James Martin's Saturday Morning - Series 7: Episode 19 - Saturday 11th May 2024 - Dining and Cooking

James is back in the kitchen and is serving up a feast of delicious food for singer Gabrielle while also enjoying recipes from chefs Richard Corrigan and Nick Nairn.

[Music] morning you coming in then good morning a what a sure we got lined up for you today we really have I’ll be sewing up a seas sish and a TI green curry for yes the one and only Gabrielle will be here she’s with us all morning and my fre Adventures will be taking me to Granada and we’re took it into some amazing cretas and I’m making sure you don’t miss this week’s little Master Class we’ll be giving you the essential guide to using asparagus that’s banging season right now and that’s not all because we’ll be also tasting dishes from two friends of mine who know a thing or two about top quality dining it’s the brilliant Nick Nan and Richard kurgan Shing Ching gentlemen it’s good to see you good to see thank you very much jam always good to see you at the house so Nick you’re F what do you brought from north of the Border what do you brought what have I brought today a good cheer um amazing weather and a smiley face and foodwise what have you brought I oh what are you cooking oh what have I brought right yeah don’t what have you got from the airport on your way here from yeah okay sorry M what are you some beautiful Scottish beef Filip and we’re going to Pepper that pan fry it and do with that whiskey and mushroom sauce sounds pretty good to me how you going to top that top Trum that one fella well I turned a big six so very not so Longo congratulations thank you uh and it was a celebratory moment and uh I’m going to do a bit of a celebration dish H so a little bit of a stuffing inside it broad beans peas Lobster and a sauce made from the shelves which I’m going to need your help from beautiful is this dool you’re going to be us do yeah Hastings produces some of some of the best sou Coast England is absolutely delicious but king of all flatfish you know 18822 Oz fish it’s just fantastic it really is it is brilliant there we go it there you go I thought two amazing dishes but I thought to kick things off today with a recipe for franie pan and I’m going to do a little dessert using this amazing black butter that uh comes from Northern Ireland which going to introduce you to in a minute so franie pan ters very simple to make the pastry of it is just using some really good quality plain flour we’ve got some butter got an egg mix all this lot together you can do it in a machine like this you do it together by hand the frangie pan side of it comes in the form of butter sugar eggs and ground almonds I don’t use any flour in the frie pan and what you do is you take the butter and this is softened but you can see I’ve just just pop this in the microwave ready just for a little bit so this is the butter going to go in there stay clear of using sort of uh almond Essence really for this one so you don’t use Ammon Essence at all it’s like a chemical thing I won’t add that to it if you wanted to add any additional flavoring maybe a little bit of brown Brandy bit of whiskey something like that would work whiskey whiskey or whiskey we’re just going to blend that together and it softens up so this Blends up while that’s happening we can then gradually gradually add the eggs so if you’re not confident with this you don’t want shells munched in put this in a separate Bowl but you’re going to gradually add the eggs one by one just start them off like that in there cuz there is a chance that might split isn’t it so there is a chance it will split but you don’t really need to worry about it to be honest with you for this one cuz the arms are going to bring it all together so once you get to the last two eggs they go in and another one and now you can add all the ground almonds so they all go in the quality of the eggs you’ll get this beautiful yellow color on the frie pan mix all this lot together and you’ve got your simple frangie pan done and it’ll taste so much better than if you don’t use any sort of Armond Ence but there’s your nice little friend not split that’s it’s not split it’s not my first rodo already pastry chef and all and then and then we’re going to do is make these little frangie pan Tarts now I take the pastry for this and I have this room temperature so if you’re doing these at home just take this out and just leave it for a second and then I don’t use a wooden board for this because a lot of chefs and pastry chefs will want to use a sort of a coal surface so that’s why we have marble in a pasty kitchen or stain of Steel but you really don’t want wood because that’s that’s sort of room temperature you want something cold keeps it nice and cold the tins that I’m using are these small ones over here you could do larg ones but the thing is about this one what you don’t want to be doing is baking this blind because you can get this really really thin with this so when you’re doing this little bit of pastry little bit of flour over the top and roll it out you should be able to see a newspaper through it yeah so when you’re rolling it out you get it as thin as you possibly can and that’s the thing it’s quite forgiving this Pastry as well but one thing it will do is Contracting on itself so once you’ve made it if you get it really really thin it tends to doesn’t spring back as much if it’s too thick it will spring back and you won’t end up with a nice tartlet around the top you’ll end up one that’s shrunk into the tin but because we are going to bake this all the way through from raw and not bake this blind this is also essential where you get this nice and thin so keep going this is almost half the thickness it needs to be so it needs to be more thinner and you can almost see now as it gets thinner you can start to see the bench through it yeah yeah yeah so when I do this this is where it tears pastry see if you follow my recipe Chief instead of going off piece and doing your own recipe but you don’t need to look it’s a lovely pastry that’s I think that’s the key to it really I always make the pastry by hand if you’re doing small quantities or if you’re using a machine just don’t over mix it cuz that’s where it’ll tear and rip up but you see you got you can almost see your see your hands through it like that that’s what you want and then when you take these what we’re going to do is just trim this up like that don’t need to be too precise at this moment you can use a cutter but don’t worry about that at the moment so then we put this in you can still see this through it you trim this all down the great thing about these you don’t need to butter the M as well so they’re going in press it all the way into the corners that is the key to it so you get a nice Edge to it and then take your knife go all the way around and then trim this around again and this sits perfectly in there and then what we’re going to do is top with this with the butter which I I do load more if you want it but we’re then going to turn our attention to this amazing butter because we’re going to go and introduce you to the person who makes this now we’re going to go to County Anin which is not far from yck of the wood is it it’s h just off the road exactly to speak alist Bell from Irish black butter welcome to the show alist hi it’s JM great to be here thanks for having now we’ve spoken in the past before because one of the gentleman’s over here Nick Nick has never tried this sort of stuff as well but you’ll be familiar with this won’t you Richard i’ i’ I’ve heard of your brand before yeah absolutely you told me about it tast tell me about tell me about Irish black butter because it actually didn’t start it it it you you were not doing this you were farmers by trade were you were you writing a kid’s book on tractors and stuff like that oh my good is James this going to be a first for your program this morning and you weren’t expecting this here but yeah at had a farming background and organized model tractor shows and actually LED on to this particular character here who is called Jack the tractor we did the book Jack the tractor and whenever I was doing that I sort of the wheels were turning because the 2016 year food and drink in Northern IR was a big inspiration and I and I knew about black butter and I thought why not make something great from here with great local ingredients in particular the EU PGI Arma Bramley Apple so so tell me tell me about it all starts off with the quality of the apples first of all that’s the key to it that is the key thing because that EU PGI status it was not just a straight you know an easy thing to get you know it’s top quality and certainly from the area as well but what we’re really tapping into is the whole Heritage of Apple growing in count Arma which is known as Ireland’s Orchard 20 so so tell me about where does where do the history of the black butter come from then where does that where does it where does it all stem from Can I taste yes well look it’s said to date from medieval times whenever people were taking apples and cooking them down and preserving and the name which was given is that historic name of black butter now if we sort of spend through time about Gan Austin made reference to it in the 18th century yeah and then you know back in the the teens here in in the 21st century I I became aware of black butter I met people who made it uh it appears there’s a Heritage that’s across from Channel Islands to France to England and even here and I met people here who would come up to me show and say we find a recipe for that at home because classically it’s made over an open fire over big sort of copper cauldrons is that right that seems to be the idea yes very much so um and for some some parts it’s still a community sort of Festival million dollar question is there any butter in that uh there’s no da in it uh at all Nick but what I would say is is that whenever people ask that question to me i’ say well lots of us have been in supermarkets and we’ve seen peanut butter yeah and the word butter is used in there so no it’s it’s an it it’ss within the wider apple butter family which would be synonymous with people who went across to America and Canada and carried it over from Western Europe that territory so you’ve got so the the flavor you get this flavor of Apple St where that amazing Brandy but you get the the spices in there there’s sugars in there is that from the proc of cooking it down for it’s cooked for a long period of time this it’s a slower it’s a slower process certainly than making like a standard Jam or chuty by all means so this and we have a lot of flavor packed in here you know because we’ve got local cider with Brandy with cinnamon Ginger nutmeg clove brown sugar trickle you know there’s so much there and if somebody just takes a we taste and holds it in their mouth for a we while they notice different notes of flavor coming through and that’s just a simple expression there it’s whenever this product gets gets Unleashed from the jar and then suddenly it opens up all sorts of possibilities sweet and savory because it’s suitable for vegan vegetarian there’s no gluten in it and you can use it from morning to night for breakfast dinner tea well it’s interesting because because you came straight in this morning went ah this you you just spread it on toast don’t you yeah a little bit of toast you know whole meal toast with a a little spoonful of that be great way to start the morning that’s for sure I mean hopefully you can see this I’ve taken some of the black butter I’ve lined all the tins while we’re chatting but you take the black butter and you use this as a base and then the idea is the frangie pan you just pipe this over the top like that once a p to chef chef know’s