How does a near perpetual stalemate benefit the European Empire?

    Why is it so hard to believe that the goal of the chaos is “migration”?

    Displaced Ukrainians benefit MegaCorporations by suppressing wages. And, at least ⅓ of the flow are MENA and sub-Saharan Muslims on forged identity documents. Islamophiles like Merkel started the ball rolling because they want European Christians to be weaker and more easily exploited.

    PEACE 😇

  436. QCIC says:
    @Greasy William

    I agree with Greasy, many people still believe the Ukraine project is salvageable. I think there are plenty of US and Western citizens who believe that serious NATO involvement in Ukraine could save Zelensky and friends. They do not realize they are actually advocating World War Three. These people make no connection between actions and consequences.

    Remember the background: Dismal state of US education for over fifty years, insane amount of television viewing (streaming, etc.), 24/7 propaganda through phones and other devices, excessive prescription psychoactive drug use, common illicit drug use, widespread video game entrancification and general confusion over life.


  437. songbird says:

    Chicken balls.


    • Replies: @sudden death
  438. @Greasy William

    Two, not even the dumbest puppeteers now believe that Ukraine is salvageable.

    yes they do

    Then they are even dumber than I think. And I don’t have high opinion of them

  439. @QCIC

    I agree with Greasy, many people still believe the Ukraine project is salvageable. I think there are plenty of US and Western citizens who believe that serious NATO involvement in Ukraine could save Zelensky and friends.

    You are forgetting the critical thing: what citizens think is irrelevant. Nobody listens to them. I am talking about those who actually have power (including the power to fake the elections results).

    • Replies: @Greasy William
  440. @AnonfromTN

    I am talking about those who actually have power

    I guarantee you that all the top people in the West believe that Russia can ultimately be stalemated. Remember that as late as July 1944 all of the Wehrmacht high command, not just Hitler and the top Nazis*, maintained the belief that the Red Army had been effectively halted.

    *Goering said he knew in March of ’44 that it was over.

  441. LatW says:

    I meant “we” as in the rest of you who have more of a personal (regional) stake in that conversation.

    Then do not speak in our name and in our place. There are tens of millions of us, if not more (and our position is very different from yours).

    The mainstream discussion of the Ukraine conflict intentionally downplays these big picture concerns in an outrageously misleading attempt to suggest the regional issues take precedence.

    These are not regional issues – anything that pertains to the Black Sea is beyond just regional, attempting to change the post 1991 order in a way that involves a large country such as Ukraine with such violence and a US president casually insinuating that he might remove the nuclear umbrella over Europe at a whim – or rather because he got cold feet now that the going got tough – after having stashed nukes and other weapons for decades based on promises to defend Europe – those are all global issues.

    Russia always had a space program

    From what I understand, one third of the Soviet space program was built by Ukrainian nationals. I’m not pointing this out to nitpick, but to just highlight how, once again, collating Russia and the USSR, leads to false premises. And a lack of understanding of the absurdity and tragedy of what is currently taking place when an elderly marismatik in Kremlin (along with his rabid supporters) is not only trying to destroy the E.Slavic tech and education hubs such as Kharkiv (which thrived even before the USSR), but also has destroyed a large part of the demographic reservoir that always used to feed the Russian nation itself.

    What you don’t know is that we were always feeding off of each other – not just Ukraine, but all of the nations of the former Empire – like blood streaming through veins and bringing around nutrients – mostly demographically and in terms of knowledge, and this could be over now. It didn’t even have to happen as we could’ve continued thriving in a post-colonial environment.

    I realize the truth of WW2 is very complex, but that is nonetheless a unifying Russian idea and an extremely powerful one.

    For them and the overseas Marxists. Most of us want to move on (it doesn’t mean one has to forget the sacrifices of this war).

  442. @Greasy William

    I guarantee you that all the top people in the West believe that Russia can ultimately be stalemated.

    You might be right. I might give the American elites more credit than they deserve.

    See, I am biased. I traveled a lot in the US, and I know that the majority of the people living in this country still have its major strength, horse sense. They are normal, they are woefully uninformed and uneducated, but they do not accept libtard BS, and I like them. I would be very sorry to see these normal honest people holding the bag when the elites run the US into the ground.

    I travelled a lot in Europe, and therefore I do not have much hope for it. Western Europe is toast. There are pockets of sane people in rural France (especially in the North), Italy (especially in the South), Britain, and Germany, but these countries are former France, former Italy, formerly Great formerly Britain, and former Germany. The number of halal shops I saw a few years ago in Barcelona, along with pathetic selection of fruits and veggies I saw in Valencia recently (in sharp contrast to 15 years ago) tell me that Spain is also doomed. The same goes for Britain: when they organize an official dinner for a scientific meeting, its Indian restaurant. I had authentic English food only in Edinburgh in Scotland.

    I am not sure about Eastern Europe, haven’t travelled there as much, only visited Prague in Czech Republic, Budapest and a few small cities in Hungary, and Zagreb in Croatia. My impression is that Czech Republic is doomed, while there might be hope for Croatia and Hungary.

    I guess my experience skews my judgement. I hope the US can survive as a normal country, while burying Europe. I would hate seeing the US utterly destroyed by insane policies of its current elites.

    • Replies: @Greasy William
    , @Beckow
  443. @AnonfromTN

    I traveled a lot in the US, and I know that the majority of the people living in this country still have its major strength, horse sense

    Do you mean outside of urban areas? Because the shitlibs in my family all believe that Russia has already been defeated. Keep in mind that even educated Americans don’t follow any international news

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
  444. A123 says: • Website
    @Greasy William

    I guarantee you that all the top people in the West believe that Russia can ultimately be stalemated.

    I largely concur.

    What do you believe that the European Empire seeks from a stalemate strategy?

    There are better ways to “save face”, so that cannot be it. The proposition is expensive as a budget expenditure, plus the lack of Russian hydrocarbons damages Germany’s economy every quarter.

    If the objective is not military victory, what do Macron and Scholz want?

    PEACE 😇

  445. @Greasy William

    Do you mean outside of urban areas?

    Of course I mean the people outside of major urban areas. To see them you have to drive 10-15 miles away from highways. There are honest-to-God eateries (with restrooms for only two genders), full of men in overalls and their ladies, serving honest unpretentious food. I always enjoy being among these people, even though I have a PhD and their education is below what you get in high school in Nigeria. They are so delightfully normal, honest, hard-working, although a bit on the overweight side. I hate the US libtard elites for many things, among them for screwing up these people.

    • Agree: Bashibuzuk
  446. @Gerard1234

    That ATACMS strike against Crimea took out nearly a billion dollars worth of military hardware in a single night:

    Errrr….no you dumb spambot shit. Some retard claims it took out “nearly a billion dollars worth” – which is a worthless claim.

    Two Mig-31s and an S-400

    The S-400 costs $800 million to build.

    Are you suggesting the attack didn’t happen even though there are satellite photos? Or are you saying that it would be more accurate to describe the value as around 900 million?

    We don’t even know if it was ATACMS that got through.

    It was confirmed by a Russian source:

    Maybe read about the attack first instead of showing everyone yet again that you try to isolate in a bubble.

    The US already said that they secretly shipped over some long range ATACMS. What did you think they would use them on? Cows?

    LMAO – lying retard has gone from “2 days” to “2 and a half week”.

    You are mixing up two different references.

    Putin expected Kiev to fall in two days and the leaked plans on a captured soldier showed plans for a 2.5 week operation for the entire country. That is where the numbers come from.

    In reality we won this SMO after 2 days, after 2.5 weeks, and have kept on winning it in every increment of time since them.

    A fascinating new take that requires moving goal posts. So pushed out of Kiev and back to Donbas by a much smaller military is now winning from day one. Hilarious.

    The many towns and cities liberated

    And what about the regions that voted for Zelensky? Are they being liberated or is that a forced occupation?

  447. LatW says:


    For the sake of proper identification by the state security apparatus, let me say that I am a tattooed, antifa freak and have a 5′ ball python, as well as a Cayman of indeterminate length, which I am thinking of releasing. (Hard to feed on the money Soros pays.)

    Right, not even the Soros money (pretty meagre, I’d say, probably because it’s aimed at EEs), is enough to buy and store all those dead mice (and other rodents) to feed the pet python. Sounds like a very cozy antifa household, indeed. 🙂 Everything fits perfectly, all the scary creatures together.

