The Imitation Game (BBC ONE) - 2024-05-17-2240

The Imitation Game


Friday 17 May 2024  22:40 - 00:30 (110 mins)
During the Second World War, mathematician Alan Turing and his team of cryptographers set out to decipher the German Enigma code. Also in HD. [2014] [S,AD]

Mentioned: Alan, Enigma, Hugh, Turing, German, Germans, Christopher, Joan, Alan Turing, Denniston, Peter, Cambridge, John, Soviet, You-you, Bletchley, Hugh Alexander, Beale, U-boats, Clarke, British, Margaret, Stewart Menzies, Heil Hitler, Wh-What, Churchill, MrTuring, Weather, Hut, Professor Turing, Americans, French, Home Office, Goodnight, Nazism, RAF, Cairncross, Foreign Office, U-boat, Urn, Wh-Why, Ourjob, Nazi, Professor, Ml6, Alexander, Allies, Gentlemen, Soviets, Commander Denniston, Europe, Rain, Excellent, Keith, Charles, Polish Intelligence, Menzies

The Imitation Game may be available on playback
The Imitation Game (BBC ONE N West) Friday 17 May 2024 22:40 - 00:30