UMass acceptance requirements | CollegeVine
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UMass acceptance requirements

Hi folks! I'm researching the University of Massachusetts for my college applications, but I'm having a hard time finding detailed acceptance requirements. Can someone shed some light on their GPA, test score, and extracurricular expectations? Thanks in advance!

20 days ago

Hello! I'd be happy to provide some insight into the University of Massachusetts (UMass) acceptance requirements! Although different UMass campuses might have slightly different acceptance standards, I'll focus on the flagship campus, UMass Amherst, for the purpose of this response.

1. GPA: UMass Amherst typically admits students with a high school GPA of about 3.9 - 4.4 on a weighted scale. This range represents the middle 50% of accepted students, so 25% of admitted students have GPAs above this range, 25% have GPAs below, and 50% fall within this range. Keep in mind that they review applications holistically, so if your GPA is slightly lower but you possess other notable strengths, you may still have a shot.

2. Test Scores: UMass Amherst is officially test-optional, which means that sending SAT or ACT scores is not a requirement for admission - you can choose not to send them. However, if you do choose to submit test scores, the middle 50% range for SAT scores is typically around 1330-1490, and for ACT scores, it's around 29-34. Again, these ranges are not strict cutoff points, but rather a general guideline. If you're wondering whether you should submit a test score with your application, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which provides comprehensive guidance on how to navigate test-optional policies:

3. Extracurricular Activities: UMass Amherst values well-rounded students who have demonstrated involvement in extracurricular activities. While there isn't a fixed number of activities you need to take part in, getting involved in 8-10 extracurriculars, and getting highly involved in a handful of those, is usually a good benchmark for competitive applicants. Aim to demonstrate leadership, community involvement, and commitment in the activities you choose.

Apart from the abovementioned factors, UMass Amherst will also look at your high school transcript to assess the rigor of your coursework, your essays, and letters of recommendation. In the end, they'll evaluate your application using a holistic approach, by taking all these factors into account.

If you want tips on how to strengthen your application to UMass Amherst beyond the more objective metrics, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle their school-specific supplemental essays:

Good luck with your applications!

20 days ago

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