South African Election: ANC Seen Favoring DA over EFF as coalition partner - Bloomberg

South Africa’s ANC Unlikely to Ally With Populists, Report Says

  • Research group Krutham expects ANC to win 44.8% of vote
  • ANC most likely to tie up with Inkatha Freedom Party: Krutham

An election poster for the ANC's Cyril Ramaphosa in Pretoria, South Africa.

Photographer: Waldo Swiegers/Bloomberg

South Africa’s ruling African National Congress is likely to win 44.8% of the vote in this month’s national election and will be loath to invite populist rivals into a governing coalition, according to research group Krutham.

The predicted vote outcome, based on an analysis of opinion polls and municipal byelection results as well as discussions with political parties, will enable the ANC to form an alliance with malleable smaller parties, Krutham said in a report released on Wednesday. The ANC would prefer a tie-up with the biggest opposition party, the Democratic Alliance, to partnering with groups that splintered from its ranks, it said.