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he was ovulating, you honor, and should not be held accountable for his actions


Baek Cheon's life is ruined by a stupid porn magazine.


i like to read mount hua with one hand on a tissue box. if im jerking off or crying depends on the chapter

Work Text:

It had been a weird few months, and Baek Cheon only had himself to blame.

It started while he was on an errand in Hua-Um. A merchant caught his attention. He had set up a cart full of books in between two food stands and was doing everything in his power to avoid eye contact with Baek Cheon. 

He must be up to something. He had to be! Who in Hua-Um would want to avoid someone from Mount Hua? Someone nefarious! Obviously! So, being the future sect leader, Baek Cheon had to investigate!

The man trembled as he got closer. His beady eyes darted around like he was plotting the quickest exit. 

“Good eve—” The man made a mad dash down the street before Baek Cheon could even properly greet him. He probably should’ve chased after him, but he was too curious about what was left behind. 

Glancing over, everything seemed normal, until one tiny book stood out. Its black cover would’ve been unassuming if not for the Mount Hua crest in the upper right-hand corner.

What could possibly be so bad that he had to WHAT?!?!!

Baek Cheon dropped the book like it was on fire. 

That!!!! That couldn’t be real!!!!!

He had to check again! Just to be sure! No other reason! 

He dropped it a second time. His face was as red as could be. 

Who would even think to draw something like this!?! It’s it’s —!

The Great Sasuk could barely process what was in front of him. It’s far from the first time he’s ever seen erotic art, but he never expected that kind of art to be made of his sajil!!! 

Perhaps he shouldn’t be shocked. Mount Hua was gaining an immense amount of fame at an unprecedented speed. And fame undoubtedly came with adoring fans. Objectively, it did make sense for the Divine Dragon to have a fan or two. It was hard to wrap his mind around it as someone who knew the man personally , but it was still logical. 

But this really put the ‘fan’ in fanatic. 

This perverse work of art that had their youngest spread out, gaping and blushing and—

A drop of blood splashed against the paper, startling Baek Cheon. He reached up to feel his nose was bleeding. He...must’ve been in such a rage that all the blood rushed to his face. Not from arousal, no, he was a good Taoist who could purge such feelings from his body. Obviously. 

He destroyed every copy of the book right there. And then everything else on the cart just to be sure. The surrounding vendors watched in horror but did nothing to stop him. He vowed to never think of it again.

Only, he’s never allowed to have a peaceful day on Mount Hua. 


The mountain was in chaos by the time he made his way back home. Disciples were running around, shouting at each other. Scattered papers were caught in tree branches and piled against walls. Baek Cheon barely stepped one foot inside the gate when Yun Jong grabbed him and shouted something about an emergency. 

He was dragged to a nearby storage building. Inside were the other Swords and a kneeling third-grade disciple who had been beaten to hell and back.

“What did he do?” Baek Cheon feared the worst. 

Yun Jong hands him a tiny book. That accursed book. 

He immediately turned to the disciple, seething. “Where did you get this??”

Yun Jong shook his head. “It’s no use. He won’t answer. He just says he found it in one of the supply crates brought up yesterday.”

“It’s true—!” White hot rage boiled over, and Baek Cheon smacked the disciple on the head with the book, cracking the cover. The disciple cried out, but he knew better than to talk back. 

“Sasuk...” Jo Gul looked like he had seen Death. “What are we going to do? If he finds it...” 

He didn’t have to finish his thought. A shiver ran through them all. Knowing their Mad Dog, it could very well be the end of the world. 

Baek Cheon knew his leadership was needed. “He won’t. We’ll make sure of it. First, we’ll search the entire mountain to make sure this is the only copy. Then, we’ll track down the dirty bastard that wrote this filth and make sure he can never put a brush to paper again.”

‘Such malice shouldn’t come from the mouth of a Taoist!’ But it wasn’t like they didn’t understand his anger. Their youngest was being portrayed in such a detailed and compromising way! He would be humiliated if he saw!!

“We should also have someone distract him so—”

The door slammed open, cracking the wall with how much force was used. Their Divine Dragon stood illuminated by moonlight. “Somebody better tell me what’s going on right this second before I lose my mind.”

