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Assassin’s Creed Shadows Official Game Artwork


Source: u/fraxR6

Got it working: Imgur


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u/MissStealYoDragon avatar

dayum, they deleted it fucking fast

u/Lift_Off_ avatar

I think this shit never posted LOL I’m working on an alternative

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So does this confirm we are playing as 2 characters during the story?

u/revenant925 avatar

Looks like it.

Yes, AC Syndicate/GTA V/Spider-Man 2 style setup.

u/CamelMiddle54 avatar

Hopefully it's NOT AC syndicate situation where the other character fizzles out of the existence during the switch.

Probably not as they most likely have a complete separate storyline that I assume will connect midway, or atleast I hope that’s what they’re going for

Probably not. The primary Ubisoft execs who encouraged that choice left in 2020.

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Definitely would love the GTA 5 switch style 

Hopefully with this giant leap in the tech and immersion and what not they keep touting for Red (shadows) I would hope for this too.

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More like AC Origins hopefully.

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It blows my mind Henderson isn't Tier 1, he keeps getting all this shit right

u/Spheromancer avatar

Henderson is tier 1, and he has been since day 1

Oh shit you right, i got confused cause i saw insider gaming on tier 2 and it's kinda weird, since it's his site

u/Spheromancer avatar

Its because not everything posted on the site is Henderson, there are other writers who we're not going to give tier 1 credibility just because they work with him

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u/Atomictomic22 avatar

I think frax should be tier 1 too , while he doesn’t leak that much he’s always right

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u/TemptedTemplar avatar

Black Samurai and a Female Shinobi, so it matches up.

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This is better than " the Animus not sure which gender you are" lol Just straight up give us individual male and female characters like this or syndicate.

u/Massive_Weiner avatar

Agreed. The whole “you can play as either male or female, they’re the same character!” aspect is dumb.

“You can play as either gender but one is not canon”

What the fuck!?

u/mage_irl avatar

Who cares about what is canon in an assassins creed game anyways, when not even the developers care? They gave up on the entire Desmond arc by finishing it in a shitty comic or something...

To be fair, I really cared actually. I would show up to those games for the out of Animus story. That’s probably why I haven’t enjoyed an Assassin’s Creed game in a couple of years.

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u/Tenx3 avatar

I actually played it for the plot, lol. Prehistoric sci-fi is one of my favourite tropes.

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They only did that once tbf, Eivor in Valhalla is canonically female only the ability to play as the male version is tied to something else that is end of the game spoilers and actually quite dope I thought

u/Massive_Weiner avatar

You can play the entire game as male Eivor if you want (which I did). It wasn’t same deal in Odyssey where there was a canonical choice, but you could play through the entire game as Alexios if you wanted to.

End of Valhalla spoilers: the Male Eivor is canonically Odin who is the Isu fused in with the female character Eivor, which is what I’m saying, the actual human part of Eivor is female in the story. I think it’s a cool way to have both looks, but yea unlike odyssey they actually wrote it into the story.

It functionally doesn’t matter I was just saying it’s actually canon in the game that Eivor is the female one

Male Eivor is Odin (Having). Female Eivor is the actual human we control. Since Odin was supposed to take over Eivor's body, the animus is unable to distinguish the gender and this the gender is said to be ambiguous.

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Facts. So stupid when they then just canonise the female character anyway in the novelisation. Just make the female character compulsory and don't give us dialogue options.

u/MindWeb125 avatar

It's something stupid and cowardly like "oh men will complain if they're forced to play a female character".

If somebody is that fuckin' stupid just let 'em complain.

u/DickHydra avatar

The reasoning for these decisions was pretty close to what you're saying.

Ubisoft execs thought female characters don't sell, so they practically "forced" the devs to have a male option.

u/ROR5CH4CH avatar

Which is funny when you consider how popular the Tomb Raider games are or Horizon, or Bayonetta.

Jeez I just realized there truly aren't many AAA games with female protagonists... Good thing that's changing imo.

