BBC Archive 1990: Outlook - The 'Fifth Man' Cambridge Spy - BBC

1990: Outlook - The 'Fifth Man'

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KGB defector Oleg Gordievsky and author Christopher Andrew discuss evidence supporting the theory that former British intelligence officer John Cairncross was the supposed 'fifth man' in the Cambridge spy ring. Gordievsky claims that he personally saw references to Cairncross in KGB files prior to his defection to the West.

The report also sheds light on the disappearance of Swedish war hero Raoul Wallenberg, who vanished in 1947. After Oleg Gordievsky's defection to the UK in 1984, over 30 officials were expelled from the Soviet embassy on suspicion of being active intelligence agents. Gordievsky's book, KGB: The Inside Story, co-written with Christopher Andrew, was published in 1990.

BBC Archive: Originally broadcast 18 October 1990.

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