Just one day!!! One day of peace was all Baek Cheon ever asked for!!!!

“Ch-Chung Myung-ah! It’s nothing—” He tried to subtly slip the book behind his back.

“Bullshit!” Chung Myung cried. He must’ve just come from the bath because his hair was still wet. Baek Cheon watched a drop fall from his bangs and land on his lashes. The image of him crying in pleasure flashed so suddenly, Baek Cheon forgot to breathe. “If it was, you wouldn’t be trying to hide it! So, hand it over!” 

He was right in front of him, reaching around to grab the book. Baek Cheon held it over his head, trying to use his height to his advantage. Chung Myung didn’t hesitate to punch him in the stomach, and he doubled over in pain. The little devil easily ripped it out of his hands.

The rest of the Swords tried to jump him, but they were thrown off in a second. 

“Oh, come on! What’s all this fuss over a stupid book! Whatever it is, it can’t be that…” he cracked it open to a random page, “...bad."

They all hunkered down together, preparing for the inevitable explosion. 

Only, that didn’t happen. 

The Great Sasuk braved a look at their youngest to see him with wide eyes and pink cheeks. 

Blushing!!! He’s…he’s embarrassed!!!

They had never seen this emotion from their Divine Dragon before. Sure, he was shy when showered with praise, but this was something else. He was flustered and couldn’t look any of them in the eye. 

The Swords held a silent conversation. They would find the son of a bitch who humiliated their Chung Myung, and they were going to make him pay.


It took time, money, and countless threats, but the Beggar’s Union was finally able to track down the hack. 

He went by the pen name “The Valley’s Lily” (pretentious), and lived in a small manor in an equally small village, just between Mount Hua and Xi’an. The Swords were at his doorstep before the sun set. 

They burst through the hack’s front doors swords first, only to be stunned by what they saw. 

A young man was hunched over a table, furiously scribbling away. He was covered in a thin layer of sweat, and he had a massive bump on the top of his head. But the most shocking part was their Chung Myung standing behind him, giving pointers on the illustration. 

“No!” He smacked his head on the same spot. “I already told you, I’m way more flexible than that! Does it just go in one ear and out the other? Do you need a visual demonstration?”


“...Are we interrupting something?” Jo Gul asked. 

Chung Myung looked up. “Oh, hi. What’s everyone doing here?”

“Defending...your honor? What are you doing here?” 

“What does it look like? I’m getting us more money! Do you have any idea how lucrative porn can be? Especially with a big name attached??”

The Swords were stunned. “But weren’t you embarrassed?”

He shrugged. “I got over it.”

An awkward silence hung over the group. No one really knew what to say at such a revelation. ‘Congratulations’??

The bastard author went with a different approach. “So, about that demonstration—” Several hands smacked the top of his head. Chung Myung’s was not among them. 


And that’s where the story should’ve stayed, as a funny memory they could all laugh about over drinks. 

But Baek Cheon never knew when to leave well enough alone. 

He began collecting every issue printed. For quality purposes only, of course. He had a duty to make sure Chung Myung and, by extension, Mount Hua’s good name wasn’t being slandered or sullied. 

And the novels weren’t bad! In fact, they were good! More than good! 

If the goal of porn was to be erotic and titillating, then the bastard accomplished it and then some. His use of prose and dialogue dripped with sexual tension, making the climax extremely satisfying. It was just a shame that Chung Myung had to be the center, but Baek Cheon supposed that just gives more credit to his writing ability. Making that demon likable wasn’t easy, but Lily knew what he was doing.

The only real gripe Baek Cheon had was with the plots. They were way too formulaic and overused. Reading one meant you had read them all. With the set up, at least. 

The actual sex was different each time. Which, okay, he understood it’s porn, so that’s all that really mattered. Everyone knows the first few pages are just an excuse for the fucking, but still! It was disappointing to see the exact same scene play out again and again. 

Chung Myung would be out on some solo adventure, where he would get drunk at some inn (or occasional side of the road) and fall into the arms of a handsome stranger. 