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u/Shizzlick avatar

Gamers will absolutely complain if forced to play a female character. In the other AC: Shadows thread here, people are literally whining about having to play as a black guy "instead of someone Japanese", then downvoting people pointing out that there's a whole second protagonist who literally is Japanese.

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u/Real-Terminal avatar

Its not stupid, but it is cowardly.

The numbers all say that male characters are the most played. So big companies will always try and make their protagonist male.

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IIRC when it started with Odyssey the devs really wanted to make Cassandra the only protagonist. Ubisoft Execs said no because "gamers don't buy games where you play as a girl", so they had to either let players select the gender or remove Cassandra entirely. Making Cassandra the canon option was literally the most the developers could do so I give them props for that.

It goes even further, back to Origins, actually. Aya was originally intended to be the main protagonist of Origins, while Bayek would've died early on.

u/Conscious_Abalone_53 avatar

If you look at the top 50 best selling games of all time, not a single one has a female-only protagonist.

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u/sou_desu_ka_ avatar

I winced hard when I watched the Dawn of Ragnarok trailer and heard "you can select Odin's gender".

Talking about this one.

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u/Enzo-Unversed avatar

Lmfao they actually went with Yasuke as the MC...

It's going to be such a shitshow when this trailer drops. I can't wait to laugh my ass off!

WE part 2

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u/Ayyyfrom92 avatar

Bruh. Yasuke not even vassal or retainer at this point, with horns and circle ornament he literally skip hierarchy to high status officers lmfao.

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u/Johnhancock1777 avatar

Really funny people and companies keep trying to gas up Yasuke as being more important than he ever actually was

What do you mean you want a Male Japanese protagonist in feudal japan? That makes you a bigot!!


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u/SilverDragon7 avatar

I wonder if the Japanese feel that Yasuke was shoehorned in as a protagonist.

u/DickHydra avatar

Probably don't even have to be Japanese to think that this decision was certainly a weird one.

u/Toodle-Peep avatar

Yeah it's not like there's tons of stuff about, or inspired by, yasuka that comes out of japan.

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I wonder how many of the people bitching in this thread are white guys talking over Asian people like myself who are excited for this game?

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u/BECondensateSnake avatar

Damn that imgur logo looks sick, the Ubisoft designers are amazing

u/YasuhiroK avatar

It looks awesome. I like the idea of two distinct characters, rather than just a gender swap. Hopefully this transitions into gameplay with two unique playstyles.

But I was really hoping to play as a male Japanese shinobi 😭 (I'm Japanese). At least we got Ghost of Tsushima II for that.

It has been leaked to have two different playstyles.

Yasuke will be the heavy combat oriented samurai whereas Naoe will be the stealthy shinobi

u/Chumunga64 avatar

Heard from a leaker (appropriately, that leaker is Shinobi lol) that's there's a ton more gameplay elements for both Stealth and combat

It's a good decision to use two characters since a single character that can has to do everything (like the previous 3 RPG protagonists) end up feeling bland gameplay wise

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u/siraolo avatar

So Oda Nobunaga is going to be the good guy here that was tragically demonized by society and the 'evil' Tokugawas?

I wonder how they will handle his death, since his body was never recovered.

u/Kyou_ken avatar

Akechi Mitsuhide is probably gonna be the antagonist of the first arc, Tokugawa clan the second arc. I really hope they're gonna go with this approach, it makes Ubisoft look even more tone-deaf after the west has been exposed to Feudal Japan through media like Disney's Shogun, where Ieyasu is portrayed in a much better light

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u/Akanash94 avatar

Black samurai?

u/ShiftyCZ avatar
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u/DFrek avatar

the girl's weapon looks cool, hopefully it's nice to play with

also cool artwork

It's a kusarigama and you get one in Ninja gaiden 2. It is indeed cool.

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There's a kusarigama just like that in Nioh and Nioh 2 for those that are interested. Very fun games but difficult to get into.