    Oh my goodness, don’t know which one I’d fear more – the dead rodents, the python or the “state security apparatus”. Especially at night. Knock knock…

    When the “state security apparatus” knocks on your door at night, release the hungry python on them…

    • LOL: songbird
  448. Wokechoke says:

    The Hanover Kings were also Stuart descendants.

    Johnson is such a cuntish Jew.

  449. @AnonfromTN

    The same logic applies to much talked about transfer of F16s to Ukraine. MIC is salivating over the expected profits from delivering new aircraft instead of those F16s to all suckers who are transferring them to Ukraine.

    There are thousands of F16s sitting in warehouses. Why would donating them make anyone salivate? As with the Bradleys they actually didn’t know what to do with them. F16 donations aren’t going to change pre-existing F35 sales.

    US defense industry profits are massively up but not because of donated F16s or old generation M1s. It has more to do with backordered weapons like HIMARS and increased production of artillery shells. Oh and of course the huge check directly to them that was drafted by Trump and Johnson.

    Russia keeps steamrolling over hapless Ukie puppets, regardless of lies, shrieks, hysterics, and gnashing of teeth in the West.

    Putin recently said that there are no plans to take Kharkov:

    As far as the developments in the Kharkov sector are concerned, they are also to blame for these, because they shelled and, regrettably, continue to shell residential areas in border territories [of Russia], including Belgorod. Civilians are dying there, it’s clear for everyone. They fire missiles right at the city centre, at residential areas. I said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone. And this is what we are doing today.
    As for [the seizure of] Kharkov, there are no such plans for now

    If Russia is steamrolling Ukraine then why is Putin talking of a security zone between the countries? Or do you think he is lying in that statement and actually plans to take Kharkov?

  450. Bashibuzuk says:

    RusFed became fascist

    If only it was true…

    BTW, what’s wrong with being a fascist LatW?

    Aren’t you a big fan of Codreanu?

    Stay true to yourself…


    • Replies: @LatW
  451. @Greasy William

    I am talking about those who actually have power

    I guarantee you that all the top people in the West believe that Russia can ultimately be stalemated.

    All the top people, eh?

    And why are you certain that some of them aren’t taking the Trump/Johnson position of writing checks to the defense industry as a third rail play? Load Ukraine up with weapons….new profits for the defense industry…..what is the risk for Trump as he sleeps soundly in his mansion? Let’s say your dreams come true and all of Ukraine is subjected to brutal Russian rule. Trump rolls over in his sleep, farts and makes a few million overnight from capital gains. Is he a sucker for drafting that bill?

    Every single border outcome leads to a win for the US defense industry under the Trump/Johnson bill.

    Putin isn’t attacking US politicians. They will get rich regardless of where the lines are drawn.

    Slavic men get blown into pieces by fpv drones while US politicians with defense industry stocks get richer.

    Now point your fingers at those politicians and call them stupid.

    Putin’s defenders like yourself keep treating this as a world war. It’s not a world war. Some Russian girl will lose her dad while Democrats and Republicans high five over defense industry profits. Your dwarf dictator is inadvertently rewarding the worst aspects of US politics. Thousands of Russian men are set to die by ATACMS rockets that will be replaced and the profits go to US politicians and their friends. But you hilariously depict US politicians as being clueless. Get a clue guys, stop making so much money…and….er…um…..?

    The clueless politician is Putin. Ukraine had over 10k personal anti-tank weapons and Putin thought he could just roll tanks into Kiev like a military parade.

    • Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  452. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Mr. Hack

    The Globalist faction is basically the inheritors of the Masonic universalism. They believe (not without some degree of justification) that mankind would be better under a World government. A World government cannot be tied to a nation, otherwise it would be seen as imperialist. The World government should be supranational. The problem is that the local elites (including the Noviop and the Neocon) don’t want to handle the power to some big global daddy somewhere far away. So Globalists need to use different ruses and manipulation to balance and weaken different local elites. They also push for the weakening of the nations, cultures, religions – everything that creates local nodes of power. The Globalist faction is to be found in think tanks, NGOs and global organizations. There are also in the global finance, transnational corporations and some transnational ethno-religious networks. A typical example would be Klaus Shwab, but people such as Attali, Cohn-Bendit, Henry Bernard Levi, Bill Gates and the Aga Khan have also Globalist and universalist views. The Rothschild and Rockefeller families have also had a Globalist outlook for generations. Interestingly, perhaps because of the Masonic angle, or because of the Empire’s phantom limb syndrome, the UK royal family is also rather Globalist. The Globalist are also often into environmentalism and depopulation, they see it as their duty to save the Biosphere from the « human plague ». Club of Rome was one of the first openly Globalist organizations. IIASA is globalist, as are of course BIS, WHO, WTO and everything UN-related.

    • Thanks: Mr. Hack
    • Replies: @Coconuts
  453. Bashibuzuk says:
    @John Johnson

    Your dwarf dictator is inadvertently rewarding the worst aspects of US politics.

    What makes you think Pynya is doing it inadvertently?

    What if he’s doing it because that’s his job since the day he went back to St-Pete from Dresden ?

    To weaken Russia and provide a justification for NATO’s existence…

    What if he was a BND double agent since about 1989 ?

    What if his job was to ensure that RusFed would never be a great power again?

    And ensure an Eastern Slav depopulation in the process…

    BTW, he’s not Slavic himself, he’s a Tver Karelian. A ethnic minority that has been marginalized by the Slav. His first wife was of Jewish ancestry, while his current concubine is of Muslim descent.


  454. Putin’s defenders like yourself

    I’m not a Putin defender. I view him as another Hitler

    It’s not a world war.

    The West has already sent to Ukraine all stocks of weapons that it can spare. The West, by it’s own admission, cannot increase military production much beyond where it currently is. Ukraine is unable to expand the size of its armed forces and may not even be able to sustain its already insufficient numbers.

    But you hilariously depict US politicians as being clueless. Get a clue guys, stop making so much money…and….er…um…..?

    The way the US has managed this war has indeed been clueless. The entire NATO strategy was based on the idea that the West would provide the guns and money and that the Ukrainians would do the dying. NATO emptied its weapons inventory and then forced Ukraine to launch a suicidal offensive last year that achieved nothing other than eliminating all of the UKAF’s offensive strength. And it is clear that NATO had no plan B: right now Russia and allies are massively outproducing the combined West in military kit, and the West still hasn’t started to expand production capacity

    Ukraine can still be saved, but doing so requires that the West scale up production capacity and ultimately put boots on the ground. The West is obviously not going to do either of those things

    • Disagree: Mikhail
  455. LatW says:

    If only it was true…

    I was going to add a caveat “not in the good sense of the word”… which it is not. Because it’s missing some true fascist aspects. The Ukes call it недо Рейх, although I wouldn’t be that condescending.

    But to the point… nobody wants that next door, if it’s not friendly.

    Codreanu had some ethnonat vibes, even with his broader religious ideas, so it wouldn’t fit with Russia.

    • LOL: Bashibuzuk
    • Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  456. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Greasy William

    I view him as another Hitler

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has fired a top national security official who recently drew widespread condemnation for calling the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement in Ukraine a supremacist cult, Russian media reported.

    You better stick to astrology Greasy…


    • LOL: QCIC
    • Replies: @QCIC
  457. LatW says:

    His first wife was of Jewish ancestry

    Oh, maybe that’s why one of the older daughters looks stereotypically Jewish (the one with glasses), although Lyudmila doesn’t (unless ones looks real close). Btw, Lyudmila was recently sanctioned, they froze her property somewhere in France or something.

    • Agree: Bashibuzuk
  458. @songbird

    Good individual force field type protection of free range poultry from potential predation both from air&ground attacks, but also must be extremely mentally humiliating for the roosters which can’t mount anymore their chicks whenever they want lol

    Also can be used as a protection from overly dominating ones;)

    • Replies: @songbird
  459. @Bashibuzuk

    BTW, he’s not Slavic himself, he’s a Tver Karelian

    I think he’s half Georgian and half Russian

    • LOL: Bashibuzuk
    • Replies: @LatW
    , @Bashibuzuk
  460. LatW says:
    @Greasy William

    He’s as far from a Georgian as it gets but he most likely identifies as a Russian (probably both russkiy and rossiyanin, not to mention him comparing himself to Peter, that level of a Russian statesman).