‘I-I’ve never done something like this before...’ A blushing Chung Myung said.

“Yes!! You have!!” Baek Cheon hissed at the page. 

Each published novel was another thorn in his side until he just couldn’t take it anymore. 

His next move wasn’t one he was proud of. He had gotten drunk with the devil, and when he finally stumbled back to his room late in the night, he saw the latest issue had been delivered. He opened it to a random page and groaned louder than he meant to when he saw the tavern. 

In a frustrated (and definitely not horny at all) fueled rage, he took a brush to paper and detailed exactly what he thought a good story would be. 

A beautiful, handsome prince from a small kingdom would come and visit Mount Hua after hearing all the stories of their Divine Dragon. He would be a warrior himself and thought it would be a good place to test his skills. Of course, Chung Myung would beat him senseless, but his stubbornness would leave an impression. And from there, they would form a friendly rivalry that pushes their swordsmanship to great heights. 

The young prince would think Chung Myung was an obnoxious brat, but he would be won over by his unwavering loyalty to Mount Hua. They’d fall in love, get married, and have a hundred kids—

Baek Cheon woke up the next morning with a terrible headache and a sour taste in his mouth. He remembered very little, only that he wrote something not meant to be seen by human eyes. He knew he needed to eradicate the evidence.

The letter was nowhere to be found. He tore up his entire room and still came up empty. 

Hearing the commotion, Baek Sang came to check on him. “Is everything alright?”

Baek Cheon yanked him inside and slammed the door closed. He couldn’t risk wandering eyes.

“You’re scaring me...”

He gripped Baek Sang’s shoulder tighter than he should have. ”What did I do last night?”

“Um? I’m not sure. I was asleep by the time you came back. Well, I was until you stumbled into my room with a box and started crying about how you couldn’t find someone to mail it for you. You begged me for help and then passed out.”

His left eye twitched. If he made it out of this mess, Baek Cheon swore he would never drink again. “Where. Is. That. Box?”

“I had it sent this morning like you asked. It’s probably half way across Shaanxi by now.”

The world fell out from beneath his feet. His empire was crumbling before his eyes. He blinked a tear away as he stared up at the ceiling. Ancestors, when we meet, please be kind. I was too young to know any better. 

“Baek Sang. Don’t blame yourself for whatever happens.”


This left Baek Cheon where he was now, sitting at his desk, staring at his unopened mail. This one had come with an autographed letter from the bastard thanking him for his “thoughtful ideas and extremely kind patronage”.

Just how much money did I send him??

He took a deep breath before cautiously opening the book, as if it would bite him if he moved too fast. And he’s hooked from the first line. It’s exactly what his drunken, horny mind wanted. The prince was charming and charismatic. Perhaps a bit more...pathetic than he had originally envisioned, but it still works.

And Chung Myung...

Baek Cheon had working eyes and a healthy attraction to men, so he’s known for a while that Chung Myung was objectively gorgeous, well beyond what’s reasonable or fair. His luscious curls, his alluring pink eyes, it’s too much!! And this novel only served as proof!! Baek Cheon shouldn’t be blamed when his body acted naturally!!

‘Chung Myung,‘ The prince bites back a moan as said disciple grinds down on his lap. ‘Please, my brothers will be home any minute now!’

‘I can leave ‘ He makes a move to stand. 

‘No!’ The prince fights against the ropes binding him. 

Baek Cheon didn’t remember having the prince be tied to his own throne, but he does admit it’s a nice touch. 

The disciple smacks his teeth. ‘My prince needs to make up his mind! I’m a busy man! I have places to be!’

‘Then why are you teasing me??’

A dastardly grin appears on his face. ‘Because you like it~’

He did. Ancestors help him, he liked it more than he could deal with. He’s harder than he has ever been in his life. If he was a good Taoist, he would’ve purged those feelings, but Chung Myung beat the sense out of him long ago. 

‘Ah, ah!’ The disciple rides the prince hard. His own cock bounces beautifully, leaking little pearls of precum. Even though he knows it’s impossible, the prince wishes he could bend over and put it in his mouth. 

