

  1. 二一教育资源



2023-2024 学年第二次模拟试卷
I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
1. A. game B. name C. time
2. A.4: 15 B.4: 45 C.5: 15
3. A. give a hand B. give a cardC. give a speech
4. A. Lucy is one of my friends. B. Lucy wants to be my friend. C. Lucy makes me feel lucky.
5. A. He has completed his homework. B. He can't complete his homework.
C. He will complete his homework soon.
II.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
6. A. You're welcome. B. Of course. C. It's useful.
7. A. Don't mention it.B. Reading. C. I'm sorry.
8. A. That's right. B. Never mind. C. Thank you.
9. A. It's my pleasure.B. Why not C. Have a good time.
10. A. I have a headache. B. I have an exam. C. I have a sister.
III.听对话和问题,选择正确答案 (共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)
11. What's the boy's favorite subject
12. Where are they talking
13. How much will the woman pay for the chairs
A.$20. B.$30. C.$60.
14. Who knows Carla very well
A. Cathy. B. Jack. C. Carol.
15. What is Carla's favorite color
A. Pink. B. Red. C. Blue.
16. What will Jenny do this Sunday
A. Stay at home. B. Visit the City Museum. C. Have a picnic.
17. Why does Steven plan to visit his uncle
A. The weather is fine.
B. His uncle is ill.
C. He wants to learn something.
18. How does Steven like visiting the City Museum
A. Meaningful. B. Wonderful C. Busy.
IV.听短文和问题,选择正确答案 (共7小题;每小题1分,满分7分)
19. Who works in the First Central Hospital
A. Kevin's mother. B. Kevin's father. C. Kevin's brother.
20. What does Sam think of swimming
A. Exciting. B. Fun. C. Tiring.
21. When does Kevin have the piano lessons
A. On Mondays. B. On Tuesdays. C. On Fridays.
22. Who is speaking
A. The starter of a club. B. The head teacher of a class. C. An English teacher.
23. How long can students watch movies in the club
A. For one hour. B. For two hours. C. For three hours.
24. What do students do after the movie
A. Pronounce correctly. B. Have a discussion. C. Ask some questions.
25. Which of the following can't be got at the club
A. Enjoying some snacks B. Knowing the right pronunciation. C. Improving your speaking skills.
Problem: 26. Sometimes I in the exam.
Feeling: 27: Troubles always make me .
Ways: 28. Ask my for help or write my problems down.
Reason: 29. My parents are busy with their .
Hope: 30. My parents can listen to me and me.
VI、单项选择(10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
31.-Could you go shopping with me this weekend - day is OK. I'm free.
A. Both B. Any C. Neither D. Either
32.--I didn't see you at the meeting yesterday.
--I for a long distance call from my wife in America.
A. had waited B. waited C. would wait D. was waiting
33. The lift doesn't work now. When can we use it again -Not until it next week.
A. repair B. is repaired C. will be repaired D. was repaired
34. If you don't think something will happen and then it happens. you will feel
A. surprised B. stressed C. scared D. satisfied
35. In the past, people's jobs required more physical .
A. pressure B. mistake C. exercise D. effort
36. Oh. Tim could hardly catch what our geography teacher said just now.
--He asked us to the map on the desk to see where the capital was.
A. cut down B. turn down C. put out D. lay out
37.-Traffic in Changsha is not so crowded as it used to be when I came here five years ago.
--Yes. There three subway lines in use so far.
A. is B. have been C. has been D. will be
38.-- Do you know his address
--He me about his address but I'm afraid I have lost it.
A. tells B. told C. is telling D. have told
39. Young Chinese people keep the motherland at heart, aim high, and have their feet firmly on the ground.
A. should B. can C. may D. need
40.--Excuse me, could you tell me
--There is a bank on the second floor. You can make it there.
A. where I can exchange money B. how I can get to the bank
C. if there's a bank near here D. where the bank is
VII.完形填空(10小题, 每小题1 分, 共10分)
It's a loss that has brought Louis, 15, and Ken, 93, together. The 41 friends me t while filming a TV' show.
