What Fruits Can Dogs Eat? - AZPetVet
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What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?

May 15, 2024 | Dog, Pet Nutrition

What Fruits Can Dogs Eat? — Fruits That Are Safe for Dogs 

dog staring at fruit with title "Pet Safe Fruit"

When it comes to sharing our favorite snacks with our furry friends, it’s essential to know what’s safe and what’s not. Fruits are often a tasty and nutritious treat for humans, but can dogs enjoy them too? Let’s explore the world of dog-friendly fruits and how to safely incorporate them into your pet’s diet. 

Fruits That Are Safe for Dogs to Eat 

While certain fruits are safe and nutritious for dogs, it’s important to remember that they should be used supplementary in addition to their regular food. A good way to make sure you are not giving your dog too many treats is to follow the 90/10 rule. This means that 90% of your dog’s diet should come from their balanced diet of dog food, and 10% comes from treats. Now, let’s take a look at some fruits that are safe for your dog to eat.  


Starting off our list of dog-approved fruits are strawberries. These juicy red berries are not only delicious but also packed with essential vitamins including vitamin C, antioxidants, fiber, and even contain enzymes that can help to whiten their teeth. Dogs can safely enjoy strawberries in moderation (since they contain natural sugar), making them a perfect summer treat. Just remember to remove the green stems before offering them to your pup. 


Another favorite among dogs is bananas. These fruits offer them a range of health benefits such as potassium, vitamins, biotin, fiber, and copper. Due to their high fiber contents, bananas are a great at-home remedy to try if your dog is having tummy issues. Bananas are easy to digest and can even provide a natural energy boost for active pups.  

When feeding dogs bananas remember to remove the peel, though peels are not toxic, that portion of the banana is harder to digest and may cause blockages. Remember to offer small, bite-sized pieces to prevent choking hazards, and only feed in moderation, as bananas contain high amounts of sugar.  


While oranges are safe for dogs to eat in small quantities, it’s essential to remove any seeds and peel before serving them. Oranges are a good source of vitamin C, while also adding a bunch of additional vitamins and minerals that are great for your furry friend such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, vitamin A, as well as vitamins B1, B2, and B3.  

Oranges can also provide a refreshing and hydrating snack for your furry friend. However, be mindful of the acidic nature of oranges, as they may cause an upset stomach in some dogs. If you have a puppy, it’s best to introduce oranges into their diet slowly and in smaller portions to avoid making them sick as oranges can be harsher on a puppy’s digestive system than that of an adult dog.  


Labrador retriever eating a slice of watermelon with a hand reaching out


With its high water content and sweet taste, watermelon is a favorite summertime treat for both humans and dogs. This hydrating fruit is low in calories and packed with vitamins A, B6, and C, making it an excellent choice for a refreshing snack. Just remember to remove the seeds and rind before offering it to your pup. 




Blueberries are not only delicious but also packed with antioxidants and fiber, making them a healthy addition to your dog’s diet. These berries contain phytonutrients that promote cancer fighting properties, reduce inflammation, support their immune system and promote a healthy coat. Whether fresh or frozen, blueberries make a convenient and nutritious snack for your furry friend. 


Peaches are rich in vitamins A and C, fiber, and antioxidants making them a nutritious snack option. While peaches can be a tasty treat for dogs, it’s important to remove the pit and any stems or leaves before offering them, as they contain cyanide, which is toxic for your pet as well as being a choking hazard. It’s also important to be cautious with canned or preserved peaches, as they may contain added sugars or preservatives that can be harmful to dogs. If your pet does ingest a peach pit, stem, or leaves, make sure you take them to your nearest AZPetVet, and our experienced veterinarians will be able to determine the best course of action.  


Pineapple is another tropical fruit that dogs can have in moderation. This tangy and sweet fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, making it a healthy snack option.  Though it provides a lot of benefits for your dog in small portions, don’t let them overindulge, as the high sugar and fiber contents can cause digestive issues. Remember to remove the tough outer skin and any prickly eyes before offering pineapple to your pup. It’s also best to avoid giving them any canned pineapple as the sugar contents of the syrup is often too much for their digestive tracts to handle. Also, pineapples contain bromelain, an enzyme which can break down proteins in the mouth, so only give them these treats in small portions.  


Cantaloupe is a hydrating and nutritious fruit that dogs can consume. This melon is rich in vitamins A and C, fiber, as well as potassium, making it a wholesome snack choice. Just like with pineapple and bananas, the high sugar content in cantaloupes means that they are best to be given sparingly. If you do give your furry friend cantaloupe, be sure to remove the seeds and rind first. 