‘My prince is so deep,‘ Chung Myung moans, ‘I wonder if all the princes are this well endowed ah!’ The prince snaps his hips upwards, forcing a cry from those full lips. 

He could feel his dick leaving a wet spot in his sleeping pants. He didn't let himself think as he pulled them down and palmed at his burning cock. His pleasure built rapidly, like a flash flood. 

The disciple rides him faster and faster. He’s getting close, and the prince isn’t far behind. 

‘My dragon, please! Let me cum inside!’

‘Hah?? Why?? Are you trying to put a baby in me??’

The prince nods shamelessly. 

Chung Myung laughs. ‘So eager! You’re not even the first prince, and you want an heir that badly!’

The prince whines, clearly at his limit. 

‘You’re lucky you’re handsome. Fine then, go ahead. Get me pregnant.’

Baek Cheon’s entire body tightened as he came with the prince on the page. His legs shook, and he slumped forward onto his desk. His sweaty face stuck to the paper, but he couldn’t bring himself to care about anything other than the remaining shock waves of pleasure. 

A clapping from behind stopped his heart completely. “Wow, Sasuk! That was quite the show!”

Baek Cheon whipped around in horror to see the real Chung Myung. He’s in his own sleeping clothes, but his hair was still tied up. There was a devilish grin plastered on his face. 

“I agree, that book really did come out good. One of Lily’s best, I’d say.”

Baek Cheon’s mind swirled with endless strings of expletives and curses. In a panic, he jumped to his feet and grabbed his own sword, pointing the tip at Chung Myung. But he knew he’d never win in a fight, so he turned the sword to himself—

“Hey, quit that!!” Chung Myung snatched his wrist. “Put your sword away before you hurt yourself.” Baek Cheon grabbed his pants, only to get smacked on the head. “Wrong sword!!”

He dropped his sword. It clattered to the ground with a loud clunk. “I-I can explain!”

Chung Myung stepped over it, getting even closer. He hasn’t let go of his wrist. “You know, it’s funny. When Lily showed me the finished manuscript, you know what I thought? ‘This prince sure looks a lot like my sasuk! He has everything! The headband, the eyebrows, the chin. I wonder why!’ And then Lily showed me that letter.” 

He’s so close their chests were touching. Baek Cheon could feel his limp dick springing back to life. His heart was beating so hard, it was a surprise it hadn't burst yet. 

“I was drunk, and—”

“It was very detailed. All Lily had to do was insert a few illustrations, but most of the writing was sasuk’s words.” His face was barely an inch away. “Is that what you want? Hm? To fuck me like we did in the book?”

His brain stopped working. This couldn’t be happening. He must’ve died from a heart attack when Chung Myung surprised him. But the hand trailing up his other arm was too warm to not be real.

“Dongryong~” He calls like the siren he was. “Wait, sorry. My prince. I need an answer.”

It was some kind of trick, a sick prank. It had to be. But there’s no other answer he could give. “Yes!”

Chung Myung let go of his wrist to grab the back of his neck and close the gap. Their lips met and Baek Cheon could ascend to immortality on the spot. Every single emotion he’d denied or tried desperately to purge raced to the surface, making him lightheaded. But that could also be from the way Chung Myung was moving against him. 

He maneuvered them towards the bed without taking his lips away. He had Baek Cheon sit with a light push. “Ah,” He pressed a finger against his lips to keep his sasuk from following his mouth. “You’re so eager! Where’s this enthusiasm during training?”

“You brat, who would get excited about being beaten to death!?”

“I know one little dragon.“ Baek Cheon squeaked when he roughly grasped his cock, his sword calloused hands creating an incredible friction. “I guess he’s not that little after all. Looks like Lily didn’t exaggerate.”

All the blood that wasn’t in his dick rushed to his cheeks. He was mortified by how much he was enjoying being pushed around. Chung Myung cooed at him, making it even worse. 

“Wait,” He reached over to grab something off the nightstand. “we’re missing one of the best parts!” He held out Baek Cheon’s headband. 