Louis said the pair first clicked (一见如故) when Ken told him that his mother had 42 in childbirth, leaving him alone. At that time the ninth-grade r was very 43 about the loss of his father." I think we clicked after I realized we had a similar 44 experience," the teen said " In addition, we also 45 a trust-building activity. Arid the friendship between us grew from there."
Ken began a long career working experience on ships at the age of 17. He said the pair each filled a little void (空虚). in life for the other and that his 46 was more of a "grandfather giving a pep talk (加油打气的话) "。
The old man said," When I first met Louis, he was very 47 and stood back from the crowd a little. But after seven weeks of filming, the change in him was amazing. He has become more and more outgoing Besides . Louis' mother tells me that his schoolwork has 48 and he has a better outlook on life. "Ken added that the 49 lesson he could teach young people-or a person of any age --was to embrace (拥抱) life." I've been a very lucky man throughout my life . There have been hard times, but this is what I try to 50 the teenagers to understand life is a challenge and you have to meet that challenge ."
41. A . unfriendly B. unhappy C. unlucky D. unlikely
42. A. worked B. died C. done D. run
43. A. upset B. happy C. excited D. moved
44. A. health B. youth C. birth D. growth
45. A. took part in B. looked for C. found out D. set up
46. A. work B. career C. role D. task
47. A. shy B. outgoing C. happy D. scared
48. A. developed B . produced C. reduced D. improved
49. A. worst B. worse C. best D. better
50. A. require B. allow C. ask D. encourage
Ⅷ.阅读理解 (15小题, 每小题2分, 共30分)
When I was about fourteen , I had a lot of freckles(雀斑). I was so upset. I tried different ways to cover the freckles, but my mother would shake her head and say ,"▲"I felt sad hearing it .
My cousin Jessica had a peaches and cream complexion(白里透红的肤色) I couldn't help thinking that my life would be a lot different if I had a beautiful face too.
And then, in a magazine I found an advertisement(广告) for a freckle removal cream(祛斑霜) knew that I could afford it if I saved my money and I did . For three weeks I went to the mailbox every day exactly at the time the mail arrived.
Finally, I got the magical cream and I couldn't wait to try it on my face . Later that day I went to work on the farm. But if you apply it in the sun, it seems to make your skin worse. Instead of developing a clear complexion, you just get more and darker freckles.
By the end the day when I came back to the house, my family began to say things like," I have never seen you with that many freckles "When I saw myself in the mirror, I cried and hid in the bathroom .
When my grandfather came to see what was wrong with me I told him about the story of the freckle removal cream. Grandpa didn’t understand, so I tried to explain why I didn’t want to have freckles . He looked at me in surprise and said, "But my child, there are all kinds of flowers, and they are all beautiful." I said," I have never seen a flower with freckles ! "Then I ran back to my room.
When I opened my eyes the next morning, the first thing I saw was a tiger lily-a beautiful flower with freckles. I didn't know where Grandpa found it. Looking at it , I was lost in thought ...
51 Which of the following can be put in the▲ in Paragraph 1
A. You should believe in yourself.
B. A freckled face is also beautiful .
C. Nothing will change my love for you.
D . It's no use wasting your time on your face.
52. Which is the correct order of the following events
①I tried the cream on my face.
②I went to work on the farm in the sun .
③I saved money and bought the freckle removal cream .
④I found an advertisement in a magazine.
B .④③①②
D .②③①④
53, Which of the following can best describe Grandpa
A : Brave and kind.,
B: Wise and caring.
C. Honest and patient.
D . Active and hard-working.
Schuylerville High School students have a wide range of interests, which are reflected by the number of clubs and organizations in which our pupils participate. Here are some of the most popular clubs.
Environmental Club
Open to students in grades 9-12 Advisor: Mrs. Flores
The High School Environmental Club is open to all students interest increasing environmental awareness throughout the school. Activities include recycling, environmental competitions, volunteering with green schools and outdoor events. This run student club collects and recycles paper products throughout the school building.