    And, yes, when you mentioned you viewed him similar to Hitler, indeed – even if he protects those Jewish orgs at home, he will still facilitate the actions of Hamas and other allies of Iran, your people are in danger in the coming decades (but please do not freak out), the Ukrainian armed forces and their allies are literally the last ones who stand in the way of this. Plus your own self-defense, of course.

    • LOL: Bashibuzuk
  461. Bashibuzuk says:

    The Ukes call it недо Рейх

    Looking for objective opinions and balanced views on Katsaps among Khokhols or vice versa is a fool’s errand nowadays.

    But you are neither Katsap nor Khokhol, you have no beef in this fight, so you should be more balanced in your assessments, especially that you are usually rather smart.


    Unfortunately, you have clearly lost your capacity to analyze because you have become too emotionally involved into this absurd Eastern Slavic tribal conflict.

    Think LatW, qui prodest in the destruction of Eastern Slavic brotherhood and the depopulation of the most fertile lands in the World?

    Ukiestan will probably never recover demographically from this ordeal. RusFed, that was seemingly emerging from the Yeltsin’s demographic black hole in the few years between 2010 and 2014, has fallen back again into the demographic decline trap snd might be no longer absolute majority Slavic by the end of the century.

    Your people would number about 1 000 000 by century’s end (if the war doesn’t extend to Baltic States), and the depopulation is spreading through that whole region.

    Who would applaud the population shrinking in that region?


    He’s probably too self absorbed to understand the consequences, he will be dead in a decade or so, and his children by Kabayeva are of Turkic descent anyway.

    Here, read Stefanie Feldstein explaining to the goyishe kop multitudes that the depopulation is a wonderful thing. I wonder if that lady would also want Israel’s population shrinking or (oy gevalt) going majority Muslim. Rhetorical questions…

    But of course this is nothing new, as Chubais have said some 30 years ago: «они не вписались в рынок». Did you know that Chubais has been for more than a decade the only (((Russian))) invited to the meetings of the Bilderberg Club ?

    And yeah, before I forget; about fascism, you are supposedly a right winger. So stop writing shitlib nonsense and get a grip on yourself. War is hell, no doubt about it, but those responsible are those who did their best for this war to happen. Those who worked diligently to fuel hatred for more than a generation. Those who spent billions on propaganda and indoctrination. Those who would wish for the Slav to be gone for good or at least be severely reduced. They are the enemy, not some ignorant and brainwashed Khokhol or Katsap killing each others in Donbas.

    • Replies: @LatW
  462. Bashibuzuk says:

    You do realize that Pynya’s military in Syria allows Israeli aviation to bomb Iranian IRGC and their proxies on a nearly weekly basis?

    Pynya is also a personal friend of Bibi Netanyahu. True that Pynya is unhappy with the global Jewry not reigning in their dick pianist clown in Ukraine, but he’s no enemy of Israel.

    Pynya has grown among Jews in postwar Peter, his childhood friends Rothenbergs are billionaires due to being his friends and for no other reason. It is also true for Kovalchuk, yeah I know his name sounds (((Ukrainian))). And his Jewish-looking daughter was married to (((Shamalov))).

    Pynya is no Jew-haiter, quite the opposite. He knows about his first wife’s roots and he didn’t divorce her for her ancestral ethnicity. He just wanted a younger and more (ahem) flexible girlfriend, and he didn’t choose some ethnic Velikoross Natasha, although he had a daughter on the side with one of these as well. He just likes Noviop ladies more…


  463. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Greasy William

    I like reading you Greasy.

    Your comments are often to the point. But your ethnic neuroses get you carried away. You are seeing Amalek under your bed.

    Of course the Russian saying когда кажется креститься надо does not apply to you given that you are Jewish, but still saying that Pynya is literally Hitler is quite amusing. Especially when you have previously mentioned that you are hoping for a genocide of all Ishmaelites.

    If Pynya is a Hitler for his half-assed battle “feats” in Ukraine , what would that genocidal bent make you? Some sort of a kosher Genghis Khan ?

    Anger is not your friend.


    • Replies: @Greasy William
  464. Mr. Hack says:

    Are you the only pure blooded East Slav that has been able to detect Putler’s nefarious role in the destruction of both Great Russian and Ukrainian vitality and greatness? Are there others of your sophisticated political bent out there? Anybody that’s published anything similar to your own ideas about this subject matter?

    • Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  465. songbird says:
    @sudden death

    Seems like a rolling cage would make it pretty hard to catch bugs, so it mightn’t be that great for someone trying to save money on feed. But who knows for sure?

    Used to know a pair of roosters who were sort of passive aggressive. If you were walking away from them, they would slowly be following you. (Though never jump on you.). But if you turned at any point, they would instantly stop.

    Some roosters are better-behaved than hens. (I think part of it is that roosters don’t lay, so they are less aggessive feeders) Though people often have trouble with them attacking strangers.

  466. songbird says:

    Last year, Ireland’s population grew at a similar rate to Portugal’s after Salazar’s regime fell, and all the colonists returned.


    Probably much greater, if you account for age cohorts and differential fertility.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
  467. Serge’s situation map on the eve of the Battle of Karkhov.

    This was the last hurrah for Germany in Russia in the Great Patriot War. After this it was all for the academics. His Battle of Kursk map is the same as the one on wikipedia. They took war serious in those days.

  468. QCIC says:

    Thanks for the link. I thought Vlaslov directly called Chabad a satanic cult. The article is not so specific on his transgression.

    I wonder if Vlaslov is still around? Maybe he was sent to the front with a water pistol for his crime against (((humanity))).

    • Replies: @QCIC
  469. AP says:

    Russia keeps steamrolling over hapless Ukie puppets, regardless of lies, shrieks, hysterics, and gnashing of teeth in the West

    Genuinely curious how you believe this, given that Russia has only managed to take 9% of Ukraine’s territory since 2022, most in the first few months, and it still has less territory than it had at its peak in 2022.

    I imagine you would find it funny if, in 2005, some American was bragging about how the USA “keeps steamrolling over Iraq forces” while America only got 9% of Iraq’s territory after the invasion began 2 years earlier and had less than it did back in 2003 (indeed, it had been forced to retreat from the only provincial capital it had managed to capture early in the war).

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
  470. AP says:

    It’s a generally stable system.

    The final two decades of the Soviets seemed very stable as well

    But they were characterized by poverty (I remember visiting in 1990).

    In contrast, even low middle class or working class Americans have plenty of food, home movie theaters, cars with air conditioning, etc. This is not desperation. They will not engage in revolution. At most, resentful and envious of the wealthiest ones who have left them behind, they may vote for a Trump.

    And in the post-Soviet RusFed, some 20% of the population moved up, some 40% stayed put in the middle, some 40% got completely pauperized

    And that’s good enough to keep them complacent, even now when Putin throws them into a meat grinder (mostly those bottom 40%).

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  471. Mr. Hack says:

    I look forward to seeing how the offspring of Ukrainian immigrants and their autochthonous Irish mates faire in the Emerald Isles down the road into the future. Intelligent, hardworking, musical and certainly good looking to boot.

    • Replies: @songbird
  472. @Bashibuzuk

    Your dwarf dictator is inadvertently rewarding the worst aspects of US politics.

    What makes you think Pynya is doing it inadvertently?

    Because I agree with Prigozhin who said that the war is about egos and not Neo-Nazis.

    Putin’s fragile and hopelessly insecure ego is behind it all. He isn’t intentionally enriching the US defense industry. The plan was a quick decapitation attack followed by a collapse of the country.

    “I could take Kiev in two weeks” – Putin in 2014 interview

    And ensure an Eastern Slav depopulation in the process…

    I don’t buy your conspiracy theory but I do think that he would prefer a less Slavic Russia.

    I think he is a failed globalist that would prefer to rule over a Russia where the Slavs are held in political check by Central Asian Muslims.

    BTW, he’s not Slavic himself, he’s a Tver Karelian. A ethnic minority that has been marginalized by the Slav.

    And where has he made this claim?

    • Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  473. @Greasy William

    The West has already sent to Ukraine all stocks of weapons that it can spare. The West, by it’s own admission, cannot increase military production much beyond where it currently is.

