What helped with Torticollis? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect
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What helped with Torticollis?

My identical twins were born w torticollis. They were lifting their heads very high just hours after birth. Lifted into crawling position @ their 2 week appt. They’ve been rolling over since 4 weeks old and overall just have lots of tension.

They will be seeing a PT but they’re booked out and can’t see us for a few more weeks. But they’ve been so fussy so I’m looking for any tips anyone can share w me.

I try to keep them from lifting themselves and rolling over but the only way they really stop is when on their backs. Even when they’re being held they’re constantly lifting themselves.

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One of my twins had it and the PT we went to gave us neck stretches to do with him and said to do tummy time for 30 minutes at least 5 times a day even if they scream

It was very intense but it definitely worked

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Along with PT I took them to a chiropractor

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same!! Helped a ton and she gave stretches I did at home.

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My babies loved the guppy pose

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Chiropractor and Pt. Had to take my daughter to Pt and the best way to stretch their necks is to lay them on their sides in your arm and gentlely pull up the side of your arm where their neck is and leave it there for 2 minutes. Then switch to the other side. Repeat multiple times a day

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yes!! Especially the holding one! They hated laying stretches at first but this helped a lot!

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My singleton had it, it was helpful to put a little rattle wristband on the affected side so that siblings, and mom and dad always put toys and went to that side automatically for baby to practice turning their head that direction during tummy time and even on their back. Also every time we changed his diaper we gently held his head to the affected side for 30 seconds. It was easy to just remember to do it every time after a diaper change so he was getting the stretching frequently throughout the day. Another tip the therapist gave was having them feed towards the affected side if they are able to.

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