Dr Hussain standing in a field during a parkrun, wearing a parkrun t-shirt, clapping in encouragement
I know that physical activity really can improve your mood, says Dr Hussain (Picture: Dr Hussain Al-Zubaidi)

There are many ways to describe how someone feels after exercising.

As a GP and personal trainer, I often hear words like ‘exhausted’, ‘shattered’ and ‘sweaty’ from my patients and clients. 

But I want to reframe this by thinking not of exercise, but of movement. To me, the latter has fewer negative connotations. It’s less of a chore. Less burdensome. More freeing. Something that can be revelled in. 

I also find that when it comes to talking to clients and patients about movement, afterwards they talk about the ‘rush of happy hormones’ they experienced. The contentment, relaxation and connection they felt to those around them or the environment they were in.  

Some doubt whether physical activity can actually improve your mood but I know – through my own experience, my work as a doctor and the research I have been involved with – that it can.

In fact, there is a growing body of evidence to support physical activity as being as effective, or more effective, than our best antidepressants.

Scientifically speaking, our bodies generate various chemicals that influence our emotional state throughout all times of the day. 

There’s melatonin that makes us feel sleepy; ghrelin which tells us we are hungry, and then there are endocannabinoids that block the perception of pain and increase feelings of wellbeing.

Dr Hussain volunteering at a winter parkrun event, wearing a high-vis parkrun jacket, other volunteers visible in the background
Dr Hussain feels 10 times happier after completing a parkrun event (Picture: Dr Hussain Al-Zubaidi)

Given that it is Mental Health Awareness Week, it’s the latter I am most interested in today.

Endocannabinoids (a chemical used in our body to send signals) play a role in enhancing mood, promoting relaxation, and yes, even alleviating pain. And by far the most common and effective way to stimulate the release of these chemicals is by engaging in physical activity

You may not have heard of endocannabinoids; instead many people will accredit their post-activity high to ‘endorphins’. In fact, evidence suggests that endorphins cannot cross the blood-brain barrier and therefore cannot reach our brains. So if you hear someone saying ‘endorphins’ when they are actually referring to endocannabinoids, feel free to correct them (politely)!

The effects of endocannabinoids are so potent that a single bout of movement can trigger an uplift in mood, leading to aforementioned terms or, if you like, an ‘exercise high’.

Live your best life with Metro's parkrun partnership

This year Metro has partnered with the iconic charity parkrun to bring you a thriving new content series.

In a coming together of two game-changing powerhouses, Metro has been chosen as the first official media partner for parkrun as it celebrates its 20th birthday in 2024.

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It's not just for the runners, though - it's for everyone.

Come with us as we embark on a series of boundary-pushing wellbeing content designed to elevate and champion, but also to support mental health and societal cohesion. Whether you run, walk, jog or strut...

Read the stories of those who have found their calling, their community or had their lives changed through the simple act of lacing up their trainers (not that you have to do parkrun in trainers...as we'll show you later on).

Get ready to be empowered, inspired, and energised!

Register for parkrun here. The best part is that it's free and you only need to register once.

I know that I personally feel 10 times happier after completing a parkrun event each Saturday morning. 

That’s partly because for around an hour a week, I get to enjoy the outdoors. 

My job predominantly keeps me cooped up inside, so I relish the opportunity to reconnect with the natural environment, and this often brings with it an additional sense of calmness and peace.

I have also enjoyed seeing many of my own patients become keen, regular attendees of weekly parkrun events. From both a personal and professional perspective, it has been so fulfilling to see them improve their physical and mental health, and also watch them form friendships though this community – and this has also been the case for me.

Parkrun gives me a weekly outlet to let go of any anxieties that have been building up. And because I look forward to it as a social opportunity to connect with friends, it makes me feel safe, content and proud.

Dr Hussain volunteering at a parkrun event, other volunteers and a tree with lots of blossom in the background
You’ll always be welcome at parkrun, says Dr Hussain (Picture: Dr Hussain Al-Zubaidi)

Before the event I often have a sense of excitement as every week it is a different experience. The memories you make during the event, and the self-esteem boost that hits you when you get another event completion, or volunteer credit, makes me feel less stressed and better connected with those around me. I have a real sense of achievement and for the rest of the day, I feel like a champ. 

Clearly I’m not the only one, either. A few years back, parkrun conducted a big health and wellbeing survey which saw 79% of people surveyed reporting that parkrun had greatly improved their happiness. Meanwhile, 69% reported improvements to their mental health since participating.

Generally speaking, any kind of physical activity is highly beneficial for improving symptoms of depression, anxiety and distress.

When compared with inactive adults, those who undertook the recommended amount of physical activity (which is roughly the equivalent of 2.5 hours of brisk walking per week) had a 25% lower risk of depression.  

What’s your favourite form of exercise? Have your say in the comments belowComment Now

Even people who completed only half the recommended amount of walking per week still had an 18% reduction in depression.  

I would therefore encourage everyone and anyone – whether you’re struggling with your mental health or not – to consider getting involved with the theme for this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week, which is movement.

Feeling stressed? Take a stroll in the sunshine.

Considering joining a gym? Think of ways to make that step easier. Go with a friend. Start at home with online strength videos. Look to form stepping stones that will get you to that eventual goal.

Or, if you’re looking for a community to support you around the clock, you’ll always be welcome at parkrun.

Yes, you may feel a bit achy and sore the next morning or the morning after that, but this is part of the process of your body (and mind) getting stronger. 

Remember, if you feel significant or prolonged pain, always speak with a healthcare professional.

But no doubt you will feel better for at least trying to be active because at its core, physical activity is a medicine. 

Do you have a story you’d like to share? Get in touch by emailing jess.austin@metro.co.uk

Share your views in the comments below.

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