The sasuk’s poor heart kicked into overdrive at the thought of handing himself over completely. Especially to Chung Myung of all people!!

…well, is it really different from their day to day?

Do...I enjoy being dominated?

Baek Cheon put that thought on a shelf in the back of his mind. He’d get back to it later. 

The devil swiftly tied his hands together, wrapping the headband around his wrists and forearms several times. Each brush of his fingertips left a trail of goosebumps. 

“Chung Myung-ah...”

“Hm?’ He turned to look at his sasuk. His eyes were distractingly beautiful in the dim light. 

Baek Cheon didn’t actually have anything to say. He just wanted his attention.

“Oi, finish your thought Dongryong, or I’ll have to assume you’re having second thoughts.” 

Panicked, he blurted out, “You’re pretty.”

Chung Myung stopped. There was a light blush on his cheeks. “Ah. My prince is too kind to this disciple.”

It was said jokingly, but Baek Cheon could hear something more, something deeper, and it made him curious. He wanted to push, until it broke and it’s Chung Myung who couldn’t handle it anymore. 

But it seemed he can read his mind because he kissed him again, pushing every other thought from his mind. Chung Myung grinded down against his hard cock, forcing a gasp from his throat. The devil took advantage and shoved his tongue inside Baek Cheon’s mouth, licking and teasing every part of him he could.

A hand gripping the back of his hair prevented him from escaping as the devil nipped at his lips and neck. He used the other hand to untie and push aside Baek Cheon’s nightshirt. He groped his pecs like he was trying to knead dough. He slapped them lightly. “I did a good job on these.”

“The hell are you talking about? They’re mine! AH !” Baek Cheon shouted as Chung Myung bit into his right boob, leaving raging red teeth marks. He kissed the new bruise, as if that would take the sting away. 

“Mine now.”

“You fucking dog, that’s not how it works! Ow!! Stop! Biting me!”

Chung Myung didn’t stop until he had a constellation of bruises across his chest. 

“Don’t even think about healing these, Dongryong. I’ll know, and I’ll leave more.”

“That doesn’t—“

“In front of everyone.”

That…still didn’t sound bad, but that’s another thought for Baek Cheon’s mind shelf. 

They kissed again. Baek Cheon jumped when Chung Myung’s hand found his dick again. He stroked him slowly, applying just enough pressure to tease. He tried to move his hips for more, but his sajil easily held him down with one hand. 

“Tsk, you’re so impatient! You came earlier. Do you really need to again?”

He wouldn’t! Oh, who was Baek Cheon trying to fool? Of course that little devil would tease him all night, only to leave him achingly hard! And he’d probably laugh about it too!

Chung Myung brushed his finger over the tip of his cock in feather-light circles. The tickling pleasure was near torture. 

“How about we make a deal, my prince. If you behave and listen to me, then I’ll let you cum.” His fingernail caught against his cock’s hole. Baek Cheon gasped like he’d been punched. “But if you don’t, then I won’t let you for an entire year.”

He knew it’s not an empty threat. Chung Myung never did things in halves. He agreed. 

Chung Myung smiled. “That’s a good boy!”

He slipped off Baek Cheon’s lap, settling between his legs while on his knees. He pressed a light kiss to the underside of his dick. His pink eyes looked too innocent for the dirty act. His sasuk couldn’t help comparing it to Lily’s illustration. (The real version was obviously superior.)

He continued with his teasing, pressing more light kisses and little kitten licks. It drove Baek Cheon up a wall. “Chung Myung-ah, you’re doing this on purpose!”

Then, in one quick motion, the devil swallowed as deep as he could, getting about half his dick in his mouth. The tip hit the back of his throat. Baek Cheon’s shout was way too loud for the dormitory setting, but he dared anyone to be silent when entering heaven! 

His sajil’s mouth was so wet and warm and he never wanted to be anywhere else. He’s so instantly hooked that he knew he’d do anything to feel this again. 

And then the devil moved . He worked his way down, until his nose was buried in Baek Cheon’s bush. He had no idea how he didn’t cum on the spot. He tried to tug his hands free, but the headband wouldn’t budge. The little devil had the audacity to laugh at him about it. With a dick in his mouth!! And the worst part is how that still turned him on!!!