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u/Obelisk7777 avatar

Black main character in a Japanese themed assassins creed game cause why not, right Ubisoft? Surely an actual Japanese guy wouldn’t have sufficed. Asian representation in a Japanese game? Nahhhhh hell no, instead make it about that one obscure African “samurai” with a largely embellished history who wound up in Japan and became an actual samurai’s carpet cleaner.

Go ahead with the downvotes but Nioh also featured an obscure historic foreigner (English Man) as the main character.

There was no outrage before... why now?

u/Windowmaker95 avatar


  1. It was years ago back when people were less preoccupied with this stuff. And Nioh was and still is a far smaller series, if a 50 million dollar movie does something it won't reach the same number of people as a Disney movie with 200 million just in advertising budget.

  2. A Japanese studio did it, that's their history and they have more leeway to play around with it. This is a french studio that just decided fuck it, let's have a black samurai.

  3. William Adams is not that obscure, at least nowhere near Yasuke who is only notable because he is black. Plus the European pressence in Japan was far more significant than the African one.

  4. William Adams was an actual samurai, a hatamoto even whereas Yasuke was a retainer, a total nobody. Yet western media keeps trying to make him as this super great samurai, because to some people the notion of a black samurai is appealing.

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Asian representation in a Japanese game? Nahhhhh hell no

I'm happy to apparently inform you that there is, in fact, Asian representation in this Japanese-set game.

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u/zeke10 avatar

Dope artwork. Seems like it's gone.

u/Guts2021 avatar

It blows my mind that Ubisoft refuses to let us play as a Japanese native. But they have to somehow push their black token character into it. Wtf is wrong? Why are Asians so neglected by the west?

I would say Asian men are "neglected" by representation in the west, Asian women seem to be represented because people like to fetishise and objectify women.

The equality act in the UK had to change because it only looked at diversity on a single spectrum, it wasn't until an older female news anchor pointed out older people weren't discriminated against because they had plenty of older male anchors, and women were not either because they had plenty of young female anchors. But the point was they never hired or retained older female news anchors.

u/kaotic12 avatar

Yeah lets totally ignore Naoe, the true MC of the game.... Sit tf down.

u/PK-Ricochet avatar

A japanese native is literally on the front of the cover man lmao

u/Best-Lavishness-1059 avatar

How are you guys getting down voted for this? Such a cesspool here, man. Jesus.. 😭

u/PK-Ricochet avatar

Guy I'm replying to is most active in that Kotaku In Action sub so maybe some of them are leaking in here lol. Other than that I have no clue

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u/MichaelFromTheAttic avatar

There is literally a Japanese woman, but she's not real /s

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Black samurai shitshow in 3.. 2.. 1..

u/OniLgnd avatar

Which is totally warranted. The game takes place in Japan. Could you imagine the complete and total meltdown if an Assassin's Creed game that took place in Africa starred an Asian man? Or a white dude? Peoples heads would explode from the outrage.


Lol people don't understand the historical aspect of the game.. Which is irrelevant in FC2 or MGSV

with black flag at least the caribbean sea was full of european pirates, in valhalla many dane/norse invaded england. But this is just 1 dude that only known because he was different.

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u/Shaunosaurus avatar

You mean Far Cry 2? Lmao

Northern Africa exists, and it's not full of Black people.

u/Arumhal avatar

Far Cry 2's UAC is not in northern Africa.

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u/Enzo-Unversed avatar

It's completely justified. A Japan themed Assassin's Creed game has been heavily requested for like a decade. Yasuke was never an actual Samurai, only a retainer. Asian dudes are a large gaming market and get shafted badly in representation. It's just blatant how politically motivated it is.

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u/Guts2021 avatar

Ubisoft disrespecting against Asian people, nice move. I wanted to play as a real Japanese Samurai, not a token character of the DEI consultant

Don't you play as a white guy in nioh?

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u/Legitimate_Cake_5137 avatar

Which is sad,because him and Naoe seem two of the coolest Assassin's Creed's protagonists.