    This is not correct.

    America has sent weapons based on what have been approved by Congress and there has never been a clearing of existing stocks.

    There are thousands of Bradleys and Strikers that can be sent. Same for M113s.

    There are thousands of M101 howitzers sitting around. They are the older style that were used in Vietnam.

    155mm shell/HIMARS/ATACMS missile production all increase this year and next.

    Supply is not actually the main problem. The main problem since about October of last year was speaker Johnson. He wouldn’t allow a vote on Ukraine aid and kept changing his excuse. Well that was until he met with Trump at his mansion. Then the two of them drafted a porktastic pay-off bill that ignored huge stocks of US weapons. I’m glad the bill passed but it doesn’t intelligently try to arm Ukraine. The most important component (ATACMS/HIMARS) is there but so is a ton of pork.

    NATO emptied its weapons inventory and then forced Ukraine to launch a suicidal offensive last year that achieved nothing other than eliminating all of the UKAF’s offensive strength.

    NATO did not empty its inventory but I agree that pushing a counter-offensive was the wrong move.

    And it is clear that NATO had no plan B: right now Russia and allies are massively outproducing the combined West in military kit, and the West still hasn’t started to expand production capacity

    NATO as a group doesn’t make these decisions. Ukraine is not in NATO. NATO nations individually have made donations along with non-NATO nations like Pakistan and Ireland. In fact there are NATO nations that are definitely not doing their part which shows again that there is no hierarchy. Spain and Greece have dragged their feet. Hungary opposed aid until pressured.

    US 155mm shell production has gone from 14,000 per month to 90,000 per month

    That would be expanding production capacity.

    • Replies: @Greasy William
  474. songbird says:

    Interior shot of the dash in Sher Singh’s car:


    In the comments:
    Life is a race and I am the racist.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
  475. @AP

    In contrast, even low middle class or working class Americans have plenty of food, home movie theaters, cars with air conditioning, etc. This is not desperation. They will not engage in revolution. At most, resentful and envious of the wealthiest ones who have left them behind, they may vote for a Trump.

    They will not engage in revolution and someone like Trump can even convince them that the status quo is somehow different and working for them.

    Trump has completely abandoned any pretense of populism and has gone back to ye old conservative strategy of offering tax cuts to the wealthy:

    And that’s good enough to keep them complacent, even now when Putin throws them into a meat grinder (mostly those bottom 40%).

    Another case of a dictator ignoring the poor until he needs them to die in a war. Your miserable lives have led to dying for my ego! Do your patriotic duty and die in a war that you don’t understand! (waves Russian flag) To arms my fellow patriots! To arms! (goes back to watching television).

  476. songbird says:
    @Mr. Hack

    in the Emerald Isles down the road into the future.

    Not to be a negative Nellie, but the future path of Ireland seems to be a choice between dark and very dark.


    Right now, foreigners are building walled camps of foreigners. History is repeating itself in a certain way, but with much broader invasive coalitions and without the political anarchism or diversity that made alliances with local elites piecemeal in the past. Now the whole system is in alliance with the foreigners and any part is nearly invaded as any other part. There are no holdouts, however rural or inaccessible the geography.

    I have basically given up hope of much preservation of a national culture or identify. My only hope know is for preservation of a broader European identity. Frankly, there seems to be no other way to even that than organized resistance – the situation really is that bad. I am not sure to what extent it is even technically feasible, in the face of modern surveillance technology. The old uprisings were always full of informers.

    • Replies: @Mr. Hack
  477. Mr. Hack says:

    Do you feel that the new Ukrainian emigres will join in and be a part of this destruction of native Irish culture? Aside from building a few churches and perhaps some Ukrainian cultural homes, I’d like to think not.

    • Replies: @songbird
  478. @songbird

    He should sell the car and put the money in his Mahela Gambi sex doll fund.

    • Replies: @songbird
  479. @LatW

    Plus your own self-defense, of course

    If the Jewish people are seriously counting on the Ishmael Defense Forces to protect us, then we are in more trouble than I realized

  480. @AP

    Доки жию, сподiваюсь? (That’s “hope springs eternal” in Ukrainian). Commendable, even when misguided.

  481. @John Johnson

    That would be expanding production capacity.

    That’s expanding production, not expanding production capacity. NATO is expanding production by running existing plants on 3 shifts and bringing former workers at said plants out of retiring. They are categorically not building new factories and training large amounts of new workers. Western production is set to peak next year at which point, what you see is what you are going to get.

    If NATO is going to defeat Russia in an attritional war, NATO needs to A) Produce more weapons and B) Produce more bodies.

    If the collective West ever starts producing 1.5 million shells a year, and I don’t believe it will, even the entirety of that production would not be enough for Ukraine to carry out major offensive operations. Nor is the West even producing 1/4 of the air defense munitions that Ukraine needs. Ukraine also has a crippling shortage of artillery pieces that only seems to be growing worse with time.

    And even if Ukraine could be provided with its material needs, the Ukrainians simply don’t have the manpower to hold off the Russians in an extended war anymore than the Finns did in 1939.

    The main problem since about October of last year was speaker Johnson. He wouldn’t allow a vote on Ukraine aid

    This excuse doesn’t work for me for two reasons: 1. There were plenty of loopholes to get Ukraine the arms it needed 2. When push finally came to shove, Johnson and Trump caved. They both could have been made to cave earlier as the votes for a discharge petition were there from day 1. More likely the issue was allowed to fester because it gave NATO an excuse for not being able to meet Ukraine’s requirements.

    When Israel was allegedly suffering from kit shortages in 1973, Nixon got massive weapons shipments to Israel on the 7th day of the war, with no prior planning. Yet here we are, a month after the Ukraine aid passed congress and the Ukrainian units at the front still haven’t seen a material improvement in their supply situation.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    , @John Johnson
    , @Derer
    , @LatW
  482. songbird says:
    @Mr. Hack

    The exact long-term consequences of the arrival of Ukrainians or other EEs are difficult to predict.


    In the short term, I honestly suspect they are harmful. For various reasons.

    Firstly, because they (Ukrainians) are being used as a garnish – for a mass invasion by the Global South. I saw an aerial shot of one large camp being built on Twitter, and the community notes said they were building it for Ukrainian refugees, but I don’t really see how that is possible. Migration policy is explicitly non-racialist, and it heavily includes other streams which have been labeled Ukrainians, though they are obviously not. Maybe, it could be only for Ukrainians, but I think probably not, and it wouldn’t explain the other walled camps that are full of people who are obviously not Ukrainians. Why build camps at all? it should be sufficient to make room by deporting the other people – there are certainly plenty of them.

    I forget whether I posted that clip I saw where the Irish police were recruiting in Pakistan, with Urdu translation.

    Secondly, because they raise rents and add to the housing crisis, negatively affecting family formation.

    Thirdly, because they bring their antagonisms with them and these types of things always take political priority. (Not to make them seem cantankerous, but, historically these things tend to be really powerful, when death or injury is involved.)

    And the general drive of this is to push Ireland more heavily into international coalitions that are explicitly internationalist. Will they vote for the Nationalist Party (the only one that wants to halt immigration) or for oenthat wants Ireland to formally join NATO?

    Who can say for sure about the longterm consequences – they might be positive. Maybe, I am being overly negative and a positive change will come that is as quick and powerful as the negative change has been.

    Some of my cousins in Ireland are married to non-Irish. But WEs, rather than EEs. If you consider these trends more broadly – a lot of the commenters here, living in Europe, seem to be mutts, at least of a sort, it could be that some greater scale of identity is being unlocked. Something where fellow-feeling will be greater and cultural transmission easier. I don’t think that intermarriage between Europeans is necessarily a bad thing, though some argue the EU regime (surely an evil one) is intentionally promoting it.

    • Agree: A123
    • Replies: @A123
    , @Matra
  483. Bashibuzuk says:
    @Mr. Hack

    There are people that decry this war in RusFed. But one could go to prison for being too vocal. Same thing with Ukrainian pacifists btw. Those who decided to bring the Katsap and the Khokhol to mutual destruction do not tolerate opposition. When I was young, Russian nationalists were often pan-Slavic, some Ukrainian nationalists were pan-Slavic as well. There was ЗУБР (за Украину, Беларусь и Россию) movement for a few years. Even Biletskyi of Azov fame, when young, has talked about a potential collaboration between the Ukrainian and Russian patriots / nationalists in defence of their common ancestry. Today it’s more ethnically oriented, obviously more confrontational, and I think it’s wrong. Together we stand, divided we fall. Those who divided us want our downfall, we should do our best to be united again so we can survive.