Freshman Class
Open to students in grades 9-10 Advisor: Mr. winslow
The freshmen class participates in several activities throughout the year to raise money for the class account. The class officers meet once a month to discuss business that affects the entire class. All members of the freshman class are encouraged to participate in some type of community service during the year.
Literary magazine
Open to students in grades 10-12 Advisor: Mr. Sgambati
Members of the Literary Magazine collect, edit and often contribute to the body of student work. Literary Magazine meetings will also give students the opportunity to share and receive feedback on the creative pieces that they're working on, as well as the chance to learn about writing practices and strategies.
Mock Trial Team
Open to stude…s in grades 11-12Advisor: Mrs. Lewis
Mock Trial is an after-school activity that helps students develop useful knowledge about the law. Students play out all the roles and use general rules of evidence and fact explanations in a school court. They will work with a real lawyer and an advisor to further understand the court process.
54. At which club can you take part in the community service
A. Environmental Club. B. Freshman Class.
C. Literary Magazine. D. Mock Trial Team.
55. What does Mock Trial Team aim to do
A. To encourage students to be lawyers.
B. To develop students' writing skills.
C. To explain all kinds of facts at school.
D. To help students learn more about laws.
56. Where is this text most likely from
A. A news report. B. A school website.
C. A research paper. D. A science magazine.
A Pathway(路径) to Meaning in Life
When it comes to a meaningful life, we might think of love, happiness and health. A life filled with meaning is what most of us want for ourselves. Then, what makes a meaningful life
Many researchers agree that a meaningful life comes down to three factors(因素): having long-term goals, believing that one's life matters, and feeling that one's life fit s together and“makes sense”.
But we believe there is more to consider. Sometimes life enables us to experience small moments of beauty. When people are open to appreciating(欣赏) such experiences, these moments may improve how they see their own life. We call this experiential appreciation(EA). EA is about the person feeling connected to events and being able to appreciate the value within the connection. It shows the discovery of and admiration for life's beauty.
We recently set out to better understand EA in studies. We were interested in whether EA was also tied to general judgment of meaning in life. If so, it could be a factor for meaningfulness.
In the first study, we had people rate (评估) their support for different methods of reducing stress. We found that people who managed stress by focusing on their appreciation for life's beauty also reported experiencing life as highly meaningful.
In the next study, we asked people to rate the degree to which they agreed with various statements, such as“I appreciate the beauty of life”and“I appreciate little things in life, ”as well as other statements that related to the three factors and a general sense of meaning in life. Our results showed that the more people reported that they were“appreciating life”and its many experiences, the more they felt their life was valuable.
In the following studies, we further looked at the connection between EA and meaningfulness. For example, we found that people who were asked to look back on the most meaningful event of the past week generally reported high EA in those moments.
All the result s proved our theory(假设) true. But putting it into practice can be difficult. Our fast-paced lifestyles fill the day with goals. We try to get the highest output both at work and in spare time. This focus on future outcomes makes it all too easy to miss what is happening right now. We should slow down and let life surprise us.
57. You were most probably in the EA condition when .
A. you made a travel plan for the coming holiday B. you hurried to serve the customers in the store
C. you practiced hard to become the best violinist D. you stopped to admire the roses by the roadside
58. What can we learn from the studies mentioned in the passage
A. Thinking back to the past weakens our sense of meaning.
B. Enjoying small things can influence our attitude toward life.
C. Proper stress management is the key to living a satisfying life.
D. Good judgment on beauty improves connections among people.
59. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us
A. It is easier for results-driven people to achieve success.
B. We often turn a blind eye to the present moment.
C. A fast-paced lifestyle helps us reach our goals.
D. Future life will bring us many more surprises.
60. What is the writer's main purpose in writing this passage
A. To explain how to discover beauty in life. B. To discuss what the true meaning of life is.
C. To introduce a new factor for a meaningful life. D. To compare different factors for meaningfulness.
Many of us like to watch and post short videos. But can we share whatever we like, even with the wrong information
A blogger(博主) said sorry for one video she posted on Feb 16. In the video, she said that she had found a student's holiday workbook and said the student's name was Qin Lang. Many internet users checked the student's name, grade, and school. They found out the video might not be real. In a new video, the blogger claimed (声称) that she had given the wrong information to protect the student's privacy(隐私).