Am I in love with him?? Baek Cheon’s mind shelf creaked under the weight of a new thought. 

The gluck gluck noises his sajil made as he bobbed his head were ridiculously obscene. Baek Cheon couldn’t believe that was the same mouth that yelled and bickered at him constantly.

“Chung Myung...” His voice was whiner than he anticipated. “You’re too— ah too good at this. I’m not going to last—” The devil hummed around his cock, forcing a loud string of curses from his lips. Baek Cheon breathed heavily, like when he climbed the mountain with boulders strapped to his back. 

Chung Myung went all the way down one last time before pulling off with a lewd pop. The cool air made Baek Cheon shiver. 

“Tsk tsk. We really need to work on your stamina if this is as far as you can last.”

“It’s your fault.” Baek Cheon mumbled, looking away. 

“Hm? What was that? Speak up.” Chung Myung stood up and grabbed his face. “Don’t think I won’t walk out right now and leave you for another sasuk to discover.”

It was a fate worse than death. He would never live it down. “You’re pretty.” He said, hoping it will work a second time. 

Chung Myung pinched his nose. “Behave, Dongryong.” He leaned in to kiss Baek Cheon. He sucked on his tongue while he untied his own robes, leaving it in a heap on the floor. He hesitated for a second before untying his pants as well. 

Curious, Baek Cheon looked down. He blinked, but his eyes didn’t deceive him. 

“I couldn’t give away all my secrets.” Chung Myung smiled, but his sasuk could see nerves sitting behind it, like he’s afraid Baek Cheon will be disappointed. 

He wasn’t, of course. Nothing about Chung Myung could disappoint him. 

He fought even harder against his bindings, desperate to get his hands on that plum blossom. 

The nerves melted from Chung Myung’s face, leaving behind a genuine smile. He climbed back onto Baek Cheon’s lap and rubbed his slick pussy against his sasuk’s cock. His breath hitched when it bumped against his clit. He lined himself up, and sank down.

For a brief second, Baek Cheon genuinely considered losing orgasm privileges because what the fuck? How can another person feel so good?? His entire world narrowed down to the point they’re connected. The dorms could burn down around them, and he wouldn’t notice. 

“Fuck.” He heard Chung Myung cursed under his breath. A weird sense of pride filled his chest, being able to affect his sajil like that. 

Chung Myung built a slow rhythm. He had his hands on Baek Cheon’s shoulder to steady himself as he bounced on his dick. A beautiful pink flush graced his face and shoulders. 

“What’re you starting at, Dongryong?” His eyes took on a dangerous glint. “Is it just like how you pictured it?”

“You’re even better.”

“Aww. My prince is so sweet.” The devil cooed. “It would be sweeter if he wasn’t lusting after his own sajil, you pervert.”

Baek Cheon was horrified as his dick twitched with interest. He’s managed to bury this part of himself for so long, and now it was about to be dug up and exposed to the worst person possible. He considered going for his sword again. 

Feeling the movement, Chung Myung’s face lit up like he’s just been handed an expensive bottle of alcohol. “Wait, sasuk, do you like when I’m mean to you? When I call you names?”

“No!!” He denied too strongly, sealing his fate. 

The devil grinned wickedly. He picked up his pace. “A liar and a pervert! Some sasuk I have!” He grabbed Baek Cheon’s hair again, tugging harshly, dragging a groan out of him. “I’ve seen your collection. How often do you get off on thoughts of me? I bet it’s every night. I bet you dream of dragging me back here and doing all sorts of nasty things with me.”

Baek Cheon was so close he’s about to cry. He could feel the dam he built start to crumble. “I-I wouldn’t—”

“No, but you’d think about it.” Chung Myung reached down to rub his clit. Baek Cheon tugged at his arms, trying to free himself so that he could be the one touching his pussy. “You’d think about defiling me, ruining me for other men, right? Even if you had to force me. Or maybe you want me to force you.” He sped up. The sounds of their coupling filled the room.

“I-I just want you !”