  484. @Bashibuzuk

    From the Red River Delta to Karelia everyone gets hugs!


    Proposed prehistoric migration routes for Y-chromosome haplogroup N lineage. The shaded areas represent the haplogroup N distributions. Based on the dating of the Hg N haplotypes and their geographic distributions paired with the suggested counter-clock-wise migratory route across Eurasia, we proposed a migratory map of the Hg N lineages beginning in North Vietnam about 21 kya, and expanding into northern China 12–18 kya, reaching further north to Siberia about 12–14 kya, and followed by a population expansion and westward migration into Central Asia and East/North Europe around 8.0–10.0 kya.

  485. songbird says:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    Do we know his actual preferences?

    I feel he is much more of generalist, polygamous, PIE throwback – conquer and hear the lamentations of their women sort, rather than anyone focused on a particular celebrity. Though I would be curious about his opinion on good traits.

    Sher Singh, are you into muscle chicks, on the theory that they would breed strong children? Or does athletic performance in a woman not matter?

  486. LatW says:

    But you are neither Katsap nor Khokhol, you have no beef in this fight

    How can you even say this with a straight face to a Baltic person? When all we hear from the Russian side is “once we take over the hohols, we will get to you”? On this very forum. They openly say this and you’re going to pretend we have “no beef in this fight”? Bashi, if you want to talk to me and especially about this topic, we need to be very open and honest. And if we have major differences in worldview and this situation, that’s fine, too.


    By the way, the very fact that you even use the word hohol, shows you don’t respect Ukrainians. That’s a huge stigma right there. I wouldn’t be caught dead using that word and I would never use a slur against Lithuanians (and would call out anyone who did). This is the difference between you and us. I know you’re trying to trivialize and equalize things by calling the other ones katsaps. But you are denigrating Ukrainians, and you think it’s ok. Guess what, there is no way of removing the fact that the Russian side walked into the Ukrainian territory and started murdering. Even what transpired in Donbas (which should have never been allowed to happen) did not justify this invasion. You can trash me all you want and call me emotional or stupid, but there is nothing that will ever change that fact.

    this absurd Eastern Slavic tribal conflict.

    It is not a mere tribal conflict, but an attempt at a geopolitical rearrangement. The Russia side is trying to desperately roll back things that have transpired in the last 30-35 years. And grab and salvage whatever possible as Ukraine leaves. But in the process everything is destroyed. The reservoir will be destroyed probably forever. It will take an incredible effort to heal things.

    Think LatW, qui prodest in the destruction of Eastern Slavic brotherhood and the depopulation of the most fertile lands in the World?

    You might want to check your “brotherhood”. Let’s not use vague phrases. You know very well there was friction for a long time. Obviously, not the type of catastrophe as now, but there was friction – everyone who speaks Russian, saw it. Yea, sure, there were normal relations too, even in the Baltics there were, even though the politics were not good. People want to avoid conflict. But to say there was some mystical brotherhood like in the Garden of Eden… then why were there movies made with Ukrainian characters made to look like silly dorks?

    As to the most fertile lands, the Russian nation and their government for some reason feel entitled to them – they feel they can just walk in, kill and grab. Because they can. But once your original E.Slavic reservoir gets reduced, you, too, could be hollowed out in the future.

    I understand that you are into conspiracies and focused on Jews, yes, there might be some truth to it. But you try to use it as a cover for everything. You can fool these ignorant Americans, but not those of us who have lived with Russians all their lives and who can just turn on their channels. It is not just Shapiro there, there are plenty of rabid ethnic Russian propagandists. Why do you keep denying that there is a national consensus over this invasion?

    Just because there is a “depopulation agenda”, if there is one, doesn’t mean there is no genocidal intent to destroy the Ukrainian nation. Medvedev said – they will either all become Russians or they will perish.

    As to depopulation, I have a different view of this, stemming from my own experience – I say the problem is cultural. This agenda could be easily overcome if our people took an honest look at themselves. But I don’t want to blame or chastise our people, as they don’t always have it easy. And I do recognize there are negative, external forces. But it’s also a matter of attitude.

    Who would applaud the population shrinking in that region?

    You speak as if anyone in the West and especially in the former USSR applauds this horror. The Russian imperialists are happy though. They don’t want a Ukraine or a Ukrainian nation if it is an “anti-Rossiya”. It’s totally understandable. But does it justify such huge crimes?

    Everyone wanted the Ukrainians to stay put and not be pushed out of their own country. Why is it so difficult to admit to yourself that the Russian nationals want that land? They want our land, too – but without the people, they have stated this over and over and over, for fucking decades.
    You also finally need to address your prevailing butthurt regarding the 1991. You are literally the only ones who are regretting it. Look, if there is any way to help things, we should try (although it might be too late). I don’t wish ill, this is a very painful to see.

    And please don’t talk as if you were the only ones that suffered through the 1990s, we all went through hard times (I almost lost my closest male relative in mid 90s, but we stuck through, while you bailed as soon as you could).

    • Replies: @QCIC
    , @Bashibuzuk
  487. Mikhail says: • Website
    @Greasy William

    I’m not a Putin defender. I view him as another Hitler

    A latter day Milosevic and Saddam. Such is the propaganda BS in Western mass media and body politic. Meantime, the Kiev regime openly embraces Nazi collaborators and people who’re in the range of Nazi to neo-Nazi.

    Related is this rejoinder to a certain moronic Estonian political figure:

    The Nazis had a similar idea as did the Banderite Captive Nations Committee. Related –

    Ukraine can still be saved, but doing so requires that the West scale up production capacity and ultimately put boots on the ground. The West is obviously not going to do either of those things

    And if you another 5 inches in height and added speed to some folks, they’d be closer to an NBA level. The West isn’t going to do such because it frankly can’t.

    • Replies: @Greasy William
    , @QCIC
  488. A123 says: • Website

    The exact long-term consequences of the arrival of Ukrainians or other EEs are difficult to predict.

    In the short term, I honestly suspect they are harmful. For various reasons.

    Firstly, because they (Ukrainians) are being used as a garnish – for a mass invasion by the Global South

    Good Luck.

    I have made your exact point several times. Everyone seems eager to avoid it.

    Those paying attention knows that there is a problem with MENA and sub-Saharan Muslims (a.k.a. Global Southerners) using forged Ukrainian identity documents.

    Any “face saving” end to Kiev aggression would both; Remove the cover, and; Open space for main street to focus on migration issues. Therefore, European elites have good reason to prop up a fight that cannot be won military. Stretching it out maximizes the number of migrants.

    Secondly, because they raise rents and add to the housing crisis, negatively affecting family formation.

    I agree.

    A key problem to both external and intra-EU migration. Corporate Globalists love labour flows. They suppress wages. Elite property owners extract more value via higher rents. And limiting Christian family formation is, to them, a win.

    Is anyone surprised that the European Empire elites want this outcome for Ireland?

    PEACE 😇

    • Thanks: songbird
  489. Beckow says:

    Don’t judge Czechia based on Prague. Czechia has an over-bearing dysfunctional metropolis where most people work for the government, NGO’s, media, or serve foreign tourists. It exists in many other Euro countries, Budapest is not that much better.

    This mid-wit capitol-city paradise is based on being in the center and close to large flows of easy money. The great thing for the Western elite is that mid-wits have an incredibly high tolerance for cognitive dissonance – that’s their most salient characteristic. They don’t care at all about being incoherent.

    To be fair, the previous systems also used it: the massive support in 1945-50’s for the commies, half a million showed up to cheer and swear loyalty to the Nazis after Heydrich assassination, and the Hasburgs before 1918. But they turn on a dime – new boss, new brown-nosing…it’s just the way they are.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
  490. LatW says:

    he’s no enemy of Israel

    It’s not such a straightforward matter, this one. For Israel, too, they are very reluctant to admit the truth about RusFed but it’s finally, slowly dawning on them.

