I like how the perks are working. Though some aspects of the survivability have been dropped along the years (eg: hard protection against extreme temperatures), those perks make it so that there is a lingering feeling of what one could expect of a world in which you have to survive: make choices and face the consequences.

The fact that we do not have enough points and have to makes choices, changes our gameplay. That’s what I find interesting. Having to “craft” potions after farming the good ingredients on the map to reset your bad choices (perks) and raise them up again (eg: corrupted perks), enhances the fact that, as an Exile, you have some skills regarding adaptability and survivability. To me, it’s part of the adventure.

Though it could be improved, I think the core of the current system fits Conan. I experienced skill trees in other games, but I hardly understand how it would be an improvement for this one.

If executed correctly I think it would be better than current. I’ve played almost every RPG out there, and there’s sveral systems you could take while still maintaining the survival feeling and other stuff you mentioned. I’d honestly take the old system back, the one where you could swing weapons while attacking. I thought it was cooler than attack commitment. But players are obsessed with strategy in everything little encounter. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, or even Origins have some neat perk systems. For Conan Odyssye would be a better fit as you have your light attack and heavy combos. Then you can sprinkle special attacks in there that consume bars of adrenaline. However, the idea I’ve presented in this thread would require them to basically completely overhaul how weapons work in regards to status debuffs.

Basically I’m just coming from a place of boredom. There’s multiple RPGs coming out now days that just do combat in better ways than Conan. Such a huge emphasis of Conan is the combat even though the combat is very mediocre in many ways.

This is another discussion entirely, but fatalities suck to me. I’ve kinda just lost interest in this game in general.

The last time they “Changed up combat” we got unlimited rolling and UI changes that made the game unplayable. Lets not and say we didn’t.


On the contrary, Conan Exiles is only one of the games I play. I like variety, which is precisely why I don’t want Conan Exiles to work like the other games I play.


It’s interesting you say variety. Conan has no variety whatsoever to the melee system. Hellblade 2 was criticized by some people for this reason. It’s basically the same combat system. light attack, heavy, dodge, repeat. It gets boring. Then you have something liek God of War with an enormous arsenal of moves to use where combat rarely gets boring.

Honestly getting bored of this thread at this point and likely won’t be repsonding as much. I have to wonder why Conan isn’t as popular as other games and I have to wonder if the limited variety with the melee system plays a part.

You forgot “kick”

So, I haven’t played God of War. How good is the building system there?

Oh, right.

You’re comparing a hack&slash action game with a survival game. When the game is all about combat, of course combat should be engaging and varied. When combat is only a part of the game, it should be sufficiently engaging and interesting.

Conan Exiles has two attacks, directional dodge, block (with shield only, unfortunately), off-hand throwing weapons, sprint attacks and some weapon-dependent special moves. It’s also worth mentioning the various attack combos because the weapons cause various debuffs dependent on the sequence. Also, attacks in the combo sequence have different reach and area of effect, which is tactically important depending on what you’re fighting (and for “friendly fire” in some situations).

You also need to take into account the various movement types, such as climbing and swimming - especially in PvP where mobility is a key factor to winning. Terrain cover when you need to heal up. Commanding thralls. Orbs and arrows with area effects, such as poison, oil and fire. Damage-over-time effects and how to deal with them.

EDITed to add: And of course various stat perks for more passive buffs to customize the combat experience even more.

Your “light attack, heavy, dodge, repeat” description is either a gross oversimplification, or you’re not very familiar with the nuances of Conan Exiles’ combat.


I think you said it here pretty well. Conan’s combat is too nuanced for me. Most of the variety comes from very small elements, for me that is boring. I actually really loved this combat when it was first released. Over time however, after exposure to the other released RPGs I started to want more complex systems.

I’ve got close to 1900 hours in Conan. I’m familiar with a lot of the game. However thralls I haven’t really bothered with much since I’m not a fan of followers in games.

Problem is, it already is spammy, but not good spammy.
There really isn’t any variety or oomph to the combat.
You just stand there and do a few short swings and maybe a dodge or two and that’s your combat in a nutshell.
There really isn’t anything special or dynamic about the combat at all.

Even the NPC are very 1 dimensional in their fighting mechanics and show a distinct lack of what feels like true variety.
It feels like the same move sets copied over and over.

Combat fluidity and variety is sorely lacking.
I don’t want QTE either, Lord no, but being able to do more than just swing sword arcs would be nice.
How about less jank in the combat and more action, combat is soo slow it feels at times it’s turn based.
It’s really not engaging in the slightest, i find more fun just building than doing any of the other activities due to the overly simplistic overly slow combat.

I really don’t buy just because it’s a survival game it can’t have good combat.
If you are going to include combat at all, it should feel more like it actually is part of the game instead of just “another” layer tacked on to the game that feels like an after thought.

I am not saying it has to be super complex, but right now…
The only complex thing is firing up the console compared to what the combat is in this game.
The game has been out what 6 years? they can work on the combat at this point and bring it up to par with the rest of the game.
The rest of the game’s mechanics are pretty well done for the most part aside from an issue here or there, they can certainly devote more time to working on a better combat system, not at the expense of bug squashing of course, but you get the idea.

It’s not an over simplification, it really is that shallow.
I play tons of action oriented games, and by comparison, this game is soo simplistic in it’s combat mechanics it’s almost like playing an action oriented atari game…
I mean just look at the most popular mmos out there, they have lots of things you can do for each melee class it’s crazy.
Take Tera for example , they have lots of melee variety from lance skills to dual wielding.
Bow attacks galore, it’s more than just swap this arrow out for this one, it’s a plethora of bow skills.

Nah, people are right when they say this game’s combat is too slow and lacks any real variety and doesn’t feel rewarding at all in it’s execution.
I’d say again, the combat is the bare minimum of what they could add by comparison to games that are releasing not only today but the last 10 or so years.

I want crossbows!

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Crossbows were in game long ago. They were extremely buggy so were removed. As for the no variety in combat. I’m calling bs on that. Did you forget that the different weapon types have different move sets and speed?