Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d’Acoustique - UMR 5509 - <multi> Turbulence and its fine structures, from wind energy to multi-point statistics
Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d'Acoustique - UMR 5509

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Joachim Peinke - University of Oldenburg

Turbulence and its fine structures, from wind energy to multi-point statistics

Vendredi 1 mars 2019, 11h, amphi 1bis, Bât. W1 ECL

 Turbulence and its fine structures, from wind energy to multi-point statistics

Turbulence is very wide spread phenomenon challenging for example mathematicians, physicists and engineers. One central problem are small scale structures of turbulence. As motivation, in this presentation the turbulent nature of the renewable wind energy is discussed and set in the context of unsolved aspects of turbulence research. Next for turbulent structures it is shown that a general multi-point description can be achieved by stochastic cascades processes. This stochastic description enables a non-equilibrium thermodynamical approach leading to a new entropy definition. Different turbulent fine structures can be classified by entropy values, where negative entropy events are of special interest. Fluctuation theorems for the turbulent entropies allow to postulate new conservation laws for turbulence, where the integral fluctuation theorem is fulfilled with astonishing high accuracy of better than 10^-3.

Reference : J. Peinke, M. R. R. Tabar, and M. Wächter : The Fokker-Planck Approach to Complex Disordered Systems, Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics (in press) arXiv:1808.09156


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