    Putin having been ok with Israel, doesn’t change the fact that the majority of Russia’s population seem to be on the Hamas / Palestinian side. And very clearly on the Iranian side.

    Did you know that Chubais has been for more than a decade the only (((Russian))) invited to the meetings of the Bilderberg Club ?

    I’m sure he’s a scumbag, but I’ve been noticing a recent trend… the usual search for the крайний (now that there’s a damn costly war raging). You admitted this yourself. All kinds of searches for the “traitors” from the 1990s and what not. All kinds of guilty ones for this mess, instead of just looking in the mirror.

    We are focusing too much on Pynya, when instead we should be focusing on what is going on with the Russian nation internally.


    about fascism, you are supposedly a right winger. So stop writing shitlib nonsense and get a grip on yourself.

    I can write as I please on a free forum. But you’re right that this is not real fascism, a real fascism would not be this oligarchic, this morally loose and even this expansionist. But that doesn’t change the fact that it is some sort of a rabid authoritarianism with a siege mentality. Look, I respect the part where Russia wants to protect herself, but not the part where they want to unleash all the weapons they’ve been stashing for decades over her neighbors. And feel entitled to other people’s resources and fruits of their labor.

    War is hell, no doubt about it, but those responsible are those who did their best for this war to happen. Those who worked diligently to fuel hatred for more than a generation.

    There are objective differences among all of us, of course, that doesn’t mean we have to physically fight. The reason for hatred is unresolved matters. Those responsible for the war are in the security council. A different kind of decision could’ve been made, but they chose this. There was Russian air dominance all over EE. Guess that wasn’t good enough. No… the Russian leadership saw an opportunity, with the world powers unraveling and with a globally increasingly chaotic environment, with a weak America and what they perceived as weak and “faggoty” Europe, and they wanted to take that chance.

    They are the enemy, not some ignorant and brainwashed Khokhol or Katsap killing each others in Donbas.

    Look, Bashi, I understand what you’re trying to do, but everyone has agency (even if there are brainwashed folks and, yes, propaganda is evil). The Ukrainian on his own soil is defending his home and his family, his children, his livelihood, his identity, the Russian soldier is an occupier. There is no way around this. It’s very tragic that they’re on some field out there, poor sweethearts.

    • Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  491. Matra says:

    In one of his livestreams Gearoid Murphy showed an article written by Ukrainians for Ukrainians in Ireland informing them of a candidate to vote for in some local election who would be on their side. (Non-citizen residents who get registered with the Registor of Electors can vote). This candidate was very pro-migrant and opposed to the grassroots protests against immigration.

    In the famous town of Lisdoonvarna Ukrainians outnumer the natives. Irish activists regularly complain about this kind of thing. However, it could be worse; I’d rather be in a town with Ukrainian women and children than the towns picked for settlements full of military aged African males.

    • Thanks: songbird
  492. Battle of the Nations
    Germany Chile


    It has been almost two years since Zverev and Nadal played in Paris but he is finally 100% back from the ankle injury. Nadal never recovered from that day. That was an epic dogfight.

    In the women’s final Rome filled the stadium, unlike Madrid. They didn’t get anything like the match. Poland destroyed Belarus. It was a blitzkreig.

  493. Bashibuzuk says:
    @John Johnson

    And where has he made this claim?

    His ancestry is widely known in narrow circles. An interesting detail, the Tver Karelians have recently started using Latin alphabet to write their language. They now put signs in Latin alphabet in their few villages, that’s smack in the middle between Moscow and St-Pete. So much for for the supposed Great Russian Chauvinism of Pynya’s co-ethnics.

    • Replies: @LatW
  494. QCIC says:
    @Greasy William

    Why do you losers want to start WW3 with Russia? The West moved directly into Russia’s sphere of influence and kicked sand in her face. There is no evidence Russia wants to take over anything which has not been directly part of the Russian world for a long time. Since the West has pressured Russia we may see the recreation of a security zone. If this happens it is a completely predictable result of the stupid moves by the West. Finland and the other Balts have voluntarily gotten caught up in this and they should work it out with Russia on their own.

    The COVID and mRNA fiascos have shown what even a trivial bioweapon can do to the world. So you idiots want to fight with Russia including conventional war, nuclear war, cyber war, economic war, bio war and a few EMPs thrown in? No good will come from this aggressive stance toward Russia.

    No one who is not elite or one of their thugs on a leash will be benefit from the destruction and chaos.

    • Replies: @Beckow
  495. @Mikhail

    And if you another 5 inches in height and added speed to some folks, they’d be closer to an NBA level. The West isn’t going to do such because it frankly can’t.

    It won’t for internal political reasons, but the economic/technological/resource capacity is there.

    • Replies: @QCIC
    , @Mikhail
  496. QCIC says:


    • Agree: Bashibuzuk
    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
  497. Bashibuzuk says:

    the majority of Russia’s population seem to be on the Hamas / Palestinian side. And very clearly on the Iranian side.

    The majority of ethnic Russians are on “the plague on both their houses” side.

    what is going on with the Russian nation internally.

    What is going on with the Russians (and Ukrainians) has a lot to do with what the Noviop have done in the last few generations. Both ethnicities have been thoroughly debased by the likes of Gaidar, Chubais etc. BTW the paternal ancestors of that sweet duo were both Red Comissars, coincidence (not).

    Those responsible for the war are in the security council.

    And the Council for Foreign Relations.

    everyone has agency

    Agree with this. Everyone has agency and everyone will bear the Karma of one’s deeds. A brother must not kill a brother. A brother must not betray a brother. A brother must not gang up with some foreign powers against a brother.

    But that was the problem of the Balto-Slav since times immemorial. They have always been good at feuding and betraying each other. That’s how their Western Lands were lost.

    And if it was not for Muscovy learning some coercion from the Golden Horde, the Eastern Lands would have been lost as well. Give them freedom and they start dividing and fighting. They can only be held together through strength. They must be united through strength for their own survival and their ownership of these lands that you are talking about.

    Now this is fascism, not Pynya’s half assed “gathering of Rus Lands”.

    If the Ukrainians would have been up to that task I would applaud them. But they’re not. Even Russians are not up to the task anymore. That’s why this war is stupid. They gain nothing and lose a lot.

    • Replies: @LatW
  498. QCIC says:

    The quote from Kallas is very important. These morons have no idea that breaking up Russia either requires World War 3 or leads to it.

    • Replies: @LatW
  499. @Greasy William

    That would be expanding production capacity.

    That’s expanding production, not expanding production capacity.

    They are expanding capacity and increasing production:

    A sprawling ammunition plant in southeast Iowa is slated for $1.2 billion in upgrades over the next two years as the continuing war in Ukraine has sharply increased demand for the 155 mm artillery shells manufactured there.

    Expanding capacity doesn’t require building new factories. The one in the article is being upgraded.

    If the collective West ever starts producing 1.5 million shells a year, and I don’t believe it will, even the entirety of that production would not be enough for Ukraine to carry out major offensive operations.

    They plan on making 1.2 million a year. I don’t know why you believe 1.5 is needed. Seems like an arbitrary requirement.

    I think the HIMARs/ATACMS production is more important. It’s the Russian way to shell the hell out of everything. HIMARs is one button and you’re done.

    Look at this ATACMs hit these troops in the open:

    You can see the clusters rip apart the troops. Lightly armored vehicles in the kill zone are shredded to where they aren’t worth repairing. It isn’t like artillery where most troops have a chance at escaping and finding cover.

    And even if Ukraine could be provided with its material needs, the Ukrainians simply don’t have the manpower to hold off the Russians in an extended war anymore than the Finns did in 1939.

    Agree and this should be the current priority. I think letting 10,000 French volunteers is the right move. Bring in artillery experts that don’t need to be trained.

    The main problem since about October of last year was speaker Johnson. He wouldn’t allow a vote on Ukraine aid

    This excuse doesn’t work for me for two reasons: 1. There were plenty of loopholes to get Ukraine the arms it needed<

    It’s not an excuse. Johnson wouldn’t hold the vote. That’s a fact.

    There was no loophole to send the amount requested. Biden worked a few loopholes but he can’t send 6-8 billion in aid by executive action. They used a few accounting loopholes but they can’t empty HIMARS/ATACMS rockets without congressional approval.