pipe that over the toped time yeah sorry made that look and then we use some flaked almonds over the top over the top and then I’ve set the oven about 180 and you bake these for about half an hour but like you said this can be done sweet or savory when I first came across cross it from us I remember do it with scallops a little bit of bacon and some toasted uh oatmeal which is really nice you can have it the whole idea of it you can utilize this for a variety of different things blue cheese J whenever I whenever I started off are a sharp go cheese ah yeah they’re all saying goat cheese blue cheese as well how how do you use yours uh we have lots of ways from in the morning and porridge Greek style yogurt with scans and cream at coffee time Toasties a particular favorite in the minute is a good pork sausage sliced open with black butter and cheese in it wrapped in streaky bacon put in the air fryer for 12 minutes at Brant it was all going perfectly well the recipe sounded amazing till you said the dreaded word air fryer and then I’ve switched off new is it also works in the oven too good good good this so but you’re not going to give the game away with this and this the secret ingredient but it’s become so popular now you’re selling this all over the world is it going to America and Amer spread it is spreading the big thing for me with this with this business with this product GMS is the goal is to spread little happiness uh and that’s where whether it’s here or it’s further a fail and whenever somebody from another country is enjoying our product and they’re getting a warm association with this country then I am happy I am delighted but obviously the the goal is that this product will spread out across the world and people will get a great taste of Ireland um you know and that’s that’s the key thing well I wish you all the very best with it as well next time I’m over there I’m going to come and visit but hopefully I’ve done that justice but there you have it my simple little franie bant with Irish black butter easy as [Music] that but up a tea gentlemen looking forward to that’s breakfast is it little break happy with that oh oh man I love a tur it’s lovely that is it me too but so simple I’ll tell you that is such a pickme up I think the key to that if you are going to make these you can make these and then basically keep them in the fridge don’t don’t cook them just make them top them in the almonds put them in the fridge and then they’ll last for three four days in the fridge and then when you want to cook them that’s when you you cook them as in when you want to eat them but you can make them easily in advance as well and those also freeze really well as well but before they cook that frangie pan and the pastry and the black part of the bottom that’s thinnest thinnest thin with the past but you don’t need to bake it blind as well but it’s lovely tasty it’s almost sued the whole thing it’s just so so it’s fluffy oh lovely I’ve never been called fluffy before but there you go right right these two will be cooking for us a little bit later on and I’ll be treating my guest Gabrielle to a dish of SE Bast that’s coming up very shortly but join us again after the break we’ll be eating our way around the stunning Spanish city of ganada see a [Music] bit welcome back now we’re chatting to my guest Gabrielle over a plate of seab bass very shortly and the very talented Chef Richard Corgan will be showing us why he’s one of the best restaurant in the business that’s coming up a little bit later but before that it’s time to take a look back at one of my favorite ever culinary adventures and this week my travels are taking me to Spain and Granada it’s one of the most historic work and beautiful cities in southern Spain and the tourists travel all over the world to visit alhamra but I tell you what the meatballs are pretty spectacular as well enjoy this one Granada attracts millions of visitors every year to experience its blend of history and architecture but it’s the vibrant Gastronomy that I’m here for much like its andalucian neighbor kadoba Granada had a prolonged period of Arab rule in the Middle Ages their influence is reflected in the food today with spices and herbs for sale on every corner it’s a food’s Delight right next to the cathedral I found this the smell of this is amazing look at the colors of these spices if this doesn’t tell you about the food that you’re going to find here nothing will but it’s the Tapas culture that sets this place apart from anywhere else I’ve been so far there’s so many people out eating and drinking it’s kind of like you’re in a different city like maresh so for my next stop in Granada I’m heading to a local Family Restaurant just a Stones Throw from the cathedral which is renowned in the area for giant meatballs and cricketers which I waste no time in ordering gracias but first it’s beer o’ gracias now here’s an interesting thing about this city you order a drink you instantly get something to eat you may not order it but it arrives so this is migas we’ve seen how this is made on the trip this is the city I could get used to you order a drink and you get free food in no time at all my cheese and Hammon creta AR ah gracias this is the creta of the house now these you do have to pay for I always think the best way you can tell how good they are even before you eat it is you break [Music] it should be like that exactly that yeah that’s the best one I’ve ever eaten on the trip look at it it’s like mashed potato the creamiest mashed potato but there’s no potato in it it’s a good start this and next up it’s the signature giant pork and ve meatball apparently the same recipe has been used by the family for over a 100 years ah got this so it’s pork por ve yes anything else some that’s a secret some secret with a tomato sauce bread tomato sauce and salt pment um differ and some some secret ingredients that we not going to tell me gracias thank you well here we go the famous meatball this is good as the [Music] creta it’s got a few influences there maybe Arabic spices like the time tumin maybe is that is so [Music] good I think there’s one thing you’ve kind of learned on this trip so far is that Spain is always about the quality of the ingredients the simple things done properly it’s a magical way to enjoy food and I’m going to go back with a different view on the way I cook because I thought I stripped recipes down when I looked at recipes that’s too complicated let’s strip it back Spain has taught me a whole different ethos if a restaurant can survive in this amazing place for 100 years serving meatballs this is what we should be doing [Music] I could easily wi away the rest of the afternoon here but I’m feeling inspired I’ve gathered some high quality local ingredients and set up my mobile kitchen in the grounds of Carman de app a stunning former artist residence around the corner you can now rent I’m cooking steak beautiful Spanish cherito beans and Arch chokes flavored with some amazing spices that I’ve picked up on the way so we got three main spices really cumin coriander seeds cardamon so just lightly toast them off and there you can see they got that little bit of smoke that’s when you know they’re ready into the pesel and mortar and we’re going to grind these down a little bit and at this moment in time now I’m going to add a little bit of paprika touch your turmeric not too much turmeric and then I’ve got marum this is quite an interesting spice as well this is sumac just a little bit of sumac it’s quite powerful quite pungent this is going to create a nice little rub for our meat or fish or vegetables and then I’m going to leave that to one side because I’m going to add this after I’ve cooked the steak because otherwise it’s just going to burn on the steak as well you’re not going to get that lovely flavor so I’m going to take a usual pinch of salt no oil we’re just going to take our steak and stra onto our griddle and that’ll cook just gently meanwhile I’m going to wash my hands now the same time as our steak’s cooking away nicely we can prepare the rest of our ingredients beautiful broad beans these are just amazing with these when they’re fresh and they are in season right now this is when we’re going to use them and this is like a little stew with a nice little bit of beans I’ve got some corett over here these are wonderful as well these lighter colored corett and I couldn’t resist not buying these as well I’ve cooked these before on my travels but Arch chokes it’s like anything in Spain when they’re in season you’ve got to utilize them and I think this is no exception really so these you can simply prepare take about a third of the top and cut through and you can see why they’re called purple violet archs look at the purple color from there and then what we can do is just cut these into pieces now these will go Brown quite quickly so it’s important once you’ve done that just to touch your lemon will stop a lot of that color disappearing look at that steak’s not far off beautiful that can then sit out however long it takes to cook that’s usually how long you want to rest it for so while it’s resting we can take some of these amazing sort of spices and just sprinkle that over the top together with something that’s grown in huge volumes around here olive oil just let that sit over the top those flavors are just going to absorb into the meat so while that’s happening I’ve got some cha here because the combination that they use with pork and meat particularly ve or beef they use it quite a lot around andal Lucia so just going to to taste so good with everything else heat up a pan then add plenty of olive oil two cloves of garlic with the skin on staranise the chopped corette and then the Cho now add the beautiful a chokes look at the colors of that then finally of course you got the beans and then rather than stock just a bit of water and and then some of our spices that we’ve made remember in here so we’re going to cook this down now for about 3 or 4 minutes until the water’s almost evaporated and you’re left with just a lovely flavored oil at the end of [Music] it now you can tell when it’s nearly ready it’s not the smell it’s the sound it’s that bubbling sound that emulsification of oil and a bit of water so now we can add some lovely olives over here right at the last minute and then plenty of Dill chop it up this is where you want a good squeeze of lemon and this is more or less ready but look at the colors of that as you bring it all together see that water has evaporated [Music] now it’s time to Plate up the [Music] dish so there we have it a cracking dish in a cracking location all using the amazing spices influences sounds smells that you get from this beautiful city nice that is it steak with chero beans and Arch chokes delicious what an amazing place to go visit stay tuned this morning for mclass in asparagus and Richard Corgan will be showing us his Michelin St skills in the kitchen in just a bit but I’ll see you after the break we’ll be welcoming Gabrielle to the house and treating to a dish of Seabass I’ll see you in a bit [Music] welcome back now we’ll be teaching you how to make the most of this year’s asparagus crop in this week’s little Mas and Chef Nick n will be showcasing a cracking recipe for beef a little bit later but first i’m joining the house for the second time by a singer whose Unforgettable voice has been lighting up the charts for more than 30 years it’s the fabulous Gabrielle ch ch ch welcome back thank you for having me I can say this but it’s been too long way too long A lot’s changed as well now a grandmother I’m a grandmother Round of Applause granny granny granny granny granny what’s that like for you’s it’s amazing I felt at one stage because I was away on tour last year and he was born