Pears are another fruit that dogs can safely enjoy. Pears are packed with fiber, vitamins, potassium, and calcium making them a nutritious snack option. In small amounts, pears are also helpful in promoting a healthy digestive system. Just be sure to remove the seeds and core before offering pears to your pup. 


“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” applies not just to humans but to dogs too! Apples are a crunchy and delicious fruit dogs can eat. They’re rich in vitamins A and C, as well as fiber, and antioxidants making them a healthy snack option. Just like some of the other fruits mentioned it is important to remove the seeds and core before offering apples to your furry friend. Like peaches, apple seeds also contain cyanide, so make sure you are careful not to let your furry friend eat them.  


Cranberries are packed with antioxidants and fiber that can provide numerous health benefits for dogs. These tart berries are known for their ability to support urinary tract health and prevent urinary tract infections. Whether fresh or dried, cranberries can be a tasty and nutritious addition to your dog’s diet, just be sure they are unsweetened. Just be sure not to get these confused with raisins, which are extremely toxic to dogs.  


Raspberries are juicy and flavorful berries that are a great option to feed your dog in moderation. They are both low in calories and sugar while also containing high amounts of vitamin C, fiber, and manganese. Like blueberries, raspberries also contain anti-inflammatory properties making them a great option for helping the joint of senior dogs. Remove any stems or leaves before offering raspberries to your furry friend. 


Though they are often thought of as vegetables, cucumbers are actually considered a fruit botanically. Not only are they a fruit, but the vitamins and phytonutrients they contain make them a super healthy option for your dog to snack on. Another key benefit that cucumbers provide for your dog is hydration. Being about 96% water, cucumbers are a great hydrating treat on hot summer days, especially in states like Arizona. They can also come in handy if you are hiking with your dog and they don’t want to drink from a travel bowl.   


Last but not least, on our list of dog-friendly fruits are mangoes. These tropical fruits are packed with vitamins A, C, E, and B-6 as well as fiber, potassium, and antioxidants, making them a nutritious snack option for dogs. A safe way to feed them to your dog is to remove the tough outer skin and pit. Just like pineapples, mangoes contain bromelain, an enzyme which can break down proteins in the mouth, so only give them these treats in small portions. 

Exploring the Health Benefits of Fruits for Dogs 

In addition to being delicious, fruits offer numerous health benefits for our canine companions. Let’s delve deeper into the advantages of incorporating fruits into your dog’s diet. 

Supporting Digestive Health 

Fruits are rich in fiber, which plays a crucial role in maintaining digestive health for dogs. Fiber helps regulate bowel movements, prevent constipation, and support overall gastrointestinal function. By including fiber-rich fruits like apples, bananas, and berries in your dog’s diet, you can promote healthy digestion and regularity. 

Boosting Immune Function 

Many fruits are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help strengthen your dog’s immune system. Vitamin C, in particular, is known for its immune-boosting properties and can help protect your dog against illness and infection. By offering fruits like oranges, strawberries, and mangoes, you can provide your dog with the essential nutrients they need to stay healthy and ward off disease. 

Promoting Hydration 

Some fruits, such as watermelon, cantaloupe, and cucumber have high water content, making them excellent choices for hydrating your dog, especially during hot weather or after physical activity. Proper hydration is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being, and offering hydrating fruits can help ensure that your dog stays adequately hydrated throughout the day. 

Supporting Dental Health 

Chewing on fruits like apples and strawberries can help promote dental health for dogs by reducing plaque buildup and freshening breath. The act of chewing also stimulates saliva production, which can help wash away food particles and bacteria, reducing the risk of dental issues such as tartar and gum disease.  

Incorporating dental-friendly fruits into your dog’s diet can contribute to their overall oral hygiene and help prevent dental problems down the line. Though fruits are a good way to support dental health, they are not a replacement for dental cleanings, which are recommended for your pet to have done annually.  

How to Know If Your Dog Ate Too Much Fruit  

Even if the fruit you feed your dog is not toxic, feeding them too much of it may result in vomiting, upset stomach, and diarrhea. If your dog is having tummy trouble after eating fruit that is not considered toxic, be sure to monitor them to see if symptoms persist. If some time passes and they’re still not feeling well, take them to your nearest AZPetVet veterinarian to see if they require further treatment.  