    When push finally came to shove, Johnson and Trump caved. They both could have been made to cave earlier as the votes for a discharge petition were there from day 1. More likely the issue was allowed to fester because it gave NATO an excuse for not being able to meet Ukraine’s requirements.

    There was already a border deal and then Trump blew it up.

    NATO is not congress. The House Republicans have been divided over aid to Ukraine while the Senate Republican have been supportive. It’s the MAGA wing that has been the problem. It would have easily passed in the Senate. There is no NATO conspiracy. MAGA Republicans like Moscow Marge didn’t want to do it. Johnson dragged his feet until the last minute.

    The Democrats were about to file a discharge and then Trump/Johnson wrote up their pork bill. Who knows where it actually came from but Trump obviously gave his blessing. Trump is not in office and had the final say over Ukraine aid which is disturbing.

    When Israel was allegedly suffering from kit shortages in 1973, Nixon got massive weapons shipments to Israel on the 7th day of the war, with no prior planning.

    Emergency military aid to countries by presidents has happened numerous times. That still doesn’t mean that Biden can just empty US military stocks on his own.

    One major difference is that Nixon did not have a hostile MAGA House that would have tied him up in court over that action. None of them were going to step in and say that Israel should not have been helped. History is rife with examples where presidents sidestepped congress. It doesn’t make it right and more importantly doesn’t mean they can do it with a divided house and in the age of mass media where such actions will be held under a microscope.

    • Replies: @QCIC
  500. LatW says:

    And his Jewish-looking daughter was married to (((Shamalov))).

    Yes, it was well known that his son in law is Jewish. This looks like a very tight, nepotistic group. Yes, it was known that the Leningrad group are close. I didn’t realize there were that many Jews in St Pete (ofc, they’re at the top, so..). I was surprised by her looks when I first saw her (he keeps them away from public) because Lyudmila is quite light haired, I never viewed her as Jewish (she might be a Litvak). This Innopraktika ну, и что такое там практикуют – looks like some kind of a roof (or we call it “third party actor”, as in, a separate legal entity or brand that hides the real business or corporation) – for Gazprom and Rosneft assets. Those are appropriated assets. But this kind of nepotism is common elsewhere, too, just look at the Trump family (his son in law). Obama and Biden are loaded, too, yet they still visit rich widows during their campaigns, they just did.

    Btw, I didn’t watch all of the “Predatel’i” episodes in full, but one of the criticisms was that she does not dive deep enough into the actual privatization process and she does not talk about Gazprom much.

  501. LatW says:

    Karelians are more related to Estonians and Finns than Russians. And other indigenous peoples on the Russian territory.

    And that Putin is a Veps, that is written on his face. Although they are typically taller on average.

  502. Beckow says:

    …Catherine the Great was born in Germany, moved to Russia as an adult

    Catherine was born in Szeczin, today Poland, and moved to Russia when she was 15 (adult?). She was of German heritage as was Queen Victoria and the British royal family.

    No difference, you are again barking up the wrong tree. If you are so obsessed about Ruriks from 1,000 years ago, I would remind you that Plantagenets were French-Norman, and almost all original royal families were a mixture of foreign military adventurers and local nobility. Before speaking German the English royals until the 15th century spoke French.

    What all your incoherent and one-sided yapping shows is your pathological hatred of anything Russian – you have an obsessive need to denigrate them. They have medicines today they can give you to control it, look into it.

  503. Derer says:
    @Greasy William

    Ukraine aid passed congress and the Ukrainian units at the front still haven’t seen a material improvement in their supply situation.

    You have to focus on the main West’s objective for Ukraine. To reduced the Slavic population in Ukraine and replaced them with fleeing European Israelite from ME. The project in ME is not going in the right direction and appetite for oil is still strong.

    Although I am his supporter, but I am starting to question if Putin is not on this scheme. That would explain the snail pace to subdue Ukrainian weakling.

    • Replies: @QCIC
  504. LatW says:

    Both ethnicities have been thoroughly debased by the likes of Gaidar, Chubais etc

    I don’t disagree that there was a lot of damage done in the 1990s. But it did not begin then, the Soviet system was not properly managed and was not right at the core. You called it “egalitarian” when it is only partially so, when in essence it wasn’t. You can’t really call that kind of system “egalitarian” – with that level of artificial oppression. A new 21st century egalitarian system had to be built after the collapse.

    A brother must not kill a brother. A brother must not betray a brother. A brother must not gang up with some foreign powers against a brother.

    So one sided… you literally walked into their lands and prior to that the likes of Surkov stoked separatism there. Even if you consider Donbas as your “common lands”, the Kremlin shouldn’t have instigated unrest.

    But that was the problem of the Balto-Slav since times immemorial. They have always been good at feuding and betraying each other.

    I’m sorry, but you guys are the only ones who are not at peace. The Balts have good relations with Western Slavs, and among each other. And had somewhat bearable relations even with Belarus.

    That’s how their Western Lands were lost.

    Those were very large dispersed populations at one point, also, feudal states were forming and that is competitive, and on top of it all – Rome’s heritage and character was more powerful than anything on that continent. This doesn’t mean there is something intrinsically wrong with Balts or Slavs. Btw, those Western lands.. those were Western Slavs, and they later moved East and formed Novgorod and you have no qualms about them being destroyed by Muscovy.

    And if it was not for Muscovy learning some coercion from the Golden Horde, the Eastern Lands would have been lost as well. Give them freedom and they start dividing and fighting. They can only be held together through strength. They must be united through strength for their own survival and their ownership of these lands that you are talking about.

    I don’t know how you can reconcile this tyrannical world view with your supposed sympathy towards the Old Believers. Go ahead and coerce your own – and leave the rest of us alone, we are not slaves. Remember the Lithuanian kings – they stood up for themselves.

    Dividing and fighting? They are already divided – they are tribes. I don’t get why you feel entitled to our tribes and our land. We have found a way to cohabit with the Poles and others, I don’t get why you can’t. You can stay in the Golden Horde paradigm if you so wish, we do not. We are free people, with our own body that doesn’t belong to Muscovy or to the Golden Horde.

    I understand what you’re saying, but we live in different times now and we are Whites, that are not to be coerced. This is totally possible.

    Also, the Golden Horde method that you so seem to admire, is very very damaging, it is in fact cannibalistic – you end up just eating up and wasting your own. As is demonstrated by the current Muscovite war methods.

  505. songbird says:

    Believe this is Bashibuzuk’s worst nightmare: revenant Bell Beakers rising from their graves and traveling east, after archeologists foolishly remove the stones weighing them down.


    • Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  506. songbird says:

    Speaking of Karelians and Finns, there was this big study they did about allergies.

    Don’t know to what extent it was predicated on genetic distance, but the results were certainly interesting. It is very surprising to me that these differential rates in allergies have at least to a certain extent survived past the Cold War, but perhaps ,it is only true of rural areas?

  507. QCIC says:
    @John Johnson

    The next theater of combat may not be so focused on artillery.

    I think Russia used so many rounds because that is what was readily available. In 2022 I think they were slow on the draw with smart munitions and drones. They have had both of these capabilities for many years but apparently not in full combat numbers. It seems this deficiency has been corrected going forward. One advantage of the dumb warheads is they cannot be spoofed or have their electronics fried, so they may be kept around. For the future on the Russian side I expect to see more smart guided weapons including the medium size Grad-style rockets. It would not be surprising if Russia has a smaller system like ATACMS since the Iskander may be too big for some targets. On the other hand maybe they will just crank up production of what they already know. Is probably less work for them to build 5000 more Iskanders than to qualify a mini-me variant.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  508. @QCIC

    Like Constanza said, “it’s not a lie if you believe it”.

    • LOL: QCIC, Bashibuzuk
  509. LatW says:
    @Greasy William

    More likely the issue was allowed to fester because it gave NATO an excuse for not being able to meet Ukraine’s requirements.

    Of course, NATO was not ready for this (although they had plenty to give and still do), but allow me to propose another speculation – the US simply doesn’t want Russia to lose “all the way”, so to speak, because at this point, Russia losing would unravel a whole chain of unpredictable (or predictable) events that the US doesn’t want. This is very amoral.

    The US has often propped up Russia. Trump was only one of the hurdles (the idiot realized at the end what’s at stake), Sullivan has been stalling aid for years now. Neither party wants Ukraine to go all the way. The US & EE interests have partially diverged. Although it’s hard to tell sometimes whose interests the likes of Sullivan are in fact guarding.