last year March I was like oh my God he’s not going to know who I am and now now that I’m back I I totally annoy him and but he loves me and I love him and he’s going to be one in a matter of days and it’s incredible so well I mean what a Carew you’ve had we’re going to talk about that as well cuz I know you love your food from the last time you’re on here I’m going to do a little sevish of Seabass Seabass I’m going to do this nice and simply with some lime and lime juice and zest I’m going to make a little pickle using some grapes uh with some cucumber which I peel the grapes then we’re going to make a nice little pickle and then I’m going to get on to the creamy sort of dressing first of all so the first thing I do is make a make our little pickle because I want to talk to you about you mentioned the fact that you’re on tour last year you you’ve never stopped really have you really you know something each year it just seems to grow and as my kids became older I could kind of do more and now I’m like yeah laces everyone and I’m just I’ve had so much fun I keep using the word fun and most people like Gabriel use that word too much but if I can’t describe my time more than the fact it’s a blast it’s so much fun you love you love I mean touring is that’s what artists like yourself that’s what they do this for is it that’s what I love doing I spent time being a mother and now I’m a grandmother and I loved it but now it’s my time this is my time now and I’m enjoying in what I’ve always loved doing but I spent a lot of time away from it and now it’s a case so no I don’t have to worry about oh I haven’t seen their school play or the the you know the the sports days all that kind of I’m like no hell now it’s my time well I want to I want to go back you mentioned this 30 years ago I want to go back then really cuz your childhood because because music was surrounding your childhood what you wanted to do yes but at the same time of that wasn’t it wasn’t it law that that’s right so when I first started doing a levels or atted to do levels I I started doing a level law and it seemed really interesting at the time but at the same time I was doing that I was starting to sing in nightclubs and I just thought if I don’t try I’ll never know was the when you were in those nightclubs you were doing that was that a thing that were you writing your own stuff then or is that WR no I tell you what I was always writing behind the scenes but when I was in the nightclubs it was like a little Club in the West End I was singing cover songs so luffa vros so amazing you know people were like oh you know she’s got voice like this but she sings this and I always wanted to sing my own songs but at the time it wasn’t the dumb thing for me because I actually hadn’t written one that people were that I thought that people were you know I wasn’t ready to kind of let people hear my new stuff because there is a uniqueness to your voice but then that makes it Timeless as well because you’ve even over the 30 years you’ve you’ve not followed Trends you’ve just done what you’ve always wanted to do do what I love doing I you know it’s the thing that when people label me they’re like Gabrielle the the you know the soul artist by my excuse me Sunshine um dreams um Out Of Reach hell no there’s a lot of songs that were not Soul inspired songs and um it’s a case of although I can do some Soulful songs but there’s some amazing singers out there who really warrant the Soulful singer title and I always feel like it’s not I don’t I feel almost like I’m beneath it but I just love the fact that my music is inspired by lots of pop music a bit of soul but I’m a pop kid at heart end the story but I want to talk to you about the dreams cuz that that been 30 over 30 years ago that that was qu had a difficult sort of start to its life for there’s several people there’s a lady that didn’t want you to do it and said that it was not good enough then there was a there was a somebody a lawyer that turned around it was actually my lawyer so when I first did the song um you know it was I wrote it you know to Tracy Chapman’s sample fast car and then by the time I got signed to a label it was a case of my lawyer I remember him specifically saying you know what why don’t you just forget about you know you’re young enough you can do lots of other new songs and I looked at him horrified and you know I’ve got to be honest the moment it went to number one he was fired we made amends he’s not my lawyer lawyer anymore but I just thought oh my God I didn’t that was your F that was your first ever first ever song going straight to number what was straight to number two then one yeah within about a week yeah yeah but what was that like for you for somebody like like like myself cuz you used to sit there on a Sunday pressing the pause button listening to the chart and do what you then do was that everything you ever wanted to be you know something um it’s one thing to be that that teenager listen to music you love every Sunday you know the top 40 charts and all of a sudden I’m going to be on that stage and then I’m on that stage it’s like oh my God dreams can come true but I never actually had dreams of me actually being on a top of the pop stage if I’m honest it wasn’t something I ever thought that far ahead to doing and also I came from a background where people used to laugh at me because I have a lazy eyelid and it you know if you turned on the TV there’s no woman at all visible that had an imperfection and so there I was in 1993 coming out of an eye patch having a lazy eyelid but it hadn’t been done as far as I know so the idea of that could be a different life that I could present myself and have success I actually didn’t think that far ahead I just wanted to sing let me sing anywhere you know Well you certainly did because I mean what success story and we we’re talking about you here cuz we’re talking we’re going to talk about your new tour as well we’re going to talk about that as well but I want to talk about the album as well because the great thing about this over the years you can now pick some amazing people that you work with and you’ve worked with some amazing people I mean the list is just amazing who you’ve been working with you managed to incorporate those people you know in in this album as well you know something I wish I’d work with her I supported her I opened up at BST for her and it was incredible but in terms of working you’ll find that I don’t really do many um how would I say Duets but for this album we have the incredible Mahalia who you know ended up on this album with me but yeah that’s you know and and besides working with her the rest was just me going in with my producer and for this album it was Ian barter because he is incredible I work with him on the under my skin album and I felt that when I worked with him he’d give me a sound that I felt I hadn’t had before and so I was able to with he’ll give you a bit of Soul bit he’ll give you a bit of Rocky Indie a bit of everything and I’m like uh-uh give it to me all don’t just you know put me in a a box and say this is what Gabrielle is because I write those songs so the moment I hear his music it depends on my feeling and what it invokes in me that day and that’s how we were able to bring out the well we’re going to listen to a little bit of it now the proofers in the pudding so this is this is from the new album yes it is yeah just check this out sorry doesn’t cut it this isn’t I want will I ever your heart [Music] again exactly where I should be on theide an empty space where I should be I’m sry all the [Music] IET [Music] Howry I’m disrespecting now I the pr High never lost it have you never lost it as well so just to recap what we got here we’ve got a little bit of lime salt pepper lime juice lime zest we’re going to take some fresh chili just a touch of green chili at the end this is the little sevish bit mix that together that’s I’m going just leave that to marinade now over here I’ve got some here some creme fresh so this is this is your classic creme fresh if you wrap it up in a little bit of muslin like that leave it overnight let it drip yeah you end up with it firming up and you can make an amazing dressing with this particularly with a sevish with some Elder flow cordial so you just take this we cut it wow get rid of that and then this sort of firms up wow and then you mix that together with elderflower cordial and it makes the most amazing dressing to go with this now at the beginning of this chat you you you mentioned the tour because I know that you know we mentioned the fact that artists love touring as well you just have a massive passion for it yeah I do especially now my kids are grown up and I get to do what I want got to go out the house 100% and not come back for ages so are you are you are you with a tour do you go with a tour bus or is that you right so I have my tour I call it my tour buggy yeah and um yeah we just kind of roll out and roll into the new place and and just do what we love doing and I’ve got an amazing band I have an amazing crew and I just have an amazing time and this tour as well cuz this is this is marking anniversaries for you 30 years in the business everything else but but to then go into this Arena tour as well these places where you going this me even more special it is it’s bit scary because I was speaking to my manager and she’s like no you got to remember that you were doing theaters now you’re not doing any of those theaters that you doing before we’ve up to level and I’m like what do you mean up a level she’s like right basically you’ve got ones that are Arena sizes they’re not saying they’re Arenas but that’s what they are and you’ve got all the Arenas that you’re also doing so I’m actually kind of in awe of the whole process because then I take it you cuz it’s not just then it becomes not just the singing I know when you when you’re in the theaters it’s very intimate it’s almost going back to not the clubs but I love the theat CU you can see the whes of people’s eyes and like that I suppose doing those kind of things you can’t see out there so it becomes a whole show it becomes more pressure it no it it probably does but because I I just plan to kind of bring to a bigger venue what I normally do but make it so that everyone can see everyone can hear and everyone can feel a part of the process and and just enjoy themselves and I just love it I mean when I was doing the shows last year year it was intimate I was having an acoustic set in the middle of my shows and you know so we take it down a few notches and you know and just do like an acoustic Vibe and so it’s now trying to incorporate what I do but making it a bit more special so I’m just looking forward to how it’s all going to play out and I get the feeling we we we we had Tony Hadley on the other day and and and singers as well that that when they’re successful in the ‘ 80s and the ’90s a lot of them go I don’t want to play the all stuff as well oh no that’s not me fatal mistake they’re really snobby aren’t they when they say that mean it’s got to be fatal M think so I think that as an artist but also a punter myself when you go to you know when you’re booking your ticket and there’s someone that you love usually you’re doing it because there’s particular songs that you know are their kind of hit and you want to hear those songs and I think that if you go to a show which by the way doesn’t happen at my shows I’m just letting you know if you want to come and see the hits you will hear the hits yeah as well as the new stuff that I do obviously but I always feel that by not playing what people know you for I think you’re being really selfish I I think so as well almost yeah you depriving people what they what they love and you know and also the stuff