Fruits Your Dog Should Not Eat 

While many fruits are safe and healthy for dogs to eat, there are some that can be harmful or even toxic. It’s essential to be aware of these fruits and avoid feeding them to your furry friend. If you fear your dog has eaten any of these foods, contact your nearest AZPetVet to determine the best course of action. Here are a few fruits that your dog should not eat: 


While the red, ripe fruit of the tomato plant is generally safe for dogs to eat in small quantities, green, unripe tomatoes as well as other parts of the plant, such as the stems and leaves, contain solanine which is toxic to dogs. It’s also important to note that the acidity of the tomatoes may cause your dog to have an upset stomach if they eat too much.  


ALL types of grapes and raisins are highly toxic to dogs and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and kidney failure, even in small quantities. Grape’s toxicity has recently been linked to the fact that grapes contain tartaric acid. If your dog consumes even low amounts of grapes, raisins, or other grape-based products, you should contact your nearest AZPetVet immediately. Our experienced teams can act fast to help give your dog proper treatment.  


Avocados contain a substance called persin, which can be toxic to dogs in large quantities. Unlike tomatoes and cherries, where just the seeds and stems of the fruit are toxic, every part of the plant contains persin meaning all parts are potentially poisonous to your dog. Additionally, the large pit can pose a choking hazard and create foreign intestinal bodies. Though dogs are more resistant to persin than other animals, it is recommended to avoid feeding them avocados at all. If your dog does eat avocado, watch them for 24 to 48 hours and look for any signs of vomiting, diarrhea, discomfort, and lethargy. If you do see your dog showing any symptoms, bring them into your nearest AZPetVet to determine the best course of action.  

Berries That Are Toxic for Your Dog 

While many berries are safe for dogs to eat, there are some that can be toxic and should be avoided. Here are a few berries that are toxic for dogs: 

Pokeweed Berries 

Pokeweed is a strong-smelling plant often found in eastern North America and typically used as a source of red dye to color wine, candy, cloth, and paper. All parts of this plant are toxic to dogs and can result in the following symptoms: excessive salivation, vomiting, lack of appetite, and stomach issues.  


Baneberries are wildflowers commonly found in North America containing toxins that can cause oral irritation and in serious cases, may cause kidney damage. Common symptoms include drooling, oral irritation, lack of appetite, and vomiting.  

Holly Berries 

Holly berries are a popular holiday decor item that is toxic to dogs. While the Holly berries stay attached to the plant while it’s still fresh, once the plant dries the berries loosen and can fall to the ground, making them a prone to being eaten by your furry friend. Symptoms of Holly berry poisoning include drooling, bleeding from the mouth, vomiting, lack of appetite/energy, and diarrhea. Dogs typically recover from this relatively easily, however, due to the excessive vomiting, they may experience dehydration. If you suspect your dog has eaten Holly berries, take them to your nearest AZPetVet, and one of our experienced veterinarians will be able to determine the best course of action.  

What If Your Dog Eats Fruit They Should Not Eat 

If your dog accidentally eats fruit that they shouldn’t, it’s essential to monitor them closely for any signs of illness or discomfort. Contact your AZPetVet veterinarian immediately if you notice any symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or difficulty breathing. In some cases, prompt medical attention may be necessary to prevent further complications. 

How to Prepare Fruits for Your Dog to Eat 

Woman preparing fruit in kitchen

When offering fruits to your dog, it’s important to prepare them safely to avoid any potential hazards. Here are a few tips for preparing fruits for your dog to eat: 

  • Wash fruits thoroughly to remove any dirt, pesticides, or bacteria that may be present on the skin. 
  • Remove any pits, seeds, stems, or leaves that may be toxic or pose a choking hazard. 
  • Cut fruits into small, bite-sized pieces to prevent choking and make them easier for your dog to eat. 
  • Offer fruits as a treat or snack in moderation, alongside your dog’s regular diet. 
  • Monitor your dog closely for any signs of allergic reactions or digestive upset after eating fruits and consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns. 


Many fruits are safe and healthy for dogs to eat in moderation, providing them with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, it’s essential to be aware of which fruits are safe and which ones should be avoided to ensure your dog’s safety and well-being. By following these guidelines and offering fruits as a treat or snack in moderation, you can provide your furry friend with a tasty and nutritious addition to their diet. 


Disclaimer: Not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medical condition of your pet. If you think your pet has a medical emergency, call or visit your veterinarian or your local veterinary emergency hospital immediately.