Some people might think it's not a big deal if you make a video with the wrong information. They believe that saying sorry will fix everything. But it's not that simple. According to the Law on Penalties for Administration of Public Security(《治安管理处罚法》), if the videos don't care about the truth and disturb(扰乱) public order, their makers will get punished (惩罚).
It's important to be creative when people make short videos. However, it is not OK to make up stories and break the law.
As early as 2000, the State Council issued the Administrative Measures on Internet Information Services(《互联网信息服务管理办法》). It bans(禁止) spreading rumors and disturbing the social order. If you break the law, you could get in trouble. For example, you might get your social media account(账户) stopped, have to pay fines, get detailed(拘留) or even go to jail(监狱).
Eleven online celebrities in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture in Sichuan were arrested (逮捕) in 2023 for selling fake products in videos. They got sentences from 8 months to 3 years and 2 months in jail.
61. Why does the writer use the blogger's event in Paragraph 2
A. Because she was punished by the police.
B. Because she shared someone's information.
C. Because she put wrong information in her video.
D. Because she protected a student's privacy.
62. What does the word“rumors”mean
A. Personal information.
B. Creative stories.
C. Online short videos.
D. Stories that may not be real.
63. According to the article, what can happen if someone spreads rumors on the internet
A. They will be forced to apologize publicly on social media.
B. They might face legal actions, such as fines or imprisonment.
C. They will be asked to take educational courses on proper internet use.
D. Their video content will be labeled as fake news with a warning.
64. What online activities. break the law, according to the story
a. Writing stories.
b. Selling fake products.
c. Sharing one's problems.
d. Fooling viewers.
A.ab B.ac C bc D. bd
65. What is the main idea of the article
A. Making creative and entertaining short videos should always be encouraged.
B. Spreading false information in short videos can lead to serious legal consequences.
C. Short video platforms need to implement better security measures.
D. Bloggers often post fake stories to gain more attention online.
IX、任务型阅读(共5 小题;每小题2分,满分 10分)
As fall comes, Germany holds its biggest beer festival-Oktoberfest(啤酒节). Oktoberest is probably the most well-known folk festival worldwide . It is also known for the drinking of beer worldwide. The celebration begins in late September and lasts until the first Sunday in October. Each year more than 6 million people around the world attend .
Beer has been a main product of German society for centuries and drinking beer has been a part of German tradition and culture . There are over 7.000 different kinds of beer brewed(酿造) in Germany . Drinking beer in Germany is a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation. It has been a way of life that Germans have accepted and it has become a sign of Germans. They take great pride in their beer, going so far as to write the German Beer Purity Law in 1516 that is still in use today.
Why do Germans like beer so much Though beer wasn't invented in Germany , it was very popular because it was safer to drink than water. Beer is made from grain (粮食). In the past , people saw it as a kind of"food". Also, water in the past was-always polluted , so Germans have historically drunk beer instead of clean water.
If you were to visit Germany , it would be advisable to try the beer that is most popular in that region, like Pilsner, wheat beer and lager. The art of brewing beer has been practiced for centuries and Germans are masters at their brewing craft(工艺)!66、67题完成句子: 68~70题简略回答问题。
66. Oktoberfest begins in late September and lasts until in October.
67. Drinking beer has been a part of to Germans.
68. What did Germans do in 1516
69. Why was beer popular in Germany in the past
70. Will you attend Oktoberfest when you visit Germany Why
X、词语运用(共 10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
The artwork on the right is made from waste . It was created by Pascale MarthineTayou,71 artist from WestAfrica. He often used recycled waste materials such as plastic bags , or things collected on his travels to make the artwork:.