that the great thing about your music whether you go back to dreams but the stuff that went on to be in the movies yes I mean that must been a massive help really that I mean that one as well that that that to get the opportunity to have one of your songs as the main theme in in it that must been incredible put it out to a different audience what me it certainly does and it’s one of those things that you know it happened that particular time I wasn’t told I’m glad at the time when I was asked to read the book it was all done under a little secret CL tell everybody about if they don’t know what what what song was it what happened the song’s Out Of Reach I was given the book to Bridget Jones’s Diary um and just told like oh you’re going on holiday you fancy reading this book check it out anyway so by the time I got back and it was like oh what do you think of the book and I was like loved it how about writing for it I couldn’t be asked twice I literally went into the studio with my producer and he had the music ready for me and as soon as I heard it I knew instantly what I was going to write about and that’s how the song was born so look we’ve just got here I’m just building this up and assembling it up so we’ve got the cream dressing on there as well which is nice and simple I’ll just give you a little if you give me your there give me your finger there you get to have a taste of this this is amazing so all that is is I’m say all that all that is is cream cheese mixed with elder flow that is really nice it’s amazing and then what you do with that is you just take a little bit so this is just a touch the oil you can just put with it so this is just just a nice little bit this is a little bit chal to give it some texture on here few bits of pieces like that gorgeous on there and then finally we’re going to take this is some of this Vue which is it is amazing it tastes absolutely amazing and then I’ve just got a few little bits of herbs to go over the top but we just take a little bit of this and this just gets a little drizzle one over there this is very fancy but this is we do this in my restaurant and I absolutely love this dish oh that’s a lot don’t put that much on but you can waste it little bit of that little bit of that on there and then finally just a few herbs I’ve got a little bit of Dill a little bit of coriander right but there we have it not bad for our first little chat you’re going to stick around for the rest of the day as well we got more food for you as well yummy but there we have it my first dish a little bit of seas sish with an elder flow dressing few fresh herbs and some toasted pumpkin seats very nice easy [Applause] as [Applause] [Music] [Music] gorgeous well there you have it little Seabass little tell me what you think of that one wow it’s got lots of different flavors in there but this this this is fantastic this this a little bit of creem fresh you hang it overnight and you Elder flow it’s an amazing dress in this okay I want to take a see it’s really dainty have it with the cream dressing and the yeah bits and pieces yeah put a couple of bits in there nothing that’s going to hang out of my mouth and make my kids embarrass no no you’re fine we’ll cut to a different camera now cut to me there we go there we go there we gole beautiful oh oh it’s lovely really nice happy wonderfully show oh good starter amazing yeah it’s good we’re going to stick around we’re going to cook you a little tie green curry at the end of the show there you have it um that’ll be coming later on this morning and there’s a masterclass in asparagus coming your way and just a take but I’ll see you after the break we’re going be trying to solve some of your kitchen dilemas with a little bit of help from Chef Richard Corgan and Nick nand I’ll see you after the break it’s lovely that it it’s beautiful and refreshing it’s delicious it’s delicious welcome back now there’s still loads more to come for my guest Gabrielle later on this morning and we got a mclass and asparagus coming your way a little bit later but before that I’m here with these two chefs and we’re about to enjoy looking at some of the dishes you’ve been cooking at home while the bird song isn’t he great this fantastic spring spring is here I think that’s sort of yeah we haven’t got that yeah that’s the helicopter coming to pick him up as well in the distance so we thought we look at some of the dishes you’ve been cooking at home first off Steven Lynch uh had created this amazing dish of hadock with a chili parmesan and panco crust to go with that over the top and now I did a mask on hadock a few weeks ago everybody seemed to enjoy I did a did that famous sort of Gary Rose dish you know with smoked bit with the Tomato the tomatoes on the I said Chester certain age will know this dish off the back of their heart literally it’s a very very famous dish that but cracking there next up we’ve got a photograph from Melanie Crosby who served at venison with bra rhubarb and blackberry sauce I know you’re a big fan of venison as well both of you very unsung at DIS very un and finally top marks this week goes to Andy Holmes just check this my goodness he celebrated his friend’s birthday by making this barbecued po po pie I mean that’s so East End London honestly it is just the right color as it’s a Hackney pie yeah hacky pie Ser it one his little green it looks amazing that there you go and now as well as your photographs we’ve had loads of questions about food and cooking so I thought I’d have a go answering a few of them right now so if that’s all right by you too there’s some good questions in today so I’ve got to put my glasses on for this one uh right have after watching a m class on how to chop things uh without taking your fingers off I want to know what the worst injury this is from David is TR you’ve ever had in the kitchen yourself uh cuted my finger yeah that’s quite a major one yeah that was when I was very young very young I mean I’ve chopped a fingernail off too many times but the worst one I had was in Ready Steady Co and I opened the oven I got a steam bur right on the inside of my arm and the nurse she put this stuff on it and wrapped me up and cling F and I went home with the plane like this get your arm up get your arm up and and the next day actually was kind of okay it didn’t blister it was um some kind of aloe vera s of stuff SP on it there you go but it was really really sore right this is Helen uh Helen well well uh just bought herself a clay Tandoor this is a this is a met clay Tandoor for cooking in the garden have you got any good tips for cooking in them you may correct long long kind of Turkish barbecue kind of shs in them is fantastic and I mean bread made in any class of an oven is always good outside as well so mean and remember to get different thicknesses of skewers as well that’s the key to it I’ve got them hung up over there the thinner ones for the fish the thicker ones for the meat the skew is the key to it it Cooks the inside as well at the same time and if you get the ones that are too thin or too thick then it falls off the so so do your research on how to cook it the thickness of the skewers is the and the tandu needs to be really hot really really especially if you got you’ve got a clay one which will you generally be either gas or it’ll be uh electric well it could even be charcoal as well but just get it really really hot that’s the key to it um so I’ve got some lovely monkfish tail this is Joe Ford um she’s planning on roasting it what sauces or vegetables would you serve with it monk fish I love it it love it l spices it loves kind of Indian iing it loves uh you know any anything that you would do with a bit of meat can be done with a bit of mfish but my favorite way of doing it is to cut it into really thin slices and marinate with a little bit of lemon juice then I make a sauce with lentils and creme fresh and a little bit of Curry spices and then I put the monfish in just at the end I just fold it all through so you all the flavor of the monkfish and the lentils the earthiness and then the spices as well and it’s a kind of unusual thing and fresh I I the same I do like a chasser sauuce with it like a chicken chass but I don’t use fish stock I use chicken stock with it yeah if you use that and then serve it with the pieces of monk fish that you pan fried and just put it in it with mashed potatoes I mean right no I mean a whole monkfish on on a kind of a big platter it’s something beautiful to share with I mean it’s my type of cooking but clams clams muscles cockles in a pot with some wild garlic leaves you know the juices of the whole thing bake it in the oven just put the whole thing over the monkfish tails and just dig in so Anna Brooks uh love broad beans grow loads of them in a garden uh what we do with them abundance of broad beans well you know Savory of any description is a good is a good man he just butter and black black pepper that’s was raw olive oil just to squeeze the lemon juice sea salt delicious even with a little bit of mint in the dress Del Del the key is don’t let them get too big no no and there’s a lot of work attach to them when they’re big as well but you got to take off the strings on the other side you got double pod them if they’re massive as well yeah uh right why does Jim Robbins uh why does my food seem to always stick to my walk when frying it Pine’s too cold there you go what oil should I use don’t use sesame oil I learned that neutal neutral oil yeah so Ken har story film with Ken and uh Ken says the walk can never be too hot right filming cut and break come back walks the PS the explodes and FL can goes like ah walk too hot but the key to that really is is you need a hot walk but but also use test me all as as seasoning rather than rather than cooking not cooking so I got one last question uh LTE in Oxfordshire um has got an abundance of cetes in a garden what would I do with an abundance of cett well first of I would use the flowers as well so flowers are amazing in a little tempura batter deep fried when you get the short cett as well the small ones and it keeps on giving a good C plant I mean it keeps on giving and giving uh Japanese greater H long long fine pieces Grace it lightly salted chop Basel olive oil and eat it on a pit of to bread I think it’s the finest thing with a crochette I think it’s better almost the pure natural flavor of the vegetable raw yeah cuz it’s it’s high water content and when you cook it it tends to you know but you can roast it and you can barbecue it and it Cooks up the Italians the lovely fried ones which is a little bit flour and just a little bit lemon and Sal delicious you can grate them and make them into um little patties you know you b a little bit of egg white I like you say just nice and simple just raw raw something is something you know really good really good no bigger than they’re great crochett are great I’ll be honest stay away from the big ones go for the smaller ones as you said grate them and and by the way just after salting them just squeeze them gently without bruising them and then just mix them some basil and olive oil yeah delicious delicious there you go lunch started there we have it I love doing those it’s like it’s like Gardener question time for food knowledge the knowledge exact knowledge this is exactly yeah now there’s you like to learn about a food or cooking then did get in touch we see if you can answer them on the future shows now keep your pictures and videos coming in as well we’ love to see what you inspire to cook at home that pie was pretty spectacular out of that group was it uh right it’s time to get more cooking down now as my second course will be cooking for Gabrielle a little bit later don’t miss this week’s little master class in asparagus that’s