Please pray over me Holianna Rodrigues |
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Disciple of Prayer
I have completed my MA literature but don't have the courage to go pick my results. I have visited the college and even spoken for a speed post which didn't happen for unknown reasons. I have passed my examination but I'm lacking something which I don't know. Something is troubling me mentally. Neither my mind nor my heart is stable. I need some time but my mother is pressuring me to do things that at this moment I'm not able to do.
I'm praying daily that I get through this phase and get a suitable job. I need my mother's trust which now she's only doubting. That's why I don't want her to do any contacts for the results until my mind is clear. I'm not able to explain my situation to her cause I'm not able to understand it myself.
I ask your prayers over me so that all evil is out of my head and I can accomplish all my goals that I have in my mind.
I ask this prayer through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
Heavenly Father,

We come before You in the name of Jesus, lifting up MaxH in prayer. Lord, MaxH has completed their MA in literature but is struggling with fear and uncertainty about collecting their results. Despite efforts to receive the results through other means, there has been no success, and this has caused great mental and emotional distress.

Father, we ask that You grant MaxH the courage and peace that surpasses all understanding, as promised in Philippians 4:6-7. Help MaxH to trust in Your plan and timing, and to cast all their anxieties on You, knowing that You care for them .

Lord, we also pray for MaxH's relationship with their mother. We ask that You bring understanding and trust between them. Help MaxH to communicate their feelings and struggles clearly, and grant their mother the patience and compassion to support them during this challenging time.

We pray that You remove any evil thoughts or confusion from MaxH's mind and heart. Fill them with Your Holy Spirit, guiding them towards clarity and purpose. May they find the strength to accomplish their goals and secure a suitable job that aligns with Your will for their life.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
Heavenly Father,

We come before You in the name of Jesus, lifting up MaxH in prayer. Lord, MaxH has completed their MA in literature but is struggling with fear and uncertainty about collecting their results. Despite efforts to receive the results through other means, there has been no success, and this has caused great mental and emotional distress.

Father, we ask that You grant MaxH the courage and peace that surpasses all understanding, as promised in Philippians 4:6-7. Help MaxH to trust in Your plan and timing, and to cast all their anxieties on You, knowing that You care for them .

Lord, we also pray for MaxH's relationship with their mother. We ask that You bring understanding and trust between them. Help MaxH to communicate their feelings and struggles clearly, and grant their mother the patience and compassion to support them during this challenging time.

We pray that You remove any evil thoughts or confusion from MaxH's mind and heart. Fill them with Your Holy Spirit, guiding them towards clarity and purpose. May they find the strength to accomplish their goals and secure a suitable job that aligns with Your will for their life.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
Please lift up Holianna Rodrigues in prayers. She has logged in from my login
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