Can Truck Drivers Have Dogs? | Craig, Kelley & Faultless

Can Truck Drivers Bring Their Dogs on the Road?

For many who do it professionally, truck driving is a lifestyle that involves long hours on the road, away from family and home. It’s perhaps no surprise that many truck drivers consider bringing their dogs or other pets along for the ride. 

But furry friends can be furry distractions, too, which can sometimes contribute to accidents. Which raises the question: Can truck drivers have dogs with them in the cab? The answer, for the most part, is yes.

Understanding Legal Responsibilities for Truck Drivers and Their Dogs 

Traveling with a dog can provide several benefits for drivers’ mental and physical health. Dogs can help to reduce driver fatigue and provide added security for drivers. 

However, one of the biggest concerns about driving a commercial vehicle with a dog is the potential for distracted driving. It is possible for a driver to become distracted while behind the wheel by looking at their pet or interacting with it. Therefore, drivers need to understand their responsibilities and ensure that their pets are secure while the vehicle is in motion so they can avoid becoming distracted.

How Companies Accommodate Drivers with Canine Companions

Given the health and safety considerations drivers experience while driving with dogs, several pet-friendly trucking companies implement policies to accommodate drivers and their pets. These policies usually provide various guidelines that drivers must follow, particularly concerning:

  • Type of pet â€“ Some companies specify that drivers can take only dogs on the road. However, cats are also acceptable in many cases. Some companies also set breed and weight guidelines.
  • Number of pets â€“ Although some companies allow drivers to take multiple pets, many limit the number to one.
  • Deposits or fees â€“ Some trucking companies require drivers to pay deposits or cover any cleaning costs associated with their pets.

Additionally, trucking companies often specify that dogs must remain in the truck at facilities or customer locations. In any case, most companies specify that animals must be up-to-date on their vaccinations when traveling. Furthermore, it is essential to consider the insurance implications of truckers traveling with pets and ensure compliance and coverage.

Truck drivers who own and operate their own equipment instead of working for a company are generally free to choose whether they want to have pets in their truck.

Tips for Maintaining Dog Safety and Comfort During Trucking Journeys

To ensure dogs remain safe and comfortable while on the road, drivers must invest in a comfortable and secure restraint system. Regular stops are also needed to ensure the dogs can exercise and relieve themselves. Additionally, it is crucial to have food, water, and toys on hand at all times.

ADA Regulations and Guidelines for Truck Drivers

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) also has implications for truckers traveling with dogs. The law mandates that individuals with disabilities can have their service animals in most locations, including their place of work. It is vital for drivers to openly communicate with their employers about their service animals to ensure ADA compliance.

Get Help from Our Truck Accident Attorneys Now

Have you been involved in a truck accident caused by a truck driver who was distracted by a pet? The personal injury attorneys at Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC want to help you demand the compensation you deserve. Contact our law firm for a free consultation and find out what we can do for you. 