banging season right now that’s coming up in a bit but I’ll say see you back here in a couple of minutes when this gentleman will be cooking a lovely DOA saw one of my favorite fish looking forward to that celebrate celebrate the big 60th I thought we’ have to bring in some goodies 60 60 60 there we go I’ll see you after the [Music] break coming up now I’ll be giving you some recipes and recipe ideas for asparagus and this week’s little Mass class I’ll be chatting some more to my amazing guest Gabrielle a little bit later but first I’m here with Nick Nan and we’re about to enjoy a dish from a chef whose’s passion for food and cooking is as great today he’s he’s getting his knife and forks ready as he started out of this business more than 40 years ago it’s the legend Mr Richard Corgan it’s always a pleasure having the show mate it’s nice to have you cooking inside usually you’re burning up half the forest outside with a we try or Chef’s called C fire exactly this is something to celebrate though because you’re celebrating a big milestone in your life 6 we two in the last week and a half uh it’s it’s it’s it’s a big number for us you know cuz you just feel you know you feel as if it’s much changed or not cuz I’m I’m I’m early 50s at the moment you’re 65 looking good for 65 I know I think I carried more stress in 30s and 40s and 50s yeah I think in my 60s I realized you know you’re you’re not Empire Building anymore yeah yeah hopefully hold on to what you’ve got I’ll be honest with you and but I am as passionate now more even more now than I was a turkey different kind of passion it’s more educational yeah so this this is a little Master Class of its own really cuz I’m looking through the the I mean the quality of ingredients that we’ve got in here morel’s Lobster doel this is pretty special well I think spring spring says a lot spring says Garden Spring says sea as well Lobster is always lovely May June July August September I just love so what are you going to do with it then what’s this dish I made a little stuffing from the trimming the skirt of the sole yeah cuz I hate waste and I like to get as maximum value out of a piece of fish as possible yeah so you know two fillets of over salt done this way is will will will feed you with of course half a ler as well so yeah we’re going we’re going to get this so done first yeah so you want me to do the Lobster at the same time so the lobster you just launched launched 2 and 1/2 minutes ice ice bat and I want you to just take all the shells and crush them as as as quickly and uh as small as possible I can’t believe you two guys are cooking lobster Doo moral is it really it’s so this well it is your birthday as well so yeah so these these these do so they’ve had a bit of a trip on the way here they little had yeah they were on a moped last night and uh lucky I’m luckily I’m still living H speed you came you came off the said more Dam Dam dam came off it last night in furnace you know and uh I’m okay the Soul’s got a little bit of got more damage than you have little bit damage but In fairness now I’ve done I’ve just season a little bit of butter in the bottom of the pan the skirt by the way the moose in the skirt is basically the skirts of the D Soul H melted butter cream and egg white caned pepper salt and a little bit of chopped Dill now I said that you have been in this business for over 40 years now yeah I I’m going to say this I’ve not actually said to you before but I think if you look at in terms of restaurants if you want to picture a restaurant I would said you and the late great Michel R Senor as right up there I love what is it what is it about you what what how what is it the Magic Touch what is it do you know what do you put it down to I did keeping keeping you know I was in your office earlier and I had to I grabbed a lovely book Steven Terry just talking about his restaurants and I just thought you know wow you know I knew Stephen in London yeah and I think you always have to read and look and I’m I’m very nosy I’m always I never Fed Up of anything but I love the way you’re cook the way you cook though it’s a bit like it it’s it’s similar to Ron blong it’s similar you you you’ve got a method to it but you’re just going I’ll it’s instinctive it’s it is instinctive but I mean there’s aor Soul it’s very expensive Ador soul and it’s very rich maybe to have one yourself you didn’t go in the oven for around four and a half minutes four and a half minutes in four and a half minutes so I’m going to put the peas in there as well and I’ll take a little bit of that shalot as well in there put that on there so your restaurants as well so you’ve got Bentley Bentley I’m iconic building as well iconic restaurant bendy’s is a is a is is a lovely sweet beautiful Oyster House I defy anyone to have the choice of oysters from L Ryan in Scotland to dny Gaul I mean we you know we have we treat oysters there with amazing reference and I keep saying to everyone if a company owned at bentle that probably Fire have to start they CH the bakery down they would get rid of the fishmonger and they’ buy everything and potion as you know things happen we have fish mongers we have Bakers and I love it and it’s also it’s a great watering hole because the last time I was in bent is I walked out I bumped into him and pi cof and yeah that’s so in here is what you’ve got coconut milk tomatoes and the whole key to this dish tiny bit of tiny bit of water in there you can put in yeah but the whole key to making this is don’t you usually thing put in a half a pint of water or chicken stock it doesn’t need it little bit of milk bit bit of cream yeah and it’s delicious yeah and you just just turn it off simmer it off i’ bring it a little bit more a little bit more then turn it a little bit more and then turn it off and just leave it there to infuse my sauce made we just pass it out I love it so that’s that one fish just goes in the see this is why I love the gentleman don’t it’s if you want to see Chef’s cook this is this is how Chef’s cook it’s just so you’ve got Morel in there but you’re very generous with your you’re very generous with your time with your your restaurant that’s the key to it your I think you know I’m not I’m not mean you know what I mean I treat you know some people I spend it like sailor some people hoarded like misers and I I I just you know I mean honestly I mean you know I’m off to somebody’s funeral tonight I’ll be honest with you the great Vince power you know the music promoter you know what I mean really who famously put on Prince in the hob Farm in Kent and lost 5 million running a festival I mean some people spend it some people you know put on second talking about festivals you’re about to go in embarking festivals as your own as well yeah we’re going to do a little uh a long weekend of buddies from London I’m going to be honest with you they are my buddies from London and so is this would this be Hicks and hi will be there strange will be there right you Angela haret is going to be there so you know what I mean really people I’ve known on my journey yeah so when does this when does this Festival happen the festival happens next November and it really is the the best of the nicest of cooks and we finished with a long table dinner of my pigs and it is going to be and and really what I do in here is just a tiny bit of butter and you don’t need a lot no no just to enrich it right this is lots of different things going on here can I just say on this show we have we have a couple of people uh to to write the recipes down while chefs are cooking this one’s going to be interesting oh my God that’s you made a good got head in the hand you made a good sauce yeah happy with that I think that’s really good good good so the broad beans go in lots of broad beans in there yeah and that’s what I just do is James we just put these to bed all right in that sauce so I’m going to take a and look at it it’s still it’s still there lovely this is died and gone to heaven stuff this is prettyy no no we we just want it to be just to bake very gently look at that it’s beautiful just gently and we have a plate here two plates here and just really and then we have our two plates here just warmed that through fantastic for the chef happy with that and I think the key the key to really have a little bit of just that in there just a little a little bit of wild garlic in at the end yeah not you don’t need a lot but it’s just lovely a little garlic in there it’s just beautiful and I’m just going to let that cook down very gently and then we’re just going to take one sec yeah there you go now the key to this is really get your sauce on first go loads of that wow thank you James I’ll clean up after you don’t worry and then we have our it’s just it’s just glorious glorious is what it is it’s a very special treat this does it yeah and you don’t want anything too well cooked you know everything is just should have a bite in it and the lobster look at that it’s just Japanese style beautiful so you blanch that and then just just literally warm it warm it just warm it in there in in it it just does not need any cooking lobster is just like a prone just very gently I don’t think really needs too much and then look at this this is I’m going to have to taste one of these little bit more that little bit more died and G to heav just just but for all these exuberant there’s a restraint in that is it a delicacy yeah yeah yeah it’s you don’t want to boil and Fry you just want to you know it’s a little bit of a bit of an opera isn’t it bit of belly dancing you know what I mean really you know you you don’t want to come across as just you know here we are get a shovel and put it on the plate you know what I mean but there is dishes that are out for celebratory dishes we shouldn’t forget why we’re on this Earth is to enjoy our lives just so give us the name of this dish it’s stuffed Soul fillet Lobster broad beans and peas and somewhere else ladies and Gentlemen by the legend Mr Richard [Applause] [Music] [Music] Corgan B Nick this it just feels like thank you happy birthday Chef thank you very much the greatest birthday it’s nice and FK there if you want the taste you got have taste of this a there is a I love do all so many amazing flavors all working together not against one though but it’s not overstated it’s proper cooking cooked by a restaurant Legend there we are MIT Gan everybody that is amazing that is amazing uh right Nick we’re trying to top Trump Richard’s recipe that’s what it says on there good luck with that one there’s nothing left in the budget and I’ll be treating Gabrielle to a spot of lunch that’s fishing chips at the end of The Show by the sounds of things uh but I’ll see you back here in a couple of minutes we’re showing you how to make the most of this season’s asparagus in another one of my master classes I’ll see you in a bit how special was that that is it’s delicious that [Music] welcome back now I’ll be making a tie green curry for my guest Gabrielle later on this morning and Chef Nick n will be serving up a classic beef dish that’s coming up next but first it’s time for this week’s masterclass and this week I thought I’d take a look at an ingredient that’s absolutely banging season at the moment and that’s asparagus it’s one of my favorite ingredients that and probably Jersey rooll potatoes which is also banging season at the moment so you’re faced with asparagus how do you cook it what do you do with it well I’m going to do three different ways of sort of utilizing it and cooking it really we’re going to do one stra on the char grill which is brilliant on the barbecue I’m going to make one into a simple little soup and then I’m going to show you how to Simply cook one but first of all preparation of it now depends on the chef how you