By using these materials ,72 (he ) works question environmental problems like global waste . Pascale 's artwork Plastic Bog Tree is 73. ( place ) in art galleries(美术馆) . The branches(树枝) are covered in brightly coloured plastic 74. (bag ). The colourful trees remind people of the increasing waste 75. the poor relationship the modern world has with nature .
Humans invented plastic but it has a much76. (long ) life than its inventors. We can make choices about 97. we buy . And we can buy less .
An English philosopher called Mary Wollstonecraft , who was born in 1759, was very 78. ( interest ) in how people spent their money . She 79. ( try) to encourage people to think hard about what they really needed before they made the decision to buy. If we buy less , then we waste less!So, reducing waste is not a new idea but it is one that we need to think about 80. ( creative ), because now there is much waste that Mary would never have imagined !
XI连词成句(共5小题;每小题1分,满分 5分)
81. are, in, you, a, why, such, hurry

82. Mary, bring, without, a, telling, present. her
83. mountains, are, Lucy, there, wonders, where
84. feel, how, we, proud, Chinese
85. teacher, what, pleased , the, did , with , is, we
随着网络用语 (Internet words) 的日渐流行,“栓Q、YYDS、juejuezi、尊嘟假嘟”等网络用语成为不少学生的口头禅,甚至开始进入他们的书面作业。请你根据下面提示,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文。短文须包含所有要点并适当发挥,不得出现真实姓名、校名等信息。
With the increasing popularity of Internet words, more and more students like to use them frequently. Students are even starting to use Internet words such as“YYDS, juejuezi”in their homework.
听力部分, 共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分30分
1-5 A B A C C 6-10 B B C B A 11-15 CC C B A 16-20 B B AAC
21-25 C A C B A 26-30 fail, sad, teachers, work, comfort
31-35 DDBAD 36-40 DBBAA 41-45 DBADA 46-50 CADCD
51-53 DBB 54-56 BDB 57-60 DBBC 61-65 CDBDB
66.the first Sunday
67.tradition and culture
68.They wrote the German Beer Purity Law.2分
69. Because it was safer to drink than water.死答案。
70. Yes, I will. Because I want to know more about the beer brewing craft.(答案不唯一,言之有理即可)
71. an 72. his 73.placed 74.bags 75. and
76. longer 77.what 78. interested 79. tried
81.Why are you in such a hurry
82.Bring Marry a present without telling her.
83.Lucy wonders where there are mountains.
84.How proud we Chinese feel!
85.T he teacher is pleased with what we did.
86. 【答案】参考范文:With the increasing popularity of Internet words, more and more students like to use them frequently. Students are even starting to use Internet words such as “YYDS, juejuezi” in their homework. Why do the students do so Because some students think the Internet expressions can make homework more interesting and more humorous. Also doing homework will be more enjoyable for students if they use the Internet words.
In fact, for students, using Internet words has bad influence. On the one hand, some teachers might not know what the Internet words mean, so they might get angry and give students low scores. On the other hand, too much use of the Internet words will affect the students’ abilities to learn the correct ways of expressing languages.
In my opinion, students shouldn’t use Internet words. Our Chinese language is rich. Why not learn to use beautiful expressions
【详解】[总体分析]①题材:本文是一篇材料作文;②时态:时态为“一般现在时”;③提示:写作要点已经给出,考生注意不要遗漏要点;注意适当发挥,突出写作重点。[写作步骤]第一步,介绍学生使用网络用语的现象,并分析原因;第二步,谈谈学生使用网络用语的不良影响;第三步,表达自己的观点。[亮点词汇]①such as 例如②humorous 幽默的③enjoyable 令人愉快的[高分句型]①Also doing homework will be more enjoyable for students if they use the Internet words.(if引导的条件状语从句)②On the one hand, some teachers might not know what the Internet words mean, so they might get angry and give students low scores. On the other hand, too much use of the Internet words will affect the students’ abilities to learn the correct ways of expressing languages.(on the one hand ...on the other hand 一方面……另一方面