  510. songbird says:

    Is Erdogan next? (Joking, I don’t think the Iranian president is that powerful)

  511. QCIC says:
    @Greasy William

    The US and NATO partners do not have the stomach for the kind of carnage we see in Ukraine. It is a classic proxy war in the sense that both sides view it as an attack on or within her border and fight accordingly. This will not apply to most NATO cannon fodder. Russia will not try to project conventional military power to NATO countries so they will have to go to Russia (Kaliningrad is the scary exception). The West might be able to sign up all the recent brown ‘migrants’ as cannon fodder but they are incompetent. That is contrary to the plan anyway, where the migrants stay home and rape European women and the Euro men are forced to the front to be burned to a crisp or have their balls blown off.

    The West’s low tolerance for carnage is one reason the concern over escalation is so high. Once the West starts seeing John Johnson-style HD video of our guys dying there will be huge pressure to expand the scope of fighting. This might include attacks on satellites, embargo of Russian cargos or worse. Then Russia says hell no and sinks an aircraft carrier.

    You guys are really walking us down a one way path to destruction.

    • Replies: @Greasy William
  512. @Beckow

    Don’t judge Czechia based on Prague.

    I am sure there are pockets of sanity outside of Prague. Question is, do they influence anything in the Czech Republic?

    To be fair, the previous systems also used it: the massive support in 1945-50’s for the commies, half a million showed up to cheer and swear loyalty to the Nazis after Heydrich assassination, and the Hasburgs before 1918. But they turn on a dime – new boss, new brown-nosing…it’s just the way they are.

    This suggests that Czechia was doomed for more than a century. Maybe for several centuries. The last glimmer of hope I am aware of was Jan Hus and his followers, and that was ~600 years ago.

    • Replies: @Beckow
  513. LatW says:

    The quote from Kallas is very important. These morons have no idea that breaking up Russia either requires World War 3 or leads to it.

    No, it doesn’t. If Russia loses the war – is made to retreat from Ukraine – then the power vertical is very likely to collapse, orders will stop being followed and an internal clan war for resources will ensue. Then geopolitical games will be the last thing that the Russians will worry about.

    • Disagree: YetAnotherAnon
    • LOL: QCIC, Mikhail
  514. Beckow says:

    …Finland and the other Balts have voluntarily gotten caught up in this and they should work it out with Russia on their own.

    No good will come from this aggressive stance toward Russia.

    No one who is not elite or one of their thugs on a leash will be benefit from the destruction and chaos.

    I doubt the elite will benefit from it either. The Balts are a piece of work: they are slowly disappearing as identifiable nations and their numbers are collapsing. This after having their best 45 years ever between 1945-90, expanding demographically and building modern, prosperous societies. The Estonian moron woman just said that Russia should be “broken up into many small states“, that it would better for everyone.

    They won’t work it out, the Balts suffer from an incurable combination of hating Russia with no end and yearning to be someone else, saved by the better people in the West. You can’t win wars against geography – although we are watching the hapless Ukies trying it right now and destroying their country.

  515. @QCIC

    Agreed. The Guardian yesterday had an op-ed saying NATO should intervene, and there were plenty of commenters who are stuck in 1996 and think NATO only have to move and Russia stand no chance.

    However… given that the Guardian moderators ruthlessly suppress (i.e. comments disappear with no sign they ever existed) any comments that seek to explain Russia/NATO relations since 2008, or are pro-Russian/anti-US, I’d beware of assuming the entire population is brainwashed.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
  516. Cornered rats are very dangerous. CIA and/or affiliated terrorist organization(s) scored two hits recently: Slovak prime minister was shot multiple times and the helicopter with president and foreign minister of Iran crushed somewhere in Iranian mountains after visit to Azerbaijan. It appears that Fizo might recover yet, but the fate of Iranian president and foreign minister is unclear at the moment.

    This won’t change where the world is heading, but snake bites can slow things down.

    • Agree: Bashibuzuk
    • Replies: @Bashibuzuk
  517. @LatW

    “If Russia loses the war – is made to retreat from Ukraine – then the power vertical is very likely to collapse, orders will stop being followed”

    How about if the Western Ukrainians are made to retreat from Ukraine?

    I agree that losing in Ukraine would be very bad for Russia. But it’s highly unlikely – if there was a market I’d put money on it.

    Ukraine is running out of mugs. I pray that the young Ukrainian guy I know stays in the UK and stays in one piece.

    • Replies: @LatW
    , @AnonfromTN
  518. @Beckow

    “The Estonian moron woman just said that Russia should be “broken up into many small states“, that it would better for everyone.”

    Do you have the expression “misery loves company”? Estonia is a small state and obviously wants the world to conform.

    • Replies: @Mikel
  519. Beckow says:

    …Question is, do they influence anything in the Czech Republic?

    Of course they do: the current Prague-centric government is an anomaly. Czechia has had Zeman, Klaus, Babis and a few others who were among the more independent and rational leaders in Europe. The convoluted push to elect the current government was very bizarre – lawfare, media wars, “Pirates” who run on legalizing pot – it will be hard to repeat. The government has below 30% approval – 80% in Prague-Brno and abroad.

    The last glimmer of hope I am aware of was Jan Hus and his followers, and that was ~600 years ago.

    There was also the 1618-48 period of fighting the Habsburgs. After that until the second half of the 19th century there was almost nothing – even against the Habsburgs there were a lot of ‘loyalists’…Maybe the best intellectual period was in the early 20th century: Czechia became very industrial and very rich (something like 80% of industry in A-H), it gave Czechs confidence and they also sensed the Habsburg weakness. The 1960-90’s also were not bad – most people still remembered WW2 and understood the realities of Euro geo-politics. But after around 2000 with the new comprador class it has been downhill…They need a shock again to become normal.

  520. @YetAnotherAnon

    I’d beware of assuming the entire population is brainwashed.

    The very fact that the Guardian eliminated comments to most pieces and instituted draconian censorship of the remaining comments suggests that more people resisted brainwashing than the elites would like. You might consider it a glimmer of hope.

    • Replies: @Mikhail
  521. QCIC says:

    I think subduing Ukraine in a way that addresses Russia’s problem with the West is extremely difficult. Russia is not the USSR and does not have an infinite supply of conscripts to install a draconian police state in the reclaimed Ukraine. Russia is going slow until the remaining Ukies want to give up as opposed to being forced to give up.

    In a certain sense, Ukraine and the West are doing Russia a favor by implementing strikes on Russian civilians. Every time one happens more citizens accept that the Ukrainian military and the people who support them must be destroyed. Surely each video of damage inside Russia induces men to go to the recruitment office. They are not signing up to become professional soldiers as much as to fight NATO and Ukraine and protect the Motherland.

    The Russian military and government have to balance all sorts of concerns in the SMO including escalation, attrition, protection of the entire Russian border, cost, manpower, politics, etc. Unfortunately, the institutional pressure to simply crush Ukraine builds over time until the consensus is: make it stop.

    This may be the Western end game at this point, simply to force Russia to destroy Ukraine to leave a painful, expensive mess.


    I imagine the following misguided Western scenarios for this proxy war, from most to least desirable from their perspective:

    1) Russia is deeply wounded by the conflict. A comprador government is somehow installed in Moscow (NATO + globalists + Noviops). The Russian nuclear deterrent is gradually dismantled in exchange for “mercy”. Eventually Russia is broken up.

    2) Russia is weakened. Ukraine is brought into NATO despite border disputes. NATO installs bases and missiles in Ukraine. The West revives similar anti-Russia projects in Belarus, Georgia, Chechnya, Korea.

    3) The Ukrainian project is unsuccessful as a direct attack on Russia. However, Ukraine is a disaster which sets back Russian development by 20 years. The chaos leads to a great many rifts being created within Russian society creating ample opportunities for future meddling.

    4) The worst case from the Western perspective is Russia prevails in Ukraine. Damage is bad but not hopeless. CIA, MI6 and State Department attitude is no harm, no foul, “Hey, we spent our budget wisely, maybe next time.” Promotions all around. Junior players enthusiastically move on to either the Belarus or China project.

    Concerns about destruction of the dollar, nuclear warfare or World War Three do not seem to be part of their thinking.