prepare asparagus some people will take a little knife like that and trim it all up when peel it other chefs will just take off these little bits over here some people will then tell you to break it I actually don’t do this I don’t break break it until it snaps I don’t like that idea they say that this is the tender bit this isn’t what I would do is take the part where it starts to change color so you can see on this little asparagus stem like this as it starts to change color that’s where I would trim it off there now i’ use this for compost tape as well so we just take this asparagus Spears as it starts to change color we’re just going to cut through that’s that like I said put those on the compost like that and then we have our simple little asparagus Spears over here when the banging season like this I don’t snap them I don’t peel them cuz I love all the nice little flavor from it as well so you just get that as it is now when you’re going to cook them plenty of boiling salted water which that is and I’m just going to just pop them into the boiling water they’re going to take about a minute minute and a half depending on the size of the spears that’s what you want now I’ve got some iced cold water over here to stop it from cooking this is the The crucial bit this is going to be the cold sered one we’re going to do that with a little vinegarette the simple soup one we can take our asparagus like this and we can chop this all up the same sort of process applies where this starts to change color we can then take that cut it through but then for this one because what you don’t want to do with this bar cuz he’s overcook it that’s the key to it you want going to do is just chop this up nice and small and then I’m going to use the entire lot to make a wonderful little soup very very simple little soup so get some butter pop that into your pan take your asparagus whole lot and start popping it into the pan now this is going to cook ever so gently like that in there so you’re not frying it you just softening it up in a little bit of butter in there we’re going to put touching milk just some full fat milk and a little bit of cream touch you that and then what I want to is just bring this to the boil now the same process applies really when you’re cooking this what you don’t want to be doing is overcooking either of these the same when you want to just sort of Simply char grill them or roast it to char grill them just to show you again this is where you can peel the stems as well so if you want to do it slightly differently what I would do is again sort of get in the process of just trimming it like that we get to there and then you can take your peeler and then you peel these like say like I say some people will take these little points off there and just leave it like that other shfs will either cut around here and then peel the remainder alternative what you can do is just peel them like this it’s just a different way to prepare them so if you wanted to sort of char grill these which I’m going to do obviously the thinner stems I would just leave them as they are otherwise you’re going to take most of the asparagus away but but take a little bit of that so there are two main tipes of asparagus white or green now Green is grow outside well they’re both grown outside really but the white one they grow it in darkness usually in sort of not in sheds like sort of force rhubarb but usually in sort of black poly tunnels or or or covered over with sort of black plastic like that they just deprive it of daylight and what you end up with is white asparagus that highly prized white asparagus that has a shorter season but it’s a thicker stem and you treat this slightly differently you have to peel white asparagus and you have to cook it for a lot longer so usually it’s going to take about sort of 5 6 minutes to cook asparagus white asparagus rapidly boiling water this one you can see it’s nice and simply cooked like this the way to test it is just take a little knife pop it in that’s it once it’s soft that’s then ready not too soft little bite to it what I do with this really is just pop it in ice coold water this is just going to stop it from cooking and you see it retains the color from this really nicely so it’s a good idea if you’re going to do this asparagus and you want to do it for sort of salads and bits and pieces that is how I would do it now if you wanted to cook them straight onto the barbecue which let’s face it is also delicious what you’re going to do with that is just take a touch of oil now any oil will do little bit of oil like that roll that around I tendency don’t put any salt and pepper on yet I do that afterwards so you can then just take your Spears and just pop them straight on the barbecue like that so roll them around in the oil like that and that’s that one done so meanwhile going to create a little dressing with this because this is nearly nearly done we can lift this all out and there is your beautiful blanch asparagus beers you can see you’ve got that lovely color from it as well really simple to do your aspiral I can just see is just cooking away nicely just ever so slightly just check this you know and then just roll it around it’s going to take about sort of 2 minutes over the coals like this you could if you wanted to just put it under the grill again with a little oil in the oven under the grill or roast it you a really hot oven again nice and hot oven either way so you’ve got a nice little bit of asparagus just to dress this like that you can take this simple little classic French style dressing is delicious for this chut your mustard little bit of white wine vinegar one part vinegar three parts vegetable oil mix that together some black pepper bit of salt and if you wanted to a few little bits of chopped parsley but either way nice and quick nice and simple now keep your irony soup a bit like what we cooked the asparagus we don’t want to overcook this even though it’s in a soup lot of people think just soup in general is just vegetables just boiled all together you do need to keep your eye on it make sure you don’t overcook it so that soup I can see is now ready you keep the lovely color from this aspar as well we just roll these around you can you see how quickly these start to sort of char on here this we’re just going to serve with some melted butter put that along there and a little bit of salt which is that one just done nicely so roll these around like that keep your eye on them looking good so a little dressing over this one that’s your nice little vinegarette for that one which I’m going to finish off so spoon and a lovely little vinegarette over the top and then this is where we can then sprinkle it with a little bit of sea salt over the top and a touch of crack black pepper that it’s just a lovely way to serve asparagus as it is then we’ve got a nice little bit of char grill ones which is nice and simple which is not that far off for this I’m just going to serve it with a touch of melted butter like that now if you noticed I haven’t put any salt and pepper on this yet because particularly going to grill them on a barbecue it’s just going to burn and the salt’s going to fall off anyway and I think rock salt with this is just delicious but you can see look you got your lovely little Spears perfectly cooked you keep the color of these like that these are these lovely Char grilled Spears really simple again just on the barbecue just a little bit of melted butter and then some salt you can either use sea salt this is where you want to use a little bit of amazing sea salt this is FL toell from from France usually from the kar but this this tastes amazing with the asparagus just sprinkled over the top like that I would stay away from things like table salt so you get this real sort of crunch with this as well which is really nice and then little bit of butter and then we can just pour the butter over the top and then we have that one one with a classic French dressing one with a little bit of butter finally we’re then going to take our soup and the soup to keep the color of this even more we’re then going to take some parsley I’m just going to pop that in there and when it goes into the blender the parley when it’s still hot will keep the color nice so we’re going to pop that all into here touch your cream and then give this a blitz it’s a bit noisy so while that’s Blitz in we’ll take a shot of some pretty [Music] flowers now you can see the longer you blend it the greener it goes so a lot of people are asking about these blenders why do you do it in this blender and not one with a blade um you just do it because you want to make it much finer and finer and finer and finer when it’s a good machine like this you don’t need need to pass it you see this beautiful color you get from it as well it’s just delicious and you get that but you don’t lose any of the amazing flavor so particularly with soups salt is I always think the key to this like that a little bit of salt and pepper touch like this and we can grab a bowl whatever Bowl you put it in it also looks really nice we grab a ladle and you’ve got this amazing color of this soup now also what’s great about asparagus is you can have it raw so you don’t even need to cook it and you can finish this off with again a little bit of raw asparagus so get yourself spear like this trim this bit off and then you can use a peeler and just peel it all the way through like this and whether you have it raw on salads sometimes chess will like to just blanch this and blanch it not in boiling water but in iced coold water it really freshens up these asparagus pieces but these on top of of a soup like that with a touch of double cream over the top and as you can see you’ve made yourself sort of three dishes the great thing about seasoning ingredients this you have to do so little with them but whether you’re doing it a little bit of oil as you go but there you have it sort of three variations using one of the finest ingredients that’s available right now the season only lasts with between 8 and 10 weeks and the great thing about asparagus you ever see this stuff grow 24 hours later if the conditions are right once you cut it that’ll grow to be a whole asaros again but it’s an amazing ingredient and now you know three simple ways of how to cook it easy is that now there’s anything You’ like to learn about a little Mas then do get in touch we see if we can help out right here on the show time now for a quick break but join me again in a couple of minutes when one of Scotland’s finest chests Mr nickn will be firing up the Hobs I’ll see you in a bit it’s lovely stuff this [Music] welcome back now I’ll be serving up a show stopping Tha green curry for my guest Gabrielle that’s coming up next but first Richard’s gone walk about somewhere and we’ll try and track him down for later on in the show but I’m going to get a taste of the Highlands from a Man Behind Some of Scotland’s finest restaurants it’s the fabulous good mate of mine Mr Nick n thank you very much thank you very much it’s always a pleasure to have you in the house so and it’s even when you got a nice little bit of shaton which you brought with you there yeah well this is a nice bit of Highland beef um this is the shadow which is the head of the filet and this dish is medallions be filet which were peppered do whiskey mush sauce it’s the kind of thing I started doing this dish about 40 years ago and as I became a sort of more you know upscale Chef I try to stop doing it took off the menu with oh I’m not coming unless we you got tasty tasty grub like this don’t mess around with it yeah um so sometimes I use the shatter sometimes I use the tail you wouldn’t use the the center cut you keep that for you are kind of SP I mean you know how much I love