Skull and Bones Maintenance May 21st: What to Expect

Skull and Bones Maintenance May 21st: What to Expect

Get ready for maintenance on May 21st for Skull and Bones! What changes are coming?

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is gearing up for a maintenance session on May 21st, and fans are buzzing with anticipation for what’s to come.


  • Players are wondering about potential fixes for Xbox freezing and visual flickering issues.
  • The community is curious if significant changes or updates will be implemented post-maintenance.
  • Some are concerned about the impact of the downtime on their gameplay progress.

Maintenance Concerns

Many users have raised concerns about ongoing issues on Xbox, with freezing problems and visual flickering causing frustration among players. One user asked, ‘Is the freezing issue on Xbox and the visual flickering even being looked at?’ indicating a need for prompt resolutions to enhance the gaming experience.

Anticipation for Updates

Amidst the maintenance announcement, players are eagerly awaiting news on potential game fixes or updates. The lack of player-facing changes mentioned in the notice has left some speculating on the scope of adjustments that may follow the maintenance period. Fans are optimistic about improvements to gameplay mechanics and overall performance.

Gameplay Progress Concerns

With the temporary unavailability of the Indian Ocean in Skull and Bones during maintenance, players are worried about the impact on their in-game progress. Being docked at the title screen if active during maintenance has led some to plan their gameplay sessions accordingly to avoid disruptions. The downtime raises questions about saved progress and any potential issues that may arise post-maintenance.

As maintenance day approaches, the Skull and Bones community is abuzz with excitement and cautious optimism for what the upcoming updates may bring. Players look forward to smoother gameplay experiences and improvements in both performance and gameplay mechanics.