Chung Myung’s entire body clenched as he came, squirting all over Baek Cheon’s lap and chest. His face twisted in ecstasy. Then he fell forward, resting his head just under his sasuk’s chin while he tried to catch his breath. 

Baek Cheon somehow survived, but just barely. His sajil’s cunt was still quivering around his cock, threatening to tear down his sanity. 

“Chung Myung-ah.” He whined and pressed his face into his curly hair. His poor ponytail was hanging on for dear life. 

“Hm?” He sounded sleepy and content. Baek Cheon almost felt bad for disturbing him. 

“Please move. I’ve been good haven’t I?”

“What!?” Chung Myung sat up. The movement did nothing to help with his sasuk’s cause. “Are you kidding! I was the one doing all the work! You just sat there!” 

Baek Cheon looked up at him with the best puppy dog eyes he could muster. 

Chung Myung sighed dramatically and pinched his cheeks. “You useless boy! Fine! You’re lucky you’re so cute, or else I would’ve tossed you outside like this.”

He picked himself up and slammed back down with a wet plap . He did it again and again. Stars formed behind Baek Cheon’s eyes. They got even brighter as his sajil licked and bit his way around his chest. 

He really does like them...

Chung Myung kissed him, and he could taste his sajil on his own tongue. It was delicious, even diluted. He vowed to get it from the source next time. 


“You better not.”


Chung Myung grinded down, and Baek Cheon could feel his tip hitting his cervix. Frustrated tears gathered in his eyes. 

“Hehe~” The devil gave him a quick kiss. “I’ll tell you what, since you’ve been so good, I’ll let you cum if you beg me nice enough.”

Baek Cheon threw away his useless pride long ago. “Please, please, Chung Myung-ah! I’ll do anything you ask! Without complaining! I swear! Please!”

“Anything?” That dangerous glint was back. 

He was aware he just promised his soul to the devil, but he couldn’t care less. “Anything!!!”

Chung Myung pressed himself down even harder. He looked close himself. “Ah—and I bet you want to cum inside me, too? You write it in the book, sasuk. You want to get your youngest sajil pregnant.” 

He did. He was so ashamed by how badly he wanted to see Chung Myung carrying his child. Ancestors, please forgive me! 

“How naughty! You want me round and filled with milk—” He sounds just as into it as I am! “Then do it. Baek Cheon, put a baby in me.”

His dam shattered, and his vision went pure white. His orgasm was so powerful that he was sure he sprained a muscle in his back. He could barely register Chung Myung grinding faster and faster until his cunt clenched. He was pumping load after load into his sajil until he was sure he saw a little bump form where his womb should be. 

Then, like their strings have been cut, they collapsed onto the damp bed. Chung Myung restedhis entire weight on his sasuk. He was surprisingly heavy for how little he is. (Well, he is mostly muscle, so maybe it shouldn’t be that shocking.)

Baek Cheon shifted uncomfortably, as he landed on his hands. Chung Myung mumbled something and reached back to untie him. He brought a bruised wrist around and pressed a gentle kiss against the red skin. 

It was so unexpectedly tender that Baek Cheon blurted out, “I love you.”

He regretted the words the second they’re out of his mouth. There’s no possible way Chung Myung felt the same!! And now he’s just turned a sweet moment into something awkward!! He may just toss himself outside so he could die from exposure.

He braced himself for a hit that never comes. He opened one eye to see his sajil staring at him in disbelief. Then, his face morphed into a small, genuine smile. He didn’t say anything, but he kissed Baek Cheon so sweetly that he thought it counted. 





“Chung Myung-ah, I’m not running all the way to Guilin to pick up some random wine!!”

“Excuse me, Dongryong, but I believe I was promised anything without complaint!”

His sasuk sputtered. “That-!”

“And don’t raise your voice at me! It’s bad for the baby!!”

All the disciples around them stopped. Baek Cheon grabbed him by the mouth, but the damage was already done.

“Sasuk.” Yun Jong said with a deadly edge. “What does he mean by baby?”

Just one!!!! Just one peaceful day is all he asked for!!!!!