Scotland as well I do you are kind of spot for choice and spot for ingredients there aren’t you we have got some of the finest ingredients on the planet right on our doorsteps whether it’s you know meat like this or uh whether it’s fish and shellfish um we have the lot did you appreciate that growing up as a kid been a chef or um no I didn’t I really didn’t because um my dad was very plain eater um and um I just never really got into food at all until I kind of left school joined the man Navy a navigator not as a chef yeah quite a lot of pepper on these pepper and beef I I love beef and pepper what got you into the Navy then what was that what was that the travel side of it or what was that yeah no I went to travel I want somebody else to pay for it rather than me pay for it myself yeah typical tight Scot and uh so I I I spent seven years Bing around the world and uh discovered that food could really be quite an amazing kind of thing yeah um and whilst I was there I mean I did no cooking at all it was just eating and I decided that I was going to open a restaurant um when I when I came out the na it’s just like one of these things o bit of oil be great yeah bit of veg oil oil first P nice and hot for it heavily peppered good bit of salt so nice as seasoned so you’re going to flash those just for a second not not going to get a little bit color on them yeah and now turn them out on to clean I have one ready for you you did yeah clean that thank you very much forgot how much you look after well there you go I’m even s the tap on for Youk very much and I’ll switch it off for you as well the things I do for these lot you see oh man I love it here um so we’re just going to get a little bit of color on these so um always think oil for heat and then little bit of butter for color and flavor um and then take them out let them rest and make a little soft yeah so the sauce for that you’ve got some shot you want me to slice the mushrooms if you just yeah slice them um not too thinly yeah I great that’s well we got a selection of now everything’s back home for you is it now in Scotland last yes last cuz you you did go through a kind of it was like plain strains and aov it was it was flood fire flood uh pandemic so we had pestilence right but the the thing that I’ve been amazed that is the the support that we’ve had from not just our uh our our customers but our staff you know they’ve been absolutely fantastic and that has just kind of re-energized me and maybe think about our business um a little bit shots into the the Scots in terms of restaur very loyal do you think yeah and and I mean our customers been brilliant you know during the we the fire in Bri lot and came to Lake MTH uh we had a sort of popup restaurant in there um and and they’ve continued um to support us and I think it’s really important you small inde dependent restaurants are incredibly important to any kind of economy you know if if you don’t have good neighborhood restaurants you’re going to lose that that’s the pubs and everything else in it doing that as well you beos brazer small restaurants but they’re owned by I don’t guess real people do you know what I mean who who care about what they’re doing they care about training they care about reinvestment um all of these things that go to make so did you did you actually to change any of the restaurants when you when you came to reopen them you did that give you the ethos to change it or you just thought we got a very smart kitchen because it got burned down so the first kitchen I’ve ever had has been designed on a bit of paper rather than trying to shoehorn everything into space and everything’s got place and everything works amazing it’s amazing it I’m I’m hooked I’ve never gone back that’s right so this is the sauce that you got in here a few Morales just dried Morales but you been soaked in water so you want some of the liquor from that as well or not I would like a little bit of liquor just going to let that just soften the a little bit yeah yeah and you go beautiful thank you very much look that so that’s a little bit of the liquor from the from the mushrooms as well and then you’re going to use the the they’re just resting all of those juices that come out here they’re going to go back in there cuz that’s pure flavor and then the stockwise you’ve got a little bit of stock in here add that in there little bit be stalk not too much just let that reduce down a fairly high heat classic whiskey sauce then it’s a classic whiskey sauce whiskey we keep that for the last um chopped going do a little bit of rocket and Parmesan with that okay I’m going to then drain the potato is off as well thank you very much we just do a little bit of butter a little bit of chives so just some rocket in here got of seasoning salt important I think the seasoned salads a lot people don’t salt and pepper little bit of oil we use some olive oil this time that’s the dark B St there yeah tackable yeah perfect little bit in there a little bit and lemon juice I love lemon juice in rocket parmesan rather than uh and this is the proper wild rocket is yes it is the peppery stuff the really peppery one yeah I was add a bit of lemon juice in there not balsamic quite often people put balsamic in I don’t would you mind gring a little bit of uh parmes into that I’ll just so the other idea is you reduce this to intensify the flavor is it intensify the flavor thicken up the sauce you know it’s it’s kind of modern sauce in the old days you’ve added a bit of uh Burman or something thicken up and you must have seen a big change in terms of cooking so what people want to learn yeah no I’ve changed the classes they old classes are all new um kind of themed them R about Cuisines of French Italian Japanese Mexican um I love that and um I’ve been really cream uh but whiskey whiskey and the cream whisky first right uh so just any old kind of and the cream after you was I was thinking doing that yeah I’m a bit of pyromaniac you don’t to that makes absolutely zero difference to the taste of it touch your cream nice cream beautiful thank you there you go and it’s just classic sauce it’s so easy to do um those reduction uh sauces um flavor you smell out whiskey is lovely um little taste delicious little bit more salt um rocket parmesan you’ve got some butter potatoes there pop them on the plate yeah we’re just going to take the uh medall I say this is very simple food for you this one super simple yeah normally I’m a little bit more complicated yeah um I also feel it’s quite Scottish you know you could do it with venison or or beef we’re good at meat in Scotland Not Just Fish um and in the kind of autumn or in in the summer going into Autumn you know I get our own wild mushrooms our own seps and shantell and you live in a m mentioned Scotland but you live an amazing part of Scotland as well beautiful part of Scotland which is the trus which is the sort of the bit between the the highlands and the lowlands it’s that that the boundaries bit of everything which is bit of everything and in fact I I think you and I have gone mushroom Gathering that very part was it was always remember that as well it was amazing yeah yeah I’ve got some I’ve got some photographs but this you could do with venison as well do with venison um we we do that in venon we kind of seam bone honch venison right and um I’ve done it with loads of different things but it’s just a dish that works and are you still in the kitchen now cuz if you don’t mind me saying you know you’re 65 65 are you still in the kitchen now not really yeah but you still you still love it as much as you J I’m around the business you know I’m I’m I’m in there I’m around the business I talk to the chefs every day and I go between the different sites um I I still love what I do I don’t think I could ever retire I just love it too much that’s why you’re here as well as well we’ll still be here long way continue as well but give us the name of this dish uh pepper mam beef fillet with whiskey mushroom sauce little rocket and Parmesan salad and some like butter potatoes yeah Nick n [Applause] [Music] everybody can I dive in fire in fire in yeah dive in and things that get on together do you know what I mean it’s like bit of beef fillet bit of whiskey bit of mushrooms bit of cream uh and people have be worried about that beef youve SE it you left it to and it just goes in the sauce for minute again and it’s perfectly cooked look it’s just delicious no mushrooms and a little bit whiskey at the end you know this is the kind of stuff I eat at home you know the fany Stu I don’t don’t take it off the menu though this is this is there no wonder people go crazy if you take that off this a best s keep it on men it’s delicious there you have it Nick everybody thank you much right we got time for one more final recipe this morning so John is again in a couple of minutes we’re be serving up a delicious Thai green curry for my guests in fact all my guests including Gabrielle see you in a [Music] bit welcome back to the last part of the show but I’m back in the kitchen with all my guests at Richard Nick and the brilliant guest Gabrielle woo now we got one final dish for you as well fun final dish we’re going to do a a nice little TI green curry sauce but I’m going to use the Bones from the fish as well which I’ve rusted in the oven as well we got beautiful little bit of sea Bast this is line C seast from Coral the source for this I’ve got some gallon gal over here I’ve got some lemongrass I’ve got some Lime Leaf some chili garlic chelot I’m going to basically salort it off together and I’m going to make the sauce using the Bones from the the fish as well bit like when you’re doing the lobster you don’t want to get all you want to keep all those flavors but I’m going to then roast the bones off as well that’s going to go in there as we slice it all up which is I’m going to get this on as well so little bit of shalot as well I forgot to after you do do you do you are you any good in the kitchen or is that this this this is you’re all shaking your head while I was a even going to think say I don’t even not even I am not embarrassed my kids would tell you like just keep me out but um not even at all that’s his no I I’ll cook a a Christmas dinner and that’s about it once a year so where we didn’t even mention this where does your love of music come from where is was that your childhood where where where does that love of music come from my love I always say I’m an 80s poptart because growing up in the 80s being a teenager you got a group of us well there you go being you know like at home my mom was a young mom she you know she’s only 17 years old than me so I was used to having lots of music in the house and there was me and my three brothers and then by the time I got to an age where you know you’re going to school you’re listening to the top 40 you just have a love of like music and 80s pop music was just my thing so forever and then I started writing my first song like when I was 13 14 so it never left me but I just always love music always and writing about I mean I often think with with that WR writing your first cookbook is hard enough it is that’s a bit complex no but but for you I mean write it because it’s it’s it’s personal it’s yes you you but you’re so young when you’re doing it when I was writing when I was young it was just like little pop tities that I poetry I really love poetry due to an English teacher I had and I just took from you know the start of writing poems of being able to turn them into songs so for me when you’re young and you don’t know about the deepest darkest things of life you’re just having a light-hearted approach to just life and that’s where my you start with the words just um no sometimes sometimes it’s just a little melody or an idea and then the word yeah the words but sometimes I can’t even say just the words sometimes a little Vibe will hit me musically and for me me the moment I hear the music it invokes something in me it like speaks to me and it’s just my duty to write what I’m feeling that I’m sorry that’s you know simple as it’s great but it leads us on to the this album as well cuz this is album number I couldn’t tell you I’m not I’ve never counted I I don’t look over there cuz I no I never is it really I’ve never count in my life and I I don’t know I just never felt the need to I just do what I do but it’s album 10 cuz you celebrating the 30 years that’s right but I can’t believe it’s like you oh my God but you but also when you speak to musicians like yourselves who had you hugely popular back then yeah they they still can’t pinch yourselves it’s the pinch yourselves moments you can’t believe it that’s me but I feel like it’s you I’ve interviewing you several times now I still can’t believe my luck you say it’s luck but you you work hard you so work so hard at it that’s the thing I do but that’s because I just feel really blessed that I get to do what I love doing as you’re doing what you love doing but I know for a fact that there was a time in my life where I was kind of pushed to do like a normal job because aspiring to be a singer songwriter was not a proper job do you know what I mean and that when you know parents parents are funny because right now they like oh no I’ve always been behind you my mom was but then there’s that that fear that they have and they’re like I think you should get a proper job so um you know I had to kind of what was that like then because we touched on earlier that you you were you were studying law and and going on to study law what was that F that first initial conversation that you go back back to your mom and go I want to do this I want to do music and you were singing in a club and going really really and then run if you had a Caribbean parent then you know for anyone to go carer it’s not easy but uh you know being born and raised here so obviously we have the cheekiness of being British so it’s case of not not that we could be cheeky to our parents yeah um but my thing was you know what Mom I’m young enough that if it doesn’t work out I’ve got the rest of my life to kind of buckle down and do a a decent degree so um that was the kind of conversation turned out all right it turned out all right so so we just got here the cheffy look over there pan frying a nice little bit of fish the sauce I’ve made we got this these bones that I put in I’ve roasted these bones we’re going to blend them all up bit like you you used the Bones from the the uh Lobster earlier I’m going to take these bones this is the first initial blend so we take all this mixture and I’m going to blend it all up and then pass it to a SI and then reblend it again so we’re going to take this while it’s still hot stick that on there blend it all up stop that and then we need a fine SI for obvious reasons now if you can then sauté me off the greens which are in there take a little bit of that gobins out we’re then going to pass this through a Sie there we go that’s this one pass that through so I’ve got the greens on there you can pass that through that’ll be great please chef and then on the pan yeah straighten a nice hot pan that’s going to go in there as well so we going to pass that off and then going to re it once to wash the machine out with some Greenery so we got some spinach I’ve got some basil I’ve got some coriander going in there as well but I mean of all the artists as well touring is your big thing so you’re just about to go well just about to go I tiet it’s about to go on sale yes for this for this monster tour for you as well so tell everybody about that right so 2025 April 2025 I’m going to be embarking on a an arena tour which is something I haven’t done for years I don’t think I’ve supported other artists but to actually be embarking on one is my solo tour it’s really exciting I have an incredible band I did a 32 date tour last year so I’m really chucked and and I’m ready I’m like this is going to be a walk in the park that’s what I feel anyway because it’s less States but a lot more people and just a lot of more fun a lot more joy for me that must be I mean to walk out on there must be incredible you mentioned the fact you supported I mean you’ve supported some Mega artists as well I have I certainly have I I’ve supported um simpy red I’ve done something with Culture Club I’ve done oh my God Al Green you know lion Richie the list I could go on you know something she’s the creme creme Adele Want You Adele asked for you because she listen and I think she was annoying everybody because they wanted bigger Stars than me and I was just really happy to kind of go out and have her watch me in her rollers you know she’s like the queen right she’s incredible so I was like oh my God she’s come out and she’s got her rollers on can do that she look Flipping Fantastic and she wanted you because she used to listen yeah she was like no I just want women she just had a load of us women opening up for British summertime 2022 so it’s like okay and then one fascinating story that I’ve got you could have performed with I think one of the greatest of the greatest Prince and you bottled it what what what on Earth Gabel what what so we was in Abu Dhabi and we I’d been there performing and Prince is like you know he was like this Mega he is a he was a mega star and he would literally go come to a town find out who the artists were and gather you around it was like we were his disciples and I say that because who would say they’re not going to meet Prince anyway so he’s on stage but you know and it was a case of Bri I’d like you to come up and kind of just kind of sing with me and then you had Nicole sheringer there’s no way I was going on stage with that beauty hell no and you know anyway um so I said no and was kind of just off to the side doing a little jig while Nicole shinger and Prince were kind of doing their thing but I have no regrets because um yeah I think they would have cropped me out anyway but um it was still amazing to be there because I got to watch his performance and he’s incredible he was incredible just if one of those musicians as well an artist when you when you look at him at his PE or whatever he did but you realize how amazing he was he is he I know I keep I keep talking about him like he’s still here but the Legacy lives on the fact is he was speak to you and he would know almost everything about you he’d speak to you and say you know put you on his level like you know I know this is how you’d feel CU this is how I feel I’m like oh my God Prince is talking to me but he cared he cared so much about his craft and when he gave a show nobody nobody could touch him in you think I wear heels that man could make me look like a in heels he was just amazing amazing look we’ got a nice little bit of fish over here The Greenery is done I’m going to get I’m finish this sauce I’m going to turn this up so in there to turn it green you saw the color of it before I put it in yeah so this is the this is the the spinach the Basel and the coriander you put that in the last minute give it a blitz give it a second sounds like a engine picking off he likes his Machinery like his cars right yeah fast and noisy and then we just take this off and this you get this Vivid green Thai green curry sauce look yes please I’m going to take some Li lime there you go put that through a Sie and if I can get you to put juice and zest of one lime yeah to start with we’ll have a little juice and zest are the bones all in there as well they’ve all been passed yeah I I was having panic attacks when he was like talking about bones I was like can read that don’t worry I’m not going to destroy your voice in this show you know never knew that’s what you did to Bone so okay no that’s all been you blend that and pass it through a already Blended that’s that one don’t worry yeah I’m not about to yeah of all the people I’m not about to give dodgy food to is you def so bit of that and then we’ll just simply plate this up so we’ve got our lovely Greenery very fresh very fresh yes wow so if you taste that I think it might want a little bit of salt maybe but have a little taste give you a little Spoonful so you can have a little yeah stir you can season it up it should be super Super Fresh certain you needs a bit of seasoning salt I’m feeling guilty here just sitting letting these guys get on with it yeah I’m quite happy to sit there next to Gabrielle and just have a drink to be honest and you guys can cook to be honest with you make my life a lot easier to be honest with you but look just take a nice little bit tasty looks same so that’s got the coconut milk in there as well I’ll just wait till he’s happy and then what you what you don’t really want to do with this is heat it up again so once you heat it up just gradually warm it [Music] up I’m here we here very mellow isn’t it is it wow I know yeah fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh Corner over here that’s the spinach that you just put so it Cooks while it Blends when it’s gone in there hot aming they does smells yeah phenomenal super super fresh and tasty and then we’re going to take our nice little bit of fish put one on there one on there and one on there little drizzly the O all to give it a nice little kick and there we have it my lovely pan fry Seabass with a nice little bit of Thai green curry sauce beautiful easy as that done that’s [Applause] that’s one from my recipe [Laughter] [Music] book there you go Chef that’s one for you oh B te amazing fantastic you to this look gorgeous that looks fantastic the key to that sauce is just everything last minute so the spinach the coriander use they all all corander the root the lot Basel in there as well and blend blend it and just lime juice at the end but try not to overheat that if you overheat it it goes off color as well just warm it up and then serve it straight away beautiful Sensational summ 9.9 out of 10 9.9 out that’s 9.9 happy with that I like it cuz it’s clean it’s not messing around piece of wild fish and a really good sauce but in in someone’s hands it’s it’s it’s it’s very complicated you still it looks simple like everything but you know too too much of this too much of that right just tingling my palette it’s beautiful Happ again I want more I’m sorry this is listen when is the next opportunity I’ll have to have such fabulous food like this you can stay as long as you want as well is right when it’s super simple you need to get every single part of it right the cooking in the first Spa on just bit like an album it looks simple but it’s complicated to make well that’s it sadly that’s all we got time for today a massive thank you to all my guests Alice Bell for that amazing Irish apple butter that’s that was delicious Nick n Richard Corgan and of course Gabrielle we see back at the same time next SAT but joined by more top shest another brilliant guest until then have a great weekend thanks for joining me house see you then bye [Music]


  1. I enjoyed the chef's, dishes, Spain foody adventure clip, apple butter promo, viewer q&a and your gorgeous flowers James.
    I want to apologize in advance, I don't enjoy being ugly about people, I have been a viewer of your culinary skills and adventures since I visited England in 2009, but that singer would have just sung her last song for me or be a guest in my home, she was rude and disrespectful on so many levels, it was just painfully uncomfortable and I am going to apologize for her bad behavior and presence, you didn't deserve that, in fact, none of us did.
    Have a great week James

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